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Librarian Job Satisfaction in Bicol Region: Research Proposal

I. Research Title
: Level of Job Satisfaction of Librarians in Public
(SUCs) and Private Academic Libraries: Impact
to the improvement of librarians’ Competency and
Professions in Bicol Region
II. Name of Researcher
: Rita D. Alarcon , RL
: Institute of Graduate Studies and Research
: Master of Library and Information
Science (MLIS)
III. Research Proposal
a) Abstract of the proposal
The proposed study aims to investigate and determine the level of job satisfaction of
professional academic librarians working in state universities and colleges (SUCs) and
private colleges and universities in Bicol region. It aims to determine which factors from
salary, environment, reward/recognition, organizational structure, organizational
management and competency skills (professional and personal skills) are capable to
influence job satisfaction of librarians which serves as stimulus for employee’s
productivity and good quality of library services to the clientele. Also, it aims to know the
reason for the lack of professional librarians in the region, high rate of turnover, impact
of professional and personal competency of librarians to their job. The participants
would be librarians that served as academic librarians in higher education institution
(HEI) recognized by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) in all areas of Bicol
region namely: Albay, Catanduanes, Camarines sur, Masbate, and Sorsogon.
The proponent wishes to use survey method using the likerts’ type questions by
adapting the open source instrument from Vocational Psychology Research using the
Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire (MSQ) and the Job Satisfaction survey (JSS) and
National Competency-Based Standard for Filipino Librarian (NCBSFL). The
questionnaire will be distributed to the respondents by all means of communication such
as email; social media; personal handling and by coordinating to Bicol Region Librarians
Association Inc. (BRLC) Head. Quantitative research thru survey methods will apply in
this study by distributing questioner in which descriptive correlation will be utilized. The
result will be used as bases in helping the institution to improve the human resource
management, to improve the librarians’ profession and for the librarians itself to become
aware of the personal and professional competencies that they must possess.
b) Background
Rationale of the Research
High rates of employee turnover due to lack of professional librarians can have a
devastating effect in the part of human resource management. Institution waste money
on excessive turnover for recruiting and training, it also affects the organizations’ flow of
operation and risk the confidentiality of the institution. Frequent turnover is the main
reason why academic libraries ended up hiring under qualified employees. Private
academic institutions have no choice but to hire under qualified personnel contrary to
the required standard just to fill in the position. Librarians tend to transfer from private
libraries to public libraries; some older librarians are left behind by the young one, some
has low morale or lack of motivation to work that leads to low job productivity, low
quality of service that can affect the standing of the institution. This could be due to low
morale and job dissatisfaction, to be able to know the main reason of this, determining
the level of job satisfaction of librarians must be perform and be able to identify in which
they are satisfied most in terms of salary, environment, organizational management,
organizational structure and their competencies. With these noted concerns, job
satisfaction is being questioned as one of the biggest factor in the above problems.
Probably the best way to address the issue is to know the root behind these problems;
analyze what factors affect the level of job satisfaction and competencies of librarians in
Bicol region and what theories should apply to improve the quality of librarian
competencies, the library profession, library organization and the educational institution
and the librarian itself. Determining the level of job satisfaction of the respondents
though survey is the best way to gather fact and formulate solutions to the above
problems. As what previous studies undermined in their research, thru understanding
the level of job satisfaction of librarians, they were able to formulate theories and
solution to the problems.
Library administrator must constantly assess the human resource functions in the
library and pay attention to the morale of the employees. Enhance the feeling of
achievement of the librarians on the job such as, recognition and reward of excellence
to the librarians to strive to achieve better. Recognition of the individuals worth and
personal dignity and ego of the librarians that is, by involving the staff in decision
making, creating healthy, social climate in the library and improving outlook of the staff.
Make work challenging and interesting such as assigning special duties and projects to
competent individual librarian. Assigning responsibility for special function to librarians
and ensuring adequate authority for carrying out such responsibilities. Promote the
personal and professional advancement of librarians. (Defa, 2008) as stated by (Dukie,
G. & Dukie, 2014).
Purpose of the Research
The purpose of this study is to measure and analyze the level and extent of job
satisfaction and competencies of academic librarians in recognized higher education
institutions (HEI) in all areas of Bicol region. The study aims to measure and identifies
factors that make librarians satisfied and dissatisfied with their job that resulted to low
quality of services in the library. By understanding and identifying the cause of the
problem, the institution, the professional association and the librarians itself will be
aware of the problems. The institution can adapt the result or findings to improve the
human resource management, the librarians profession can formulate, enhance and
implement new policies that can and help the members of the profession, the librarians
will able to know the what professional or personal aspect that needs to be improved.
