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Ethics Exam Answers: Kant, Utilitarianism, Natural Law

Question 1
Which of the following considers ‘vote-buying’ as immoral?
Response: Immanuel Kant’s Principle of Justice
Correct answer: Immanuel Kant’s Principle of Justice
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 2
What is that act which an individual is obliged to do according to Kant?
Response: Act from a sense of duty
Correct answer: Act from a sense of duty
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 3
What is that act by which an individual is obliged to do according to Kant?
Response: Act from a sense of duty
Correct answer: Act from a sense of duty
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 4
Who upheld the idea that the morally best act is the one that produces the greatest
amount of happiness for the greatest number?
Response: Bentham and Mill
Correct answer: Bentham and Mill
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 5
This is a universal rule which, if followed, will ensure that a person is acting from a
sense of duty.
Response: Categorical Imperative
Correct answer: Categorical Imperative
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 6
A student is requesting his teacher for an extra work in order to gain plus points without
affecting the grades of his classmates. If the teacher is a utilitarian, what might he
probably do?
Response: The teacher will not grant the request. It is not beneficial for the majority of
the students.
Correct answer: The teacher will not grant the request. It is not beneficial for the
majority of the students.
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 7
Which among the following BEST describes Rule-Utilitarianism?
Response: That an act intended for the common good should still be guided by rules
Correct answer: That an act intended for the common good should still be guided by
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 8
I must take all pains to become a doctor, teacher or entrepreneur or whatever it takes
for me to be happy. This is an example of:
Response: Imperative of prudence
Correct answer: Imperative of prudence
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 9
Applying natural law, how will I avoid evil and pursue good?
Response: By means of conscience
Correct answer: By means of conscience
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 10
For St. Aquinas, how could man’s ultimate happiness be found?
Response: Contemplating God
Correct answer: Contemplating God
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 11
For St. Aquinas, what role does God have when it comes to morality?
Response: God’s commands help us see what is right and wrong
Correct answer: God’s commands help us see what is right and wrong
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 12
Who is the master principle of Natural Law?
Response: St. Thomas Aquinas
Correct answer: St. Thomas Aquinas
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 13
This principle states that actions are good as they tend to promote happiness, bad as
they tend to produce unhappiness.
Response: Principle of utility
Correct answer: Principle of utility
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 14
According to Aquinas, one may recognize the natural foundation of things through the
use of:
Response: reason
Correct answer: reason
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 15
Why is it important to consider happiness when talking about utilitarianism?
Response: Because happiness is a natural and common goal for every individual
Correct answer: Because happiness is a natural and common goal for every individual
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 16
These are laws that have seen fit to give us God’s grace.
Response: Divine Law
Correct answer: Divine Law
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 17
Act utilitarians point out that sometimes violating a moral rule causes more happiness
than following the rule. In such cases, they argue, violating the rule is permitted:
Response: and even morally required by the utilitarian principle itself.
Correct answer: and even morally required by the utilitarian principle itself.
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 18
Why did Immanuel Kant believe that human knowledge is limited in scope?
Response: It is limited both to our experience and perception
Correct answer: It is limited both to our experience and perception
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 19
If a comatose patient is already being considered as a liability to his relatives,
euthanasia may be considered legitimate according to:
Response: both john rawl’s theory of justice and Kantian ethics
Correct answer: utilitarianism
Score: 0 out of 1 No
Question 20
The goodness or badness of an act according to Immanuel Kant is based from the
reason behind his acts. Thus, Kantian ethics may also be called as a form of:
Response: motivist theory
Correct answer: motivist theory
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 21
Euthanasia is morally unacceptable applying Kantian ethics because:
Response: we are to act so as to treat humanity as an end and never only as a means
Correct answer: we are to act so as to treat humanity as an end and never only as a
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 22
Which of the following acts are morally ACCEPTABLE under natural law?
Response: Death penalty
Correct answer: Death penalty
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 23
Act utilitarians say that we should always do that specific action that produces the
greatest happiness, even if this means violating moral rules. Rule utilitarians challenge
this, arguing that we should follow moral rules even if we think that violating them would
yield better results, because:
Response: acting in general to produce the greatest amount of happiness for the
greatest number of people is not always the morally right thing to do.
Correct answer: following moral rules generally yields more overall happiness than the
unhappiness created by allowing for the rare exceptions to rules.
Score: 0 out of 1 No
Question 24
How will one justify whether or not ‘suicide’ is pro or against natural law?
Response: Suicide is against natural law since it violates human laws
Correct answer: Suicide is against natural law since it violates survival
Score: 0 out of 1 No
Question 25
Why did Immanuel Kant distinguished action done in accordance ‘with duty’ from a
‘sense of duty’?
Response: To argue that the human person is acting morally if and only if he does his
Correct answer: To argue that the essence of morality is found in motive from which an
act is done
Score: 0 out of 1 No
Question 26
This does not generate an external set of rules that are written down for us to consult
but rather it generates general rules that any rational agent can come to recognize
simply in virtue of being rational.
Response: Natural Law
Correct answer: Natural Law
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 27
Reproductive Health Law was designed to guarantee universal access to methods on
fertility control and contraception. Which of the following claims uses ‘natural law’?
