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Chapter 3 Ratio analysis with voice narrations

Financial Management 244
Week 1
Please listen to the voice narrations
to refresh your memory regarding
the ratios’ equations. During the
synchronous lectures we will focus
on the application (calculation
Economic and Management Sciences | EyeNzululwazi ngoQoqosho noLawulo | Ekonomiese en Bestuurswetenskappe
Why do we do ratio analysis?
• Provide more information in format that is comparable over time and
between companies and/or industries
• Ratios are more understandable than the financial figures in financial
• Meaningful relationships between items from the financial statements
are investigated
Requirements for financial ratios
• Primary objective:
 Simplify the evaluation of the financial performance and position
1. Meaningful
 Logical comparison between items from financial statements
2. Relevant
 True indication of financial performance
3. Comparable
 Across industries and over time
 Ratio calculated in a consistent manner
Norms of comparison
Ratios should not be interpreted in isolation
• Conventions
 Norms developed over time (e.g. Current ratio 2:1)
 May differ between firms/industries
• Comparison over time
• Comparison between similar companies
 Determine the competitive position of the company relative to its
Types of ratios
Profitability ratios
Profit margins
Turnover ratios
Liquidity ratios
Solvency ratios
Cash flow ratios
Investment ratios
Profitability ratios
• Evaluates efficiency of a company utilising its capital to
generate turnover/revenue
• Possible to calculate the profitability of different capital items
• The higher the return on a capital item, the more efficiently it
has been used
Profitability ratios
Return on assets (%)
• Measures how efficiently total assets are utilised to generate
 Compares profit after tax with total assets
Profit after tax
x 100
Average total assets
How can we improve ROA?
Profitability ratios
Return on assets (%)
Higher ROA = using assets more efficiently
Careful not to reduce assets too much – negative effect on
activities in the future
• ROA steadily declines for 5 years
• Profit margin stayed more or less the same, but investment in assets
• What might it imply?
Profitability ratios
Return on equity (%)
• Indicates return generated on total equity
• Total equity includes ordinary shareholders’ equity, preference share
capital and minority / non-controlling interest
Profit after tax
x 100
Average equity
Profitability ratios
Return on equity (%)
The higher the ratio the better for equity providers/investors
Increase in equity could lead to a decrease in ROE if profit after
tax remains the same
Compare to other firms in the same industry
Profitability ratios
Return on shareholders equity (%)
Shareholders equity includes ordinary shareholders’ equity and
preference share capital
Profit after tax −non−controlling interest
x 100
Average shareholders′ equity
Note that non-controlling interest is withdrawn from profit
after tax, as we now only consider a part of equity (namely
average shareholders’ equity)
Profitability ratios
Return on ordinary shareholders’ equity (%)
Ordinary shareholders’ equity includes ordinary share capital and
Profit after tax −non−controlling interest −preference dividends
x 100
Average ordinary shareholders equity
Profit margins
• Indication of the percentage of turnover that reflects as profit
after deductions are made
• Profit margins could influence profitability ratios
 Higher profit margins should increase profitability levels
Profit margins
Gross profit margin (%)
Portion of revenue that is realised as gross profit after cost of
sales has been subtracted
Gross profit
GP =
x 100
Please note: Turnover and revenue are synonyms
Higher = better
GP>industry = could hold a competitive advantage
GP could decrease should competition increase
NB to distinguish between mark-up % and gross profit %
Gross profit
Mark-up =
x 100
Cost of sales
Note that gross profit margin is determined as a % of revenue while
mark-up is determined as a % of cost of sales
Profit margins
Operating profit margin (%)
Portion of revenue that is realised as operating profit after operating
expenses have been subtracted
OP =
Operating profit
x 100
Increasing OP margin = positive sign
Investors should be looking for strong, consistent OP margins
Profit margins
Earnings before interest and tax margin (%)
Profit made by a company’s operating and investment
activities excluding finance cost
Operating profit + Investment income
x 100
Probit before tax + Finance cost
x 100
Profit margins
Net profit margin (%)
• Portion of turnover available after tax is paid
• Important to the equity providers
 Indication of portion of the turnover that belongs to non-controlling
interest holders, which can be paid out as ordinary or preference
dividends or can be reinvested as part of the company’s reserves
Profit after tax
NP =
x 100
Turnover ratios
• Indicates speed with which an investment in assets is converted
into turnover
 Higher
more times per year
higher total profit
Factors influencing turnover ratios:
 Type of products
 Nature of industry
Turnover ratios
Total asset turnover ratio (times)
Indicates efficiency with which total assets are utilised to
generate turnover
TA =
Average total assets
If a company improves the TA ratio while maintaining the same
profit margins, its return on assets should increase
Turnover ratios
Property, plant and equipment turnover ratio (times)
Evaluates the utilisation of a company’s investment in PPE
PPE turnover =
Average PPE @ carrying value
Carrying Value = Cost price – Accumulated depreciation
Turnover ratios
Current asset turnover ratio (times)
Number of times per year that the investment in the current
assets is converted into turnover
CA turnover =
Average current assets
Turnover ratios
Trade receivables turnover ratio (times)
• Number of times per year that investment in trade receivables is
converted into turnover
Trade receivables turnover =
Average trade receivables
A decrease = TR are being used less efficiently, which could
also lead to a decrease in the CA turnover ratio.
