I nor" o,r f1e*t Gtot.^trH oF ConlsrlTtTloN uND€-( I www.OnlineStudyPoints.com -tTlL C?NP&NY RUt-€. - 1s5B l L t*+s rhu Rsr,("frrq Ad, ) LWs z - - frAo*uz om ) (lnprttl serr,ra'#e | lil";A;+J uJ T BeU"l eS Cr.n nry"#3 '!^ o'.y plv& +*e. aa'tk $:ova'"1f'* tn"*b'$ 4a tu dy ,F.o* grJ*lr" Gr'.,'-( :l &*"b,J J+.u o in * f'&'a Ad, L+Bq: N;;x)'' al-do ktrtaatn ot A*r^oh)3 AJ: L+81 ' nl *Io .r..!/Y +'- d$o/= gf &he Rv+Ae-l forJtr,,,n,k paued' *he w .O + l- dtuee oil' Po ?wrid,.J JP*, one ClJd <rtsiiee o P,* - Cru"*J gP 8erg.0 h *l-li:, *:* { S" o} colo*o '(t*u) co-Pw"i3 JaS's' . ) u&"d" in Govr,,^l Mairxat p;eidwdet (ub' ts . Made Gwerrc,,r gP M^y \ Bu"Us!' .c . .&x,yr*r"J (rwurma ,of B"?)/ Govrtnu- Genel-"{ d "< P,* Gove.r,ror -Grrdl tlor b*d lilouen Haa*,nf|'.)kr(* hcl-' tt+s ' fr& { 8*kle-u,*' + w f"okuut w G o [P;'l+ n&): ju'c);o.t gf ite Gnpony, !' P:ltl;tJ blu csmrneraiJ Dit#,sfund 'U *:'T: J+e Comnetd "l DiuJeA C*# *{ae W a-lhttted / boJY csltd f , Eoand n{ Co"tr"! +'a ;tfi b...l- &eo*eot .-JJ na Su i'" ,'sy r+, g*:u;J ,gyok ' rulu ' etWku'4 { doriou rtttet',rne*' I J t cor / € -, l"dia {,.ri1''^. *en)+i'4' t^ an&'a 'D Aaash Goo), Lna^ u u) ele crll"J ' Bilrgh pa|udor| www.OnlineStudyPoints.com ovet corrp.,y' s ffv*-' s5e su*"-: arrJ og"iol 9- rle oJ"i"'4;Jiahb' )n 1--dLo' 'tn I + www.OnlineStudyPoints.com ch*J"^ A& , t}gz '"' + P;"J shp 4awo^dt ce,;t"qfi*oho, i^ btl<1" + F..h^.^ux ; andLa' gf t-Jt'o' Mode GovetrtaA Gu"-*",l, gf BrUJ a.< (novet,'.,o,q Gu,*J ,{<x* g;I&'or" BorJietc uWrj;u+ Govuno< Gn"*rJ g[' a-d.la om c Gnn*tol d Bo-boy !- paac!-+al L Govrnut4e en*)-'tq $ t,N a uy givrntd*;, u 3*ilaltvu lovte^,< *fa-t achv;g"< { L*y Ldta ts $.thth \-d'ta U endeJ fleq .c Deprrve ..Oe Gove,rno-,. Gmparl ol A (tnrneta'J dy Po Ovil Servo,rk' Feoitl,*z 2 in -) 44, tTsg : tu (JnaARA eS ) in a P*&Y adrn',ni.<t:',ohve bdY b"dy , " AH"*pl . +u i"J:qotrree o*.n. sysJer," a-phio, Jh" suleJ-,"- gl u'tNeh Secome amyehh^on sys*" * .O nl Jnbo&.,ne on oPrn i' I i !- ,-f'ect',tt]rn*t w w I eelechon , ,* J;d h*u Segemled ,Jhe -),yfu!"h,^ t- exedr#Ve Jureh"u gf iL. GpvanuGr "rJ's (ouru-!' il ptovict"J Jo^ odd't'#o,- t . *,^ nauJ rne*bed C.iteJ -lr6fu-bh've w I l\ " ff 't- a',o!.ian k";r',l) f,rr+ ])rno, -!o.J .9eyex* rrlohon du,oj-{ . (0"} C C me-bed q uuere appi,,l"d by i#roe-.[ure Lrpi-J."Uv" pou*nrnpn4-fu.",( (po.tiru'ol) U Al,ea" t Vuadsu, Bo,nbay, t byJ www.OnlineStudyPoints.com .L :fhe www.OnlineStudyPoints.com Ruug L fisB -Jsq?J 7-dta A& , lgs| ': - Goveqnrner# Abo.0ihe/ }lne Pos+ lrdto Co. , ar,'l, har*.jew"J *he p"Wurc gf Gorjl,, t*e.,r.itolrs/ !. Gevenusg .J6 *he e,;i;^i, Gou,sn, ) fr"*u.l co m ) CRourr.,l "" ts . ' &o,EJ *he dr*5n"ho" u * ths Gov*',o, GrrLao! Jof l-oLh +a " E deJ uo.d *he di&& !p^d bn;',,, dt'r r.fiep-rexe,,lqf,ve become l^ +".. "F Brl,<t, Cao_, in l.J,rb yP o * ,VieeA) 7,:"r^, J* i =^r: t*^ t. {o"b.{e ,ffr)<t,nrnet* b,1 ck&il"iy dhe 8.*d f G"rbJ !- c*,I+ g D;r-d6*r o ll cr,eo+eJ q neur o f,-i- .r/e,bfr.c f,nof L Ca.k l' oru o tS rnernler Co.rnu1 l-}e_ la-ro< otrto (.hott*o,- nl and,ia- OuJhanly .O J* #;n , Suodaoy d Sna= "f* 7.dJa, v"(+eo.( in eS U't'fi &,-pld. tu d " in \hemydz*io. I +ae + l"fiJy coC;ruA -to the Go',*+, Lro! "f ,-,/ X"a,'o 4a auht Seudo,T {-lre Gtrro.l :t ] *he od'dnrbql)on nochlnny d be Suyeui,te,( l- a*.91r! w w w At LiJ"ich {h e 1*.diar, in Er(/rlorA \maa,temu,4- .f d Lrdier"' c^fi*]n'dbolion' www.OnlineStudyPoints.com - r[+ c I www.OnlineStudyPoints.com ],&hn coo.u-! r.--.-----.--.--- I- t [ I i t I t E I f***-r: . MaJe bi,:t\ d ta ,*ohvu i<n+uh-^t ' * er?lPorrl ,notle.qt.fs in eS t co,venieJ- 4"a*oh S e-r.J *l,e bu,giv*a Yfee;a,y *o L o,Jut,rR" *rre i. the (ounijJ. Jxguo otiroor,u:,, -6rttAr* s6tua)-l , S ?f 6,6Uro r,eq uJad 6 won{i,q , $te *J -.( nl I .O I tI w a,d-ian G*,ell fr&, tgg2-: rr-rqd r,,?o-{e ou!- *{ne Vr,e erqge ,oy tli,){t't . - w + frda,*z : w t dA-rue -:.a*".*d i+ Wy ruw^ Jyi-uhnvu couner&} B,TJ.!, N.,rg, v Fro-r,ett (nr urp) & Pu,,Ib . tU"bN4y"S tl- urP:y*.J u,:crty ]o ' I p"!-t'ioJ *"d&1 7,dto'4 ) ,o;ttn J"L rnavirj F*d' l* aau yoviekJ {ldL utac-/q6/ Sho,,-/,A no,r,ivohu Sqru t Jua"< oJ Don dfrU yyemb* f *^ e-rponde) couneiJ , l,i+fuJeJ yoceu d dee*nh^Ii-to)-,*, by *etla'i, dl,,e -1.6t4-J',ue PodeM h l+'',q Bonboy & yod.ro{ Vuidero)w. Y+ '+h u4 J-Bve*aJ fl.e o,*."1x;3 4<.dunoy sl"tJ jrlr* tw3. .,rep,,ede _ I\ q-.)il++u-d/rJ C. d . II *he .c om I, Jo,d-oo.k i,^ oi nt s t O k *., i-p"*at r'diq: r- ud yP I , fr&, **ri . E^1+.;1e1. *hu size "J f""cfib : t ,1e,'hJ n . P:'i "iJ (ou'db cou,.ak !' $ave #he'a " Jnorea.ra, *h";f*,clo';'a -l1gi-l"h'+t^* fotuet oft.r*f $ +o *he $e cr,,&ye ! b*rb"/- I addnerutt qpe( h^orZ www.OnlineStudyPoints.com - + www.OnlineStudyPoints.com f-,,&h, G"*f( Ad' $og Z- + ljt U ofuo K"rouJn aa "il:y-M),'Jo + lAAd l4;,to wu \lierr.oy) (ecr{ PuJ*-x : o anpa,reJ *he B\.e FruirUo,( S *hu J6i+1"*i". (ouuuk, bolL er^hJ L om ) Rgm"'*' (Lora Mdy trror fi' , . 'X! ptovideA,P ,ore)d), Sl J-d'ra* ui#'' fh< Qxecu,Hvq cour<)k g (novunr4. ,r"y 0: (S_sly. rv rf Jar; roe.bu) VJat APPoi^hJ . Eirhq beco-.+.I. . #rxl, lnt "d.\q- fuuod, .c V,e ts */,. - , S Mo#ayu " *he @ur^d[' *x4a in nl ot alto kmow. w .O ) y- d i^ 't'*J'}oo"/ eS b1inn)nJ {)CIr\ fi\d J - Cl^"l^{Jia d Rt**. fte**:t -_, " lt0**l $e w w il;;; cu,hJ o,a{ ffau) ^,),) ouY. sq,'-&' rhe- e," F" i'toe} \ s",bj*Js., Diu,dJ P,*,i"oL1E"}).J< ,iih *'^t' *'d f ,wo , Cpuru* fi..r.,"/"^v.i -j,*bj*et Grcvu".,o-tqll,t-ra drre lr,r,n',4( l Wo tu dy Wou^ o,t d' Po \r-sfle,en+",14o" in GrVe sep.<ofe e(..jor"l" ..-lo Mu.tt,*t &'*-,*Lr(c€ sysk , P"tJs dn*' c'hy t - T'no'4futJ I t: seyamhy Rutru"J * bl the it1-i"ktuN' ry t ad"'\n)'t}'-td :f:{he,P*ib.t'.4o +Lw -6,*l"hve Lr,e,e 'tb ry +44Q- 'f" fhe *et'yow\ble b*:J *--':l L*J'+ft'L'+Govervroff u 1^,* ex"CI#v. fre6;r-1"r"" Gundl ' www.OnlineStudyPoints.com - -fhu &J Sc/aer..re. owww.OnlineStudyPoints.com o 1)r i,,Sr.hrre/ . irr -Ihe 6*hy J*- .A"$,-lr-J th& 3 oqr , P € t Srvnvaqq t,go{ Known al ,tl""J;<+ l*rp , bico *,e*n!.krn Dy CInhy ! du#"< " (eorl.ll ^ 1+ *han G*manlnt- gf Vice<ry's f*t""J've i^' dr;g) rrJe'te 4a be L^dJan J*4 AW$r-uJ- ,j o 1* el"rh"a. seyo*d=ol arP,,*:,,<rt 1* #'e P'ov i om ts nJ &ayulwlaJ)"' by yov-id't''1 { b-*, (hafillau4 - t,c:lq'an, { Pw"fww , ' firdlo i;y,hg , Ce#,"/ Brdgrt 4 enacl't+ett b"Se' J+e bu&g ^& t:* nchl J-6U-f'#*a + -l.,o be flovi''c,,J ort 4he- ba<'8 in *_rJ yi,Ap,n .-fi,n|kd d P*'/n no. tu dy [-ir.rdn,J, +t"" 6 .c jr**o h lleve, Po frott)cle.l U- Ara,ha , 6 'nn'nbnu prLflo Se,ruiee G^*',t('15,v' &r*r*i' P,,b!r" Servle* (s^"nitx,b. ua{ g# uP in 152( ' o . fol[r',u.r t u-lo4 co-L{" J a'! *h e- in eS n J-',Aia, Lr3',+(ur-are Couno-j ''!' 1-& o- Jykloltte ' a nl 192+ r$at 6rtco** d i+' 3j oA't w'*h'J0Y \,.yi", 4o letton ed Go#' A&-A"!l Ro,.rrl"P _- S;-o, G-.'r'v<\"n w .O a +-) "l { Corvic}i o n \m a $ a 3+PP )o .'6"r w gOUer-nt"'J cc^+r-l-TLs ViceY,aV,'{rlouUeVr,( d'*tr'l'"J mos+*1 eC'4uJ ;i" -t' d: t9*xyo ^-{'tbl o co-pl e*" 4he &'+" G"JI' !"the' wo;'// w o av"A urr* i,J."d*J a'( Co"r* \' [, Jt -1,6i)aw' rt-eno]' *' no odvi'roty . Divi.tio, gt srLjtt{s klere n-l s"!,t"J^Y' www.OnlineStudyPoints.com - d . I \ n rndVe,qnrrrt."rf ,of www.OnlineStudyPoints.com ^ :-d'to h&, 1935 3* 1* ulc,/ SeconJ n\-!'ex*o-e lal,o* g rkuPo'<" a*pt&}y b-'{ < I .,,,r-vo- $oven" . Z 7+ provi"f.J erlabtur h*** { fu " florri,aa L Vr"rly -Tfl_ M get d,videJ^*h" po.ts* a4 u hr! J-d-t". an rk ' &'-t'u kJ*Jr- a*;xh\ { d'J u*i+ om frJrr,"J Tfr Ul*", ili ( fu, CJ,,'be us;+t' 55 il,i*'s)' W 36 'rkw)' [u;+*q) A Cpnu*'rc,i- '!k* , t ;[* both ' vlilh .c "^ Ptov|wul , ,uifL) h,.tlan*y Jh " dyo*cL-,y ' ,'- 'rls /"n u . {* t$J.ft E"vid"l -e;, 'n khe p.tor)inee,!, 4. i,^h'oU'eed u P'ouinu^on-f' Po ab"X4h/ a+ {he Cuxh.. G^xe'^r,*JY $ blere Au'ae i,h"' ,-u**'el 4 &"^{uluJ t4-&adophl- C.y"*d^y ud y k in ts ^:l* d 3 -Lsk ix. oul J)- |*taolttoed bie,,-.n"lam \n s dhtfiarl &et+trc.!i;ov4 triere pll,.ceJ on . S"p*r#* e'0uv*"" t fi'ovi'"e4 ' llc-tteve/' cl'wd(Sc") ' u]ornp'n n ,Yo*" Jei p"p"l"Jk-ff)M"l ',nl/* ,yY)are- JL'a' lo'l' Ef nl in efe".fu.1* eS t o lhe dep-*eueJ o f+ e'fo,e,{ +L, J'"n') Btov,;olio), w , 1+ vor,j *h+- .O *he Ja -,*hr*'J- d RBI fi art*'l' ++'* CtaJ*nay p-b s.'vrq kJ*J o^!v h*'* ,nor C-otmrn " L Gi"'l- P"jlta ^t ge/v/ep pl.6. w w . ;-t-,fl"rh";m , pt^ti*o)al G,nrn. b;;; Se.rvic. Corwrn' Qx'+aJilklnnu* n J)' yavtld Y ln 193+' Sry "P * fuduJ G*+ ' $atNd4 wd ' www.OnlineStudyPoints.com - www.OnlineStudyPoints.com o, f O^or)bocl'g ! Ev"lrr# B"ldh gs-r.\*n'* 4b &-inio4 " No p*eerrvble z' fu* SJ"+u{ No b:tJ!. d \!.id'+< , mwvl n0 'jrd"tu LrJeue Tven' *upo,l, b|fu'';.u d T. J: [..lurno<ot '6u^rt,&{ SSr"* ,u I speoo{ &ohq 't- P"P" Ju^&on"^1 d id' om ,Jo''*t al vltt4Q^ - c erte^,;. ,oft sye'}u". + &vnrnvv'J eluda^J"l P'f"+J. goPoArE<+ Xrdnjdrl ,-^i""h 'lef t-.'11'< 'r^ Pa& h'o' S Jn&io'' 'Tyte n/E fl& pr"viduol o l. *ilJ ts .c c cn^<+ih.li.. bJ;Jh ho p"w)Ul-Or''"/ t Ui{ Qryendnr n'.{ clkl "&'ue,tve( x' yo&g| C,.r"'f Uvi/ dirob*e|"n"e Oy Go^dh) ( $gu", l93t t tssz) n G*'ny,:'" (lSZ") (tgsd nl fullo.,)1 *he St}-o ) g"!k 84ff&q J;o;"^l.- @ ,georrirln ondaHo,n< w .O " Po i,"AxpamL &eeor'''r'e'/q}'tg gF eS c - in ,1a tu dy Cs.de/ ; in ffi i,*-r& 6+"*+r eW f W hlh po'!tanu,*' . gu A A +L'te< Rot"J' -ll i. *l* yo,,ltlt, pc'd Ord. &u:i' , Go'ort'r' 4 w w G fo i,ncorFo"Jt +hu yauitiou q 2^^*bt; ?o"l' 3"0r C " 1ai,co,^po..*k 'llre Y'uhl'* GCe.r""'€ www.OnlineStudyPoints.com - 4 www.OnlineStudyPoints.com no Ad' J.9V+ i l*,dePe,,d" an*,'an ,l * - Gr^ru: r U*rd u,ror IL L &'ytih i^a$** €cor,ot''ieofl/ ' oulsd" L&b 'o/ lNA (",0" " C 'tn i* u'Lich i" t'relJ a4 u) eozneJ fuilot' n J-&h" 0 - ft*-bry' " Rurioll- i, L-alla' r"uvy ' ' i lsovit)on-t i' p-d"d B'iH't' ?'olaq 'kule sovergr, s+]+' I :-a'h !' d ' -ltlo JSU+ ' )r''o{epe' ^ do*inio^4 d'J. eS t g*olb^ ftck p'ol"1"/il.o* k lalett*n ' o Cnoup.tnorGuro"-{ l, p,*;^;Ajfloverroa 4a o& ^ u 'L-"fuq Co*li.*.-i"n nl Tne o in ,frbolirvN{Seae}'ryg J-k& da'&q' o " oJ Qn tv 6uololeJ L"rJtnq tst" /4Uu-(+ ;p'- fu*'y' SJ*+ 6,.)'tkln-u ud yP + Cs"ai4t^u* .c o om lguL \,.-l9V2 r, , )n totto G*d|" y 6ru+ lndta Mover''a '* -Lou"ohleJ 'y'to)uJ mqtu'?J jo' ff lsv(, ufih1^ &bin * l,llttio- llan Cl|rlft fuoPusJ ' o oi nt s + Ha"o'k' .O w 6 \ ,fi se;v . . dvl-!' A ie q 4 d0 i o{po e dh ^+ry.+ eJ 1)_ &x1q",#ru a'&'&' pos4e ;y sec^#*y t s+J*d rAuextdi"', $ w w *he- h*tt^Wu t o w e-vnyrteteJ the b'<ih.xu'* \o;f^o'u !' ad"yt "'Y 4ev4v't'o$o'r' fuo ^':;;;"*rA*yert^ve Jo,r l'tne]-t fille- 0i ilh ?*!'n*-.1 n a111"< {"fr& , ^&'*n in ikJJ o csroa, # fie *1",' soutoe t Le-u'geol' o (h ai on *d"'4 ni v: a4 S lvYn +o dtf,the "J enY o'ol- 3 l-*J,"yunde aoklt""\' ' www.OnlineStudyPoints.com - nn q www.OnlineStudyPoints.com :' ,k,rF, br'lkh Grv.,,'o't Cne noJ 9t UdJ"/ P,'1.{f Gotta not ' G* o..! 9f Xnfuo * L.ad f4ou,&Jlin ,, l x ts* : C' RoJ a3"pJ"q; - Lst+ - Frf Govr< -.., r . . nat Cnen*"| g t"&' / Gartunat' Ge'u"( ]. + @wol'b' .tr:r_. :i ^"' .: ': . G,J \r,dep.noluorn bd-l r*; LL)a'( - flLlch ':: ':"' \t - " P'lti d*JoY"d dy Po o J,lta inde'|en'r': 4'fuid'ed,' ' :':': in - ,l i** ) N$e)*n / x ts .c ' EhoJco- /a wJ fiade Gt ' ,l .., i, d* lurolet eS in nl w .O w w www.OnlineStudyPoints.com - ' ' +hrt- t+,,:l tu , "< ' o F" y,'c'ty i'-;*;" ,nY,:Y.%:-:,: n nn +o l"'J J'-t oe.re I om i :]F 1 Mof'r'3 ga G&)k'hon www.OnlineStudyPoints.com l I *'re llvf P'*d J* \ild l"ot'o ,* hue,.bly l* -twr ) i , by M.N Roy i" L93\ ,u*Ny o}1 a Co"{'vi+"* , Ln L935, t*o,Y-/ iF*l'-c' #''d* eleyl|o^duA :rl"o Co^+f i+a" d I ^'*'!l^1 ; l'* a* &ut'*tt CQov+-' 7vt lgt;, E,i S1qifo,J GiPPs'o' 6 i.|h d^*+ yoposal d Gi PPs yop'sJ utat 'r5i'#eJ by dh" ufl'Ja tt)-o Qn ln.;.eVo"de'* -'i \- *he H'u*li- t*a6ue ' tu dy J t c,re +a r'dliq rvQwU* Cav{*ihtefon ;o be a&p+*l fl" 'D< .c ,JgVo' n u'hd- ts ) at 'y ) in K,nauv' " A^fl*rl g$el " Nfr::h Ga+ Po ) *" om t"&q C.^U+un" d -P'^*'/lD*qo*d, ttLo! acotpkl' h J-<o-u Cs.tliluu* (-A trrod 6*r+r+ulJ h Nov' Jgvd bY fun P^*"i']"J w w w .O nl in eS . U"''de't the S&ev,,e ave n Jh 6neor{ * od 'f st,lil1_ 1,14 Pxitree't Lert)"knn ei'oh o'' u) h"1J*J/e th* rnlyb'-l ftrxeY."lbY ol F"P"eon v#e' Ltretl {6 - e/"d=J * *#"- '/ uy wenber 1f ' o L, prrou,(Y s+*'l*t Y*^'J i fiarntn&onf u*t'u!*J4"'' * bte *( $-effe/e$on s)o! Ol'i\ Yhe www.OnlineStudyPoints.com b"lil f L* t, a/ hftd' on www.OnlineStudyPoints.com P'rr+ m"rH"j by */re fquu.b,* Le"y^{ 3M Dec. tgvd @ Ur.{r0h 'wo-! luy e"tlwd - e fu, sqrhW r 4amfo-taty Pqridn^* , Lnj-er, &' Rtierdla P-rorrJ { HP flvbh'<iee -llu t'(u&J o/ CA lu+r. AUt Cla*\'i'a 31 f (ft 'P nd- JT'dtua (tn' Par') rl ' J90* Po Ud^-"@i]'B,,' 0' (' \,e*d-,"d.d $i^J a'$+ t Seeo,a R""d,3 UlallnL*,) o: _) e(utlos*J nl in Jsqd ( P;u+ R*"d''",) # an&q tr'ro/ .::ff;f-d;,;;,;1d Gruir4,,hb, Nou ' V ' ' [q+a' Nou' J9 V9 eS t an 1T,J)d flno&-1- S'f"d'J b*.+' on ud y 0r. ovl \l I a^.#Y,. G--)#ee unJe4 c-n Eu\, hyjd, an zn* ,y. B'R' ?PP.o'* h',L".dt<att' di,e J*l hne .c fie sePoxJ" ts ) a ud'J' Po,ilth' uJo{ in + o@' om . -**'"i P,Y1 :' * -; stxnel i' ^:r[X'*[-:,; 'luqd 27** s., (9i '''ot'o (rct# o' {te* oble . 2A t 19 r15 csdut ^uol ' Nou d3 a&p+*/ ow cs.^g+.+to, w flie .O b,l ?r,ai** rt' i* w w 3gs l.d,U* puor.rr/ror-{ ;; -lr't* S&"dr"('r po'}"a*u"J ddk i'e' knd,i^1 an ( E,[e q I Nov LC ' 'l q U"u}'b'' ' ti$zeutLip tr;e/e- i-plen't*Jq/ ul'XP tsve ' zahBon' /95o ' ,-Til'l G*) { $'Ca**.r--* ^if c)nogen becu& pu*'" Suolj ay c"l-l^*l or'r so'rzrB ot"y in l^so ' www.OnlineStudyPoints.com - * *" www.OnlineStudyPoints.com ) l*yudo* Y frm"rdmenk 0'te- l G,q#h,J)oo ?h, Qz'd t \\w , TZq4 4 +tt\ Co^rlih.rh'r, A,,,rrol,w"* Ac+ " brtt' AmBd-monJ' Ac* LtgTa) Kno.;,'l a4 " . rylhful* ufti##era ) &,"Ai)*uHo^' G*ilhrt"n .c LP M)n om Uz d Ptow"', P"o* Youbur So,/'oe!' P*ot*o,( Curn " " l)"ltaty gYskw Go't#" $ " l#ffeJ"J I . D,"he! eS - --o . Olru#ue Q,,^dPtu *'St| , ?"tiy l w .O nl in S*cr^rf* .$+"j< u.oi'"'e['.iy fl"" ''<brc ,Ur) v,y.aal fl&/# o g;* " + t"alePndent {"ot'u"'y o h"olq-u ,J"1 r-i1t"k a Po Porkh-u'lo*7 l** { Sy^lhuit ?r,ir'"*-'^*a'y Sovere,; , ts /.'y'&'|-','& Pleryib$\ * in M)xup tu dy . L-Aele^J,et b"elle! w o w e Qrn*1,uroY P.*'tkio^'t -Tr;- #1, Gor/etwmu,# www.OnlineStudyPoints.com i- www.OnlineStudyPoints.com J*alr"y, G^Ct+rlr-" -T :- I I I 4 I o kl.y.,"{ ft,r^Jure " . " I Cer&.n- SjaJe R&X,,( Adminuii"#uu S.f"p t,.Ji* f P"gfj e Sery)ee Gm mr,rgro,,(. Crr",.oa) J I I I _rl,1 i l I i eie frndo-o rl.!, ilrdl'cr\I &v"qj o om G'l+,t+ulz'".,C Ugh Pgea-blq giP &er,,icu# 2l;:**,.,# Uqdge/ , &o*ovJ d UK "o . ?orJ/o'* n**\ clbi ,hs1l+n uL}| srl'i1$ioh"n Po a N"A'! !^ n{ in Cond*ifi*h'o4 fr. ts . .c a eS t ud y e G^rlit*l'", c: url..^J ; : ,rr"l* ?udoin* f;,t G'"eo t (e,jli*J'o''' f : !u*J:::#v'Jo3el D""af (saliluh'" w w w .O nl in P*' d,on,,.rto! vssk: G,-g;*u$" { '@r'a$<'*U+ A.,d&oJ'ol Gx*il"fi'on' t Ut Er6i* - (e4*lluh''- C { " si+++ WrSena' ?-ovi*b"< Gu"'o^1 : 'So''dlo F'- Po'lin,''"* : flrocoJr,,<* / 1na+*;"'0 h'we"dmed www.OnlineStudyPoints.com - ?BIN,IBLL www.OnlineStudyPoints.com @ f kesh nto^o*J Bho'h G'(e trs+s)] ts omended" .c om ) r+*: ..r {o '1,,&rodt&ion M Pfio, 1o lhe M4hhtn' ) P-re,r.u&le +o l+to!)an b^xhht+.n tt boXeJ o' 'o\tt}'ue Ru'S"fu#t" duf*d !" rnou6[ bY Pa"Ai* NF[''tr ' d vVuee &,1'"c,}., addp l-04t t A^-d'.,Ad Cs^t+ bY + 1* hubeu, orrre"JeJ "^1 ,, 9ear"(or I ir&"An\ ' neul tJo'td/ - Sodafu''(4 Cara beilfu'{*t L lpn ) P&e*.b)e ',L gr,l f *he Co^tlik \'*u;-<vl* "* { d;#crJry ony lhe*e \t" 6c soi",( S p-rea'n'b{e' 'l gu*4g.6!.) on, i+ Q(ln be- ,J<hyJ.J )^ lhp "tUW t u)ol& i' *he P-te-''b)e : . gouc,air, .1sro6, r1 r D-G&^^l ' rnea'a oirn lk ) p"H-, \ ieJ'r'& u- .O n crrto* bo - *he f nl in I Soct'oti'('n + aid;. w w Dn,nosJa w ' )"d-r.ruoJ- t k<iry Jh Jhi ' in +. br"tq hr'ro obt obo,"* gcilkrt<J' io-ilo,'n 'n?d eeanomy ' rv''\x du -ou'ilo e ,lnovu gorrne sr#..{ -lnovo ,'n-n 1'^ nrrl cour^#rv counlzty our r4eakd *a.l&pro'^< i' -J't*n & tt'PPJ c 14 - r' touJ4 Y L L-,o l:v dorrin i''ut'4] ud y q dspn nAenov vtoA A nuth'l k 1rta IJ- |rr*' 4 ,pt i'' o\*p"l)nt s'he' bu--J fiof)o'' odhe't onY ;o^ eS t ) fy tReee'$ry Po in ) Tt-'ro hP*- ih" s+^/t' 4 frrL,,r(u^ oir*cl DilecJ-4 cxerol.(" *a,< suprerne dn-"**yT[.- uur* n ''*'*,di"t-lly "?{jY ,On,'^':f {.x-n fu* ilehkuk' dr*"1 b/ P"4e PX erci'tu {4e $lEevne fouo/, www.OnlineStudyPoints.com - n :::::^JP-du . RnpEAi/L www.OnlineStudyPoints.com - Ttnn*t""l# S+.-+q 't ,e. ,ttnatr@ Protide;_ )z e(na$"o( G,J ill #ne AarU"fty. rr a) tl pditi""l {whce' prn*nrb/e . 4-dud*rae mabel Soc,"l , €corroric & Q.^<hhi)on. $oer'c/ Ta#aet *" f"*.oL!'"eJ'#zu'< e t'i'fhoJ-, o^y &',*:inohon' freor^( u+rJ &n#-u ')- 3t be *Yf rtee-d-t bo.c)cn?eo'^( f.#i S, L*^o*\.{',lh'cs gl"*/,( q eq/".Irry be { ,oPlodunittl' j-4i r;.e-J, &A, one Pu<o.ble ,sdtQ"fs uidu .frbq hJ,$ tr,al$!4;P' J* , N* {. rneont ok4"nce ptavition u.lip,rouJ- ri) * J* sPeoiol p*iv Jn?^o r&17t^'"/= a!^PJ.u*"t)'t J<t' {-*^y ' Qxpeilion rrtear,l, ser''(e { G-fr\'t'divid't'qlt futh*hod' .O w w w www.OnlineStudyPoints.com - , fu any seo#an^{ dttU*inolo^' eS t fJor-eA *hou;r^[ nl in . t t .c ' u ',,14 in - etu Po Ljb*ry Ef'te ur*w" ud y P*,bl.,t ,i"de om pJrrc"/ 6tu{iae ircfuJ.x Bfh+-fu',vo+e ts al P**r -"t L A'hduJ-.rJ r www.OnlineStudyPoints.com i 1",0ila ,*hoJ^ il Bvto*d- Sh,.fr be a Urio ^ d' S/.d"{. Ar.li"{.r(z) I lLe S1o/. L k l-;n, €t.aa h o{ sryu}ieJ i, fuli:le 1 (r) l;<+- fug&rfu) : --The tuAfuy l,&o SL"fl d comp!.ile - " *euitai* as *oy be oqlrird in SuJn olh",t ts .c " ffi1*fi';.*1r, i. t;*scr".dre ; om &lrudr,/e. 1rn6[r'or-' Pud*,<o]r"" dfi" slo#*f r. ol- Jrn" U-lul4 Jr)'" Us P"d*"Ib' &l,$* lnave no wi ruS +o gecreofe eS nl TeYt*r,tiut acqPl-t*J \ 2: i#" Adi& & Jhe U',io, G,ndJ tiont ' 3'" P*l,,'" mu"k *^'l be Jow a"Y awola'Y !"*' Sep*o# by 9f "*tr*+-.t' k+'le G-r b7 ' R * o N/eur S4o'' i+"*"2" \ vniil,{uo ;o^ -L, s+G+" ; a^'l o t' ony +r,n+*y , aA a& )+ J+ w ,tx* \"0fu^lul K+-.Jt/ f Got' -oy bn -,(o.^l admi-}Po.1,,o, ** on gt'ckl l.a'^t €f-toU0zf' Neut S-f*+=< w fuhete t j[r"- *" *d ntot n ' J*-* w .O UT in U.*J i"O* \nciudu oJY s4ale * an Qgxeernertl- o*:l f tu *Ifi. k dy Po x P."oEon o*y 'Unb", gt Sr.+"/' prgl*red 10 , &Jer,"]io - d- Sfu' : lnc.eea-se fue P*J- oAQ.- t &)#" c-l unifr3 a^Y S'la*' i www.OnlineStudyPoints.com - " D)rinr,rh JlT e www.OnlineStudyPoints.com oerea + a^Y Szh*R i o'7 S"J* ' @ "r ef'Il'/')ro-!