LONG-SPAN BRIDGES (ENGM052) RAFAEL SCUDELARI DE MACEDO (6399594) COURSEWORK 1 * 23/02/2017 SUSPENSION & CABLE STAYED BRIDGES – BASIC QUESTIONS AND RISK EVALUATION This report presents the answers to the questions of coursework 1 of the module long-span bridges (ENGM052) of the Surrey University’s masters course in structural engineering. The term is the second semester of the 2016/17 lecture years. Version 0.0 Author Eng. Rafael Scudelari de Macedo Date 23/02/2017 Comments Submission for evaluation. LONG-SPAN BRIDGES (ENGM052) COURSEWORK 1 COURSEWORK 1 S U S P E N S I O N & C A B L E S T AY E D B R I D G E S – B A S I C Q U E S T I O N S A N D R I S K E VA L U AT I O N SUMMARY SUMMARY .......................................................................................................................................................... 2 1 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................................... 3 2 ITEM 1: RISK ASSESSMENT ......................................................................................................................... 3 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 3 ITEM 2: CABLE STAYED BRIDGE .................................................................................................................. 9 3.1 3.2 4 DESCRIPTION OF TYPICAL ELEMENTS ................................................................................................................................... 9 500M SPAN BRIDGE ....................................................................................................................................................... 10 ITEM 3: SUSPENSION BRIDGE ................................................................................................................... 11 4.1 4.2 5 BACKGROUND STUDY ........................................................................................................................................................ 3 RISK ASSESSMENT TABLE..................................................................................................................................................... 5 MOST IMPORTANT LOAD CONSIDERATIONS ....................................................................................................................... 8 REMARKS ............................................................................................................................................................................ 8 DESCRIPTION OF TYPICAL ELEMENTS ................................................................................................................................ 11 500M SPAN BRIDGE ....................................................................................................................................................... 12 ITEM 4: MULTI SPAN ................................................................................................................................. 13 5.1 5.2 5.3 FOR BOTH CASES ............................................................................................................................................................. 13 CABLE STAYED BRIDGE .................................................................................................................................................... 13 SUSPENSION BRIDGE ....................................................................................................................................................... 13 6 ITEM 5: TABLE OF NOTABLE MULTI SPAN BRIDGES ................................................................................. 14 7 REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................................. 15 8 AUTHOR’S SIGNATURE............................................................................................................................. 16 RAFAEL SCUDELARI DE MACEDO 6399594 – RS00742@SURREY.AC.UK 2 LONG-SPAN BRIDGES (ENGM052) COURSEWORK 1 1 INTRODUCTION The text of the coursework assignment [1], which was rendered available through SurreyLearn, contains 5 different questions. The questions are herein copied verbatim at the beginning of each section. The deadline for the submittal date is the 28th of February of 2017 (at 4pm the latest). The basic description of the assignment, which is valid for all questions, is: CONSIDER A LONG SPAN BRIDGE CARRYING A FOOTWAY OVER A MAJOR NAVIGABLE RIVER [1]. 