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Globalization & Hong Kong Culture: Final Writing Assignment

CCGL9002 Hong Kong Culture in the Context of Globalization (First semester, 2022-2023)
Final Writing (25%)
30 November 2022 (Wednesday, 12:30-8:30 pm)
Each student is required to write a short essay of around 600-700 words. Based on ONE keyword you have
learnt in class from Week 8 to Week 12 (see the list below), you will be asked to respond to ONE question
through an analysis of ONE image, which will be shown to you on that day. Question sheet will be uploaded
to Moodle by 12:15pm.
You will be given choices of questions and images on that day. When answering the question, you should
be able to address your chosen question, and demonstrate your understanding of this keyword through an
analysis of the image. You may refer to ideas from your reading materials, and if you do so, you must clearly
identify the name of the author and page number (if applicable).
List of key concepts for your preparation:
Cultural odorlessness
Historical authenticity
Pink globalization
Flexible citizenship
The “Included-out”
The right to the city
The “global woman”
Commodification of domestic work
Cultural proximity
Aesthetic cosmopolitanism
Online submission to Moodle’s Turnitin
We will hold this writing assignment remotely for 8 hours on 30 November 2022 (Wednesday) at 12:30-8:30
pm. This will give you plenty of time to complete an assignment that normally takes about 2 hours to finish.
Please focus on ONE keyword and only pick ONE question and ONE image to answer.
This is an open-book writing assessment, so you can refer to your own notes, required and recommended
course readings (especially from Weeks 8-12), and lecture content and notes. However, you should NOT
quote from outside sources online (i.e. Wikipedia pages, online essays, etc.). Your essay must be
submitted online to Moodle’s Turnitin. Please ensure good internet connection at your own space.
Evaluation Criteria:
Good organization of ideas and clear focus,
Clear address of the question. Appropriate explanation of the keyword. Substantial use of visual examples
to illustrate a relevant understanding of the keyword,
Demonstration of integrative thinking. Ability to make connections between the analysis of the image
and a specific aspect of globalization. Examples are appropriated with an in-depth understanding of the
Provides evidence of significant engagement in course materials,
Clarity and accuracy in the use of language. Writing is well structured, with smooth transitions and flow,
sound introduction, and strong conclusion,
Proper documentation of sources, when applicable.