ASME B31 G Level 1 Evaluation Value Material D: Specified outside diameter of the pipe Data Imput t Pipe wall thickness Unit Carbon Steel 323.9 mm 10.3 mm d: Defect Depth 5 mm L: Defect Length 100 mm 70.000 °C Design Temperature Maximum Operating Temperature MAOP: Maximum Allowable Operating Pressure (Design Pressure) 56 °C 87.4 Bars MOP: Maximum Operating Pressure Pt: Hydrostatic test pressure PO: Operating pressure, may equal MAOP or MOP SMYS: specified minimum yield strength at ambient conditions Modified ASME B31G Method Original ASME B31G Method * An area of corrosion with maximum depth greater than 20% but less than or equal to 80% of the wall thickness shall be d/t permitted to remain in the pipeline unrepaired provided that the pressure at such an area does not exceed a safe level. Sflow: Flow stress, defined in para. ASME B31G 2.2 (a) =1.1*SMYS M= Z: SF: SO: SF*SO 2.997 1.510 safety factor =Pt/MAOP (But usually not less than 1.25) 1374.217 hoop stress at the operating pressure 2075.476 Bars 132 Bars 87.4 Bars Bar 483 (1Mpa=10 Bar) As per ASME B31.4 451.6.2.2: 48.54% 5313.000 Bars ASME B31 G Assessement to be used The flaw is acceptable where SF is equal to or greater than SF* SO, or where PF is equal to or greater than Output Message 1.843 PS For Z<=20 The flaw is Acceptable 45378.617 Safe operating pressure For Z>20 SF Estimated failure stress level Sflow: Flow stress, defined in para. ASME B31G 2.2 (a) =1.1*SMYS 4358.831 Bars 5313.000 Bars Z<=50, M= 1.688 Z>50, M= 3.096 SF 4130.103 Output Message Bars A Level 1 evaluation is a simple calculation that relies on single measurements of the maximum depth and axial extent of metal loss. PS The flaw is Acceptable 42997.394 Safe operating pressure SF*SO Sflow ASME B31G 1.7 (b) Material SMYS Carbon Steel Temperature T<250°F (120°C) Carbon Steel and low alloy Steel SMYS < 70 kpsi (483 Mpa) Carbon Steel and low alloy Steel SMYS < 80 kpsi (551 Mpa) T<250°F (120°C) Sflow ASME B31G 1.7 (b) Flow Stress Sflow= = 1.1 X SMYS , Sflow< SMTS Sflow= = SMYS + 10 (KPSI), 69 Mpa , Sflow< SMTS Sflow= =(SUT+SYT)/2 , SUT & SYTare specified at theoperating temperature (YT is the yield strength and UT is the ultimate strength in tension) l2 t 0 0 1 1 2 4 3 9 4 16 5 25 6 36 7 49 t 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 64 9 81 10 100 t t 6 7 8 9 10 11