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This book is dedicated to all the Nofap fans and devotees,
To everyone seeking healing, empowerment and meaning in life.
And to everyone seeking immortality.
Furthermore this is dedicated to all ladies and gentlemen who were deceived,
misinstructed or suffered the hells of sexual misconduct.
The Nofap Bible, First edition
© Copyright September 2018, Balint Arya
First of all, please forgive me for the amateur writing and for not giving this book
all the refinements and standards that the conventional books have. Nobody has
edited this text so in this way it will stay raw and authentic.
I am going to reference both people and texts from the academic and scientific
world and also people and texts from the ancient and spiritual world.
Before jumping into this deep lecture, I invite the reader to set aside his
prejudices around sex, porn, health and religion. This way, fresh and new
information can enter the mind. I am not telling you to believe this things as facts
but rather I suggest that you consider and ponder upon this controversial ideas.
Without setting aside your preconceived ideas that you have learned in society
through your parents, teachers, friends and media you will not be able to learn
new stuff.
Question: Why am I writting this ?
Parents, teachers, friends and public institutions never educated and prevented
me about the dangers of masturbation and porn. I have not received the teaching
of Chastity, Transmutation, proper sexual conduct and inner energetic mastery.
I want people to know this truth. I want children to be raised having this vital
information and of course the freedom to choose what to do with their life-force.
The devil (ego) imprisons us not to speak about it. So I thought I might strike a
blow on the devil's head by writing this book and by speaking out.
And lastly because I feel a personal responsibility to share my journey and my
findings with others who want to heal and empower themselves.
"Had I not fallen, I would not have arisen.
Had I not been subject to darkness, I would not have seen the light." ~Midrash
If you are addicted to fapping, sex or porn first thing is not to jump into celibacy
or sexual alchemy with a partner but rather to address the addiction itself.
Nofap: Ancient or Modern?
Nofap is not something new. Even though it has started in the 21th century it
was practiced since the early dawn of humanity, in all ages by royalty,
aristocrats, truth seekers, healers, philosophers and elite warriors (Samson).
And the name for this skill or virtue was chastity.
33 degree free-masonry is actually about that. Chastity practicted for a long
enough period of time will cause the serpent-like sexual force, sometimes
called Kundalini, to ascend in two opposing currents along the spine,
vertebrae by vertebrae, until it reaches the last one (33rd) and arrives in the
pineal gland, where it is transmuted into spiritual or divine energy, resulting
in enlightenment for the individual.
Nofap is not like a diet, a challenge that you do for 30 days and then you go
back to your old ways.
Nofap is a lifestyle. So make nofap a habit. Scientific studies have proved that
an action that you repeat everyday for a few good months it becomes a habit.
Once Nofap becomes part of your character you shall notice that much of the
struggle is gone and now a part of the work is taken over by the inertia of the
habit. That’s why long-term nofappers are making it look so easy.
'Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.'
~ Jim Rohn
However throughout our teens and adult life we must keep a vigilent eye upon
our body’s impulses in order to become masters of ourselves.
Once you begin nofap, you stick with it for the last of your life.
There is no return for those who have departed on the boat of Nofap.
You either stay in the shithole where you are now or you set sail towards a
fresh, new and hopeful future.
Those who do 1, 2 or even 6 months of nofap and then return to their old
destructive habits they will be back in the same hell where they were in the
And do not be ashamed to walk the road of nofap (chastity) because you are
walking shoulder to shoulder with some of the greatest men in the history of
humanity. Names like Isaac Newton, Nikola Tesla, George Washington,
nofap Oscar
bible Wilde, Ralph Waldo
Abraham Lincoln, Pythagoras,The
Emerson, William Shakespeare and Napoleon Bonaparte to name a few.
Have you ever wondered why you have low self-esteem or low self-confidence ?
Fapping done as self-gratification is a major cause of low-self esteem.
There are many causes to a damaged self-esteem but I don’t think there is
something more heavy and influential to a low self-esteem than excess of
masturbation and sex. The good news is that we can reclaim or repair our selfesteem by going the opposite way, meaning to stop for good the habits of 'sexual
misconduct', abiding in sexual continence and by transmuting our sexual desires
into wholesome actions.
Again I am not saying that one should become a monk, but for the beginning one
should starve all his distractions related to porn, masturbation and orgasm. After a
few good years of regeneration and after the physical and psychological healing is
complete one can consider a girlfriend or a wife as a partner in life. Your heart will
tell you the right time and if you need or don't need a spouse. Some of us are fit for
being single 'monks' (and nuns) and some of us are fit to be in couple (kings and
"Sensual gratification without a spiritual union is and remains bestial; afterwards,
one has no trace of noble feeling, but rather remorse." ~ Beethoven
Do you have dark thoughts of violence or impulses to harm others?
Those who misbehave sexually (adultery, fapping, orgies) and consume
pornography regularly can summon demons (evil spirits, destructive energy) inside
their hearts. The minds of the men perverted and sickened by pornography can
influence them to do destructive acts and crimes of violence.
In his final interview, before his execution, Ted Bundy (serial killer) discussed
pornography as a possible explanation for what drove his behavior.
"Listen, I'm no social scientist and haven't done a survey. I don't pretend to know
what John Q citizen thinks about this. But I've lived in prison for a long time now
and I've met a lot of men who were motivated to commit violence just like me. And
without exception, every one of them... was deeply involved in pornography.
Without question, without exception. Deeply influenced and consumed by an
addiction to pornography.
Those of use who are, who have been so much influenced by violence in the
media, in particular pornographic violence, are not some kinds of inherent
monsters. We are your sons and we are your husbands. And we grew up in regular
families. And pornography can reach out and snatch a kid out of any house today.
It snatched me out of my home twenty, thirty years ago." ~ Ted Bundy
Have you ever wondered why Samson lost his superhuman strength?
I give you a hint: woman, but it would be a mistake to think that I blame the woman.
I am not against woman, nor am I against sex. I am all for harmony, life and love.
As a consequence of breaking his vows through his sexual misconduct in his affairs
with Delilalh, Samson’s hair was cut off. In the esoteric world people know the fact
that Samson was a devout man of God and he lived by strict vows of chastity that
required him to abstain at all costs from ejaculating. His long hair symbolized the
many years he has served at the temple with pure chastity.
"The generative energy, which, when we are loose, dissipates and makes us
unclean, when we are continent invigorates and inspires us. Chastity is the
flowering of man; and what are called Genius, Heroism, Holiness, and the like, are
but various fruits which succeed it." ~ Henry David Thoreau
"Sex is the biggest outlet for man's sexual energy." ~ Osho
"To a man eager to know when he should have sex with a woman, Pythagoras
replied, When you want to lose what strength you have.
