ELP 101 Lab 7 Steady state performance of a single-phase transformer Sneha Bhargava 2022TT12152 Group 33 1 Aim: To deduce the model and nd the parameters of a single-phase transformer. Apparatus: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Single phase transformer Single phase auto transformer Low power-factor wattmeter AC ammeter AC voltmeter Theory: A current I1 induces a ux Φ in a loop of wire. The voltage across this loop of wire, V1, is dΦ/dt. When there are N1 turns of the wire, the voltage across the loop of wire is N1dΦ/dt. Flux can be linked with the help of an iron/magnetic core. When the same core is shared by another loop of wire, the same ux,Φ is induced through the loop. If there are N2 turns of this secondary wire, the voltage induced across the secondary, V2, is N2dΦ/dt. As long as I1 is changing with time, V1/V2=N1/N2. The concept of a transformer is generalized in a mutual inductance. The popular symbol for a mutual inductance is shown below. fi fl fl 2 In the above, the mutual inductance is characterized by the following equation-set: v1(t)=L1(di1(t)/dt)+M(di2(t)/dt) v2(t)=M(di1(t)/dt+L1(di2(t)/dt) When the currents and voltages are sinusoids in steady state, the above pair of equations can be reduced appropriately and expressed as phasors: V1=jωL1I1+jωMI2 V2=jωMI1+jωL2I2 The value of M is related to L1 and L2 as: M=k√L1L2 where k is de ned as the coupling coe cient. A transformer is an example of a mutual inductance and follows the above general relationships. The coupling coe cient in an ideal transformer is 1. As you observe in the above pair of equations, the mutual inductance can be conveniently represented as a two-port network with the help of an impedance matrix (Z parameters). In such a case, Z11=jωL1, Z12=Z21=jωM, and Z22=jωL2. Further, a convenient representation of a Z-parameter set is a T-network. This allows us to model the transformer as a two-port network of the form shown below: ffi ffi fi 3 Unfortunately, it is not possible to measure the Z-parameters of the transformer using the standard two-port network measurement experiments. We will be estimating the two-port parameters of the network using open-circuit and short-circuit tests. Two approximations are typically used for characterization of the transformer. 1. The impedance R0 ∥ jX0 is much much larger than R1+jX1and R2+jX2. Conversely, R1+jX1 and R2+jX2 are much much smaller than R0 ∥ jX0. 2. The impedances R1+jX1 and R2+jX2 are related as a ratio N1^2/N2^2. As such if we know one of the two, the other can be estimated. Setup: A) Open-circuit test The open-circuit test is performed on the low-voltage side, keeping the high-voltage side open. Set up the circuit as shown below. Apply rated voltage (V0), and note the corresponding power (W0) at 4 Complete setup: Wattmeter the input and the current drawn (I0). Use a low power factor wattmeter for the experiment. B) Short circuit test 5 The short circuit test is performed with the input on the high voltage side and the short circuit on the low voltage side. Make connections as shown in the circuit diagram below. Apply the required voltage (Vsc) so that the current drawn (Isc) is equal to the rated current. Since the transformer is shorted, a voltage 6 of only 5-10% of the rated voltage in the HV side will be needed. Note the corresponding power input (Wsc). Repeat the above for di erent values of short circuit currents and tabulate the readings. Observations: A) Open-circuit test Wattmeter at 300V, Multiplying Factor = 2 S.No. Voltage applied Current Drawn Voc(V) Ioc(A) Power Input(W) Core Loss 1 117.8 0.48 17.4x2=34.8 2 100.7 0.36 13.3x2=26.6 3 80.0 0.28 9.2x2=18.4 4 60.1 0.23 6x2=12 Readings: 1. Voc Ioc Power input ff 7 2. Voc 3. Voc 4. Voc Ioc Ioc Ioc Power Power Input Power Input 8 Calculations: No load PF(cosΦ)=W/VI Iw=I0 cosΦ Iμ=I0 sinΦ R0=V0/Iw X0=V0/Iμ S.No. Voc(V) Ioc(A) Power cosΦ sinΦ Iw(A) Iμ(A) R0(Ω) X0(Ω) (W) 1 117.8 0.48 34.8 0.62 0.78 0.30 0.37 392.67 453.08 2 100.7 0.36 26.6 0.73 0.68 0.26 0.24 387.31 419.58 3 80.0 0.28 18.4 0.82 0.57 0.23 0.16 347.83 500 4 60.1 0.23 12 0.87 0.49 0.20 0.11 300.5 546.36 0.76 0.63 0.25 0.22 357.08 479.76 Avg cosΦ=0.76 sinΦ=0.63 R0=357.08 Ω X0=479.76 Ω 9 B) Short-circuit test Wattmeter at 150V, Multiplying Factor = 2 S.No. Voltage applied Current Drawn Vsc(V) Isc(A) Power Input(W) Couple Loss 1 11.36 8.2 30x2=60 2 8.95 6.3 20x2=40 3 6.8 4.3 10x2=20 Readings: 1. Vsc Isc Power Input 2. Vsc Isc Power Input 10 3. Vsc Isc Power Input Calculations: Total impedance referred to secondary side Z2=Vsc/Isc R2=Wsc/Isc^2 X2^2=Z2^2-R2^2 S.No. Vsc(V) Isc(A) Power Z2(Ω) input(Wsc) R2(Ω) X2(Ω) 1 11.36 8.2 60 1.38 0.89 1.05 2 8.95 6.3 40 1.42 1.01 0.99 3 6.8 4.3 20 1.58 1.08 1.15 1.46 0.99 1.06 Avg R1=R2(n1/n2)^2=0.99Ω (since n1=n2, we have n1/n2=1) X1=X2(n1/n2)^2=1.06Ω (since n1=n2, we have n1/n2=1) The coupling coe cient k = M/√(L1L2) = X0/√(X1+X0)(X2+X0). Hence, k=0.998 ffi 11 Conclusion: From the above experiment, we have been able to calculate the various circuit parameters of a real transformer using the open circuit and the short circuit tests. 12 Sources of Error: 1. Scale of multimeter/DSO not appropriate for measurements 2. Loose Connections 3. Resistance of wires not considered and giving rise to inconsistency due to increase in resistance due to heating. 4. Change in the connections while circuit is closed. Precautions: 1. Make the connections neat and tight 2. Dont leave the switch on for long continuous periods of time 3. Wear proper shoes and use insulated tools. 13