,'.fi\ir pffi$t$ppffirwffi n$ATilffiruffi $Y&rumeffiffi * FNS/BOE FS l-2:20$5 rcs ffi @ ffi I IYPluyl,:l1 I BUHEAU" oF PRODUCT STANDARDS 75.?00 i:#Jt'i'i :.1F;::i,:. lftit:i: 'S:l:;: ''Il HILil' PIH [i 1\ A:i] [ {}I{A}_., STAN}A'{.j} D]\TCJ /ranrl I I\ tJl l-/\-tll t'.: t': l..r:. ,liii' EQ I n.n tlftE tklJtJ-) -I;:.' I' LJ L'Ia ,,,L.,.'j #;l'r: i$ir. ar t!rlt:{t t t t,tv rt !tf I tlr tt i; .l:r!ll . iji.:liir:: National Stanclard for Retail Or-rtlet Unclerground storage tzurk' PI.{S/DOE iFS 1-2'.2CC4 was ilreparecl by tlie Depai'[inent of Energy's Tecirnical Comnrittee on etroleum Processes and Facilities ft:arallel cclnxxittee of BPS/TC 68) Subcornmittee 1 Fuel $lsrage and Ilispensing Systenr and l/as approved for adoption a.s Philippine National tandarcl by the Eurreau of Proclucl: Stanclarcls. ris Phiiippine The cieveiclpmerrt of this standard u,as initiated by the Department of Energy - Oil Inclustry istanclards Vlonitoling Division through the Memorandum of Agreement ([4Od) between DOE-OiME and DTI-BPS #i:i.i 'i,i:l;,i:. il#'i, fti' l! air . ffi iil, : '.ri:l. r, This stand arci r4/as prepared to complement Depafirnent Circular No. fi ovicling {trr lJre ltules and Reglriations Governing the Busine,qs. Iretroleunl Products l.;i:.. I il :.', DC 20A3- 1 1*0 10 of Retailing Liquid il;ilr' I l;f i: . a'. l;",;t:. l,+i.ti, ' L' il,,'!rl.i tru the cievelopi-iieni of this stanclard the fbllovring stanclards were considered: ibs; i.r,t+$i:,: o API Recornmended Practice 1615-1996: Installation of Underground Storage Sysrem 6 NFPA 30-1996: Flamrnable and Combustible Liquids Code + NFPA 30A-1996: Automol.ive qncl Marine Seruice Station Code Petroleum i$'ir ffi j:i$fib ''[,+T. .'iBl., In coniunction with this standard the following parts under the general title PNSIDOE FS Petroleunr produicts - Retail outlet are also being issued. .",:I+l'.1-' 1 ffi i]f..++u:'ri '1i91rr.. s s s s Fart i : .ileai'lh, safety ancl environitlellt .Part 2. iJnrlerground storage tank Part ii: Piping system Par [ .i : iiispensing pump : ;F.!f;':11:' ,fli#, 'lli!:lirll. ,iifu''i r9+i.l;, ill,tl,,.., {fi*,", {lili' triiil f lil', ' 1;'::i.i, :li'tI l'j::ti' ll :1 :li: ,:.i:. : -,.. l'l'. "1,'l: '#;il 'f,rj t'r, l.:. . I' t., 1,1 l'r " I l i PFX T}-IPPil{E I{ATIOI{AL STANDAIT]} 1 PNS/DOE FS 1,-2:200s Siope This stand.arrl 1.1 speciL-res the requii'ements for the following: The tank for petroleum proclucts used in Retaii Outlet. Tiris refers to gasoline, diesel, anel kerosene tanlcs. 1.? Tank clesign performance and construction' 1,3 The installation and l0cation. of tallcs at retail outlet. 1-4 Operations, perioclic rnaintenance and eventual disposal of the undergtound tank. not include tanks for lube oils, aviation fliels, chemicals, solvents, asphalt, u,aste oi], water etc. 1.5 It 7, T{.ef'erences, cloes Tire titles of the sta.rrdalds publ.ications referred to in this standard are listed on the inside bacli col'er, 3 Definitiorrs For tire pupose of tSis sianda'd., the following definitions 4pply: 3.X automatic tank gauging (dTG) s5'stem atl automatic gaugitlg system usecl to rleasur.e the level of and provide information on petl'olentn'plocluct in an ullde S9und storege tanlc and/or to measllre the rate of change in the ierrel of peiloleum piodutct over ei penocl of tirne ,. 3.A buildin g structul'e any stn-rcttu e built oI constl.ucled, nr edifice or building of any kincl or ,any piece of artificia1ly bujlt up or colltposed of parls joint together in solne definite manner wor{< 3.3 corrosion protectioit a lneans to lessel or prevent the deterioration of a rnateriai, usually a metal, fl'om a reaction with its envi::olment; or ilre use of a material known to be non-reactive to its anticipated e5'vironnr.ent; or the use of amaterial to isoiate the metals from the.environment 3.il n res is tive Inateria] a matefierl tirat resists ail fnrrns of electrochemical corrosion cil r't"oriio I PNS/IIOE FS 1-7:2005 '3.5 double vyall tanh a forn of secondary containment in which a storage tank is conskucted with shells or walis rryith an irrlerstice between to contain a release fi'ornthe primary (that is, inner) tank Y-n<- i 3.6 fiberglass reinforced plastic (FRP) thermosettin-g resin laminate (marerial cornposed of several layers of fiberglass and resin) rvirere the resin is a plastic substance used. as a matrix for glass fibers i-rlne'rne*ble zr li*er flV\d barrier: material that impedes the rnigration of released product. This secondaly liner/barrier beneath or partially surrounding the UGT system consis-ts of artifrcially constructed'material tlrat is suf'ficiently thick and impelmeable (at least 10'6 cm./sec for the regulated substance stored) to direct a release to the rnonitoring point and permit its detection 3.8 j a clieterl tanlc a single rvarll steel prim ary tarrl< with a fiberglass or high density polyethylene (HDPE) outer tanlc sCIllaratecl by a layer o:f rnesh 3.9 leai< a release of procluct tlrrough a perforation, hole, crack, or other opening in any cornponent of an underground storage tank systern, including either primary or