This can also use as platform in improving library services, enhancing librarian’s
competencies to improve the library services in an institution.
Research Questions
1. What are demographic profiles of librarians?
2. What are the levels of job satisfaction of academic librarians working in
public (SUCs) and private libraries in terms of salary, environment,
reward/recognition organizational structure, organizational management,
professional and personal competencies?
3. What are the factors that motivate job satisfaction of librarians in Bicol
4. What are the impacts of librarians’ job satisfaction to the profession?
Theoretical Framework
Job satisfaction can be associated to two famous motivational theories due to the
relevancy of the proposed study which will be explained on the following theories, the
Maslows’ (1943) hierarchy of need and the Two factor theory by Herzberg (1959).
The Maslows’ (1943) hierarchy of needs is one of the best known and widely
adapted theories of motivation. Hierarchy of needs theory remains useful in
understanding employees’ motivation, and state of satisfaction. Abraham Maslow
states that our action is motivated in order to attain certain needs. Our most basic need
is for physical survival, and this will be the first thing that motivates our behavior. Once
that level is fulfilled the next level up is what motivates us, and so on. Employees find
greater satisfaction in those jobs which are able to satisfy a maximum of the Maslow
needs. Jobs which fulfill an employee’s need for self-actualization or a desire for selffulfillment are most satisfying. It was one of the first theories to examine the important
contributors to job satisfaction.
Figure 1. Illustrate the Maslow hierarchy diagram suggests that human needs
form a five-level hierarchy consisting of: physiological needs, safety,
belongingness/love, esteem, and self-actualization. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
postulates that there are essential needs that need to be met first (such as,
physiological needs and safety), before more complex needs can be met (such as,
belonging and esteem).
Figure 1
This five stage model can be divided into deficiency needs and growth needs.
The first four levels are often referred to as deficiency needs (D-needs), and the top
level is known as growth or being needs (B-needs).
The deficiency needs are said to motivate people when they are not met. Also,
the need to fulfill such needs will become stronger the longer the duration they are
denied. For example, the longer a person goes without food, the hungrier they will
One must satisfy lower level deficit needs before progressing on to meet higher
level growth needs. When a deficit need has been satisfied it will go away, and our
activities become habitually directed towards meeting the next set of needs that we
have yet to satisfy. These then become our salient needs. However, growth needs
continue to be felt and may even become stronger once they have been engaged. Once
this growth needs have been reasonably satisfied, one may be able to reach the highest
level called self-actualization.
Every person is capable and has the desire to move up the hierarchy toward a
level of self-actualization. Unfortunately, progress is often disrupted by a failure to meet
lower level needs. Life experiences, including divorce and loss of a job may cause an
individual to fluctuate between levels of the hierarchy. Therefore, not everyone will
move through the hierarchy in a uni-directional manner but may move back and forth
between the different types of needs. Maslow noted only one in a hundred people
become fully self-actualized because our society rewards motivation primarily based on
esteem, love and other social needs. (Maslow, 1943)
Two-Factor Theory of Motivation by Frederick Herzberg. According to
Rue (2016), the theory was originated in 1959 when Herzberg conducted a study with
200 engineers and accountants as the subjects. They were asked to recollect their
experiences and feelings (positive or negative) they had at work, and the reasons
behind the way they felt. Based on the subjective data from the respondents, Herzberg
began to analyze their job attitudes. From the study, he proposed a two-factor approach
when attempting to understand motivation among employees (Rue, 2016). According to
this theory, there are two types of factors that influence motivation and satisfaction
among individuals, particularly those who work in the employment sector. The TwoFactor Theory includes two types of factors that affect how motivated or satisfied an
employee is at work. These are comprised of hygiene factors and motivator factors
Hygiene Factors
Hygiene factors are those that need to be addressed by a business in such a way
that they would not result to the employee’s unpleasant experiences and feelings at
work. The satisfaction of hygiene factors motivates employees in their work.
The hygiene factors are wages, salaries and other financial remuneration,
company policy and administration, quality of interpersonal relations, working
conditions, feelings of job security, and quality of supervision.
