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Instagram App Open Rate Drop: Problem Solving Exercise

1/22/22, 1:49 PM
There is a 15% drop in the open rate of Instagram App. You are the PM. Tell us what could have happened. — Problem Solving Question | PM Exercises
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There is a 15% drop in the open rate of Instagram App. You are the PM. Tell us what could
have happened.
Asked at Facebook over a year ago
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Top Facebook interview
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Drop in open rate
users not even opening once in a day - increase in
inactive users
users not opening multiple times in a day - reduction in
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Top Problem Solving
interview questions
repeat opens
You are the PM for a streaming
Assumption - This is happening across platform, geography,
video service. You come into
gender. Also, this is happening gradually over a period of time
the office and see that one key
(decrease on monthly/weekly basis).
metric has dropped by 80%.
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Factors impacting this behavior (metrics to check to see the
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Metrics to track - Crash Rate, ANR, average load
change in behaviour of users
impact of sub metrics (open rate has impact on
sub metrics - activities users do post opening the
complaints - from customer support, play store
Play store rating, reviews (1,2,3), sentiment
# of complaint tickets
promotions - ran ads which lead to an inorganic boost
in open rate (and then sudden drop)
1/22/22, 1:49 PM
There is a 15% drop in the open rate of Instagram App. You are the PM. Tell us what could have happened. — Problem Solving Question | PM Exercises
last open date, # of times opened in a day where
install source was promotion
competitor shift
Assumption - Let's assume this drop is due to change in
behaviour of use r. Let's deep dive here.
To understand the change let's understand how users use the
app and what changed.
Core activities
Feed interaction
checking feed
DM - chat w/ friends
check friends - profile / photos
checking friends of friends - profile & follow them
posting a photo / video
upload / take a photo
apply filters
adding meta (text, hashtag, location)
search & my profile
Assumption - Majority of the users are consumers (99%) while
only 1% are posters. majority of the time spent by user is on feed
interaction activity. rest of the activities are smaller; so there is a
change in behaviour on 'feed interaction'.
Metrics to check
# post scrolled
Time spent on feed
like a post
comments on post
DM - chat
# of user's page opened in a session
# of follows / user in a day
Possible cases for less open rate
Case 1 - takes time to load new post (could be due to bad
Case 2- post's that are appearing in feed are no more
interesting / exciting less leading to lesser open - daily or
repeat opens in a day.
Moving forward w/ case 2 - which seems to be a possible reason
Dig dive on feed composition
My friend's post
1/22/22, 1:49 PM
There is a 15% drop in the open rate of Instagram App. You are the PM. Tell us what could have happened. — Problem Solving Question | PM Exercises
Influencer's post (celebrities i follow) / stories
Assumption - Influencers are the one who drive the open rate a
lot as they post more often to have a pull effect. Assuming there
is a problem there.
Influencer has started posting less engaging content /
Metrics to check
Trend - # of likes, comments on influencer | Time
spent on post
# of Report spam
Sentiment analysis - # of abusive comments (as
Influencer hasn't been active (posting less content)
Metrics to check
# of post per day for top influencers (top 1000)
Changes in sorting algo
boost post which get more engagement (check growth
rate of likes which is increasing as a trend; user you
follow and promote it up)
demote inactive, less engaging content
suggest other influencers to follow
Help user generate other interests so that user can
follow something else
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Lokesh Kumar R
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Platinum PM
Jun 27, 2021
That's seems to be a interesting problem and certainly a bigger
issue to be sorted as soon as possible.
The way I would like to approach the above problem is by first of
all by understanding the question properly. Then would like to
bucket the probable reasons on a high-level as Internal and
External. Depending on my unnderstanding, I would like to start
with a bucket an dive-deep into the sub-buckets one by one.
So, to start with, My very first question to understand the PS
infront of me is:
1. How do we define open rate? Do we consider only the
situation where users open the app without any stimulation
by the firm through notification, ads or links? Open rate is
basically number of app opening in a day. We include all
the touchpoints like notification, organic opening, links,
and ads.
2. How long are we facing the above issue? We are facing the
above issue for quite some-time. The change has been
1/22/22, 1:49 PM
There is a 15% drop in the open rate of Instagram App. You are the PM. Tell us what could have happened. — Problem Solving Question | PM Exercises
3. Do we see any relationship/connection among different
demographics of users like their age, location, device
type. No, the drop is pretty consistent across device,
location and age factor.