Depending on its expression, he [Pythagoras] saw love as sacred and elevating or
profane and degrading. Sexual intercourse was the lowest form of all, plunging
humans into bestiality. What was required to surmount these lower forms of love
was virtuous living, defined by austerities compatible with Pythagoreanism, in
particular sexual continence." ~ Elizabeth Abbott
Physical negative effects of excess sexual activity:
• Low energy, tired, chronic fatigue;
• Back pain, spine problems;
• Brain damage; shrinkage of brain mass
• Loss of bodymass especially musclemass;
• Increased tendency to gain fat;
• Increased estrogenic activity, feminine qualities (not a rule);
• Crying;
• Low Apetit for food;
• Cold limbs ( not a rule);
• Adrenal Fatigue;
• Anemia;
• Kidney Problems;
• Damaged and Inflammed Prostate;
• Weak or even “fried” nervous system; weak nerves;
• Erectile dysfuction;
• Premature ejaculation.
Pshychological negative effects of excess sexual activity:
• Low willpower: Indecisiveness, poor concentration, short attention span,
Inability to clearly visualize, distracted, inconsistent;
• Volatile Mind: poor memory, dull mind, confused mind;
• Low self-esteem and low self-confidence;
• Quick to anger, irritability, impulsiveness;
• Apathy, Cold Personality;
• Social Anxiety;
• Fear based emotions: anger, hate, envy, pride, panic attack, fobias, paranoia;
• Nightmares;
• Increased doubt or skepticism;
• Low-apetite for living life;
• Pessimism, despair, hopeless;
• Self-destructive tendency, self-aggresion;
• Mood swings, bi-polar;
• Sexual extremes can be a factor for: madness, alzheimer's disease, sexual
Men who ejaculate once or more on a daily basis may eventually 'lose their minds',
since 20 percent of male semen is composed of cerebrospinal fluid. Frequent
ejaculation thus causes a chronic drain of the vital fluids that the brain and spine
require to function properly.
The vital energy, the Virya [semen] that supports your life, which is the Prana* of
Pranas, which shines in your sparkling eyes, which beams in your shining cheeks, is
a great treasure for you. Remember this point well. Virya is the quintessence of
blood. One drop of semen is manufactured out of forty drops of blood. Mark here
how valuable this fluid is! ~ Swami Sivananda
It is a medical and physiological fact that the best blood in the body goes to form the
elements of reproduction in both the sexes. In a pure and orderly life, this matter is
reabsorbed. It goes back into circulation ready to form the finest brain, nerve and
muscular tissues. This vital fluid of man carried back and diffused through his
system makes him manly, strong, brave and heroic. If wasted, it leaves him
effeminate, weak and physically debilitated and prone to sexual irritation and
disordered function, a wretched nervous system, epilepsy, and various other
diseases and death. ~ Swami Sivananda
"Excessive sexual intercourse drains the energy enormously. Young men do not
realize the value of the vital fluid. They waste this dynamic energy by immoderate
copulation. Their nerves are tickled much. They become intoxicated. What a serious
blunder they commit! It is a crime that demands capital punishment. They are
slayers of Atman. When this energy is once wasted, it can never be recouped by
any other means. It is the most powerful energy in the world. One sexual act
shatters completely the brain and the nervous system."
"A good lot of energy is wasted during copulation. Bad memory, premature old age,
impotence, various sorts of eye diseases and various nervous diseases are
attributable to the heavy loss of this vital fluid. It is greatly shocking indeed to see
many of our youth walking with tottering steps, with pale, bloodless faces owing to
loss of this vital fluid." ~ Swami Sivananda
"He who has wasted the vital energy becomes easily irritable, loses his balance of
mind and gets into a state of explosive fury for trifling things.[...]Preservation of this
divine energy leads to the attainment of strong will-power, good behaviour, spiritual
exaltation, and Liberation eventually." ~ Swami Sivananda
"Falling of semen brings death; preservation of semen gives life. Semen is the real
vitality in men. It is the hidden treasure in man. It imparts Brahma-Tejas [divine
radiance or fire] to the face and strength to the intellect. Mark how precious is the
vital fluid, semen! Do not waste this energy. Preserve it with great care. You will
have wonderful vitality. When Veerya [semen] is not used, it is all transmuted into
vigour and spiritual energy and stored up in the brain." ~ Swami Sivananda
Prana* = life-force
"Now, what is important is to achieve the transmutation of the sexual libido,
because by means of the transmutation of the libido we cerebrate the semen and
seminize the brain.
It is necessary to seminize the brain, ladies and gentlemen, because it is very well
known by current scientists that not all the areas of the brain are presently
exercising their functions.
To seminize the brain is possible, like the great musicians of the past, such as
Beethoven, Chopin, or Liszt who were men who had their brains very well
seminized, men who gave to their brains extraordinary capacities and who utilized
the major percentage of their cerebral areas. Nevertheless, in this day and age
things are very different: the human brain has degenerated a lot, and sadly we do
not realize it.
Why did the brain degenerate? It simply degenerated because for many centuries
we have been extracting the entity of the semen from our organism. We have
extracted the semen from our organism not only for procreation, to create life, to
create new creatures, no! We have extracted the semen because we like to do so,
because it gives us a great pleasure and that is all. We have been indulging in
lechery on beds of pleasure, enjoying lust in an unrestrained way, and the one that
had paid the consequences has been the brain. Now it so happens that many areas
of the brain are not working."
~ Samael aun Weor
"The chaste brain has tremendous energy and gigantic will power. Without chastity
there can be no spiritual strength. Continence gives wonderful control over
mankind. The spiritual leaders of men have been very continent and this is what
gave them power.
Power comes to him who observes unbroken Brahmacharya [celibacy] for a period
of twelve years. Complete continence gives great intellectual and spiritual power.
Controlled desire leads to the highest results. Transform the sexual energy into
spiritual energy. The stronger this force, the more can be done with it. Only a
powerful current of water can do hydraulic mining." ~ Swami Vivekananda
No one can underestimate the power contained in semen. Semen begets life.
Semen reproduces the species. One king (of course togheter with his queen(s)) can
create 1000 descendants. There is nuclear energy contained in semen, more
powerful than nukes.
"When a man squanders his semen, he will be sick and if he carelessly exhausts
his semen he will die." ~ Sun S'su-Mo, Priceless Recipe, circa 700 CE
"Having a large sex drive can be a blessing if the energy is used properly. It is like a
country that has great reserves of coal or oil under the ground.
You get sex energy to flow upward not by suppressing it but by keeping your mind on
a high ideal.
The feverish excitement you feel when you are about to have sex indicates the
enormous energy loss that is about to happen."
~ Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov
Are you rewarding yourself all the time for doing absolutely nothing?
Nothing lowers you to the level of animals more than instant self-gratification.
The saying "No work, No food" fits this question very well.
When you endulge yourself with physical pleasure from food and sex on a daily basis
you become lazy, unmotivated, disempowered, afraid, rigid and impulsive.
Also when one gratifies himself regularly without achieving absolutely anything, his
consciousness shifts from the powerful executive pre-frontal cortex to the inferior
reptilian (amygdala) part of the brain. When most of your energy is active in the
amygdala you will find that fear is the primary emotion that dominates your inner and
outer life.
