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Science Curriculum Shaping Paper

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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Curriculum Standards Development Division
Table of Contents
A. Curriculum Goals
B. Theoretical/Philosophical Bases……………………………………………………….3
Structure of the Learning Area
A. Big Ideas
B. Key Stage Learning Area Standards
C. Spiral Progression of Concepts
1. Vertical Articulation
2. Horizontal Articulation
D. Development of the 21st Century Skills
E. Social Issues and Government Thrusts
Pedagogy and Assessment
Science Pedagogical Approaches
Pedagogical Approaches for Science
Science Pedagogical Approaches in the 2020 K to 12 Curriculum
Assessment of Science in the K-12 Curriculum
Learning Area Specific Terminologies
A. Curriculum Goals
3rd Floor, Bonifacio Building, DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City 160
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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Curriculum Standards Development Division
The Science Shaping Document will guide the writing of the 2022 K to 12
Science Curriculum. It is based on the General Curriculum Shaping Document,
taking into consideration the findings of the curriculum review conducted in 20192020. It draws on the 2016 Science K to 12 curriculum goals, but has added
engineering literacy to enable learners to develop their ability to connect science
content and inquiry skills to real-world technological and engineering applications.
Thus, the goal of the 2022 K to 12 science curriculum is the achievement of
scientific, environmental and technology and engineering literacy of all learners.
Through the acquired scientific knowledge, 21st century skills and lifelong
skills, as well as scientific values and attitudes instilled in the learners, they would
be able to provide scientific solutions, make sound judgments and decisions
involving social, health and environmental issues.
Eventually, the K to 12 graduates, imbued with the capabilities of Filipino
learners as put forth in the BEDP 2030 and having met the goal of attaining scientific,
environmental and technology and engineering literacy will be able to actively
participate in the local, national, and global realm and make meaningful
contributions to a dynamic and culturally diverse and expanding world.
Figure 1. Science Curriculum Framework
3rd Floor, Bonifacio Building, DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City 160
Telephone Nos.: (02) 8-632-7746; 8-636-5173; Email Address: bcd.csdd@deped.gov.ph
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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Curriculum Standards Development Division
The 2022 Science K to 12 curriculum will provide learners with a repertoire of
competencies important for lifelong learning and in the world of work and in a
knowledge-based society. It envisions the development of scientifically,
environmentally, and technology literate and productive members of society who are
critical problem solvers, responsible stewards of nature, innovative and creative
citizens, informed decision makers, and collaborative and effective communicators.
The Science curriculum is designed and organized based on three interrelated
content strands: understanding and applying scientific knowledge in local settings
as well as global context whenever possible, performing scientific processes and
skills, and developing and demonstrating scientific attitudes and values.
B. Theoretical/Philosophical Bases
The acquisition of the content strands is facilitated using the following
approaches: transdisciplinary approach, science technology-society approach,
problem/issue/design-based learning, and inquiry-based approach. The approaches
are based on sound educational pedagogy namely, constructivism and experiential
learning, social cognition learning model, learning style theory, and brain-based
learning or the science of learning.
The science curriculum recognizes the place of science and technology in
everyday human affairs. It integrates science and technology in the social, economic,
personal and ethical aspects of life. The science curriculum promotes a strong link
between science and technology, including indigenous technology, thus preserving
our country’s cultural heritage.
Science content and science processes are intertwined in the K to 12
Curriculum. Without the content, learners will have difficulty utilizing science
process skills since these processes are best learned in context. Organizing the
curriculum around situations and problems that challenge and stir up learners’
curiosity motivates them to learn and appreciate science as relevant and useful.
Rather than relying solely on textbooks, varied hands-on, minds-on, and hearts-on
activities will be used to develop learners’ interest and let them become active
As a whole, the K to 12 science curriculum is learner-centered and inquirybased, emphasizing the use of evidence in constructing explanations and providing
opportunities for collaboration, innovation, creative scientific exploration and
engineering design.
Concepts and skills in Life Sciences, Physics, Chemistry, and Earth Sciences
are not taught in isolation, but rather in the context of Big Ideas in Science with
increasing levels of complexity from one grade level to another in spiral progression,
thus paving the way to a deeper understanding of core concepts. The integration
across science topics and other disciplines will lead to a meaningful understanding
of interrelated concepts and their applications in real-life situations.
3rd Floor, Bonifacio Building, DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City 160
Telephone Nos.: (02) 8-632-7746; 8-636-5173; Email Address: bcd.csdd@deped.gov.ph
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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Curriculum Standards Development Division
Assessment is an integral part of teaching and learning, as described in the
last part of this shaping document. Regular monitoring will be done to ensure
effectiveness of the implementation of the K to 12 Science curriculum and its
responsiveness to the needs of the learner and the demands of the highly globalized
Structure of the Learning Area
A. Big Ideas
One of the reported findings from the intended curriculum review is that the
curriculum is congested and there is an unequal distribution of learning
competencies across different cognitive demands and grade levels. Specifically, there
are many learning competencies on the cognitive demands communicating
understanding of science concepts, and analyze information and advance scientific
arguments. To address this issue, the learning standards will be redesigned with a
focus on the Big Ideas, and the content standards will be progressively appropriate
for each grade level. Additionally, the learning competencies will be reviewed to
ensure a comparable distribution of cognitive demands across different cognitive
domains and grade levels, in order for the learners to learn to perform basic
procedures before undertaking the more cognitively demanding competencies.
