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X and Y Leadership Theory Reflection Activity

St. Anthony’s College
San Jose, Antique
Name: Loryddy Amor S. Cañas
Grade & Section: 11-St. Claire
Answer the following questions briefly and concisely. (30 points)
1. As you reflect on the X and Y theory of leadership, how would you describe your own theory of
As I reflect on the X and Y theory of leadership, I would describe my own theory of leadership as
Theory Y. It is because most of the time, I see my followers as those who have a potential and skills on
their own field of expertise. No matter how unmotivated they seem, I always believe that they could gain
motivation through the right leadership style. I may not figure out what are their motivations at first but I
try to know them better to seek their motivations through the behaviors they are showing. I know they
have different and distinct motivations that will make them more willing to take part on the tasks that are
given to us.
2. How do leaders style affect the employee’s performance?
Leaders’ style greatly affect the employee’s performance. They are the ones who influences the
followers as they lead them using their leadership style. The leader has an important role on pushing the
employee’s in their highest potentials. When a leader knows what style is appropriate to use, he/she could
make the employees motivated and as well, improve their performance. For instance, when a leader
observed that his members are more ambitious and self-motivated, then he used the democratic approach,
which is the appropriate leadership style to use, then he is more likely to be successful in making the
followers perform well. On the other hand, when he does not use the correct leadership style, their team
would more likely to fail because the employees would lose their motivation. Thus, the leadership style is
one of the important things that a leader should take into consideration as it affects the employee’s
3. What do you think are the problems that may arise in each approach (X and Y)? Would you do anything
different in each leader’s situation? (both X and Y)
There are problems that may arise in both X and Y approach. For instance, in Theory x, there is a
possibility that the organization or group will fail because of the leadership approach of the leader toward
his/her member. Because theory X allows more punishments and blaming of employees, this could cause
the members to quit their jobs to find another job that is better. Also, even after their needs have been
fulfilled, they could go back to being unmotivated because they realize that they do not have needs
anymore. Consequently, the organization will fail. In theory Y, I think the problems that may arise are
that there will be inequality where not everyone will be given an equal opportunity because the leader
only assumes to create an environment that’s right for all. It is because not everyone has the same situation
so the practicality is questioned in theory Y. Each follower have different preference of treatment or
leadership style hence, there should be individualized consideration.