(e . A r, I pnJal)oryt P*'xio'tn'# Sh"l{ om . A)Jn r +h" bou'Joq'*I d o 41;q *lne fiawe t q'Y $4o*e ' th maheg't"de G Net'r '*t"Ae 31 )' ?ooo.&ru- ,,9"1"1=d + c'teclb' fiame : h-,"a , txundat'l Gr b'Lll i" e i +o '4 '&oduo . fo purnitti o*,$ ?ad dnr'- ,,,eq1*Led *J- hr W* fl": !^ui!'I:ir qrbt'dendeJ Po S+',P.1-kJ Gr o"') '*" in sr"J' tsgrtdr'rc ix n -7he uquLuJ -16 ts wafr.tq:'J;.*; .c Bdb@rl,lirg u,*;-*eo,rr" i+s op\'io'' S.hre t#/,nu";f* +'€- ,1}shtLglr,tdr*e&ulo,+plouic{e'fsUiqur-rol\u)n}he_#r,e. J"e -!'-i ' b,d uP*'l t)'etaL P*!,," 8'1eh ho"pge bn1"'tto&tft( in e-r+hs( d t.,si , r, !r, $, *he .cragd.o'ac i, a.}ta ,,u,J mp,}- Ls nt ov\'^to'' eS " ;tr:"^t! $ 5+'d" 'y^" in ,rruY t tu dy $,,^i; ' -16 8- W nl bi'l'[ pured i"' ?o'iia-ni- ' Si*p)e "U*1 w .O it **$d' X No Co4e .9-e-Pe*u''ot- U-T' d "t -+=y+1 (o'hnue q A,,ric.(e a pna*{dl ,1h A'} Lt su& 1 *t"a'* ff;J;;;t Co^l+Wo,o1 Ampndme,,l- X L"''t+U'5uirl-ic- SJd? 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"'|no i4 *d't "d/ .l' '"- o7' "teg)oJ" moru"L {o w w .O a e-tDzen t fueo' '':!no ore glli2p w fT'o(h' eLJ)d*,',or 1vi ^t d P*"'< q- OilJ^diiY JesiJnJ l, lL w'to-r4' {fuiyl,o*+r,,dia i, i " AexidJ ^?*A o'4 aYYXu]*; w r'diq wtab)"-1 ap('taoho'" nl in . uroyg: om P*ton Po ) ud y A*de ) l #t--'s ' ,-udrd*,(y bgh,Q -i'"lt 1w C www.OnlineStudyPoints.com - Ur) www.OnlineStudyPoints.com . ffu/S),e mvkl bby + Carq 1nilo: Uilxn ' bilrrrs-se.eid'"d w&ta Y' btee.* ir Sir"i'(or genv tee P*46' i,t 5)vt'Jb' ,J , Gol- 4fuir*o,.k de<iJewe o .c om i+ :^1y d*,, '] y"* t J"Uk/ 1+e corr .,pp]y J* 'i. l*dra Pt"c".Jj,g+||rnon{hs{elidekee:..;.... -- J rt a'nl (ha'od,a' beor H<- rnr,rt fr";J , J t ;Renr,nejoilo,Cu&rt*t*,j^',,i:;\:: v 9'w"'Au) tagg tu dy + Cil)zur*hiP : - Po in ts C iv' Lol,,,e're P \ -Tut1nl7'a)4'm , : .'.' 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Put*^d -lar-r: ernoJol bY ffi7"* u sl"k '!7il'ld*e' b7, o,l GNqnat ' PtruJ' o {empclo{y -[o,^r Slae 6nd't'o're itlu'd ' o gdec , nf , iui u ' '3yu/o-l-'b" o-r vo!f"oo*b" * Nor, --fi$ilalrw6oureel - 'Jo, ie.Cuflow &ls l*u www.OnlineStudyPoints.com *tavivj u/9e "t&;;/ PrN +" qyd\ www.OnlineStudyPoints.com Ctuscle rq-,s) ) tqrrd) b3l*" lc,u.r 4 eWJ P"rol"*' " * {o' , The6Jal* sho!! nol denl 1o o'y Putw" eq,uol+y " $ Jow I Jorujnut CI/ u uutl ----'t- *8' b"c"f . Pos)#ve'G'cnP|. Jf ol!o'"a SPeoo'[ &eJ-'''{<'. Po uyol^tuts syui.l tr,oJo"kt onu' gf *nt afec/s dy " J+ nl in eS P-C" Dieey' c NO nAO, CO, b* punihed t#. ery"al Co^ltilt&t- k urrri+ (odhhrto" brry w n ,k S(- 44Jd . . p,t L mQe{ " o$e#s 4 "f th" Jat)' "by exa+"e b-teoohd &'' J.ou'' ' ''so'*1'r .r5r'A "t *h a^ fr ' Syck- ' o*u" !' Co'"'ofr be o'4ne "dd' #t-+" ;' b.' C Preep#o' : puuyid hd'*"")'* rgru:r,nohle W)"'1"" ' U-Pemrk 'Puow, *ua'todb{ ay{t..-.,b' -lo f'&b orn g e'1n-''* Seco,J Fur+ o RJu t eq1-l U'(u""{'Ja S '{u;ctuJ{ dybrs' { \n&vidd effi so'*.. w " w .O " Eve,<yo* ll rneon-1eq)r"fury UndeA tu lt t R"1. h"r' bY C S . Ii- U o U'(' At'nl'rl .-..b Ngqoh ve" J,f eql,",( in " 4 JVJ fe&ova' ?"W Eq,,^J louu --l/ &,,r'+,fh .,("* " ?*rcn)rcfurde( ci,Dzev* E"rcIlfu hfoe b3fu,. rv) ts P,l"&h, (A&le om + .c + Govanotg (f\,lic)eS[) . Fr*, D)plonds i'e'UNo eJc' e gL-C. fJ- p,ar)cfer *h. Jorrrg mlde by S'}-h -tr .'*r,':*,;9 eo'Id be dn"Un'5J" www.OnlineStudyPoints.com Dpsp.*trrrJ ,,' slorxe U) a,fu) d A*lgS Adicl , - ) t5 Z fuav,b\[an Ae6elewww.OnlineStudyPoints.com DiK])*inoto*t on tt r.et6n @ Ct'ou'd! Jr#X#f,,.11 HF 0n tu. ffoundt fr oilv t k!**,fure, duil" , svbiu& 4o o^y d'*obW:ly , Ji"b'ry ' rlsliia;* M plaoe Sey Co&e, *a r*p.rovid,t Cond,t'l)on u1t+h #yorol' 1o - *,ldt I W. t ?Y'" Qnlaltdn*n*' -flte t4e ** { NW<. i wAl', 4anLg , bolil,.1 #, ,,h.o* : \huro,k ia^^,"J Mey u i"*V b/ gak:!","J" . , Acoeil Slnope , i*^ot9-,egfuao6r, om o.t fuhde "F*tP SpeodYu"*k L6: gqA"!"/ d Sc's ; 9'l\ & othet k;eolrer, 9e&o*4, o-l'!'owed' Qr* be op1ot"';l'1 yve* 1o rilornew & difdt'e"t" in a Speo"l dy Po c ts .c LrcrPlo^ - ln hMo L*yt^1n"* U bein'!'VUle fc' ony ^e-y'"7r'r*'# catie ' 8(X'' 'J-oer rh&tgio' uily ' or $rte undus+rL on g'o'*."$ bit]4' ;' r!'uidencQ' , gA C..rcu^[ tu No cifizen (s,t be d.tw"*inJe| yuu+ in eS to* lrcPvo' - 1, g;ale . gpeolo,( nl @.( J-ovou *A6rri w , V' w .O " Po,!t-.J o/ Qql. pluclb" 'Seriderrce o, ,["oJ ailt'"ltr1 CqN fu yvno 4o co,r bn o' gndJlon fu' cefij rt enPhY*& ' SL's St s ' dttcu*i,'uilo' P ff "dJ'ia''t'tn YtqdAa"sl 4 o4lnu nttn UJeo)rer sedba' SPeUJ &'ie(' w t # ' hppoi,^**"k"i www.OnlineStudyPoints.com - ) : d ltnloudrtelUy /ib"jili". L+ www.OnlineStudyPoints.com A*eJe 'fls (trrfauohohey 4 N*, )+ ah"tukq Wr*i* &rbidl in any J<r,*" tegs * C|vti alio, M, or PIk P,rk gf o/e gp^xiuu Pq fotlor,:i, ocrt G P-rnui, h3 orrl peilon !.t,* eda',,t a^Y /.." ff puhUo b)ohthy " . auat +o CI^y eLop, 'lno* ^i o B*dy oeryl a pl* i p"L1tu'^hiloJr**,A. +o Sc- . on 7r*t"J t U*h"oh"h;hry " ts . l+t,,i*iy a f euon b.!ry, o co m +o ad*l' P%,g )n $":P;hk, edt^oaj-io,ol i,an+uJA 6t *oi*-!,t et4dW4ud _F PM. b*''!-*" &ry unlauoh&Llr'ry clJ-re otly * i^diteabtry ' q' R{w;it b s,-l-! 3*a^ @ 'leroou Qdn& " yP o in pr.o ?u^ilh w",* frb^li+io, { o J* p"hiU'lf Prchibrls No ' LAthrie I0) :- fr* P^ui-duwt ae o/ *u*, **ilry 7-drA o,'/ hLle ercrpl JaU"u o' Yn'lt*y P*' aeaephS a^Y *ik'!e $"* @8 o^'l " ilkl" ourlc-rr^g undet Slafe cq,? Geeerve_o11 Jto'tu'* x^4iq' fuuidpk P"!Sr^ tEj- f** r w " S+"1- s.htru w J*r), o tftler, q ethz-e^ t w " fu" .O ocaderrrL. Lfffun in eS + (+d. nl Or tu d . a*plrcrwr*# uyk I monlL< e J)'n v/" F s"o .br boiln' , ft,r,victeo( petton a clt-ary"ltjl""tj- "''+ug, l,{u&*' +o P*!t'o-n'^1- d tjJi+h &o* o'y f &l Suoh o'wotk do "olBhr"$- Rdor, lad'*a \tibhutLan, ?oJ-* c++lJu' al eq,,".-ury dor! nol rna*J*e th"* 6vno,#1, #*y t vnuY sharld nal- h Georyr'rx"J' www.OnlineStudyPoints.com - + Wf k Fi'u"ob- lff'heJe LS - 22J www.OnlineStudyPoints.com *'6ft ulo'Ln*..lnrcJ 'r'svyr'"lly lYt-'"e Sevela eq".oto *, oF8pe"J" + - 6ilr;:'rilp| hourever A*l'Ju utr)$) g) n 6 tuh,lu.1l,rl F.Jffd LdQ( abolJ'<uu7 o*l rou bec"-e i,e' UilJ- 'lo 'iq,^d'"p'f*y ore i d)A Six *iJ,J' om auocla},o"'! 4 t lifhouJ- ann'| G'( t)nio'4, o,^ Co'oPqJo'['Ye &q91iE : A+' ?-ouJ Lnad"d bY 9+h M' $,eide &'sEy1p-l+" &,3n1@ .c -6 Nl* *--F- QtcyeAwrn' on'l oi nt s p3h| -ro i..&T 9A sPee J4 I A ,D PN +o c/e *bte feaofullY p* €f 'J' Yu' lt*. Arnd^frct, I9+8J rnu"urr* d by uuu-, obr'tff sFt.J a enryY":1 fv'l'p'*' ao: &r.. it';t5 +" €f Ulht. Evuy 0rh2e n hU l*te ulS* 4o urf, *l -lQ, vietrX , o1',"r:,::'!^l{r,-^ q co^vic},,o,.<}eJy by eo*d t ryro.r}A, ur.j.il,'^3, F,J.3 , |icuilaal in : nl - eS t ud yP wNff,- aog/ru ?*"r4 any ler:rfol&n' 6a Jo eau'y an pyf"wan a'Y PrNh yoo)rc, B '<'/ &ool* O1 6trlinu4' .O ir,. ,r"y ofinu wothe4' Gr. J Reo,soroJl. o*stidio..u 0n A\ou w " k .dltl g/ S+./.ie , gt &ver.4{ !)rr"tly",c-ulohb^a.urrt"pely^ A )J=x'ly t '*O' uJe(, , P"LDI w w ^:W*lvoi'*p-*n*l+a d3fw"!i"" aov*' ' a'A^yg de.eroy J ,**l'i' atn g$eroe brnd,o*, ' . t " lq,rfu u u3n! + l^^1d Puyiu rnte&,js, demo,'E1'o"b'a hut*loly r,cr q & tre o{ procetLio"4- 'Ihe .ri;r+. dr*'Lol.uJu +fie utJE + R.rfr,&;a on 6;out^A t o-.dur lro.l,^&b the ,6rJ*. u f - pelru'. *lfi, garr'ke' o,J Sovr*"hq g iMY gPf'&o' o'eun*d' \n Jhe &rqo www.OnlineStudyPoints.com dJb* h* polt'*'oo!,f*&n!, aifl, G-pn iel , po'knulhlp JU^, Socr# *-< , fuoaln f nr'or,,-g 61 iraodah,' 3 :i-i,dur(e{ a"y bray " Rm/oroble r,uto,< * uqrrtilc# fr/ze " on 0n fub-Arb ode* ff"r-* t l. i&a"'ry g| anotta'. ' 3C h"td thqk t{ne-{aqJe Uni'"-l br-Salnil u tr** ha:ve- +o gk'itaP &^ deo,(*u -!ak- ot. *tna fiiounat/ i '*r.'<"cls Sv-*"'i''Jy J&&. ' *idencp : f '"d uri#-+o ^o ff*t*,; ouF uJorrf Marev,.e,}@ Regaai &ot , rnot&'\ gf om * tte"dorrl www.OnlineStudyPoints.com ffene'.al Y"N<- .c - ts so'^d*-(*( *Jbe ' ory t i"qiJz /r,ovu ]'t" &'^owioA (t*l-rJ 1' o [...4\./ MoVe.rrze t n k+*rJ- ['4ove o.rA,/e Cou'^*zry 4 fuw'o ^Lu"'t"1) Pi't.t di*eu-eiow l'g @vueJ Una!e/, ' bacle- *o unoiu k*iele z" e*:^J )g fr&cie ' i#ote{+ ir, .h' ; P"bt''h' Rq'Lu'&bn om *Jhl- \o i"taul d A"*J or aeo,^'ii*'( qp"1p'o olio' frn:u't*Y ' P.rurc.s, be fli\'tio'J 3| dorx rk inot''^ole t9Juf 4a coui o' a yffi'n @tb'''ti*nq Prg&rr nl in eS Bu.do- gP , ' ' tu dy Po in t a( d'oVutow' w .O +Ad- i*n&q-L. w a,r.on. 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P*h'i" tu dy " T^ in ts .c om h+' /oo2 Co,&+' frn)end''"nJ'^3'::':,.^^l Be"' by ,-w Aiara a-tavi a P'"'i'*i"n e-o'Jroi"J .a n t3x#au[io und pt " A$*: {nil aryend'wn'} ' n*,*t' ckloLpn f*t !b*P*yY f., -lrr" o;nd"r;"i"'PoLbl-lournu'/i+L'-rolnd+e5boe*btp w F 'lo a' a'[t'e- cur.r**J undel ia*** (omm'lntagl !l--te; D*k,u stao$ *^^:ffn*u am apprr*u-l| be A ' J.n1QAe^r'I<-fr'o'- t' ea='&t' ohdeA' ;[..nfi,"{ Nol-' auo-r'tob)* oet(ovt delaH o'( f<Vev'fiu< " www.OnlineStudyPoints.com - A6ai"t)' P*ploi*oh'on LA'hJ" %-ZqJ ) Ail* www.OnlineStudyPoints.com u)At*ouo/*6,e -al S.t k we-L( J-r,,ro*"! . Devo , +{+; &qB ArJ;o[, E"lribizk €o*yri% q Q'#zuw a i*""J baou4 cArgtle 23J ',o ! tnn- cJil"o"< aSai"Af dhe F"#e. P'to"g' i"CuJu t uJomen & Cl,.l]&u, &'tou 3*J-e,; 4 Ql-(Jten , i"cfu-&'3 W#+uhb"' + buyr'^y f o 'tl^il - Su(fury a3ot"xP Avrra- br)W 'T,,o3qu- in , ox borh + bu^^3 om T,A. , mQh . { g.tov.xy f,or.r.J to[e'r +o n'ro-rkr Pel-Lon .c ) ;n'4oun4d ', oi nt s Psov.,)bit-i.n 2f zgf,'c p,^J Eg"d+ -Qob'u' \'efu^Jq r -l..rk t'-rl0(' h "laAo'^/, zs etenpr! S}el€- +a '}'n^p"s. b^P&*y re/- .O gwi &*d in Aafic{e Nk)utl- o{e ac$ba }claLen ry 9ou*' Sutric," ;fo,,t Pulfuu nl 6 , Corisa* ttl^^,t hd-, *n eS t hc), tgve ud yP I No ..qe-;r./ "h',, P uJorle do^n +a'e6ovf" , (e. uw'.ol)o, &rq ltan rniniu,n 'JY"4 p-taalb"J by -Thu Ml'i"u"' Oulfl'< (frba[d4rr)AuJ-, J,,?t Sya*e,, fordrd blo.u : ln l<^J"'t-/ d"' tA'r}:*le Ztil : . l* pohrbits *he e-f,"y-u^{- f 6f,.r1&u-n br(r.^l {*. ?)" t lu leo,rr ln A^l ,&.J"-/ , frhre- @,( O+he/ 'lrrazqob,rl Ao*ivifle<, . 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Any geoHon 4'ad)t-c* in a^Y " .T::*I*o,;;:":".T:;' ut'hy'"" ' Aqret .-q'tk #*le:'' i"unok { nl m*,r*dn-A bI w w .O y o":ry;* , * V't*" w fu$ { u;gr)rde -ri,n).u't Minorjf}< 4a so)' z- Nr d/. t'tulJ' o^ !t'iui^<he rn"ne)di&' X"a|fi'}ba PAq' g44alJxrt LAd"m\n'a4o-t Jhe' ltave &L-ix .JiJ r'+ ' *;'"'i'i) sh*l''' : *.ry',,X:^;f{$T:tr":ffi ffifr ^-rv l'' ffi ^7' rh*,.{,* *^ff ;:, y,/ uy *\^"'i\' % ; oi uily udu' Y*t u+r*a1 www.OnlineStudyPoints.com - F. ("-nrl'u< t*'l;Uz3zJ Z* Ca*thhuaona.l a + SC 4ta* "nJ*l 4h"l- fu*^32 it b"-sio- 3S- asnlat,a .1uo//outr;,j " ' FR. T 9L Shot 4^vt P r,et r," efe, ce*,,*- "t a'Y +o f u"Y -f", dDuC-* a " *tre F" R' L< G'( eyfuro"me,*- L.tl-ti '< \-ft 4o |auo dJ-teaU ynPode. U> rt Po,l:a*nr.l- Csn Q "nY l< leind't' ' ,-l\ :oli U d u,t t f (nave' fu 3C- Sl'rJl'l' na*- be uA"LFn^nlnJ +o kJ* the- b,<*4,rHon Oy *her wl'se o 0{ Po'Ya"A eicup4- qv4 t ) -\fo t dy Po in ts .c ", , Jo"^ ptovi,s'tou4 | kXW +o mavQ- 10 9c by "ff"Nt Qr^x /*$*" * om ) P'J* +" www.OnlineStudyPoints.com &2..i.}s be P"J"*d i' m*'4 h -fi;4 t u< eo*'k pt'y'tc"tly b'dlY ' .Hobeo& t'l;ciT brj*" ".t * J)vu 't' A*'zt" \;dr,v):U'! puuo'J -b'* +o i,rruuo( pJ,J' , ,{, *he- s+a^ 04 ulu"A -1k,! t,li|,1,<. . nk)on dej= WYJ ff.i** '' JU.,. l''druidr^'l' ure{-( or f*u& , rnuogq 4a hou, th, body in eS tu &rpu{ .-1..r+=,<aty nl Mor.,Jorrr U i k fn Yr''lv* i$-ri.-t cor^il-., +ibur*! )" &tm man i) -ft^i-t t't^ll '$'' |A oJ U' !.Y" *'.d"J i:!t'-:YS': 4= f*- Jovetn*o't il*""j pfl'<1be" ^*"\ *tnui,, tlP-ierJ O"*i*, Hc,trnri". t+- oorrrrol&ovunoh z Ch;{ a""l k P-tu<)& P,-"lr"I. X,"hu\Jar9,ubody, #Ah ceu* ' J-ua q." w w 'n t ?''Lttc- i.r*ueol U w .O eanl ef : 34* rne.q,4 '')o forbiJ : JJ- i{' ku.'( q h** esut fu h**"(.s",+ a:.*ibu'J 4o'P"l"iu)*- cu&rJ,, eou"*&Jt"-, i'"'F#] o-{ co'-hnuit Y'"t' lrJ.,3 onl p*,eorJ"l (s{e. Nd- avoiloble etfft,-l'+ ad-)r'X*"*we S-u.b- \n Clgj+lod+r "r , uk6,i+-( ohv p ba &el & plr*L ^tn ofuv)Jt ok www.OnlineStudyPoints.com - - " @ 74- rneort'1o b. cuh!'"ol'* '+o be iSfuimeJ ,' W il ir,rr.rno-,( by 4^** as"t .1o a .Lowa esqj- aa www.OnlineStudyPoints.com Cen#,60d Z / dthet 4o +-argt"-< q codq P"&TI G^ sw"dh#%e 't-t-1uef a", the- yr--e< C^de.A * k.rtu, Coulls. I4- iX ' S ,,bJo d i -.koltc.!+,n @/ Qxlra( Jt i""k&el)on db""J , Ctto- Usssar*z no U4-erc-lhy yne an4, t 64al-'* Yo* aukh"o-i'1y', J)- t4 #uno( by Qst fu s,,,qAJrQ- i^1" fu< *QW&'\ of efu)'- * a pe*o'' +o a puh!-le o,b""*' J/rl '*i, be- l-,-ru*J o,'ly ln (G'(q ef st'Isto^hvq .c om ll ts |""ffi-: ,9- nrlrcie-EV i eS : in Jou ix okJol*J 't, 35 AccorJJnl w o fu No $ P* Yt dnY ff-;#, WH . p"* +N4 fuhclP !. R by motdA lsw'< $*4E ou*e)Je w ) w .O ?*'J.i^,-rY[ F- ffi^f *TT;L Arhr-le €rrrpouJerr pa'!'t^amB'J-'l-a ldP"UlV '*cg4eR' +k }n Pa.t u;uh.ie}s nl h'hcle nY" otrwd ia'tee{' fe.t{on Mcr.li.{ Po ss' tu dy A,*c t p nd- ffro mi,ia4eiJ a^ fil"e ilfion ' in pu-Uie- 11ffi<ex, no* S-hJt f 1"''"'1ry g iA, +# Il po-* i2- khq W"+*e 4o i*ple**,C- ' 3 *,qev)n d a-<' e.0(.0{"1 be Sl^a,-0.1 1u* ' P*tE k^h'lufue C -h,,r <xcep'l- Uy ax*n"tlX, M) 3q -A ' Pa'+ffiJ oodP t *r+ ; ry,t; *l"rouyh ouJ^ e 4-erfhrY jf-&ode t -L ;"+.)oou:e^ d {-l' Qornmetap C h-$c)e d"t fut W-tr a-otio sh"l-t b.ft".* www.OnlineStudyPoints.com - www.OnlineStudyPoints.com Dlrudv L + ) Patk " Pi^dpl" t €ftJ" P"tay Arhele Je -sr ] -W , 86 I Dd,, i +ion $ SJ-oJir , Same o-g P"!4 -aL ' non-iuhesbte b..d- Junda*ni,( lt;lr;+'t,u g Oi.*V. o+ A.r.ftUe fulie-fe i* 4he fiove.trta*, ! ^ Csu-ttY' ?::(: +o secr4' t'u'$fuu *n'gl"/E f ineqr'fu'4)e( in lneawp g+A* ^q ,Y" LPf *&o'"hn(' 'Ji*'"{ M)*i;#" ' .c om frrlicie38; Dq ; *Ihe S6/e Btno,lt dl'.o!- i+s Pe'Y 1" Seure fuy,+ +a odqpde' *u,n<^f "t')v*!J*J-h *,,uilrcva' fueve o &,ce J* f oVpoh*,r+y f* flruu-rvofi,o, drolhn rne in |+ea-Dh '!' ni..:J* q 4'te*llLT1 dwJ{7rn'J* in w .O A.dia,b qo I w A-rlic/e-Lll- i 011anit&''^ ,f rneoa u'ro*o"t'd' S T'*+ obu'' chpld'tun" o'tol +o *hQ Poo{' . n , \ nt &t u^ik f i'"uh'"* ,4 gY#- 5o,t*7**+ ' 'o*hoyak +o puhilr- o'tk*"t a^J ']a e&ro*$b', t,r,tuV, h1;-io ' ;7i^" g*ui*pl.lrrter* ' sichn*t' !' d'*ohln-r"* 4 huwo^e Co'dtLlou fia no*u"t'ly .lr-U$" r dhe gt P*l" +' vLllye j*+ qt lu"uit"h-U'o i ftrho'u fr"riole v3 'fu n L uDvnon ' JVJ AJUe .as A l EAv"..ffr,r#ce 4 3nu (*xx * A,ad"J b7 tn" 4 frr*d^ Ad, N+eJ w + *tuu I { ttt""l}t, eq1.l Ld6{k J"^ nl + **" t LlSr"\ y"y o o n*d' Ge&u,oel (svn^*rsy Po (swrnan ' g' tu dy . g$rdalale Si*lutbao eS , " ts Arhclusg lA*l"t ?to^oru eJ an o(1 \rgavtda U) *l u uta ! cn- ofwol*" "",i+ir o/pof i^ ,l.rl-J www.OnlineStudyPoints.com - #e- monole-u'l CHded by UL^ot ' frnd^ fr..l 19+63 gt Co- oyercJhre'%ti{ us B Srli.0u Wlonkohb' tAdd.J by W"J h;d' M ' Js?6J Z fuhcie -P " +fu'l,aui-*he e^'"'hy- *h,*o$ ,r, P,rovilu,:Jy d^1'thad @/e L eduo#*' ". P-& cWdtew ft,Hc(e\€Aoli.-lu t{? i ts .c belou,r*h.ffd6yoorC0a&-err*\L)a(6-lt{yeo&, 2uzJ aYnednl Ui a7* frwd' A4' :f gs's' sI3 ?'H",*;y-*;:T'trffi#.. 4 1o i-(ak Rdk J-v/ in ) UrtCI^,- AvtJeode ahzn^l I dy Po ) Vtl: t@ om + asA: P*t*ic; p"ho' Suoorlcerz \' www.OnlineStudyPoints.com fuhcle f nv*d#on s4o'd* "l publt. +e"]& , fiohibip, N"tus I dltvff -hviy f eo*, wvnpltbrt \r'hxic"hrl d) anlrnr!, hr,tbor,oly , Pruibrlin Crc,YYJ- cl,ltle' othrt nW i 9Sonitnh'o' in eS Arl"cJe Q0 w .O nl t w w A#c/e So Arl,oo1e I 'l'*o 4*' p*loo rlodo ) tu t "Y*il': !l' I coMet Cott^t ' t n!"fu t A -A:ifV u,,u)o'*'*"t frnproVe 9f on J-:k + ftnhoJ"r{gA: Prd}*#pl*+*x [+'ra'J ay ttL"a frn*nJ ' lo+qr ) '.)' i'^ PtdaYloq ' oh'rn f f.rotrarory Se(v icu gf"+t"" 5$e' Sep.,t f^* st , &o- ol)*' t tnta'd)*'"I a !" or."l* :f exeeu/+tr" Peoou ln puAl't'e- b 4' Secudf , pronole l*und)"'!'f.ct0a L se-cu'))y .rrAtjull*o,,ou.,ohle'lelqlil^tblt'tnalio'"-{ " , fu-s+nA **l* 3' L'^**'ol)"C^ Jou !'il"+ ubry!^bn ' "Lrrcwys**t-lnw**?fi';_'dity;*+<tu"1ia'hiheoa")' - www.OnlineStudyPoints.com www.OnlineStudyPoints.com So6ofir/flurryl*r i,r'0P$P n fi*:plul'rn 0Pg0 : 'ffi,3g#, ttl,.$2, Q,gh r, UI ,, @ A"&'clei hr'{g i 165,,{,16,,?S r,(6,t .,i ffrta(e88, . ).. . oo,tede' . $a* oT f el1cn' Dnue$ tl *r* { ir ,ffithcle 33sJ wtke.( lar7uu C!ilhle ?g^nJ H"di 1. Sqv led WVe Ctu}ide 3,51J ,*--rl4 ."t .O nl in eS t ud y Po in ts . Po#E:sc's & srs +a t-: .. . om *iDflsP :. .c 6ondl^i,c I i.: w w w li www.OnlineStudyPoints.com - .'1 www.OnlineStudyPoints.com feRT - &A I h,ficle stAJ *They o-(e ln dr,,u,ia-l }uhrl ' incrtfor"hJ i, CIu| Csrg|\**jo" 0^ tAecozme "doh* Jof- Suflrot, $ro\dr f^"**iiFee &poni W tt}"l Co"t+' h*d' hJ, lg+4' -: Cw.thfu+p,, cloetrn'* cowkt, duhq ta- i) J ?,r^Coru"l"l Du$ux I - a, sloehne JP ,'"!-&ut i n zooz 51*' a"*fi uJoJ add'td' om @d^"1 .c g)Ab)dubTcou*+,ar-r-ap"o*i}'\d*"k,Na#,onolPlg4An'lhu,n' Jho rtoble id'"k +14*t- )*PueJ n*ho"o',( (D dneiuh 4;[ol,tu., ts >1 Ta J-"-.-lt'Jo* -To ,pr*^ t y*k* in sL^,iUl. tu dy sovia3e'rty Po ',u'') ,: ;Ayuy 3F t"t'o wa'cyfe-^al4"ecou,*a19.Aende|na}.ohqlServioe. Luothephooo(^ *-*:' & sP*l fua'<n'"y ,{ u',l{*u @'To y.*.k Gu^*y's i*iry, * -Tau&e 4 p-tu***L" ur,,cr t+) 'iu €nvior nrneJ ' g " sp'o+ t in '--r & '*gP"r' ( i\ To "':''\**o( Y \v n eS vs *he noinr..d t*f::^" 4 Pu'l"# 9-ro -lnu*amk"t A ::,':,*; 4ornpet ' L9 'fa a*i7 scie'{fie n ery@y ' w .O nl *o c$1u* violenQe L P"/*k P.,SI)o '-, ',n aLl' gPh*e?' , o Qxcef'(e'n* g -f" stur,'.- *o**# " gaop-rouiJaeaPP*'*"''yfue&cdio44d-l''J{d;XJA C_.4, M,2oozl . Be b\/ , Lfdd*,| (- lt,,| t Yud w w tlro.d blr-u ryu *+, ) ) uLie Tvtey &re y)ah -j"*#c"lle uy* -Thn'/€l'l +o S"oIt nd'** ' i^ 'v\ ?Y:-" tld^rcl^ haVe r-^^,^ a .1i f)o.r# e/ol- ,/h* 'be",. P"* *w* ff * :'f" :i':.'#T;' ^fit'loY T:";f{i { S tn*/ !'d''o' ? +" www.OnlineStudyPoints.com - hmrr/.n*,* www.OnlineStudyPoints.com + P.*ocedr'ro fu^ n**a*",* : t Ar.l-t/e 36AJ in 4*& e.r#hu $oun{ 4 Po'Jio-'* a^d' n* Jy*ld,ux N; n*./ gl EJa, pimiu)r, d fues:id'n,*,' o Co* 5u ),.hdtrod s+"1" l, P"* pne'bd' *Tfle *rw. \'a 3Pt'{ ry*} i'e' bi-il, mu-gf be powed'tn eac}" !. .g*) d z/s More dhan so'l' t Mal mernbutrhip S llot're rternbet! peue* !. !o+t Y ' t sithnj do;* 4hn b'il[ ' N o fnu;s+ fiovt-L)", $ b* *tov,te PatL in ts .c q G, be ),&odl.reed Ay a m\"t*et, o-t by a om o eS t ud y Po mudG'4+' pov'ai"UtN''l.d amer.d#*J +o eifi '''Jl bi-01 seuk +4f * s]"1-( ry a b&, be \eo&ti-J ry \d' Jpir-["]*'a t "[rrexo# ! Vd? )'. *lony meYnbeu Sin lle " by S+.h ,ly&d**, d*1'1 p*t"J bl b+h hou,r",t & S+. "+t! anle* ' */ru. +o fu"tidn'+ ,a bil! ifr* Js' Y*.