containment hardware 3.tr 0 liq uid petroleurn products lsfers to crtrde oil clelived lrrodllcts limited to gasolirle, diesel and lcerosone only ^ J 3.11 Listecl equipment or material inclucled in a list publishecl by an organization that is acceptable. This orgairization is concer:necl wi.lh procluct evaluation that maintains' periodic inspection of procluctiorl of listed equipment or materials. This organization's listing equipment-or materjal meets appropriate standar-ds or has been tested and found suitabie for use in a specified Inal1]lcl3 "72 nlonitoring the periodic checlcing ot testing of atl und ergrolrnd storage tanlc system.'s equipnten[, detecliorr devices, and rrronitoring or observation wells for evidence of released pstroleuln product or fol verifyiog the integrity of the system 3.13 o!:servation well a crLscci rn-glound well thaL 1a.1 is in oonLact vvith grourrclwater ancl (b) is designed to assisl lll detecting releases of liquid ploduct li:om an underground storage tard< systern Pi{S/DOE, FS 1-7:2005 3.14". ( operation al life starts when the undergrollncl storage tank slistem undergrolrnd and ends when" the system is properly removed or abandoned refer s to the period tlrat is first placed 3.15 pre-instzrllation tanlc test a test for unclelground storage tad<;that is conducted before the tatd<'s instaliation and the introduction of prociuc 3.76 remote pumping system or submerged pumping system a systern i:rl r,vhictr one or more pumping units push pefi:oleum product via a pressurized pqrirlg system, to one or more points away.from the tani< or.tarrks 3.77 . retail outlet, also refer to liquicl petroleurn product retail outlet' a. gasoline station, outlet, facility or business estabiishment which selis or dispenses liquid petr-oleum products directly to individual end user/s or the public 3.18 nclary containment zlry system in which an outer.or secondary container or impervious liner prevents petroleun'r product releases from-the prinrary container frorrr reaching the srtrrounding.environment for a tirte sufficient to allow the released productis d.otection and control seco 3.19 siph oi: piping that intercorurects two 01' more underground tanks permitting the automatic transfer of 1ic1r-ric1 until equ aiiz.ation is accompiisired 3.2,0 : tanlc. tightness test a test of tlre liciuicl product ha:rclling portion of an underground storage system or a portion of the systenr 3.27 undei'ground storage tank (IJGT) a conl.ain.er lhat has a capacity of more tiran 416 liters (110 gallons), petroleum ploducts, ancl is buried cornpletely underglound is used to store 3"72 vault strncturle? usr-rally constmcted corltajn fuel storage tartl<s LL of concrete and containing no backfill material, to house or .3.23 visuirl iu.spcc[itttt an oxamination, with the nakecl eye, to detect the presence of petroleurn product PI{S/DOE trS 1-z:200s Sesign perforrnance 4.1 !-unctional - The plan-ning of ar-r underground tank capacity requires consideration of imrnediate and future operational requirernents forthe site in ordeito' guio economic benefit from trucking'operatior-rs, limit disroption on site during deliveries,limiTpossibility of having to replace tarrlcs before their design life is reached", provide a reservi ir, of supply "ur" disruption or meet peak demanct, a:rd absorb fliture sales growth. 4.2 Civil rvorks 4.2.1. Tank location 4.2.1'l Tanlis shall be iocated to minimize the amount of maneuvering necessary for the tzurli tr_uck making the product delively to reach the iill openings. ivh"r"y"1 possitrL, delivelies sh,all be acconrplished without the need for tlie tru.ck to or travel in rev"rse. -o.r" 4,2.7.2 Ta:rlis shall be located so that the tanlc truclc rnalcing the prod.uct d.elivery will not be on pubiic right-of-rvay, bloclc motor:ists? rzieu,s of roadway, nor irnpede the flow of vehicles or pe destrjans 4.2-1-3 Tanl< edge shall not be less than 1 m (-3 ft) fi:om the property iine or any other building stn-rcfure. lf soil instability creates concern, clualified ptof".rioual assistance is recommendecl. (Refer also to 4.?.1.4' Llnclerground tanJcs or tanks uncler build.ing shall be so located with' respect to existing building foundations and srrpporls so that the load carried by the latter cannqt tls transmitted to the tanks. 4.2.2 Soil {'pe 4'2'2.1 lJecause many site-specific factors reiated to soil conditions and drainage that affect the safety and operational life of any underground tank, it ir io,?grdr"i^ri; ,ana-lvsis. Factors affecting may includ.e but L'e not n"cessanity""p"*limited to soil stability, underground rocl< soil resistivity, acidify, moisture, sulfide content and presence or absence of contamination. 4'7'2.2 A site analysis shail be rnade of soil stability and soil compositio' with respect to of underground tanks to be ir:stalled. Soil ctrrosivity need not be evaluated if the .t!e,tvpe tanks to be installed are meLde of cortosion resistive mateiials, e.g., FRp, high .density poiyethyiene (!IDPE). For tank type, refer to 5.2.2 and.5.2.3. 