Your ability to delay instant gratification is crucial for success in all endeavours of life.
“Discipline is choosing between what you want now and what you want most.”
~ Unknown
Dopamine highs obtained from physical pleasure, mainly food and sex, always result
in drepressing lows. Pain always follows pleasure. Lows always follow highs.
The secret of avoiding the instant gratification trap is to focus your energy on your
goals and your purpose.
When you run your life from the level of executive center you have more willpower,
decision power, poise and self-governance and the outside distractions will be
powerless over you.
When you are driven by what you love, you rise above cravings and are no longer
tempted by instant gratification.
When you manage to act upon something that inspires you, something that you love
or something that you are enthusiastic about, that will be the moment you find your
way out of your comfort-zone and self-gratification prison.
How can you possibly celebrate without first attaining your victory?
Jumping straight into celebration without earning it, it's a lame thing.
Learn to get your reward only after accomplishing your goals.
At the age of 12 I had been "ininitated" by a fake friend into pornography and
fapping. During a period of 13 years, I have been falling into a dark abyss
mainly because of the destructiveness of porn and ejaculation.
In my teens I was a passionate fitness adept. I worked out diligently and ate
clean. I did that for more that 10 years. At age 26 my strength plumeted and
fell ill all of sudden and I didn't know why. I had spine damage, chronic fatigue,
adrenal burnout. I felt betrayed. My diet was perfect... my workouts intense.
But little did I know about the neggative side effects of long-term ejaculation. It
has been 3 years since I work on healing myself and it's been 3 clean years
of Nofap.
My intent for the future is all set in favour of Nofap and sexual continence.
During highschool I struggled with depression, isolation and despair. It was in
highschool that I started crying for no reason and only a few good years
afterwards I found out the reason for it.
During college my suffering continued but I didn't let it break me; my suffering
has challenged me to seek answers and to change the course of my life. I
began studying the greatest minds I could find.
I struggled with low self-esteem and shame inflicted by the degenerative habit
of fapping, therefore my relationship to girls in general wasn't that great. Girls
didn't feel good around me. Girls feel your energy so you cannot cheat them.
My love for beautiful girls was suppresed. After being rejected by a few good
ladies that I really loved, I began to understand that I can by no means couple
with one as long as I am defiled, unworthy and dishonoured. So I began my
journey of correction and empowerment.
I've relinquished my desire for union with a woman and even though I may
never see my princess in this life, She motivates me to fight the war inside me.
Among many things, my life is also a sacrifice for the victims of porn and
sexual misconduct. I am coming back from hell to prevent you. As Carl Jung
said, "only the wounded physician heals”.
So be warned, open your mind and investigate.
The worst thing I had ever experienced in my life was the negative side effects
of sexual misconduct. The most fortunate thing I had in this life was to
discover and practice the teachings of sacred sexuality, in my case sexual
We only value something when we have lost it. Most of us take for granted all the
strength and vigour of our physical bodies.
The best way to appreciate something that you already have in your life is to
imagine your life without it.
So for those of you who are young, horny and strong I ask you to imagine for a few
minutes your life like an old man or a sick man. It's wise to learn from mistakes but
it's wisest to learn from the mistakes of others. Why get yourself to a low position of
hell only to know that its not the way. Look at the suffering that porn & fapping
inflicts upon other men. That will motivate you to be content with abstinence.
Early one morning, before sunrise, a fisherman went to a river.
On the bank he felt something underfoot, and found it to be a small sack of stones.
He picked up the sack, and putting his net aside, squatted on the bank to await the
He was waiting for dawn to break in order to start his day's work.
Lazily he picked a stone out of the bag and threw it into the water. Then he cast
another stone and then another.
In the absence of anything else to do, he kept tossing the stones into the water, one
by one.
Slowly the sun rose and it became light. By that time he had thrown all the stones
away except one; the last stone lay in his palm.
His heart almost failed him when he saw, by daylight, what he held in his hand. It
was a gem! In the darkness, he had thrown a whole sack of them away! What had
he lost unknowingly! Full of remorse, he cursed himself. He sobbed and cried,
almost out of his mind with grief.
He had accidentally stumbled upon enough wealth to enrich his life many times
over, but unknowingly, and in the darkness, he had lost it.
Yet in a way he was fortunate: still one gem was left; the light had dawned before
he had thrown it away too. Generally, most people are not even that fortunate.
There is darkness all around and time is fleeting. The sun has not yet risen and we
have already wasted all life's precious gems. Life is a vast treasure trove, and man
does nothing with it but throw it away. By the time we have realized the importance
of life, we have whiled it away. The secret, the mystery, the bliss, the deliverance,
heaven - all is lost. And one's life is spent.
~ Osho: "From Sex to Superconsciousness"
Nofap interpretation:
Men waste their semen in sex and masturbation foolishly week by week, year after
year, and then the wisest of them realize they have thrown away their life-force.
They start appreciating the remaining available life-force as something sacred and
precious, something that would have been almost impossible to do in the heat of
youth's ignorance.
Question: Which one of the two you think it's more precious: the momentary
physical pleasure or the supercharged strong body and mind?
If you are not willing to trade the momentary quick-fixes for the Nofap experiene,
you shall suffer the pains of regret because deep down in your heart you know
100% that fapping is wrong that’s why many of you feel bad after coming. It's your
soul telling you “Stop slaying me”.
"Have you ever burst into tears for no apparent reason, finding yourself in deep
sadness? That is the soft voice of your soul, crying out for attention, asking to be
nourished with at least much care as you nourish your body." ~ Lubavitcher Rebbe
“The pain of regret far outweighs the pain of discipline.” ~ John F Demartini
We live in a dualistic world which means that we experience life through polarities,
through opposites and through contrast. The law of polarity states clearly that when
one feels a polarized emotion like pleasure, infatuation, pride or happiness the
universe gives him the opposite experience so that the charge of the polarized
energy inside him comes back to balance, back to poise. We can't have high
without low nor happy without sad.
If we might seek pleasure it's good to know that pleasure is balanced with pain
sonner or later, even if you don't want it. Only a fool seeks pleasure thinking that
pain won't follow. Pain is the other face of pleasure. The more physical pleasure
you extract from experiences the more pain the universe gives you to balance you
out. The reverse is also true. Bodybuilders and masochists know that you can
derive pleasure by inflicting pain upon you.
“One of the greatest illusions people fall into is the search for pleasure without pain,
praise without reprimand or nice without mean.” ~John Demartini
Sexual pleasure is an illusion. It is no real happiness at all. It is mere nerve tickling.
All worldly pleasures appear as nectar in the beginning. They become poison in the
end. ~ Sivananda
"Most of your ailments are due to excessive seminal wastage." ~ Sivananda
"If you don't take care of your body, where are you going to live?" ~ Unknown
"You can't pour from an empty cup; take care of yourself first." ~ Unknown
For the guys that have went too far on the fapping frenzy I will lay down a general
guide for healing the damages done by fapping. This is what I did and it worked for me.
