Performance Evaluation of HRM Practicumers of Lourdes College, Cagayan de Oro City: Basis for Competitiveness A Thesis Presented to The Faculty of the Graduate Studies College of the Holy Spirit Manila In Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirements for the Degree Masters in Tourism and Hospitality Management By FELIX THOMAS N. ESTROGA JR. NOVEMBER 2013 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The fulfillment of this thesis is a collaborative of efforts. The researcher would like to humbly express his heartfelt appreciation: To Dr. Sinforosa A. Guiñares, whose moral and financial support made it possible for the researcher to continue and finish his work. To Dr. Felina C. Young, his adviser for the creative guidance, expertise, insights and generous services extended since the start of the work. To Mrs. Enriqueta Victoria B. Bucao, his former Practicum Coordinator, for helping him gather the data. To Dr. Vivian Y. Daroy, for her unending encouragement in igniting the researcher’s interest to pursue further studies To the Administrators, Faculty and Students of Blessed Mother College, who inspired him to finish his work To his Papa, Mama and younger sister who have journeyed with him, for their enormous understanding hearts; for their inspiration and faith in the completion for this paper. And above all to his loving God Almighty for sustaining him all the blessings and graces in life…. TO HIM IS THE GLORY! … No words are enough to express his heartfelt thanks. FELIX THOMAS NGUHO ESTROGA JR. ABSTRACT This study analyzed the performance of the HRM Practicumers of Lourdes College, Cagayan de Oro City. It addressed the following: How do HRM Practicumers perform in terms of the following indicators: Quantity of work, Job Knowledge, Quantity of work, Dependability, Diligence, Judgment, Initiative, Cooperation, Human relations and Punctuality; How did the supervisors rate the competitiveness of the HRM Practicumers in terms of knowledge, interpersonal skills, values and attitudes; and to what extent do the work performance indicators relate the competitiveness of the HRM Practicumers with respect to the outcome variables of problem no. 2. The hypothesis of the study was, 1.) The enumerated work performance indicators, namely; Quality of Work, Job Knowledge, Quantity of Work, Dependability, Diligence, Judgment, Initiative, Cooperation, Human Relation, and Punctuality do not significantly relate the competitiveness of the HRM Practicumers with respect to their knowledge; 2.) The enumerated work performance indicators do not significantly relate the competitiveness of the HRM Practicumers with respect to their interpersonal skills; 3.) The enumerated work performance indicators do not significantly relate the competitiveness of the HRM Practicumers with respect to their values and attitudes. The research design used was both descriptive and causal. In the study it was found out that, out of the ten (10) performance indicators, Quality of work, Quantity of work, Dependability, Diligence, Initiative, Cooperation, Human Relations, and Punctuality were rated and interpreted as “very good.” However, Job Knowledge and Judgment, of the practicumers were rated and interpreted as “good”. There was a significant relationship of the work performance indicators of the competitiveness of the HRM Practicumers with regards to knowledge and no significant relationship with interpersonal skills, attitudes and values. In conclusion, the performance indicators of the study are very essential in evaluating students’ performance in practicum stage so with the outcome variables such as knowledge, interpersonal skills and values and attitudes in assessing the competitiveness of the HRM Practicumers. Recommendations were drawn that,1) teachers and program heads should give intervention to the practicumers specifically in the area of Job Knowledge and Judgment 2) administrators should encourage the teachers to join some trainings for professional development so that they can impart new knowledge and skills to their students to improve the low rated performance.; 3.) That the administrators and teachers should design a program where students will be improved in their competitive areas specifically in interpersonal skills, values and attitudes. Key Words: Performance Evaluation, Performance indicators, Competitiveness of HRM Practicumers, Outcome Variables – Knowledge, Interpersonal skills, and Values and Attitudes. TABLE OF CONTENTS Preliminaries Title page Approval sheet Acknowledgement Abstract Table of Contents List of tables List of figures Chapter 1 The Problem Introduction Conceptual Framework Statement of the Problem Hypothesis of the Study Assumption of the Study Significance of the Study Scope and Limitations of the Study Definition of Terms Page Chapter 2 Review of Related Literature and Studies Literature and Studies in the Foreign Setting Literature and Studies in Local Setting Chapter 3 Research Methodology The Research Design Respondents Research Instrument Statistical Treatment Chapter 4 Presentation, Interpretation and Analysis of Data Problem No. 1 Problem No. 2 Problem No. 3 Chapter 5 Conclusions and Recommendations Summary Conclusions Recommendations LIST OF TABLES Table 1.1 Mean Distribution of the HRM Practicumers’ Performance in terms of Quality of Work Table 1.2 Mean Distribution of the HRM Practicumers’ Performance in terms of Job Knowledge Table 1.3 Mean Distribution of the HRM Practicumers’ Performance