4:2.:2'3 Tire clesign engineel rnust detemrine the slope stability of the soil such that the ability of'the side wall of the excavation to remain stabie ancl safo fbr wor-kers througpout the the tank is being instalieci. Tire amourt of slope (or benching) required *rl o?i".-i"" 1'1ioo rne ex cavatron dtmensrons. . tr PNS/DOtr F'S 1-2:2005 4.2.3' Fedcling and bnckfilling 4:7.3.1 Steel and Jacketed. Tareks. Sand is generaliy used to bed and'backfill around these tanks to provide even supporl along the length of flie tank, to cushion against puncture Uy rocli or ]reud nraterials, and to isolate the tank against chemical reaction from aggressive clay soils. S.i"nd backfill shall be cle:m, non-p1astic,-chemically inert, and free froiisalt, sfrefii organic martter, balls of clay, lump of eartlr. and conosive material , 4.2'.3.?' Fiherglass tzruks - A ciean, self-compacting;'pea gravel (naturalty rounded r-iver gravel of nominal size 4.75 rrrm to 19 mm) approved by tank manufacturer, shall be used to bed ar-rcl backfi.ll around the fiberglass tank. Where asuitable source of p*a gravel is.not suiterble, washed, crushed ston.e ol gravel of nominal size 4.t5 *T 13.2 mm may be used. l. 4.2-3-'3 At sites where the nertLue of the grouncl i,s such that the sand. or lrea gravel may be washed away into the surroundin.g rnateriaf or allow tlte tank or tardc slab to settle, the backlill material sl:ali be enclosed by a filter fabric to pievent migration. Filter fabrics are recorlmelld ed for the fo llowing instali ations : a. b. c. wher-e ticlal conditions or frequent changes of water table in ulstable soil type in loose gravel soils level exist 4.2.4 Anchorage A:r rurdergrouncl tani< can float if it is submerged in a high waier table or as a result of flooding, everl if the tank is partly. or completely fuil of produit. The product weigirt, the tank weight, tire type of tarrk cover ftackfill and paving) and ireight of aro'nd the t"ank all have an effect on wheflrer a tank u'il1 float. / {a.z-q-2. If a trigh water table exists or if flood.ing can be expected, tanks shall be anchored. 4.2.5 Loading /+.2.5.1 llJre cover over: the tarrlc will vary depending on tire type of traffic over the tank and the possible tamk float-ourt condjtjons. 4.2-5-2 .hl a:'eas that are subject or are likely subject to traffic (see Figure 1), the cover shall consists of one oflthe fbllowing options: a. a''i'''rum of 0.91 m (36 inches) of well-tarnperecl backfill b' a nriniuirim of 0.46 ru (18 inched) of weli tampered backfill, plus at least 0.15 m (6 inch.es) of r:einforced concrete c' a minirnurn of 0.46 m (18 inches) well-tampered backfill, plus at least 0.20 m (g inches) of asphaltic concrete 4-?.5-3 hr areas tlrat are not subject to traffic (see Figure 2), trre cover shall consist of rninimum of 0.61 n'(24 i'ches) of backfili, or a rninimrim of o.:o * 1tz inches) of backfill pl,rs at least 0.10 ni (4 inches)'of reinforced cog.crete. er PNS/DOE FS 1-2:2005 PAVED I I I I I I o.urn, I I I i_ I \- BACKFTLL BACKFILL (sand / pea gravel) Fligul-e J. - Area subject to tl'affic 4.3 F/i-ecir a nical (sand / pea gravel) IrigureZ -Area not subject to traffic \ 4,3.1 Tanli fittings 4.3.1,.1 Prior to purchasing of tani< fittings, thought shall be given to the number and size of tank openings needed. The tank'inanufactruer's specifications and drawings must be check to detet:nine the types, sizes and capacities that are avaitabl'e. The minimum tank fittings to be considered'on tank fabrications are the following: Sticlc line, Fill line, Vent line, Suctiop purnp/ Discirarge line and Manway. Some of the optionai tank opening may be considered by the owners a"re as follow: Automatic Tank gauging, Siphon connection, ancl,,tank intersdcl for doubie wal.l tanks. 4.3.1.? Connectjons for all tank oirening shall be liquid tight, 4..3;1.3 Tank openings, fill pipes, fill caps and fiI1 ties shalt be normally 0.13 m (4 i1.) in diarneter. SrLbrnersible pumps designed with the capacity to meet the norrnal layout and operation requirernents of retail outlet are buiit with 0.10 m (4 inch) tank openings. If greater capacity is needed, l.arger punps and tank openings rnay be requirecl. 4..3.l."z$ Fil] ancl clischarge lines shall enter tanks only through the top. Fill Jines shall be slopecl towzrrCs tire tarrlc" lJnclergronncl tanks for petroleum products having a capacity of more tharr 3785 I- (1000 gal) shall be equripped rn'ith a tight fil1 d"evice connecting the fill lrose to the ta:rlc. trill pjpes that entel at the top of tanks shaIl terninate not higher than 15 cur (6 in.) at the botto:n of the tauk. Ilill pipes slrerll be installed or ar.rangecl so tlrat vibration is nrinirn iz,ed. L PNS/]DOE FS t_2:2005 1'3J'6- Jlilli'g ttll:l',]P'r'ne fbr. pet'oieum procructs that are made and tenninated shalr be b,ilcii,gt *lJr"i1"n q"Jqo*-ori'ro.o"" of ignition arid not less than ""t i-ii' ll?"flJ;fi',*",il*ll,l*tn:l*tiitil":J;ections shalr be closed a'd riquid located.r-rtsicle of 4'3'2 Dri'e'v'ay nranholes The irrocluct b.lrrg halcllecl and *re size of *rarhed o:r the frll a'sse'rbly or:'riuriril: the tank shall be