The learner is at the center of the teaching-learning process. As such, the
acquisition of desirable knowledge, skills and attitude is paramount to the design of
the curriculum. There is a need for the mastery of the foundational skills and
competencies to be able to fully grasp the succeeding lessons. Adequate time is
needed for acquisition and practice of such skills, thus streamlining the learning
standards without sacrificing the most important of the competencies is the focus of
the revision of the curriculum.
Acquiring scientific knowledge about how the world works does not
necessarily lead to an understanding of how science itself works. The challenge for
educators is to weave these different aspects of science together so that they reinforce
one another (American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2009). At the
center of this process is the Big Idea. A Big Idea is a statement of an idea that is
central to learning -- one that links numerous understanding into a coherent whole.
It also represents a progression towards understanding key concepts in different
learning areas (Charles, 2005). Grounding the learner’s content knowledge on a
relatively few Big Ideas establishes a robust understanding of the learning area. The
connection of Big Ideas to many other ideas allows the learner to see it as a set of
interrelated concepts, skills and facts thus, promoting memory and enhancing
The learning of science is not only essential for the learners but more so for
the nation. It is a key driver in ensuring the competitiveness of the citizens that leads
to national development. Through science, the scientific, technological and
environmental literacy of the citizens are sharpened, enabling them to be productive,
discerning, and active contributors to nation-building.
The Big Ideas have explanatory power in relation to a large number of objects,
events and phenomena. They provide a basis for understanding issues involved in
making sound decisions. Big Ideas have cultural significance and lead to enjoyment
3rd Floor, Bonifacio Building, DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City 160
Telephone Nos.: (02) 8-632-7746; 8-636-5173; Email Address: bcd.csdd@deped.gov.ph
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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Curriculum Standards Development Division
and satisfaction in being able to answer questions about the natural world (Harlen,
The 2022 Science Curriculum will adapt the Ideas of Science and Ideas about
Science from the “Working with Big Ideas of Science Education” of the InterAcademy
Partnership and edited by Wynne Harlen (2015). Learning science will still involve
the various interconnected concepts of the different domains, as it was in the
previous curriculum. However, the learning competencies will use the Big Ideas to
establish a more coherent connection between the different key ideas and its
usefulness and relevance to the different literacy emphasized in the learning area.
Topics will be arranged following developmental appropriateness across the various
grade levels.
The 10 Ideas of Science are guiding principles that can be used to explain a diversity
of scientific phenomena. These statements are linked to learning experiences to help
the learners understand what they observed in the real world. Building the relevant
ideas involves bringing together many smaller ideas from a range of learning
experiences and contexts.
The following are the Big Ideas in Science and Science Education that will be
adopted from Harlen (2015):
1. All matter in the Universe is made of very small particles.
The focus is the atom being the building blocks of matter, its behavior and
properties. The topic progresses to chemical reactions and the formation of
new substances.
2. Objects can affect other objects at a distance.
The central idea is the ability of an object to affect another object without being
directly in contact with the other. This would involve gravity
electromagnetic waves as well as the existence of magnetic, electric and
gravitational fields.
3. Changing the movement of an object requires a net force to be acting on it.
This involves the study of force and its effect on the motion or shape of an
object, involving topics such as inertia, motion, acceleration, Newton’s Laws
and pressure, among others.
4. The total amount of energy in the Universe is always the same but can
be transferred from one energy store to another during an event.
This Big Idea is built from the law of conservation of energy which states that
“Energy cannot be created nor destroyed.” The discussion involves processes
and events involving changes and the energy source required to make the
change happen.
5. The composition of the Earth and its atmosphere and the processes
occurring within them shape the Earth’s surface and its climate.
The Earth is dynamic with the many internal and external processes
continuously occurring causing it to affect its climate and surface features.
6. Our solar system is a very small part of one of billions of galaxies in the
The regularity of the occurrences of astronomical phenomena such the
patterns in the changing shape of the moon and position of stars suggest
3rd Floor, Bonifacio Building, DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City 160
Telephone Nos.: (02) 8-632-7746; 8-636-5173; Email Address: bcd.csdd@deped.gov.ph
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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Curriculum Standards Development Division
Earth being a part of an enormous system of objects in the universe. This Big
Idea also involves the effect of the motion of the Earth and the properties of
the other members of the solar system.
7. Organisms are organized on a cellular basis and have a finite life span.
The cell is the basic unit of life. All the basic functions of life are the results of
cellular processes, including growth and reproduction.
8. Organisms require a supply of energy and materials for which they often
depend on, or compete with, other organisms.
To be able to carry out the basic functions of life, an organism needs food,
which provides materials and energy. Some organisms manufacture their own
food through a complex process, while others cannot and are dependent on
other organisms. Species compete for the energy resources and materials
within the ecosystem.
9. Genetic information is passed down from one generation of organisms
to another.
The DNA are large complex molecules that hold the genetic information of an
organism. The genetic information is copied during cell division, which is
important for growth, development and reproduction. A mutation may occur
due to changes in environmental conditions and this may affect the individual.