in terms of Quantity of Work Table 1.4 Mean Distribution of the HRM Practicumers’ Performance in terms of Dependability Table 1.5 Mean Distribution of the HRM Practicumers’ Performance in terms of Diligence Table 1.6 Mean Distribution of the HRM Practicumers’ Performance in terms of Judgment Table 1.7 Mean Distribution of the HRM Practicumers’ Performance in terms of Initiative Table 1.8 Mean Distribution of the HRM Practicumers’ Performance in terms of Cooperation Table 1.9 Mean Distribution of the HRM Practicumers’ Performance in terms of Human Relations Table 1.10 Mean Distribution of the HRM Practicumers’ Performance in terms of Punctuality Frequency and Percentage Distribution Table 2.1 Table 3.1 Analysis on the Significance of Outcome Variables To the Work Performance Indicators CHAPTER 1 THE PROBLEM and ITS BACKGROUND The hospitality industry is one of the dominant and fastest growing industries in the world. One of the most exciting aspects of the industry is that it is made up of many different professionals. (Walker, 2008) The hotel and restaurant industry lies in the ability to adapt especially to global changes in the economy and in the operating environment and technological advances. The greatest challenge facing the industry is the qualified manpower with recent development making new and greater demands for hospitality workers. The role of HRM schools is to prepare the students in the future and it is a major factor in developing the competencies needed by the industry. In relation to this, performance evaluation is one tool to assess the performance of the HRM Practicumers which would be hospitality professionals in the future. Performance evaluation is a systematic process that assesses an individual’s job performance and productivity in relation to certain re-established criteria and organizational objectives. The other aspects of individual employees and Practicumers are behavior or traits, accomplishments, potential for future improvement, strengths and weaknesses. One of the important and central reasons for the utilization of the performance evaluation is for performance improvement (initially at the level of the individual employee or practicumer) and ultimately at the level of the organization other fundamental reasons include as basis for employment decisions and to establish personal objectives for training and intervention programs ( 7791424 job-knowledge performance-review). Assessing the competitiveness of the Practicumers is a crucial component in helping an organization achieves strategic initiatives. In a school setting, Practicumers perform their on-the-job training in the field of the hotel and restaurant industry. Therefore, it has become necessary to assess the performance of any activity, behavior or traits of people involved in the system. It is believed that through this process, it could help the school administrators look into how it could enhance its delivery of ever improving values or traits of students that could contribute and render quality service to the industry or stakeholders. According to Gilley and Eggland (1992) in order to have coordinated, methodical, cohesive and accountable training and to assess the competitiveness of the Practicumers that share symmetry with the organization’s objectives, a performance evaluation program must be established. It is in this background that the primary interest of the proponent was stimulated. Thus, the performance evaluation of HRM Practicumers was conducted to assess the competitiveness of the HRM Practicumers of Lourdes College situated at Cagayan de Oro City. Background of the Study Lourdes College was founded in 1928 by the late Archbishop James Hayes, S.J. It is one of the oldest private schools and is located in Capistrano-Hayes St., Cagayan de Oro City. In 1980, it offered Bachelor of Science in Hotel and Restaurant Management. It is the first school to offer an HRM course in the city. Considering the growing number of students in BSHRM, the school created an academic program for this course, separating it from the Business and Accountancy Program during the Second Semester of School Year 2005-2006. The Hotel and Restaurant Management Program integrates theory and practice to provide students with a strong management and service orientation, as well as, a global perspective of hotel and restaurant operations. It prepares graduates for positions in the hospitality industry. It aims to develop student’s understanding of both front room and front office procedures, enhanced by a working knowledge of the kitchen preparation process and other essential behind-the-scenes operations. The strength of the Hotel and Restaurant Management Program lies in combining business management with culinary appreciation. The Program highlights topics such as elements of food display and plate presentation, buffet organization methods, the history and study of specific cuisines as well as preferred serving protocols. To further provide facilities for the growing population of the HRM Program, the school established the HRM Training Center which was blessed on November 29, 2006. Since its operation, it has served a number of patrons and has provided an avenue for students to hone their skills in hotel and restaurant operations. The school then won several competitions both local and abroad. They even won 7 over-all titles in the annual event called KUMBIRA, an annual culinary show and live competition held in this city. The HRM Program