#*J +k Purdd-^l vnr-sl $v" alse^* c Uecfro, .O Notutt: nl in aun& n o1 ur,#t , *he bW P gt Puus,ol"+ w ;3: { fi^1 d w w p*fio -Uds _p* 1o 't' o &"ya.,*io[r\, 3t a D*.t,bulb ^ "1 nu!,** wivhhJd-l^i< &ecav3)dwaho'' L i+s rYQnnej o {, " fk .**:d cavswto, ( tr}36s i+s{r) a+' Saln"dr/: Po'tuh-*#' ryY]Utli*l 4 $'+d+'t' blto pourer Lylu\o*rv* ff www.OnlineStudyPoints.com - www.OnlineStudyPoints.com P.roc*dr.re $* *" S *he Co"t])hrton Arruro(rnnr* b*fi}"}ion'Lweie Orneno{.-",.lgl 86BJ : bY l$-tod'uok)an Co^.t#W).n Covr bp i.i+iJal oJy , fr*rd**r# f '$ oil l- d4',e P*P.r" ln er+h@'( -hot'<e t pa'!Ja*'e* o''J n* i, Jhe. s+**€ lr+illlo.hil' " mr*+- be paxeol .c *The in eooh 4'tou-'t" Ay a Speclol ts ',*ry" dhe +''o'u'e + As S *heM"\ *, d t$*ry t :yY & Vt#'3 J bi-!1 murb.,t in " om . W es^ b i,,eodkc.J el.Ihur bY a ni"kF*< U \" a Pr1'"/e purolwio* ,t *].e fuuide*' lnErnber !. o(o*{ nrl- ur.eq/e,6 ry"r preZe^# Jhe Po , fiuu i{ y)a p.{ov kion d G;* Sithri i" bill' .}he P"z.1n f . s+l dJY eS tu dy {"a..,"/ Ftaui.gio,<( fxroler I ,l' , t #re bW See)1g 4o arne*A Jhn teqf'*! by lhe l*6tioL*" b. Clo \l , Csrt+l+rklt' {r" 'nwl bY a S't*pl,e rni*hl ' #" s+,+ee +"li f S by Pa"<eA t>r+{4 +he ho ulel L ,Aahld 4 ,l'he in 4t ya)Ae* j@ aued' \x ffwnhJ=J Shh IQ014-l'"h" (ovr Trullhut' \lithha'ld " l+e a*e* a hnridnre rrtu<* gvn -l^ blJ! &earx)du*kio^' &+'e d n "[#L,r"' 4;rl anx*'t bi-lJ. nl ') w w .O I w Typ"( d frmund'rne#- C b*x.h+vilont i e ft,,,nrd.ne,"f by Si'nP'{e -idry f {he P*"Jr'a*r* i " SPeu"'( firnendm*rk " *i*ry ry sPeoi^! *11;U! ftmnrd,mrnF bY thp S'do' tVUl&'w 4 uo$," o*ton €l -hgL d' www.OnlineStudyPoints.com - www.OnlineStudyPoints.com ftrnen"lut!|-buy- " . 'e nnoP"ry ci i ^o-!t-Jol fidmiuiort oJ s{+ablkLrn"* ,JoF &yr^ ..H"- , 0*; . gal"rlux nel S+.#.r - rleu; g+a+d t- frWJ4irion !, leminq!'fon' z-ev-(hiP 4 - G-tb kl o rce( $ l-1?'s om * A-J So Qn' t Affierdn nrl- P"ra 'J tn DPsP pJu*ofio^ P"texidB d sc a. 14C o Dktdb,rhr. of .c Cxd" tJ J t" i+E YrlahnP/' Jq+kX*yrla potrre.r b/t l U'io' A g+a4e(' i:!*::ut Ryr*.J-r+J, dr ''^ 4;t" ScheJr^(o ' ilne -ili* 'k^tI ,Y U p;r; $ P*fl,'o *nrt^ 1o Grne.3r dfie C"^*l**uho^L Wlf) "s+"fu ^ w .O -a olp.t in o . nl c eS a g'o>*3 tu dy d ftn". a ' Po o ft*r"Jmpv{ ln - ts It a 'vo)tJr( Mol in eo'J Eoee&,s" C&t '360 w w i.l. www.OnlineStudyPoints.com - I PAn.uA I4ENTARY sYsrEtY www.OnlineStudyPoints.com + G^$i4-.r$i"n { M^? prouid-< ;Por po&'o-e fuy J * dt ,.9od' , b"&h d&r&," !- S-}i& W uti#-l^, S.l"4.r'J ^tn ts.rkdn execrr#ve Pq,liamunl*Y Cno"'|' i'" ot' P"!'tciu & o&, F k *Ihe ?ret)dr,*i& €yth'. ,$uy*i b) e 4o P -{"6it'-8"1*. aIuo Known ?orlt"n"9&t^'l' a/' ) 'ryo*]b)e Gau| ) dy Po ) , ,t L,-JJ o}" &h e ex ecrr-h'u e \'g n di+s p*.lral< I aols - Gotl, t ,,Au|o*)bhe 1o *he , in "!.gtla- i4 "t om and /tnhcie L63 L t|ta in p*['am. ,t^ry < ys4.'., ts .c Ce,&" 'Gb)ru* SysJ=- As ahi na-\t occourrlqbb 16 P*fu., pt .i "'< erC iden , ;+< 6reoo"{" C"bir+ rnrclew gP Po* 'tn Pot, Syden'', k "< tu g -1a.3 * I <{y. i' 3[r"e J 'f .- Norir"( g R"q( heqnqve w .O A h,sidnd +n*d'd Pyry w w ru4ry +J1*; ;*' &w gollo G.ry*'"i eS PoJ,,"1-JaY in R#** nl -) Pu'u,si du'F lx wo,(. execusve 6tu," rto^tnJ P.rnor#ve ' Pt' ix * *^d t PM tl Gov'an*uJ- L ' 8q.i ,::,*j,T:'fl*"i. *"r:';?,;il"3 ;& f** .oiloo *oY bu i'vi+J b' iol eJ , P-reriol &o+' &ut'r,,^tivi'ot\ : p",lC'r I z ytini*ku ax catlrohvJY !*.P:*ibb. Lg tn 'rt' L ;" Po^fi,-n; 1u,"*o'(' i @;a- +5)' www.OnlineStudyPoints.com - +d t Sq-" Pq(orroe ,y^y/@ )d""/'gy ' M"y Shore Pffi+tcqi lh,.,TenJ,t Mu-be.,r'ore Yln,f4*il " lnn*o, www.OnlineStudyPoints.com 3 yi'k +et L F D"@ - P*h ;,,. Povt6 =% bec.,*Q- ' : gl, G*c.,I-( ol lvi'' ' ,0e.a", 'T ^leoo{u,r & -fu*J* gtr Po&'t-u'# ,[ 'o d'fux'o/"'u +l'€ 'fu&bn.,oL leu)et ruL"k : P-HiJ.^l- es'' oy, t(ec.or""* 'J#'on^ f P f"t ' fu vr)ote dy P-rgf.lnro" 8ya*"rn dlae ,,Aupot<)b"Lly tu uri{ta k*;Jt*;1 Po in a"[J, on :f' po'!ib,*'S om gf *tembet' d .c V^aIqAV',;P ?'t'ns [/ti''t]a/,i 'tt'', ts * '-' r eS Ne.J fu 6voio[ ts7tilahve - [xecr#ue a$t tek Jrd)on-Socl{ NoJur" d w .O Me,.ifu nl in E: . lilo*nony bl a -L"ilildr". !" Pxec-uliuo w de Govr*n^u} P,y"ru,n& d*p"ut- ( , Ruyord sei"h"E:' d Ptru! ryd*+ o G"ov{ ' by aw'&a"u' w a a o " U, rreJdu. Govus n-u'* c N6 artilnui\y t fil;e/*/ kJide K"pe"t*,,lulao - 7ailrt www.OnlineStudyPoints.com - &ar.^A 8ve-h*r www.OnlineStudyPoints.com ) ka*^1"&*** ' D,ro( d - */,e G^rJ#ufr'ov1 Gov*rnJ- i,e. U,|o. o, ok Ce,^fi* [ S+"]eI a]- fenpuwy' in ts .c om ' (,lLi#un Cw*lihrho, u Divr-giovn gf poweq blru Ce^in 1" S4-}e< i.e, Union UAl, 6"lJe $x+!Grrerrt.<,e t -!j4+ , . Supen ynaoy (o.r+iat&or r.e. Co^s#h:#o, i4 Suprerne a +i9hw+ Jcu"r' t " ?rile Cont)i*uh.* l,u' (gn,ol be arnpnJeJ eo^(iJy ' o Jrde yendet dud'tu"*y ' GWe(ark , B)co n1el,o}itm I'e' ap* Fbqe g, l-otr"r Hou<e ' Uff"tHor'-(e cr o tlllole' {t $-*+.( & Loure-t #o,,<e '.nepreee'& *h' P*1" d ln&io o S;Ca eS Udlay k**-x gP *he G"tltutuu z$hzewh'tP in ) tu dy Po ' 8i2/e G'a#-t'^,)"-;[o' fuw U'ion ' 8-lao'9 & r"f-re " t* Mor" sut)*afs w w w .O nl " I 9+4+ex i, l)nio, JtxlMore \*pu4,* subj"o,- i"clud*( l, \)nbRu)ol.r^ooy 'po.n..r Jd+ LUil& &,*,n ' "0,k'l- C',"Vu /atlo'Gelerve P^ o (.s,f$4.*1ion Pouel, f " Fl*n;Hn '[X,?l-kj5r[##: " Br.{ev?e/ P-tou;tbw ' lrteydeA #dry . " #,#;'. o, by @h cexLte' Porr* gA poo,)tannt 1o Cre#" N J-d-iq Eetvice(' www.OnlineStudyPoints.com APpoiJ--u ,+ ?F Gove.ro, - gW €**3unny P,*avb)ra www.OnlineStudyPoints.com P"+ - x.vnr brlirl" 3s2 * 36o I in i-eb"a lq Phete goa$*Jion 'S N"ftb,J hoyroT ) G,*ou"at , (nCInlu DeJa/,&b" * i* Z Qxfur"/ Psqidr* w^ d..,{o-re o noh,**/ emet3eny eJ'"- 4o ulo,t or a*ned rheb"fijon ' Lgdded by \uwt A*|'AJ, rg+sJ . Nolrb, a (srl<en J e-*1e-ry &c[ ot J o, #tref]tou"4 d: &/"{-J an H*^J ef + u-,c{ o,r a*wuJ 'hub-Jib"" ' i* er/u{n k a3 J gt,ra,'or, aSyw)"", known a{ in eS t i r4e*""1 er4ergq{ov " d' nt"tbr"l emerypray ytay be ayytioil-\. h e^#r* csq & o* o Po+ dl ;t. Lqy,d h-A' fr&, lS+eJ . ?t-etidn* a, yoclo),n o. ma,;/onJ et%u:"7 "'ly ?f'l* ?soela*ohb, nl . asz) oi nt s + ud yP ) .c om f-tov f-tovistou4 folbrJn &k'^J */,e inaeh1a.<J-ion If {he- Cou,&y , sg&;,,"*J *tnn Srre"W, \)ilD , lMry 4 sefwJt! C? .O .Aecetu)5 o\ V)^i Hnr - .Ar<com * "rntohoo, N- eob l'o'l' w w w q frs PeA Mi^elurq tYtil4 Qa!< (ne,)' foclo'*,.oho' ?f :*"J on fu" ff:"J 3F un",<JeneY Qg-r'r be Cho!tu",1d-.)n O*'f ba'f'Q"J or1 *"i2y,,J. at +t"o,}- *he ded'"*o-Iion Ldo'S i;Y'&evo '+ibals" "'x,;ff 1fi,Y, tru,wT :: -n ^.-^r^.-r^- lr, irrred ots +tr'* tf,"pl*td*Y p-todde/ Rs .f v. un*,f{ x ;:trW'&? I*n, - U^i ,n4Qora cu,x"fu'h*'^8 ,f i,*,,,,^, ,J.e www.OnlineStudyPoints.com il }}*' ipgr",trd corli*t-b, ,t apyoiel www.OnlineStudyPoints.com ) bo+h *he houte! il" W-f* .iontt^l , Wnd cow u-krJ.J 40 Qn ind$',iae'pu)"d..,r- , Po"lr'o nn f * er/e) "l* srl fiortt4 ?,o' o/p,-*U . b paued by eMtsJ4 {tu''2" ol -rM Me- sqh;p ?A.l ryrZ i.e. *y*'l'' g v ^ornembnu yot.t t ,*b" a,A\lo' uf Reulr,h*, appr^ti1 ptoclanafun nu,gr :^y be .i+avoked Uy k*,siJn* & */ tlo'e by .c . J4- & P.rcda*d)r, t a ts Re\,ocqh'd, om J Subsegp*,# pacla,,oho- " (or Puexid"*--f *rotle oL Hoq{e sl.o,ld be '+i' t-,ri'to^l' +'Je tu dy speoret Po in 4o &e uii&' o 'roliue' ! V,rn t meo,b*t $ *he LS fl*: S*lo') o spuur*'( sdhy l: ^ .'F, *' ?*P* eS "(l (o'<'td ei''J a ''r.,lold' "' 7* nee& siir* '3td,Y' *he ' d"W ' in + qfr+ 4 N"e"-l g'sJ"Y : N+"4 | o n &Iec]LI< .fa g+qfe ar1 ohy' vi#?t ' [r"etl,uu 6+ve + s+"&'/ \ 3 w ;^ o}old;* b$ak * Any o*hd S*'lt - 4o vrtahs thu P*lio,nt*il fucowet ewPoc/,a*J ewets, Du.iro -,**/ tr ' Hot-rreve(, ," o;y s ,b)"* we,n[','or"J in s-1"& Jfu+-tt't" gwfendd' -(ou'x .'"Ju ,:it i; S+oJ"'i;ii*, U* pawu of Jg:t (e.) ;; po !,ia*u,J- oY s+"}o *q"& drub N,8.. bec,^ )nofe*ottve s'x n,o,,lt* fl- eYneAJQRy Ceoxed h oy>o*"te' w br]a.qu \ ru,2",g w .O nl (, tf"#o, &/tu-slof. R.',"!h4 ev+'tkJ *o ftr.errlr'vu ,* Ody notri"r".{..uT1r.^y, fh. Ce'&u beco'-e Unill.'live suv*'o eowt)hlW e$y^* {f rr'clrfi con ";lJ'4d'""t'a fuuidu,* qonttvu't i"!l enJ ' ceilfie 4 s+'Je( (i,,.ana)o.l *ct'i' + P-y. i- ub)dl +** ene'\jet'<'1 - (f apuJ< www.OnlineStudyPoints.com Uou oan * https://sscstudy.c 4f ! s yy erlo, duJ b€ moy B Ut " t' ^bnyo'J any veor # . ;,; .*'^'* tP+€A . cann6f tt'r) eo^ilwe 'emrer1QY<y 0eo{eo( Sorne Eovuro, qh a *r,-. +o Surroe o . dy : g;wtpenJ4 F R' und's< 1y { siv vno-W X, & 6 rvro"u^r 3Lq , rsl) W q#wi*' '* l3 oAv in { ax*uJ eS J' t"u'd G*e *^'Quoe *u'da'.!y &";fn,'AuJ s'a'tdn o'te F R. o-(e nol sho'"" i* "-^Y Nd't- G,u ,, d nl w .O Svtpendd" iu. *hp U"t;;Jo' \* @l3 uJ*< Y Pettod q' w w ^ho'J Pu;"d in JnbulJ'on' fn" fhh'n# 5f^by.+-,r're)' P,,d,ele tu fuhrie 358 .e/*+-nol GP tro'( &l fn"r-Eorld t NfiJ'ts tt'det 6a$ole IS ttuiil* sxceP* Ax+. 2o Ltl thet ['^do;-*"l LA,t$de- 3511 Ur^del 359 t a S+ofe ais"*Wy i'e for "-sb" g: bJryo,,al 'ft'#n' &i'ds S.# o, $ndaw*"l"!' . Suepo N)on t firrJo-u nkl . '-lewiv" " j" .c lre , ts f* ", om Ls x s*J" rtae*NY in 8JF.# www.OnlineStudyPoints.com Po (i, www.OnlineStudyPoints.com - RJe Poesidu,^*www.OnlineStudyPoints.com Mftj"noy LhHd" s54) Z- 1 ) Vrx)oJ'"* ,hule (stn bq ptoa!'o)'-*J Undet' n'*;olq 3se on \. : 4ao ffiound.t fut)cie ;156 e^Poure- Ptuidu* 40 fu<ut y"ohTotJon' 'F *e g"htff"J +h..*- a S).1-uqki.n hu a^i*u- in u'J;.L (atni e-J, n 64aat> ao ap uJ )t+-) ^ s.]a*e cnor*. Lo n n or- be , om 4 &v<4]s()o'n' *he Pu'izio'< gf 5 so/s +hd- u wtlho'k urhen Qve'4 q s4e.Fe in frrhc-le 36 Lw iwt dy Po o ts .c i 3"* fi;:Xr' 4? c",^Lr/ r )* vt'utl b" JoVP"/ t-^ l-hu fu*xiete^* 4o *14*!,.1, fhe si+u .''k)'n hu's oil-<tn J*' P'*ta*^* *,,&P-t-o aJ o$o be aPP'ovuol bY tu o* +- 't ffi 6tdn L monW ) u's the bodh 4nuta cpnh in eS i+< 'u'tot'e d'"f" t Po* dhe- *tov'!c.,! , ?-*)derJ-'e*l.e,I bodh bl q ) *! aPVoovuA erJ=n be Qsn r*"]"J.jP@l nt-t-3-f* S - 1"" "!.- nl s |.e,.u' ' Ef Qeaoa $ rn 7'-l' e *J oJili ' O/ frppa/vJ Poued' '?'etiduk A'-(n r.an be , , one knyunol *"7"J Y"* 1<'so sshen *" fe"*'3 6mant4 d- a- hmo + w w ) w .O (na*^t il1.^w) 'Ai gs,r$iio*4 WLI*J " b* in L"toT'*y Eho''t'd s:l&ranl c P-,@c,Qa*rb; ?f '&^ u'sfion" a'{ A'olto' e th aliart iv. 0P* :*t" t ony p"k f s+'k ) ?"d o ar" Cren*J. oQecbo.t a.c;.au,J_ { A poclamoho, & t L'4' conno* b WJ otff'allhq ?*rx,Vur+ - R"h ' on .., i , www.OnlineStudyPoints.com a^y|*'e' rnoy be- JrovokeJ by P<r,sidr'rf @ -) G^'leq' ..".r g[ P'a%iJnJk '('/e www.OnlineStudyPoints.com . ?-r-6&nk Co.,4o'leQ up aA g+-J-e rhe Jot'l-' &"'< 9f J*' {-f^" &rdJnaneez , 1;*)nert Po..fu'.u,."1- k p"**"h P-resid*J- Cov., ry,g. (. .c om \- $ollerrooA' {r1"$- 'il"e pouler{ t g+qf'e Ludr/"4-."' *u k cs'r dtC"'" fl*ulid"# ' be exetd-uoJ ry fhe Po'&^orr"e * ' . yn"<)or^ " He L6v,-4aLo. atl oihet l")ece/ uy S+zy 'r,dttdL"3 f :* .f. o^Y body 'or--ou$horl\ ir', Sl"de $ *he Co^x+, Pr"v. 'g,e(o$+,J povNts V€/+QJ g+sj-q' J* Jorres,Xr'ae { no{- l, Ser(;.n, oi nt s ,i?rtrJ pJtroe,lCovr delt"k Jhe pou,r +4 rnolee Joux J: <')-/. d,ra*-L u .+u P-,ng,/e"l 6{ o}ho-r ***ry sFe$l.J by 4,um "iy S#. + lstd"$"sL p*"eic[e#' g,-.ro^. T"&.'tl'J nk on .O Fi'rncfJ Wyu'y w 9" fl*'36o ernPo\lr; grr-i? P''xiole"t w S+*b).Q,ry G{ C""ou'+ w &.x,iJ* (frrt'Ce €ao) +Pro.-hrro*l'n rr'rt'''(t ^]'" RJe k ^ta ivJtu4nu d Jl^Ae f tV ul o'P,ova* -&uf''* ,'m' "ia""J l"? *^ fl U"a Pex t'i ; 'lhuu\z l'lo rn,,x\,,r'''rw, fle'uoJ opp-rov./ Jt ndR.pn-#'J Po'h'o *"A;y ) ilffi'*proriry_^m{* bYo sr;# r"$al' + + t s'"see/- 4" i proo(or *#5fr"i"li}**''luoho'}'-'&na + gt Geuieu]' nl + '| '4nP"*fuJ in eS t BJ-* ud yP lgorr no/ne by Por0"'.-o^{- Gr ffnx.,,^oln& G^ o"y a$h*,Spe{}r.a/ l<4 P..gide^+ Rure o,r,thoi',v 5r*, u,u +6 be opeho*)vo QVs,, EP *rwl rr{qo,x +h# *h' Peao d 1|"-r slo€l' t"tJ.1" Suoh *[*W Pxclo'^ o-t1''?' Co -. *e-t'-\nou't L{i th otrqoHo, 1.4 nalUtemoi,'( G@e/J G-( .d,€ - uroJ*J b.., *he G{ b" com ) + , *,&^oh c-an "!,r,)'.li'^ ' *ouaet ur;run i+< oF',o4i'" Lq'eqpr'*J be p"*rod ry zwryvw' " J* i*= eiaha -hou/e l)tB *f bY P-tuid(JJbe co^ 'gevolaoJ www.OnlineStudyPoints.com Proo,b.rn &"n N ' U- i{. s u$ eaf - www.OnlineStudyPoints.com + gnrbrr exec,rh\r{ S l Prurjdnr*, V'te ta-iltk { Pt,,J*' -'ni'&u't f'r"ria"+' ' G*o)l *;rglenA !" haY prrxide/_ il -'heao( 1'A'o' S4'+"/ Uilon exealfzve' gf: 9L Pu'xide^tre'tuolJ ry av1 *"&" Pr-'siJn# *ho t ^\: by meavS " flcc-Jr jlo*he G-r#*uho't ytopoi**l itprer f 'lton +l't.,*d.t-' etr &o^J gr-tteye e Vtl--' |'"\T\:j^t-(1<)' e +-a^!kt,!-o,bt 5, ry e- -Ud 9i nngler o 0 t A n - ^toto gf .L Jh* hodh dh< lhe #n e'ouJ"J r *h' bodh "; - ; ' 6'P*qy{^* .t ,lh"- n J Bir,ne *he UeprereA #e enlzg Orde( 40 nu,,Mn & bJo'oe b lui r-to-H:,rt d *l U t4 d"ohn, i, the S+"4, trl{t1& co,(crr1"4*J w $11"'u:i3: dlr* cercile it 4 *P.-{s*kJ fiernbatlY +f"t SW no' J"eul"#ve -/ oate-wb)Y P = -f6+*) voke rtLfr'g ol f Vofu 3t "il o11 g+c'Iel T"lr;@ ,f fu,s,d-J ' , 7. dr#"' g,,r* o ** 1', ttult eS t %J.t .O w w U".h- Vol-€ , t n MLA = 1oh-l ?rP*"ho" nl in d V"f" S ffi- nl, -\rT1*l"hv" ^!: o-lAe-bLr'& J^&'o, ka*.,t Sye'|n.n' VoJ^{" gP Vole V"lr{* t, ri t),,- ud y " , Po fu frgq4r Prt*ryv P.^.X,,do+- ts ;-, 'vtembeil in ilu&".r J a"Xl1e qon{'xls^ TruL$vS -hou{e( U .c om F/nc,hb, w ) I ?sr*idu,t" J."t CIrJa il = 1a ttti'- a' 0,,ol" *6il r\o" t cc''drdd/e , ',i"d" it 4na'fu @\tu'l.,kJ V"l,d Ualuz P"I'(.d Jd L lhe uo+ , +L www.OnlineStudyPoints.com ! Or.oldieofrb" : Jwww.OnlineStudyPoints.com , 't-le nw4- b' cihz*. "f fufia' i LJn IJe vnu* *ave q1r,,r$l6t4r, 4 l-ls rnu* nd' 1^.i") 6"y E]f,'* , " t o becr-" rnsmb* tJ- Lg, Jt y^f* qf Junj.o. S,rloscrj hJ by of -[."X+ 5 g daJ"r,l ! ) Nornrofi o.^ es',aildahrP-a P-r"rrol*^J- rnr,l l- be a,( g eco-alett, nuY om -) rnq(ae Seotur) dtpsi+- t Elsaa in RBI' +" 't'1 &-(e- ev,ofudoA Sec,,rr) dep"e+t -boye )a l@+O l,^* to dt P"il'X i;"ge 3F 3( e i]J** ts .c vo-I*( o;['le / ' a*olta)>Qe ; Co,Nt)o^zS PuusidP''n .; 'u n n:+h,^ o He Jha ,!d nokbs $ ry.-4 "i^',,,,"i*, (t t l-h,rQ-d ?ooi'lo*r''& @1 tu + d in sec.u ui l'/d' Pk dy Po Cchdr'dale , Puexio(*^J-_ )l eS . ttT f "Y.frry"fr4y.u, H^d'n,pr''ilyf h a vluwtl* f enh)l*A in i lJ€ enloyat*' d nl w .O y,iee&,1 w ) ' lne* t4 , "r,I:!:{ He &nnot ^ ,:.:::*, doc,y,l* f;,_%oil,*-\,',*d " 6n ihe- exPkY E l:J;y tho o* : 3l T, snm^t"'l fo t o 0v, 6r,-s by - 'Ql l-*u**;f"* o'y ui'"ti'*J' -::T;,\ ,*on*u/ notfee Houtevet #+- ffui:J w € /*- {'fr:* vvwU aore' SfdJ Du'r'q W ,:,'*^'u"i.l)*{' ci'M p-to'ce& ry{'&' s)eo/ i'mpe &t-ud' www.OnlineStudyPoints.com " 'u r'(er" avql ovJt *1^q^ nlp drorh ^th u ,i'en li^rnll", , + g[^ \au,# b/ utaiofio$", www.OnlineStudyPoints.com q1'rdlJn 6 rfion[l4 Vonor'ey au*)- be +l"'l'd P)] J/ r ,**' na\ z t VV',p q&k aa y-tide,,# { L^ c-o-E" 5 Vooo I e'l*oiJ,')?4 #@ " . VP d P^* "k*,,e.- 9F idu,+ no I-rrrpeacl, "'*'* flier) duv* e-a^ b. gfrerroue *($"- otprta b/ o Pto*'< ' om + , Tt-,^] C10- or gen)or' m's* J"*. aa* \n ?f i-feoahwe* Co'{J++rJ"'o- | vio-[oJ+ ' "- ?f J* A^ \npuochrre,[- i4 "tq4.x) -jd', nJ' 'yoced,a o 'tn *ln" po/'lc:'nw(' Mrrr! -Tv,* i,-peao)arnrt &"lJ * ec,4 b. 'tnl$a*.-i by e,tPhd l-tou(f, in ts .c , th^+l* q'uxe Po P*lr'" *nJ' ff rvla+ be- 9J-qreo{ by ncl JaX l|'on l/v d n -The-&. / dl'e ud y ' ++J ,,-'!)a* pY;. ' It-( d,ayr', ply nolree rnusl b" 6Sv - ^ 1a P,*ticle * b5fo"e \"|l"l'1 M"l +lne Geto)'u*)o, k P**J by ,V*\ , * 'l,U ,i *ro',.xe o*hut ' \}'l^ioh {acl ' \+ }4 s*"1' '}o ;''* rt"'nbn'< t 'e eS t AJaet, tp nl in ir,v*+ydu Jhe &ru*' oluu hor-ru alto s;(4.,i4 ' al'Y* 4' pou u'e{o'hl/'oo* byz/s .O U ,U*ry , *he f-wrde,g s+";& tAela4oVel w No,i,J*olrne^b*{h*rthu*loufe(dr'1"-uu&-lotae P*eel PH'n ln "*f*odonnu"* Norol' .t*J fl.ern bu't" t w w EJ.d=J maynbt':t do nsl P.';erP"k Sd= J$il.k'e , " www.OnlineStudyPoints.com Y L + www.OnlineStudyPoints.com firr&a< : loueta - E*.cr.[ivn fuuo< # " a n '" u fr-l] exeor#v - a#r"4 t Go,r4 ' c))e 1^4 -lol*' -F-ey "n H< appoi,*s PM & ofh*t m\nlfuut H" oppol.& A&1 , LPfr', A;rF el"t'" nlmba C I-l* SP U Psc, $otemau Pir.,noe G-,,i'<i,r' 3f l&*{o* &r't deek ""y mams ' U*'ki"ne'r" C*.,1"*t*' S'h'k J' sWu'non 4 rne-,-,, b'r-{ &Qi.hj h a&'q' Q om " { Wq I .c ' ? t-r' -!yt+l"l;"n l-Ie corr oppo,'* a Qomiu|*n -l-o lnve<#y */e i^d<:r */re Scs , s7 < 4 o #tp{ boctu*J Casu , Qo.diil",4 f (an opp\ ( i,4el.- g4.*E app"1,tuJ 4 vl- Gn ;/, - *.1;[. Qo" f)--t "ld*" in He Po { ts lo'- 1*una1Q tu dy P"P"s.lt t- ro p'amola Cp,t*R- Sh* w^* ad'-i^r<h":u's l-L osn *{*: *! o-re-q o,r,ns !- *a< {)r*w qdno ^"d:J,i*J , S"fi&,/J -t*,idl oiuh *.ty,J-_ +a .lfie o**, -." t f eS . " - in tsdr;,r-(ofi'u- P"tt*4 w .O nl o lle co", 3urno, G{ Pg-Prgr.u *hu Po.,f-r'o ,n"r,j- & c|tlo-!'vo pta LS, He Csrn ofu, S:.mY,,o !. \ai,,'l- 8i*hr'''9 9P lffieh {h* tnr<*$ &m" ,of b'Ll| u-uqlti-rer f,r'.* P*t*W;t # ?,u/idu* fu i,&o. in +r; fo'J"'orror# Morrey Bt-il , U-(,54^ Cteatirn, d fleuJ gd&xFle @) rn"nirolo ll rrrembq' +o Rg A Z or#o - lv,dloq rneYnbeA +o L3' d w w 6 con ad&"2{ T4. 'S*io, #" lhp P*lla*'u^}- * eaoh $nnu,<J Yu* o 6 e-(uo})o- * t*1; eoo} Sewlo"t aorr'rnpno.mpn4', ! rJlr{4- Q/- nof- ir,, l-\e oon prom "t-1" @r&'raoroe{ t-t*'"r Poolth,,*,* ufs( #a *= B,u*$& " He- Joya fhe U,eP*# gF- CAG? ' 4pr"+4. P*fi"*u,} - " s www.OnlineStudyPoints.com e-e.Kn q - - e) ^t 1-y:J-";ily.il:frJ";:f,"**, po,,tat www.OnlineStudyPoints.com Diptonoho +l,ey o.$e s"bj..J- Mi'L**I Pou':ev'( - tp ihe opptav "'l' EF {he PoniL'a*"**' HJJ {;tr:6;,;X'L"{r,#'#"* co.n ded*" 'v)a-< * i" A'r';prne' $e gf *he P"''b"'"*"#' cor,,c,k^ole peaae , s4rrL a "Pi"J +/-€ Nav/ ?-**3u",.y Powel,t P,t*ead,y t o,y e - He cor, ffo& *r'uxi| t pe*on, t iF i; il ;; q,[<nce rrlean: (envicl-ioril sen;f"uq nQP- ' +o s# dhe SFe"l' Jut".i-Gl abs.lvq lrt- anfe*-tly' Serle"op & *he P''tnk\:'tnt i W rvteav4 g*bsil+uJnbn gl "'" ts-,$ t+. 1i3 4i-' DeGlh',.*u,&'", u^l P* "* * .i"Srj^ l'r,,-. J* .O nl G.-u*olrh, dh' tJ'to^ k*' 0 1r".*+ in eS t l W patdon, &'q^iQw t sexpt|)e !- f|'uhrnn* &^ Q*om*'Ju bY Yven la'aa'" fr eou# ***.'"! ; 'De.^j44 gpr*. ?ot do, dttut/xr&n* O,,affi t6' fuhciu 352.360- ud yP J"#cj",( Pouu..x @< .c om , oi nt s fu*7 +hu irx)on w w w R"- ir"pt'|'son-r'*' t^i4hovtd se#e,ae A*V^J ils c,[rrrr"-#,, ' (a r"x' ]' fou{ i*yiao'-"i- : l* Co" b" lnpltrd GeJ.ru'3 Phu P*i'd ,.gp ,,r i l"leJ 1A 5 )eor{ \' t fu:\U^** fu'Ph.a" : l*- rrreo.r'(, oL''ra4d' \ a Juq* a^ ' 10 sy-"i"1f'l*' ordr"lfv o**J*X /t"" ' Yui""'l^ Llorne't ?hy eiul ar!