Thanks for the above calrity. From the above discussion, we can
understand that there could be an influence of external factors
causing us the problem as the issue has developed gradually.
However, since the issue has been common across worldwide, I
would want to check the internal factors, espescially making
sure that the data is actually right.
Internal Factors
Did we make any change to our defintion of metrics? Coz, this
might change the number and comparing it with previous data
as per the old metric definition might make us feel that there is a
drop while in reality, there wouuld have been nothing. No, we did
not make any change to the Metric Definition.
The other possibility is that there could be a change in how the
data is being collected, that is any change in the reporting tools
that we use? No, we haven't done any change to the way data is
collected. Infact, we are pretty sure that the data is totally
Oh, Okay. Since I've got such a confirmation the next thing that I
would like to ask will be:
Did we make any changes in the app? Can you be more specific.
So by "any changes", I mean to ask if there was any change in the
UI, the algorithm, or some AB test running as a part of some
experiment? We haven't done any changes to the Algorithm or
are we conducting any AB tests. However there have been some
UI changes.
What was the UI change that we did? We stopped showing the
likes and comments to users to reduce the stress that one
undergoes while posting something. However, this is a opt-in
option,i.e, that One can bring the likes, comments count tab in
Are we sure that the users are aware that they can change this to
how it was before? Yeah, we are sure. Because the default
setting shows the like and comments count. So If one has
turned that off, will certainly know how to turn it on.
Wow, that's really a wonderful change. Since it is this way, I
doubt this has any influence on what we are facing. This is
because, Though likes can cause stress, it certainly helps
creators like Meme page owners appreciate themselves and post
more. Had this been turned off, creators could have stopped
posting actively as they don't have an encouragement to do it.
Once, creators posting frequency decreases, the users opening
1/22/22, 1:49 PM
There is a 15% drop in the open rate of Instagram App. You are the PM. Tell us what could have happened. — Problem Solving Question | PM Exercises
frequency will decrease as well as they won't have things to see
in our app.
Okay, with the above discussion, it seems that the internal
bucket does not seem to be an issue. Next, I would like to move
next to the External bucket.
External Bucket:
So, in this, the influencing factors could be bad PR,
Competition, Government Regulation and Change in User
Behaviour. Of this list, I would straight away reject Bad PR as
that would more likely cause a Sudden Change and not a gradual
one.Similarly, I would reject the Government Regulation as the
issue we are facing is worldwide. This seems a reasonable
assumption. So what do you want to check next.
So next, I would like to check the Competition aspect? Did the
competition launch anything new that we know of? We don't
have any information on that. Any idea on how we can decide on
To decide on this and as well sa check if the issue relates to
change in User Behaviour, I would first want to know if there are
any increase in related metrics like, DAU/MAU, # of uninstallation
of apps. This is because, since opening rate has reduced, it could
be that active users became more of a casual users or it could be
that they stopped being a user of instagram and have uninstalled
the app itself.
The first would be more related to the change in user behaviour
and the latter could be more related to something that the
competition did so great that people ignored us totally. By the
way the first does not right away rejects that the Competition
influence, but I feel it is more reasonable to relate that change to
user behaviour. Okay, on checking, we found that the DAU
metrics has decreased while MAU has stayed pretty much the
same. While there has been only usual noise in the # of
uninstallations and nothing significant.
Okay, so I would attribute the above issue as a change in User
Behaviour as of now. To decide it more accurately, I would like to
look into the User Journey aspect and see where do we face a
drop apart from the opening rate.
User Journey on a higher level
Opens the App-> lands on the news feed-> Interacts with the
Session ends
Of this, Opening of apps can be through various ways like i listed
above. Do we have a difference in any particular way? No.
So next, how are the engagement metrics doing with respect to
creators? I'm focussing on the creators here because, when
opening rate is decreasing and DAU is decreasing, obviously
1/22/22, 1:49 PM
There is a 15% drop in the open rate of Instagram App. You are the PM. Tell us what could have happened. — Problem Solving Question | PM Exercises
engagement of users (Consumers) will decrease. Sodiscussing
the same will not help us understand the causation. However, If
the engagement metrics related to creators are going down, we
can understand that the opening rate decreasing is caused by
this. On checking, we found that the # of posts generated are
decreasing WoW.