10. The diversity of organisms, living and extinct, is the result of evolution.
The diversity of species and its ability to survive determines the selection of
organisms suited to a particular environment. This is why there are plants
and animal species that once thrived on the Earth but are now extinct. The
suitable adaptation to climatic and geological changes ensures the continuity
of a species.
The Ideas about Science are statements that describe the nature of science and the
processes involved in learning science and its connection with engineering,
technology and the other disciplines.
11. Science is about finding the cause or causes of phenomena in the natural world.
One of the goals of science is to explain and understand phenomena in the
natural world. Determining the cause and the subsequent explanation can be
done using a variety of techniques and methods.
12. Scientific explanations, theories and models are those that best fit the
evidence available at a particular time.
Systematic inquiry provides data that can be analyzed to form theories or
models, which is provisional and may change when new data are available.
Sometimes, explanations do not emerge directly from the data but are created
through a process that involves intuition, imagination and informed
13. The knowledge produced by science is used in engineering and technologies
to create products to serve human ends.
3rd Floor, Bonifacio Building, DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City 160
Telephone Nos.: (02) 8-632-7746; 8-636-5173; Email Address: bcd.csdd@deped.gov.ph
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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Curriculum Standards Development Division
Science discovers and develops concepts and provides explanation to natural
phenomena. It also provides the basic information to create, invent and
innovate. The interconnectedness of science, mathematics, technology and
engineering helps in applying scientific concepts to human endeavor in order
to create products or design a solution.
14. Applications of science often have ethical, social, economic and
political implications.
The application of science concepts to create and invent have led to many good
things for humans and are generally considered desirable. However, there are
ethical, social, economic, political and even cultural implications that need to
be considered and addressed.
The Big Ideas listed above will be further organized into cross-cutting ideas that recur
across the different science domains and across grade levels. These cross-cutting
concepts include the following: Structure and Functions, Stability and Change,
Systems and system models, Matter and Energy: flows, cycles and conservation,
Scale, proportion and measurement, Patterns, Cause and Effect, and Nature of
Science. The cross-cutting concepts will connect the small ideas in the different
science domains as the topics are introduced in every quarter.
Science content and processes are intertwined in the 2022 Science Curriculum.
Without the content, learners will have difficulty utilizing science processes and skills
since these processes are best learned in context (DepEd, 2016). The 2022 Science
Curriculum will present the content standards in the domains Matter, Living Things
and the Environment, Force and Motion, and Earth and Space Science. Organizing
the curriculum around situations and problems that challenge and arouse the
learner’s curiosity motivates them to learn and appreciate science as relevant and
useful. Furthermore, the connections between the different domains will be
strengthened through the Big Ideas and cross-cutting themes.
B. Key Stage Learning Area Standards
At the end of Grade 3, the learners should have acquired healthful habits and have
developed curiosity about self and their environment using basic process skills of
observing, communicating, comparing, classifying, measuring, inferring and
predicting. This curiosity will help learners value science as an important tool in
helping them continue to explore their natural and physical environment. This
should also include developing scientific knowledge or concepts.
At the end of Grade 6, the learners should have developed the essential skills of
scientific inquiry – designing simple investigations, using appropriate procedure,
materials and tools to gather evidence, observing patterns, determining
relationships, drawing conclusions based on evidence, and communicating ideas in
varied ways to make meaning of the observations and/or changes that occur in the
environment. The content and skills learned will be applied to maintain good health,
3rd Floor, Bonifacio Building, DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City 160
Telephone Nos.: (02) 8-632-7746; 8-636-5173; Email Address: bcd.csdd@deped.gov.ph
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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Curriculum Standards Development Division
ensure the protection and improvement of the environment, and practice safety
At the end of Grade 10, the learners should have developed scientific, environmental
and technological and engineering literacy that would lead to rational choices on
issues confronting them. Having been exposed to scientific investigations related to
real life, they should recognize that the central feature of an investigation is that if
one variable is changed, the effect of the change on another variable can be
measured. The context of the investigation can be problems at the local or national
level to allow them to communicate with learners in other parts of the Philippines or
even from other countries using appropriate technology. The learners should
demonstrate an understanding of science concepts and apply science inquiry skills
in addressing real-world problems through scientific investigations. (Deped, 2016)
The specific content standards anchored on the Big Ideas will also address the topics
that are present in TIMSS and PISA. Specifically, Earth’s History and the History and
Scale of the Universe will be introduced in early junior high school.
C. Spiral Progression of Concepts
The Spiral Progression approach contributes to the seamless nature of the
curriculum by ensuring a “smooth transition between grade levels and continuum of
competencies” and guarantees integration of learning across grade levels and
learning areas. Spiral progression approach is used in the structuring of the K-12
curriculum for the following justifications: it avoids incoherence between levels of
schooling, lessens overlapping and ‘jumping’ arrangement of topics in various levels,
caters the grounds for continuity and consistency, promotes learner-centered
approach, emphasizes formative and authentic assessment, allows flexible
sequencing of content per quarter, and helps clarify misconceptions.
Spiral progression allows the learners to reinforce and solidify the information
each time the student revisits the subject matter. A gradual increase in the
competence of the learners takes place as they revisit the topics and achieve new
learning targets. It also allows for logical progression from simplistic to complicated
ideas and that the learners are encouraged to apply the early knowledge to later
topics in the learning area.