Motivator factors emerge from the need of an individual to achieve personal
growth. Job satisfaction results from the presence of motivator factors. Moreover,
effective motivator factors do not only lead to job satisfaction, but also to better
performance at work. The motivator factors are challenging or stimulating work,
status, opportunity for advancement, responsibility, sense of personal growth/job
achievement, and acquiring recognition
The two-factor theory of motivation can be used to analyze any evidence of demotivated employees at work. Applying Herzberg’s model, these evidences may include
a low level of productivity, poor quality of production and/or service, poor employeeemployer relationships, strikes and industrial disputes concerning pay and/or working
condition complaints. Following a thorough assessment on the hygiene factors of the
business and the motivator factors concerning employees at work, Herzberg suggested
that the business’ management to apply three methods in which work can be
rearranged: Job Enlargement, job Rotation, and job Enrichment. To summarize:
Hygiene factors are needed to ensure an employee does not become
dissatisfied. They do not lead to higher levels of motivation, but without them, there is
Motivation factors are needed in order to motivate an employee to a higher
level performance. These factors result from internal generators in employees.
These two motivational theories of Maslows and Herzberg has an important
connection and can be relatively associate with the job satisfaction that this study wishes
to investigate.
Literature Survey
Importance of job satisfaction
The various related literature and studies that were reviewed in terms of their
relevance to the problems of this study was the subject to the succeeding discussion.
These literatures and studies have provided the needed precision depth and insight for
this study.
The development of academic libraries in public and private institution brought a
significant change in our society, library is not just a repository or a place to study, it is
an integral part of the teaching program; a partner in promoting and providing research
needs of the student and the teaching institution being managed by professional
librarians who have the technical capabilities to administer the department. Rendering
quality services to library users can be gratifying if the person doing the task is satisfied
with their job. Job satisfaction regulates peace of mind and fosters relaxation leading to
more enthusiasm, as well as more innovative work (Maher,2004). Job satisfaction is a
key element of motivation which gives employees energy to continue to perform their
job adequately and effectively. It is defined as the extent to which people
like(satisfaction) or dislike (dissatisfaction) their jobs (Spector,1997) as stated by
(Tinuoye, et al. 2016).
Job satisfaction cannot be discussed in isolation. It is closely related to human
beings or human resources as in the organizational context. Satisfaction or
dissatisfaction can be perceived or noticed from the way a given task is performed by a
person or group of persons. This accounts for the reason why some scholars or
researchers view job satisfaction as attitudinal study. Arguably, a dissatisfied worker will
either quit or remain uncommitted hence constituting a nuisance to the organization
while on the contrary, a satisfied worker would want to remain and be committed to the
organization. The former will encourage inefficiency and low productivity while the latter
will bring about efficiency, commitment and high level of productivity. An effective
organization will do everything possible within its sphere of influence to ensure that
workers have job satisfaction in their job performance. (Ademodi & Akintomedi, 2015).
Odembo (2013) states that job satisfaction ensures the right employees are
recruited and retained in an organization. It also maintains productivity by keeping the
workforce constantly engaged and motivated. It has also been proven that job
satisfaction controls the ill effects of role conflicts and job induced stress thus minimizes
labor turnover for great employees. A work environment is made up of a range of
factors, including company culture, management styles, hierarchies and human
resources policies. Employee satisfaction is the degree to which employees feel
personally fulfilled and content in their job roles. Employee turnover is the rate at which
employees leave their employers, whether voluntarily or involuntarily. These three
distinct concepts are inseparably linked; workplace environments greatly influence
employee satisfaction, which in turn directly affects employee turnover rates. Knowing
how to use a positive work environment to increase employee satisfaction and reduce
turnover is a key to developing a high performance workforce.
