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Julius Caesar Biography: Life, Achievements, and Death

Julius Caesar.
The general and dictator Julius Caesar helped to build ancient Rome into
a mighty empire. The name Caesar became the Russian word tsar (or
czar) and the German kaiser. Both mean “emperor.”
Julius Caesar was born on July 12 or 13, in about 100 bce. His father died
when Caesar was 16. Caesar’s family was patrician, or upper class, but
they supported the common people in politics.
Fun fact: the month of July is named after Julius Caesar
The date of Caesar’s birth has long been disputed. The day was July 12
or 13, and the year was probably 100 bc. He was a patrician by birth,
meaning that he belonged to Rome’s aristocracy. His father, Gaius
Caesar, died when Caesar was 16. His mother, Aurelia, was a notable
woman who seems to have influenced him greatly.
Caesar was marrried to Cleopatra princess of Egypt at the time and had
two kids. As a young man he travelled to Rhodes to study oratory on the
way he was captured by pirates who demanded gohat he would kill
them and sweared their blood will water his garden.
He went on to join the Roman trivumate and began to go up the ladder
and in 136 BCE beacause of winning several campaigns in France ,Spain
and Germany etc . He was assassinated by his adopted son Brutus on
14th March. Britannica and national geographic were the source of info.