Uploaded by Alaine Juliano

COVID-19 Impact on Mental Health

In the year 2019 COVID-19 outbreak, nearly every individual has been afflicted with mental
health conditions. In fact, this was a problem even before the variance became widespread. Answering
the question of “what are some of the most critical health concerns we face in the 21st century, and
why? Mental illnesses and pandemic risk are two of them. Further contributing to the pandemic issue,
people are being diagnosed with a variety of mental diseases, including bipolar disorder, personality
disorders, eating disorders, and depression.
The year 2023 has shown to be the year of greatest significance for people, especially those
who suffer from these conditions given our current situation. Others believe that everything they feel
and experience are lies and nothing more than trends that they just follow, despite the fact that they
are challenged to overcome their circumstances. The COVID-19 outbreak had an impact on everyone.
including their way of life, occupation, and relationships with their loved ones and friends.
This year has brought about several changes. Both those whose lives improved the most and
those who suffered the most will never forget. We must take what we've learned from it, strive to be a
better version of ourselves, and communicate how these experiences might benefit others.
Global Health Threats of the 21st Century -- Finance & Development, December 2014. (2014, December
1). https://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/fandd/2014/12/jonas.htm