What worked for me might not work for another. What is medicine for John can be
poison for George. I encourage you to experiment with these guidelines and discover
and integrate in your daily life only what works for you.
First of all, when we take up abstinence in our life and cultivate the habbit of semen
retention we discover that our health and our ‘life juices’ spring back up.
It is wise to take advantage of the powerful health benefit that comes to us from
controlling and sublimating our sexual desires.
"Sexual activity, and the thoughts and fantasies of sex, use up a great portion of our
vital force. When that force is conserved through abstinence, it becomes sublimated as
spiritual energy." ~ Patanjali
The 9 pillars of a healthy house (body):
Sleep (adequate rest)
Sun (optimum amount);
Air (fresh, ionized, morning and evening air, forest air, mountain air);
Water (filtered);
Earth (real food including fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts, spices etc.);
Movement (low to medium intensity physical activty);
Sound Mind (mental calm, mental stilness, meditation, silence);
Emotional health (low stress, positive emotions like gratitude, joy, inspiration);
Proper sexual conduct.
Rest is crucial for recovery. Get enough sleep. Deep sleep releases growth hormones
which are vital for rejuvenation and healing. Qualitywise, one hour of sleep before
midnight equals 2 hours of sleep after midnight. Early to bed, early to rise - works for
many of us. Spend time in nature, forests and public parks. Take advantage of fresh,
ionized air near lakes, mountains and rivers. Avoid rushing and speediness. Refrain
from reacting with anger - learn to forgive and to let go. Take time for yourself to relax,
calm down and slow down when you feel angry and stressed.
This will decimate your stress hormones in your blood. Use music and sound
healing to your advantage. Consider the practice of meditation. A quiet, still mind is
essential in healing the body. Do low intensity movement like walking in the park,
cycling and swimming. Practice active meditations like Yoga, Tai-Chi or Qigong.
Get your diet right. Eat natural, fresh, real, whole foods. Listen to your body.
Drink a minimum of two liters of filtered water. First thing in the morning for me is to
drink half liter of water on an empty stomach, I wait until I am hungry and then I eat.
Spending time outdoors on sunny days is a powerful way to lift your moods and
heal your body. Following these steps on the background of Nofap I believe its a
very good way to recover and strenghen your body.
“The soul always knows what to do to heal itself. The challenge is to silence the
mind” ~ Caroline Myss
Those who suffer from spine damage can consider yogic practices in their healing
process. A good yogic school is the one thaught by Jaggi Vasudev.
“If there is just a little bit of pain and trouble, these things can be fixed. It takes work
to build it, but you can build it. The spine regenerates very well compared to any
other part of your body. Thousands of people who had worn out discs have
completely recovered from it by simply doing certain practices.”[....]
"In terms of life, the spine is such an active place that you can very easily rejuvenate
and regenerate cells that have been lost there. It is also very easy to do that in your
brain. If people who are suffering from dementia and the like do the right kind of
things, they could regenerate that. ~ Jaggi Vasudev
White Tantra always teaches three factors: The elimination of desire, the
birthing/uncovering of the soul and service for others. White Tantra teaches to
renounce the orgasm. White Tantra, the elimination of desire, is the road back to
paradise. During the tantric act, man and woman practice in the normal or ordinary
sexual position; what is important is to withdraw from the sexual act before the
spasm in order to avoid the ejaculation of their semen.
"White Tantra, is a very sacred and holy act, and therefore it is not something to be
taken lightly." ~ Samael Aun Weor
I cannot stress enough the importance of sexual morality and purity of the couple
that wants to practice White Tantra [sexual alchemy]. It is crucial for the couple to
prepare itself for many years before trying to jump into such a delicate and difficult
practice. This preliminary step consists in purifying the energy channels and energy
centers (chakras) from negative energy such as hate, anger, shame, guilt, envy,
jealousy. When the heart is clean, one can consider this practice.
However I advice all couples to seek initiation and instructions from a verified and
trusted Sexual School or Sacred Sex authority. It's not enough to read some book
or article online an then practice without receiving guidance from a Teacher; this
approach is not adviced and actually it's a dangerous way to go. So how do you
know the right time and settings to begin sexual alchemy? The answer is when
both of the partners have given birth to unconditional love inside of their hearts.
If love is lacking in the hearts of the partners, sex can harm their bodies, minds,
souls and lives.
"If you feel that the view and practice of Dzogchen (Tantra) is quite simple, it is a
sign that you have not understood it properly. It would be quite ironic if the highest
of the nine vehicles, the Great Perfection, were the most simple. That would be
very ironic indeed." ~ The Fourteenth Dalai Lama
Some of you are predominantly in the monk/hermit archetype and some of you
are predominantly in the king archetype. The monks usually enjoy solitude and
isolation so celibacy may appeal to them. Kings on the other hand are familiy and
people oriented so they will strongly feel the need for a partner. Living in a couple
creates sexual tensions and something must be done with the mutual attraction.
For couples, best is to learn sacred sexuality and practice togheter sexual alchemy
(intercourse without ejaculation). When the sexual fires have been quenched the
couple can begin limiting their sexuality to procreation only.
"One act [intercourse] without emission makes the ch'i [life-froce] strong.
Two acts without emission makes the hearing acute and the vision clear.
Three acts without emission makes all ailments disappear. Four acts
without emission and the "five spirits" are all at peace. Five acts without
emission makes the pulse full and relaxed. Six acts without emission
strengthens the waist and back. Seven acts without emission gives power
to the buttocks and thigh. Eight acts without emission causes the whole
body to be radiant. Nine acts without emission and one will enjoy
unlimited longevity. Ten acts without emission and one attains the realm
of the immortals."
~ The Classic of Su Nu
A person's approach to sexuality is a sign of his level of evolution. Unevolved
persons practice ordinary sexual intercourse. Placing all emphasis upon the sexual
organs, they neglect the body's other organs and systems. Whatever physical
energy is accumulated is summarily discharged [through orgasm], and the subtle
energies are similarly dissipated and disordered. It is a great backward leap. For
those who aspire to the higher realms of living, there is angelic dual cultivation
[transmutation]. Because every portion of the body, mind, and spirit yearns for the
integration of yin and yang, angelic intercourse is led by the spirit rather than the
sexual organs. Where ordinary intercourse is effortful, angelic cultivation is calm,
relaxed, quiet, and natural. Where ordinary intercourse unites sex organs with sex
organs, angelic cultivation unites spirit with spirit, mind with mind, and every cell of
one body with every cell of the other body. Culminating not in dissolution [orgasm]
but in integration [sublimation], it is an opportunity for a man and woman to mutually
transform and uplift each other into the realm of bliss and wholeness.
~ Hua Hu Ching, ch. 69
"For one, celibacy and self-cultivation will be appropriate; for another, properly
guided dual* cultivation will derive the greatest benefit."