^blu' * Rerp;*e Rupfr.vn Z 'lk rneor"d 1<-p*o*y (*tr" ^oio't gf sn"4uno* eXya"Ny d'eo-[1', se,rfur,ae' www.OnlineStudyPoints.com - r,orciJ Poulea fiwww.OnlineStudyPoints.com " l4o, n/ bLll- &rr b e flrJsA '.9qeom n *o/ i- th Po.ir'* mn e r& uily toifln 'l^k &ofr"' rYeYl o l-l€. Co1.re-{ fu i',#-,oJu Jc,U bu- e;[*' '%e *he- P"r,trh- n* fh. onr,*l B"$* . l+€- e-av\ naalee &dVorroe( o qk the tsnhv3u*y it "J gf lodL'a J g'b+o-"r]s i 't ' ll^i"n -1o rn*uf- A"Y U3[l*een " Qxps,o(A,,{e om ,[r^o,al ' (Vv7 S 1u.r< . No de1qoro\_P y"* Con b" rrrode qnn*y' ov1 lNZ [+a- Co^<t-l*&"x a f+q' Co,"tml*gi"n linonoe in rl-e cornna roto-[r'o., &tdinanoL f'4olcrT - '7\r (&et,^0=ay i' dy Po W Pou,ret , ts .c " Cftrhdel%J '*oJ{ cl-Hcie Errrrpoured the P'rcdo(t-ifu4iarne^{ ' drrr3 '*+t"* ,tecerr .-}a P"t**.}" [r/"t"") 6a/jr,orce( tu 3l \,sJ^" b"*h *'he $t**^f ,ily^ no,of n He eo,, y"**"u qe 'A eih* 4'o"<o gJole- nats'tn nul- ln u"han gPlrlian' il in U PonL'o,,,.n,/ +hqf- iaoe 4-w S#5Pt""t Hu- Cor y.nolr€ Gr.cl,'qro*e "^!y L1lhel +h* J"a* V net*'x*7 ,p-t -'li^ Jato Ctunn1aqoel exk+ l-^dr#e mfrb'" w .O nl o 3e't'lon eS Po&o-p,'J- w w " hn ordrrnlace con h i'rxt,tnJ o'!Y Qn *cnoce sq't"k 0n L*tl"'tt' porll'orn-# Cqvr rno['o -(ou' hn an gadJ*.anna a* $ il Stbj."l -lo Sorooe. Cou$hL!-,-r"! *r-Aa#on Po'JJo*u''$' *lne expuy fr.GrdJnok6q cea(e( *a ep.z.dE An ' J-ro- the tt eataemJ.ly t ?*!'o*n't { 6 uieek< Prud&# con toi,rla&oro &dl^**'J- o''y d*' or ftre odvic" gP a*ul{ minx}eta 'hu..ofuJ'by Ftut' www.OnlineStudyPoints.com - o4 V& 3 a,bi-l! www.OnlineStudyPoints.com Lrslae. Po,,.tet ^t4 Y'(""h"t + 'the Ptu<ioi",# jG, 4i-< ff"* , 4e )nu */'** alku"ohvul CAo*,,.f. Ut) : (;) G.iv" Ul otcen* h *hu- bi-o! , u {a< ailevdr 1o |he fiU ' oi1 *,*5fu 9D ( [xcnp-l- Mon*y f\Lll & Co x4'/,,*d Un) (,1'; ) l+€ **y Gdrrr, *1", b'L-u! t' -i* tkec:,v"e'de/-o}J. n d ?oni'iamu bd*diJ W< poue.t fu'P'sld"* lx 4ton-3UJ ; U % petevtA*) P."X^n** a .!aAi4.l,rj)". u'thJ" n",oy be ud yP VJo - ur<idq*J J'ge"U"' ) (, % fleve"f AbsoturJ= 4 ilI oi nt s Thu.$*l d .c om W b'1 ul4eo d+e '"gh|"t:"*d' : 3l o. btal it "g^*J by *^: Pv*tole* u*tich )l coilnJ io Dattel bv *L''.-P*X" rn*'d' in eS t ' 'T obs.{rr+" vdo : { *" &t *l4oe U de"'F?" Ei bi-LJ' Hou'revu4 v-+o oJY ,l1 $ilouli-3 4 PruxiJe"# coyr QxeAcr-(e Oss*fu*J. ?f bitk ' nl rnem ,* bw A pur"/. U U ;J;+h &ed/eol h *hu S'l*4. eor<iJ"x'*'" ?f w )oier* exeie]-,(" 'il,k V& t$o" *.'e JAu* & bi-n{ fo^ Geoo ,'sidekh'n t P"*'" *o* + -m*i( ix Cq-UeJ Str<pe^{,ive V&,, d{ne cl.r5i tlo1{rq 4wu<u CI'",* . tbe Po^1,q**Jo.d$oueve't ,lt7L" bLt'l' ;/ S,*rp.*riue w tl.'}-u,. eab)tn,/_ r,r.'uj,a. Gnuq"'r h bi4 d'exerr"J ry'ou+, *he Ptu)dprtn ' .O w U) bill{ r* V.h 3 P-r.e P*'d \ yu'^k-( +" 4l"e vti+lrt Wi+h"uJ- orvre -J*u,* A fil. ", \+ is @hl'^J"tr"r/ ,*t* Fu*'ao* 1o g)'r* '!^k id,J , Pr* *o,nuY blltr 4 o-r.re,,J tu #he b;-01' (N# ;" ca(e / "f ' b;-ll ; www.OnlineStudyPoints.com ' - VJ. ; L^ www.OnlineStudyPoints.com ?oc1& WL si"'k Core, *he ?.-tnxidr'J- neiLh*t ,9- l,je4 nar o+**, lhe b|'N ' b "'i- **@ Sirrry4.* keels 'Tw'tP*ut ftk\ %B,unS l*w* P;rg4- ?rrl,a.r*I"y Aqil+.,]"] \q ++e Yeoa @n |^/Jes Co,u*avogon & Manctgem*J-- in *l-he ts .c ?aann v|-;'l'r om P.rOiS.f-, a i'{$iv.,ile pu)""| (e-o+t""1 posi#ve or ory a&b," 1av* 1" rtor :UY*) Pr*)dn^# 'tn pocv& supn& po.u* v&". ( fu" Vrio lf it csttnJ Cwx4ih,*)o r*j, frrrwrdrne nl- Blg ) *fiu b)il- -4 Po 2oo5' J ?*nu*<: dy tlan"su';"! on da*a G*'lltion 4 B*u'ffi gt \out+,(we)' Fo^*, o'" c)nil&u' Urue) 1Jd-t ov) Dknl.*'t lvtf (aou) in o fo,* ot^ eS Fo.*- tu PuN)n +eJ-+h Lzooe ) trroan'rl3 e OU'-"Je (ha";e U-g) P*r- on P:yui'tf'n !' nl gy?"rft- *+'" fol,ryz Jlae ..tl th1 JT"* exaepds"bun )'s' iy;1'*'L bto gP Speokur ChoJ'*o' f ' H":U," u'ln*ni i +l'u g' P"hNu ar'| ?op'.0'kl'n w .O fur. * w RsL(+lnof,gid,eF-a*Le-speohotll{heG-H*g;&n'+. -T1,. DV* cJ.rain-a,,D"f4 tl*'*^t y" Lg L-or!'l! n'u; ('lc'v'drff,:Y.!,X':Y o,q Detr#r". D*o*?."tuy rrJ .iu^^*' & ." dhr'o)."f*.-l.f "rhtly ^R* Y-!' ?^,,?::idr'""< " w rf ^{u^^ **fty^4"* +t'e e-x-g,1$;r', vioe - p.-xiul ';-':f vP) our e^-ipc.,b . ;;;;J;; *.-o,r[c**Jp,,rl,r! wl"t"h zr Jaun Ls di- A w pr* Ps ' www.OnlineStudyPoints.com - U www.OnlineStudyPoints.com i* - Pt *', "lu*-,l' LArJicle He ir e.tedeJ bv *he 63 - 7r -# membet| l d o^ eiu&*J a-[!nj *.*u*]'ia1"#; # tro,l -u# dhe . e ls^*xhng d J fuw d-deo{ 4 rton)nda{ me*bnl { poo-il^*.,.#' n Doer nt i, cfi*& rnen4 be6( d g-ld" -17i4*l-'ne' yop.rh"nv( gepte,{o on by r"neo * t LluckJ by sysk* if ^}oh ,;* t-{^,.ylv"Ule vrL t= vo{i,J ^t< by Seu* b"!lrl'- .c om uo GuJili""[b-< oi nt s ) ancludet lnN o " "i ' lle 'Lho*!d B5 feox i o9*' *qve " lle *h^il tqbhq' '*i4-l rYlemb* t beeo"" 4a Sy" {rrovr 1S*l!!}o-'h'"n " 1-,e Jru,,d fuS;r' be el#'e ud yP , |+€ ,ah,*lA nol +ai onY g,ffiice d *u<+4a ele#on S #,^nu \P J* g" Zo eloikq ae el""*"< 2a Je"rf ofr P"* g bnJ F" be "hscli Okp*iaat Se (g^ olPlL' Ltl*y Co"di Aah 4,tot +a maL.q Seutf\ t no*]ro))*r, o + bY G"otiol"]u in eS t *The T tSooo i^ kAT ' is adni''AY'J , OY 'fhe Aalh t opp,Y;=x i, +ha/- b&# 4'b-' P^olid€# 5.r .(orraee He .lho&J, w ) .O nl VP w *to,,<e ef naf be d' ':*bY ,t the E*eJ-e -Q'$x!a*t.re w + T* S lpion : " \P -lnald,L#t-.f* i!- d a+hu Ho*<* gf Pat'kn Po'No*' L"l' at' ' dtk o", P")eo-rd J''e Ui"lch 4e- e,#"rr ttpoQ 1iA, ?fr't&' by an. .remove{Oy,.,.uu*y:n,{,,Y:_ifi; " He ooyr be Hot {e- ) s="'qL4 t;. ;, yh/ t ryY"+'t ' ' f [ffi"{,V uy fhe ts (i'J -y'' -?)*Y (. ust ) ?""J www.OnlineStudyPoints.com - a' o trlo S\r&-, www.OnlineStudyPoints.com J-egalxH &duo r pp +al no#ee . Fle ,r.oy be e,(.u&"( bee, 6)ven o,.Y "f" ' nurvr be* S *wm/'' i' $i' " d VP : 6 Y eat{' -l'"x 4t'-" . Or', *he sP[Y EP t qe-s jnohi n ' BY 1^'t Voconn7 om ) (an be rfioved anIeu ahJv"4l )tt'd.orys@ an ) ts .c . An 1;/ '\-''P-ovJ " BY +14 d'e"lh " & Punelio*: ln {'"k Rgv o on ry* g[,l'o ,c'lnou,,n u?,*'o' rhe ,?t, :fu J4^o<e et s)"'L(* cu€ ju'&"t " lle-oJ< a( , Fyrnt1 eS Gpou,r.7 tu Po*.^r dy Po in sc ' bY q*'$i"J . olo.lor"J arx vp e]uofion \-tJ'th s^ 1" is )^ &nnporio&,tp*t< darilds*AJI ) bY *he Sc vsL'oeeudroiiod"oiJeJ & l dre- i^ttld 'lo lv'!-' dr,u- -]d nl in acttx'*."'to e#"'* d'p'*' .1:: .f,:r : {*** ,loooono' d'ufu c'( o*hu"tte ' '' cexi3vab"l-'*"-ouJ 1^'a w .O rnaximtt'''ro fewo4- gf a o^\ ?**idr'l' o{ S' , fJe- ccl,r,r ,,* *hn &f, "< { pu..io.rn,k , V p dos{ nt py9* * , w w frr;"#r, dhe df'""U=*u chut*o* b-a-luwe'als : n*t ii,*J ' d' Ha dro urr '%tl JT CJn.i-t,n* C *ho fs' n [.Plae, Ac# ry a! P-ref iolt'iCa^Llh^Yi" -Lto4 , * ?;oo=iai*' - t Ag' vP 't- n*k*n'fo' Jo.r saL, ;. 1;'/ crdny Ar.\ , *rl.* ^tX P'J,t-lnd +a ad .9or,biy $."k Gyou\' *he er- Spcio 4 o!'!o''Lo*n'l www.OnlineStudyPoints.com www.OnlineStudyPoints.com t A.hcle geyg 4h"J- d&e Arli.lu +s "" l+ t " #rr*si+o*#o,,, P' {he Pgegid' ,l I *\t t V5, W L I,9J p*i-* rtink*utt ,Lhalt be oPPoi'J="{ uy Coa'L' i) V* d L'L.,ilY oppi^k -/eodur oi nt s parlv @1 t/ 'Seek uid*'t .c om in *&e nl*i\ Pq *iru '[*oo(n'g[ 4o preri dn;- lnot ^PPu'tnl Pr4' dhe Lg * . h/. , .- thp' ,r-- lhe u-^D,^;.. Ptuldd c-,tti o kox -y,y [p[e, fio P*\ ',* ,'^ !' oPP; )'*A' ^ing'k'h"n i^ d'talho'' rnov er*r&u +Jx lato'a! iry@d ax t" *tf'n +o *he Ls e/ {L' e P Y & n " t^li#^')' a v''o*&' co3f,'o(",r. ',n *'h. Hou-(e 't ud yP * g,J"' y-Xid.o{ '{",^Y ?':Pl'4 u fi* lA oito on€ fr.lq aPPo;;""{ ' ^lrdq erner*'w't Se'{uc[''" L $ €;rc*cjre- l'U J'"J='dr; *tnet'' k na obv lo'K 4' su&de^!y ldae i"e. na in eS t g71"fi"- Succar(a^' " inau-bnnf PM' *" !&3 an *he o' o!,e*lh + V \-/ btdpo*/ d-fu o neur Ju"oflu^,," +r'," buidrt 4to4 nu cl"ohe I-louJevo(, w .O nl lo aPP)^t fin 0.( Plul' e,r'lht( *ou'tn + po'fu'c^*"Jo n* , h peuon u*,u 1N 1.*b, t rui*iin itW '4e 6 Pvt ' o{ oppi;eJ b P &n :'nlhL Po'!ov'4e"F' *tol,s' w ShoJd bec'-e , w ) I ?erv,g tYLNlszE/- P[4 tyoY h a o rnombt'J} eiahe'< rnern b^ t anY d { i"e +0'/ o )nout& d *ha ?on!'t'o';,*' gff't; *? wz* lhe pl4 enJ"/S }"J^* Jhe yi"la"'* " p-{e"xtxe el ,5o ;. .0;'y guypo.J- in il'e Ls , h' QsnTtof b" dlq"na-J !' , aem ,U ,f Pn k no*frn.J b1 +ha P,tp&i dB,t 4'u -l'"JJ'/ . www.OnlineStudyPoints.com - gt Ptr) Z www.OnlineStudyPoints.com Fu.noho^,< P"e. vho o He ollorc!-,t 4 .4eil,n$t* . J*colo,mek He Cov. c(lc. t"' " cqle o dis"tno- C d He- pretr^ote,.& over *he- h Voio us 2"*i"l'oot aYhoY minl-812t< " k nr.\nili*t. ol nn)nix+-u by @ra app;oi^)w/, 0.eA$u G4 " advic. ptxidu^4- +o dfu"14 aYinion" neelty 6 counntJ T rnln{4o*'t i+g 'decix\ov{' !' |7tlut*nt vni'nir#+ld' , Cat4EJX L co* dJ'J*g a&v tilel d. aA *he dlr"& 5ar^rd.e{, ml- k +"4 Pt'4 t Coun d1!' *er rg', G-re olp'!+t e d.lr-r"Iv ux t d * J-n 0o{ .c He #,e f-wd-t om " Fl. at to*ak<-"!-(y oi nt s + " +" &rnrnur)eJ" 1a ?-nxiolBt GIt d'ioy1i'rrz (f C"t-t U'io'' \n.1#;1, h od.,a l^Lttad)"n $ 'tfie dfl..!4 # , (*.inv. ]"fu,z,oho, a4, 'ilTe h*iol*^j- *"Y y' \'-p"J-^lapy'i'*m** fu t a\+h . Advie-M ?tqil,r,.F 'r..J"-d frul , eAcn , ()ndtnon t UPse &"" -(r',* Sr'"'"& D,4 C Pr*r ud yP " fh e gPshv< c el poh ;] o) n< on d-l'' e- f ontS 4 fuorosutS I or"t nl . Fle &y,rorrrr 't ov4 , in ,j eS t +a Sut"r7 *'* rJ?'rc*\d' ao(vlpg( , H. ^*.Ao*'^, ^ the ?c,oltarnBra.- gt lLt B lao c'(e ' w +o .O CA'he)e r Bl : b**i+r!)or.J d"J;* S ?r4 Gn iary-: tk; --{{ '{ oaa cprnmu')o#* io ?t*'Joi"t J'6iil"-!1"*' inLtluo*lo* w w od.rrr *hu u, "'Ul- L yopo*"!'t { J,'ilo*'i" i'P-'u eg Wiap'*- rn^Y e'l!' 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Lluhe ", Lg g,"u* q no - 162-'f )le azoe rrto'fi' n , %f f : '1o 6e4 7 n i n a-xtt oLt 3 -iJve nl4-kr,x rr-,\ ai.-l #e 14 , Qg w w w .O nl Au fuo< )oie *'-'e 40 eu'{"-!v" ''*' o Covq Qort' croiv'ht d,,u Lrd.rv idt*J Kuyo*;bL* +7 d Ln *, t CiS*u^np t^"fimro, r-*-ri*-r,, |h* pqfr, fu dtt*,i& Li'n 4t1'tt"1-{f*o'/1"^ r't)nk+"'( ' {-he f 14 pauX}'le"4tL*f-g+, aA adV /oq $/zc *";; qe., Aeb -{^\n--, 4. s' Lg d cr i www.OnlineStudyPoints.com - 4@ + d *!i^* Yi'k"kut' ef4 t \ik1e4. J www.OnlineStudyPoints.com co^skk Cavt a, * ltr*e'tt' U,JJdetrr"l rn\ dSo'n*' st,oh "lJ A+""f^"/+a 'lae GS f'q\n?+etA *;'an \''"ne' erf<tw e'( g-,"J€ Yvt'tui'M frH*d^.d Cob; C*ar.**7 Carrt vrYrr EE 3 yP o *-----'-x mi'k+"'4 ts . &i"^ n* in + Gbin# uo' Lo"sJ f PT " boalc +o co m G.t. ' "/ G--'')k"t : 't Csv'('h4-u-l}o-! nol-*u^Ho**J i-G"<'l-" ftJ-*-, t ' o '"'*7 &'{e e'i1a" -rrtev :^u- N^thoa{ gle,&'^3 s)+L^''h'o- ' +t 4i 'accG{ p; ,, gt uP bY *hu .^zt Lno}"de uily +! I o M e'nb*t<hi p Vau'e'{ )"8.,''') *houLe-ue{ * }'n€ *b-< marT - esb;' wrt e'nb*A '/ i Cobi .O P.r,#o cJeb *su nl eogi ,r.o| Giq v'ro# in eS tu d G-b; J' p"^ 'oi- Jh")'( r')@Yb-AL'i P Cowrnit4*t ; w . p*u.J'- q*,j: t*"#"t#/^* ::',#' dsna+.e ! Lco,o*io w w , , J*"9'3U-:dl"Js ; rt Cn*'i' ttf**'< I [1 Cnout-' "t)1" frproi'^4r-uaE | - {42 e csm*' Q'$gnc eoo!-di,Ct-e{ ,U*,1"2&'" d'eu^y';.,'' +r*^ ffixLTs:r: : #;-"!HbuLine4,i't r/L tiCrrr+" " bu1 Pr'4 : {l'n' ' ;(ev'*, appiol' *'!'e P'dq J. Jox+- oneby l4omu[,tink4q, f P;,s|g eo*n*'-aLptr-'eJ' www.OnlineStudyPoints.com "'i Xt'lw4-r5eao(frR('^vteoom'nn'doh'"ton3-toufg Mir'r 1ruIde tzq'+o tu+J coat _*uO*r"r., www.OnlineStudyPoints.com d Sc ; o Alp{u{u *".*{ee 9c cb*'u*< { -) 0*go nko$on 3t T"dg* (t cdt l' 3o a*hut JL"$*) ' Nil^*,rl.h.g-,3tetJ*4d3eruL*sCL}J:L!+o|hq hypoi*rn.* d ' C.* o d S Jr'd3"t: ;^/'J^ by +h ' &'uxiole '+ ' t-,s;0+t Qautulh'vo,Pr*i"Jenl . .'I u aTpiJ-.! ry f?r. cleer,,s.n'o*,:y ;; Jr** Qf ,t-hq'sc g H.c- a4 -lnq'f-tLdl eo'4uu(+sL)on u-'rit}., nfF"^'*J , ' O+hegJ*&.{ ahe ' oa" 4tu deern< i & 3c' *o,! *'d & st of' o*hu< i ''uoYaiY " al,,"\"d-m"'t \n * obfiJ u ai*Lt7elt cs,x,-l*allo,lv f J-'{*tQ o*u'' 44o' U;l J-t''r&'ee I &Ae aPF .c c o b" C)#zen $ h av. beer sho JJ l+<. md| l*e eS () 't I tu 4fi""li,- &dJ* dy Po in ts + om rs) lf-r,or0uoo' lr"*' (f q 1+c- ;[o-t in AA w .O nl |+e- S ho,-ld l',avP be",, f-ie S l.to,!J Ten u"e w w ) ,L advoe"/* oh be $ktryukL*J d @ H4- i' iu/r+- "f* 5 .f *o4 1o Y ""4 oyin|u- d) ?texido*" J *p"' Lt-t-p '. )loutrv" i co^*-r t-,h.n 4to-t ,"t fi')ce *oro "J*w"*iy -lL'e' flo':*"o^,,' a*tuJ'< *he W" f 4tye@4' -he ,lu, Jnag$r"" d4'' of d-rrdqe< " llu P'uide'*' +o n lle (on 'eex\n l'Jx #':" bY uw+7 #*u bY *he fuoti&J n $e- (an b€ urernbr; P"- * *he ?*llu*Q u+ $n tAetamme*,Jat)o 'a * www.OnlineStudyPoints.com - 'r,+ f XuaSet z R"rnov"l www.OnlineStudyPoints.com ' Guo.,-notl.rlo.t .Ae"nova,t - p-rov.o( -{fphvla un &-L ir. oqpo ai, , . flu-ovo.( y,ro,lro, <,3r*J by Joo rnembux (in **e gt fil &^ 5o rnBw.,bud (i, or. gl Rs) i + Ar"n k *hu lVauet,f C),ar.trv'a,' o -The. apealae( f Uaoit*o^ rnoY cr'"'tr *he rna\io' a'( *$*" ta "d'-il)f ' , * il- k aol"ii+eJ I Sfeoloea k +o (o'|+;+a^]q a 3'rnevabes t-,,'iJl"" 10 \^vexhJok the &A*' n G*,y1i,iffree ShoJd u^tw+-gf fut cJr # Wl. gA sc $) CJ d Hc .c 4 Co) U,,^+ 3,1at""J 3,,ak+ " + &rnrni.llpe ]t"d-t *t"e ) "dJ " om 1 . cp^<iAetoh^o, * the rnollon' " tjPfr{ #re woff, n lx Pc tn J 'Flae- r*ry { ts 3 llot^xe mk b*l-.qvioq J* lae Can in et#:dJ*J ;F-,".,. )r'aapaol4Y , )cu Po &l +6 Saoh $" '',t. il vp W" Po4i"n**O tu dy . ,t/ ,! P*e( ^]uJ -1- 1L," adJ-<e'<< an t by eP*a*l- -9"t1^-1 '}he JudSn p-reride * J"^ '!e{rro'n/ i appoi"}- o j*9 n 3f <c Qa-, ic]",! r;oe: fuu J-t Cl"Hf + Acyry e eS , c iz w .O c nl in o/, &n qoI*J 1dL usL"t' l Vaoa"J; ol o D fcu oF Crr ix ; a4 ahsu[ 4=,,F*dY il t-o, ' ths ol'h"< gt a LJL Jndependence un*blu-4o 7-5fo^* C Sc w bPPoi,Jn w Mode , Sepo.a oion !-r^ $io* -lerr , c.,t ov) g b,^x^/i"ldd qx"c't"kY< www.OnlineStudyPoints.com - - oo o 3e dwy € e-"d d 8^p' ery'/ " Fix * J ge-rviee cor,d,t'*io,4 c " Godr}d r"-(gd corroJ- be 4Yitcttrx"J , Ba- on pr"cd;c. {.* eeh-!'e''l'*'* i+= ' Poul*r +o Pu,,kv J-^ q fuu*{o- 4o app"irl )x s+5tr^cP"f'-P+ ' 1^14 k"/ ;-' { Sc ; ,rtt*u i'e ' 6ril"J Utrer{d.,'rhbn ' Pil *Lte (q.k-tl - _*"fl*"J piry Akput- blw Ce ndae I e+^.t A (e^hu / awY 3+=,,6 & .1-t*kdre,#.n Poa"a www.OnlineStudyPoints.com - C& Slat"A An One Stde An& one a,( fflQire SYl +rJo G^ ty a,\r sfulre ., csm b,u S P-WlqJ n Jy SC- No o rhu,. taut 14 a-!-,Gwe.l +o 4"u^ lc<-h 'tn }/u,1.lr'^1 - bJotlo.l=" *ftie gC}x * 4 ! ohu -e QmP( tu.tercJ eo/P u-( Ce*rliaxo^l , pel/or) Co,. ud yP fr fn a nJorn ,i*-lrotu;y L4 t*r^r-k 2 pto ki b i l,'on , jfq 4he egR'"o ,,e^* t fi"^d'^ bl iln Appel{*l-" A-Lu-k&'e,[ro- .]o iu.u. oi nt s Scer.r2&ne*.lom .c om Ca,(4 Q;-ro ' b I cU $) i, Uld+ o,7.odhe( rYave +. 9C aqo.in-tl .) ce^.(et in eS t n br,*$4uLio-.1 rn oHe,<A . 'Cuy' ffio^lel'4 o 6oJr,\*J Yeoil-*oul ' S PeoiJ '!e qv t-J ' )\t 3 ailh ai,l*t ++* Pp-(i Je rJAAv i-<o.ty ta*uN eh oI ^, a: "+" . 9ee la op in i". t 9e- i n -|ut o ""Jy^^i " On o,Y q,Bu{ t4o, t -lout **rJ- t Pu}rA;< e- .O nl . l^Pr-A)^*" U!^icl' -l.tQ Anll*^ ar -lttc Jy 4n G"1de w an u^l ot)*p,l* aAl{iU or'j- { pte-e-ob{hk*ha tu"dy , ayeennnu* , * rJff emB,A- e-i< Ee- .oy *e-noia G-( *oY '/yf uae 4a 1u^Jo< i+c w w .o " -+. PrLe-side*';,-1;Y<+ Coxe' BuJ-, in ge-*-J (qxe *he s(6 rrr<4' '4-endu ik oyniory op'tnion " ffi,^-*-.r\:: l-l www.OnlineStudyPoints.com - ..{ecor/ - {3ec"otu <-oha}uvr/ eJedsio',e rf 4abe( \.n Cak! Cr",r-f www.OnlineStudyPoints.com nt' othq sl*Jo't d+""'( (an bt bs-6srr?Q 4 "ke<orA . Tuoh'uU (evbu - (na&"*'& the -lustl-(*h't* o+ i/0 bottt *he C";L,J Supr" S" h,€XQmlre J)-iL P.o** t A k+* dLre Co*&ll.+b^'"k^y^ 4 execttire o'du< ,qove(n'nr'4s! U ,ro Gu,k Ad'voeek{ Z 5t .c om Co{e8 '. , JIi " Advrcal" - on- (.coo c ' J A+h.-t AJVo A,"JY */luxt '& ao)Vuo-o**t Gx e e vr# lJe-J dou^'nu'* k&,." *he * *'Y/ P/u 'rlo1+- -fl'*Y e*dry1" *;" Porh.t)l t--l i QTt aP Pe o'(a )-l-!e d i"9e' in eS t - Sc 1. iax ud yP u'' @-t ur+4.o../- oi nt s ao'lVo<qla U/ at,* de<i1n "'}*J q4 Sp'lot T"Y A.(Voqo$"{ " $errio{ TheY ale ot* e't;ltei Ae " 'dfie gu I 7-^ob o< a^ by / .anY j ' 6tt'1 l-ei"^J i'.. t/ze Sc 1o opPeai trJi4+1oq*- a^' M'tooqlrh) b"*o/ i n I'dta ' n any Co*J= q t't'oo o'( ^"1- fu q tlt''y -Th"y aPPea/ L ?:, a ,o^6ue .'u4u "JA or1 b*o# i^ se bulP*ry { *-/ ot ffio#ei qr]+t-!.eJ nl o4e nd- d'octtrneul- w w w .O #oe Cou/-, h*&uo -J- ,- -J5t/. or/ www.OnlineStudyPoints.com - r I www.OnlineStudyPoints.com )" ) ,fl^-ree prJs vi<, Unda,(sa$*uh'on, the PJa -"* .S J"du'o eo*ials {,t frhe P-(udJ.^A, *he- Corror!1 d s#fo( & ,lhe Hou<e. gt *" P.ople ' Conposi#o- t +ilo J'lo"-c"( - Sl-^ugth Lt ueHese,7k tJT Ks ere duoLJ Oy ,!: rar. g+afe t4^n,1h pr"2arliorJ Me,,b.rr ,f "si nf gf e 4r.,,tuJl* LoK So'bha w P.r.x,u^# 6tui-1$J' - 5 tl w w ' ff .c Lyi+lJiv' ,,teP-{ ngevloJ)on ,y *":*y meoh et -'-sso (ReYu"''" &"le) n,* - !v,dJar,{ 5so (R"y'ruA Bf"J" ) I? tR.pur.rk UT) z tNwi' ;* J by lhe ?rrx,tlrl-) www.OnlineStudyPoints.com I I ne*bd * uu'{Lo (Rufl uxerl< uT ) \, -2 (Po-ir#n/ r.n- ,. ty ilne R xU.,{ nl in 1'{oxlmu* &ul)+h . .O ' z vdl-e d eS t ' *,ilcJ. LLg,,sef ere * s["l"s, ate e6rni^Jal ty f't*idul " )s LE5 , 0& !- lz P"'a'otu^l' ts , Uy ] in Prqu ,*ly v16,,',ira[uJ ud y ' "f J ',rL,r*My* * iz'*. Po e(ech om Lgg . Maxirno^r, St-i+a gf RS ',1 JixeJ & Zs o , of { '"A;ch .,1 ^ A a {l \^ o"u"l + P"'tu"f'*y)l uT biy iu"Hou* Yr- s?-1*{ I I Duloh'orr www.OnlineStudyPoints.com f fu" Hoqe( RlJ yo Sobha - i i( a peunane,k lnou.s* nrJ- SuhS'*o)- 1- ckrxJu-l-n"n' -Tnefu seaA a^e Q.ve.t-y z'ol Yeor ' Llg )-ls me*b..g " "qe$r-Gd baCJ n^i-3 , RS Ji,ll"J-up by P*, &e-c,h","< i.y uurY t " R.hi^1 m"rrtbeny a.{e ebg\te P *&Ceo[i.^< { _po, d""y {1o, h d .r ilrneK . Y**, '!e- rto'ni'clb' om J \) ,'J , JhL 't*-'l +Z"e 3+er -iu- s i4 yea*z d"]" !,- elee!)a''<' 6nr*"-(" 'r+< in la S"hha : ft ib<* **,!*3 Po Lo ts .c fihoJ-- 1-he' pr"viJnJ tgsL , ftJ P*/. " fie R"y*"*,,ti*, ,1t st"a01- be 6 | eot< ' tL< ,,,embo< gf -f*'. ,f {f,* * " P*'' J ?J' &)r) be ex'l*ndeJ a"u 3 Ls \.fa^ any Jt$-L" & u'-" * ^* tZr* naHoro! .-u,6.,"y fu " dl h rne 1evil)nue belonJ 6 rvton/'/^< ?f'bnn** t*lu,a*!.n , f.i-nr.n €.Pa<at +a oP6o4t ' {1r* ernp}lenay (, CIuqh'c olion< t N? s "o' nl t in eS tu dy ;, w w .O . l-f. mu*h be q ai$zu. gf 1u&'a " $q rnusl- -lq4e oqyl, L dfh *ah"' b{-o*" pe4ovt o'tthoi-t*J ry EC' n Mrr<| nol Sp -l.er< .lhon g, Y.""r i oJ, in cq{ e t &- ard nd*han w -W . t-+e ' veatx of age -L5 T____J J i )t1 mu*t be $e1idl;.ral elucl.a {f"ir i,t i'^ co'(q .f* C G. 1f fu+h i.e' Rg " Grc'Jd.+e a'*elhry ele&)"' h Ps fu* en e-(u&*r i,^ 4t^"rk p*ha.!'u S4ah ' '.Lame- Ca<e Lg, peu"L'o **,lury Co^{r\h^e',of t & Ls. a p",$"*{o-< S+aia Shod fuwww.OnlineStudyPoints.com - -> t rvP l Ut'1ud+;c*l-* www.OnlineStudyPoints.com € frt Pet-, Grtk&on - . y -l,u 14^!d! ony o,l,'* f poF;+ . T -l'E ',4 d t)n4ou,A*il l"s+o,as so dr$&rJ t,t a (ou*' . t! +E- k-on undtld.o*4oJ i^,utvur&. " o cfl)zpn t l-ndia 6 ,t *e ix Pel', kpur.