The design of the 2022 Science curriculum will allow for interactive, concrete
and manipulative instructional approaches in the early grades, especially in the
introduction of difficult concepts. The delivery of the lesson will call for activating
prior knowledge in which new learning is built over prior learning. The presentation
of concepts will follow a spiral progression from Grade 3 to Grade 10, and
connections between concepts will be established through themes.
1. Vertical Articulation
The various concepts, processes and skills in the four (4) domains of the Science
curriculum are arranged in an increasing level of complexity from Grade 3 to Grade
10. They are articulated in the various learning standards and revolve around the
Big Ideas. The spiral progression of concept across grade levels will allow for gradual
introduction of small ideas leading to the understanding of key science concepts.
3rd Floor, Bonifacio Building, DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City 160
Telephone Nos.: (02) 8-632-7746; 8-636-5173; Email Address: bcd.csdd@deped.gov.ph
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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Curriculum Standards Development Division
Since Science is taught as a separate learning area beginning only in Grade 3, the
learning standards leading to the acquisition of healthful habits and development of
curiosity about self and the environment using basic process skills in Grade 1 and 2
shall be articulated in the other learning areas.
2. Horizontal Articulation
Science is interconnected with the other learning areas especially the languages and
mathematics. The foundational skills particularly literacy and numeracy introduced
in the other learning areas are paramount to the understanding and acquisition of
concepts and skills in science. This learned literacy and numeracy skills ensure that
learning gaps around science content and skills will address and establish
connections and applications in other learning areas.
The learning standards will also make use of the interconnection between science
and the other learning areas such as EPP/TLE, Araling Panlipunan, the language
subjects and Mathematics, among others. Performance standards highlighting
knowledge and skills acquired in various learning areas will be emphasized. Analysis
of factors affecting the PISA performance of Filipino learners has shown that the
development of problem solving, critical thinking, information literacy in subject
areas such Araling Panlipunan, English, and Filipino is related to the development
of the same set of higher-order 21st century skills in Science.
D. Development of the 21st Century Skills
One of the daunting challenges of 21st century education is to respond to the
needs and demands of this fast-paced dynamic world. Accelerated digitalization and
artificial intelligence, shifting job market demands, information explosion, pressures
of global competitiveness, and transforming scientific innovations and technological
advancements redefine the knowledge, skill and competency sets that the next
generation of learners must be equipped to be adequately prepared. These challenges
are a significant driving force for the need to develop learners imbued with necessary
skills. The Department of Education recognizes and responds to these needs and
demands through appropriate changes in the educational system. DepEd also
continues to respond to the challenges through the refinement of the K to 12
curriculum to produce holistically-developed Filipino learners with essential 21st
century knowledge and skills needed to participate and provide significant
contributions in society and nation-building.
21st Century Skills are the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and competencies that
learners need to develop so that they can prepare for and succeed in work and life in
the 21st century (DepEd Order No. 21, s. 2019). It also refers to the knowledge, skills
and attitudes necessary to be competitive in the 21st century workforce, participate
appropriately in an increasingly diverse society, use new technologies and cope with
rapidly changing workplaces’ (Binkley et al. 2012; Scoular and Care, 2018). The 21sit
Century skills include the domains Information, Media and Technology Skills,
Learning and Innovation Skills, Communication Skills and Lie and Career Skills.
These skills are transversal in nature and work in conjunction with
foundational literacy and numeracy skills and discipline-specific competencies (e.g.,
scientific literacy). Every K to 12 graduate is expected to be equipped with 21CS
3rd Floor, Bonifacio Building, DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City 160
Telephone Nos.: (02) 8-632-7746; 8-636-5173; Email Address: bcd.csdd@deped.gov.ph
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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Curriculum Standards Development Division
which include information, media and technology skills, learning and innovation
skills, life and career skills, and communication skills. The 2022 Science curriculum
will also integrate creative and Inventive Thinking.
(1) Information, Media and Technology skills refers to the ability to gather,
manage, evaluate, use and synthesize information through media and technology.
These skills allow learners to navigate a fluid and dynamic environment of knowledge
creation and acquisition. Among the skills and competencies that the science
curriculum will emphasize include Visual Literacy, Information Literacy, Technology
Literacy and digital literacy.
(2) Learning and Innovation skills refers to the ability to think critically,
analyze and solve problems, create and implement innovations, and generate
functional knowledge. Under this domain, the science curriculum will highlight
Creativity, Openness, Critical thinking, Problem-solving, and Reflective thinking.
(3) Life and Career skills refers to the ability to think critically, analyze and
solve problems, create and implement innovations and generate functional
knowledge. It prepares learners to make informed life and career decisions to enable
them to become citizens that engage in a dynamic global community and to
successfully adapt to meet the challenges and opportunities to lead in the global
workforce. The science curriculum will help develop informed decision-making, selfdiscipline, future orientation, and resilience & adversity management.
(4) Communication skills refers to the ability to express oneself clearly and
collaborate with others. This domain puts premium on communication skills
including all forms and context including but not limited to verbal and non-verbal,
active listening, as well as the abilities to express feelings and provide feedback. The
science curriculum will focus on the development of the sub-skills teamwork,
collaboration, intrapersonal skills, interactive communication, and communicating
in a diverse environment.