~ Hua Hu Ching, ch. 71
*dual cultivation = sexual alchemy
Sex has the tendency of activating and raising the Kundalini energy up the spine.
Kundalini in yoga, is a primal, potential energy, located at the base of the spine.
In physical terms, one commonly reports the Kundalini experience to be a feeling of
electric current running along the spine.
"The ascent of the Kundalini along the spinal cord is achieved very slowly in accordance
with the merits of the heart." ~ Samael Aun Weor
"Kundalini is not something mechanical as many suppose; the igneous 'serpent' is only
awakened with genuine love between husband and wife, and it will never rise up along
the medullar canal of adulterers." ~ Samael Aun Weor
"The Kundalini cannot be awakened if the practitioner spills the semen." ~ Samael Aun
"Whosoever raises the energy of the Kundalini to the pineal gland, actually achieves
supra-Consciousness. The person who reaches this higher state is an illuminated one" ~
Samael Aun Weor
"Chastity is the foundation of the great work. All of the powers of the Kundalini are found
within the semen." ~ Samael Aun Weor
If the energy channels along the spine are not clean of negative energy blockages
such as guilt, shame, anger and hate you are risking massive spine and nerve
destruction caused by the power of sexual forces. When the powerful energetic currents
of Kundalini flow along the spine, destructive impacts can occur in the areas where the
spine channels are not clean. This is a reason behind many herniated discs and
damaged spines. This case is comparable to a high voltage current flowing through very
thin cables. The result is that the wires melt and they are destroyed.
Cleaning the energy channels and purifying the heart from negative emotions, fear,
animal lust and violence takes many years and even decades.
Attempting to raise the kundalini without prior purification practices is suicide.
"If they crack this energy [Kundalini] open and they cannot contain it, it can destroy their
whole system in no time." ~ Jaggi Vasudev
"[...] the energy built up too much, and these energy transformers, the chakras and
sexual organs short-circuited. You see, a conductor only has a limited capacity. Any
conductor of energy is like a channel or a tube through which energy can move.
When you put too much energy there, you short-circuit it. That circuit overloads and
the energy escapes into other areas. This is what the orgasm is. It is an
overcharge of energy.
The orgasm is an explosion of energy that escapes from the conductors that should
manage it. That overcharge spills out of the sexual organs, out of the chakras, and
into the surrounding ganglia, into the nadis. We think it is pleasurable, because the
root energy is blissful, but what we do not realize is that a short circuit destroys the
organism. It destroys the organism, gradually. This is why people who have a lot of
sex, gradually lose their sexual power. People who repeat the orgasm gradually
lose the ability to have it. They become impotent or become indifferent to sex
because their energetic centers become burned out. Now, this is why everybody
takes chemicals to stimulate their sex drive. This is why pornography became so
popular, because is an artificial stimulation for the sexual energy.
The problem is that people are so addicted to this sensation that they do not realize
that the energy is destroying them. That energy is put in the wrong places. That
energy which is extremely high voltage is put in places that cannot manage it.
People go mad. The brain gets messed up. The nervous system is depleted. This is
why people who are addicted to masturbation and sex develop all kinds of mental
and emotional problems. Many of them end up in sanitariums. We do not talk about
this in the media, but if you look into it, you will discover it. Anyone who has worked
in a mental hospital will tell you that most of the people there are addicted to
masturbation. Why? Because of desire run amok.
As the explosions of that energy destroy the nerves and organs, it takes more
energy to feel anything. People become desensitized, so they seek greater and
greater forms of stimulation, in other words, more extreme sexual practices, little by
little, lifetime to lifetime, gradually. Subsequently, the mind degenerates, the heart
degenerates. The person becomes more and more of an animal."
~ gnostic teachings
Sex is a double edged sword. Those who do it with love are lifted to the
heavens but those who do it in the absence of love (lust) fall to the lowest of
places, i.e. hell.
You want to take the Island?... Burn the frickin’ boats. Take the decision, be total
with your decision, know that there is no going back, there is no plan B or second
thoughts. Leave the past behind. Be willing to leave the good behind, all the good
things. Dont look back. And go all in into your new future life.
Vikings burnt their boats as soon as they landed on foreign land in order to
commit to win. So they can’t go home. There is no going back. Only forward.
Only if they achieved victory they can build new boats to continue their journey.
I say unto you unless you put on the helmet of the Great Viking you shall not
succeed on this journey. Jump in the Nofap experience and don’t look back and
don’t even think about quitting. Quitting should be equal to death from this
To increase your vitality and energy levels, awaken a cause greater than yourself
and your obstacles. To be alive is to serve and reward others and yourself. As
long as you can breathe and move a muscle, you can contribute to the world in
some meaningful and significant way. Dig deep inside yourself, locate that inner
drive for service and make a difference in someone’s life. This will renew your
own spirit and revitalise your heart and soul. You will feel alive and younger. Don’t
let excuses stop you from living a dream. ~ John F. Demartini.
“When you are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary project, all
your thoughts break their bonds: Your mind transcends limitations, your
consciousness expands in every direction, and you find yourself in a new, great
and wonderful world. Dormant forces, faculties and talents become alive, and you
discover yourself to be a greater person by far than you ever dreamed yourself to
be.” ~ Patanjali
In western mythology we can find many examples of heroes and wariors that
risked their life in order to slay their enemy (inner or external, spiritual or
physical), in order to become free from the bondage of animal desires: Thor
slaying the Midgard serpent, Jörmungandr, Perseus cutting off the head of
Medusa, Hercules slaying down the Hydra, Apollo vanquishingn the serpent
Python, Saint George slaying the dragon, Saint Michael vanquishing Satan,
Beowulf slaying the dragon, Mithra slaying the beast Gavaevodata.
'Desires Achieved Increase Thirst Like Salt Water.'
The more you engage in the destructive behavior of fapping the more you will crave
it, the more you will think about it and the more your world will revolve around it.
The only solution is to say NO, a firm and decisive NO. I say unto you, starve your
cravings. Don’t give in to temptation.
Everything is energy. We may view fapping as some bad weeds that we want to
pull out. If we don’t give the habbit any more energy, in other words if we starve the
habbit by not feeding it, then it will die out because everyting in this world requires
energy to exist.
Just like a plant that dies out because it is no longer watered so too can fapping
become extinct in our lives.
People who waste their semen in petty pursuits and refuse to return back to a state
of dignity and decency (nofap) are an insult to the Creator, to his parents, to his
grandparents, to his ancestors, to his friends, to his neighbourhood, to his country,
to the entire humanity, to his teachers and to everybody who has helped him and
sacrificed for him.
Suppose Somebody gives you a gift – the gift of life, having a healthy body and a
conscious mind – so that you can experience the beauty of life and you choose to
throw this gift away with little reverence and gratitude for it.
Do you think the second time, this Somebody shall offer you more gifts?
This gift is your sexual energy, your life-force which is basically your life.
