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Aggregate & Concrete Testing: ACV, TFV, Mix Design

Aggregate crushing value and 10% fines- BS 812: Part 110/1: 1990
This test is used to measure the strength of the coarse aggregates. This test will give a relative measure
of an aggregate to crushing under a gradually applied load. This test will be applied to aggregates passing
the 14mm sieve and retained at 10mm sieve.
1. The cylinder of the yest apparatus will be placed in position on the base plate. The aggregates
will then be placed into the cylinder in three layers, each layer to be compacted by 25 strokes of
the tamping rod.
2. The surface of the cylinder will be leveled and a plunger inserted so that it rests horizontally on
the surface of the cylinder.
3. The apparatus with the aggregates will be placed between the plates of the compression testing
machine. A force will then be applied gradually so that the required force of 400kN will be
reached in the required 10 minutes.
4. The force will be released and the crushed material released from the cylinder. The mass will be
recorded as A.
5. The whole material will be sieved with the 2.36mm sieve. The weight of the sample passing this
sieve will be recorded as B, and the mass of the mass retained at the same sieve will be recorded
as C.
6. The ACV will then be calculated as
𝐴𝐢𝑉 = × 100%
The Ten percent fine value (TFV) test will be carried out after the ACV. This will be determined by
measuring the load required to crush the prepared aggregate sample to give 10% of the material passing
a specified sieve after crushing. From the weights that will be measured during the ACV test, the TFV for
materials having an ACV ranging from 75% - 12.5% will be calculated as follows,
οƒΌ X- Maximum loading that will be recorded from the ACV test
οƒΌ Y- The percentage of material passing the 2.36mm sieve at the maximum force.
3.2. Concrete mix design
This procedure involves the process of finding right proportions of cement, sand and aggregates for
concrete to achieve specific properties. The properties that will be specified are:
The workability of the fresh concrete: this will be measured using two alternative tests, slump
test which is appropriate for higher workability mixes, and*****
The compressive strength at a specified age.
The durability, by means of specifying the minimum cement content and the maximum free
water cement ratio and in some cases, requiring the use of selected types of materials.
3.2.1. Definitions
The total water in concrete mix consists of water absorbed by the aggregate to bring it to a saturated
surface dry condition, and the free water available for the hydration of the cement and for the
workability of fresh concrete.
It is expressed as mass per unit volume of concrete and a major factor influencing the workability of
concrete. The free-water content required to produce a concrete of a specified slump value or Ve-be
time depends upon the characteristics of the aggregates. Generally, it is assumed that uncrushed
aggregates require less water compared to crushed aggregates to make concrete of equal workability,
and that the smaller the maximum size of the aggregate the higher the water content required.
Mix parameters
A durable concrete is one which gives a satisfactory performance during an adequate life in a given
environment; including protection of steel against corrosion in reinforced concrete and prestressed
concrete. This is dependent on free-water/ cement ratio.
Type and strength class of cement
Different types and strength class of cement produce concrete having different rates of strength
development. The cement adopted for this research will be********
Strength margin
As a result of the variability of concrete in production it is necessary to design the mix to have a mean
strength greater than the specified characteristic strength by an amount termed as the margin.