Information, media
technology skills
and Visual literacy, Information literacy, Media literacy,
Technology literacy, and Digital literacy
Learning and innovation Creativity, Openness, Critical
solving, and Reflective thinking
Communication skills
Intrapersonal skills, Interactive communication, Non-
3rd Floor, Bonifacio Building, DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City 160
Telephone Nos.: (02) 8-632-7746; 8-636-5173; Email Address: bcd.csdd@deped.gov.ph
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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Curriculum Standards Development Division
verbal communication, and Communicating in Diverse
Life and career skills
Informed decision-making, Adaptive Leadership, Intercultural
Orientation & thinking, and Resilience & Adversity
E. Social Issues and Government Thrusts
With DepEd’s thrust to provide quality education to all learners, the
Department ensures
to develop learners’ civic responsibility and become better citizens with ideals and
principles anchored on the essential government thrusts to address current social
issues. Developing learners’ awareness to the government thrusts, such as
Sustainable Development Education, Human Rights Education, and Responsible
Citizenship Education, serves as drivers to understand themselves as essential
members of society.
The incorporation of the government thrusts depends on the distinct feature
and inclusive
purpose of the Science curriculum However, the degree of manifestations of these
thrusts are dependent on its core messages in relation to the nature and purpose of
the curriculum.
Science, as a discipline, puts premium on the investigation of natural
Consequently, government thrusts such as Sustainable Development Education,
Environmental Education, and Disaster Risk and Reduction Education are innately
integrated in this learning area. These thrusts address issues on climate change,
environmental protection and conservation, disaster risk reduction and
management, sustainable development of resources and energy (i.e. Green economy,
Renewable energy, Sustainable mining), and sexual development under Human
Rights Education. Knowledge and understanding of all these issues will eventually
help mold our learners to become responsible and productive citizens.
III. Pedagogy and Assessment
Science Pedagogical Approaches
The Department of Education recognizes the importance and significance of
science education in developing scientific, technological, and environmental literacy
among Filipino learners. Scientific, technological and environmental literacy is the
capacity to use scientific knowledge and processes, to identify questions and to draw
evidence-based conclusions integrating his ability to use, manage and access
technology, in order to understand and help make responsible decisions and
3rd Floor, Bonifacio Building, DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City 160
Telephone Nos.: (02) 8-632-7746; 8-636-5173; Email Address: bcd.csdd@deped.gov.ph
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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Curriculum Standards Development Division
willingness to act in these decisions to improve the well-being of other individuals,
societies, and the global environment. Science, as a learning area, plays a vital role
preparing the youth to become informed and participative citizens who are to make
sound decisions regarding applications of scientific knowledge that may have social,
economic or environmental impacts (DepEd, 2016). To achieve this, the teaching of
science in the classroom is fundamentally anchored to different established
pedagogical approaches suited to deliver instruction and to effectively imbue among
the learners the required competencies and skills to become scientific, technological
and environmental literates.
The Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013 (RA 10533), Section 5.e requires
the use of pedagogical approaches that are constructivist, inquiry-based,
reflective, collaborative, and integrative. In the case of Science, these pedagogical
approaches are purposely entrenched in the science pedagogies and pedagogical
approaches prescribed in its curriculum framework. These science approaches are:
inquiry-based approach, problem/issue-based learning, science- technologysociety approach or contextual learning, and multi/interdisciplinary approach.
Likewise, as specified in the Theoretical Anchor Science Curriculum Framework, it
is essentially based on the sound educational pedagogies i.e., constructivism,
social cognition learning model, learning style theory, and brain-based learning.
The section below summarizes these educational pedagogies and pedagogical
approaches recognized by the Science curriculum.
Educational Pedagogical Theories and Models for Science
An important part in the implementation of the curriculum is the
understanding of the different ways of learning. The K to 12 Science Framework has
provided these educational pedagogical theories and models to aid teachers
understand learning opportunities that they can structure to cater to different kinds
of learning.
Constructivist Learning Theory
The K to 12 curriculum views learners as active constructors of knowledge.
Constructivist teaching methods are based on the Constructivist Learning
Theory, which suggests that learners learn by expanding their knowledge
based on their prior knowledge. One of the primary goals of using
constructivist teaching is that students learn how to learn by training
learners to take the initiative for their own learning experiences. Therefore,
learners learn best when they can construct a personal understanding based
on experiencing things and reflecting on those experiences.
Social-cognition Learning Model
The Science curriculum acknowledges the influence of the learners’ direct
interaction to their environment through assimilation and reinforcement, as
a crucial factor in learning and knowledge acquisition. This learning model
suggests that “most human behavior is learned observationally through
modeling”, thus, learners can learn from observing others either as a live
model, a symbolic model, or a verbal instructional model. This pedagogical
theory explains as well how attention, retention of ideas, reproduction of
skills, and motivation, are influenced by how learners observe others and
their experiences as they interact in their social and media environment.
3rd Floor, Bonifacio Building, DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City 160
Telephone Nos.: (02) 8-632-7746; 8-636-5173; Email Address: bcd.csdd@deped.gov.ph
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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Curriculum Standards Development Division
Learning Style Theory
Learning styles are considered as one of the factors of academic success of
learners, which the Science curriculum likewise recognizes. The Learning
Style Theory posits that the individual learning style as a characteristic of
academic, psychosocial and affective behaviors, serve as a stable indicator of
learners' response to learning environment. Through recognizing that
students have different ways of learning, different interests, and different
ways of responding to instruction, teachers can use and adapt appropriately
the teaching styles and methods, hence, learning and acquiring the intended
science concepts and skills can be maximized and may produce better
learning outcomes.