Response: It is against reproduction
Correct answer: It is against reproduction
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 28
In natural law, ‘abortion is wrong’ because it is against:
Response: self-preservation
Correct answer: self-preservation
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 29
Which of the following is NOT among the propositions under the Utilitarian Ethics?
Response: A man is a self-governing, rational will, conforming to the absolute but
internal demands immanent in him as rational will.
Correct answer: A man is a self-governing, rational will, conforming to the absolute but
internal demands immanent in him as rational will.
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 30
Rule utilitarians have argued that injustices against minorities would be permitted under
act utilitarian principles, since the violation of the rights of a few might produce more
overall happiness in certain situations than respecting those rights. They argue that, by
contrast, under rule utilitarianism injustices against minorities would not be encouraged
Response: if unjust practices became the rule in a society, there would be more
Correct answer: if unjust practices became the rule in a society, there would be more
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 31
Which of the following is TRUE?
Response: Aquinas insists that faith and reason shouldn’t conflict if approached
Correct answer: Aquinas insists that faith and reason shouldn’t conflict if approached
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 32
It refers to the rights that exist prior to and independently from legal counterparts.
Response: Moral Rights
Correct answer: Moral Rights
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 33
Kant believes that “without rationality, the universe would be a waste, in vain, and
without purpose.” Hence, Kantian Ethics may be argued as a form of:
Response: Pragmatism
Correct answer: Intuitionism
Score: 0 out of 1 No
Question 34
Which of the following use Kant’s categorical imperative in relation to contraception?
Response: That a sex partner may be considered as a means only to obtain one’s end
of sexual gratification;
Correct answer: That a sex partner may be considered as a means only to obtain one’s
end of sexual gratification;
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 35
Applying Kant’s ethical principles, Pornography and Prostitution are morally
unacceptable since:
Response: we are to act so as to treat humanity as an end and never only as a means
Correct answer: we are to act so as to treat humanity as an end and never only as a
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 36
Why do we need to consider the rules when doing good for the sake of the majority?
Response: Because there are consequences to any action and we are responsible to
these consequences
Correct answer: Because there are consequences to any action and we are responsible
to these consequences
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 37
According to Immanuel Kant, we should only act on a rule or principle which:
Response: everyone consistently acts on that maxim when in a similar situation
Correct answer: everyone consistently acts on that maxim when in a similar situation
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 38
Which of the following BEST describes Utilitarian Ethics?
Response: It views man as a self-governing, rational will, conforming to the absolute but
internal demands immanent in him as rational will.
Correct answer: The greatest good of the greatest number.
Score: 0 out of 1 No
Question 39
Can Kantian Ethics be universalized?
Response: Yes, because it based on the idea that human person is capable of reason
Correct answer: Yes, because it based on the idea that human person is capable of
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 40
Kant considered Categorical Imperative as:
Response: something binding for all persons;
Correct answer: something binding for all persons;
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 41
Which of the following claims BEST describes Aquinas’ concept of morality?
Response: Good is to be promoted, evil avoided through conscience
Correct answer: Good is to be promoted, evil avoided through conscience
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 42
Why is a democratic type of government is a good example of utilitarianism?
Response: Because democracy gives the people the power to vote
Correct answer: Because democracy is a system of government for the people
Score: 0 out of 1 No
Question 43
Treating humanity merely as an end is directly against:
Response: Kant’s Principle of Justice
Correct answer: Kant’s Principle of Justice
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 44
In deciding how far we have to calculate the consequences of our actions, Mill says
that the utilitarian recommends that we should realistically consider only:
Response: the motive of the agent, and not necessarily the consequences of our
Correct answer: those persons most likely to be affected by our actions
Score: 0 out of 1 No
Question 45
How is Kantian ethics related to deontological ethics?
Response: Kantian ethics believes in duty or obligation as basis of one’s morality
Correct answer: Kantian ethics believes in duty or obligation as basis of one’s morality
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 46
Why should a person act according to reason in natural law?
Response: To exemplify the natural characteristics of who we are and what should we
Correct answer: To recognize the natural foundation of things
Score: 0 out of 1 No
Question 47
The goodness or badness of an act according to Immanuel Kant is based from the
reason behind his acts. Thus, Kantian ethics may also be called as a form of:
Response: motivist theory
Correct answer: motivist theory
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 48
Consider a group work and Ana is the leader. As a utilitarian leader, what would Ana
probably do in case one is not participating in the tasks?
Response: Ana will choose to prioritize the other members over one who is not
participating in order to meet your deadline
Correct answer: Ana will choose to prioritize the other members over one who is not
participating in order to meet your deadline
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 49
A killed B. Relating the Doctrine of Double Effect in Natural Law, A’s act may be
morally acceptable when:
Response: it was done to save his life
Correct answer: it was done to save his life
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 50
Utilitarian Ethics was developed by Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill. However,
there are some ideas that they do NOT agreed on, such as:
Response: The principle of utility which states that actions are good insofar as they tend
to promote happiness, bad as they tend to produce unhappiness.The principle of utility
which states that actions are good insofar as they tend to promote happiness, bad as
they tend to produce unhappiness.
Correct answer: The hedonistic calculus which is a method of determining which of
alternative actions would preferable because of the amount of pleasure to be
Score: 0 out of 1