So, when users don't have new posts to react with, the frequency
with which they open the app will reduce. Do you want me to
analyse why the creators have reduced postings? Yeah, what you
said is the reason.Do share on a high level why creators have
decreased their frequency?
Ideally speaking I would like to go through their journey and
think upon why they are reacting this way. Since you are asking
at a higher level, My answer would be: Probably the Steps that
the users undergo is more tedious than how the competitors like
TikTok have. The reason I'm comparing it with the competition
and not the past of IG is that, we got it confirmed that IG team
didnot make any change to the app at a technical level. This
totally makes sense and you have got it right. The competition
has used AI to make the editing process a lot simpler and as
well introduced a feature that suggests creators on what they
can create next depending on the trend in their location.
So as a next step should I also need to talk about what we can
do to improvise the situation. No, That is not needed. Thanks for
the insights that you brought to the table.
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Platinum PM
Nov 19, 2019
Seek clarity
15% drop over what time frame - is it gradual or drastic? if
drastic then figure out the dates when (we'll come back to this
later), assuming it's drastic
15% is a drastic drop for a short period for a mature product like
IG so there was deifnitely an issue
When you say open rate it mean the number of users opening the
app or the % of app connect users who end up opening the app?
assuming it's the former
Rule out errors/ data issues
have the metric definition changed recently
Is the data updated?
1/22/22, 1:49 PM
There is a 15% drop in the open rate of Instagram App. You are the PM. Tell us what could have happened. — Problem Solving Question | PM Exercises
is the drop due to the an artificial spike? example: on new years
the number of app open shot up drastically and then normally
thus simulating a drastic drop, assume this is not the case
Did we make any changes to metric logging frameworks
Assuming all of the still suggest there's been a drop
Check internal factors
Refer to when the drop started - did we do any feature
rollout/app release/product releases that day(including front and
backend)/experiemnt rollout
What other metrics are affected? since this is top of the funnel
and data isn't an issue then all metrics down the funnel will be
impacted, see which ones are more impacted than other - this
should provide a clue
What are the customers saying check CS mail/app store/play
store review - what are the customers saying
Try isolating - is the drop across App/web/mobile web, within
app split by OS/OS version/App version/country/ISP/major
popular phone models
Errors: Any spike in error counts
Check for
Major OS release
Did playstore or app store make any changes
trends - did the competition launch a new feature/new app
We should be able isolate the issue out using the process above
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Silver PM
May 12, 2021
Understand definition of open rate
1. Is this for a specific open rate channel? Push Notifications
or organic app opens
2. Is there a specific user group that we’ve seen impacted
here: drop in usage overall or drop in return usage over the
course of a day
3. What time period have we seen this drop in open rate? Is
this a sudden drop or been happening gradually?
1/22/22, 1:49 PM
There is a 15% drop in the open rate of Instagram App. You are the PM. Tell us what could have happened. — Problem Solving Question | PM Exercises
Let’s assume open rate = sudden drop in the last week of return
usage consistently happening through all channels
Understand context
1. Is there a decline in engagement within the app as well or is
this limited to users dropping? Has there been a decline
with sign ups overall?
2. I’d like to rule out seasonality. Did we see a similar drop this
time last year?
3. Do we have any data on the customers that are dropping?
I’d like to understand patterns like first time sign up, age
groups, and/or typical engagement level.
Let’s assume that it’s limited to users dropping (no changes in
engagement), not typical from last year and we don’t see any
strong patterns on customers dropping although there have been
larger declines from the gen x and millennial age group.
After comparing this data to other data points, I’d want to focus
more deeply on root cause.
1. I think the place I’d want to focus is the types of customers
dropping but I’d also want to rule out any feature upgrades
that dilute the entry experience into the app. Are you aware
of any design changes?
2. Interesting that we see larger declines in the above
mentioned groups because they are usually more interested
in experimentation and have less loyalty. I’d like to
understand if we’ve seen growth of competitors like TikTok
or Clubhouse in the market or other new entrants.
Let’s assume that we have data that other social media apps
have seen increased usage.
My hypothesis is that open rates on instagram are dropping
because users are spending more time on other social media
channels like Tiktok and Clubhouse.