2 ITEM 1: RISK ASSESSMENT Question Text: 1) Outline on the risk assessment table given below the main loads or actions that the bridge will need to resist. Estimate the likelihood and severity of these loads and complete the REM (see next page) for these actions. Which in your opinion are the 3 most important load considerations? [1] 2.1 BACKGROUND STUDY For the development of this question, the student searched on the university’s library for papers containing information on the causes of failure in bridges. From this research, the student encountered two relevant papers. One of them, called State-of-the-Art Review on the Causes and Mechanisms of Bridge Collapse, had just been published in ASCE’s Journal of performance of constructed facilities Volume 30 Issue 2 - April 2016 [2]. In this paper, the authors present the distribution of causes of bridge collapses in the USA as per a studied carried out in 2003 by Wardhana and Hapipriono [3], in which the causes of 503 reported bridge collapses between 1989 and 2000 have been analyzed. This distribution is shown in Figure 1. FIGURE 1: DISTRIBUTION OF DISTRIBUTION OF CAUSES OF THE 503 REPORTED BRIDGE COLLAPSES DURING THE PERIOD BETWEEN 1989 AND 2000 IN THE UNITED STATES. DATA FROM [3], IMAGE FROM [2]. The original distribution from [3] is displayed in Table 1. It is important to notice from the data that the flooding and scour alone account for almost half of the bridge collapses. RAFAEL SCUDELARI DE MACEDO 6399594 – RS00742@SURREY.AC.UK 3 LONG-SPAN BRIDGES (ENGM052) COURSEWORK 1 TABLE 1: FAILUE CAUSES AND EVENTS. [3] Failure causes and events Hydraulic Flood Scour Debris Drift Others Collision Auto/truck Barge/ship/tanker Train Other Overload Deterioration General Steel deterioration Steel-corrosion Concrete-corrosion Fire Construction Ice Earthquake Fatigue-steel Design Soil Storm/hurricane/tsunami Miscellaneous/other Total RAFAEL SCUDELARI DE MACEDO Number of occurrences 266 165 78 16 2 5 59 14 10 3 32 44 43 22 14 6 1 16 13 10 17 5 3 3 2 22 503 6399594 – RS00742@SURREY.AC.UK Percentage of total 52.880% 32.800% 15.510% 3.180% 0.400% 0.990% 11.730% 2.780% 1.990% 0.600% 6.360% 8.750% 8.550% 4.370% 2.780% 1.190% 0.200% 3.180% 2.580% 1.990% 3.380% 0.990% 0.600% 0.600% 0.400% 4.370% 100.000% 4 LONG-SPAN BRIDGES (ENGM052) COURSEWORK 1 2.2 RISK ASSESSMENT TABLE The historic bridge failure data, together with the student’s judgement, have yielded the following risk assessment table. The student considered, for the likelihood of the events listed in [2] or in [3], that: Percentage ≥ 10%: Frequent. 10% >Percentage ≥ 3%: Occasional. 3% > Percentage ≥ 1%: Remote. 1% > Percentage; or unlisted: Improbable. The student used for the severity analysis this own judgement. This is due to the scarcity of information on how frequently the occurrence of a hazard does actually translates itself as distress or collapse of the bridge (as defined in [3]). The classification of severity was largely influence by: An estimation on how probable it is for a given event, when occurred, to cause the collapse or distress of the bridge. An estimation on of the predictability of the resulting forces that act on the structure from such an event. Hazard, load scenario Likelihood Severity RIM Flood/Tsunami Frequent Medium U Scour Frequent High U Collision – Auto/Truck/Train Occasional Medium T RAFAEL SCUDELARI DE MACEDO Comment Effects: Direct drag forces on the columns and, if the flood height is critical, act on the bridge deck; May bring debris which hit the structure. May erode the riverbed and influence the foundations. Treatment: The bridge deck should be designed at a safe height considering historical flooding data. Estimate loads (water flow and debris collision) on columns. Verify if a flood caused lasting effects on the foundations and take correction actions if necessary. Effects: Lowering of riverbed due to water erosion, leading to a reduction of the lateral resistance of the soil supporting the foundations. Treatment: Design protection systems, such as a rocky perimeter around the foundations, to prevent scour. Effects: High magnitude dynamic load that causes a high stress concentrated on a given structural member. Treatment: Add protection systems, such as side rails, to avoid collision of the vehicles with the bridge’s vital structural members. 