code or bv starrping ot ott,",'*irJ'pptying :over. rne proauct ca' be ioentigeo rry using a coror th" t;;;;;" both mea's' 'flre *rzurwuy {r" fixed porlion of ,re fiIl rrrirrr u"l"rig,',"aloto ca:ry "r rnaximum verricular "or", ffiiil]t 4.3.3 Srint.p 4'3'3':l A sunrp is a liqr-ricl tight ir fionr fhe faurl< systenr. e r:closur-e installecl to contain 1:roduct ttr-3-3.2, -fjie ir,,rr1, systern srra1r be provided corl\/eyalt ce. 4.4 ror al1 i'advertentiy releasecl tar:I< openings i'tencred for prccruct Corr-osion ;lr.otection frl;1*J"n'osion Protection' (AIso refer to .2.z)Tanlcs and their'fini'gs shaJr be prorecred 4'4'1'1 4 properly engineered, instail.ed, accord anc e wi th reco gniiecl a' b' c' d' e' f' sta-n a'c1 rnai'tained corrosion protection jards or a-esr syste'r in gn, ;;';;, Ameiican ' P"trol"u"r Jlstit'te-Publication r632-Lgg6, cathoclic protection t/' d ergr.orLn cl p etro I eum S torage u,_,f.r^ *rJof f ipi' g,i yrt"*. ; 1 Unclerwriters La6oratott"*,-ii*aiucl for c"rrriii"'cooorio' protection steer lJncierg'ouncl ra'ks for Flamrnable systems for ancr combustirrle Liquids; steel Tiur-k rnstitute stanclard, s-p-eJ;;;"il.r' ""'' Manuar ior" n*t**ur co*osio' P'otechro'of u'clergro,'cl steei storug" r"rrr..; National Association-orcorro.ion,eogin""t ii*rd*-cl, contror of Externar conosion Undergrounct or. S ubrn ergecl trzretait of ic Flphg #"t"iil of ior'osion Engilie; iit;;;;, conrror of Extemal conosior.r *:f;ili:Associatio' on underwriters Laboratories, standarcl lbr: Extemal con-osion protection lJndergr.or_rn cl Storage Tanis systems ro, st."t 4'4'1'2 Approvecl or listecl corros.ion-resistant materjals or systems, wrrich can incrude ,,"i,'io,""J-'0i",,', coari'gs or ;ff:,iiJ,'Jifill.fllxiffi,,,T::-1;;,:1 ;i;;"'"'i#ilH f;i,3,,:;fl,::rJ.."|T:,fiT.il:TJl?ffi;:;'H;iJ# sha,, be based upon,re conosion PFIS/DOE FS L-2:200S 4.5 4.5 'Ccntrols llttstl'umentation "'l llip sticl< A calibratecl clip sticic generally m.acle of T-section ralurninum, and of sufficient length (shall reach tank bottom brrt able to cletermine final surface level), shall be suppliecl wilh the irosl tank, 4.5.-1'.2 Or any other measuring device made of non-sparlcing material may be used. 4.5.2 Leak detecfion ; Monitoring wells cletect the presence of peb:oleum products on the groundwater and located within the perimeter of the retail outlet. The well casings sha1l be at least 0.10 m G in.) in diameter with maximum of 0.5 mm (0.020 inch) glacluated slots at every 0.33 m (12 in) rise along altemating axis. t 4-5.2.2 Doubie wall tank recluires betr,rrr:en ineans of cl.etecting leaks the furo tarrk shells. Four methods are cortmonly used: zr. in 1he interstitial space. Eiectricai - A water/hydlocar"bon sensitive plobe is'positioned. at the base of the tank at the time of'manufacfure. This probe sets off an alarm should. it d.etect prod.uct out of the primary tarrk, or water into the secondary tank. Mecireurical - A 50 mm cliameter cirop tube is installecl at the time of manufactur-e, running from the top to the boftom of the tank and into the interStitial space.'A float stvitch fixecl to the inside of the tube can kigger a waming light and indicate product or rvater in the interstitial space. Vacuum test - A,negative 35 iiPA vacuum test; held for 30 minutes, is used to detect a leak in the interstitial space. Voir-une change - fhe interstitial space is filied with a fluid such as tri-ethylene glycol (steel tanks) or brine (fiberglass). A leer,]r in either the inner or outer slcin causes a volume change detected by a level incli.cator located at the top of the tank. Tiris systern is installecl at the time of manrifacture. a. b. C. d. \ t 4-5.2-3 water rnay enter into tlre prirnary tank fr'om loose tank top fittings. lJsually \ /ater is detected by per:iodically wiping rn,ater-finding paste into the bottom of the tanh dip stick. A change of color will indicate the cleptlt of water present. z*-5.2.4 If leak is evident, r:ectil=rcation rnnst be cond"ucted to qualify on Or.t! of Service Inspection (OOSI) requirement for undergrouncl storage tank. Tanli constl'u ction 5.1 5.1 . Materials tr slanclal' Tanlcs shall be clesjgrecl atlcl built in accorclance witlr t'ecognized goocl engil]oering aspnoviclecl Llnder any of the fcllowing: 'APl:, Stanclarcl 650- Igg3 'Weldecl Steel fbr Oil Storage ll PNS/IIOE FS 1-2:2005 b. C. cI. C^ ] Standard sszlt991, Tank inspection, Repair, ..A.lteration and Reconstructiol -AE9M-IIzIO?FT994, Specifications for Giass Fiber-Reinforced Polyester Undergrould Petloleum Tanks UL 58-i993, Steel Underground Tarilcs fol Flamrnable and Combustibie Liquids fJL; 131.6-1993, Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastic Undergrounrl Storagl Tanks for FetrolclllL Proclucts The ixatet:ial oJ tanlc construction shali be compatible with the liquicl to be stored. hr case of cloubt about the properties of the tiquid to be storecl, the supplier or prod.ucer of the triquid shali ,be ooitsLrltecl regarcling the allpropriateness of the rnaterial. 