Let us dedicate our energy to becoming a better version of ourselves and to
engage in creative and productive works that benefit our familiy, friends and why
not humanity.
“They alone live, who live for others.”
~ Swami Vivekananda
“Refrain to-night;
And that shall lend a kind of easiness
To the next abstinence, the next more easy;
For use almost can change the stamp of nature,
And either master the devil or throw him out
With wondrous potency.”
~ William Shakespeare, Hamlet
"In his hands he [the pharaoh] carries the triple
sceptre of the Nile, the Shepherd's Crook, the Anubisheaded Staff and the Flail or Whip. These were the
symbols of his work. They represent the powers which
he had mastered. With the whip he had subjugated his
physical body; with the Shepherd's Crook he was the
guardian and keeper of his emotional body; with the Anubis-headed Staff he was
master of his mind and worthy to wield the powers of government over others,
because, first of all, he obeyed the laws himself. " ~ Manly P Hall
The pharaoh was not chosen to rule over the people by chance. He was the most
spiritually evolved being in the land and thus Nature put him on top of the hierarchy.
His evolution did not happen by chance but rather through spiritual practices such as
transforming animal desires and impulses into more powerful spiritual and mental
“Behold, the hour of the superhuman is here. The human is a rope tied between
beast and superhuman — a rope over an abyss. A dangerous crossing, a dangerous
wayfaring, a dangerous looking-back, a dangerous shuddering and stopping"
~ Nietzsche
In high performance sports it is a well known fact that athletes who ejaculate prior to
a game or a fight their performance and potential is dramatically lowered. It is
reported that many boxers like Muhammad Ali (Cassius Clay) and Myke Tyson
refrained themselves from ejaculation for months and even years before fights.
Take full responsibility for your sexual life.
If your life is a hell it's because of you
If your life is a heaven it's because of you.
You are the one responsibile for eliminating the habit of fapping and nobody else.
You are responsibile for installing the habit of abstinence and only you.
Don’t look for a magic pill. Reversing the damages done over the years can’t be
done overnight. This work requires time and patience.
The entire work is a willpower game. Employ your willpower and gather all your
strength to embark on this noble journey. Your self-confidence will grow day by day
and your friends, especially the girls will notice that you have changed.
"The essence of free will is to choose to be a soul, not a body. The battle is to do
what your soul wants, not what your body feels like doing."
~ Noah Weinberg
Definition: change in form, nature or substance.
Trans=across (latin); Mutare=change (latin).
Sexual transmutation: Shifting sexual energy from one degree to another.
The word ‘transmute’ is synonymous with the word ‘transform’ or ‘convert’.
All energy inside the human body is sexual energy. Moving a finger employs
your sexual energy. Thinking employs your sexual energy. The beat of the
heart is fueled by sexual energy. Emotions are formed from the energy
contained in sexual energy. From here we can see that sexual energy can be
made into both negative and positive emotions, depending on the
individual’s choice or unconscious reaction. In the emontional body, sexual
energy can become hate, anger and envy or love, kindness and joy.
If one supresses his sexual desires, he only harms himself because of the
building up of aggresion, frustration and impulsiveness.
Sexual desire need not be supressed nor let out via the ejaculation pathway.
It's wisest to trasmute the lower, heavy and gross energy of sexual desire
into a form that is more higher, light and sublime (fine). Hence the other
name for sexual transmutation, sexual sublimation"
"Simply blocking sexual energy is like making a dam without a headrace. It
will burst one day and bring disaster." ~ Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov
Men are not able to sense the passions of their souls because they are too
much busy with the passions of the body. When men live only as animals,
their hearts close and their mind’s faculties plumet and the connection with
spirit (higher consciousness) is lost. Thus these people who only live to
obtain pleasure from instant gratification shall soon discover that their
hearts become closed and cold. And a close heart shall never guide you
through your personal journey nor shall it reveal to you your unique
purpose in life. Knowing the difference between these two types of
passions: earthly and heavenly or gross and sublime, is a key to joy and
When the love of the couple demands it, procreation is welcome.
Another honorable form of sex is intercourse with refraining from
ejaculation, which is taught in wisdom traditions such as 'White Tantra' and
'Taoist Sexual Alchemy'. However, initially most of us don’t need White
Tantra, as this teaching is more advanced and requires a high level of selfcontrol and long-term training.
In his book 'Think and Grow Rich', Napoloen Hill writes that “Wrong use of and
overindulgence in sex” is one of the main causes of “ill health” which is in turn
one of “the 30 major causes of failure”.
In the same list of “major causes of failure”, Napoleon Hill mentions another
main factor related to sex: “Lack of controlled sexual urge.”
“Sex transmutation is simple and easily explained. It means the switching of the
mind from thoughts of physical expression, to thoughts of some other nature.
Sex desire is the most powerful of human desires. When driven by this desire,
men develop keenness of imagination, courage, will-power, persistence, and
creative ability unknown to them at other times. So strong and impelling is the
desire for sexual contact that men freely run the risk of life and reputation to
indulge it. When harnessed, and redirected along other lines, this motivating
force maintains all of its attributes of keenness of imagination, courage, etc.,
which may be used as powerful creative forces in literature, art, or in any other
profession or calling, including, of course, the accumulation of riches.
The transmutation of sex energy calls for the exercise of will-power, to be
sure, but the reward is worth the effort. The desire for sexual expression is
inborn and natural. The desire cannot, and should not be submerged or
eliminated. But it should be given an outlet through forms of expression which
enrich the body, mind, and spirit of man. If not given this form of outlet, through
transmutation, it will seek outlets through purely physical channels.
A river may be dammed, and its water controlled for a time, but eventually, it
will force an outlet. The same is true of the emotion of sex. It may be
submerged and controlled for a time, but its very nature causes it to be ever
seeking means of expression. If it is not transmuted into some creative effort it
will find a less worthy outlet.
Fortunate, indeed, is the person who has discovered how to give sex emotion
an outlet through some form of creative effort, for he has, by that discovery,
lifted himself to the status of a genius." ~ Napoleon Hill
Scientific research has disclosed these significant facts:
1. The men of greatest achievement are men with highly developed sex
natures; men who have learned the art of sex transmutation.
2. The men who have accumulated great fortunes and achieved outstanding
recognition in literature, art, industry, architecture, and the professions, were
motivated by the influence of a woman. ~ Napoleon Hill
The emotion of sex is an “irresistible force,” against which there can be no
such opposition as an “immovable body.” When driven by this emotion, men
become gifted with a super power for action.
The emotion of sex contains the secret of creative ability. Destroy the sex
glands, whether in man or beast, and you have removed the major source of
action. For proof of this, observe what happens to any animal after it has been
castrated. A bull becomes as docile as a cow after it has been altered
sexually. Sex alteration takes out of the male, whether man or beast, all the
FIGHT that was in him. Sex alteration of the female has the same effect.