6399594 – RS00742@SURREY.AC.UK 5 LONG-SPAN BRIDGES (ENGM052) Hazard, load scenario COURSEWORK 1 Likelihood Severity RIM Collision – Barge/ship/tanker Remote Severe U Overload Occasional Medium U Deterioration/Fatigue Occasional Medium U Fire Occasional High U RAFAEL SCUDELARI DE MACEDO Comment Effects: High magnitude dynamic load that causes a high stress concentrated on a given structural member. Treatment: Add protection systems to the columns such as a rocky perimeter around the foundations, to avoid direct collision against the columns. Increase the span of the bridge to avoid being too close to the navigation channel. Avoid putting columns on water altogether. Instruct the water transit control about the limitations of the bridge, such as limiting ship height in accordance with water level. Effects: Increase fatigue problems due to the heavier loading of the deck. In extreme situations, cause failure of the bridge’s structural members due to overloading. Treatment: Ensure that the road control personnel have data on the limiting load of the bridges. In critical situations, add weighing devices on both sides to ensure that carried load does not exceed the limit. For heavy-haul transportation, ensure that the bridge is capable of sustaining the special load. Effects: Fatigue and deterioration such as corrosion may lead to the ultimate failure of the structural member and therefore must be controlled periodically. Treatment: Ensure at the design time that the effects of fatigue and deterioration are limited and/or controlled. Estimate at the design time the required periodicity of bridge maintenance and inspection. Conduct the necessary inspections properly. Effects: Reduction of capacity due to elevated temperatures. Expansion of the members and bridge deck may cause additional forces. Treatment: Add fire protection systems to sensitive members. Ad design time, consider the fire loading as per standard specifications. 6399594 – RS00742@SURREY.AC.UK 6 LONG-SPAN BRIDGES (ENGM052) Hazard, load scenario COURSEWORK 1 Likelihood Severity RIM Ice Remote High U Earthquake Occasional Severe U Wind/Storm/ Hurricane Occasional Severe U Construction/Design Remote Medium U RAFAEL SCUDELARI DE MACEDO Comment Effects: The bridge deck, since it is fluctuating on the air, has a higher tendency of creating a freezing layer than the road that sits on the ground. Therefore, this adds greatly to the risk of collision. The snow load case must be considered at design time. Treatment: Ensure at design time that the snow load case is properly considered. Ensure that there is no accumulation of snow on the bridge deck. Effects: High dynamic loading due to the ground acceleration is transferred to the bridge columns. May cause movement of the columns, leading to deck failure. May cause, on sandy soils, the effect called liquefaction, which may completely remove the bearing capacity of columns. May cause the sudden strike-slip or change in elevation of a geological fault. Treatment: Avoid building the bridge over faults. Avoid building the bridge on soils that may liquefy. Take into account, at design time, the earthquake loads. Effects: Wind loading causes horizontal forces on the structure. May cause resonance effects which result in large amplifications of displacement. Extreme winds may cause vortex effects that can add torsional forces. Treatment: Ensure that the design considers the wind loading in accordance with the standards. Extreme cases must be considered. Perform wind tunnel analyses for sensitive structures to minimize the possibility of resonance effects and better understand the wind pressures. Effects: Engineering errors may cause the under capacity of the structure. Erection of bridges may include complicate and dangerous load handling. Ensure that the workplace safety practices are followed. Treatment: 6399594 – RS00742@SURREY.AC.UK 7 LONG-SPAN BRIDGES (ENGM052) Hazard, load scenario COURSEWORK 1 Likelihood Severity RIM Comment Blast/Terrorist Attack Improbable Severe U Ensure that the design is well performed by adding an independent peer-reviewer to the design process. Ensure that the load handling is done by expert personnel. Effects: Blasts may cause sudden impact forces on the structure, which are very difficult to predict. Treatment: Ensure the safety of the relevant structures at public level. Avoid disproportionate collapse on design. 