5.2 ]Ja b rication 5.2.7 J'arrlcs sirall practice. b* penrnitted'to be of any sirapb or b/pe consistent with sound engineering 5.2.2 Steel tanks - Tanks shzrll be conshrrcted fi'om rolled carbon steel plate, welded together to meet the requirenr.ents of IIL 58-1993 stand.ard. The outer swface shall have al1 ex[ernal sha:p corners, burrs and weld pinnacles removed, then be abrasive blast-cleaned to SA 2.5 or equivalent. The entire extemal surface of the tank shall be painted witS a primer then coated rvitir an approvedbihrmen/asphalt-based coating at 10 rnils dft. 5.2.3 Jacketed tanhs, The primary steel ta:rlc Shal1 meet the requirements of UL 58-1993 standard. Flanged ends ale preferred. The outer srrface of tire primary steel tard< shall have all external sharp colalers, brn'rs ancl weld pinnacles removed. It is not required to fuither keat or coat the stee1surfacepriortoac1c1itionoftlresecondarytank. The tzurk shall be clacl with a stand-offmesh to create the interstitial space. The guter sheli (secondary tarrlc) can be qonstn-rcted either: a. b. In accordance witl: uLl746-1993, high d.ensity polyeflrylene (HDpE), In accordance with lll- 13 76-7993, fiberglass 5.2,4 Fii.rerglass accorclance r^,/ith 6 [n stil Tarrks shali be constructecl of fibergtrass reinfarced polyester resin in 993 by a manllfacturer authorized to use the IJI-, ftrbrication label. LIL 1316-1 liation 6.1 Any carlh excervating ploceclure presents safety hazards relatecl to the presence of unslable soils, water, released product an{ proving equipmen!. The results of any soil a'alysis o1 survey shall be available prior to excavating 4ctivities. Special atteniion fVAto-geological shallbegiventosl.opirrgorslroringt1resic1esoftheexcavationto-rna1cetlremsiable 6.2 Excavations fcrr steel and FRP tardcs shall be d.eep enouglr to provide for a back fil1 of recommendecl by the manufactur:er:s), wiflr or without a hold.down pad. The burial deptir of flre tank depends o' the manufacturer's t'ecomnrendations, tank diameter, locai reguiations, the type of finished at least 0.30 rn (12 in.) below the bottom of the tank (or,as PNS/DOE FS 1-2:2005 ''API b Stzrncjard 653-1991, Tank inspection, Repair, Alteration and Reconstruction ASTIVI D402I-1994, Specilications for GlaJs Fiber-Reinforced n"fy"ri*i Uid"rg.ou,rd Petroieuirr Tanks UL 58-1993, Steel Underground Tanlcs for Flamrnable ancl Combustible Liquids tJL 7316-1993; Glass Fiber Reinforcect Piastic Undergrouncl storali--tanks for :---*bPetroieum Products CI. l=^ lfhe inatel'ial oi tanlc constructiorr sha1l be compatible with the liquid to be stored. In case of cloubt aborit the properties of the tiquicl to be itorecl, the supplier or producer of the iiquid shall ,be consulte cl regarcling the allpropriater1ess of the material. 5.2 ]:riri: rication 5.2.7 I'arrlcs sJrali b* pen:ritted-lo be of ariy shape or tlpe consistent with sound engineering practice. 5'2'2 'Steel tanhs - Tanks shail be conshucted fi-om rolled. carbon steel plate, welded togetirer to rneet the requirements of trl, 58-1993 standar.d. rir" ;i'";; _shall have aii external sharp cornel's, buns and weld pinnacles removed, then be ""t"i abrasive blast-cleaned to SA 2'5 or equivaient. The entire extemal sqrface of the tank shal1 be painted" wigr a primer then coated v'ith an approved bihrmen/aspbait-based ut 10 rnils dft. "ootirrg i 5.2.3 Jacketccl tanhs 5',2'3'7 Tlie primary steel tank shall meet the requiremenJs of UL 5g-1g93 standard. Flanged ends are preferrecl. The outer surface of the pti**y steet tar* sfr"rf fr*" sharp cornel-s, bru'rs ancl weld pimacies removeo. lt ii tlquir:"d;##;;; "fi;;#i #;i; "* stee]surfacepriortoadc1itionoftiresecond'arytank. 5'2'3'2 The tanl< shall be clacl with a stand-off mesh to create the interstitial space. The outer shell (seconclary tank) cem be eonshrrcted eiflrer: a. b. In accordance with \J;Lr.,46-1993, hlqh density polyetJrylene (FIDpE) In accrordernce with UL 1316-1993, fiberglass - , . 5'2'4 .Fiberglass-- Tzurks shali be constructed of fiberglass reinforced polyester resin in accotdance with tll- 1316-1993 by a manufactr:rer authoriid to use tfr" W-fuUrication label. 6 Installation 6'1 Arly earth excavatilig proceclure presents safety hazaids relatecl to the presence of unstable soils, water, released product equipment. The gf results any soil a'alysis Tg."]ouiqg ol q"ffi;;. Ji""iur artention fy-dro-seological slrrvey shall be available prior to shall be given to sloping or shoring the sicles oith" excavation """u"uti"f to-rnake ttrem siaUte. 6'2 Excavations for steel and FRP tanks shall be deep enough to provide fbr a back fill of at least 0'30 m (12 in-) below the bottom of the'turrk (or,u, ,""o-*ended by the manufactu::er:s), with or: without a hold-down pad.'The irutiuLa"ptfr;id;1;;ili"p"rrd, on the tnanu'facturer'.s recotrlmendations, tank diameter, local regui",i"*,-lir;rlap" of finished PNS/DOtr FS'1-z:200S surfuce to be api:lied, soil conciitio:rs, l:pograpL)', the vertical distance neecled to provide the leq uired slope lar vapor ancl proclu.ct lines, the rninimum depth of cover fbr the pipirrg, a*d suction Irjls 6'3 steel zmcl FRP shall be piaced on a bed of suitabie baclcflll that has been graded, leveled ancl to the.depflr specifieci in 6,2:^ApproximatriJlo ;.j';ii""kfil', or rhe a::rount recorunended by the tanl< ma:rufactruer-, shall ""r'i;;fr"#""" the hold-down be instaflj pad and tad< bottorn. An rurdergrorurcl tank shail never t" i"rt"H"o"ar.L.ii, on hol4-down padlar-iclior:age' colnpactecl earlir or any hard sur.face. Care shall be.talcen -wiren the tank is lor.vered into the excavation to prevent du*ug". 