Far from becoming genii, because of great sex desires, the majority of men
lower themselves, through misunderstanding and misuse of this great force, to
the status of the lower animals.
The desire for sexual expression is by far the strongest and most impelling of
all the human emotions, and for this very reason this desire, when harnessed
and transmuted into action, other than that of physical expression, may raise
one to the status of a genius.”
~ Napoleon Hill
Transmutation is basically the channeling of our energy into something
productive, creative and beneficial be it physical labour, accomplishing
goals, doing art, playing sports, mental activites such as reading,
studying and meditation.
Sexual energy can be focused in our solar plexus (behind the chest
bone), which is the seat of our willpower and carry out extraordinary
projects, embark on missions, and do long and tedious physical tasks.
Sexual energy can be concentrated in the heart center, and expressed as
play, passionate work such as painting, singing, dancing, caring for
others, serving others, acts of kindness etc.
Sexual energy can be lifted up into the brain and converted into
intelectual effort, contemplation, focus, rational thinking, creative
thinking, consciousness evolution, enightenment etc.
In this way we can grow an intellect, learn to think, cultivate our minds
with fine teachings, write books, study at a university or doing mental
jobs like that of an architect or doctor.
Sexual energy can be focused in the throat center. In this case we can
become singers, teachers (verbal), or public speakers.
If we would call the nofap initiate a warrior then the question arises: against
whom do we fight? The best answer provided by common sense is craving,
temptation or the desire for pleasure. However for the sake of a better
understanding of the inner dynamics of our energies I will personify the
folowing bunch - sexual desires, craving for food, craving for sex(lust),
temptations, animal impulses, selfishness, hate, anger and all fear based
emotions – with the Inner Dragon. The inner dragon is the part of us that is
unconscious, not yet mastered by our self-control.
The dragon grows by feeding itself with fear. Fear builds up inside everytime
one gives in to cravings. So everytime one has selfishness behind his eating
or sex, we can say that he is growing his fear inside the heart.
Hence people get anxiety, panic attacks, fobias, paranoia, nervousness,
hate, anger, shame, pride etc.
Intent is a very important condition here. Sex can be made with the intent of
love wich is good, healthy and creative but sex can also be made with the
intent of selfishness (self-gratification) which is bad, unhealthy and
destructive. Not all sex is the same. However in the energy world we need to
be mindful of the intent behind our acts because this makes the difference
between heaven and hell. Sex can take you to heaven but the opposite is
also true – sex can take you to hell if done in the absence of love.
With the proper instructions, a couple fused with love that engages in sex
can gain rejuvenation of the body, bliss, superconscious states and even
enlightenment. All this is possible only with the condition that both
individuals have a loving heart and their soul has been cleansed of
impure/destructive/negative desires, thoughts and emotions.
“If you want to fly, you have to give up the shit that wheighs you down.”
~ Unknown
Some other enemies of Nofap are: procrastination (lazyness), lack of
purpose, lack of goals, lack of full responsibility (victim mentality), lack of
wisdom (ignorance).
The nofap bible
I once did a fasting retreat at a monastery in Transylvania and I went to confess my
sins to one of the priest-monks and he told me something that struck me in the
head. I told him about my fapping and binge-eating episodes.
He said to me, “you know... that the lustful desires and the strong cravings for
constant eating of delicious foods are actually coming from the same source - the
lower, animal desire.
Lust (craving and indulging in sex) and Gluttony (craving and indulging in food) are
two heads of the same Beast. Craving is natural but giving in is a choice.
A few months into my Nofap jounery I discovered that my binge-eating habit has
subsided and I attribute this victory to the power of Nofap. Once I stopped fapping
and putting fire on my sexual desires I have indirectly put an end to my greed for
gourmet food. And proudly I can say that today I am happy to eat whatever I have
on the table with no cravings for foods with stimulants or junk food.
Let’s transmute the lower animal desires into more higher, noble causes such as
creative play, physical work, service to others, working out, love-drive, passion,
adventure, joy, enthusiasm, spiritual quest, superconsciousness etc.
“Verily the lust for comfort murders the passion of the soul.”
~ Khalil Gibran, The Prophet
Here is one way one can interpret this quote: When we indulge in the comfort of
physical pleasures such as gorging on food and going on multiple sex rounds, we
will eventually discover that the inner voice of our heart becomes mute, the warmth
of loving-kindness is put out and joy flees us. The antidote for this tragic case is to
starve the cravings for lust and food. I am not saying you should not eat but
rather don’t make food and sex the center of your life.
"One should eat to live, not live to eat." ~ Moliere
When you are hungry which is a natural phenomenon, go and eat. If you can be
very, very aware of the feelings of cravings and temptations you shall notice and
learn that they are very different from normal hunger.
When you notice temptations arising in you go sit down, center yourself in the
belly chakra or in the 3rd eye, be with yourself and wield the sword of willpower to
resist and fight against the forces that are pulling you to give in to your cravings.
“The fiercest battle is the one against yourself because you are on both sides.”
~ Voltaire
A huge mistake when cravings or temptations arise in us is to occupy the mind with
distractions. Don't run away from your bodily desires and don't follow your impulses
with action. The secret is to face the storm with calm and patience, letting them
come and letting them go. Don't fight the storm. The only way out is in.
Take time to practice self-analysis. Obeserve yourself on all levels. Notice your
habits, your tendencies, how your mind works, what kind of thoughts you have for
your life, for yourself etc. Observe how your emotions play inside of you. Notice
how you react when people criticize you. Self-analysis is the way to know who you
really are. If you find negative habits, replace them. If you see that your negative
thoughts are destructive to you and to your loved ones, change them. Work
everyday at sculpting and editing yourself. With self-analysis you can also find
precious information on how your body works, how your desires influence you and
provide solutions for the Nofap work.
