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Learning objectives
At the end of the class, students should be able
to:- Classify the gymnosperms that you have
- identify the general features of gymnosperms.
- Identify features of species studied
- discuss the life cycle of gymnosperms.
Classification of Gymnosperms
• Four major phyla of gymnosperms exist;• Phylum 1: Coniferophyta, Order coniferales.
Example Pinus, Conifers.
• Phylum 2: Cycadophyta, Order Cycadales
Example Cycads.
• Phylum 3: Gnetophyta, order Gnetales Example
• Phylum 4: Ginktophyta, order Ginkgoales
Example ginkgo.
Gymnosperms are flowerless plants with naked
seeds. The word "naked" means the seeds are
not enclosed in an ovary.
General characteristics
• The gymnosperms are woody, evergreen, perennial
• They are the tallest and oldest of all the trees on the
planet (Earth).
• Gymnosperms were the first plants to have seeds.
• They are mostly found in temperate region but
cycads and gnetales thrive in warm dry climate.
• They are heterosporous.
• Sporophylls are spirally arranged to form
• Ovules are naked, pollination are
• Double fertilization is absent.
• Siphonogamous occur in few species of
Endosperm is formed before fertilization.
• Embryo development is meroblastic i.e
develops from a small part of the zygote.
Alternation of generation is present.
• Sporophyte are differentiated into root, stem
and leaves.
• They are inconspicuous and endosporic i.e
develop within the spores.
• Leaves are dimorphic, plants posses taproot
• Possess xerophytic traits i.e presence of thick
bark, thick hypodermis, thick cuticle, scale
leaves, sunken stomata and needle-like
• Gymnosperms are a group of plants which
produce seeds that are not contained within
an ovary or fruit.
• The seeds are open to the air and are
directly fertilized by pollination.
• “Gymnosperm”, from the Greek, gymnos,
“naked” and sperma, “seed”, develop their
seeds on the surface of scales and leaves, which
often grow to form cone or stalk shapes,
contrasting in characteristics from
the angiosperms, flowering plants which
enclose their seeds within an ovary.
• The gymnosperms consist of
• the conifers,
• the cycads,
the gnetophytes;
and the sole extant species of
the Gingkophyta division, the Gingko biloba.
• Conifers
• Conifers, in the
division Pinophyta or Coniferophyta, are the
most numerous of the gymnosperms; woody
and with vascular tissue, these are cone
bearing trees and shrubs.
• Conifers can be found growing in all parts of
the world, although they most notably
dominate the boreal forests of the northern
Many are adapted to cold climatic conditions,
with downward facing branches, which help to
shed snow, and specific biochemical properties
that provide resistance to freezing.
• Examples of conifers include pines, yews,
redwoods, spruces, firs and cedars.
• The conifer forests of the world cover huge
areas of land and provide the largest
terrestrial carbon sink.
Conifers are also valued economically; their
softwood is used for the production of paper
and timber, they are used to cultivate pine nuts,
and the berries of the juniper bush are used to
flavor gin.
• Gnetophytes
• The gnetophyta are distinguishable within the
gymnosperms because they have vessel
elements, a system of channels mostly found
in the angiosperms, which transport water
within the plant.
• Cycads
• The appearance of the cycads
(division Cycadophyta) typically constitutes a
single, stout, cylindrical, woody trunk and a
crown of large, hard and stiff,
evergreen compound leaves, which grow
directly from the trunk in a rosette formation.
The cycads are dioecious, meaning that each
individual plant is either male or female.
• The cycads are partly xerophyte, which means
they are adapted to survive in areas with very
little water.
• The cycads were much more numerous in the
past than today, peaking in the age of the
cycads'- the Jurassic period.
• There are only three extant families within the
cycads today: the Cycadaceae, Stangeriaceae
and Zamiaceae.
• The closest relatives to the cycads, Gingko is a genus
of gymnosperm of which Gingko biloba is the sole
extant species.
• Gingkos are large, slender, shade-intolerant trees,
growing up to 160ft with distinctive fan-shaped
They are deep rooted and resistant to damage from
wind and snow.
They are also resistant to disease and insect damage,
owing to an exceptionally large genome, which enables
antibacterial and chemical defense mechanisms.
Diagram of Ginkgo biloba
Gingko first appears within the fossil record in
the Permian period, 270 million years ago, and
the Gingko biloba remains largely unchanged
today, earning it a classification as a ‘living
Ginkgo biloba is cultivated globally for use in
various traditional medicines and as a food
Gymnosperm life cycle
• Gymnosperms reproduce with an alteration of
generations, meaning their reproductive cycle
has both haploid and diploid phases.
• As in all other vascular plants, gymnosperms have
a sporophyte dominant life cycle (the sporophyte
is the diploid multicellular stage, which
comprises of the body of the plant, i.e., a leafy
tree). The gametophyte phase is relatively short,
and sees gametes produced on the reproductive
organs, which are usually cones.
• The female ovulate cone, or megasporophyll,
bear the megasporangium, diploid cells, which
undergo meiosis to produce four haploid
• Of these haploid spores, only one survives as
the megaspore.
• The surviving megaspore then, through mitosis,
develops into the female gametophyte.
• Within the female gametophyte there is an egg
and an endosperm mother cell; the endosperm
mother cell creates endosperm, which
eventually ‘feeds’ the embryo.
• The male cone, called the microsporophyll, is a
small, spongy, leaf-like organ which bears
the microsporangium.
• The microsporangium contains the
male microspores, which undergo meiosis to
generate the male gametophyte, pollen
• The pollen grain contains the pollen tube
cell and the generative cell (which contains
two sperms, although one dies).
• When the pollen reaches the egg cell, either
by wind or by animal through pollination, the
pollen grain releases the single sperm.
• The nuclei of the female and the male then
fuse to create a diploid zygote.
The endosperm, a haploid nutritional tissue, is
released from the endosperm mother cell, and
surrounds the zygote to form a seed.
The seeds appear as the ‘scales’, which are
visible on the cones of gymnosperms;
these scales are then dispersed to form a new
sapling sporophyte,
which grows into a mature sporophyte, and the
cycle continues.
• Female cones are larger and woodier than
male cones and are usually positioned higher
up on the tree,
• although in dioecious species, such as the
cycads, the male and female cones are borne
on separate tree