Uploaded by Maro Morshedy

Nephrology, Hematology, and Pulmonology

Nephrology, Hematology, and Pulmonology
Explore the connections among three interrelated branches of medicine.
Computers with Internet access
Pencils or pens
1) Your group is assigned one of these branches of medicine to research:
 nephrology: the branch of medicine that deals with the form and function of
kidneys and associated diseases
 hematology: the branch of medicine that deals with blood and associated diseases
 pulmonology: the branch of medicine that deals with the respiratory tract (trachea
and lungs) and associated diseases
2) As a group, research your assigned medical branch. Be sure to research its:
 basic function(s) or physiology
 related organs or anatomy
3) Record notes around your branch’s circle.
4) Share your research with your classmates. The instructor will record facts on a class
concept map. Copy the facts from the other groups onto your concept map.
5) Examine the concept map. What are natural connections among and between these
branches? Discuss the connections and add any links to your concept map.
Concept Map