Uploaded by Nakibul Hussain Nuhash

Aircraft Gas Turbine Engine Assignment Brief

Assignment Brief – QCF BTEC Nationals
Learner Name
Programme Title
Unit No. & Name
Registration No.
Pearson BTEC L3 National Diploma
Programme Code
in Aeronautical Engineering
83: Aircraft Gas Turbine Engines
Unit Code
Credit Value
Launch Date
Return Date
Academic Year
Date of Assessment
Name of IV
Sajia Islam
Nakibul Hussain Nuhash
Name of Assessor
Sign. of Assessor
Assignment No.
Sign. of IV
Submission Format
This assignment consisting of written tasks and sketches. Written tasks have been set requiring learners to describe
the principles of jet propulsion and the purpose of three sections of a gas turbine engine, covering (P1 and P3). A
sketch is also required to show the working cycle of a gas turbine engine (P2) and this task could be extended to
meet M1, which is to explain the working cycle of a gas turbine engine. The assignment should be written in a
concise, formal business style using single spacing and font size 12. You are required to make use of headings,
paragraphs and subsections as appropriate and all work must be supported with research and referenced using a
standard referencing system. Provide a bibliography using a standard referencing system.
Principles of Gas Turbine Propulsion
1. Know the basic principles of gas turbine propulsion.
Assignment Title 01
Learning Outcome
In this assessment, you will have opportunities to provide evidence against the following criteria.
Assessment outcomes for PASS criteria
Assessment outcomes for higher grade criteria
Task No.
Task No.
Prepared by
Nakibul Hussain Nuhash
Ref-Ver: 1.0, 30/09/2020
Page 1 of 4
Learner Acknowledgement regarding Assignment Brief
I acknowledge that I have received this assignment brief on 01/10/2020 and I will submit the evidence of this
assignment brief within the deadline mentioned above. I fully understand the consequences of late assignment
Learner Signature:
Date: 01/10/2020
Learner Declaration regarding plagiarism
I certify that the evidence of this assignment brief is entirely my own work and I fully understand the consequences
of plagiarism. I understand that making a false declaration is a form of malpractice.
Learner Signature:
Date: 15/10/2020
Eastop M – Applied Thermodynamics
(Longman,1993) ISBN 0582215714
Moran M – Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics (John Wiley and Sons,
2006) ISBN 0470030372
Sonntag R and Bourgnakke C – Introduction to Engineering Thermodynamics
(John Wiley and Sons, 2006) ISBN 0471737593
Assignment Brief and Guidance:
An understanding of the construction and operating principles of aircraft gas turbine engines and knowledge of
different types of aircraft turbine engine, their function, construction and installation arrangements, are fundamental
requirements for those wishing to practice as aircraft engine technicians or engineers, irrespective of their chosen
Consider yourself as an apprentice and you are about to finish your apprenticeship program in a large aircraft engine
manufacturing company. Your line manager has asked you to produce an information leaflet detailing the
underpinning principles of engine operation. To do this, it is vital that you should have a sound knowledge and
understanding regarding the fundamental principles of turbine engine operation and performance, and about the
purpose of different sections of a gas turbine engine.
To comprehend your knowledge and understanding, your manager has set a series of tasks for you to complete.
Accomplish and submit your answer using an appropriate report format and referencing.
Prepared by
Nakibul Hussain Nuhash
Ref-Ver: 1.0, 30/09/2020
Page 2 of 4
Task 1 (Assessment Criteria P1)
Consider yourself working on a Research and Development team, doing research on how to improve the efficiency of a jet
engine. You have been tasked to describe the basic principles of jet propulsion using simple equations as per your group.
Group A
a. Newton’s 2nd law
b. Thrust Equation
c. Specific fuel consumption
Group B
a. Mass flow rate
b. Thrust Equation
c. Kinetic and Thermal Efficiency
Task 2 (Assessment Criteria P2 & M1)
Most modern passenger and military aircraft are powered by gas turbine engines, which are also called jet engines. The
first and simplest type of gas turbine is the turbojet.
Your manager has asked you to draw a sketch of the working cycle of a gas turbine engine, as well as explain the working
cycle of a gas turbine engine and the relationship between pressure, velocity, volume and temperature.
Task 3 (Assessment Criteria P3)
Every gas turbine engine has these three sections – a compressor, a combustion section (burner) and a turbine. The
compressor, burner, and turbine are called the core of the engine. Describe the purpose of these three sections of a gas
turbine engine.
Summary of evidence required by students
Learners have to submit a word process report by describing the
principles of jet propulsion using simple equations.
Learners are required to sketch the working cycle of a gas turbine
Learners have to submit a word process report providing the
description of the purpose of three sections of a gas turbine engine.
Evidence for M1 would be best obtained by extending the task
(sketch) needed for P2, to include the explanation of the working
cycle of a gas turbine engine in terms of pressure, velocity, volume
and temperature.
Prepared by
Nakibul Hussain Nuhash
Evidence (Y/N)
Ref-Ver: 1.0, 30/09/2020
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Hall, N., 2015. National Aeronautics and Space Administration. [Online]
Available at: https://www.grc.nasa.gov/WWW/K-12/airplane/aturbj.html
[Accessed 18 09 2020].
Hall, N., 2015. National Aeronautics and Space Administration. [Online]
Available at: https://www.grc.nasa.gov/www/k12/airplane/Animation/turbtyp/etcs.html#:~:text=Every%20gas%20turbine%20engine%20has,core%20is%20hot%20exhaust%20gas.
[Accessed 19 09 2020].
Prepared by
Nakibul Hussain Nuhash
Ref-Ver: 1.0, 30/09/2020
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