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Healthcare & Psychology Study Notes: Geriatrics, Grief, Development

● Coming upon in an assisted care or nursing home if two geriatric patients are having
intercourse- close the door
● Signs of early depression- disengagement, isolation, loss of interest in activities you once
loved, handing off responsibilities, anorexia
● Encourage the elderly of independence, self care
● Important to elderly- socialization, family support, listening to them
● Family support- live longer due to feeling useful and loved
● Activities- walking, dancing, tai chi, swimming (daily)
● ADL’s- toileting, feed themselves, shopping, dress themselves, cook
● Preschoolers idea of death- temporary, guilt and rationalizing
● Time limit on someone who is grieving in a hospital room- none
● Hide anything from a child? No. -prevents closure
● Family is arguing in the room with a dying patient on a ventilator- remind them that
hearing is the last to go
● Durable power of attorney- makes healthcare decisions for another person
● Difference between a will and a living will- living will is health related (DNR, DNI), will
is with property, finances, etc.
● Explaining something to a middle schooler- age-related terms
● Given terminal news and entering palliative care- dont try to lighten the mood or cheer
them up, give them time to grieve
● Stages of grief- denial, anger, acceptance, bargaining, depression
● Terminally ill child- let them go back to school
● Hospice is 6 months, so if they have a plan for something before 6 months, encourage
● Someone becomes spiritual or religious when they become terminal- acceptance
● Process of bereavement- ends when letting go and going back to regular activities
● Bereavement can be felt by anyone
● After someone passes away, a remembrance day is the anniversary of their death
● Healthy acceptance- talking about fond memories, wanting to do things in honor of
someone who passed away
● Unhealthy acceptance=dysfunctional grief
● How long should someone avoid making changes in their life after someone passes away1 year
● Twins can feel things that happen to one another, they have a connection, 1 twin takes
their own life, they may be afraid that they are going to do the same thing
● Oedipus complex- young boy pushing away father and attaching to mother
○ Electra complex is the opposite phenomenon
● Christians- 1 week (3 days due to Jesus’ resurrection) Muslims and Jews- same day but
within daylight
Evil eye- bringing too much good attention to something because it may bring evil spirits
Traumatic experience- toddlers are more likely to regress (back to infancy)
Biggest concern of polymedication- toxicity due to liver and kidney damage
Highest risk of death for newborns- SIDS
Difficulty emotionally- adolescents due to hormone changes from puberty
Review theorists and their stages
Toddlers can understand what you're saying and have comprehension of Yes or No.
Teach discipline through impulse control, if they don't overcome disappointment at a
young age, they will further have a problem with being told no into adulthood and cannot
self regulate
Someone is vaping, offer cessation programs
Someone is obese, help with activity plan and nutritionist
Tell-tale signs of abuse- bruises of different colors, as they are at different stages of
Cause of death in young adults- MVA, suicide, drugs, violence
S/S of menopause- hot flashes, osteoporosis, palpitations, depression, insomnia,
Woman grieving over a newborn- planning a funeral, memory kit, donate furniture
Pt doesnt speak english- get an interpreter, not a family member
Believes in Voodoo and asks for .. facilitate that
Opening a patients file- allergies, DNR, history of disease, age, diagnosis, sex at birth,
preferred name, religion
When asking about pain, ask for description- dull, stabbing, sharp and how long,
aggravating and relieving factors, constant or intermittent?
Pt must be restrained- check for circulation and skin integrity
Displacement- taking feelings out on someone that is not involved
○ Example- rough day at work, take it out on kids
Functional family- adjustment for everyone’s needs to be met
Engrossment- father adores newborn child
Signs of a person planning a suicide attempt- isolation, giving away valued items, from
depression to extremely happy (now they have a plan)
Family- people living in the same household
Id, Ego, Superego- Freud
Personality changes throughout life
Maslow Hierarchy of Needs
APGAR- overall assessment of how a newborn is doing (aim for high, 8-10)
Compare and contrast Erikson and Freud's theories
Toddlers' eating habits- picky, so introduce one new food at a time in small portions.
They thrive on consistency to try to stick to a schedule. Offer options and give them a
say. Don't punish for not eating
● Not everyone has a chronic condition with old age
● Preparing a conversation for parents of a teenager with depression- look into group
family therapy. It can be situational or long-term. Its an adjustment
● 10 year old (school age) child about a surgery- use more adult language; visualization
may help
● 4 foot child- booster seat
● Traction- for a lower body extremity that uses a weight to elevate. Activities that they can
● Parkinson's disease- tremors cause bruising so it can easily hide signs of abuse