<ur^hh"n ol Perpln AJ ' rcsl - .* +ave be*,n Jo":J -9*ry t ory o$,n" \Ael"!li:J hav< hn'" con\r'M no+ in -y 2 A mo-tQ- yuod ; cnt,lli.l., *.,vh*u dy Po t Jt,t c Mo1+ nor *:^ _l"J"J +o &*" an occou'+ d+ $! i-porro",* - #*e( ts .c cstlol, e/ucfit" Wlut pmchex ',n the e,bohoA' o H€ -q+ om Al : e(uc-[," G.' in n yxpe<€ . {Vu,* no'l $ant" ony 'lv*uual 'tn $av}" adxok, .a,orks c{ gavLq . l-l,.Xt rro*- be dtruc/.t G^ *ory1 a3o,^l- 't. A eoyoofio, Usr,n{e 4r,s,t aY Ja.o{l o"/. gho-re tine ffu4, eoil'up$' o ME{+ nol *ov* b**r, d'1,* rrti<oC ;p-o,r' $ov} ' S exvrie in eS tu . - nl 0i, Ero""& .4 ?*491 * w .O t Sche&/e fi,,+tJ ft -fu rrn,nba \neaxK e*WJ*,o*lL, urdet, th< de&cht- -(o..r : J . *o+ou" ip he V"fu#ury ffv*< op *he rnembe*,r1";f :t w helo*' F .lae Voler U w o' a t -l;" 'r^ Ctcl"J h ony t abg'Ja.-< ]^: irdl*pnir,*y C*d""( *he *''ar^/'e nYol)r3 rrt'prnM J"e p*li).,e*! Pq o' "' \n Jh* *ww.; Aoh*Y id^< .:y P*\ ; at"d ony p"lih'"*l P* rnerrbet ay*o-',rohJ if )oiU " 'erPt*y fttarllnl t 6 , CIrrerlrb, C c)';tqy$i,nQo\o' ',* C*. #^O* 1*J S,{e# +o iluc{r'cl4/ - (hu-trnon- Tp'th Sol'e&'fe gpeaVu Co{e u'J;t i* +o an/r ' iz Y. -Lhe akodn"f ry Phe ' deci*lon k €f 'n www.OnlineStudyPoints.com I * ry t Se#s www.OnlineStudyPoints.com Vocolz : Do,&le membalhip ' fr P*om **rs : Gsnn'*- gaYne Llw* be rrx'"bw .rD botb' |n,r<o\ C po.fi'on U nrJ. d- gfue orp #nae 'tn ?o+'!''o-p'J- beco-r< Vaeo,./ +,iJ seJ e/.d"J so , P;;o, gaJ€ J"il*l.+r*. Seo* do.x .lwgn 1gsj],- rne*be-< "'-7 i1n rnoV UeK "-"''J Rg @ *he Cl,nat,n"n ol J becorne6 "q qel- to )rk ---" 1 +o Seql- by "/ kr-r.l'#r-e Spuok* Lg . ,Y t nl in 3 A hor,ta Csrt duColu lhe Seoi ,f O. rrtpmbet Vqeo*/rf *te ix abs"d;Lr, ctl /s- mu&ry. q \) A bSeree Go days wi{ho,"; .O 3f w pun,Ltb^. :[* u \ w Cq.(e : w " hppoi,,h"l a< .?ov *"* ' .c in ; A R.e[ro]io, u Po ;)lu\)),ilj ffiWiM ud y Dixqp.0;ff e-oHo, t jlhet i, il4 *. leuod . S ts Led+!^lt^k eS t S,t e om ' S a pet'<on l,<. o(-"f"J 10 b"lh *l,B {rown(, )." nuK+ Inhnfe di.flr', lo doys i,. Lr,tl"ic)4 *tou,< %e c(uxxe k Servrc , By {k"6 -4^,t ,*+ Vaoo,* k"o*< RS { w * d qp gtoJ- . U*&J +CI ?iddo^J- X v Soy,4 - Mp's ; Sp*obu g) LS, UaLrno,. ol ,€S "F o.re eha3ra o- dhe dr^t.!.id*"f p""7 l nal e*irr| +o r "t onnL(o( Vrf= en4. Po,,Lh, f o.l-(ouJor6r4 www.OnlineStudyPoints.com - r 'Lok Sobhq : Spearz www.OnlineStudyPoints.com "r, 3f - ,< .Ieo}eJ h/ .,the k *o:) *"* (peat..t k j;xd by rhe Nrsld*nl" ils Speo lu'-< lrq G lle cqn vacal.g /..,x SA* ln . f v%rne eale< JJ"d ulu&ov : "f .i f Vivit^j ti om /re c*al< +a be rrtevttbet f LS ' t hu ,Au<,Jns bY urrlJ' ':J 't' *he. D"f h *7eabu ) .a'J. *y"'J,\ * {/'e 4ne g-p,ioveJ by o 'kru..loli" Fy"J bY :be mivnJ OJY { a CQn &ualt'*ion Suoh $+* fu* Lg'. marnbo. .c d -he ' duya QJvo,,o" no&'ce . dJu&'ho" 'i "p'< d.rA*** *he Beaor,,(€- he )ne.oJt RJ" 'o'rq ,' lutr"/(, ?owrt f*."dpr" 4 !i* neut h tS €o*t#tu4't' )u-elh* even Ls douve6 F\*o n. \r { YO ' i'e dhe G*X}) R-'{x +k" }vlian rr G*xH 'ltal-fon 5f Fl^"ree Souroe-{ " ht,ohb-< ;[-^"- in K' LS Po cp4J,'ilo, dr g' ,h'U urh;i, a6nua (a,.dr^* { -7he eyeabe'r b'xine^&ld,o a'd' lowerl L eS gonae fol.b.^,,i-7 Gre i dy $+", dttQ evetr tu VX&ta& 4^J^ 6lafi'etr ' W"**-l*y co-ve ''''!no"x' bt-lt a'r no\- , , . duazio* -0 .r,1 t,i't li"J' 4 -0"< nl in , I-le decld"g orhelha a bW k moneY ' H. yes;de! ovu a joi'-& si'l*'ry f d/^' 4tu o \to*x"r 3f P*J''.,*"J"+ cq{q inxlo'n*' lle- cor'' "ily Vdu- i'" #e n Hu doa n* V#q ir 3rrx+ w .O dt uoltr-l@ J+e Suoh vole. k- hzq uu}i-j ' ,Qb.ga S l'raw' {o* " "n MJ thQ&t?* .7P inlrnurn qyatu',' i-t tltorL' gf W-^o-turn' M &ww't;'ifo-X 5P H. oppoi.Js rFhe Choi'rvlQra t, O^r*," po*lt'a*'"1"y the LS 4 Suf *v l-Sel +hd'J"r1u1ov1tt'J ' Jnok'u- Po'Il'," -r^l^*y c""ir '"i c,hoi-trxg;p ff a{, *he ;p" ools "lt"iort' "n t ad?A- ?"ni"""etax1 n n LS' llsh'on gf. Axql^*] ynb"t { qyut+t"^ tt<e. l+r clea",(.r if C/ t#e t}ouc Sutyen']'l J'hu w o ffq w ' tY'tervtbe*. ts ) CIr.i{i'i, oy1 ;; grcu^l -f 4*'ru" ' Ls&edJe Te"lhJ www.OnlineStudyPoints.com - _@ !- ir. erderne www.OnlineStudyPoints.com Speuket l-h i{ eouiJ*J ui,l-14 a g"CIr/'ry d 4ertr.r.€ . Lhs cov" bo Jp*oveJ o'Y) abs"fu'le *." o",ly by o ,'kxal'[io, ?o4"^ 'n.^'J ^bi -Toal mEmbe,qd (i"r"l-Vaco r{r$""9 d - *o4on d .gernovo/ ftr,r- bu Lr*lr',-, il, 1.",< the- supp"# t T6o , l+ig salori "x 4 o-fl./ow *, ',; ry*t ^l)J Coh-(,iderer/ eJ- 4 d'ixct*"J 'ily -l'ea* 5o membe*L" uy -,[in*J .c om f J- !' c)'ry"J Po*l"^o*u k-J d I-^Uql , frz U-ror L p- c,,,t,.j- Qgnnal b" d'll",l^,g*J I 6-;,# ,-(d i n Lg . oi nt s avt G^g"I;"to*"J + OV$ Speottu d .a D g ud yP **Ad^',r3 La* '\n -l.nu<e- &rq nal- *9'""p- +o furr*d'!^c#a'' toL S".bho : - )z oka ej.ol" J by Ls ;+={t P" in eS t rnenbettl t'he @rn o 3s ;.;s $ el,oelion k Jixe/ by #he' $,puo be* Voco,[" $f,be \, gorvre CpLu c{ t Speok,ex exe1fr-/" -* Jhq doi= . nl d#ig '+6 Sp*o leeA, Ceo-<e( -lo be me-b",< gf L< -!" ' E He P"tfu* *he d,u!)q t *he Spea lcet'g $,'o. g.rr{r"^ i+- .O ',A Vaco,# A Speo teu, lA A!tg*"d ? w 4ek w w Cs,nmi F4os, Utee Specrhv -he oJ<o Vole L^J+d"J 4o a qilY \^ Qo{e f ,. " CLrrt^it. fl-x;&5) e*-6ry 4 o&ors)onoe4 L*l^cJ4 eh"5nJ an il"e eovxolJo(a,{=J €onA { 'I'd''o' www.OnlineStudyPoints.com - Speoher www.OnlineStudyPoints.com P* Ten Z - + ' !^. B,ovideJ i. t *l,e Speo trc.t, gf l-he -lot+ Lg Vaq"le( +hd{ g}-ice- '*-"djoh}y b5o*" *he j,o;*u"})n, f n urr(y Lalc S"LL"a ' e,(ud.J /-le 4 q oU +Lp pode.<A l+e yu'rc|,e-s o\)et U" o tiz ( & u Yuun 4t &4 e ako l,teuJ Speolaea C3g,AU -lo qxd-l . Uatiy)an *he -l'.ou't " PUyo SoLhq t si'l+-, J t elr& neu) Sfea h8. i.( e,i.-r]""i bY *he *o'<e , '4^]< d,"u e n abtex (-r}hQ,!,. Speo he(, */ae neuily - d" J=J Ls, ao(r.riri^kbt A alh +o h ed ,rterrbzt ,t'i* fa +d *h" t Z +a ud yP o .c om o du,k oppoi^k G. YYe rn beh ?f- dh, LS aL *he Sp n - bng P,ro *um - Uxu"-!!y , ]h* Serrior, mo*l- k .9 elu-#*l +tit , J* 'fY'te PuuicJek h*ff od-ini*)e*x Oil+ +a gy eale u P.to )p, - Pr.z \ oi nt s o G,+ta&ior-t - Par,.t*t !- J*^oh'* .O -ruo w w a'te s\'nrt'"A "+o the LS excegl- Z c'*e{ i.e. Deorolrl,r7 e!* b\Lt at nol auJ Pluid'i^q T6E silhnj' w ' nl in eS t " Ptuicknj *;"* * *hn R g k Knod n a.& fr/re Char/ rnerT " Vi"e Pr* t oie n* "J Lnolt^,x l,< *h e €r - Wd o Chdtryton * *he Rs" ' C)n-airrttc tA t KS Co"' be tAemovel ^;f*"n 3}"no oily ^h: *he vp' '!F hu- ); ,4e, oveJ &he g}i." t P,^ Brk -I,'he , h,l SJory Speo leol !- S t t,o1 ; , a Ep."ohe< b"-l-l' -@* 't, *r*- Con a/0"o V#Q" f "/ d *he t'o"/ #e ttY ' ako d'whdrJ G'<olt'o}orhJ P"A noy ,,1"* +e o-ni".! vole I ?t,-lin*r"i' 67l1^or^tanoe{ www.OnlineStudyPoints.com - + Ay* c,tn*;rnon www.OnlineStudyPoints.com a o o { Fle 'x el."tal by *he RS k{J+ Fo- amon3st )k rne-rnbe*. D"pq sp"o bux Lg ' Vaco#o, E$;"" gorne e Soru € Ca-(e^ Ceaxer, h rnernbeA , *q tJn P. ,Je rnoveJ by urz^ttJbD at i 4 i, #e ' a.ftI.ouJo,roetr a-ka C"ag"t on the l+e cg,r al'lo Vcle l+ix So,(*t1 oilY $ caae t G^s",(,"/.I" J fu'A f .c om a (s ; - f"ol-ro - C dppei+i.n S,tle"e#h ' Y*: fk 'Le"-Ju,t 1YPosi'lion Z Xn eoc[,, *tau-c. *The!*e'y,*,*[ tleoJp,< gP- .l/a. i,Jrb-:. l$e opposidt i $ P*ry haviS n* 'Ye''4 Y7? -'* iffi, i**J llovxn-T-*"*, ,lhe c'lt ,*," .^ 1 't 'thp Ls1 Jd"s+ )n ;*: i*" * q* nl \" ih"l- S*bha' ud yP t.eoule, fltly in eS t u;+14 oi nt s *he ' Lea{"< gf the 1-}oiu'(e ' L9 -{14 #e urJe,t ' I Leodu.t C #" Hot.xu rneov< df,e PY) , +" k a me^b1 t */'e L3 ' {f by fhe no-i'oleJ t4 !' rnvmbez u:4"a k G^ a rn\nlt"+* t" f/ae {-e"a'r gf " Hou{e' 'Jarne'14 lLe o'{e dhe c{ 4t PM lu'oli'- *he f !fffr. oPysFs/.o nol YnPrr#o*"J ako 1o'onYl< u,il,.r'p : NY' o-bovt b+-l' "z om dhq QanVP^hn< 'il-|L F4e""l;s b"l.J i^ 6'$4*'#o- aA 'oAu+"'^Jgt Po&'o-u *l*Y $ovexnrnn*' SerVe a4 art PoJ, 40 . Fle- ^rA uPP"i t-J , fh' P.,)'!'ilo^J r-/ 'v *lo* ,{ en/us ' e^suLirJ *hP alPe'Ja 'w gf \tufo]^sil",U! uiih , [q lA ChoS*J d t e*u'ilj 't+da <uYParJ_. m w w w .O ,W llA Pq rnBv'tbet-e ;" -!a5e- "":bf* Fu"* i &^ agai^l* a Y"il"al"t bt t^e , www.OnlineStudyPoints.com l, ) ?^ni.t'o-r,} ; Sugio^{ www.OnlineStudyPoints.com @ + Surtrr riS s&rmoY& eo'h Jaouge 4e il*' lt'ne* ]u P.^*an# -Fyrnee+ . B,# {nax)no*ffi ,gg bl u.r 2 Se.L{io a Con^"f b i- o Y u- 6 monW . We/ t/"tee sel/ iot^x frnre- lhan ,W;tr:ll h1fl ig c"AiJ €€ Sleeeu,' *urt ", 1* Swpend't i4" A{ou,tn ctl";'k urlrc[" rraY be hto* Adj"wrnr,.e# si,u Dr'e ' tt l,,1 do'1 cr a sitlin, Week ' J* a *F"#tl *' A$ourn'm ut I $o*"'ne# l-bt're nl *' * So" h*,Tu-hh, ; in eS t 8o '/ P*ext&J " w .O !* i"N;ru:.tr,F ;:,T"";, fl' ?Y x,:" P*'J &'on gA irir* & no!f-i*]on w n#;[..,r Jaye , t),. w fhe J* Pru,<id"* Susio' 1uo tt&ys J l' + D;d"t-r(r' .n z DhxJ"'l'n t Je'u'te * 5 | eatd " il= u:truY *l'* d e\ A,Jo"nohadfu{"h}" n o ''t Lg *"y -lalue Flxo" \# U gM i-'rP' Jf"^ : $ ry?q..:3'' '!y i t'Y I :i Po*{"o''"+ 7n si-p1* u"'** ' vt)'te''1/1o'/sq i+- gn irdSPi' y't'"/ xee4'/{ev'bly ' odjo*^eJ w\*ho,ri ho*\2 4 d"y F gi'" o{''n ;x d':" X treor(e*bly gf oi nt s & -I,ro,^rn + blq *he fttox'o*ion 4 ;k p*ruoJ Sflovmi, ud yP -Th.- X .c om t er,, $l,,e l?''nxide '"t- d'uc;U er +o otu4"p'" fL" l-lou-('e ' www.OnlineStudyPoints.com - t Tf,"www.OnlineStudyPoints.com pc*i-vb ^ d? ,taysirl . S t;Jk k ot J*llorux ; - *i1 '"k:J ts (*i'elh-t iLg -hFg*s "BtN Pr*d't'rJ {o ,+ by tt", lS') *11 &"o*wit+"41 J^Pt* a o .c om bw p*t*J ry G, x b'^+- 7'ndi3 ',^,Bn t,"no u^)- 0^.^^ na]- -t..y*o' o* b'* Rs fr,"J I [Ut Pudr, ^::^ .f- *he^u" or{p* "b'k 3E hW oO'*u |i"a"j BIJ-Q p*teot \/ ' o n* &* d n* f*J\ &;J Jrfnn n,#:7 . - &u e:yeew*i- 4 ! by-" {hn diu"h&L^t Le ' d"u ''* b,,tL '14ilo 4ou4c-< i{ ^"ffi-J ud yP BUL oi nt s not -Iofse bt'J' t;eLu" * P-tQAunt P Bw pu.J by bolh hou"-s r'1 the Hou'se{' das v6l -lopse ' u[ear, zid ud'Ll'n Puexirr mewbe'K Uey/,r""{ % bu f w"C- i + )l t t*o'''gu&:^-/ buxl""t. I'l-J< Vuh i, *hn lnou'sub3h,-rt )+ ;' *dte eooh *wuxr i"&'dJ"d j membex1n Of +l.e ldJ nt^.,bea i' i' sl t ' gfrhe ?**,*, 'KJ uf bw iltaerbl"#:'Y:" o,y si#r"3 *he rt'l'i-unna nl t:*"' mdae,<tCIr .O ft)i in eS t $uortrrn L ,J , w uoH ud"dli'J *he w JYut;d'tT '#t"I ' .!''#^r, H" rW,.# lo'!"ar n'S ' l+''d' Cor,lifirh n, C,pb*u"l w lro' Ftotr'reve xi'et/ \n P)'pArno'nh'q+ad,dt.,u*LeHot'r'(e)nl'&rno*hahyu' bt :^:ffi www.OnlineStudyPoints.com -1 - elui= www.OnlineStudyPoints.com 3f lvini'de'<t !- Ah*an'ey -They Cq,o p.r}''tp".h ,,t hov" iltze dJW e;*/'"r -l"u'(u {hn p-tocae*,y :f *y " Mir.Lkkr &rr.r il ro-l-- o. il}+;' ft'ocee*'?, t \n !'t"O'Y 4*"<'e I 4o**, o' *, '" D.v,tu gF fo"l'hr'''" 'J"'Y fuocee&'f - d ux1cL*e 'tx ytthJ fl"1 evMT "1 }aolio*o,l*y ^ritfr o.rru*b,. Flou.r '. fi,llhov,* .rf oile {y*'h"' L *'Y"'A+"* tYBmb"/ )i*'' D.,*r{ilJ-s +l^fu' Wey Aruu _ f} . a,^-sueil' @ur( Sh*L - 1.d*ux o^J arvtw*/,. h*rou Suppru-,.,jy qyur,b" il* ,teyritw t r,r-'-+l-u' Ak &,ie,l - }l- iX +1^* in eS t W+-r^.l e\ntfiov< ; *^"o )f. f ud yP - p"d- vA' t" P*fr"pJ- ^o*L L s7er-tc d 'n'lioiJpo"*'a'nu* 'ul';'L +u v q rff1emb,''t' d ' d , 1v.ey ore- nd' t*lt &rnor,Tk: 1o .c om . + @ G"n**l, ; - oi nt s + N*thu &u*l+z"orl rtol)ee ,t*:' nl zr,\ or-+ou,r, fl': d"t7a' Y-'* ua\au' adoel by ta il uBrLry "'/ U utt^r:d^ i LP'l^JcJ\ th..' ro -!* { -lhe q/'("r 'ct'o.y w w w [-4oJio^1, . Z c,no*.rru Moir'o,r 4r \l a yno*lo is lake^ "p' ^ba n .rnav,.J 'vna|*et Jr o; ^*n bnf"r" {*"!ruT""*-- by d.bok 4a s+oPPoJ #14*tou'te'*,'*ohon't'toPYou'JdebaJ-e\g er l.d1^e*'fr"kPu]-+oi'olo'fu'*lu'rjl I* glasu-te wat)o"1 www.OnlineStudyPoints.com - <) tr:Y*Y'ff!* fr', r'ffi;#'tr y* rl" k \^\:xe,), ff y 0^y pJa.r xruou,ill ff'";*n'a i* h,; t, ffi*, .O ' + Uosut, c by b-etmuJs - re (!o, - To,rpe "( + Ka"@Gt^tiloli hottij malfe< Ate + one u&en vfiembet rnove,4 +*.]-++'-@' 1L-k u4s Llae <e s5ff'u\*/ ef ,tl\ t,J-d d't-teuwd',' @ -Le"jt'l -tez.fi^th< Wk b!*e cfu l,<4-e c -la ate- -laleen up i^p"")o,"1- gla.btu a-^. Otl y* beu- d.rb*te !- voh'71 ' om ) * W k ohe t,nLr*. u^oLlXeutll<a\ g/a^rau pt+- '}a vak &"ry wi lU oruk uuAed o n e!, bl,lJ. a-{e al.to @ivi-l.e3e.Ylolion*^14-ixmoveo)'blo-v'lumbuss)aen)"e o nl'"'*'* 4"'t csmrni1-eol q J<.-U";:;" th'n l- -**' * nl in arr r r,, . tvt o iio n +o ,f{r{"^b,*'n'"" ':Fen,o*A''d -ln"m €ee[z- av1 ad,ha]u+a"! S'b]?^po'4A{ 1'4< putgose ts 4o f;' #rT1,;,:V:;:1 eS t TT^ 61 ' rn i n lx+er L"I'*'JJ c.ril,J A*tenrton tn\nvl-'r' +o *he,'!ouxe ud y f $teoa),^ Ce*E u-re- prrvx11" Po o- in ts d .c +8i@ www.OnlineStudyPoints.com k* "f :y"; *' ;: a'J ne& *T^;r,:,#:hT, puNa- t^Fo'Jo*ee "i * t"An'l- bu ad'*;'l+""'{' Nof *l.e supp* 9y "5a *?*O*'* vna*tw< w .O o[girr+* _Pemi*+"J : ?-s .%yc +h"!- G 14 rlw P*)ble k'+ e'n No G5[ide "ae fu *he Lg' J]- rneonA , 4\u 13 a-am q tAernove the. -\rk&Y P"* $he dtr". Uy Pa!'si^1. So mPVbeq'' e uyP"'l=4 Y1o e3flde' oe rn a ti a n Ld;ch k w w tu A9 "{)oli t-( dttcttqeJ ln P+ , rro\ g, t fficl:"Jft+o,'"NJ+)*' '!no,,a4 -Pt**ao d! fl'o:b''' 'u'(fu t" both **9c mu-el4o v&' -n; mohno't d/z,e &kcurr ion , i+- PuJi]- aw'ou'k -b ogie f y-l ir. b6tn hauJet , allne,wLk ' x}r*- ylotio, fiio,tys - Nd'ta.t www.OnlineStudyPoints.com *r @du ; A membur esr) tAaite o P"l{ * ?o;^* www.OnlineStudyPoints.com .*!r, 6, E, \-7 "*u.: lhe natldt hov-re pnceedJ2< ,p lhe,J"Jl"rL ot^ol s-to-( gl Poo*d.,iu . tr ts .c om bu., s,,g*okr -to a Y;,:r:Y"r':ff;.'offn:J -The spealou eo^ . g&d' '4n e[uaidaJbl o* a- v,t&et d** , l,a a tleeto JF( sudz dt-tauthrt 4o* de-sautioa ql Du.ralion DilottUion ; frleo lanawo a,< L Sho;p nararcaesa/ e 4n,"u in f^:;,#fi#"il! rfrff,\r:::! llrte- in &oq. f2g' cnn Po : e"iby dlpnh'o, nalz'ee G^ unJet o "Y ''a'"k f be *a,*"J u'Ja< gpnu'"! vnellou dy Speol"/ Me^hb, eS tu 'o]krt*ry .rnut +" b aA c-.,n fylove *ox*/,.r.[ru< Rex"j.uki"rr: Mernr +a rna.Il'ett * |un*J p"L'lJu hsu-t.e a^ Jo,,rl* +l^tur- Caly"'l "t in*o" 2)ottffuA i,;T9,4+ ' in nl w w w .O + nx moveJ by R"sdr,hw AF*rv"4e Y"*b*'1 ?*rd* e,U-< o^uaU o' rytgrabeA " ln- i4 i )+i al+eu ol. , Rnauy J. )n " *{a *- 9l-* noon s 3' (noveAmrnunl--U"lqy a-l- k ore 4+a'l- i-s' mov'l o-( mink-tel' APrrrtt" rnomb'a a /avizfon ix al.rtoye +<,bl"d' in' Pur,tLtanoB { d4.e Ca,'* Wlu*lorl ' )n www.OnlineStudyPoints.com - + www.OnlineStudyPoints.com t*gAfu"*;v* p'< oee&e i, ?o*'ane't ; 'fv,e Jugrr.!-ohv* 7o"edt*'u k ?on|t'o*n"4 t ' ielo"^{ft"J in b"t* tL< 4owo( - E.r.y bgt -ttU 10 Fatr dluayh [he. Sarue s4g* i- e*h arn*J i..' v-tfre po'h'sru e,k aR { oi nt s d GltuJJ.otY Bi-tl a f'4 o n ry 0 i4 ( Arhele Xo) CL,hck It+) C,A*s A*nJ*e* Z BW Cnlrcdy &r'*^.IoJJ eS t W,Hhho,o!. \ ud yP " l .c P-^j*1" &11 4 P"blio Bll! '' bVk P.,* CJ;rr-'k *c'so tel"J-t om Bi-U*' ',irA" in ayte- Money BtA , FinondJ L 1td'l,'*y !il' unol.a Nic(e 3 Gre o-rxunfr&Y Jovetn^ert- b" ll f Nee/ fuxide^!- N^4 vheamr,>endolon J nl iz irfuoduoeJ l, the- *o'-<e bY q rrtinklu, g*oteut prre bW 'tA' ;tfuodko*J ,/ a^Y mernbel athe'< t*q' rniii;"*et' hour. * w w w .O Cnor*, &',tl www.OnlineStudyPoints.com - :-: www.OnlineStudyPoints.com :7 Lrtt^ Grust- A-n"d. &'tt6 trttt- +. 'tiirt cA^, lr. ,t"t-d*&d por l.U,trt e-,* t Pruz! - 1 fr t ^tlod{e Oe-Ce.tAo.r<,{ 1 d,o 6*'tl Eet Act'l!\ ^et 'r (.r.tte *.r.t 80"4 >-yn <d \etr><- hnll h9" t- tr 6 ?.r e.'rolL G-tt€{ a-o' ^-f-pr) ,o. oob ts t) Od,:arq,t e$ l[e- f:,o'et XecorqeLq{ , dt ' Ce--c"lt ^ $t-.-,o:re,.o(r' tq Po I gd.-.exI I, .R"%^ S@r.o 3rc dy \ rnOclerr t1 (g*4{,* ?u u} t\. tu ,.7 oxe_ 6{1o} L\o., om g"- .c Att in :- ch-bD s6?a< nl in eS u') CIb.rJ2- thu- t*tt b t^^Gcluccd U. too1.oo.1;i ct, o-d ; .-fr i-D cltoGiG"^te-d G.-d 4;;rsq S&SeJ to(* ptaco- ' Cl*,Jrct*V "4 Qeo,el_,*q\, : - IL,:o- 'iJ cs*..rd*..ti": q dorilY' e,Jhtg\ [dtt n 6.L:oQ'r-ncqcl; C,b*.oe-A.Eer dar\e^f & &. &.11 crxe " p.ep',:d- AU o*-ct d.Je-h,ooo cDt,- snod€, fCo*iau^"lr;" q5nJ €too" i* d- - -fut6 add-;t'''e"rO w w w .O 0 C dn=Cr.nncocr G* {rit( a -t=+-,r '- o*.*t G 6.+.o.I ,C*<r( f Stae- 6.. t"^.et 6^emt . of Gn talet bba- a-d ,o $r^,*(: p{ocd {€, \}ola1. Jl www.OnlineStudyPoints.com - www.OnlineStudyPoints.com n: " P&,,oec{ k{ sr}e ho..aeIY , &' oFh* 1':' .i r\e"x'a .*h* ho-^D( tsdexe, $f.d^ ; ptt-,re41?5 tt,. Iu i,) l;*#* orrlr,L , usde.xe 'p*ct .o &-l b. +\- ln_"d lT, *{ # $e4' f) :fl^a_ hea a-se.-r o.og:-^-b er- ercq 9.elax^ &- om h'o Q.*' .. L6 . $ttl 69 e..c'pQ^ta"*+L-o q Qe- panrt,a-r-,^eu,t- att; fl&e*t )Leco.s"crexa[.'oc] q J ,-60th u... hqroea loiu ia off.o, _.(er-,-L b. $l-\e pre-z\- oo*,.t or.tt hod lrii o f- t\e- {"..t1 - ,.cje-c-ed in . Gitl ro pers€J q an h(* Qo cao-{* So.o e- -tlex ararcee^..cl h Po tkt- 6 - . 1., i:i:' &ee ho..rro' .^d BL o U1ex \o..rrer ^ C {-vor'd.olR h,.d.;,,[r;ar.oudl" tr-r* ho,.<{ o,*,x- dy J .',. ,' cne^^b h tu -r\ ts .c I tlt t(e_ Gr tt a-^oL i &.t tL* Gtt *- Go crr b. Lr.^- e.-f^,q^l he.^4,q-, . \ LhreA dotjc-,'t ts"- tt^' .Uig:"i:*r^rqe^- ,l.qer^(; ^3n"'tt*r. cb --aaodt".< P.zar{"^e r: Gu1-ex . tk- L,itt. JL* eS :. w w .O nl in ', w A6tnr tt. tf.," G.[ rr] Se..,t 6, tt*or*d h.,: Ofnerrt DD :-.na^^doto.1 l(on,l-tr.ri+k *.".t-d.r*-t iaJJ X :' P*,rd* au{.,' Mera*F&n be .r")ud=J by *h" rs*s;rlo;-., b"i- Co+" tsi/ eru.* a,,-r",d.( or n-LJq ;:" ';r' ; i':: $e- co,gide,&ianohce' ':;-.'i &i I "{"(. i.:. www.OnlineStudyPoints.com - i I i-:r'r q et om/ 6u1' h^d,' A* ag Bl-al 7"auAhttps:/ S/is-spclst eud*yi.*ctom/by , Si-ple @ www.OnlineStudyPoints.com /. ; the- de+1.ned ac,e,xf- iJ .c) u^1. lt1-ka o$'.i"a.o. Por{ aqo1crf "{ dr.a.n rt - [stze"a1 - '..- , . nl in tril,\ .O ("^l I As*1 a-D eLc--, a 'clo*& re **1 '& Grtt '{r: _6T)*,^n^t Lrtt er. Oot io , 'fuo &'Cq,.'6,"-, b UT d.i-Gf C., t -.-rd,Lg tdo.'*q1..o, C"tl:;fi-ed o1 Q1eldd"C "f rne-, t crode- tr ) De,e-toxr*o ctl-l I "-t erit coh\otiaq$ *t f,1od_ -?*d* tr, om fis,', tci) cos6d.t Lsrrtdrro"o6r, AG,t+Fsoo, \A elte-lta"tel 6o-x. .c 'o[ fie,,'u/,io't o Abol-Nia") ts ESggi) G=&- rq ) t'."rpOtih.oo :- cru.H Oa in r &*.|. roiue-L; Contqrerr Art- Ilo &^aA ar) LrL. I exe,t Po t .r? tr''at eS t '( Lrtt +\"*f ud y , F* yst,. - dX.^ah L R. /-o( Sat tA a{ tel F.H %-A=-.' *ra^dai;p<l o& Ctr- p-re^tJ*b- Adtnn hx""t q L"( (*tho, t(e oner,e{ (*'rt iD ttqra.o, tt€d ti ?-3 t,,shrcji hq.b ep t^ena : 6;tt A =}- r_:,r w w w Ca- ;) ?"U q" Gttt co cut ) f"(. $ra- rO octr*al b.q tq darn ,Lo) . Sd tt*- G.'ti - ' L"ac;< 6 lo< www.OnlineStudyPoints.com sc :t+a Lst {+) 23 @ www.OnlineStudyPoints.com l, ho, ea,>e oase.-t -o.. htt 't,r - Se,*F 6c, t|,e PFei( -6)1.- . lo o[ 'd:, '' ro( So...(rtq \oa GrJ<. 