Turnover ratios
Inventory turnover ratio (times)
• Cost of sales is determined by the amount of inventory that is sold
Cost of sales
Inventory turnover =
Average inventory
High = less resources are tied up in inventory
Very industry specific (e.g. flower shop vs jewellery store)
How could efficiency be improved?
Recap: Cost of sales calculation
Recap that you can use the following equation to
determine the cost of sales:
Opening balance of inventory + purchases – closing
balance of inventory = cost of sales
You can hence use the inventory turnover ratio to work
back to cost of sales
Turnover ratios
Trade payables turnover ratio (times)
• Evaluates efficiency with which company utilises trade payables
to finance its purchases
Trade payables turnover =
Average trade payables
Purchases = (CB of inventory + COS) – OB of inventory
Liquidity ratios
• Liquidity refers to ability to honour short-term obligations
 Adequate liquidity: sufficient current assets to cover current
 If liquidity is consistently at insufficient levels = solvency
problems could occur
Liquidity ratios
Current ratio
• Compares all current assets and current liabilities
 Conventional norm of comparison 2:1
 Value less than one: less than R1 of current assets to cover R1 of
current liabilities – this could indicate insufficient liquidity
Current ratio =
Current assets
Current liabilites
• NB: keep in mind the nature and type of business
Liquidity ratios
Quick (acid-test) ratio
• Not all current assets are included (remove “less liquid” CA)
 Takes time to sell inventory
 Prepayments cannot be reclaimed
Value of quick ratio more conservative estimate of current assets
available to cover current liabilities
Quick ratio =
Cash + short−term investments + trade receivables
Current liabilities
Current assets − inventory − prepayments
Quick ratio =
Current liabilites
Liquidity ratios
Cash ratio
• Focus is solely placed on cash and cash equivalents available
 Cash ratio indicates if sufficient cash is available to cover current
Cash ratio =
Current liabilites
Most conservative liquidity ratio
Cash and marketable securities = most liquid
Turnover times
• Also provide an indication of the liquidity of a firm
• Turnover times of current assets provide indication of time
(days) it takes to convert investment into turnover
• Longer turnover times: weaker liquidity
• More efficient management of working capital components
could result in improved liquidity
• 360 days
Turnover times
Trade receivables turnover time (days)
• Average time it takes to convert investment in TR into turnover
 Average collection period of trade receivables
Average trade receivables
Trade receivables turnover time =
x 360
Increase in the value of ratio over time could be:
A sign of decreased liquidity;
An indication that credit terms are too lenient
Turnover times
Inventory turnover time (days)
• Average time it takes to convert inventory into turnover
Average inventory
Inventory turnover time =
x 360
Cost of sales
• Increase in inventory turnover time = negative effect on liquidity
Danger of long inventory turnover time period?
Turnover times
Trade payables turnover time (days)
• Average payment period of trade payables
 Prefer longer or shorter period?
Average trade payables
Trade payables turnover time =
x 360
Trade payables turnover time decreases: trade payables are repaid
earlier = negative effect on liquidity
Turnover times
Cash conversion cycle (CCC)
• Indication of the time it takes from when cash is spent on
purchase of inventory until it is received back again
CCC = Trade receivables turnover time + Inventory turnover
time – Trade payables turnover time
 Inverse relationship between CCC and profitability; could
improve profitability by reducing CCC
Solvency ratios
• Company’s ability to cover its obligations when it closes
down its operating activities
• Comparison between total assets and total debt capital
 Assets > Liabilities = solvency is sufficient
 If this is not the case: long-term survival of the company may be
at risk
Solvency ratios
Debt to assets ratio
• Provides an indication of the portion of the total capital
requirement that is financed by means of debt capital
 The higher the value of this ratio, the weaker the solvency
Total debt
Debt : assets ratio =
Total assets
Solvency ratios
Debt to equity ratio
• Compares amount of debt capital with equity capital
• Higher ratio?