Brain-based Learning Theory
Brain-based learning theory as a relatively new educational theory puts
premium on the recent researches about cognitive and neuro sciences on how
the brain learns and how learners learn differently as they age, grow, and
mature cognitively, emotionally, and socially. It strongly suggests that
learning can be improved and accelerated if teachers structure educational
experiences in the classroom that reflect conditions that facilitate learning
and improve brain functions and health and deliver lessons based on the
science of learning.
Pedagogical Approaches for Science
The science pedagogical approaches are essentially based on the educational
philosophies, theories and on the curriculum demands indicated in the science
curriculum framework. These pedagogical approaches can directly be used and
appropriately utilized by teachers in the delivery of science lessons to adapt to the
different learners’ context and learning environment. These approaches are
described below to give a concise idea to guide teachers in using each pedagogical
Inquiry-based Approach
Inquiry-based learning approach puts premium in questioning, investigating,
proving, probing, explaining, predicting, and establishing connections of
evidence (Calburn, 2020). Instead of a transmissive mode of teaching, this
approach involves inquiry and sustained engagement of learners. Questions
and discussions should permeate the science classroom. Inquiry allows
learners to formulate questions and find solutions through learning real lifebased investigations and research projects. Concepts and specific scientific
terms need to be explained in simple language and applications and
situations in relevant contexts are best explored through science activities.
Learners are also engaged in developing process skills, analyzing and
evaluating evidence, experiencing and discussing, and talking to their peers
about their own understanding (Suchman, 1964). They work collaboratively
with others to solve problems and plan investigations. Also, collaborative
learning significantly plays a role in inquiry-based learning as the learners
are directed towards scientific inquiry and succeed in making their own
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Problem-based learning Approach
The acquisition of knowledge and skills based on critically thought solutions
to real-life problems by the learners is the central concept of the Problembased Learning approach (PBL). In this approach, the real-world problems
motivate the learners to seek out deeper understanding of the concepts, make
learners design reasoned decisions and defend them, and needs a level of
complexity that requires learners to collaborate among themselves (Duch,
2001). Through this approach, development of critical thinking, problemsolving abilities, and collaboration and communication skills, are essentially
given a focus. An effective and versatile approach for PBL that is also
commonly used in the field of businesses, medicine and engineering, is
design thinking or engineering design process, which can be used to generate
solutions based on the needs of intended users.
Science-Technology-Society Approach
The STS, as an educational approach, focuses on the societal role of science
and technology in the contemporary and modern world. It provides a dynamic
and interdisciplinary relationship of history, philosophy and sociology
including cultural perspectives to answer and respond to current science
concerns, issues and problems (Pritchard & Woollard, 2010). By using this
approach, the learners expand their understanding of science across
disciplines and holistically view problems by examining the consequences of
science and technology.
Multi/Interdisciplinary Approach
This approach of teaching science involves learning that crosses confines of
subject areas to facilitate better learning experiences provided to learners. It
essentially covers ideas, concepts or topics that integrate multiple knowledge
domains (Mortimore, 1999). It is sought to be a very powerful method of
teaching that crosses the boundaries of science discipline in order to enhance
the scope and depth of learning, among the learners.
Science Pedagogical Approaches in the 2020 K to 12 Curriculum
The implementation of the revised science curriculum is highly seen to be
delivered across available learning delivery modalities. The teaching and learning
process will not be limited only to the usual face-to-face modality and the adaption
of distance learning modalities (online, modular, TV-RBI) and blended distance
learning will be evidently change the educational delivery platform in the country, as
the result of the educational setup of the pandemic period. The continued adoption
of these learning modalities will result in corresponding change in the teaching
methodology and strategies in delivering science lessons, even in the post-pandemic
period. As a consequence, teachers need to change the usual practice of delivery of
instruction -- that they need to be adapted and familiar to the content, and the
pedagogical and technological demands of these modalities.
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Curriculum Standards Development Division
The pedagogical approaches for science are not seen to drastically change,
however, the methods, strategies and technology in which these pedagogical
approaches embody will adapt to the new context of learning delivery modalities.
There are a variety of emerging methodologies and technological tools that teachers
can use, but teachers need to be very prudent in choosing the appropriate and
effective methodology and technology considering the diversity of learners, subject
matter, classroom situation, the surrounding context and the learning goals and
targets to be achieved by learners. These should be properly planned and
strategically presented by the teachers to the learners to ensure effective acquisition
of the fundamental science knowledge and process skills and the 21st century skills.
There are several innovative teaching methods and technological tools that are
seen to be gradually introduced in basic science education. These emerging
methodologies, strategies and tools should be appropriately chosen, utilized and
integrated in the science lessons to fit learners’ cognitive abilities and classroom
contexts. Among these innovative teaching methods and tools which can be applied
to science are design thinking and engineering design processes, robotics technology,
mobile learning applications, learning analytics, games and gamification, and virtual
and remote laboratories. Further, teaching methods and strategies that promote
inclusive learning environment and cater the diverse learners’ types, needs, skills
and contexts, are continually practiced in the delivery of the instruction. The
Department of Education will continually assess and evaluate the applicability of
these emerging methods and tools that will potentially advance the teaching and
learning of science concepts and skills in the 2022 K to 12 curriculum.