1;. <-+t\zrt q6t;-Qaae_*L(e".il 3h{ fuxq1T'fb/ o* Le,6 q,l ""*f X&A^WI "",; , So[e- 4,.^((- .c srru,d"6p'1l &e- om ?n con,r( .X ,6, A le-, 'ti.o-. .(r<-tl b a_.# Aes--eol t*". be_e_* , "_1 h"*_ q kie_ R.oS, nhe-" in ts Le- doo.rrggl al) (tr.t- e p.rrt a. Qo Fq^s? Jo-.^f g.-{t-^\ q ft,ntra_ C htt- ft-z- bb eo: rqht _ry"rf b ux8flp6 tta arOe,^t-. cq -o."1 G..lt. eJe-'p"*reI ,4 e.I Po b-c1 t" tr &r.- Fxt6.,-.*^ t 6to( 4 rrto3e.{ Lrtt , -reCor1-6 w .O nl in eS Se^,A .i{o.raeAo tu dy Q,;1 i> w w .r'--i. , t al- 6t www.OnlineStudyPoints.com - - :. www.OnlineStudyPoints.com ili qgssst qr :-: *WeiLixa t".^f q tts Spea-ao &) ct ) 7 n [.Qo.^rcio.[ a C'iUa *y r.$l-h d*k{ aot arh#ed (I^ soe((.{ cgtted cia firU-cot &t{tt*.{l axe 4 t uo trPle^rere. -(,irt om Uoder q*_llJ Cto.rne-lr. ts .c tq Wnfd G) I t't| cootoi*1 fh od "ru'f * lfarc {'}rh dq -,A&- no /,.t MA eot e*bJ,""niue\ crfa Hgra , b o-rred. Po in ;"f*fu.f*l':gt tu'i' I cont-o.r,,icro tcix.$;*D doNY[r'{l A I,rqt qCf , oci[.ini*.? dlal),q *-",. totahaq: tu dy SJe.rhtel J @lteA aD /tqo,^*a-.a ,_1 __-___::: I Fls!\-edgcl, cr,ad,r-^1 I in &. A*dt"ary ,tb;il -;- eS Csotas nl orcL;aluf G.D, w .O (,ttt 4 f.qonarol t,dtt. -u-' GA qood \J al(-,&.pt (;oo thtq?^. w w o) Go-r**o1 L*itt &-., t fcrt e&'o_a-tr @ r=.,.1r. t r;th oat ixnz'n offrovrc-l f0["u 1 nal Clat t) b) ?t fu.,r t<- toirtod-r,.rd e^\ tcr kter, I^o1 Bo_{n\ cr . C Uou t nol UaU lJ n Q.z,aa1 1&*f {_r^ Arr,e_ L..-rl C* D ib*1e it 1E .'"' [o.c-t- {d.l*_ d$d t - "t v) Q1!( cI.$ 6e*<f aD {e€o".t -(''t{'t J a -.eJ* www.OnlineStudyPoints.com www.OnlineStudyPoints.com B,* {< .s6€,- e,.l[1or.,3eu Ar:,.r€.<{ JJ"e_ CDqft.-hrho.r_ q cn 'edt\q @Sd tt.Ufe- A *r .-\< tdo&i"_ (*6ovr - grr I - ts ( € Po od thx kat* o-;t irl fi oot tro;blepe"reot I iD ic eS to pam &,aA o* lrrtt. ?6 tLe- &6 -fir . fu i *.{eriq c{- hotot cqe,,^texa .4 &o.frq€: ?s" . .& me-,^tr-tl fr.cl=e.^t c\ *qtj dy Th Jo'.^-i &' 1S6s tu .d i in eo.aA \or^r:o a. ri e+^t' l3..tl arrtub A -&rt \oro. .i Art- r{e__bot B.-tl fxo Jbiy+ Srr,yJ 1\" coelbt ^tsqcrc,.I PenAeA "----- t> Bttr Eh t(,,, t?:.,_\ L<_ o& tt4- nslrt,ar*e,at Ar.d_ A5 . Clo ne<.L -cqa tqr-seqt FaJ{ om {*re.rd"qg.-t .c G.,rhfukooo.l sr-..l ,:, c.-A 6.- -d€. PreX=--,. AJAa-t {+ [-,r. O.rrLe-^t, &-r.,&a\rcle _ &so *ff*., *,.F"o t"h r,I:"f-:, fl:h uu*],tJ ,r1;; *Qo * 53oo 5vo 5qs =&o b"#:i* prg,larrl &.-' e[ tL+- P€\i&\D'n^ tt*- Ce^/rhtt {1e,n "t S^cJr a,: h.oa]. -IffiI ff*. pre.sndo-t, hio J";:,lr. "f ela', ko..-oea ;i.:: in t . Lq/e;a@J nl w .O .:-* Car' *J.t (L *.Lg*;a*a -q 0.r.." tggg$f d^- "d paxto.,,**t 6.6 ;ori It#ffi' 'ri w q w e[ Iern lrffd"tr-r". S;rnple ?ax( ' dao tt-- Nr1i*i+y@ Lya&Aq J e+ --_----:!. st.*_o,J q a.t) t{bo.l '.r";- e) S"o-2.1a Str.<iqxe -> +*r2raroa(. &arrf tr) . &{i_, fi }J_*_-_ - S(q.Fc !'r: t. " m o$ t\- C"; B U,oo+',' \S ar) g.ate* On^. er.3[ tt*.- a\s g*&f'ecr"J Sa;d tqI %- (e*Io.e6 www.OnlineStudyPoints.com - ._.r..., tf.e- &gpetb ; .'e,rrrc^,' €oqa1='hh.oo. do-e.{J<g ":-i' --*- ." ,-. S .:*i €:" .r= +;:g : .;) www.OnlineStudyPoints.com &g*rB? J,t& &g"^f'- (4t ror) ,tnT * #-,,c- forl,o-r^e.-lJe,^.f " i". rL t corrtoe.J. \ a) aF b\- t &r Iaq : om \ a:rr_^.:l- o&- 3.(e S..t_ .$-.e:a I er.acilso to Co lrrrsne, t*, sac\ Sot lp. a--ct o-i tt"- coccrroer-6.rrra,rt *6 ttL leroc'gc) tteatt 6aSf -( .uoo-1, #*_ {Oq^o11 : .:;"j| "-;ff {aor'oo), t{o. fr"..- Coo.*^ &$dq 6t qt^d "p"o t(e* flavi l;*a-*e,.rrt ttL he.' postlura-, t buae-ry o.1. .^t^- .SY*r-'*. tb",,\ } Palcl"t d 9r+", }&d,t'ehyJ bt1 tha'nks' Yol" 6) Go venolu<i1 T[r.r. eS f' &-r-*e c-ye in G. d".d[*( nl .) ottoz Uvr oRe-r hc*rr" rf..d t ^ Lyfi."s\ &xltq-.r e.*t c-4:9. u. a*d , q a. 6 a*ra-; tteJ 6 v) t-{ relrea_te,J o bt-e{ . O tl.e- qob{ ho*t .,Ara4 ; {si tt C*.,r.'d"-rro=d s1 b Gt, t* rp{.rf) { ()rF w w h o.,-ae Ctrc--,-rc*rtta-tCer: lf:3-lr!! ^ {""t flar*"a CA w .O l-o^'tr &^a (.c( ry tu AMTz t'-A { dy 4. J"tlo,,ru]r( Po in ts .c o6 h* &'tt u,)e-, parn <d t?,er, \ot^ae- ooh q I O-d g€-.c* cb Al-r"t-1 b Qot e{f,el ho.*a nrlG( e Sgone t c"cK t" C-CC€t)t,eo( . O^r^g--.l"OA-b tL"- 5'r.-tr q -o-5rd1- www.OnlineStudyPoints.com - - 'lwww.OnlineStudyPoints.com "L. -T:: are-:h'scrd Gve. \tlo B-* iotnt g*f\ nt" ;o-ot $ttil _ sjLots.o i.a pc€^.dad u-e- c[ tt"- ** .t 6,rr.,-, dt, H^ .-* h4 td. 'ra olsent fu-un i ,dlL^n-^,-t r- ^ b6, R.s ;' L& he- tbo b otrp.r1, e.*^ @ln AY L aa.,_r Freel.cte_ cono'+aa 4 t,-br, tt". \ouoea \ - 0r" tcU c,.^ .c *tl oi nt s ... om |gfg ., * *%q btL (,rrt <; tef-ete *s ?e;n1{ 1 w w w .O nl in eS t JetnL ud yP tte jl^^t '."88 www.OnlineStudyPoints.com - + Po'$'o*e"# B(64_jr" www.OnlineStudyPoints.com 3 * @ {$* fu *: O"aj* o4. ' ann"*( };""or'ol 6+r}et*o,g', q"*J-^U d, exlrrr"t-J uro-ip-l- L erpu,r0'lure Clok ^ot ?f Got r' o f ino, "J f"* J G,'(*irtr-[,-or' ) i or + : c LrJayg . Er-H 9. !" ,gevenue Coplh/ ..teeef,k rneCI!-( 'lo &et,( e e-^pe,dr*.ce i *he .9e ; om . W-&a t venue ! -o!a t ea.p. tf *4o cheiry I v' n %"t)'''rr"rli' f qt" s'uf!< , rJ-eo4a,"t fu ^"f dil;let+ q. Laonu.,.-,e { P.-/U.y f luu corn)^3 yd"'(' f^orri^!. , the ol P*ov it'i p;oxrdo,J- sr^oij d" fb*a * bo+h {he o "'e : u"/:.,[-$ *:"Y I V' ft*re h be .-(dd n#"'q" ueeerp/s ( qn/'t^"r' S'"&"^Y,^+--3ft eth.m'i"J *, No d.enno*l -f* 8*o& sl'toJl f.p,tetide*, No Mo,ry gr,<,r/d Ee eyeept* op qxeep+- o' &n -(esomr,u"Jq- ,{ u)*|,&ou-rn fuo'.-, drze o^x"r-,ro/"/---0 *Yx -rco./' "un"C nl in ';#T;; b; "oJo eS t *z'*^ Po . n ud y + Gu+)}.'kl' in ts .c Dn*ort4 .:{€cornm' t p*J #*^, drruio c1"4 ^l,y l*nx'Jt^J- !' Sti'l^ bi'!'l bt.,*l-l n"t- be w w .O i^floduaqt i,r", P g' J'Gloh' tn rlytug+_ b e t's'l--u dud3r r MoneV bW &t fito'ou b;A ' Lg ' i ) ^4rr'&ouJ ''' u e{'^!Y i vod on *{le ei'n,n ""J f. 5't "ns r'1o 'lrrol Po RE w " Sl"0 ux h e e-noo*rnen* .i ffi-*- 'f'I;"- F;) :f )**el- ,,r)) -- P*.,tt,^j d J.'nonoe bW Gene*"( dlAewtioq bo DkP.l-' G'*itieet iu*,y b on d'"tand-! @) Vo+,''3 L f"*,ry F { .Yo&,,,, aPYoY"I)"* bilt www.OnlineStudyPoints.com - www.OnlineStudyPoints.com \, +i p.rls - Ra-hu^1 B*rl (_ Ge,.,eroj g,^*e*, R 8 pu" t*J by Rotlw*1 iinuin in Ls , ?ru,n,J.ni ) a firo-or Yiri-dtt/yn-t*r'J" +t"" Cnene*l \r"j.* B4le krrourn a4 Spuu"Lt a vtittn ln il-o Ls . S7c<h , 1* b"P^ a J*u ;he houta, 3f o,{oys om C*r"r"LDlJJ4r;"* HruLJofion 1}- +d'c/ y'onu'nn bafi *+- P",,-Lbyn*d . 8u,.hr1 h dePuhnurlz-l Co*nt*tot'" - @ oi nt s .c . No ctt- **io) Corr bu ffiovel na-l (sn buJy* be s"-b,n r#oJ 4a ttLe Vd+a -U "f ht"n hot4e ud yP . $+, tt< ffen"t^l Nlaudo,t dn b,,o$"}- t-'r, Ovel , -W aho,.t- 3- q tr;eek' J ' o DurJ'rq fi,j4 p*io ) , *he 2U Dnp. 6**. +1"u J. -oo'1a Vrnll U Qfomir,ru +fiu' (onoe-rr,"J J I df( U,tl 'p de/*/ *;.,^nu- U P*fr* eS t tg?o*l- o, lhefft . t hov<e.( ovo din*'"J {- in ( i,r) \)o#rq on Demo,d,t 6..rr"k : ) #"p* . Ln +r,e J'\vt okptr, d . .O nl d vot l S demo,Jl i* y*k yto*io* h i.(eo[,troe w l)'l"tdn or " w w + # Poire,r gF 3 l<tr;,J,{ - &^{- Yotbn derronl ury i"*o,ol - *O3 ormvl' t ,fhe Ls 'laton4 ,f ' tr a*,* an C."AvJ t C* Moh'or', l)-Jetrue{€"t lhe &^clPP"t"/ 3f l+" P&y unde<Jy;'j't-h" d"**d' W J'+"!'l l4"d- amou'& f b" t'(eofu{a a +" fu'r L*,.o-y cJr)' [Yo$on- * 'tepre'forls J'ie eco'o*7 Jho!- c\: ^W ' # s+af-g J .i' lhu YYosuol enPu 'oLt\ku" b' 'ru&*J Wy a *." o*u'*^i' *he o.,u.CI** UF* i)^,t ' + To Lr., &rl sy"ctfiJad Ylolion www.OnlineStudyPoints.com - " $''",, gill ; t APr'"r gf d'P*iry www.OnlineStudyPoints.com . NO yr-tor-tnV gf,a-,1!l be 1,Oi'lh&o ,t !o'n fhe (a^a, l"-l U.^.deA o|y"pioJ)on frtade by Jow ' {4* a1pr.y, !)" ix \rt-,ock tuJ +o p'avile , J<t U-UO <xary4- t o6o, Orl- (l (K, 1o rnael + A*anls vo&'( bY {fio LS 4P tnP chryu J /, *rn" (FS' o-ll lv aney Ueqpreo/ " i,"buduc"J rb om P. g["4 +o * i^avct'o! Po1*slt in . $i,^orne bfxl V ts qt f:i"a"oe A)t r i - Po ,-) Pouiry iI'r:r:,ff#:fr'/ .c a -'The frpf il-!-l beeon,./ +t'" frPP' A& +{. e P,-^eti atp,J' 'Thi{ o& a^*t"arl*u rY|s}(J_ + eS t f-tl,ros 3 - Ind.ta f tu*icle 24€J i l-'d fl, 9,'sr,.,M"d b 1I eo^srs& d t' nl in + tlne- P""f]a- ud y B[-{{ ru,ua* be- 'urou]uo((;'t'Pau*J,bY . ahehnorn* 'u pauic'l'e"l-) uifuir +s d"y'e ' tl + *t"t" Gol # &eor uy b|-(fu , Joar{. , fr.Lt -lao,< +<rfuJ / by +^" Go*" by rllre UI qb4,. o fu ,,ow/ tleeer,r.J / b7 *- S( in utepoy -o* t' lo =fhe b.t{i d GoL are on Al) llru ,ln"ilY^cl'J{,,0'i/-J foYne'rh ' l*ervuJ by .lhte w .O flevenu u ' w t"fu' !'J' rfrj'cl' Zeela ?t btub Accor^.I- ,p fi".lh T--*-- w mode i':; ;#f "ffi'l' atP"*' *' dufftr, " ? r- iry, ^b'nb *-rwtcceouvJr-lropu&dUy*'*::o^,h, 'pu'J'o*n{-y opp-'opt&'art ' fr'ra& utvho'uk 4 Ug '-terertd x i iu"' ;''r"t Y!'i;$' doPsrb' dil*t 'dl.ePoYn..#co'& www.OnlineStudyPoints.com - ?r"d www.OnlineStudyPoints.com ,@ lrdta L A:lide 281J : -r' ' ln*o &#' l" 'J d #me lo ilrre' Lyotta y ol*l' d&a*i"uJ -laul ora- P"td ;[,n," ** di:tps^,t $ t" ?,tuietr,^l- * l* <u, * i+ 1o rrre# uyfa*<eo, o,* elp . F"rdt, \J " -fwt J**1. o p-{aoed Go(vonnu/ rrotr"e k o^rJho&ai2q, bTt"Fdr,e Po-,J't'o*J. dt P"&bnot fl* - ey J,r,&" " l)nio, .ii4'1, SJoJ-e tid- d Po,Jr', oh" o. ** J- ix 1t wohe JouX rrrabo -lno,rrtnlrt i, kuido,4. in 4 k,,oHo< : Po l&sltohve ft..ru,l ., )reg t :* tu dy + seaelat,, om .' liv.an.oe .c bv ts Prrd k Jneld '{oflor' -*'3 J* Jo*x Ac,(e.( i.l- in eo, **Uf& rYrq d ke .(ow on ) w .O nl in eS " ,Lrlhen tlg P"r/"( d ,!,t1J.yJ)on +o +hq/- :!kd, n !)^ eo-( e + NaJ"b, o"f er* lehc y . lrt Ca-(e ,J- R,,Je 't d P.{e/ldeg}-a}e! f}Tql,e oJo}# q\lu h &&b'n/' o treherr 2 A{ rwue Lilhen neeer{qry h + ir*aral:r,,o/ iln q}i"( drgf1rfflru urhr. Po.rl.r{ 4 Pu'&r,c i (inancioi Po.,rur,( & frrr"l'* + w ) w .Lre guorru.*.g ' k Pry* -rils pokle/ i,t nol' 1;t'""r'fp "j , i+ -fo ' bu*ic8+a^alu. ' waf Qo"4l,'4-uho-. n s u{/ ee*- t \"*:t: A,npuael.wnu* 4' 6u-ovJ' www.OnlineStudyPoints.com - udy.com/ Powr^x ,f lrt sublro : fpearol www.OnlineStudyPoints.com + e c ,ily i, Lg nd- AS. s go ',',6J- aynenJ 6J .t \y"of-. faoney t ,ln,,Al t(eiu, b;U ulrilAi ', doys Mo,y bi-tr'{ eo, be "r,,JiodrrneJ 8. /.S C-an erthe{-looep.l_ o1 uoj"&,.-tpeornp,,rrdul._ gi,u,u\l But cc-l*ri) c.sn ily *3d I y f {h" ' As. b. i;;;;*)* ;, i* B;r]* w,yb \'& .c om ;/s r,ai!:J*, both ,Ph* Jno..<*r 4tav< ql/*ol p.;;: . f.'"J p"..t4 +. deob6 urlnujfre, o por#'uloi bixl k ryto,,ey bUt .,r .nol- k vux&J i,. {r1( Speot,.a .f L( -1" a o KS Qan,n1- 8enL..+r 1,1 ,r. f* ( e yy,o v e d4e CA,,t , *Aq S,tern tinttolce oi nt s . +- Sfeu".l. ?or^tr,,,< { Nohlo,J <vne_<Jonoy \-/ / eon hq ud yP i ^*, PaLro.J o,,ly b Ls +Xnd* lho Rgby / R?iya S*bho :- 44u in eS t ;t, JJ- ccr n a^rJ+ rr-l u fuu rro'J"o"'* 'r* +a ;po lee -iuuc o n a r q-"j* glele Li^t* f At-t;cle zqSl . trl- Ccn athor-tre (ortromu* )n c.reo/e LneL^) y ,^!, gav,eK +o U.*'', fu" eo^fu l- S+J'q, (A"];''l.sreJ . Ro<*hh"- J* ule.marr\ t Vrhe Rtu,tl"t*J- Cq- oJY be i';J'*JaJ nl esrnrran w l,diu\dlo! P-ilv'J*J'^< w w # .O )^ kg L *-$e,ta A+J, i' o^'11'3 )no"-q' L w\th Jo +ti excephb,?'^-< "la )l io'*' *: l-he punu't)on t L. P"il'o*'l #ae t 'vu]*'t c 1* mra'L be to'!\n;'y {t'e o,, au'ig {t'J1" $se A a3ial A t4l eon*;'i" co*l- soJd " l+e " www.OnlineStudyPoints.com - www.OnlineStudyPoints.com Ivr\J d2e P*J"a**l a.J ,o: dyn, 6Jfo^ y" by'r,n,ru1 \^ dvll Ul-l L Lto'da$ oPil 'flna €nal $ eq4]o-, Artil-l,ahlo o"1U I J. / / ,rrol- C,q)n't;/ ca.{et u yivwbvn cs'tet F F.""Lf_fun Jny S*r,,-_: Tl'toy o" .,,ft-re+o Aru evrdpr.no L app*r luu urlrer,, po&iow*rJ k iu grrlior. + . Ciltroeliv, iravtlYqot : + in a U"$ .c om A4 o uihr*t iry q oq-,e Pond'|3 Qor-t qx clrr"/e pr\; + ' fu"iJr'* Jo* ud yP o W oi nt s yo]:t1y" 4 .tepath ' J'blv, i+ . lL hox &,u *tp,l- -ta P"led.h 'p!at";bik, ^: ^ ' priex]<l"9,l",eorrr ohhw< J**, al-go J1.; ";l*+" : I WYnurl]7ll+'ldsQ6e/,rcyJa*" .the erlu"ol s3tr* tp,r*.-r,dy 1.1- csrr Fruny Dunkh rner, L a^ * "rJs c.d L de-nt"l* &* A,,L:^l^,t !^, ltr,ton,'l,, J il, wri.( o1 Tulsi&/Ji* b'"q& gf- l.k codemPl' ere plohib'tof ')o l,qldt" i"la tLe floree&b $* w w w .O nl the b*t in eS t I buinu'r'' tf Yhou'{r www.OnlineStudyPoints.com - udy.com/ .e. e N6.h f.i, ,{ ^.r*hh P(t no L'' g'l l$)pleac Fu,r[** roa( b 6. Dqe .laO>h Le(€ (, U€- crxtn'al l{.. ) appqLt€", --lI: Fotfrr. . 14u*- Cosrmt lle-e> %!4$l {ot Sot' \a . a*A &'^e,ro c-.^^drtr tl* a. $er-,'fi.c{,4IoT {: 8p-(ax t- lF"t &-.I"-n;F t(e*a t{-1 t L^:o dy Cc-nsn; -eco-"r o.rt tt e c . g56iJ-?gn+' .u-*")*y H eS Sto-d.; tu .) 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J*t"l.q ts .c dd.orn toK hsq rq # j::.?_.E dy Po in ftepohuear de?re*e.-to a*{.{ om *'t€:*q L) tt tu :-#-#P;'-HjlLlq* +t e(. . in eS o& tt'.a q^enttFe-- 7\{orcn ;^ t"'.* :*'o6h.c= 06&. 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(r".Ie".t (.T e.g:$e...++ -kt-[o ct .ct or-"o^-..=o^.]' ";T:QA ,. t5 &,.'z ' l"t, {rreq!,r e,t" 1, trg T\. &*..',.*r. "'e+' S t(" co.o.oa{f=.- tr, a{pe*td ta{ { d - ffi-*.5 &o.rr rn 0O el I &,rc "{ qi- -coeueb " ,errr D €t qe /or, Ltt :'*'* - -'\^d ai CIr,^o@Lf Tffi"" .c u ttr. 1:r(el *}.- om *-m ffi .}u*Liffir' (Ssorrri csro'nr }l.e.e lt e.e. - a in ts cOer.rbUl :', -^^d , 6 Ary soer^,bq Ccsqr.x'.tt--- b-4-fl*rn--' t*.* { , l-re_- -,:- Se.zea &- tL q.- orc*,^tor *L tr1- cocerrcrilk-. Po :s n (a) 'u lo -o LC) \- {f.*l '*i.n. e:<G_r_+iee +t*".* o \e:r tb L., { ft-6c G_J aote^o"1 g.^qkc-tr \e- l1O...sq o( d\ tf-e-- w w w .O 6rx].[fe.tD to ?t <J nl in As-o. a t=:re.nertq ae(otrb J".t-t c5d* 6*<..,o. [- al" aY"o,tq. ex.G-r&rcree eS t {Ll"t.. ud y fu[ela:- J{ www.OnlineStudyPoints.com - udy.com/ G*srrrlTrcAJRL &aws www.OnlineStudyPoints.com LUW (.s*'n)uion z* 'rlleyenle'l- My exl'blkheJ + U-\t ) t+- ir ***.1 ;/*=v'ce- eleclio*t b,; f P'teaide 'A* !" '! t *he &"s+h'h'o'. P*j'^*,u'#' sJ'de G6tild** ' Y:'n:*^^' Ponoho.yd-- crnee,(red tl,fh e-fu0fro,.r $ wl w - it *rn;, pJ'nV i *hn- s/",l"n ' ' co m E-!-.o.lio,, 38*vYJ a"J oi nt s. + 6-,i) \7 \.r P- n0^^l-'^^^ /1^-^*lrti^,n'Elea*)o't &mrniqt'o"t Sg,nPos't'on t "" t SuJ rtumb"r "fr S i" y*;a** -y J; #"^ h U{;x ' otlnu^ duoh"i camn' ^ . ry pdrJrnuk S 0"'S *luol)o* 6**' 4- othpt e(u"ho' toTnrn' CNJ| Eluoho, Co*^*!u)a,p,\ co,xilrb S^al-!-be Yn"Au) nl in eS tu a*a)n le ;; and'e?*,,d'e n oe S 6s f e"'< 6 Y:* t,trt c-4 unt4-'L( d u'"'^iol" Qvet lx ' qatk'el' L ol -l-e ", u-lc l-le video( uirrkt dlne :t*:1 Un ntn $oine- fYl Onn e,< 4 exeepl JernoruJ olbe. Lonn Lg A lz .O , ' 4u^'n Ptelifie,J ,' i.y h"!J $lr^1" q}, ) dy P .V fitoun Ja pro a^ aj c^'fu ' t S e] 7qtnol be hny olhrt, *ko' egrnfln O^ "tgs^o*6'( Qorv'rn' uernoved Rrcep ** on u(eco rnr.w -Jqhna''t S @Ee ' (orn'nz' . & w*' +al n* debos'eJ *hB "Ae'hrr'1 e-?'e&obY fhp iovl - C Pl autJ aPPit*ne*4< o^y J.,.* 3*e w w w . 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'\-laxdii 'o - compailbn nl t,, ,- t t t ui^icl" .rt^l^ k ?t'u)'l** o qg*rerqhf '8 o{eclo(uJ bY *l'e " w w i aYPoi"&*'"t 0W1,A nennbaS aPP)'&"J fueddo*' rnnilbu*t ' Yn"nht,s . y[ couids 3f C)rruit*a^ { w .O Lvpsa) eS A+. 3 LS CprqyttssroN in + 9t*tttcC- Ur..rroN ?ugttc dy Po in ts .c ,Toad,vil.{-hnffaidet/cnortunodorlrna}*ezlu4Y:l Po-tfu'a'- e "'t-/ "J blnern u< q.,-l4o { -lo *lnu **q*.{fi t s/*/e *t*,fu Jn^wetelneHo':.t elno[ Con bt, l*il ln osoole . l; o&,ke preride# u'l'4"*t'a odu- +o u.h'l the Pdd * Undpt fuJiJ,u'l'r Ltule it/eu' ernr1u*y y C)ioh*o*' l..[, w!- otl "ol'*ki n No ql^4fi"e I 6* urW t*y +t/?e *d'y 8-u ,ha+ menbenshiT ,?r""dry** ,J* a.*nl'88, th",Jal be- S"ah pvun u'l'" U, b iln, *:ybY d -ln*,; lratal Sfou J*""*-le,.(* .. Jhe chaitman y me*,[x.* al4u)n tr" olJ { Jn yeul e.rfhor UnJu gf GaL s^ M' e#"i ,y Y:f ,?,*7,_d ^t " 65 Y@.t|, sol*theevel I {q,-[.t'e!. www.OnlineStudyPoints.com - ; ovJ P.rerid* z www.OnlineStudyPoints.com ,t .tntlt con Lternove UnoJet Worllng ekotrWlonnnr v-q'7'!ore'( Ll / - . $ 4e i-t ry" Jg"J cM i^z"lvot l1o'u boila*"yl-) , * 4u *nJffd, ,t*JZ l*ir,'l*^^d "#'"*, i^ on1 PdJ ewploy' 1/'x 3P'c' aulsUe .he dt-fr'x -he , in of\nio^ C- fuuidrJ , u.4[+n',-oY o^ by ,..le.,gorr ir$r,*;*, t ** n;ily,' rn',lt rhoAoJ -and,eP o en &an ac j* tf n^TqY,' rn' Hv,e rnoHzs +o &,e sc &u- ovo'( !' aJvie*6 *ot uyhJdt' 'o.u" hdvioe by se k dLpmYC cer, #errrorJ€ {!* di^q p.tuiet bi,,&'r3 uPort P'rxid*n'l- + , b''- \^ tt^'g (a{e,, *4'e ?uwld*';- om T lnot +n *.}". 0n starr^d,t o d '4 J "' ts .c . t ?bo,AY,' .(on.l)ru. "n gffr" in ,d dy Po F h udy.com/ . , , )-,rhqnna-( , uy li,*'dr* 'tY Ito* #,^'uc'k*i4tlion' ni"Yn *'*q \ni*u- R"*ou"d puetetlbutJ secwl' nsio ore eh"z6"J o't * et 1 n afia ' gJz e. A,a"liJqIoJ k', k . Chou*u, t U^Or" ( A^ (eatlr.q t" lAt'ld #"<) l; Gor6lslde. nor eJgiot e p Jfu* ",-il.vrn<n* . fvlpv,be.- t)kc- (o,^ oeaAiS k +"tJ ?b1'") k & o-llou:onoel &' pe tu So-larj in eS , w w .O nl ?f UaurnQrn lf orc< @/ a4ry'"'**euJelry'b)e f^ 'Y e* ptoyrnr,!.n hoL @ skko th'< ;:;i spse' l; ^^y . C)na)tma,r G^ m*rLu, cMe ,* el\iut " fu &uqFPoi'J'*4' + !- Rd" : + *he appd,&mr* * o G,ohJs eno-i notb" J* w W,ah"'4 "m:il;.*u*", -:ry;-'+ geudkJ on ptornailo' o^nn*u'llv /,Y' 1"&a suvieoF,, ! c'tteifr'ry \ ' 1-o lhe r,le-st'kt G' aepo* d ''k ffi :ti:YllTA{:#;,:'5,Wwx. www.OnlineStudyPoints.com - . Ai{){+s s1d=! Cj oV ukd b'1 2- @t rnar@ S+a*"s) \ ^ f-<"*N,, ,y {ouira, 3 ".1, emtes gf iri,+ Lkeclilr+,-u& /* . u- i* o* onee,r.rreJ a)\tq *he Cl"uyb*f)o^ t :.r, t'ee-!, -tLanhry www.OnlineStudyPoints.com opuo*i Pa\ gf ore o^(y * T,e- *"tu u psc_ )g _!.ini+"J e ve n i)s '-( e @rnrnB n Jal/orz4 aoi.vk-y no&uu,hu,4oa , ndl* b'tndti on dL@ |rUetrrnetd-' oi nt s Srnra Puauc stRVlcE Cpvttvsslou ts PscJ ; ) l+ o.x,ir,t gP (hdt*an & me',nbe*3 gt,inle-J b/ *he touunaA ) &.U ,J--ix nol' $^"J 0 decrd"d b/ $he ffuelnat' ud yP ) &" A 3etv/ee @nd't'Llo '4, Cq&e manys'/o"+ ' .c om L b" SIoU p eilon trrho *or/e h&& c-horrnno, G, oY o{ L fSome { ax ffewndt t uPscJ GAe* aPPo\"hJ' 7n SPSy e),ci'm"n 4 ,rnombeu .O X a 1'** { s -1**t * J* d,* gzlyu"** trfucl,,euur 'A <*,JJu' ag" rnl.rnb"rr ,q1.1. un4i_tt;y a#o]^ *he ) R"rrvJ _+.^ al -l'"!* Jc' Yud E.|'o#e ' nl ) 'in in eS t U*hu df,'* bd ' ,senoveol 1 e" bY ** G'ouanut Pte{ide,'4' or1 ew8'3 w w w U?STJ " C-hoi^ot an .