also reached other places across countries in the student’s international exposure which was initially done in 2004-2005 in Singapore. This was then intensified by fielding students in Qatar and also some areas in the United States by joining the Work and Travel program in partnership with FPI, an agency helping students and fresh graduates experience life in working abroad. The Graduates of the HRM Program of Lourdes College are expected to understand the rudiments and dynamics of hotel and restaurant processes and operations in the context of international standards; develop competencies in food and beverage production and service, housekeeping and front office operations, marketing and cost control, as well as management of related services in the hospitality industry; demonstrate communications and interpersonal skills, attitudes and wok habits that are in consonance with Christian ethics; exercise a high degree of professionalism, leadership, integrity and creativity in the performance of tasks and functions in the organization; manifest love and passion for guest service; develop entrepreneurial skills to become economically sufficient and productive. This academic institution continues to bear fruit as she has done through the years. Lourdes College produced HRM graduates now serving in the hospitality industry in the country and in foreign lands. Conceptual Framework This study is anchored on the assumption that performance evaluation of traits and skills are very significant information needed in coming up with quality practicum performance for Hotel and Restaurant Management Students. Elizur and Shye (1990) stressed that performance goals can impede on employees’ abilities to acquire necessary knowledge and skills. Especially in the early stages of training or practicum, it would be more beneficial to instruct employees or Practicumers on outcome goals and also performance goals. They concluded that quality of work performance is affected also with quality of life as well as quality of working life. Hackman and Oldham (1976) proposed models of quality of working life and drew attention to what they described as psychological growth needs as relevant to the consideration of quality of working life. Several such needs were identified: Skilled variety, Task Identity, Task significance, Autonomy, and Feedback. Baba and Jamal (1991) listed what they described as typical indicators of quality of working life, including job satisfaction, job involvement, work role ambiguity, work role conflict, work role overload, job stress, organizational commitment, and turn-over intentions. How workers or individuals perceive the requirements associated with their jobs and the value of performing those jobs can provide key information to human resource practitioners. Such knowledge can aid in several human resource functions, including job redesign, job evaluation, training needs and performance management. There are two aspects of how individuals rated their jobs, carelessness, which is when individuals are more likely to think certain aspects of their jobs are more important than others, when in fact they are not, and the second aspect is being able to discriminate as to which job requirements are more important. There are many indicators on how to evaluate the performance of the Practicumers such as the following which are used in the study; quality of work; job knowledge, quantity of work, dependability, diligence, judgment, initiative, cooperation, human relation and punctuality. One way to determine the quantity and quality of work is through product demonstrations. Individuals or employees need to demonstrate correct procedures when providing customers with information or service of any kind. Another way is to review sales records and demonstrate quality and quantity by comparing current sales records to departmental projections or to other individuals. Next are skills testing, which test workers or individual according to their job titles. And Lastly, Performance evaluation which measures quantity factors such as regularly taking a new tasks and working positively on team projects leads to good job surveys, but ultimately the best measure of quantity is always a job statistic that is tracked regularly. With the vast amount of tasks tackled daily, it can be easier to focus on the quantity of the work we produce. Quantifying our success by the number of emails returned, projects tackled, or financial goals reached can be more manageable than strategically recognizing the value, and the caliber of work that brings to a job. Dependability can be thought of as being composed of three elements: Attributes which is a way to assess the dependability of a system, Threats which are things that can affect a system and cause a drop in dependability, and Means which are ways to increase the dependability of a system. Diligence in students is correlated with academic performance. This includes discipline, concentration, conformity and spirituality. Initiative. It means as the power or ability to begin or to follow energetically a plan or task; enterprise and determination. It is also the beginning or introductory step or an opening move. It is an indicator of work performance and employees must be encouraged to show initiative on the job. Thinking out a plan and ensuring its success are two of the keenest satisfaction than an intelligent person can experienced, unlike some mistakes might occur, allowing employee initiative inject