Assessment of Science in the K-12 Curriculum
● Assessment in a Science Classroom
Classroom Assessment is an ongoing process of identifying, gathering,
organizing, and interpreting quantitative and qualitative information about
what learners know and can do (DepEd Order 31, s. 2020). It is a crucial part
of the teaching-learning process where teachers are guided on formulating
succeeding instructional decisions, and learners are informed of their progress
and form part of setting learning goals. Supposedly, assessment techniques
utilized in the classroom should allow teachers to see how much learning their
students have gained in the duration of the teaching-learning process, and in
return help them in planning the next learning activities to better attain
instructional goals.
Aside from achieving the purposes of assessment, the alignment of
assessment to curriculum and pedagogy is necessary to prepare for necessary
adjustments based on feedback and actual cognitive progress of the learners.
Appropriate assessment shall be employed to holistically measure the
learners’ current and developing abilities while developing personal
accountability in the process (DepEd Order 8, s. 2015).
Classroom assessment in all learning areas including Science shall measure
and assess the following:
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Curriculum Standards Development Division
a) Content Standards. These are the identified set of essential knowledge and
understanding that are expected to be learned. Specifically, these
standards address the question, “What should the learners know?”
b) Performance Standards. These standards define how Content Standards
and 21st Century Skills shall be integrated with abilities and skills expected
of the learners through creation, innovation, and adding value to
products/performance. Through independent or collaborative work,
Performance Standards answer the questions:
1. “What can learners do with what they know?”
2. “How well must learners do their work?”
3. “How well do learners use their learning or understanding in different
4. “How do learners apply their learning or understanding in real-life
5. “What tools and measures should learners use to demonstrate what
they know?”
c) Learning Competencies. These are the knowledge, understanding, skills,
and attitudes that students are expected to demonstrate after every lesson
and/or learning activity.
d) Concept Development. An adaptation of Cognitive Process Dimensions
from Anderson and Krathwol (2001) describe the progressions of concept
development. Assessment tools and methods shall reflect educational
goals, objectives, and standards.
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Curriculum Standards Development Division
A single assessment task may have a formative purpose or a summative one.
Evidence of student learning may be collected through different assessment
methods, such as tests, presentations, portfolios, quizzes, group project/work,
recitation and many more.
As the complexity of the curriculum standards increases as the learner rises through
the grade levels, the nature of questioning and structure of assessment items
naturally increases in depth and difficulty as well. The measurement and evaluation
of how much and how deep a learner has learned Science concepts shall be
commensurate to the content and performance standards expected of his age and/or
grade level.
Formative Assessment in Science
The purpose of assessment may either be formative or summative.
Formative assessment is a process that involves teachers using evidence
about what learners know and can do to inform and improve their teaching.
This process, through the teacher’s immediate feedback, enables students to
take responsibility for their own learning and identify areas where they do well
and where they need help (DO 31, s. 2020).
As science instruction is expected to be inquiry-based, the role of formative
assessment is critical in identifying beforehand what the learners know to
properly plan the limits and extent of learning activities. Also, formative
assessments may be used during any time of the inquiry-based science
instruction to check on understanding of scientific concepts, verify the
development of scientific inquiry, and reiteration of the Science process skills.
Formative assessment also provides an avenue to provide feedback and adapt
to the needs of the learner, thus allowing the teacher to improve instruction.
Different methods of collecting evidence of learning can be used in varying
platforms to make science instruction more efficient. These can be as simple
as misconception checks where the teacher cites a common scientific
misconception and then asks the learners whether they agree or disagree and
explain why they do so. Forums and discussion threads in Learning
Management Systems (LMS) during Online Distance Learning and gamebased learning activities can also serve as formative assessment methods
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where learners can also collaborate and share what they already know or what
they have learned before and during the lesson delivery.
Summative Assessment in Science
Summative assessments are assessments that are usually administered at the
end of a learning period to measure the extent to which the learners have
mastered the essential learning competencies, the results of which are
recorded and are used to report the learner’s achievement (DO 31, s. 2020).
In Science instruction, summative assessments not only tell how much of the
expected scientific concepts were learned by the learners, but also reveal what
needs to be improved in the Science curriculum and which teaching methods
and techniques require updating. It serves as the conclusion of which
instructional methods are effective in making students learn Science and
evaluate the general efficiency of the delivery of Science in the classrooms.
Just like in all learning areas, summative assessments for Science are no
longer limited to standardized written tests and can already be in the form of
performance tasks such as experiments and hands-on activities. Learners
may be asked to be involved in the planning, development, and formation of a
simple scientific research which will holistically gauge and confirm their
conceptual understanding. The creation or production of products/capstone
projects where learners are given opportunities to apply their scientific
knowledge on real-world problems may also be considered a summative
assessment tool.
Structure of Effective Assessment Tools in Science based on the CG
Determining Appropriate Assessment Methods for Science Instruction
An effective and appropriate assessment tool, whether for formal or informal
assessment, shall be geared towards the development of a scientifically literate
Filipino learner. The assessment items and/or criteria shall be equitably
distributed to meet the main objectives of learner-centered and inquiry-based
science instruction -- where the learners demonstrate scientific inquiry skills,
understand and apply scientific knowledge to real-life and real-world
situations, and develop and demonstrate scientific attitudes and values
expected of a scientifically literate individual.