+ at io^l B-roVi( " ) ?,d"perderroe f Sorvre,Afi" rJBc e,L o{ha gPSc' ; ch'ittn"'d ;" ;;P'' .;; Siou uPseJ dhe g* aA f so-u o#o^4 4 d + Rolu SPsc )z 'i car4';kd by l-he j"vu :U: fr:U. s'l*/" se'tvrcel t *o 1+ opy,i^J*. i 'hiu'*/. cr i W 't,n''/'' '.,*ule.t 'lhar" {r^J3 , ^ o t-hu O ;!i* y)or** L H C '8 d e-orari]"ot - ? www.OnlineStudyPoints.com .com/ Corvv lss 1-o N Lfuhcle %aJ ; www.OnlineStudyPoints.com Frunvoa + k a 0rr"r) - J-uol.,u'o'l bodY + l* Cartx4s t a Uaa-o*J & Iau (t 4a be- oPPoi'J"J bY 'lh" Yet)der* + J} a{het tYlprnbe}t i in ts .c om ) Th"y i4.nd #rou J- 9t-,oh P*oA ",<^ spugp.J lV W ynide* { *")-*. oko CUU* fu tteaP9i,4iru,^4-. *lrr. shoJd be a- pwo' *av'T c)auman, + ou"uh'c*h"^{ t , sl"1l* rnsrnbut eY;'€k,e inuP'rbl,h S"I,* L J'i ot' : be sulecl.J !t*n oil7 +te JaloutS . fl j4- i l'lc- a ovle qydgtd Jo, be crPPoi"'[*J ; dy Po , h p;"n'-*rlro 4,tot ep"orb-LZj Kmo'"1""b" g $'onoq Laooa't^k! */ae.]ov4'. r a fr ,;ih, -h; ui/e erpu/"oq io .}i' o*ot'L tu ' in ur-eqpJ-re J 40 moLre utecorrr rvl,nd"Ib^ +o vnqj+eu )*l4e p-re.r)dor^tr-- on P^*'3 pC_ nl \ eS ) |:un alio*s {corto'icy t in o luaon maW't & in ao['ni' k&o!)u'' A pulo^ uli{l' spt'l"l r<'o,r--!tJ9o , w w w .O .Dkhjb,'to*fnukgoeelJxSf*arutO}*ShueJ b/u-f gqrL* !. #rt 3Me'(' q"ld +o lrhe " P+i"orp/e {rrCIf Shorld ,Tu** lhe Y"&*in s+o*u/ bt u,e d;u' Co*-r[ da&Je"J fu"d i l"d)r) +o ffiX"ir'&dQl n The rnee.(ure/ rruqo{eJ 4a *i*J*.,'J gP- S++- k + SuppXr.r** rll,e ueSouaoe{ t *fie p"*ola,1< mr,*alPo$Hu' wallq, uyfrad \' *hp fxeddn,.l . ik *.4- # &er)de^l -V'. J,Yu 'i- b"P** bW o A,r,y &t,et (s,n*.subrrrF h )t A. aofio, *aV{- ol www.OnlineStudyPoints.com wendohoYl n + Conmu-sion Nolron,o1 www.OnlineStudyPoints.com SC J* 3:* + U^ rk a @uu#\bo,*! bodY e(+a[0xhe/ by An. %8 i- -lh< serz{e- {h& rf iz dit'o*JY a .i + *rhe sep"-e& Ndioro.( Com*,fa.t ) y Bs* CA,A,J Cot,.s/sfu merrrbe,ql , ),ja u*',2{ence in ?frU " ff U"Jrpekon ra Jhuy Ole Appl^l"J / - Ch*pe.t-ton{'lh-r'q6 o,hr1 b/ the flex)de^/- undet ,L]! hard U,cr & ovre/ dtYJ ts at! m"Hpt ,Ael.h'u +" *h. A*])t-ii"-J c lnvesul,. a ry^\y r'aAdu(' s:Jh9 in ) Seol Canee .c t, , s om L Sc 4o +'*- d"P, v&'n \'rwyet wiw u-('i"*e *P"*': i* l.y,t* " ,dlfu L t#J*"^J'd sis " $ those S*yY**k' The ,. *),e Ltiorro an H"e p}""*\3 P*il f 1odo,- eeo. eS t adviee gc's ' nl in n To P*fr,F*h !" I o(nv"!tP *.* ud y Po , p,(aox *!1, Srroh Vtrtidudodta a memoAdrlol*"'' exp/a'i- &"P& W" ,1" P*J''**nnf ' ohg &h" qq9/"o' *obpn on rhe \LPQo'o''' i3 .O u 1ryi[: u*k pourtti $ h*g :u- "''' ptoc-,J, $ #;;f"f t '4*"d^i^-* P*hcr'-("r *Y pe;ton J!"*u e",& ;. 'f" n gs1,,m o,\,j { ufl'i I J ' o,y p..f C r-v&o lJt;;; ''i?.4i"' o'1'")h d"ct*n"ut' *,.,^f,oi^. t . r.(euuri-u'7 tha d'-scova qvide,oe ; 3Pl"r'"'T'^_.^,^rlece-l'vt3 .#&o. " *,, eo"#on eour,r on gft"' Y o L/Err ntlia.i, aa/ Pt^5l,'J..leqo'J *T o'l-r'lol / &u'-u'ok w w w crvr'( . fi{i j Svu*'*'"! f- qnorn}ra}t " t YoY &&'tniwe' yle,i&"fwoil<-t-u&"h , uny o*l,d www.OnlineStudyPoints.com - .com/ ol www.OnlineStudyPoints.com C"*ril'xl" , rrl.,tlo + + l+ cowlt-sk ;|o, STk ; - dr*"p f t e/kon at v iee - c,hoi-t'p I */*eu o'lhu< + They O-re Oppo\ rJ"J by tfie 1>tezidout- 4 eonolr'h'.., t 4' ):'vn^, { affir* A&r-mir*J bY {he yx)Ce ''l saviq lu,ohorf fSor",u at Nogbr"l Coni:u,oho* d-{e oz Jt-u' w ) "fu S('s .c om " J, ,o eolm< oJ'L'i"'J upes i,- foru<4- aJea(, ' J s*Aj'^r.j u'd*th", d! -t^il"'I +. 4a&, be *o V/*vtu ' utaeK Covnrrpni,fi v .O w w z I I L-U "J=t' Je'bv'taa( *fie f4;d" ore dl,te- J- & do"tn -!ryn Y*tie\e'l- houlel Co**'-P scsJ No*rorJ CSo*u *t Pous ot'''t . Spec"t'x w $ery.l- ao b+1, , +;b'Ir ab-i.,n F* *he dev &f -*'J- t 4uw' ,F' **,*lT": h*J s+a+'|x' rytare 'u i able. ,,t v.,(l Utex' in eS t He ,]"P"t o.S'"t -: dtrj eA rntnua'!- .'(elo e/ nl ) 9tb*t ) t ^ Meal vter -l- b' !. +o Lrl'or L P ) ud yP , fvleo-8 oi nt s 1. be 4cr6-"' +o Qr'8 t"<e $"/r \'-p)'*-"n*'Lofio ^ f Ael' lgg6' $1,,e yoi.tiot^< 3f PEgn c Mea.rk-teg 1o h 4ahnn,rI uC\AJ'y otone/-sh'p dJ& , in auzynok t m\no) J*** |a"oJu'' 4' sr's -!:'13 r ,'*',; * j* ' ^ ,! tu* ?1j,"" /t' nl' Ld o-( *l< Lb vn i na't' b i ^J : t)^o , { s,puo)o/ )*Theca*ntuaiona4to<1r,4*Jv*nl=4u'bhofud1(u?)' CK* ad'bu) ' 0J3ou* J He-*t* 'tJ'ree &Vb*,4 'y* www.OnlineStudyPoints.com - -+ + & G.FA"-lluz www.OnlineStudyPoints.com t-le- 4.16l;'/*" Gu, *o-l gf l^J-la 3 - f A4Jt'cL. lqy- fsr] L-dia", At,"tu* 4 Aercu,#, at"p*knPd' i-( Jhe lrte"J $ @ ) y*iJe'& c-A& 'tA aPPo;,'+"J by Y* 1s,du {i* *ta^J ! 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L {ti"Iory.,S t$Q'tct:<-',n ., Hq eoopo orodlls dhe oaeourfs Hqorod,ls sh;" n' # "h t""'t ,t l-d-ta' f CD,A^$A*M *u, ,^-lJ*':, ou(ern u't'Y" Jt *{'re- 61't'3:*''?v k, ^r,rt +t'^ - o-( ' kJ l-k- CI^{dik' o]J'*pu'difuo 04' w w w +o ' J--ot"o "Jl a['#' L lr&'q @ch s+de' *"e1'7* 'f, t x (o^{yeroy Pu'i" J,*A ? l' t &cco""ob !' t \ {o",try (l v'&."! C'ovl' . pfe o,-,&tE *!! er&3' *n kp"'ei-* f balanu*slze*l- V"rt ry' *he- p*btuo ,il S+du dbu+' www.OnlineStudyPoints.com - ot&k lhe ,3ecipfu He www.OnlineStudyPoints.com 4 erp e"ol'.r <+e/E +a s"mdy ?f the cB'"d"'''4+1"q1b"I^{*: 4h; a'-!o! nl y.""ed'r'('{ @ , AU eL-grYer* lAnor1 c-l"u"V dulit'neJ +a SecuHe av1 #e': g[qrerrL(Q ' Aollt o$"n, !, YPd o}locolion t *h" H€ oudls +he 'lecerpk A exP' t i"ll""t"? ^C"-b,^l O{ ' @*Pnieti yuiefi cdvxer ur;4h i* oa*, *hp &ccour/s t bshen 9o '[a$J,J a7 d"!-J .!au. .c l.le- J.oveY'ue; a'l bo-4,,./ , o}h*.r Osl.pol&)on L Go,r* {-he Y$u'Phort oI ^y," f:kQpt !-W^ y"' c""lt'' A S'hle- sh"il bq ts + + SlJ. !. avtrhaatlet sub.do' ileY i"'n^oJ f"m om W.ius LAt!,&" )eol *-^&f uQPo'utfle- sub ,n* 1i4 " in + ill 4h"l- u/&"' b Po n;*t *1^: acmu"/s 3P the /"* 'the'n dy n 'Gr*^ol-+*ffrlVt ir'*t'-'n ' Ooviro,.,uhost"il " Jffi' o*'tfss*u t-a6)t'Ma'" A eS t+id c*r{P.Ue tu kh, i''"1? w .O nl in n" P&n # PlJksophn-t ag n ^J& ao*s ffd:'P'* " H€auou,'& t #u fu'l'i"nr'*' . He_ wfi* I rnu,,t-aJ,< 'frfie lcc.r*s gA sh+"- yi+' w A.,dP *epa,# on 1' ?''uidn* CtAel St b,if *tuee 'ruP,"l.* gu-pon'J_ on $raoraoe oeaou'''-k L n"A+ aPp'oyia$'rtoccou# ' w P"gllc- u "d'84abJ'71' A{rdJ+*epo# or1 boJt'1 horuf, ! gepc/< usp !b*e 4t pau,id,o*-flryn Q&rn i'*s +*1, dh. ft;r. ,tcordsCorJ,}+*t {r& '3trur, s 40 *he ?o^i'ane'#' Po'i'ia'"tu'J ' !' '*epo'Js 'l www.OnlineStudyPoints.com - w i"ls l Ro)ewww.OnlineStudyPoints.com R^ie S 6f CRn k PX,[,h-* 1" uphatd *he- a^xhfulbn ,"1 lnolia ,t )n l*, ];aa t ]ina,d.J clol*',rifu-drlon t , CJAG ll on a,g€r.J'- .rf lhp . P*J.ia-, ,.& c,leyur t,l)fr"o "i- T"Jb t & co"'ok' o)- , at'd# f t l-le- . r/ d,e-(Po,^('tbls *he- Pot-fiar"n{' e;pr"ai+"^ 9" E; ^Uy1"ij, o/Y 1o *he fu"!:)aie'{'J {Yloney P:it'tl" Jhe ovet $ orrLrqlrto *tat el& P & & mu'Y d'epn*munls o'te P/ '#q? 4 dhe ,*[".t r< &he "')cffii'rnw'^y 6e 'i*'*t?J oilgt^dity J'"*' *lno w w w .O nl in eS t ud y Po in ts fRol*=-*';ryConeatneJ'i+l'ou#or'@*fht!fiex] www.OnlineStudyPoints.com - " c-e!)JM om . .c + Cnenusol o;f At+.'mey www.OnlineStudyPoints.com ) beia LM-irle +:e3 ) Aomi^*r.",i 4- lun i rJeJ by he Paqtdpt lle. nwt b a penon urko 'u W#,q 'lo A n lte . aypat j*F t " b@ ol.iuo;,J*J a sc" Fh 4 frrc.l'b^{ : bY Yuide ')o 4i s,& ovha d.r#",r " o.re :fr "+-d f&* '^4' t ' ts -0"H-/ in + t : ,JV Po iilf .c om *rh* fiotl,t n6J- JixeJ b/ {lne- W'*|t::J+"'' " { affbu .lhe '+1n. +loldt ,r#;" {*',j y!"rZ*.d P*ioGJ ' \ cha*^rlq t+# 1o 'li* by fu*"ffuidu^T * -feLuq + 10 appau an be.it f Goy l, ai! e-s.!es lu St io U'Uch qoL U CawaetnuJ " + -lo apPeo^ i'" any HC i, W C9,Je in U*Lic.t^ dl'e Gol eS lA tu dy &te- ouiJu*t &rtAUneJ To J uP * * 4'tne G ol in o^l -rgk*,". rn*dn- by ?"ulde,J- +o $&e s( unda( A-J. -'' Iug . ,)4a + w .O nl in + w . He ee n beco** 6urolr't w 7'd)a i, el! eou,Jg r1, *l"e*reu'fiay 5P yzno ' bw t ,,^'n, tu, f":,r,:,",J ^+u '* 4+a-t,)or* si#? a.d a^y G^ ,+";* b ?"ilior-nt' *e ryoy be no,i*l (g*wi#eu (s*r-i#. /, ?*"y:* *t^ ulAch *Il*,,ff usi{hu'i-*a buf *'ry|,& "Ygtj ; ;r,;;1, lJe con Speate^ f ,P ^ )-le ejgs ovn/ o,bt e o-[r *il dhe *l'e Yu,"!3q !- \*'na'i])*{ -1" a l'4 tLe GrQ P' www.OnlineStudyPoints.com - ayaw* 'lhu G'o1.@ . He tho*/d nal odvrio- or 1r1^i"1, o bJ+ JJ Hu shanld nol adv)ee G^ -1^",U d bri.A in ea^e,t i, utlti& i 4ne i-q ca-!-0.l upon h advr* fl* {-,rY Gor' www.OnlineStudyPoints.com r4e ,,eha,tJ n* d*.d acrrrA*;Ttr 7e P**iwio^ aPP'y,"* a l-+e Shou1d na| aCIef et ; ];b^4 Ldl#4 a cfuled.x i* p-rodr-*e ' Po in ts .c o !+e \L nov d,eboua Fo*'e"*"k JUJ om floxe cdmir'q;( f* aflP"i ^+"d bY dhe du,Y'nat' 'b rbe qP.{Ptd i't [4'o tn a ?^' ) tlq rnqL+ h ' l'+e- 'P : nl in eS t ' 'api^+.|ajuay. f fr('. ) r-. l^aldt dd* ;'AU P/eorue t Uvd:ol Sowre o{ C /-)/ D**.l"g X" l"&iog A l^d-ta's il (tP/"ce #ajl"QY A 0A'W i^il-n r Pt' f So-e o{ / - -flrj p"rjr;*+ ai* ) +dlrJ"^/ 6 id4i'' Sao'[u.' .ql"h GrUa*rJ \r,y L _[__ , w w w .O I ud y ) www.OnlineStudyPoints.com - Non www.OnlineStudyPoints.com # l / - G"rlil.,h'"rJ b*li"t G^-itti6rl - Plonnirq tl"q il' ulu u1ahl.,\h,*l i, fulo^ah , LS 5o by on qxqclu+ive *u",k l-o, 7j noA o g+.Jal"r f body" Got, 1- ix ndlher a 8on{ Hoh"o.k body I Cp*posiho" t-he $rtail,*an d . t*:'-::tr''l ,-r* t;-" ';P*u -lirne th e Qommitziort choiu*on.r+e)' J*"rY; ";,o!'Lne^J lle L& ,Je,eyo*ibr. fo.( the C"n-,,l,Y-/ eol)' Yuo, pto* fu f*-.I.h* ' om k l+e Pe*id"x ove,l *he meeh"1 k v.,u de -J",t" qr*a1^/,'vo 4,o*J .c I trt ts .- Z & Subrni'ti"- T 41"o &7f+ f ;ve - in &' .! -,rr-. p)ni-{*u cobi"Jrl-arrl< #e fle eyoyc t p"t** *i'ne dJe appai'J"-a A-L i6i-illu,< -r''''-bu*X' . 1$ome Cerrlrol ,o wtunbu't ' -1he'7 ery97 qnPnk Po il"; *'x <'l-+ t'l! !-' d"k *[ne- ,9avth iF a n\ni't*ex 6 -Trne- Qowrn;^io' ''z : @r^t^J !, w *(oj"r**/J=^o-4o " J*j* ^t ? - Seu'Ja'| ' l}u_ u tr*w''l?y 1'AS' )"uoz",,*/.- 4he .O F-urojro d nl in ge,,,kx wternb* a rr prnber eS t -1h' {ownhiion *d ' ud y . , P.,rnl, *: ti'"d't; rnog)- CI^J i s-uy-ii <"'*^7'r u:'ut o"l u/e(our( €( c ) 7^*'r^1*h"bo!.,nnuJ " 'u S4* \n u"t;d" " rYn^ e,eo,,noni c d",r-p** ur. r- o&u' n * y ur e-ry& "J -fu rtol<r^' +h< d "*. in qo'J"' etuJo' , -To Je&e,w,i "',.ar.o.4ril \"/'-u-4o*'o) { Pi'" ur,trr d,i o w w * i -f6 P-1u' dnk.^*i-n '' l"rffi d$i yr *:rx ) 1 www.OnlineStudyPoints.com - I *tr www.OnlineStudyPoints.com +a t Jol eh+rJ..Ji4L"d t rn bodv' I lala)"av l/ GYPogi$on : P tnt d lndiq 0L )+s Chai*no, / hud " W l)nion Co6in * Co.jjl 5a;n;gleu C,\4 I t fvin;tkhS 0!.!. S4ees frdrt"iah&v,s o Menbe*, Pla","iS Ca-rniai"n. { v $eo-,4-aj aJt l)-f . { Pe d oi nt s . ' - .c om ' aJz a ihe Secr,e*o,y +o *he N Dc obieclue/ ; _- . Ta Securc Co-opwJ)"" $ S-,o.+-d 't- We Qxeeuho, d 'lhe pbn ' 'Ta Qgwtrr,on €{orornlq fle-,&br'e< tn a!-,- tt;+*! sf h ue{' " n Prafi@l@ e N(u-{e b".!a*0"4 ieu*lop*t gl "tt P"Jt f cou'&y ' , -To Slrurjlhen . rnobi'Lua *he ej<.* I tte/ortopx t Jhn- nohon Furclb ^.t ; w c .O G pto'' 1o p<uu"tb" fepa-t+h'o. d ,*: '*no) 0*d&.:* P rc" *T^ n.*riA,r io,u *?'o '!he t<" Dre1rxi."J by *he of WF"d Dbn ot c-on,.idet /hp noh'orJ Plo, ^nlr'.rJ G'te- *eq/'tal Jkx -lo ynabe an **n*rJ-'d r,le,kvtox 4h"*- w o ,-*ap;d *l'* Pla'' nl i* ,Awp"t .f 4 in eS t " *To i-p*.I. ,k W,rn#o^ dt sau'J !- {cano-i<- P"I") Su#.: nok"n"! dnv'h7''e'#' #'"'u 1" h"*' Pla* Nql'o'"/ uLatti"o, ?'* s To uApvr'et^J '1*'e .t qt*"< 4 anhiuvenre 'S ?f Phe yietomrn*J v"te^x'J.n: n ao fo^ o 1o w ) A ;4 nel'lheA Coal)4r,hor.!, nat, e ud yP + LSST, W, conticlu" sd in not"-J Pto' *erpo*rible Jor P"ehy y- i* il*U,@[l b*, bJow Po,l)own'J4%dE uofrw! f Pla'n'7' ouj^ www.OnlineStudyPoints.com - l4uvno rt CIt u/= G*rn ta ion N6-$ionol www.OnlineStudyPoints.com a U- ,4 Fumon + SJdrJ*l body ul"b_fu'<hJ )u Lggs undu4 fuie A&, JE6a' ,4 lo*posih'on 1* i* l+', *::) d * Nur?o : .Ch,air*on ,Jo* m*-brra $rU d,'-r) 4 Joetd. Me-bexr, Serviy om d,r'o ,nemb*/ (hd^*on ( R-SiuJ (-Jlt) Qr- .c Gr aelilql Jilge Sc i Membefr 2 , Se,r,i or nJ U{ r*i", i Hc f"- gflr'U, Chair,*" l-upr+" I tu 1t eS - f ,t-tjhlT NoH"-o-(- (o*nr4 ;.. #t, , :[hl J* lqi "att*iel Sc's ja^ S r's Vo'nem l- rnernbus &rs appointe.l by *he Pt*xidp& o't f C - rnembu Commit-]." €o^tizh1 gf - in -The Chakrnan *lze .4e U 4tu*in Po wi+# in 3 -) dy Mernba ts vruc.I)-.r - 1,*&;r- dI "o-*nnJ.ok'on nl Pui*, YtiniiPt Spoate u w .O 6,f4 gf LS i How, l4i";Ar/. ih*^''"- w [aao(e.r.r w , * R-( - ofpsi#a, * bah ]Lta hrcu'@8 ' nnmb*l +"-td t||,nu J"-t o *-* of 5 V eo.s @ un$ll {hev A*tu)n |hp oee + To Ysor{, uril"lr*r:o 'K, eocitr' cl.i+ el#'b,* F"s* i*f p"i,&r"u&J Choitrnart 9. o- Y?di1 fio'nk-d i'" U-*, A i^s.IvuJ, -'uCI+- 8n'#"u 3ffi'e P-t*idp,.# Co"., rSeYToUe * - Huk g[ u".'so,t'-t m),J' - f,,r$, Lffi::' - ]o't*p'kon* www.OnlineStudyPoints.com l E' i + Lurd&g*: www.OnlineStudyPoints.com vi"l"Ho, S 4ru-*r.NSk &t ,r*janoe i^ dbu ftreve,^llo, { st^oh vialorh'*, d7 o f uL-b'a Servon* , {t+h'* sua rnol* @ oyr o yehh'"" yun"lo; *c i+ o.l on arJa gf a (-lo,.^t, *fo i,,,4@,tve,q in a"rf, poee *&'?g iwvJv i ,, &rl.ki . n gf vtalo#.n HR W&\ bjl.,e o. Qoo'/, orry S To ui-st)- idU"! dli=*io, Ptonu d e eovm menJah'or< hlnue@1 ' To.Jpvip,.r lha fu^gl)+*rtt ,"/ " *he -l'v;'t co'fu'tiot41 t olhu -k3--( Sgl?-^'{/4 4nt'*o-, *J+ L J Q earnrr-?*rA rrneo{ r-u;p ' +r."i, 3;ffi"J're \*Ce m P *aJh*t or7 altnB,< i r&e-t* *k)ort^x 1'4ttu'nt"& t ur\rl k Td qhdy y -tv',e),t yffoohve l*ple vte,h'l)o* yrnohi- dy Ar'uo-r Qn et'( ' tu pto rt-o;e kg eS o {o u'dedaloe o -TO e r (o.u'(os e +4"; s+,[-e U C #he f"t 4{ NC"d uor,lelT t4 R l- ' w* n J''ud bYY'uls: nl tr.rorkJ,q f D )' j in $ H('^ R' avnoi lhe pe'ylo { W""ol- . To e/e-J qA WY !- H Po ;;;, s. the ts { in p^"t""tt.- . =} #"$ .c L '1o om -fa i"g*Le i,*b civ Ll Co"'# ' a olt pl- +& Powets d */'e G#' &L s4qfu j':,'Jefa* Gr li:' ' JF *oy cti( Cor *hern' t"bo't#'''o}o s I 61l-${";ry odhe-< Ao*l ' 'rK CCCU.Cerrp. O u tr . ,.,|))^tin I veor.oj t yeor' d., o -l/ (an ''1prre \"Jo {' 'Mai'-l-d 6ilL'tn , I - n;.tl I f-'^..fr w w w .O o . ly f woy Jeco.,-,^e/ *,re 4g*no*/t'.J 1ot{+'n, * "fu*y+t''" +o fvrqhq { 1o a'7 vic'h '* l$YJ 6*P;;^ji': it viqfrrn )--u&'*i i"&i'* *ti5f a *ke c ,Jl *ol v@corn'r nnJ -lo i- {o'n*nuJ 3:f Gt ?"*L'*\d*e'fhe nilafion gl p'roceeotuj G^ avy of*ulu&a'+i"- ?Jot** Srri+ PuW'e sea,ron| pny-'n+ i - www.OnlineStudyPoints.com - Huma.n P'A)'ds Gnmt/gion z www.OnlineStudyPoints.com =E $-l*.-+ -The- P.J.ol,b- gP l*t no, He& A&, ,,gg a/'o t- i nt of SHRC: GrnDoslh'on - Chdxnan C * ple'"ber 1 ( Merrber 84ale Jk+ !- Reh-'-J Cl,,;$ U-"al1oe - 1A t Covrelr'zte nd- H() : ::';r:ffi 2 (t<^o*14* ! 'lk+ ' om S u.b )uo& rr')eyrlb, dt 4u*rn *t& o$ in *uprrll+ ts .c Co.,i^g//Q- i"$a ttioL"lio\) ; eAea,o,1 EnP.c. 3,,:ffcl in + lk F Pr.og"J exlerr'.r.. uafed- $'$+ t' io 4'u*o' *Nt) dy Po t goviJex ry '}h" Gatetnat on Qomm'o#ee C-s*i<l"j d rleeornrrc nJ*o*)on S a -T6e Qhdtn.,n !, mombetl appi,dre.,l #lne- tu ChS YinLKlv'' o{e &oJo^ gl app"riilo- d tq' A*e*bly , nl in { eS b*tbllve Ai-sernbty , &U. llom e l'4inix-le'\' 9pe-obu w .O ) To, g[ E]ht" f&rne cl NHRcJ ) Ru- "rJ $tw^&L !. paoce&xe fSonot oA NHRqI bt J+,,oveJ fuuide'& J Govemo' w t npf";i ) w ?uno;r^ I trlorf.3 f $onoe o/ Nt-lR( ' , 'y uAeplace Ce'rhe wi{h Bia4ql www.OnlineStudyPoints.com - 7" ,+ CooLrJ Wnohon Gmduioa i,www.OnlineStudyPoints.com + tu"* Cp*+)t'/,r."l en d W A4,2ws. GmPsi+ion G^xirls, Jro, SrrJ Goz.Fte NoSrha-#", u"da *he p-rovxb"x Z C/",J| f l,jormJi.n G--i,xt'oneq Commilltiorte</' by lhr._ Pauiolo* fupiM 11 nol ma\ on -Ihe ,.i-ecomme.ndoh'ou) , f-,jme Ylini*la Cd'witp'*"3 1PPsi'lio* in t-s lso/.w . l)ni6vt Csbinu;- tqin*ftel aPPik4QJ 6s tu t u' Ye tu +"!.J $i.e.,lt a-lu^ t/^,efev't eS aldd- at-- {4e Pt'4 ' , dy Po : CLc I { in 3f ) Tur* l.o itj"q-o' ts .c Grr,r4iffue C-awk#t , |l'.qn om ) P-{e,(idn,* (grn tAevrove on ; 5 yeo'4 @t r)nil't'( *y $ }'0'{o*i3 eor'fJe'r' $tovndl - w .O nl in ' 3$'udl*J 0n ir/.alveY+ ' " (-env,.j.J d on {4*n.u ( ir"votruer no<J h'^fi+"J') " YryT" in a",J P*d emYbYne'C' ) fu{pi,.d , w w . Po,^,es suoJ"_JtiranoJJ @^ olhrs 3P""1- flU On d*y -l^i,t' y^tuol ff*e { ivduu* u -|.t'tor,(r1 to #.U;R, 'ch'o*' mkbdnovlow @L lnoapo.d\ ' i. ft rch^x l *The Cr,,,*iodon Corr atde1 i.g"uy l,.dd eny fue ,huolonot-le #ou^& (Su, -*uh p*u): ma.l+e( f +&ere www.OnlineStudyPoints.com - 4- 'the G**'rt|o* St-obno ik www.OnlineStudyPoints.com an or',rruo/ .repotl -h #he Cen On *.@\ iry'er^ e AuJ)*,' ,'F d0ne p eovk i, ,-< ,ot' 41tt' fr& Th" C& p.l* *rux ,Ae-potk 6SJfu, eaoJ4 4no*,"gf Pa'k'o.mn^l' $-ir d^d@ tf G*,n' +o $."- ory feilon .t eeejve I irlpu-ra rl iJ. d (o-yb'i* 1$*"/ qa,n nlg f*"-"ho-{qqJ unho lNq,nnr fusJno ' oie ',fo, !ru.- is inoo*pbk*j"!*' ncl- Ueee;yeJ r-luf onxe P*No j* exer',J u ttt-i,^ f4e 9Pu $Pi.J l)rne u,{l bn pven +o fhe Csrn n b(lon *5 ,ohon ' in eS t inqp-ty uAecorrk m at *k'!"J1j' ud yP -0t'-ik, PW unhea'tonohlu ' oi nt s W;, .c om Urh, -.lrrnt n d- bee'r o,L{. +o S u,,-il O.^ ifc^^t-})on '.le1yofl '{}'lu'' becorl" .f ?"'dP7"n#*u^f € P*Ltia 1'*' 1,fr ;+& L'0rol- deukq{4e"/' u*o Jnu fu*n + Co,noos)|fln; I .O nl o.(. Ce'Tb'J )d- ma)4o m G''rt i*ior) Grn-i#e co,.Lids g Sarnu- w w w 'Uil+ t4"'ix'l-u'r htt'enbly " k# * d! Oyposiilon ',n lu.6h'l'.,t'ue ' &Me Cq5ir& Mirie'le-l "Pit/rd by Ctl' or G#' tC"' Cx'*'w;"d ) Ter*u l, $ervice- Con&ho^/ t3onne bY Gov anotJ LAPPo',r&uJ !- r't'emoveJ ) ?ouu,rt l. Jr,rolrU fsoru a/ CfC, uePlaoe Ce'"&e tLJ'ih$"&f www.OnlineStudyPoints.com - r+ h .ll F- + www.OnlineStudyPoints.com A- wol ug+o&kl'*J #re- CererJ Gav* ' )n t96Y b/ Q, @ ex€ no'U'* u(ed ojr*hrrt * body no4 A q ee^<*ih'l'io^J dh )o4 e,t et &iy'r*A,1 Cvs r/.e^1- enuekA a -Gw *+d_JJy budy . 7n Zorct3 , Po-e,1"'(J&< (\te B4.,J-.4 o41 t ) nZ . Con Posih'o .- w * p4 o< Co*''"t i-ttt'on p,t;lg{. t ''''/---*'( 'itlan c0rnrtt'u'st'o ne4' n" V L {tqotm nnl ry)oTQ 5',}bn g" V +h< by aPPoi'+*J .? '- ThBv clrc " Co**kltcx;"tn"# dl)nior't n;nil'la't , ' $ oB* f &e- wQaarn' l*te- o- 'fu'o in eS t ;:]/ T;, \n O'/1 #' Horne oPTos\fion 3f -T-r,ray ,&art dfr. f* lsr,du ud yP *J*{"-3P "'-rrtillee . Pi** Y)\nUhM (ari^pu.) oi nt s + .c om co4+.JlJ sr"+"t*, 65 Ye*il ' { ? unl!( *-a'k,/ ' Yuo^, a'( 'J*i'*ave^ i4 sarne Sxounk "/ 3F ar) P^*'tcle^t by . (".oveJ b-<|o n' w .O nl Corn m J'{-'-olion Ce,*u,-! san're 44 CJnai^rna{') tA evc-artoel { -i 4t fi{*b1 SJ*y L cl'brri Qor"m ' o'R Ti'-'Uu g>Uttsc ''#anoo w t uPsc' Secl-*ai "te)A!: Teohn;a4 fuo'ninu'g w i3 w : ) %anko-l'ian Ao** l*rione*4 P D:p;l*,en4pi- znq1.fuJ "t' tii^1 t www.OnlineStudyPoints.com - -> ,l ; 1 @ www.OnlineStudyPoints.com Lila,tla' . CvC. epr&roj< Hs fttoreeJ,t'7s aJ- ik , $eoJ'gu"J*l ( D"fln;) ' c J)- )< vu.kJ Ui*h Po u et 1a -' "y&"A" ik a uJCI rt Co'# I ik a'v'il a gf Po-ux Pr<o* ofu'^V a *f* om prr"e ctrr(e " J)- 'lno.g .-11. CCr^ be vr'ec'rJ in bolc C""-h*l Bu*eorrt it nal' elahkl fu!