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Wheel of Life Balance Worksheet

The Wheel of Life Balance
GENERAL DIRECTIONS: Your studies (and work) should – at least for the most part –
interest, stimulate, and energise you. But it should also leave you enough time to
enjoy and pursue the other essentials of life: family and friends, hobbies, exercise,
spirituality, and so on. We work and live best when our lives are in balance.
Balance means different things to different people – and at different points in their
lives and careers. This worksheet is, thus, not about dictating a prescribed work-life
balance, but only to bring into self-awareness where your time and energy are going,
and how satisfied you are with the flow.
PART I: Where are you in and out of balance?
Instructions: Using this template (or your own graphic), divide the circle into equal
segments, one for each major area you identify as comprising (your) life. Label the
segments (e.g., Work, Studies, Health & fitness, Faith life, Love life, etc.). Then for
each area, give yourself a satisfaction rating out of 10 with 1 being least satisfied with
the time/energy I devote to this area (suffering) and 10 being most satisfied with the
time/energy I devote to this area (thriving). Connect the dots in some manner as
discussed in lecture (w/ colours, markers, etc.)
Now take a step back: What do you notice? Where are you in balance (e.g., satisfied)?
Where are you out of balance (e.g., dissatisfied)?
I notice that I am mainly very satisfied with the areas of my life (e.g. uni, work, soccer,
physical, financial and mental). Furthermore, I am mainly concerned with balancing
soccer, uni and work, these are my top priorities and they are the most important
areas of my life and they consume my time and energy predominantly. Currently, I am
facing high demands from my work, university, and soccer commitments as I have
impending assessments and exams are in the near future. In order to manage the
rising cost of living, I have taken on additional shifts at work, which has increased my
workload. Moreover, I have recently added an extra developmental training session to
my soccer routine, which has elevated my training schedule to four times a week, in
addition to a weekly game.
I notice that social and well-being are just satisfactory. I am confident that my social
and well-being will improve naturally as I start to free up more time by submitting my
assignments and utilizing my social and well-being breaks to ease my study schedule
during the exam period.
PART II: Making changes
Choices, priorities, boundaries, and compromises are ever-present in our day-to-day
lives. To make changes will require alterations in likely-ingrained habits and routines.
Please think about and respond to the questions below.
1. Look at your daily / weekly
routines. Which habits and
strategies are contributing to
some of your current imbalances?
2. What positives are you
(consciously or unconsciously)
getting from your current time
*excessive hours on social media?
*prioritising work over health?
*avoiding delegation to maintain control
of your work?
*Recognition? Reputation? Reward?
Progress? Safety? Security? Control?
Sheer survival?
Your response (dot points okay)
excessive time spent on tiktok and
social media which I could spend
doing well-being activities instead
an overly long to-do list, instead I’ll
use the Stephen Convey method and
focus on productivity over being busy
by working on urgent and important
tasks instead of an endless list
As a means of balancing my life, I
typically reward myself when
completing difficult tasks. For
instance, I allow myself to purchase
something that I have been eyeing, or
I’ll indulge in a treat to help me power
through a packed day.
Can you obtain those positives
without undue suffering?
3. Finally, write down three simple
action plans
address any of your
‘dissatisfactions’ from your Wheel
of Life on the previous page and
get closer to the balance you want
for yourself. Capture the essence
of your balance goals in a single
sentence (e.g., I will START to
spend more time volunteering for
my community. OR I will
CONTINUE to call my mum
I will START
using more well-being activities such as
music and drawing
I will STOP
going on tiktok and social media
mindlessly or as a procrastination activity
to reward myself while working on difficult
Note: This activity has been adapted from Dan Beverly’s Work-Life Balance
Worksheet: Developing Self-Awareness for an Intentionally Designed Work/Life