6'4 SuitaLble backfill shall be placed ca:efully along the boltom quadrant of the tank to talk supporl. prerrent morrernent and to ensure proper 6'5 It is occztsjonally necessary to instali nrore than one storage tanl< for a given prod*ct. Such tanks rrray be interconnectecl by m.eans of a siphon :connection, which per.mits the equalizatio:r of flre product levef in the. connected tanks. Interconnec;"J't*il;shall have the saru e top elevati on to avo i d op erati o nai and./or regulatory/spillsa pr,obl;;;.'---616 Tanks can be secured against flotation in several ways. The followrng are some of the most.recent methods used : 6.6-tr Placing zr. concrete slab uncler the tanlcs, witlr 0.15 rn to 0.30 m (6,- 12 tt:-.), cushion of proper backfill between tlre bottonr of the tank ancl the s1ab, and anchoring the tard< to the i slab 6.6.2 thereto. ]3ui-yillg concrete cleachne'/sinl(ers on either side of the tanJc, ancl anchoring the tantrr 6'6'3 Burying the tank deeper lhan norma|2.13 m (not e>{ceeciing rrrethodnriLyresrr1tinaccesspiob1ernsfortarr]<top1rar.jware_*o uL limit of 7 feet). This 6'7 When a:rchor straps' are tlsecl, the straps shall be installed. in accordance with manufacturer's instruction since speciai stgaps, special installation requirenients or special stlap rocations may be recluirecl to protect tire talks or their coatings from.d.atnage or to protect the inlegjty of the corrosion protection system. 6'8 Seconciary containutents for tar:ks can be provided by the use of double wall tanks. 'rire type of secondzry containmenl used clepends on tr." .ii" "l"airi"", *o-l""lrro*ic factor-s. seconclafy contait:ment i* ,""omrrrendecl gl rg* installations wiiere the sole-source aquifer requires protection, llresence of public potable *ater *.il *itLin rom,"i* from the site. 6.9 \/arrlting a conunon wall 6'9'1 There sirall be no.openi'gs in tire vault enciosure except those necessary fo' access to inspection, Jir1ling, emptying and.iientilrg of the tank. l0 : PNS/DOE FS t_2:2005 Tire'r'vails and floor of a co.crete vault shalr be consfruated of leasl 0'15 m (6 ia') thickreinforced concrete at Tlt;;;;;al_r be noncombustibre-material. floor of tire vault a'd the ta'r< ?orrnaatio' The ron. shalt t" l"rigrr"d;" loading i'crudir:g sq' ancr ,rr" anticipated iivor.lm. --' * --'' rJ"J*g. ina supporr;;i bp srructura'y designed for- this application. !'9'2 ";;;;;of i'il, f;3;l ;fii#o 'fhe va*lt shalJ be s'ubstanlia1ly liq'id tlsrrf ana there srralr be no backfiil around the ff,1-,.fi,:lJ1i,j'o#]l t" tanl< sirall ,be s,itabiv anciro'ed ro wirhsrand *plifti'g by 6..10 Ballasting 6'10'1 U'cJerg::o,ncr ranrcs oa' be o"t3:l:1il with product afrer flre tanks ar.e mstalled and baclcfill has bee' placJ "::",.r1u. around'rire tant<, liis the ballast jn the tard< sirall the height of "ot-"""""d *re tevei oi ir""#rr alound tLu tuoi. rrowever, at no bdrasr in rank exceed 0 30 m r";d;;;;ffi:" llTi#|*ll1: i"XTTrTf"ffiTn:j*Hl#-*';ff: 're pumps shar nor be ,,ubposibre of water d"ii;il rh"li # ;; rs removed' Disposal '11,x'1"y;fi11?;:",;:"1i'##1,"#,"',:':l:,1::r:"T"'?r, accordance to uppropriate regulations. 6'10'3 wirert product is usecl as ballast, ffiHif"-ffiffffi-#fft n.a required in rrand-ring, co',.oqing :*:,,', i'ventories, fi"ft;:Ti, and pumps ,sharl be kept "*ia""t"; ''J "*' rocked 6,11 Ol:ser\leltion well / 6,7 ,'observatio' well, locertecl at the low,sicle of the ta'lc, srral be i*stallecl--for :onl of t]:e well shall be at ieast 0.33 nr (rz in.) ,€ach ti ,,' .--.n9' '. below tire tank bottom* 6.77.2 The soir belwee'tarircs a,d,trre observation weils rnust be 00ai'se torrrediumsattds,a:r'dcoarsesi1ts.@suchasgravels, l 6'11'3 The slotted'ortjon of the weiJ casing-and the gravel.pack i'stalled to pr-eve't migr:ation around the welr must be fi'e soil into a bacr<fill or i'to a werl. "iooi.,r]*i "o*r" 6,17.4 The observatior: sealed fiorn tire top of the 0. 15 m (6 in.) i:elorv filter pack. This is norrnalry the fflh::ilte *#;irrr33;it;otto" wells sl:all be clearlv markecl and secured to avoicl 6,12 'naurhorized access Once tire tanlr prlle worJ{, electr ical wrrlng, s-nbmersible pumps and manhole stalled, baclcfilling is completecl lisers are to the Lrnclerside of the tank ecified in 6.6 .I slat level. The tank slab is . 1i - PNS/DOE, FS l-2:2005 -7 n'I I .L Site testing aud comrnissioning xla'e-ins{,allntion inspection anci testing 7.1"1 'Ulrori delivery at the installation site ancl just prior to installation, tankrs'shall be carehliy inspected to ensure that they oomply with the applicabie specifications and to detect any erridence of damage to coatings, materials or structue. Another careful visuai inspection .Llvlt. slrall be conducted just prior to inStallation. i I ,1 'i ,'l f I I I . .