\ ' DoN S peciJ o &"e*o'r -Jad'^tio'J C81 &te,,olrd bY ; ; in " *h*" k Z i+ " i"j t<e ya<'l- -ttu+l - d'rn; vx ils Pou&<t gr+d"ti^'l'nm'n* frcl ' 13 v e ' ?al'i ee nl + 1-nv"t*iqahon tu ) cox o+ eS # Pa'h'am dy Po + Frrehora { in i"rl. o*t ts .c Cve hu f,exe,* 6^n*e! 4o l't'te P"<ud dn'Jo*t t+ix l&o^* P'* fhe onre " 7)a rn * t4e P*-l* *to'l" P't ' P* {he 'o piu"! t=a bY -/ k- 'E au*hJ 'T dJ'"&a' o8 a*yeJa'<- Gun*J t Poh'eo ' Ddl; (8v )-h eEF bl e " The d-,ted.t' &etpor*i il 0,4 ru , "tr prJr,oi A+o-Utlth S yedJ the -frani'sakon" initboHon f Odgeuniay gf 2 /uq l qt bruun ptovidt 4t , ahedk"Jor gp e*L ' w w .O dlre \;e b; dhe :"" ,""' +h < r'*7t'an krn fu H"4o t at yorlide< Tno Cv (- hd( othet ifiec-< * eSX (Lr N^u&a^ { S*-( ec*fo- f 3I n Q-BL ahov' u' onlWhe ,,n i w ]vm r . www.OnlineStudyPoints.com - eoL i^s, . aPPu Unwww.OnlineStudyPoints.com tl "la^ ol i^h "t ry *h e c G ' on dh. ,-l-te<,,,1,@\ t4't14 " ? @^*^J Y $ iAn ee Com- i'r's' bn o< Cueis**') ?o- rt'wb'*l gJ*d*Y +o **e C"o I \"' cha-Y " V r'q,Uoro" 0 nok See,',*a'i* Frroh, nt + Gr*s,et C'G. e my'olee( t. fn Prlolu'n 1rJievawaq ) ' z , Lnve<$al;3 t & 2*Mvph)on ,, *4p ' Mb*y 4 r"ixe"'&aek oi nt s Ceb i LCm*,oJ,t'nahor, *h e .c om S"o#^y f ud yP anve<#j"*;3 T* .*J*'7 +a i*::mev* I -f*e"t' 4 eeoln"*ie -lallJ-9 ' n J-nu*.bafiy gettoot t air-ox , fuvt, noh'onJ 4 )rde-tnaho,.f , ,Aar,n'f ieaHo4, , Cw*:rL,nohr7 lhe aohvi,Pie-< * *he anli - Loauphb- " w w w .O nl t in eS t I o'io,< S4cl= 'Ys nlhc ' enf*| S.h+* iov+' , oy o. Toturl uP , on ?he { a p:,"il'c i-pae,*anaa P invx+!1ohon ,*! y*ctex. 7 www.OnlineStudyPoints.com t, - Gave Rrvo(. www.OnlineStudyPoints.com G,ovu,'o,.i{0"}5Pexecufi"vt%eoJgf'p7,ugp.t'(ukeP"r'Jt'J'-l^ti"x 0 ) ,6rn\ no( execrr9ve') aole aA an oJ** the C.G- -7Le #"u l,nox d om i ffovetnat a dt'"l r9',a-[e ' ) 6a-e puAon Csn b. appi,,L.J aX o Jovelnar t 4aa & warQ 84d"4' t)ndet 1;4 ha"d $y *a*a* l&t ,)he) llu- x aiwit-J ? Govurral. r4ot L seo{ .c p-(eA ) oi nt s 11nJu we a n*l -^ * a*h!uli"-! gfP"o - f , iT,r,);'"' ) + )x ety) ird*pencln,'* (SC a"lry) +"fr'A' suLo'&''alt '/a a4 csrrrJ d' aypi'Jn"* g <y<1''+ G^ri'*cru,,t fuxsnilY oPkd t-* ,he ye^''lgf fiovuna't' b.7 *h" Ptetidou+' F aPYi'*f "'i rclh'< J*t Joyu clo*' ody ]t^lo qJ-^41'' ! ) in eS tu d yP ft" &*rf.lu!.,o- ' o f-le- "n t,x* bo ei#z'"^ { .1"J'b g"/sas{ ;" ry- d o He rrlw* *.ave co"nple*"J *l,e SJp/" ' eM 'r(i ao o'rt-.lJLs',! Sf k *E4u'J Q nl >k P.lurid ^J- dibe'ro pt il'e -tt cor w w ) &+h f .O + g-f "*- t U;'""'" ;1-rrrfi'ee a!' -t'1 Psuside^tJ ;t,#*j*':f;tr " d?" fi 'ryhe cot"'l.' JuqJ" w ohe'^"ul*' niot- 'no* fSorYlu (Co'"' ; ;, , Gou*n* ;na\d./,#io',11 3^.:ffi%*,,:"1tffi;, ur oh *e e^*at @^r o, *he- 4- osuAe gf do|* 1" 'A s"b)"* d 5 Yn 4e^nQ^uti t d"A ' www.OnlineStudyPoints.com - m 4he ' . P-twidn'JSC 44etJ +h"t- ll'u- pleox'are t -The ahar h *< n a Se erulAa { 1*, * u lqov +"^V, gp".u ' www.OnlineStudyPoints.com i, & fiom ^ r1o * @ J &s u{;abte . l; xid J do't nol- Joy do-' '^Y ff"YJ{' uP: ilu Preti do r*a ,Qot)ano.r, may be J** ovu J by' t, L *t; ch ,/ a)uwu,' " , . 1o on n oJ aPPoi *-J o laagt"r . i 't'"1- Tna-Y ^t*'the aed- 31 Jetn' S+J" a'l*l'10 St"/* ;po,t €arrte S1,*l' a< i n {hn be *iFp";"J"J ffioy 6J i h ,lavettn L,t o :fte eor4hht-l-,on Q o^y olhet S-ld" .+ !- fil'oJ't* ; t*u-od)v" o oi nt s ?ourte " Pou fle- oo[* at eiL.Hne $rtar,cil!'or He- o[<o appo\*4< \ t e- l-he arrtmo'J € rnqge nnv ln a S+a/'Hu- eon uAP U .,, . f #" in {hu Cte' \npei ilon gf &^xt'1ul)ono'( +o *LP feildrc''+ ' Prsid,nrL Rernolilng So'vre a8 srd" un'tt)ea)i*< IJ , JeP-hee l)nion uiPb .O nl in .o 6 df Unive,qi#o< i'a */"e g++/e ' eS t " ' ud yP -+ .c om P-tex, w dr-rr.lt u ;"-4" -*,u-T" -k j*,'!"gil"!"-' at-le*wY ', t':,, J?fil"!;ve ., ff.fitr: c" rle e.,yladd-r"4 frhe ]t"t';*-ff:,*; <wtion i+-a'\ ienet'd ; ;. l''tf rneYnbLa '*.J^"!*' $ *4* s4J- -l-*6'^'tohv" w w i,. e^4 ,h 't^ &>u \Ll'le g+J* t "{ 'ell ' ' -) fu rnenbvlorni^olt o Ft€ esn a'flgor-=P Gnntrn\|y' x'd'io' 6r{e *br; }*W* -lsd]4-td-'{. www.OnlineStudyPoints.com - lh ckoro{er d S+"1" or).}fie Q/res*b- www.OnlineStudyPoints.com l,*g$+!-o.}.+ (l,le' a bw +. Gr. + + a in .*:+ + ,^+ oreu Ld;fh h"!o( + :['K &-V"&ea.Hon ?f f Co^{,w0-h#6n *he t.J-^ frovetna't' irt"e. b"-!-l a/su'J-_ T+h toL 1o ' al . , *h* ^A b'''0! rne'nbo'z @ EC ' i+ k P"'t*a Y a'< ' ' " He eg:m p.,o-{"Jo s,fiinarr oel finoftial Poutetl * wJnu ^ fh* g+"k -!ug'A<fu" ud yP ndr \r-, Setll o,' oi nt s .c *ho bi.u fu.ddP'* iA om tf no| d rrloney b,,tt) -{"* ..,leeor,-( io/eriaf-^ +e, {h e .S,'4 leCdvk-< ' a"1 P &wuvo lh- bllt f"' +h; cau4)Je't-uq"n { 14e AeJ.,.", fsame ox Puus'dutf Pouur< Jt or.icio'ty I U'etPi|*X , eS t BJdie dQ aPfoi'Jb t"l'i'(" Puu)dr* nl -ta,.,l n.. C in {h e dn n+ &Qm)4* cu YYlrn*l' a^J ,r ++e e.on g)o^i- pot-'do"'x ' ";[riro ' 4' &l '9"'J'';+ ' io ^x \ 'Fu Pudthrn'*o'Y petAon csYv)c}=J d .AePe.l VeA .O o l-+e- 'r/ eo^{tilJeJ ry frhu He' G)nau'nn J SJale lhe otg.a ,1t C @rc{ u!,[q)')on uJ)b 'lhe uPP\*-t# gn D J- ir't . rnalt'& SJ#e il{ <ou'* ' w w l-le. w x t H. @nno* tbl.&on a deol/r 3e'#* no@ ' o'1au5 I-le con,d- do ,tn ,gJohor + ,.,*- wroa"l' www.OnlineStudyPoints.com - www.OnlineStudyPoints.com Govoro. k t\or"ti,nJ exeo,hvo *tlo*y (.a-jG/€ qx eot hvr) CM rA veJ e.neo,Jiua ( d'J"a4" <reot'-HueJ' Leq) ( + P[ lx o?p"t,dedt ry *{ze Cnone,at tu-{;cl* be oPPei^+.J & CM ff)Qrn -f*' d"#""/ Jc @b^Jd" hu (eocel + b" 'lru s horld b" 6 ,IDu lx tl"' B.rdl€ 3J t vvt6.{fu, siOL'l er4, onY - l^rlNel" {q *e , , Je? +hto "\-U,SO l.tOt,Jqr ud yP # $ t"" t ef se er "oY' eS t + Govon* ad*\rk1"( 1o -l)" th< oaltu f h C""'1 { in ,9e(a9., V/il"+t < Qq.n 4he €1dls .!V41"!<rt* CM moy be ffie-rnbeh { a srhj- JE*bl*r' -Lvt -! oppoiJ"l om Jfi-t"ahve $txewuy *hc \n ry*,iry d' 'the CM' A puaon u-+o k nol & dhe 4h* d Pur*:' nu41- fiove J'k rgqpr'-re .c ,''+ nol oi nt s + G^g#+.$ on &us 4 Vt;';*h't' .Ay flnos e P *lo^4, o{ ,i\ n 1a}ut U'Jho cL(e tge 46'p'''er* dua ry llne eM' o l-Ie o.tlucotu !. uterh$ler {he la:J-fafu'o a*o,. ni'iX'lq' po ir"Js .O nl o &oVer rno< op w w w . pq yuidu ovet *he rrree#.3 i *he- Cnr,t I i5flu."o" ry de)sb o pq cor b" p akluf *he caltayd. gf t*u Grq h **b "s^1 !a* Si**' 1^ stj^ho' ae S+*i'e W&t'e !' pta*nXuiS . He 66[v]oe4 the,grVg1rral uilh utgord .! Summon't7 1r.*r*i'!;"]-*" sJdY 'tg*(d'a"' +J4e $ *,tlr* i. l-)e eo, L'erdn'r i:; io He onnou'ed 6utewdY h hangu' I ,'i,*n ,f'*' ii t"a -ly7'$as':e "=poh'1',* eVn'.JuH*" - * o^'l *iwe' www.OnlineStudyPoints.com **www.OnlineStudyPoints.com 1n e&!;on 10 ahu (:ovar@t L( Pr"dFJ \H. '=he ]} k _ Cta,'ru! { ttne cpmfftuniooh',*, e+ t Cu lluj *he h *he oc{wi'k &J'o'' ) \lhu P",.re,rJ 4 ileJ k'ohon't eleelb* *,fri*bnet - .c s#e 6u7J,o1" L oi nt s *he sVsc, t qt,,4 I Qovuv'6,1 ttith 6'e6atJ -le *he aPPo;,./'** '+ d2 rnqrnbQu C)o;trr".v'| ofiie)'.yt &ae odvoro# " l-le adviger *he l-yoh^t a''d : '+o &mwtraoJ* 1o =fhe.goverrro.t eM Jtdxi'"x v + fiovawo+ om cor',r. - Z ud yP Boo'd' u o pe 'x lhu chottr"to^ t ^*: ,s''"k '!",n''J @*oe't',eJ z-o^al ?'tesidB'J V'bnl Jh. t o,( tt L ^ ' l-le ads 7** # o-l'*o' eou,oli t ado))o', anal&ii 3XF'k" 3lo. Rdu[rca fr;P ]6s ; eh't'{ bY Corvt dd !- advire 'jh< rJ The're the 4tu*'( * a (v1 ui+n U^ gove)tnu ort ere*el<" ! f"e];o*q'" d+P .O nl Arlie.le ur;+h *he Cnoverro/ in + eS t o}l.kawemb*tJ"J"t-(tc,eCouro,-ll,NOc,boLh )n"odnrl by 4h e Pt'4' J6 Ar-hde V: w w w nLt4sha-olbeappoi''te"lby!"ro'QtYtat4otho''''ti-U+*( r ' o{ t'lae odvk d rhe CM' du**: { $ouunu; iri*]ett -lr6-ld, df* d,ui,1 Jhn '+'" a/lQv-bly " Jyi&r''e +o CoM e*Uu# 'JY 'tupo'otle [r4 A*Hclu JA?; &,,^nrnt-r"'riool* O CoM -d} "odLl n'k*'oJ'b*'' uJdfl 4*Y:1|::etwo'< duolx)o'4 $ #" www.OnlineStudyPoints.com - * ------ln se.hJfo, P *" rJavurt www.OnlineStudyPoints.com L( p "oiF.{ dta",r! d =fl,re Or.rt' + lo yI k eq 3t ct't : {*re. clmwuniae& 4e #he, $overrro-t aN o 8' er na''' -b *he . l-k fuynnuniooh'u blu *Lnp \ovelwa\ a*d Je&i."x q"1 &tvt il"YJ adv't\v,k&,Jro,: odv,'geJ *he ,folaw ou utith tle+o+ ) le *he a?Poi"J *",",J- d: om \H. l.y"A"i ofi;a'Jt &&e oduooo* 6en.,ol, c)'du,o, L *urinu e/c & 'Phe S?sc , s-lJ€ e-l*e!", u*h*tbru J $*hu 4 Po.ue-rr &"&o^a Z o [-]e- 'r.{ {hu CJn'our'o^ C ^*he' o ll. k a w,mb* arJ"t- t e P;' lr;p t-.r i*l' *he Cnoverv,o'( ; ' ' s'b}* cour'r o:-! l- N 0e a' l'*o ' , bolh : a4 +he *ud uv1 d+p The're sh*l'( by Carvt e]'"'a" or1 eru*el<" 3f ?ove)tno.t odvire 'jh< ,.J aid' !'*3" -lu uiw .O nl Arlic(e J6s bo*d i dPt ;lo, I** # in Rdofr,'< dh a'rat&i eS t -tr*^d,nd by , Y:,"''J ud yP cou,ol/ by ,tdolo. g"'"k oi nt s .c - Ar-hde V: Lsrr shaX-( w w w " J6 r . bo appoi^*e or.t {lae od'vk" d 'l fhe by y" Cfvt' ,ov q. CcM a,.Ue#uit'tl .tupowYLle h [r4 inix-]aa fulic0u Ja? o. -hdXd gi+,.. d,ui,l Qlv''1o.t 4 othot' '-i-U+-( pJu"t*; ,$, J,"'\":, *'"e Jiy'ulaHvq auev'bly ccnn,rnu,,ri"oh *:d:retno^ eu d*ox,o*4 Cor'r uJJ\J 4 "odll *khot'an. $ e" www.OnlineStudyPoints.com - " W* www.OnlineStudyPoints.com Co,uJ- -fne Ca,s#+t'#on o -frtgh eG J* ee,el.- S/-qlp , bd.Foridu ex1"Wl- q *l"e ++h A-d.' b*, 19 5 ( g,^]uJrl"otle/ P"rltdrn e t Lu rrtato S1-d]'.4 @1 ja^ Z &< wa! e saelQ Covnrr-ton fi e ju J- - fr+ 8.6u ^Lo"*hex c/e 2rt W eo1l-J<' 'tn 'Lm&'a' auJ-JP qB &re. (omrnort HC ' oi nt s .c t"dJ u; b,/ the P,*id:"+ ,**"?u@"canoet"d' tL* Si;t" dtro e,TL & */r. Jovemat ef , apq;"d@J Fc, ogpoi*rne** f cern,eJ l;ih co"L u -t "LA W,"$.r *2r (e.se UssdJ, gc e appoi ,l*** { llC iudg eo , 2 * Sen)at wonf J "*u A. oaiiy,t'un, f N, So0e opiniawJ t Phe *{,re 9e nl in ff (an- opirua *hol- i^ Qa(p ef *he crJ (ho"ld eoau.k eS t Xt o*hu^J$u' 0-! {ux*ke { il 6ko b^x"IJ"d ' will\ ud yP it c cJ *hero, om a-J uT' h .O CIl^d]P'coh^ 'o*t I . l-le Shou-ld be z e - J*l A-^!-tcr . , lle Sho"-\d hav< 4nd&' o jt drqo/ gP*" ,t* Jhe 1*rrb-t7 w Cj,h w ) a4 J-di a Jol lo VeorX I w o + He !.hotld Wvu hur, aoa advoa!-< g> Reryuol : P*"o*.t*",&, i,,,ye.ohrno4- t l+e_ o jq- Jo yearr. ef a www.OnlineStudyPoints.com t..- f !+C . Tenr.,le 3 www.OnlineStudyPoints.com Cal.-fi-lufi.n l-bu.rever ., , ;+ ni*J' f o t*e ' t * y."kio4 J"*" $ot nol- fix"J he *e't"tt jlw*;, rnubet *p "j*otw *L'e o3u .f €2 Y"o< He can ;re-{ign J*x gpi.e by ut i{i ny )a *f, e yaido -[tt e csn b J ,,,. -oJJ,t +-l 4*2 #',,o 4 ,lhJ P--roxie/e,.1 a n .ll. e ae-camrnpr"hfilr-'of '*lh e Po&'o - ur',tr t1" {,.rils #'.o |. a f-le vilrtr) voos*4 ana)lnet HC, o J'dJ" €F s< oi nt s cr h"411u""< + E},T." ur-lro- af fotJ\ J ei" om .t .c + ) ffr,"a,&ai !'- O- ) t'+'{ A"} z: eS t uteee/u'3 ud yP ?ru\ded dl-4 " .j*" j**, one $;21, @u+ + onotJto_( C-, *&,? *,tre e-it. Ci sho*xJ o,fr,il+, 'r, "adr'*-+ dfiu ,rrldrl t ^, se,io-r wos* ,'JdJ, {se, ih,e c/-gAJq#uee * z .ile lrf Jt",*, v[^et" lhe idy" OrJ *""3knrel 4 athe P!'a: 4; {: in CI'ti""'( du''ud'ch- : r Molfurr oP od-'*di17, w''il' t*"*'11e' " .O Di,tpuJol nl J*# , ,l,l&a 1" R.'g* drrg ,Aui.rru '. efiecbio. fid4a { t..4 P &vaAeet Co-Pa'y *h"t I e"'lu,pt- J, 1,4 LA . ' w w " qaru/nu* .'1 {u.d Nlk C ohzcd' i , Gs* +r,,,:Jb/^{P- S,'h- uol'""t couls w d Wil- {w,sdtrhrn l I pC eayi iuue. t r^r/< 'vdud", htb*o-s e*Pu( ' ^ry'h*Y ' (a;h'aA';' * poh'biti., t Wo- Uotrc^toJf,a ei*er-;-+ { l-"} NJ* y onY fu P*q.osl " o trhil G'u'sclrefib, HC 'rl nol e,fJ,.,iv" b"i'jud&tr"c,hb- d Aorc:ttArc'# wd+ hil+- Sa www.OnlineStudyPoints.com - Turadrir);"' 1* *tea''t ofPe'lt aff:'t'<l *)'e www.OnlineStudyPoints.com e-ildre ,i$R* "ik { +=*Jt,l i-. ., " uviL bol* 1 i}hn. J)- 4to< apfeib)e.jed;Uo, in .j**& ' nohn)ne S ubarc).t-"i-c eo.r.k"fu J. J . Cirv,i',n| n ajle^S So,yavil'a..y tu)zJla)io,- fiL € GrrhJ d)a S.rbo'oL 'Jt C*rr: ?"'t't f fi''diei"t om ov€r eU eot"k 4 &ibu'"k Ju'eho-'?1 i+s *eu;na"tj".,** cfron Cerrgrf nonli"!. co",[) ' i- 4q y" P":.? q *iPT!':'* .c Cot*ig oi nt s - (qviet^'' ud yP *he @'<t++u!;o-o*41 #LD.'"} ,* *he pu,,u ?r t+^L i ":":;": both' qxea-ckive ode'x I k t Y'"''o]"u'' gf -a.il*\'^Y;: d udl* "rhe- L,"+,A Jou+ n Co^*n+'*""'l v"fu&n7 .(on * eS t 3"1'*'',1 'r^"u ffou;'q # \P \P-J,{ + il lx be atn"-tlo7J J"d V* in H( on 'the CP*l A f,) 'il"e oiheo,]k;du +hu, @nPefunoo g1. in *u. *I T "T!*r*'j'*': ir ix e"P'yo* - " i'| o,,th* u p<ov ido w w w .O nl t,,4^ic)^ + ' www.OnlineStudyPoints.com - , N,. i . .SuU*otN rylF www.OnlineStudyPoints.com -} Appoi,Jnet gf DisLud* 6^$-/ :, - frffri****, y"sta1 * fiawo*io, {. d?re;Jovet,,a,t 't" ea,4uUa.hon eqaws *yO,)g* usiW {#e ry ?u qou}, yoJe by " J.^ - ', Jr*u Appo\ r'i.-ne,+ pa,-b^-s .l€ *he d! * 'u J' se(v'ee o s-ta-le a'' e wtod Q- bu -i"tt 3f &rcan d^ S ?s c I .I^Jyh er"l+ uiw co,-gr-llugon W, Jo, hppoi o*hu rJru",.J- eS t ud yP + oi nt s .c om Orril+, ea,Hor< n Hq m,,.ti nal oL,t "^dy be \, 4*i" Sqv ic p ,f "lh. eerrL J a *he S+alre fff+ . He n4u{+ *tove b<un ,y"i* @r 4u" J* + fea,,,, & 6 tt€ m t-,<| be ,Ae-earnrrten oleol bV #h e- , oppoi tmet J D'ts3,)* 8, Sux)ons Tt^d3e's bu'[- w w w .O nl in Hish Cer,/,}- (o*t sile) fG-;, "l S;a) I J c,r^:f (."diuql J"qf,t h's G'uJ- S"f"sO nJ. {udje's Co*Y J lr $dr'cJ*{ Mali*b"[ Co"J fr4u^ljfli cou# www.OnlineStudyPoints.com - . . $lae Covoil :f f'li"i*lelS www.OnlineStudyPoints.com dl,re , s1,,"!-1, a)A !" odv,,<u Glrvoqnor '. Qxetc/& a"r/ ry "f 4urf*'Qj'"o&' M\nid"-t S 'lhe.;nvetnot sh@,{l vnl be \^VriioJ eoud J6Q g{hu yovi*bw ot 1o MiniApu {4eo*#e-t Ynyrl|d*w.( ,wl 4, *lne SoveJ.dr be appo;r*eJ by .c . i, /,ddk- 1<nda.J Alie-le )o dvi'a" Lo a Cot-t ui*h *he Cvl o( *he -lnuoJ *o a)J 4 !ouer",a,t JU itJ" i, ltrin)A*r.s (M skaxjeM' odvxe oi nt s " -Ihue .- Gu,"l { om fuhde-t1g . f o g$ Co ut q" +dful /to' ,f *',nk'l=* irduol'''1 ' "^ t4' gt rhe "lyu'rorve Bhui, "n ;';i: *& nat sua-at -Dre et'A ! b,J', #," nuwbet S ;{;':;t Y ud yP aue,,,b-ty 4h# s+*+ tYt\n;*-l=B )neluol''T CM ' 'tu q S+a/e gh*l( bn J*lr Jhon' 12'.. e , uupo,s)Uh Cor.n Sh.U be afi*e!'vJy tlaL fuhcie eS t + . ted Co,elua*- gf Lus)n*< h 'I*'e S+'h -lyitbfiv" at4'*ry' 9f *: fi"ur',-d a q'ld" nl in +Arhd*L6+;O.,,"eqtervtCAlheodY-draelledJ 1-n*v;JrtJ R''xp"'!'ibU-'1y w w - Cu-yogi'tia, w + Royovaib&i 'o .O C.,tJoohu" * Ca"dJ' f Sarn* ce ce'rhJ y' o' fSor" -1 CovtJ €enb*l Ntin;kY i C%*u os k'th"'[ &*J tf www.OnlineStudyPoints.com - S+d" www.OnlineStudyPoints.com Aya-i,<oho. d) Sft/e W*$ril":- " Unicor, *"!. Sysl"'- . **ol sys/e- Eico ?#-,"- es^{;{rs f Co^*,* 3f ihe JyU-t&Ye- oz(embtY' *he ouernbly Jpue{y1a^ J f#e J"AiLLhuo dile Jeyi*bhve cou'ei,( 4 5orte.tnot, , 'Ay't"hve &u'a-! ercJb1 a,;-!il)*' Gt *he .d G-t Cce&l" L'C" r&, G^.slh,$io, p-rovid.x ^ $"t Ck/ ' C s*h ef{iu,re-u'o!,!o'' mt'*r .c i,.ilI om ' in S+oh. frro*d"ur/Y , dh. P*"!'iu'-ur* C,,^ "h"ily tl **e .leilrL2o6ui. *uw,t* I h" eonos<nel €+dl- PY* : !* $a pueJ - B&e".7& ts-iWo!"v. fttLe-VY 3- f Z ud yP G^ps)to^ pxo"t * 6oo & wi,''(nu,-) 8t-rct31+t & 6o' BiYEir- 4 Goa , (r)iri*uw, ,u' k Paodeth' co{e ftiurnrL-J ,P 1-v. . Maxi . vv-rtsn Jixe,t ?Ir.n1W^ 't4 # 3o - eS t + oi nt s by +lro sJ,q/e auen bly bY a speci*tr uoyn4y'J No"n',n*eJ f4e-bu ,)ove*wat, Cpn in .1lte '" no*)rsle L ,JU"rn the A.*- t Aian nt+" ad{.y4jr"tayouuy*urJrJ membe,< k .O nl &rnwttr.t;\ , ,t !: Corrrnur!4 )n )he dtLev,tlrly . w Gnp*|fion $l'',enqt-h ,b\"u G"'l Z * Z . Mo*i-um sfie2 Y ,uJixea( "J' ,lt -{ *: jre-J or(ew,b,(y & vnimiwu- .9L,ejtL U w w d Le; Moorulgfi eJu&rr: gP. *lre e . "-< 1"1-l nuvrtbu ils o4e et*c$"J ry *fie- n err a* diefu'& booil-t Jt ' p1o{a c{e .{..hJ ry Todr'"}< lr'ttu'n S]"J"' t 1'+"1 el'egt-t' g> q+ Vo ' { r'"*b* f ,-[ooG-( Couni'l'- bo('t*t -fu'lre muneiPldk' 't 3 yeo4 Sh^JtY A *ut''&'!) www.OnlineStudyPoints.com - ahe t/tz ore cl"{ki by 4todn*< $ Tleo*< fu&'U it, g".da6 Jl, a, Seao"alaty Sehool ' .,(o,r, .r, i n www.OnlineStudyPoints.com *hu S/o/= , naf'@ e rnenbu.t 3f '1e6-i!,"hv" a(e -A y f #" s+fu $*-, arnoS Pu*tout u-ho o-ro nol ilu,-be,z d dho' o*u -by . o+e .ftJ.J uy 14 (u,,drd* ole na")rolqA by -ild' nor.iral-eJ \ slg ef 'nd.ireMy e,leo&-( d,te \)etn ar , !, Lle ose or{ a *Yy ig *.h'"- ,f fttte,-bJy U tre f*,e lJ , ltr,u -t"y+l*hy, i , \-/ *t*," norrmJ ,< nuiug cho#bu,, ' nol d Co-l-i \* s yqo^" {r"*. -the }"ru * ;-k JL* meehr3 **, }he .c Dt $he yo ,jovetnat. ffenuo!- eleo,Lio -4 oi nt s ) YrlL*baz *" om As " q "' Ulae- *he (3 , *he -!u*h-hhve eou,'cU iA k n pesrrtannt body t\enhnu)ry eharnbu'r i'" ' "f dz ik rne*bos ,-*eh/*g i/, nol sc'bj"& 4a d,ulJu*)on, Ort Jh 0n *he- txi'r,olion gf avuy kcond Iu* - 6rafu i CIrr"$icoho n4 no LediCa+c,/o :- I F. mu* bu a e)hzp^ of lndl'a' . f-|e rnrr(f hol lN -lerxl/^ o, €o fAa< 't- Co,(,e t eor*oi-! !,n& Jerl dha. 25 Y*or< i '^ ** { a')',l.*WY ' . A petxon *o be el.rl-"J -lrl *he Courcil muXl- b" uj-*- P C*oneeluB/ sf ak L -fo bE dm or.8e *,"1f eor,Ah+L, eval i" qf4ptt P the gvuti*'s .yto*'tno#an, *e rvrt<l bn A rltpticie+')n eorcl, .J s-hJ" . * peA^{on -h bo d."4"X -l<: atAe*Yy vntg- be ar? e/uol-,, ,,Co, an an;;biy eo^xhlttQt4QY in *l'te Qortt e"<l S+dE . .o. w w w .O nl * hlp eS t Mernbesx in ) ud yP Dur,"h'r- gf (<:uru-l- ,l www.OnlineStudyPoints.com - - 0xql"Sioilf,a , 't he 14aW www.OnlineStudyPoints.com JOVe,<n /nu,.'!- "' o,y gpi, , , V *u k € d Utw&ou,nal pd|+ wotq the l),i"n rniuJ o-{ g.raJR , " 't- }t e- k en vwd.t-tc},*<geJ i^<o/ve ,^f , " 't +-- R naf- 0 o'hzp n { Lndta n 'rf- 4e lA (o dtX qy"!!U d \t nde,< o, y -ta..-,, m qo,-p by 'Po^l,o net om 2 u &e : oi nt s Voeo.h^or,/ .c . o Do.r.LJe rrter'$euh)g D;tqyJiJ|eahn ud yP . t R"lj"oli"" . ffbserro4 ( !c^ o pe,ubJ gP eo ,l.y) gf fu'se*Wy f So'ne Rolu,Towos * Ju"oli""< C ls 8p eolre* l G{ gf Drpg 3ry"roux f tcr.l. fSo-u fu'sen$y SPeo D"p$ ftrav|'sio"t 1f tlJ ) + (hol.,non i es.' al 'n in + eS t Spe"reex awo*3s| },b rnu'nbeil' V^{f *:'o'l ** , - &or-t- "^ io d/"-ree a^Y i" * *'"*'3 gfitce4k tlooot't a Chatt*'a' o+ eovno)*l t l'ntbtu be -la ' F hu e*o-t* Oy il i3 -lunu+hu d"ffi ch*j'*ah ' o-d by a *?/"tj' ' 1F- 4u J''ui1^t ' f . f .u-'tr ,Je"aoveJ bv-d "*:y"^i ^':* ' co*'oiJ 4he nl alr 'rhe *.,') til'o) E' nl e0u&J -&re w w w .O co-&'ex U .r r' ff,* ffe-s\dlv"j #',:*' +'u parttul 4 f{:"*!&il!v1ar/ rl'#x,:ytr# bff; ;r.ff'I.,' ;*'l"otr' www.OnlineStudyPoints.com - f" i chdt'non -0ry.r, www.OnlineStudyPoints.com t *A f** Pada:nl at (f Xp* . CS" - ilo*3ohrn f So-u a.t * &Ur-qi*rrl P*'Lh-t"+J - : il- ,{ Je mp*bett A^ tlta,*' ef $+"1 (tu",tbe-t :fffi,ry t Horrle ( irqfad{r.9.pltxidr 3t '?P'e€) , L*r{Jc-heva"i*, 64ffi," l &;l.ls da l4t;n"+*r Advocole G,""u*"\ ; .j eS t i- 4 ud yP ; .c Mio*rJri *,'7n &L i _P",J,b.eolJ f So.re o.{ P*'['h-* "]J oi nt s Su*,*n;j om + Sercb* gf sJ'de t?"Ie"* :' w w w .O nl in q www.OnlineStudyPoints.com -