2.3 MOST IMPORTANT LOAD CONSIDERATIONS In the opination of the student, and in accordance with the data as presented in the references [2] and [3], the 3 most important load cases are: 1. Flood 2. Collision with a vehicle 3. Overloading 2.4 REMARKS The student finds it important to highlight that the English government recommends, in its “The Building Regulations 2010: Structure A” [4], that: A3: The building shall be constructed so that in the event of an accident the building will not suffer collapse to an extent disproportionate to the cause. This is also appreciated in the EUROCODES. Specifically, the documentation on accidental actions BS EN 1991-17:2006+A1:2014 [5] contains recommendations on the robustness of the structure. Increasing the robustness of the structure is one of the strategies recommended to mitigate the risk of accidental actions. Therefore, the recommendations treat accidental actions in a way that the designer ought to analyses the accidental effects on the structure in order to avoid that a relatively small action cause the collapse of the entirety of the structure. RAFAEL SCUDELARI DE MACEDO 6399594 – RS00742@SURREY.AC.UK 8 LONG-SPAN BRIDGES (ENGM052) COURSEWORK 1 3 ITEM 2: CABLE STAYED BRIDGE Question Text: 2) Describe on no more than two A4 pages, with the use of sketches, the main elements of a typical Cable Stayed Bridge and their main functions in the overall behavior of the structure. If a 500m span cable stay bridge is planned what is your estimate of bridge deck depth and pylon height above deck level? [1] 3.1 DESCRIPTION OF TYPICAL ELEMENTS Cable stayed bridges are bridges in which the vertical load of the bridge deck (including its self-weight) is largely supported by a series of cables that are directly connected to a central tower at an angle. The structural behavior of the cable stayed bridge is self-contained in the sense that the stability is ensured by the cables, deck and pylon working together to balance the deck on both sides. Figure 2 displays the basic load distribution of cable stayed bridges. In this form of bridge, the vertical load due to the weight of the deck and of the vehicles are held by the vertical component of the cable axial forces. This in turn produces a horizontal FIGURE 2: BASIC LOAD DISTRIBUTION. resultant that is balanced by the compression on the deck. On the pylon, the axial forces of the cables cause a compression that is finally transferred to the foundations. The horizontal forces on the pylon due to the cables are largely countered by the cable forces from the other side, but there are some designs in which the bending resistance of the pylon takes a substantial part of this load. A basic arrangement of the elements of the cable stayed bridge is shown in Figure 3. The pylons are towers with a height H above deck of something close to 25% the span length L. Considering that the resulting axial load on the stays is dependent on its angle, the height of the pylon ultimately influences the sizing of the stay members and the overall cost of the structure. The pylons may be constructed in steel, concrete, or composite. They may have several different shapes, being the I, H and A shape the most common. The A shape is generally used when the bridge has only one plane of cables that are connected to the center of the deck. In turn, this obliges that the deck to present a higher bending and torsional resistance. The positioning of the pylons is crucial for the entirety of the project. They influence the span length and usability (such as the volume of the passage underneath, be that for road FIGURE 3: CABLE STAYED BRIDGE ELEMENTS. or maritime traffic) aspects. They must be strategically positioned with the following main items taken into consideration: Considering the risks of flood, scour and collision, the designer must avoid putting them in the water. If there is no way to circumvent this, the designer must avoid positioning the pylons inside the navigable channel and should give preference to shallow waters. Consideration must be given to the side span. The support of the side spans is an important aspect of the general stability of the structure and they should exist. Alternatives to the design, with either a shorter side span or the elimination altogether of the span do exist, but they tend to increase the cost of the project. The height under the deck of the pylons must consider the deck height, the usability aspects of the bridge (volume of the passage underneath), the deformation of the structure under traffic and other variable loads and give allowances for the shift on water level of the navigable