Dance Class Registration Form 2015/16 Inspirations School of Dance and Fine Arts Student’s Name ___________________________________________________ Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy) ____________________________Age__________ ❒ Female ❒ Male Care card Number_______________________________ Medical Conditions/Allergies_________________________________________ Previous dance experience (what styles, how many years) ________________________________________________________________ Are you interested in being considered for ballet exams? (RAD Students Grade 1 Ballet and up) Please note students must take at least two ballet classes a week in order to be considered for ballet exam ________________________________________________________________ Are you interested in participating in the year end show? __________________ Students E-mail __________________________________________________ Name of Parents/Guardians _________________________________________ Street address ____________________________________________________ City, Province, Postal Code__________________________________________ Home Phone ________________________Cell__________________________ Parent’s Email____________________________________________________ Emergency Contact Name _____________________ phone________________ We have highlighted the classes your child is eligible to attend Please circle the classes for which you are registering Schedule 2015-2016 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Preschool (age 3-4) 9-11:30 am Preschool (age 3-4) 9-11:30 am Preschool (age 3-4) 9-11:30 am Preschool (age 3-4) 9-11:30 am Parent and Tot Creative Movement (age 1-3) 3-3:30 pm RAD Grade 2 Ballet (age 8+) 3:30-4:30 pm Preschool (age 3-4) 12:30-3 pm Preschool (age 3-4) 12:30-3 pm Preschool (age 3-4) 12:30-3 pm Preschool (age 3-4) 12:30-3 pm Parent and Tot Creative Movement (age 1-3) 9:30-10 am Mini Ballet (age 3-5) 10-10:45 am Mini Musical Theatre (age 3-5) 3:15-4 pm RAD Grade 1 Ballet (age 7+) 3:45-4:45 pm RAD Grade 2 Ballet (age 8+) 3:30-4:30 pm RAD Grade 1 Ballet (age 7+) 3:45-4:45pm Worship Dance (age 6-12) 4:30-5:30 pm Junior Lyrical Jazz (age 9+) 4-5 pm Primary Musical Theatre (age 6+) 4:45-5:45 pm RAD Pre-Primary Ballet (age 5+) 4:30-5:30 pm Special Needs Dance (age 3-7) 5:30-6:30 pm Primary Tap (age 6+) 4:45-5:45 pm RAD Primary Ballet (age 6+) 6:30-7:30 pm RAD Grade 3 Ballet (age 9+) 6:30-7:30 pm Junior Tap (age 9+) 6:30-7:30 pm Teen Ballet (age 13+) 7:30-8:30 pm Teen Lyrical Jazz (age 13+) 7:30-8:30 pm Adult Lyrical Jazz 8:30-9:30 pm Teen Tap (age 13+) 7:30-8:30 pm Mini Musical Theatre (age 3-5) 5:30-6:15 pm Junior Musical Theatre (age 9+) 5-6 pm RAD Grade Tiny Tots 3 Ballet Creative (age 9+) Movement 6:30-7:30 pm (age 2-3) 6-6:45 pm Teen Musical Special Needs Theatre Dance (age 13+) (age 8+) 7:30-8:30 pm 6:45-7:45 pm Adult Ballet 7:45-8:45 pm Mini Ballet (age 3-5) 5:45-6:30 pm Adult Hip-hop 8:30-9:30 pm Mini Tap (age 3-5) 5:45-6:30 pm Adult Tap 8:30-9:30 pm Please not this schedule is tentative and subject to change. RAD Pre-Primary Ballet (age 5+) 10:45-11:45 am RAD Primary Ballet (age 6+) 11:45 am12:45 pm Primary Hiphop (age 5+) 12:45-1:45 pm Junior Hiphop (age 8+) 1:45-2:45 pm Teen Hip-hop (age 13+) 2:45-3:45 pm Registration Fees 2015/16 No registration fee if you register by June 30, 2015! Registration Fee after June 30 is $25 (+1.25 GST = $26.25) per family Costume Deposit Due By Nov 1 2015 ($50 per costume) Tot Classes (age 1-3) 30 min class $25/month (+1.25 GST= $26.25) 45 min class $35/month (+1.75 GST= $36.75) Mini Classes (age 3-5) Mini Dance Club (includes 3 classes per week) $70/month (+3.50 GST= $73.50) 45 min class $35/month (+1.75 GST= $36.75) 1 hour class $45/month (+2.25 GST= $47.25) 2 classes $60/month (+3.00 GST= $63.00) Primary Classes (age 6-8) Primary Dance Club (unlimited classes) $135/month (+6.75 GST= $141.75) 1 hour class $45/month (+2.25 GST= $47.25) 2 classes $ 75/month (+3.75 GST= $78.75) 3 classes $100/month (+5.00 GST= $105.00) Junior Classes (age 9-12) or Teen Classes (age 13+) Junior Dance Club (unlimited classes) $150/month (+7.50 GST= $157.50) Teen Dance Club (unlimited classes) $150/month (+7.50 GST= $157.50) 1 hour class $45/month (+2.25 GST= $47.25) 2 classes $ 75/month (+3.75 GST= $78.75) 3 classes $100/month (+5.00 GST= $105.00) 4 classes $130/month (+6.50 GST= $136.50) Adult Classes 1 hour class $45/month (+2.25 GST= $47.25) 2 classes $75/month (+3.75 GST= $78.75) 3 classes $100/month (+5.00 GST= $105.00) 4 classes $130/month (+6.50 GST= $136.50) Cheques can be made out to: Inspirations School of Dance and Fine Arts 10% off if you pay whole year fee by Sep 30, 2015 Family Discount 10% off additional people registering from the same family! Please read and initial the following: ______ In the event a student does not wish to continue classes, a parent/guardian must give one month notice in writing on the first of the month. ______ There is a $30 charge for any NSF payments. ______ No refunds will be given for missed classes. _____Inspirations School of Dance observes all statutory Holidays. When possible, students may attend an alternative class at the teacher’s discretion for classes missed due to statutory holidays (excluding Christmas Break and Spring Break) ______ Students may attend up to 3 make-up classes per year for classes that they were absent ______ I am aware that proper dance attire must be worn to classes. Failure to wear the appropriate clothing may result in the student not being allowed to participate for that day ______ Valuables should not be brought to the school or any performances. Inspirations School of Dance is not responsible for any items lost or stolen at our school or anywhere else. We recommend that students have their name in their dancewear. _____Inspirations School of Dance reserves the right to refuse service, or ask any student to leave the school with or without cause _____Class selections are subject to approval (Ballet is a prerequisite for Lyrical Jazz) ❒ I acknowledge that [I / my child] will abide by all Inspirations School of Dance and Fine Arts policies Signature:_________________________ Date: _______________________ Name: _____________________________ (Signed by parent or guardian if student under 19 years of age). Photo/Video Consent I authorise Inspirations School of Dance and Fine Arts to take/use photos and video of myself/my child for educational or promotional purposes in any type of media, including its website. By signing below, I acknowledge and accept the above statement. Signature:_________________________ Date: _______________________ Name: _____________________________ (Signed by parent or guardian if student under 19 years of age). Liability Wavier In Consideration of accepting this registration to provide dance classes for my child/myself, I herby for myself, my heirs, executors and administrators, waive and release any and all of my rights and claims for personal injuries or property damages I may have against Inspirations School of Dance and Fine Arts and its agents or representatives for any/all injuries suffered by me or any member of my family. I also accept responsibility to pay fees on time and undertake to pay costume fees for each costume (the cost of which will be determined upon completion of said costumes). By signing below, I acknowledge and accept the above statement. Signature:_________________________ Date: _______________________ Name: _____________________________ (Signed by parent or guardian if student under 19 years of age). Request for email consent: Inspirations School of Dance and Fine Arts would like to ensure that we have your consent to receive electronic newsletters, and updates on school information. o Yes, I consent to receiving the above communications to my email address which I have provided below, and understand that I can withdraw this consent at any time Email address: o No, I do not consent to receiving the above communications to my email address Name: __________________________________________________________________ Signature: ________________________________________________________________ Date: ____________________________________________________________________