The european dragon represents greed. He guards things in his cave, heaps of
gold and virgins. He can’t make use of either of them, he just guards. […]
Psychologically, the dragon is one's own binding of oneself to one's ego. We're
captured in our own dragon cage. The problem [...] is to disintegrate that dragon,
break him up, so that you may expand to a larger field of relationships. The ultimate
dragon is within you, it is your ego clamping you down. ~ Joseph Campbell
The hero's main feat is to overcome the monster of darkness: it is the long-hopedfor and expected triumph of consciousness over the unconscious. ~ Carl Jung
"Mythologically, the hero's goal is to find the treasure, the princess, the ring, the
golden egg, elixir of life, etc. Psychologically these are metaphors for one's true
feelings and unique potential. In the process of individuation, the heroic task is to
assimilate unconscious contents as opposed to being overwhelmed by them. The
potential result is the release of energy that has been tied up with unconscious
In myths the hero is the one who conquers the dragon, not the one who is
devoured by it. And yet both have to deal with the same dragon. Also, he is no hero
who never met the dragon, or who, if he once saw it, declared afterwards that he
saw nothing. Equally, only one who has risked the fight with the dragon and is not
overcome by it wins the hoard, the "treasure hard to attain." He alone has a
genuine claim to self-confidence, for he has faced the dark ground of his self and
thereby has gained himself. . . . He has acquired the right to believe that he will be
able to overcome all future threats by the same means." ~ Carl Jung
"In myth and legend, the hero typically travels by ship, fights a sea monster, is
swallowed, struggles against being bitten or crushed to death, and having arrived
inside the belly of the whale, like Jonah, seeks the vital organ and cuts it off,
thereby winning release. Eventually he must return to his beginnings and bear
witness." ~ Carl Jung
“So it follows that those who have reason have freedom to will or not to will,
although this freedom is not equal in all of them. […] human souls are more free
when they persevere in the contemplation of the mind of God, less free when they
descend to the corporeal, and even less free when they are entirely imprisoned in
earthly flesh and blood.” ~ Boethius, The Consolation of Philosophy
When one gives in to cravings he weakens his soul by imprisoning a part of her in
the unconscious mind, and secondly his energy undergoes a transformation:
The energy (contained in desire) that is available to you is polarized into the
opposite i.e. into negative energy. Or we can say that high vibrational energy is
converted to low vibrational energy. Joy, love, kindness, confidence and warmth
turn to their negative counterparts - sadness, hate, meanness, doubt, shame and
coldness when we give in to physical temptation and endulge selfishly in bodily
Everytime you give in to cravings (either food or sex cravings) you lose or
downgrade something on all levels of your being (psychological, spiritual,
You lose a bit of your willpower, a bit of your vital-breath force, a bit of your
consciousness and awareness, a bit of your confidence and love, a bit of your
honour and glory, a bit of your joy for life, a bit of your hope, a bit of your physical
strength and vitality.
Everytime you refrain from cravings and selfish desires you actually rise and
upgrade all of the above mentioned qualities. It's a battle where you have a choice
to fall to the level of the animals or to rise to the level of the supermen and
Many of the victims of the world have attained their lowly and disempowered
position as a result to their lust, gluttony, greed and the following associates
anger, hate, blame etc.
"I want to exist from my own force, like the sun, which gives light and does not suck
light." ~Carl Jung
“To deny the power of the beast over your heart and mind is the height of
conceit. To surrender is the height of foolishness.”
~ Zalman of Liadi
"Better one who is slow to anger than one with might, one who rules his spirit
than the captor of a city."
~ Proverbs 16:32
“Who is mighty? The one who subdues the evil inclination”
~ Ben Zoma
He who cannot obey himself will be commanded. This is the nature of living
beings. ~ Nietzsche
No man is free who cannot command himself.
~ Pythagoras
They live in wisdom who see themselves in all and all in them, who have
renounced every selfish desire and sense-craving tormenting the heart.
~ Sri Krisna
“I count him braver who overcomes his desires than him who conquers his
enemies, for the hardest victory is over self.”
~ Aristotle
A man who conquers himself, is greater than one who conquers a thousand
men in battle.
~ Buddha
There is no braver thing in this world, than looking at your own soul,
facing your own darkness and conquering your fears and demons.
“It takes more courage to examine the dark corners of your own soul than it
does for a soldier to fight on a battlefield”
~ W.B. Yeats
Temptation is not a bad thing for the nofap warrior. Temptation can be viewed from
a positive perspective as a huge opportunity to defeat your inner dragon and to set
yourself free from the bondage of cravings and fears.
And the second good thing about temptation is that it provides the challenge for the
warrior that he so vitally needs in order to grow. By enduring temptations he
strenghtens his willpower, develops self-control and becomes fully empowered and
totally awakened to his highest potential.
A man who faces no challenges is weak, dull and bland. A soldier who has returned
from war is a truly seasoned Man in the skill of bravery and confidence.
“He who returns from a journey is not the same as he who left.” - Chinese proverb.
“A slave cannot become a commander, until after he becomes free. A man who is
subject to his own animal desires, cannot command the animal nature of others. A
muscle becomes developed by its use, an instinct or habit is strengthened in
proportion as it is permitted to rule, a mental power becomes developed by practice,
and the principle of will grows strong by exercise; and this is the use of temptations.
To have strong passions and to overcome them, makes man a hero. The sexual
instinct is the strongest of all, and he who vanquishes it, becomes a god.”
~ G. R. S. Mead
Sexual energy is your life. When you run out of it, your time runs out too.
Semen is recycled intelligently by the body. The more you retain it and let your body
circulate it as potential energy, the better will be your quality of life.
Sexual misconduct is throwing away the life-force through sex or masturbation,
rather than using the energy for a more noble goal like , creative work, love, service
to humanity, personal growth, procreation etc.
Whether Monk or King, enter Warrior mode and make use of your sexual energy to
create a lasting and positive impact in the world.
Get out of your comfor-zone. Learn to transmute and build a life with the gifts that
have been given to you.
Know your enemy. Some people fail in Nofap because they don't know enough
about their ennmy - the inner dragon which acts silently, ever to tear you down and
asking you to feed him. Feeding it means to gradually slay your own soul.
To nofap haters, dont give them any energy by paying attention to them, they don't
deserve it. Stay low-key, work in silence and let your success be the noise.
If you want to succeed in Nofap, you can cosider helping other Nofap fellows to
This book is a gift to everybody. I don't demand anything in return. However I ask
you to share and spread the teachings inside this book with the right people.
Signed with love,
Balint Arya
Napoleon Hill: 'Think and Grow Rich'
Osho: 'From Sex to Superconsciousness'
Patanjali: 'The Yoga Sutras'
Samael Aun Weor: 'The perfect Matrimony'
Samael Aun Weor: 'Sexology'
Carl Jung: 'Collected Works'
Joseph Campbell: 'The Hero’s Journey'
Manly P. Hall: 'The Secret Teachings of all Ages'
J.R.R. Tolkien: 'Beowulf'
Neil Gaiman: 'Norse Mythology'
Khalil Gibran:'The Prophet'
John F Demartini: 'The Breakthrough Experience'
Ayn Rand: 'Atlas Shrugged'
Lao Tse: 'Tao Te Ching'
Three Initiates: 'Kybalion'
Rumi : 'Masnavi'
Sri Krishna: 'Bhagavad Gita'
Homer: 'The Odyssey' & 'The Iliad'
G.I. Gurdjieff: 'In Search of Being: The Fourth Way to Consciousness'
Thich Nhat Hanh: 'No Mud, No Lotus: The Art of Transforming Suffering'
Anonymous: 'The Upanishads'
Douglas Wile: 'The Art of the Bedchamber'
Stephen Thomas Chang: 'The Tao of Sexology: The Book of Infinite Wisdom'
Jolan Chang: 'The Tao of Love and Sex'
Sri Swami Sivananda: 'Brahmacharya (Celibacy)'
Jaggi Vasudev: 'Inner Engineering: A Yogi's Guide to Joy'
Documentary: 'Sex: The Secret Garden of Eden' by Glorian Publishing and Thelema