channel. RAFAEL SCUDELARI DE MACEDO 6399594 – RS00742@SURREY.AC.UK 9 LONG-SPAN BRIDGES (ENGM052) COURSEWORK 1 The type of the section of the pylon, which is usually a box section, is also important. Not only they influence the customary structural behavior and highly influence the cost of the structure, but they also have, as shown in [6], a large influence on the robustness of the structure against blast loads. Fan Mix There are several different forms of cable arrangements, but the most Harp common are fan, harp or a mixture of the two (shown in Figure 4). Their typical spacing on the deck is of 8 to 10 meters. Since, in the fan type, FIGURE 4: CABLE ARRANGEMENTS. SOURCE: [9] the angle of the cables increase as the cables are closer to the pylon thus yielding a lesser axial load, the fan arrangement usually provides a smaller total cable weight. Single cables should be avoided, since they present a great problem when it comes to maintenance (lack of redundancy). The cables may be of several types, such as with parallel wires, spiral wires or locked coils. Regardless of the arrangement, they must be protected against water infiltration and must be protected against corrosion. Therefore, they are usually coated and galvanized, bathed in grease, with a HDPE duct around them. The design of the bridge deck is governed by transit requirements, but they usually have a depth of 1 to 3 meters, being naturally deeper if a lower deck for train is used. Considering that the horizontal components of the cables are countered by the bridge deck, it must be able to resist this compression force and provide the transverse and torsional resistance required for the overall stability of the structure. The stay arrangement may contain two or one single plane, and this influences the deck design. If one plane is chosen, the connection will be on the center of the deck and it must provide adequate torsional stiffness. There is a wide choice available for the bridge deck. When two cable planes are chosen, it is normal that the bridge deck will be made either with steel or concrete beams that run between the stay cables and that are transversely locked by secondary members. This is possible in this case due to the lower torsional requirements. When one plane of stays is preferred, the design of the bridge deck tends to go towards a solution with box girders for they are capable of providing the required torsional stiffness. It is important to note that the design of box girders must allow access to the inside for inspection and maintenance. The width of the bridge deck is governed by traffic requirements, but it must be wider than the simple traffic lanes to accommodate the stays – be them on a single plane in the center or at both sides – and also for protection barriers. The bridge deck must also consider aerodynamic effects. Regardless of the choice between a box girder or beams, the lateral, top and lower sides of the deck must be designed considering wind loads and its dynamic effects such as resonance. It is common to use, as a strategy to improve the balance of the bridge and make a shorter side span, to use steel on the central span and concrete on the side spans. Since concrete yields a heavier structure, the side spans will be more effective when balancing the weight of the main span’s deck. Another common way to improve the balance of the bridge is to add on the side spans intermediate columns to which the deck is attached on the position of some stays. These columns will provide a vertical restraint and assist the general balance of the bridge. 3.2 500M SPAN BRIDGE The premises of the coursework [1] state that the bridge is a footbridge, which yields lower live loads. Therefore, using the chart in Figure 12 of the lecture notes [7], the student considers that depth of 1.5m is adequate for the deck depth, being the deck a steel girder For the height of the pylon above deck, the student takes the customary relation of it being 25% of the span. This is due to the fact that the pylon height influences the cable angle and the student prefers to optimize the cable axial forces and their costs. Thus, the height of the pylon is taken as H=500*.25=125m. RAFAEL SCUDELARI DE MACEDO 6399594 – RS00742@SURREY.AC.UK 10 LONG-SPAN BRIDGES (ENGM052) COURSEWORK 1 4 ITEM 3: SUSPENSION BRIDGE Question Text: 3) Describe on no more than two A4 pages, with the use of sketches, the main elements of a typical Suspension Bridge