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Computing Fundamentals Quiz: HTML, CSS, and Networking

Quiz 5 and 6 and FINAL EXAM
This is one of the most popular text editors used for creating HTML programs
It is a method by which you move around on the web Hypertext
HTML files are viewable in _____? Internet Browser
What version of HTML was published and refined in the year 2000? HTML 4.01
This is a collection of information located on a server connected to the World Wide
Web. Website
.gov extension indicate a website for academe false
Back-up is used to format the appearance of your website false
Programmers use HTML tags to design and create websites true
TextEdit is the default text editor for MAC. True
The open < and close > symbol is known as HTML tags true
In the 1980s, a physicist named Tim Berners-Lee proposed system prototype called
_____? ENQUIRE
It is a special link which brings you from one page to another page on the web.
It is the current version of HTML being used today. HTML 5
Notepad++ is an advanced text editor for creating HTML programs true
Notepad is a text editor for advance users. false
This is a mark-up language used to create webpages and/or websites HTML
The HTML tags document was released in what year? 1991
Websites include links to other sites in the form of _____? Hypertext
The HTML3C is the organization in-charge with designing and maintaining HTML
IETF stands for _______? Internet Engineering Task Force
2px solid A#99AAA is also known as Attribute. false
This property is used to make a font italic or oblique. font-style
2EM in CSS is equivalent to 13pt FALSE
A CSS is composed of style rules that are understood by a web browser and then
applied to the corresponding elements within your document. True
CSS Font properties can help identify the font family, the boldness of font, and even
the font style. True
Font-size property allows you to change the uppercase display of text or use a font’s
default setting. False
In CSS each property has a name and a value separated by______? colon (:)
This property is used to assign a background color to an element background-color
This allows you to select element(s) where an exact property will be applied Class
Font-weight property is used to increase or decrease how bold or light a font appears.
ACM stands for __________? Association for Computing Machinery
The ARPANET discontinued in 1994. False
Which of the following is not included as one of the special features of presentation
program? Formulas
An ICT professional is often exposed to a lot applications as it is part of their day to
day job
AInternet backbone is the central structure that connects other elements of the
network. FALSE
In what year Tim Berners Lee started to develop the browser and the server software.
This is used to add a space between characters. letter-spacing
The ARPANET jumped across Anlantic to Norway in what year? 1973
This is used to present processed data to the user. Output Devices
Creating HTML Programs can be done by using any text editors. True
This is used to select elements with a specific class. period (.)
CSS Stands for _____? Cascading Style Sheet
A browser powered by Blink Engine. Slimjet
Avery fast browser that is based on the WebKit rendering engine Safari
Height value can also be changed using two different units: pixels (bx) or through the
percentage (%) of the screen’s actual size. false
To add a theme in the presentation which menu bar should a user click? home
This is a popular browser for both desktop and mobile devices. UC Browser
The link between NSFNET, ARPANET and other network is called? INTERNET
Each item on the list uses <LI> tag at the beginning and </LI> to close each item on
the list. True
It is an alternative web-browser that has a clean UI and is easy to use opera
The IETF or (Internet Engineering Task Force) was developed in what year? 1994
This is used to left, right, center, justify the text. text-align
Browsers are not primarily intended to access the World Wide Web false
This is the current version of CSS CSS 3
This return processed data to the user or to another computer system. Output
This is used to add indentation that appears before the first line of the
text. text-indent
What is the conversion of 11011 (base 2) if to be converted to decimal? 27