$ 7.1.7'Befor.e a tanl< is instalied, the inside verlical diameter shall be measured and pemranently recorded for comparison with post installation measurements and for future reference. The insicle vertical d.iameter of flre tank ca:r be measured. from the top of the bung (or opening) in three locations (that is, the middle and bot'h ends of the tank). The deflectioir f I t t , ,j I :rl .'T : :t ,: i.iif, ri ii ' (difference between pre-installation and post-installation measruements) musfrnot exceed the tanli lnanufactr-u er' s reconunendations. 7.2 I iii,l I .rt :.t , :il 'i r, :I: i,:itlr ',li ,i . i ,l :;, i{ irl ,' il $.s rsi ts $f 'ii.!l il: .t& 1 i$ ;!* riii !:tr '1* :i! .?.3 When the intenra.l pressllre is achievecl, the pressrrre source shail be discon:rected fiom Lhe tank, all seam.s, brlngs, and man-hoies shall be unifor:niy coated. and recoated as "I by the presence of bubbles identified by :i.iI t!f .;L iF :_4 .iB a :it ."; :;f r4 in, 7.2.4 lf bubbles are observed around fiitings, tlie fittings shallbe checked for tightness and 'repaired as necessary. If leaks ar:e detected in seams or the shell, the supplier/manufacturer , .rt :$ rrii . iii .:ilili f,i lF* ,ii shali be notified. ,i{ );f ;it li 4,$ 7.2,.5 Afier teurk jnstallation, similar lrydrostatic or air pressure test procedure shall be conducted to deternrine tank integr-ity. 1 riI :ii iii :i1 .lj ;!l r: tir r:{ 7.2,6 For used tanl<s, Out of Service Inspection (OOSI) procedure shall be conducted prior to'integr-ity test. T2 l i lil necessflr5r \A/ith a s6ap solutiorr" Leahs are detected rris ual inspec ti ori. I I I :i presstt:Jtzatton. , I r.$ *,J 7.2.1. 7.2..2 Pi-ior to pressurization, flre external surface of the tank shall be inspected for clefects. A hydrostatic or air pressrue (for new tanJrs only) applicable for tarrk is appiied (according to the manufactuler's recommended procbdures) to raise the inlernql tank pressure to a level l€conmended for this test by the memufachrer, usually not les-s than 3 psi but not more than 5 psi with at least 30 minutes holding time, A pressure gauge with a maximum range of 10-i5 psi with gladuations of no more tiran % pst incr-ernents shall be usecl to confirm proper I I I Testing of single rvall tanhs A11 factory installed brurgs (piugs) are removed frorn the tank, and a pipe, tluead sealant certifiecl for petroleurlr service or for, the fuel to be stored. is applied.. The bungs are then i'eplaced ancl tightened to ensure that no air or water. is released during testing. Any ternporary bungs or dust covels shall be replaced with solid bungs. i I ,t 'ri it . :tt i PNS/IDOE FS t-Z:2005 ' 7 '3 7'3'j' ?esting af croubre waII tantrcs DoLrbie wall tatrks provicle a forp. of seco'dary co'tair:ment and it contain an i'ternal cavity (that is' flle space betwee' rire irrner *a iant watts) called an interstice. This space may aiso be refened to as,i'terstitial ""lJi *pu"",-*t-annurus, or an *rri"r space. The interstice is a feafure that provicl"t roi contairmrent anJ detectioo ori"r"".lr**a to pro'ide per'ranent sto'age of product. is not meant irr" pri*"iliJ"r.r.*""r^;".;;;;ferred rn'er" ta'k' a'd the exte'ior of the ta'i< to as the as the outer,oni.-- 7'3'2 Both.the i'ner ancl outer shells of a doubte wall tanl< shall be tested prior to installatio'' lt is extre'rely i*pottu',t rrruilr,";;;;"";"rer -.'-will determine the exact test methocis and protocols for flreir iroduct. . \4iARhrrlvc Pressurizatio' of the interstice-clirectly outsid.e air source is d;ngerous ancl shall be strictly ptotriui-t-eJ-il;;;, from an-,,*"; enter the lr"i. white the interstice is under pressure. Remember t" r*u'"*.i fiom the t*rr.-""a, *t ile the tank under pressure. 8 QuaXity assurance 8'1 Ta'k i'a'ufacturervsuppliers ,oqTit details of quality assurance piograrns place; the sta'cla'cl to which t*i. TSrt and tank duly siguecl by a man'facturer's/s'pp;i*k "o*pties, fl*;;; of any factory testing done ;;'o"i#[pror"ssioTal o' i' the mechanical engineer. 8.2 Ali cotxllosite, fiber:glass, jacketed', andl fiberglass ta'lcs must be subject to a '35,000 volt holiday cletector test to ellsure that'o flaws are present in the finish;";;nk outer sheil 9 Responsibilities of owner ancl venclor 9'1 l'ventory reconciliation Regula' routine of quantities of proriuct ;mc1 stock-on-hand must be 'econciliation kept, with n*rrrt ty reviews of cu'rulative variances. srralr be o"'v .it", *J ;;l;;;quenrly on any 'rade *ffiHi:l"rio' ",,];;:;ooti, sales' r-eceipf #:i 9'2 water d-raw-off - Tanl<s shall be checked at least weekly fbr the presence of water. This be due to ia'k leakage. fi;;.;; 'ray'ot'ecessarily enter the tank thro*gh roose top fittings' ta'k or'sometimes can be entralrped ir-r the p.oJ*, being delivered. water shall be rernoved as soorl as.possibre usi,g an air-drive".;"f;;ailnhraeru p;rt;; iirse:ied down the clii point, ,rJt;-;;;se hose generary of water ingress investigatecJ.. 