Health Condition Information/ Información sobre el stado de salud Flare symptoms/ síntomas de brote de lupus How does it affect my ability to do things?/ ¿Comó afecta mi capacidad para hacer actividades? Who Can Help Me?/ ¿Quien me ayuda? What Do I Need Help With?/ ¿Con que necesito ayuda? Household Tasks / Tareas domésticas Self-Care / Actividades de autocuidado Medication Management / Manejo de medicamentos Children / Cuidar los niños Contact/Emergency Numbers / Numeros de emergencía St. Vincent’s: A daily care plan is a list of duties and responsibilities that address the daily and long term needs of your loved one. It should be simple and descriptive. A good plan will provide instructions to those who share caregiving duties when the primary caregiver is unavailable. During stressful times, it can help avoid a potential crisis. We have included a template for a care plan that you can use. You can print and update this plan as regularly as necessary. Keep in mind the following tips when creating your care plan: Identify major problems and your loved one’s health care needs. Organize caregiver tasks into categories (for example, health care or household). Which tasks are a priority and non-negotiable? List key family members or friends that can help in an emergency situation. Consider community organizations that may be helpful, especially in an emergency. Allow for flexibility and change in the daily care plan.