Das (2015) found out that the job satisfaction level of librarian in developing
countries was not as good as the developed countries and its join together required of
information society. More so, he also referred the study of Leysen and Boyd (N. D.) was
able to investigate on job satisfaction and explored different aspect of satisfaction such
as, prospect to learn new skill, excellence association with co-worker, participation in
decision making and gain correspondence. Further, he states that the most of library
professionals are not satisfied to various attribute related to job satisfaction. This study
entrust that the management of engineering college libraries take a necessary steps to
develop and sustain policies that will enhance factors of job satisfaction, such as:
administrative policy, working condition, salary, personal relation, job security, personal
growth, status, responsibility, so that they can acquit make better services to users, in
order to enhance productivity of the library professionals and perform the institutional
Jarayaman & Kumar (2013) found out that library professionals are less satisfied
with their job. Therefore, care should be taken to develop their job attitude towards job
related factors like independence, variety, social status of the professionals good
supervisory techniques, point of moral values, authority towards work, utilization of
ability of professionals, strong and favorable library policies, responsibility, promotion,
recognition and achievement, maintenance of a good relationship with coworkers,
encourage to using the creativity of the professionals in their job to achieve the
satisfaction towards job. So, the library professionals should be more sound and
satisfied at the job to achieve the goals of the library. Result of research studies on job
satisfaction varies due to different status and depending on place or country of the
Saka, K. & Salman (2014) found out that due to the high rate of
unemployment in Nigeria, library personnel were well committed to their jobs
despite the moderate level of motivation; with the moderate level of job satisfaction
of library personnel, there is tendency that the intrinsic and extrinsic motivations were
either at moderate level or haphazardly offered. The implication of haphazard provision
of motivation is that the library personnel were extrinsically motivated as opposed to
intrinsic motivation. Acquisition of knowledge, skills, and competency of task and free
flow of information has led to high level of job performance of library personnel
Ramune, Vilmante & Milit (2010) states that “Job satisfaction can be an
important indicator of how employees feel about their jobs and can be a predictor of
work behaviors such as organizational citizenship, absenteeism, and turnover. Further,
job satisfaction can partially mediate the relationship of personality variables and
deviant work behaviors.” Further, one common research finding is that job satisfaction is
correlated with life satisfaction. This correlation is reciprocal, meaning people who are
satisfied with life tend to be satisfied with their job and people who are Satisfied with
their job tends to be satisfied with their life.
Subha (2013) cited the study of Naeem and Abbes (2009) the concept of WorkLife Balance is defined as: “a perception together with appropriate estimate among
"work" and "way of life. The results showed that job satisfaction at upper management
level has negatively correlated with family to work intervention the job satisfaction of
medial rank of workforce decline when the conflict work-life rises. While at the junior
rank of workforce it has negatively correlated. This study investigates the relationship of
work balance to job satisfaction. Further, he also states Alexandra & Beauregard,
(2009) in their paper that practices of work-life balance, adopt in several firms, for the
purpose of reducing the conflict of work- and life amongst current employees in order to
increase the performance of their firm. The paper in hand provides little indication to
guide the concept that the practices of work-life balance improve presentation of the
firm by reducing the conflict of work and life. At the end, paper suggest that the firms
are required to modified themselves to reflect further routes so that their firm’s work-life
balance practices can persuade their performance, including, enlarged cost savings,
enhanced productivity, and reduced the rate of turnover. Striking a sense of balance
among individual’s work and personal life is a dilemma in today’s workforce that they
are not much concerned about their fundamental rights as well as their work-life balance
and are therefore more engaged in their professional life activities as compared to
personal ones due to the increasing rate of inflation and unemployment.
Morale and job satisfaction
Corpuz (2013) in his book Human resource management, Monitoring Job
satisfaction is important to both supervisor and the HRD. The effect of many human
resource strategies are examine with respect to their impact on job satisfaction. Morale
is the mental attitude which makes the individual perform his/her work either willingly
and enthusiastically or poorly or reluctantly. Employee morale is an attitude, a state of
mind. It cannot be seen but is manifested employees manner and to his/her job, work
condition company’s policy and programs, collegues, immediate boss, pay and the like.
Every person has different reasons for working; we all work because we obtain
something we need that impacts morale, employee motivation, and the quality of life. To
create positive employee motivation, treat employee as if they matter—employees
Individual differ in how they respond to the condition of work, While some
employee s may be highly satisfied with particular job other may find it the same
condition extremely dissatisfying. An important issue surrounding human resource
activity is how it will influence the level of moral of employee. Low morale contributes to
labor problems, attempts to organize labor unions, excessive employee turnover, labor
grievances, and organizational climate. Grievances, absenteeism, and turnover are
frequently used as indirect measures of employee morale.
Basic factors that influence employee morale
Corpuz (2013) states the following basic factors that influence employee morale
of the employee.
1. Non- work – related factors such as age, sex, and work values – which
influence the attitude of an employee about things around him/her.