and their main functions in the overall behavior of the structure. If a 500m span suspension bridge is planned what is your estimate of bridge deck depth and tower height above bridge deck level? [1] 4.1 DESCRIPTION OF TYPICAL ELEMENTS The main structural characteristic of the suspension bridge lies on its main cable. The vertical load of the bridge deck (including its self-weight) is supported by horizontal tension members called hangers. The top of the hanger is attached to the main cable that usually runs as a unique cable from the anchors on the FIGURE 5: SUSPENSION BRIDGE'S MAIN LOAD PATH. external sides of the two towers. This causes an axial force on main cable that is held, usually by sheer friction against the ground, by the anchorage blocks. The vertical forces of the system are held by the towers, which transmit them to the foundations. This basic system is illustrated in Figure 5. A typical suspension is shown in Figure 6. The towers may be made on concrete, steel or composite structure. They are usually composed of two parallel towers having several horizontal crossbeams to increase their stability and reduce the buckling length. The cross section of the towers is usually a hollow section to reduce costs on materials, but their shape should also consider the possibility of accidental actions as per [6]. FIGURE 6: SUSPENSION BRIDGE MAIN ITEMS. The work conducted by Hashemi et. al. exhibits that, since the pressure loads from a blast neat the towers depend on the angle between the source and the surface’s normal and, therefore, a circular section would bring the optimum robustness against accidental loads. The positioning of the towers, as it was already stated in the answer of question 2 of this coursework, is crucial for the project. The positioning must account for the specifications on the volume of traffic underneath and the designer should avoid putting the towers on water due to risk of flood and scour. Specifically, for the suspension bridges, care must be taken in order to allow the main cable on the side spans to softly descend. If the cable is allowed to descend following its natural catenary until the cross section of the cable is vertical, the anchorage will have to account for a lower cable axial force, since its resultant at that location will only have its horizontal part. As it was for the pylons of the cable stayed bridge, the tower height under the deck of the suspension bridge must also consider the deck height, the usability aspects of the bridge (volume of the passage underneath), the deformation of the structure under traffic and other variable loads and give allowances for the shift on water level of the navigable channel. The main cables may be either composed on site by a method called air spinning or they may be preformed parallel wire strand (PPWS). The air spinning, which is a method in which a single wire is passed across the full length of the bridge over and over until the number of desired wires is reached. Then, the cables must be carefully arranged to ensure they all carry the same load. The PPWS system used bundles of prefabricated wires with the full length of the bridge. Then, the bundles are laid over the towers. Care must also be taken to ensure that all the bundles carry the same load. After the positioning of the wires with either method, they are compressed by a special device which reduces the void inside to augment durability and reduce diameter. Finally, these cables must be protected by paint, spray or another system. RAFAEL SCUDELARI DE MACEDO 6399594 – RS00742@SURREY.AC.UK 11 LONG-SPAN BRIDGES (ENGM052) COURSEWORK 1 On the top of the towers there are devices called saddles that fold softly the main cable and allow it to run over it if necessary. These saddles transmit the vertical load from the main cables to the towers. The hangers are usually spaced between 10 to 15m and are habitually vertical. A diagonal arrangement may be used, which increases the rigidity of the cable system with the drawback of inserting fatigue issues. The hangers are attached to the sides of the bridge deck and to the main cable. These attachments must be carefully designer to avoid fatigue issues. The device that makes the attachment between the hangers and the main cable usually consists of a system that compresses a “bracket” against the cable. The forces are transmitted from the hanger to the main cable by friction. The main cables are horizontally