It is not necessary that formative and summative assessment tools are in two
different forms: the same tool can be used for the two purposes. For example,
prior to finalizing a graded performance task, feedback may be solicited from
the teacher and the other learners.
Considering Diversity of Learners in Choosing Appropriate Assessment Tools
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Curriculum Standards Development Division
Educators are advised to make use of fair assessment practices that
accurately determine their learners’ individual strengths and areas for
improvement (Spinelli, 2008 as cited by Montenegro and Jankowski, 2017).
Such can be identified through informal formative assessment, and can be
seamlessly done during classroom discussions. In order to formulate a fair
and accurate assessment, teachers should use assessment approaches which
are culturally and socially responsive and sensitive. Since one of the goals of
assessment is to appropriately measure the extent of learners’ knowledge visa-vis learning standards, it is a must that the learners’ diversity and individual
differences are contemplated to crucially decrease if not totally diminish
biases and prejudices. This will lead to maximizing assessment results not
only to improve instruction but also to create and encourage a safe learning
environment for all students.
Assessing the Six Science Process Skills
Application of the six science process skills is important for learners to acquire
deep content knowledge. Students’ lack of mastery of these process skills
hinder attainment of conceptual understanding (Surif. et al., 2019), hence, it
is recommended for Science teachers to integrate assessing the six process
skills both in formative and summative assessments.
As inquiry-based instruction is significantly more effective than traditional
instruction in developing the six science process skills (Athuman, 2017), it is
envisioned that its assessment will more likely to involve the utilization of the
process skills in crafting the assessment tools and items. It has to be noted
that the mastery of the six process skills is not necessarily explicitly assessed,
but the assessment questions and/or items shall reflect that the learners can
properly make and communicate observations, can correctly classify objects
based on a specific or several premises, can form factual inferences, can create
accurate measurements and can form predictions based on previous
observations and inferences.
Creating Assessment Items Using Real-Life Contexts
The ability of learners to connect science content to daily life becomes more
evident if the kinds of assessments they are exposed to are consistent with
this idea. Items are framed based on real-life scenarios that learners can relate
to. Examples of these contexts are personal (for experiences at home, in
school, or daily activities), occupational (for skills that are later on applicable
in the workplace), societal (for activities that are observed in the local
community or of national concern), and scientific (for experiences aligned with
disaster risks, environment regulations, medical and laboratory settings).
Introducing contexts in assessment items are also aligned with the
frameworks of large-scale assessments. Filipinos may have done poorly in past
international assessments because they are not familiar with test items that
are framed based on personal, occupational, societal, and scientific contexts.
Assessing Science in Distance Learning Delivery Modalities
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Curriculum Standards Development Division
The emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 made it mandatory for
schools and the whole education landscape to limit if not totally suspend faceto-face interaction in delivering the teaching-learning process. Various
Distance Learning Delivery Modalities (DLDMs) have been offered by the
Department of Education to comply with social distancing and health
protocols advised by the COVID-19 Interagency Task Force for Infectious
Diseases (IATF) while continuing its mandate to ensure the delivery of
education to every Filipino learner, and changes in the way teaching and
learning are delivered innately calls for adaptations in how assessment is also
done. DepEd Order 31, s. 2020 or Interim Guidelines for Assessment and
Grading in Light of the Basic Education Learning Continuity Plan details the
procedures on how assessment shall be done in all learning areas including
Science in DMDLs. Two of the highlights of the said issuance are the
suspension of periodical examinations and emphasis on the importance of
formative assessment. Formative assessment in science instruction most
especially during distance education remedies the gaps caused by the sudden
shift of locus of control: from the school environment forming part of the
learners’ progress to the efficiency of interventions done remotely to make sure
that the learners’ progress is accurately measured and recorded.
Assessing all learning areas including Science in DMDLs requires more
complex and metacognitive items as to maintain the integrity, reliability, and
validity of classroom assessment. With the presence of resources accessible
from different platforms, the possibility of the assessment tools and items
being compromised increases in comparison to face-to-face instruction.
Science teachers are strongly advised to use formative and summative
assessment tools and items which are not copy-pasted or easily searchable in
search engines such as Google. Annex B of DO 31, s. 2020 summarizes
recommended summative assessment tools in different DLDMs for all learning
areas including Science.
Learning Area Specific Terminologies
a. Scientific Literacy- an individual’s scientific knowledge and use of that knowledge
to identify questions, to acquire new knowledge, to explain scientific phenomena,
and to draw evidence-based conclusions about science-related issues,
understanding of the characteristic features of science as a form of human knowledge
and enquiry, awareness of how science and technology shape our material,
intellectual, and cultural environments, and willingness to engage in science-related
issues, and with the ideas of science, as a reflective citizen.
b. Environmental Literacy- an awareness of and concern about the environment and
its associated problems, as well as the knowledge, skills, and motivations to work
toward solutions of current problems and the prevention of new ones
c. Technology and engineering literacy - the capacity to use, understand, and
evaluate technology as well as to understand technological principles and strategies
needed to develop solutions and achieve goals.
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Department of Education
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Curriculum Standards Development Division
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