Quiz on Week 1 Input (Lesson 1 & 2) Name___________________ Date__________ Score______ 1. As a human being, what is your purpose in this life? 2. As a student, is Ethics relevant to your course? How Ethics would help you in achieving your goals? 3. “Moral integrity is the only true measure of what man ought to be. The most powerful king, or the most successful professional, is nothing unless he too is morally upright. We are tempted to center everything on human happiness, forgetting that man’s greatness, perfection and happiness, his whole meaning in fact, consist in transcending the commonly accepted human good.”(Jacques Leclercq) For us Christian and LCCian, we believe that Christ is the true happiness. Christ is the foundation of Ethics. As an LCCian how would you concretize our core values Christ-centered to our brothers and sisters amidst this pandemic crisis? 4. As a human being, state your principle in life and how it helps you live day by day?