loose on top of the towers, therefore, the only horizontal restraint in the entirety of the system that counterbalances the horizontal axil force of the main cable is done by anchorage system. The anchorage provides the termination for the main cable and must resist its horizontal forces. This may be achieved by either making the anchorage on a tunnel if hard rock exists on the site’s ground profile, but usually the anchorage consists of a heavy concrete hollow block. It is hollow to allow maintenance access to it and it must be heavy because the majority of the horizontal forces is held by friction of the block against the ground. Usually, the weight of the block must be 4 times the horizontal force of the main cable. The design of the bridge deck is governed by traffic requirements. Added to the lane’s width must be space to the protection systems and hanger supports. The profile of the bridge deck may be of several different forms, such as steel truss, concrete or steel girders, concrete or steel box girders, etc. The steel truss is mainly used in the cases where two traffic levels are required, whereas due to lack of torsional stiffness the simple girders are not used commonly nowadays. The modern bridges mostly use box girders due to their suitability in terms of torsional stiffness. In these box girders, longitudinal stiffeners must be added to the plates so that they are more orthotopically rigid to support traffic loads. Diaphragms must be added every 2 or 3 meters and personnel access must be provided for maintenance. Their design must account for aerodynamic effects and preferably the bridge will undergo a wind tunnel test. It is good practice to consider removal of one hanger in the load cases during design. This improves the robustness of the structure against accidental loads and also facilitates maintenance. 4.2 500M SPAN BRIDGE The premises of the coursework [1] state that the bridge is a footbridge, which yields lower live loads. Therefore, using the chart in Figure 13 of the lecture notes [8], the student considers that depth of 1.5m is adequate for the deck depth, being the deck a steel girder. For the height of the tower above deck, the student takes the customary relation of it being 10% of the span. Thus, the height of the tower above deck is taken as H=500*.1=50m. RAFAEL SCUDELARI DE MACEDO 6399594 – RS00742@SURREY.AC.UK 12 LONG-SPAN BRIDGES (ENGM052) COURSEWORK 1 5 ITEM 4: MULTI SPAN Question Text: 4) If a multi span cable stay or multi span suspension bridge with shorter spans was to be considered, describe on no more than one page of A4 paper the factors affecting the conceptual design of this multi span structure. [1] 5.1 FOR BOTH CASES Usually multi-span bridges have a tower/pylon on the water. Special care must be taken regarding: o Flood o Scour o Collision 5.2 CABLE STAYED BRIDGE The main aspects that affect the conceptual design are exhibited in the image below. FIGURE 7: EFFECTS OF LOADING ON MULTI-SPAN CABLE STAYED BRIDGES. SOURCE: [9] It is possible to note that the loading on the center has direct effects on the displacements of the other spans, and this must be accounted for in the design. The effects may be such as additional bending moments on the pylons, increased loading on the cables, etc. Other aspects are: The height of the pylons will be smaller, since they are a function of the free span length. Since there will be less vertical forces (the length deck for each tower is shorter), the deck will also sustain lower compressive effects and therefore may be shallower. 5.3 SUSPENSION BRIDGE Multi span suspension bridges present a heavier change into the conceptual design than that of multi span cable stayed bridges. Either the designer adds intermediate anchorage and thus creates several single span bridges, or a single main cable is passed and thus the stiffness of the entirety of the bridge is affected. Regardless of the solution, the connection of the decks of the spans present problems such as illustrated in Figure 8. FIGURE 8: EFFECTS OF LOADING ON MULTI-SPAN SUSPENSION BRIDGES. SOURCE: [10]. The main aspects that affect the design are: Additionally, to the tower underwater, multi span suspension bridges also may provide anchorage in the middle of the span. Although it is true that the same intermediate anchorage may be used by both sides (thus providing a considerable balancing from both sides), this can prove to be a challenging and expensive