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HSE Objectives: Workplace Safety & Environment

Reducing and preventing injuries at the workplace by developing safe working
practices and training of employees.
Providing health, safety and environment training to each employee to prevent
injury to themselves and others by the end of (year).
Complying with all applicable laws and regulations of health, safety and environment
by the end of (year).
Developing and implementing procedures to promote safe working practices by the
end of the (year).
Conducting risk of all existing and new sites.
Enabling all employees to give feedback/suggestions and report incidents by
providing training of feedback and incident reporting procedure.
Conducting management review meetings quarterly in a year.
Identifying and minimizing the release of air contaminants to the environment.
Using recycled products where feasible.
Reducing lost time injury frequency rate by the end of (year).
Conducting 90% of HSE audits.
Eliminating or reducing the frequency of a particular incident(s).
Identifying hazards originating outside the workplace capable of adversely affecting
the health and safety of our employees and reducing their risks.
Reducing the number of lost time injuries related to slip, trip and fall by 90% by the
end of (year).
Identifying emergency equipment needs and providing an adequate supply of
emergency equipment such as first aid kit, ambulance, medic, fire extinguishers and
Providing leadership to handle HSE complaints received from clients.
Ensuring safety engineers/officers/personnel on company project/site/production
line conduct safety talks weekly.
Providing essential firefighting training to 50% employees by the end of (year).