zeal and energy into an enterprise. Cooperation is the process by which the components of a system work together to achieve the goals of a certain organization or company. As Thomas (1997) job world increased nowadays it is correlated with teamwork or willingness to work with others. Human relations is a strategic communication process that builds mutually beneficial relationships between organizations and their publics. It can also be defined simply as the practice of managing communication between an organization and its publics. Basu and Weilbull believe that more than time coordination, the effort to be punctual becomes more worthwhile if one’s peers are expected to be punctual. Lastly, it is interesting to note that timing decisions interact with other kinds of decisions, causing a wider domain of reinforcement. In other words, instead of one person’s tardiness reinforcing other people’s tardiness, it may reinforce other kinds of inefficiencies of others. Knowledge entails information that is difficult to express, formalize, or share. It is unconsciously acquired from the experiences one has while immersed in an environment. It is both represents private information that is difficult to share, and also public information that is easier to communicate. (Kreitner and Kinicki, 2007) Knowledge, being a primitive fact of consciousness, cannot, strictly speaking, be defined; but the direct and spontaneous consciousness of knowing may be made clearer by pointing out its essential and distinctive characteristics. Knowledge is, roughly, useful information. It is information that's adapted to a purpose. It is good explanations, and it is solutions to problems people had. Knowledge shouldn't be expected to be perfect. A partial solution is still knowledge, even if it contains some mistakes, and can be improved on in the future. Interpersonal Skills are the life skills we use every day to communicate and interact with other people, both individually and in groups. People who have worked on developing strong interpersonal skills are usually more successful in both their professional and personal lives. Interpersonal skills are not just important in the workplace, our personal and social lives can also benefit from better interpersonal skills. People with good interpersonal skills are usually perceived as optimistic, calm, confident and charismatic .Through awareness of how you interact with others, and with practice, you can improve your interpersonal skills. Values and Attitudes. Attitudes are the expression of our values. They are expressed through what we say or do, while values make us agree to certain things and discard others. How we act and what we say brings out our attitudes. Values are about how we have learned to think about how things ought to be, or people ought to behave, especially in terms of qualities such as honesty, integrity and openness, which when people are asked what their values are tend to be the main values. Research Paradigm Below is the schematic diagram showing the relationship between work performance indicators of HRM Practicumers in relation to their competitiveness in knowledge, interpersonal skills and values and attitudes. Work Performance Indicators: Quality of Work Job Knowledge Quantity of Work Dependability Diligence Judgment Initiative Cooperation Human Relation Punctuality Competitiveness of HRM Practicumers Knowledge Interpersonal Skills Values and Attitudes Figure xxxx TITLE The independent variables are namely: quality of work, job knowledge, and quantity of work, dependability, diligence, judgment, initiative, cooperation, human relation, and punctuality. The dependent variables are knowledge, interpersonal skills and values and attitudes. Quality of Working Life has been differentiated from the broader concept of quality of life. To some degree, this may be overly simplistic, as Elizur and Shye, (1990) concluded that quality of work performance is affected by quality of life as well as quality of working life. The elements that are relevant to an individual’s quality of work life include the task, the physical work environment, social environment within the organization, administrative system and relationship between life and off the job. Job Knowledge measures one’s mastery of the concepts needed to perform certain work. Job knowledge is a complex concept that includes elements of both ability (capacity to learn) and seniority (opportunity to learn). Dierdoff and Rubin (DePaul University) conducted a study in which individuals who do not have a clear understanding of how their jobs fit into the overall work picture of their organization are more likely to exhibit carelessness and the inability to make clear distinctions on which aspects of their job are most important. The study clearly shows that employees or individuals vary greatly with regard to how accurately they understand the critical functions of their jobs. Quantity of Work. Job standards determine the expected quantity of work or tasks performed, related to specific position. Especially in small businesses that monitor an individual’s job performance by comparing it to accepted work measurements, often at various intervals. Besides evaluation of production, such demonstrations provide organizations with opportunities to refresh an individual’s job skills or address behavioral factors. Dependability is a value showing the reliability of a person to others because of his/her integrity, truthfulness, traits that can