ordeal due to: If the designer opts to have only one main cable that passes over several towers, then he must account for stiffness problems such as described in detail in [11]. The height of the towers will be smaller, since they are a function of the free span length. RAFAEL SCUDELARI DE MACEDO 6399594 – RS00742@SURREY.AC.UK 13 LONG-SPAN BRIDGES (ENGM052) COURSEWORK 1 6 ITEM 5: TABLE OF NOTABLE MULTI SPAN BRIDGES Question Text: 5) Prepare a table of recent and notable multi span cable stay or multi span suspension bridges. Tabulate; bridge name, year of construction, longest span and bridge length. [1] Note: Since no minimum count of entries is given, the student considers 18 to be a reasonable sum. The source of this information is the International Database for Civil and Structural Engineering website [12]. Type Suspension Suspension Suspension Suspension Suspension Suspension Suspension Suspension Suspension Cable Stayed Cable Stayed Cable Stayed Cable Stayed Cable Stayed Cable Stayed Cable Stayed Cable Stayed Cable Stayed Name - Country Ma'anshan Bridge - China Taizhou Bridge - China Yingwuzhou Yangtze River Bridge - China Barito River Bridge - Indonesia Dhodhara-Chandani Suspension Bridges - Nepal Sarnora Machel Bridge - Mozambique Bonny-sur-Loire Bridge - France Momosuke Bridge - Japan Chatillon Bridge - France Erqi Yangtze River Bridge - China Rio-Antirrio Bridge - Greece Ting Kau Bridge - China Jiashao Bridge - China Yiling Yangtze River Bridge - China Millau Viaduct - France Mezcala Viaduct - Mexico General Rafael Urdaneta Bridge - Venezuela Murom Oka River Bridge - Russia RAFAEL SCUDELARI DE MACEDO 6399594 – RS00742@SURREY.AC.UK Year Span (m) Length (m) 2013 1080 11209 2012 1080 2960 2014 850 2100 1997 240 1096 2005 1452 225 1973 180 90 1951 120 360 1922 104 248 1951 76 328 2011 616 2922 2004 560 2880 1998 450 1675 2013 428 10138 2001 3246 348 2004 2460 342 1993 312 884 1962 37 8700 2009 321 1340 14 LONG-SPAN BRIDGES (ENGM052) COURSEWORK 1 7 REFERENCES [1] D. Collings, "LONG SPAN BRIDGES - COURSEWORK 1," 2017. [Online]. Available: https://surreylearn.surrey.ac.uk. [Accessed 2017]. [2] L. Deng, W. Wang and Y. Yang, "State-of-the-Art Review on the Causes and Mechanisms of Bridge Collapse," J. Perform. Constr. Facil., vol. 30, no. 2, 2016. [3] K. Wardhana and F. Hadipriono, "Analysis of recent bridge failures in the United States," J. Perform. Constr. Facil., vol. 17, no. 3, p. 144–150, 2003. [4] Department for Communities and Local Government, "The Building Regulations 2010: Structure: Approved Document A," 2013. [Online]. Available: https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploa ds/attachment_data/file/429060/BR_PDF_AD_A_2013.pdf. [Accessed 2017]. [5] European Committee for Standardization, BS EN 1991-1-7:2006+A1:2014 - Eurocode 1 — Actions on structures - Part 1-7: General actions — Accidental actions, Brussels: CEN, 2014. [6] S. K. Hashemi, M. A. Bradford and H. R. Valipour, "Dynamic response and performance of cable-stayed bridges under blast load: Effects of pylon geometry," Engineering Structures, pp. 50-66, 15 April 2017. [7] D. Collings, "Lecture Notes - UNIT 1C - Introduction to Cable Stayed Bridges," University of Surrey, Gildford, 2017. [8] D. Collings, "Lecture Notes - UNIT 1B - Introduction to Suspension Bridges," University of Surrey, Guildford, 2017. [9] Johns Hopkins University, Whiting School of Engineering, "Cable-Stayed Bridges - History, Aesthetics, Developments," [Online]. Available: http://www.ce.jhu.edu/perspectives/protected/lectures/2012 /Lec12_cablestayed_2012.key.pdf. [10] D.-H. C. Huu-Tai Thai, "Advanced analysis of multi-span suspension bridges," Journal of Constructional Steel Research, vol. 90, pp. 29-41, 2013. [11] D. Collings, "Multiple-span suspension bridges: state of the art," Bridge Engineering, vol. 169, no. BE3, p. 215–231, 2016. [12] N. Janberg, "The Largest Database for Civil and Structural Engineers," Structurae, 2017. [Online]. Available: https://structurae.net/. [Accessed 2017]. [13] Univerza v Ljubljani, "Lecture 15B.8: Cable Stayed Bridges," 2016. [Online]. Available: http://fggweb.fgg.uni-lj.si/~/pmoze/esdep/master/wg15b/l0800.htm. [Accessed 2017]. RAFAEL SCUDELARI DE MACEDO 6399594 – RS00742@SURREY.AC.UK 15 LONG-SPAN BRIDGES (ENGM052) COURSEWORK 1 8 AUTHOR’S SIGNATURE __________________________________ Eng. Rafael Scudelari de Macedo CREA-PR 111.542/D RAFAEL SCUDELARI DE MACEDO 6399594 – RS00742@SURREY.AC.UK 16