π‘“π‘š = 𝑓𝑐 + π‘˜π‘ 
Where π‘“π‘š = π‘‘β„Žπ‘’ π‘‘π‘Žπ‘Ÿπ‘”π‘’π‘‘ π‘šπ‘’π‘Žπ‘› π‘ π‘‘π‘Ÿπ‘’π‘›π‘”π‘‘β„Ž
𝑓𝑐 = π‘‘β„Žπ‘’ 𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑓𝑖𝑒𝑑 π‘β„Žπ‘Žπ‘Ÿπ‘Žπ‘π‘‘π‘’π‘Ÿπ‘–π‘ π‘‘π‘–π‘ π‘ π‘‘π‘Ÿπ‘’π‘›π‘”π‘‘β„Ž
π‘˜π‘  = π‘‘β„Žπ‘’ π‘šπ‘Žπ‘Ÿπ‘”π‘–π‘›, π‘€β„Žπ‘–π‘β„Ž 𝑖𝑠 π‘‘β„Žπ‘’ π‘π‘Ÿπ‘œπ‘‘π‘’π‘π‘‘ π‘œπ‘“:
𝑠 = π‘‘β„Žπ‘’ π‘ π‘‘π‘Žπ‘›π‘‘π‘Žπ‘Ÿπ‘‘ π‘‘π‘’π‘£π‘–π‘Žπ‘‘π‘–π‘œπ‘›
π‘˜ = π‘Ž π‘π‘œπ‘›π‘ π‘‘π‘Žπ‘›π‘‘
K is derived from normal distribution and increases as the proportion of defectives is decreased, thus
K for 10% defectives= 1.28
K for 5% defectives= 1.64
K for 2.5% defectives= 1.96
K for 1% defectives= 2.33
For 5% defective level specified in BS 5328= 1.64 and thus
π‘“π‘š = 𝑓𝑐 + 1.64𝑠
3.2.2. Stages in mix design
3.2.3. Trial mixes
3.2.4. Trial mixes test
The tests on the fresh concrete, the making of the test specimens, the curing and their method of test
will be accordance with the relevant part of the BS 1881 as follows
Slump test- BS 1881: Part 102
Making test cubes- BS 1881: Part 108
Accelerated curing- BS 1881: Part 112
Compression test of cubes- BS 1881: Part 116
1. Slump test – BS 1881: Part 102
Slump test has been used extensively in construction works to detect variation in the
uniformity of mix of given proportions. An increase on slump may mean that the moisture
content of the aggregate has increased or a change in grading of the aggregate, such as a
deficiency of fine aggregate. Too much or too low slump gives an immediate warning and
enables the mixer operator to remedy the situation.
a. A standard mould which is a frustrum of a cone complying with BS 1881- 102: 1983.
b. A standard flat base plate preferably steel.
c. A standard tamping rod.
d. A standard graduated steel rule.
e. A scoop approximately 100mm wide.
1. The inside surfaces of the mould will be cleaned and oiled to prevent adherence of fresh
concrete on the surfaces.
2. The mould will be placed on the base plate and firmly held.
3. The cone will then be filled with fresh concrete in three layers with each layer compacted with
25 strokes of the tamping rod.
4. After filling the mould, the top surface will be struck off by rolling action of the tamping rod.
5. After filling the mould, the cone will be slowly and carefully lifted.
6. Immediately after the removal of the mould the slump of the unsupported concrete will be
measured and recorded.
2. Split Tensile Strength – ASTM C496-11
Fresh concrete will be placed in a cylinder of 100mm diameter by 200mm height and left for
24 hours before being removed and cured for 28 days, then the test will be done.
The test will be done to determine the tensile strength of the cylinders. The cylinders will be
placed in a horizontal position and the load will be applied gradually and the value will be
recorded when the cylinder split into two halves or when the cylinder will fail while applying
the load on it.
3. Flexural Strength – ASTM C78
Flexural strength is a measure of tensile strength of concrete. It is a measure of an
unreinforced concrete beam to resist failure to bending.
100mm x 100mm x 500mm unreinforced beam will be casted and compacted using a
tamping bar in three layers and will be tested by loading according to ASTM C78.
4. Compression test of cubes- BS 1881: Part 116
Casting of cubes
The specimen will be cast in iron moulds which are 150mm cubes. The moulds surface will
be cleaned and oiled on their inner surfaces in order to prevent the concrete from sticking
on the mould. The moulds will be assembled and tightened using bolts and nuts to prevent
leakage of the cement paste. The moulds will be filled with concrete in three layers, each
layer will be compacted using a tamping rod to remove as much entrapped air as possible.
The moulds will be filled to the brim and excess concrete will be removed by sawing action
of a steel rule. The specimen will be left in the mould undisturbed for 24 hours.
Curing of cubes
Curing is used to promote the hydration of cement. The objective of curing is to keep
concrete saturated, until the originally water- filled space in the fresh concrete paste is filled
with the desired extent by the products of hydration of cement. The temperature during
curing also controls the rate of progress of the reactions of hydration. In this project the
curing temperature will be at room temperature in a curing tank filled with water. Before
placing cubes in the basin, they will be marked with a waterproof marker. Details on the
cubes will be mainly the types of mix, the date of casting and cube identification number.
Compressive Test
After curing the cubes for the specified period, they will be removed and wiped to remove
surface moisture in readiness for compression test. The cubes will be placed with the cast
faces in contact with the platens of the testing machine. The load will then be applied at a
constant rate. The readings on the dial gauge will be recorded for each cube.