encourage someone to depend on him/her. Dependability is the collective term used to describe the availability performance and its influencing factors: reliability performance, maintainability performance and maintenance support performance. Diligence is steadfast application, assiduousness and industry – the virtue of hard work rather than the sin of careless sloth. Diligent behavior is indicative of a work ethic – a belief that work is good in itself. Judgment is the evaluation of evidence in the making of a decision. The term has four distinct uses: Informal which are opinions expressed as facts, Informal and Psychological were it is used in reference to the quality of cognitive faculties and adjudicational capabilities of particular individuals, typically called wisdom or discernment, Legal which is used in the context of legal trial, to refer to a final finding statement, or ruling, based on a considered weighing of evidence called adjudication, and Lastly, Religious which is used in the concept of salvation to refer to the adjudication of God in determining Heaven or Hell for each and all human beings. Cooperation is the process of working or acting together. In its simplest form, it involves things working in harmony, while in its more complicated forms, it can involve something as complex as the inner workings of a human being or even the social patterns of a nation. It is the opposite of working separately in competition. Cooperation cam also be accomplished by computers, which can handle shared resources simultaneously, while sharing processor time. Human Relations is also known as public relations which is the practice of managing the flow of information between an individual or an organization and the public. It provides an individual exposure to their audiences using topics of public interest and news items that do not require direct payment. Punctuality is an individual trait, and social psychologists and sociologists recognize it as a characteristic that often exhibits organized differences across groups (Basu and Weilbull, 2002). Statement of the Problem The study aims to look into the performance of the HRM Practicumers of Lourdes College. Specifically, the study intends to address the following question: 1. How do HRM Practicumers perform in terms of the following work performance indicators: 1.1 Quality of Work 1.2 Job Knowledge 1.3 Quantity of Work 1.4 Dependability 1.5 Diligence 1.6 Judgment 1.7 Initiative 1.8 Cooperation 1.9 Human Relation 1.10 Punctuality 2. How did the supervisors rate the competitiveness of the HRM Practicumers in terms of the ff. outcome variables: 2.1 Knowledge 2.2 Interpersonal skills 2.3 Values and Attitudes 3. To what extent do the work performance indicators relate the competitiveness of the HRM Practicumers with respect to the outcome variables in Problem No. 2? Hypothesis of the Study In studying this research, the researcher formulated the following hypotheses: 1. The enumerated work performance indicators, namely; Quality of Work, Job Knowledge, Quantity of Work, Dependability, Diligence, Judgment, Initiative, Cooperation, Human Relation, and Punctuality do not significantly relate the competitiveness of the HRM Practicumers with respect to their knowledge. 2. The enumerated work performance indicators, namely; Quality of Work, Job Knowledge, Quantity of Work, Dependability, Diligence, Judgment, Initiative, Cooperation, Human Relation, and Punctuality do not significantly relate the competitiveness of the HRM Practicumers with respect to their interpersonal skills. 3. The enumerated work performance indicators, namely; Quality of Work, Job Knowledge, Quantity of Work, Dependability, Diligence, Judgment, Initiative, Cooperation, Human Relation, and Punctuality do not significantly relate the competitiveness of the HRM Practicumers with respect to their values and attitudes. Significance of the Study The results of this study would benefit the following sectors: The Students ; This study can offer more insights to the students on the performance indicators needed to evaluate their on-the-job training. It will help them more aware of their strengths and weaknesses and become more effective workers someday. The Faculty The results of this study can provide them information and that may help them increase their skills in discovering new strategies, new dimension and approach, to reach out more individuals, guiding them to become globally competitive and skillful workers, living the values and attitudes expected from them with the qualities indicated in their performance. The Parents The results of the study can help parents to understand the performance of their children in their on-the-job training, equipped with such information, they will be able to help their children better, become more productive citizens of the country that could help the nation building. The Administrators The results of the study can give the school administration substantial information in aligning curriculum and provide intervention program to meet the needs of the students. The Future Researchers The results of the study can stir the interest of future researchers in conducting further studies dealing with other performance indicators. Scope and Limitations of the Study The study focused primarily on the performance of the HRM Practicumers of Lourdes College. It looked into the performance of the Practicumers regarding the work performance indicators. It also assessed how competitive are the