9'3 r'eali r'otritorj'g * wirer e observation weiis or mo'itoring are instarled, routitrely checlcecl ror signs orp.La""t these sha, be release. rrr" pr"Lce of product in,werls may 'ot - but it wirr ffi'H.#:,'i,,ffT',i;i'i:;,',J*:;Htt'J m"T*l?;"o 13 ',o*'..roiil"-,p,,r, Ref'enencss PNS4DES F,S l-2: 2005 #fi $#$ffi '":"fsTffi lr,:i,*:lr;;ff {,tffJffi #f .f;n::"-.*ttH?*'tii"sl*1*:t ee6, carhoai" p,ot"oion or Underground perroreum #ll"f;gr"#tT#$'t;Utd;:,;1f"-I APr l{'ecom'renclecl Practice 1604-19B7,'closure of underground petroleum storage Tanks APr Recomme'c{ed Practice 163r'-1987,r'terior lining of undergrouncl storage Tanks APIStandard550-1993,WeldeciSteeifoIoilStorage API stanciard 653-1991, Tank inspection, ltepair, Alteration and Reconstruction ASTIv'J C33 -_1994, specificatiorl for concrete Aggregates fjr#,Prf?';tJlrnno, specificarions ficr Glass Fiber-Reinforced poryester underground ASTII\,4 G5 7-!994" lwethocl Electrocie tvietir;i' fol F'ield Measurement of soil resistiv*ty using wenner F.our- NFtrA 70-rgg5, lri'ational trlectri calccrde ffi-&i*Trlifi3'*n:mmendecl Practice for Handling undergrouncr Leakage of Flammabre PtrI ltecomnrencied Fractice 00- g90, Recornmendecl practice for ^ IJ'derg'Gunci Liquio' stoffi; rnstallation of Fvrt*ir"' 1 1 PEI R'ecomrnencrecr prac;tice 300*1994, vapor Recovery Instructions sa-rcg3, steer underground Tanics foiFlammable and combustibre Liquids ,993, Glass Fiber Reinforceci plasti" U"A"re.b; *Olrr"i_r. Tanlcs for peffoleurn {r ;;;; ut 1746- lgg3, Exfernal corr*sion Frcrfective s)rstems DENR Administrative orcler' zg, Inrpieme*tinpq Rules a,d Ffa-zardor-rs ot C tVu*d#W#.t5;;rol Act:'of t ggO for steel grourrd storage Tanks and Regulations firr Toxic substances trJnder Hfr$:i}fri:fi #*::*""ifi undergroun,J 1,*,.!1gg-ard,ry" Galvanic corrosion Protection systems ranlis rb;'i'r;rn-d;tifi;,ib:H#i{1'fff i,?T,?'J." for steer S teel T'anlc I s,frecification and Manual for lInder gro*nctr,g Externar corrosion protection l$-iit1-tfifr$ffi r;;l s;;;#'filii; National Association un d ergrou ncl o of corr-osion llngi'egis stanciarcl, Control er ailic pqr ing s )rst ern s r s i,u *;,R ;Ji\4 il??,f,1ii,,*i"i;#arion of cor r-osion nngirreei-s $j rancrarcr, fiIJS Control of of External Corrosion of o:F External Corrosion on BtJ$q4u*.ff PRoDucr STANDARDS yoLtr purtner in clunlity-, Mark is sovernecr by rhe provisi ll ,.::lricariol n,,i,,J ri,i,i,J# ;;;J;;;i,J|j*lili?.ll:T:tllq,r1trrarive ll *:,:::: le.cr^certiiifari;' j,1? jillt:l: ;';;;"k ,fl- H:r"r"lll: Hl; 3:1ll:1,:::,1,:1":aretv TIFIED Quality #,;?";;i;i;ff::'jifl:, nv order 911;;;'oieii i,i#;;;:.,il#;;,i,ff:,?ii::i,ij:::11,r,,.0, rni""'o* i# lj,?,1,y:l:'"i:,:.1,:,:1,_,,i,i,ii.i requiremenrs or a phiriooine;i;;;;';.;;r'il':l':;',i;?;H:Ti::'J#iJ'.dr:i::.!r.'.';;;;";h; under which a license Cerlifinrtinn Mark [rrrL -^., r-'certilicati0n maybe'0rantedcan to use the ps be obtained rro,"'o't'on' of Trade TradeanOlndusLrv':n-1 (on air r D....-, ancr lnduslry,361 Sen rta^.r-^-^ -llheBureau0tProduct Stanriarrte ndards, Departrnent GiiJ d;r;;il,iil:T;1ffi?Ti;U " CERTIFiED Product Safety Ii UIEE, /*TI Oi? PITS II'IJCT STANDAr{DS Ileparfment of Tracle anci lndustry l'eclrnical Committee 6E - Felroieltm Frocesses and Facilities Chairrtrliirl 1 Zemiria Y. l),4onsacla Aivin IJinricl T. l-irl* Oil [ric]us[r.,"' h{iuragernerrt Burean Iiepa r[l11ent aJ: Jlnergy h'Iernb {:rs Te Professional As sociati sting: 2 jrlor';iii.i:e {l;ui:tiLan" ^ fi,{ i:la j s -i.ndr"rs l:r-ir llesea rch ancl Derteiol:rncn l 9 on : Mario C. Tsnchanco Safeq' Organization of the Fhils. Cettrcl- lle 1:;rr tirient o1' Science a.ncl Gorrclrinroni Agenci 3 os; Tech.nolog',' : Inclustry': 10 Leo W. J;rciulo Rornarico I. Salas ?t * * Caltex (Phils.), I:rc 11 Lita Roco ioseph C. Chavez** Vina IVIarie O. Ignacio** Pilipinas Sheli Petroleurn Corp. L2 Ariel R, Quizon Ennin Rivera* * C1'nthia C, Sa:rrson* * Total (Phils.) Cor:: 13 hloel A. Aquino* * Seaoil Phrli., Inc. f.ielsc.rii 5. Scl, 31'.'i; rt B urr:r;ru of' Fii-e Frolection Dcpartrnent ol: ihterior ancl l-ocal Gui,f.gltltL:ili. tl Gerarclo S" Ga.fciralian"'* Bur*au of \\,rcr'hing Conclitions I)epartnient o:[ I-a[:or 8r Ernployrnent 'Rlrrrron Fer:ralrdc'k't Occui:af ionai lJealth & Safe6' Ceuler Delrai lmenf ol'I-,abor c(r Enrployruerrt Josc Slrivarior T. Passc Ecir'r,iri llorrrel 1{. Navaluna Envi ronrnent;1i $rlarmgernent B ureau De;:arlmcril of i-:nvir-clrment and lriatural Iti:soru'cgs .LTL 15 lrionna {1. Flcrnanclcz 7 [:; Magabilio:t x Bur,:arr oi' Prodncl Standarcls fiel:'.r r-tnierrt. o i- Tlade and hidu str-y Invitees: iVIa. Imre JJ. "rnir-ss:t * Oil I nciustilr' htlanagemenl Burean t Ilcpa i'trrion I r; f i:ncrgy SC ;tit.,tx-l,rttt c * r< ik r:riduil:e:' t'i Generoso B. Cmz** Jane Q. Ramirez** Petron Corp IVl1,1'r * Michael Rudolph E. Serito" lf,VA, Inc. F15'pg 1t t.;f' llc I Cliirirrn{?r'i {}lt SC Secreta ri a r; Zenaida Ci. L-,ii-:zarrr Rhodor:a C. I'ascr-r;ri Rehinar-cJ C; Santos Eleanor R. T {irjutri tr I- 6 Alex Lumburar* * fucira.rd Adrian Sison*' * Ur:ioii Pctrolellffr Phils., Inc. [,'uel Stol'arge rlrci Ilispensing Systern n