Total debt
Debt : equity ratio =
Total equity
DE = 1?
Solvency ratios
Financial leverage ratio
• Average amount of total assets is compared with the average
equity capital included in the company’s capital structure
 Higher ratio?
Average total assets
Financial leverage ratio =
Average total equity
• Increase in the ratio reflects an increase in the use of debt capital
Coverage ratios
Finance cost coverage (times)
• Finance cost payable on debt capital = legally enforceable
 If finance cost is not paid debt capital providers can take legal
action to collect it
 FCC ratio indicates if sufficient profits are available to pay finance
Finance cost coverage = Finance cost
Coverage ratios
Fixed payments coverage ratio (times)
• Fixed payments: obligations that company always needs to
• Usually consist of finance cost and lease payments
Profit before tax + finance costs + lease payments
FP coverage =
Finance costs + lease payments
• Less than 1: insufficient profits, solution?
Coverage ratios
Preference dividend coverage ratio (times)
• Indicates if sufficient profits are available to pay preference
 Preference dividends can only be paid after provision has been
made for all other obligations
Preference dividend coverage =
• Lower or higher ratio?
Profit after tax − non−controlling interest
Preference dividends
Investment ratios
• Of importance to existing and potential shareholders
 potential benefits
 if the investment in the shares of the company is expected
to increase or decrease in value over time
Investment ratios
Earnings per share (EPS) ratio
• Indication of the attributable earnings that was earned per
ordinary share during the year (cents)
Profit after tax −Non−controlling interest −Preference dividends
Average number of ordinary shares issued
Attributable earnings
Average number of ordinary shares issued
Possible manipulation?
Investment ratios
Dividends per share ratio
• Indicates the amount that investors receive per share in the form
of ordinary dividends (cents)
 Only a portion of the EPS is declared as an ordinary dividend
 Portion not paid out reinvested as retained earnings
Ordinary share dividend
DPS = Average number of ordinary shares
Investment ratios
Price earnings ratio (P:E)
• Indication of how many Rands investors are prepared to pay for
each R1 EPS that is earned
 If P:E ratio is greater than one, it is usually an indication that investors
expect company to continue to grow in future
Price per share
P:E ratio =
Earnings per share
Investment ratios
Dividend payout ratio
• Represents portion of attributable earnings that is paid to investors
• Remaining portion is reinvested as part of retained earnings
Ordinary dividends declared
Dividend payout ratio =
Attributable earnings
• Low dividend payout ratio = more reinvestment which could lead
to value creation
Investment ratios
Ordinary dividend coverage ratio
• Ordinary shareholders have last claim on profits
Attributable earnings
Ordinary dividend coverage =
Ordinary dividends declared
• Focus is placed on attributable earnings
 Dividends usually only declared if sufficient profits are available
 If ODC < 1, reserves from previous years used or additional debt
capital obtained
Investment ratios
Market-to-book-value ratio
• Compares market capitalisation of shares with book value of
shareholders’ equity
Market capitalisation of ordinary shares
Market-to-book value =
Book value of ordinary shares
Market capitalisation = MP per share x number of ordinary shares
Indication of the price investors are willing to pay in relation to
the book value
Financial gearing
• Effect that the use of debt capital has on ROSE
• Two important factors to consider when evaluating financial
 Cost associated with debt capital (RD)
Financial gearing
• If company is able to generate ROA in excess of RD:
 Return on capital will be higher than its cost;
 Surplus profit will be transferred to shareholders increasing
 Company experience positive financial gearing
Financial gearing summary
• Positive:
• Negative
• No financial gearing
DuPont analysis
Profit after tax
Average equity
Profit after tax
Average total assets
Average total assets
Average equity
Net profit margin:
Total asset turnover:
Profit after tax
Average total assets
Tax burden:
Interest burden:
EBIT Margin:
Profit after tax
Profit before tax
Profit before tax