Practicumers in terms of knowledge, interpersonal skills, and values and attitudes. Furthermore, this study included 100 respondents who answered the set of questionnaires on the assessment of performance with the outcome variables of competitiveness of the HRM Practicumers Moreover, the respondents consisted of supervisors on different departments on different hotels in Cagayan de Oro City. There were 25 Practicumers who were assigned in different hotels in the city for their on-the-job training. Each Practicumer was evaluated by the supervisors of the four (4) departments in the hotel namely Front Office, Housekeeping, Kitchen and Restaurant. Lastly, the study took place in Lourdes College, Cagayan de Oro City. Definition of Terms The following are definitions of significant terms that provide common reference and understanding of the concepts in the study: ALPHABETIZE AND INDENT Quality of work – This term refers to the work exhibited by the Practicumer whether accurate, presentable or with errors. Job knowledge – It refers to information and knowledge learned by the individual. In this study it is use on how knowledgeable the Practicumer is in terms of job functions, and responsibilities. Quantity of work – This refers to the quantity of work or tasks performed by the Practicumer in a specific function. It entails productivity of work. Dependability – It is a value showing the reliability of a person to others and in this study it refers to the reliability of students’ performance in a specific position even with minimal supervision. Diligence – It refers to the steadfast, assiduousness an industry – the virtue of hardwork. In this study, it refers to the diligent behavior or hard work of the student in the assigned tasks. Judgment – It is the evaluation of evidence in the making of a decision. In this study, it refers to how Practicumers grasp situations, draw conclusions and sense of judgment in professional and mature way. Initiative – It is an act designed to originate or set on any foot to achieve the goals and objectives. Cooperation – It is the process of working or acting together. It involves working in harmony. This refers to the Practicumers’ willingness and capacity to work harmoniously with his/her co-workers and supervisors, and his/her positive disposition at work. Human relations – It refers to public relations. It provides an individual exposure to their audiences. In this study, it refers to the Practicumers courtesy and respect and how he/she maintains good and effective public relations with people. Punctuality – It is an individuals’ trait in coming in on time in a workplace. In this study, it refers to the punctuality of Practicumers reporting to work and early submission of the required documents/reports in a workplace. Attitude – This points out the manner, conduct or position assumed to indicate feeling, opinion or reaction in regard to a matter. Values – In this study, this term describes anything that has personal worth or meaning. Values are “based largely on religious, moral and societal precepts learned at an early age and modified throughout a person’s life.” (1986) Assessment – It is the act of estimating the worth and importance of an individual in terms of the performance in the organization. It is also the process of gathering, analyzing, interpreting and using information about students' progress and achievement to improve teaching and learning. Behavior – It is something experienced throughout an individual’s entire lifetime. It includes the way they act based on different factors such as genetics, social norms, core faith, and attitude. Behavior is impacted by certain traits each individual has. The traits vary from person to person and can produce different actions or behavior from each person. Social norms also impact behavior. Humans are expected to follow certain rules in society, which conditions the way people behave. There are certain behaviors that are acceptable or unacceptable in different societies and cultures. Competitiveness - This pertains to the ability and performance of a firm, sub-sector or country to sell and supply goods and services in a given market, in relation to the ability and performance of other firms, sub-sectors or countries in the same market. Hospitality Industry – It is a broad category of fields within the service industry that includes lodging, restaurants, event planning, theme parks, transportation, cruise line, and additional fields within the tourism industry. The hospitality industry is a several billion dollar industry that mostly depends on the availability of leisure time and disposable income. Hotel – It is defined as a profit-oriented business that offers guestrooms, business facilities and other services. On-the-Job Training – This is sometimes called direct instruction is one of the earliest forms of training (observational learning is probably the earliest). It is a one-on-one training located at the job site, where someone who knows how to do a task shows another how to perform it. Performance - This refers to the accomplishment of a given task measured against preset known standards of accuracy, completeness, cost, and speed. In a contract, performance is deemed to be the fulfillment of an obligation, in a manner that releases the performer from all liabilities under the contract. Practicumer - This is a Tagalog-English slang word which means the one who is or who will be on practicum or OJT or the one who will go for internship.