Next steps:
I would want to explore possible partnerships and features to reengage these users.
1. Review our integration with tiktok and ensure that crossposting hasn’t declined. Investigate further if it has.
Otherwise, find new ways to engage users on tiktok to cross
post to increase push to instagram. An example might be a
special page for user tiktoks or tiktok ratings.
2. Offer an integration with Clubhouse so that users can post
which group they’re currently attending or attended in the
last week. You could also gamify by scoring channel convos
and sharing on instagram
3. Offer a competitive service of “rooms” like clubhouse on
instagram directly
1/22/22, 1:49 PM
There is a 15% drop in the open rate of Instagram App. You are the PM. Tell us what could have happened. — Problem Solving Question | PM Exercises
4. Invest in additional video features for Instagram so users
can share more videos on Instagram
I would first start with how we can increase partnerships with
these apps to re-share on instagram. Depending on our
relationships, this could be a quick way to re-engage users.
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Leonardo Fernandes
Gold PM
Dec 29, 2021
1) Clarification Questions
When you say open rate, are people not able to open the
app after clicking on it or are they not clicking at all?
I am the PM of what team exactly? What is my
Is it specific to iOS or Android or both?
Has this drop been gradual or has it been a peak? If it's
gradual, for how long has it been droping?
Has it happened to a particular geographic region?
Has it happened to a particular segment or user group?
Let's assume that open rate means people are not clicking on the
app; my area does not matter so much; it's not specific to any
device; it's a gradual drop over the past 4 weeks; and it's specific
to any segment or geographic region.
*Well, it's a gradual drop and people are not even clicking on the
app, which pops up to my head something related to
competitors, user behavior, or cannibalization.
a) Internal to the Company
Have we launched new products/features that might
affect Instagram?
Yes, we have launched Shops on Whatsapp.
Business Strategies
Have we put in place new strategies that justify
the drop? For instance, we stopped some notifications.
No, we not put in place any relevant business
strategy over the last 4 weeks.
Marketing Strategies
Have we stopped important actions that have helped
us get more open rate?
No, marketing is still the same.
Other Products
Have we found similar drops in other products, such as
Facebook App, Whatsapp or Messenger?
1/22/22, 1:49 PM
There is a 15% drop in the open rate of Instagram App. You are the PM. Tell us what could have happened. — Problem Solving Question | PM Exercises
Not really. On the contrary, Whatsapp downloads
and open rate have increased.
I'd stop here, since two answers gave me a good direction of
what the problem might be
-----------------------------More questions to ask---------------------------------------
b) Internal to the Team
Have we noticed weird behaviors of out systems?
Do we have any internal report about any problem that
might affect the app?
Have we experienced loading problems?
Are all APIs working properly?
Have people found problem in updating the app on
google and apple stores? Are these stores working
Have we launched new updates recently?
Without updating the app, can people still use it?
Are we testing new features or products that might
have affected it?
c) External
Have competitors launched new products?
Over time, is this drop expected to happen?
Public Relations
Have we been exposed to bad news on the media?
User Behavior
Are users shifiting behavior towards the app?
( journey/engagement)
2) Hypothesis
Well, I believe that the drop is explained by the recently launch
of Shops on Whatsapp, the same feature that Instagram has.
Since stores on Shops generally have whatsapp channels, people
may prefer use it directly on Whatsapp rather than on Instagram.
We can research deeper this hypothesis by looking at the
following metrics:
Avg session and #downloads on Whatsapp of customers
who have opened less Instagram
Time spent on Shops on Instagram and Whatsapp of those
Avg number of messages per customer per store on
Whatsapp and Instagram of those customers
Does it all make sense?
3) Actions
1/22/22, 1:49 PM
There is a 15% drop in the open rate of Instagram App. You are the PM. Tell us what could have happened. — Problem Solving Question | PM Exercises
The last thing I wanted to mention is regarding actions towards
this problem. I believe that this drop is a trade-off from the
launch, so if it was expected, it would not be a big deal. However,
we could, for instance, use Whatsapp Shops to directly
customers to Instagram to give feedbacks or react to products
they bought, something like that.
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There is a 15% drop in the open rate of Instagram App. You are the PM. Tell us what could have happened. — Problem Solving Question | PM Exercises
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