2. Management practices or the quality aspect of the job – good pay policies
create positive attitude toward the job, fair, considerate, and competent boss create
positive feeling of satisfaction with supervision.
3. Outside factors – The frustration and difficulties people face in their personal
lives contributed to the general decline in job satisfaction throughout the workforce.
4. State of communication in the firm - effective communication between
employees and management builds employee morale. Participation and involvement in
company promote team work and harmony among all employees.
Employee engagement
Phillips and Gully (2014) quote Scott Irgang, director of management, Pitney
Bowes statement that “ employers now are looking for the difference between satisfied
and engage-when employees are going above and beyond(their job description) and
have an emotional attachment to the company, satisfied are not good enough”. He
states that satisfied employees stay longer and are more productive that are unhappy
employess. Job satisfaction positively influences job performance even more for
employees in complex, professional jobs. Satisfied employees also benefit
organizations because job satisfaction increases employees organizational
citizenship behavior or discretionary behavior such as helping others, that benefit the
organization but that are not formally rewarded or required as part of the job. Job
dissatisfaction is related to higher absenteeism and turnover as grievances because of
the negative financial and productivity impact of this employee behavior. Improving
employess job satisfaction can be a very good investment.
High employee engagement occurs when employees are committed to, involve
with and enthusiastic about their work. A satisfied worker may or may not be
contributing to his or her fill potential; engagement goes beyond satisfaction to include
enthusiasm, passion and commitment. He stressed that one organizational leader said,
believed that “ engaged employees take an active interest in the vision, the productivity
and the future growth of the company. They understand how their piece fits in the
puzzle. They speak well to us [to people outside the company] and they meant it. If you
don’t like your coworkers, your boss is mean, and you don’t have the resources you
need to get your job done, wok? Feeling respected and seeing your work matters to the
company and to others makes us feel more enthusiastic and engaged. Engaged
employees’ gives their full effort to their jobs, often going beyond what is required
because they are not passionate about the firm and about doing their jobs well.
Disengaged workers do not perform at their optimal level because they lack the
emotional and motivational connection to their employer that drive discretionary effort.
Because disengage workers feel they have to do work rather than wanting to do the
work, they generally do only the minimum required to keep their jobs. He stressed that,
as a manager , it is important to remember that the drivers of employee engagement
can differ from the driers od employee attraction and retention-
What attracts people to join an organization is not always the same as what keeps them
engage and keep them from leaving.
Organizational commitment is the extent to which an employee identifies with the
organization and its goals and wants to stay “employees can feel committed to an
employer in three ways: Affective commitment – a positive emotional attachment to
the organization and strong identification with its values and goals. Employee stays
because they want to. Normative commitment – feeing obliged to stay with an
organization for moral or ethical reasons because of employees’ health plan, work leave
policy, debt makes them feel obliged to stay. Continuance commitment – staying with
an organization because of perceived high economic (leaving would mean losing stock
options) and or social cost.
How to motivate employees
1. Recognized individual differences – they differ in terms of attitude, personality
and other individual variables.
2. Match people to job – high achiever should be sought for a job likely to suits
her/his qualification.
3. Use goals – Ensure that employees have hard specific goals and feedback on
how they are doing in pursuit of this goal.
4. Ensure that goals are perceived as attainable.
Two major approaches to work motivation
1. Content approach – includes models of motivation that address the question
why motivates behavior. Hierarchy of needs theory by Abraham Maslow; Clayton
Aldefer ERG Model; David McClelland’s Tree need Theories; Frederick Hersberg’s
Motivation Hygien Theory.
2. Process approach – models of motivation that emphasize on how and why
people choose certain behavior. Victor Broom’s Expectancy theory; John Stacey Adams’
Equity Theory; B.F. Skinner’s Reinforcement theory – law on effect theory and
Stimulus (Situation); Response (Behavior); consequences(Reward or punishment);
Edwin Locke’s Goal Setting Theory.
Noor (2011) conducted a study in Malaysia for the purpose of identifying the
factors which affect job satisfaction of teachers of secondary schools. The findings of
the study illustrate that teacher satisfaction by means of intrinsic and extrinsic
components found demographic variables to be significant. Further, higher-ranking
teachers are likely to assist and guidance of new teachers and the level of their job
satisfaction enhance by numerous factors and once workforces are satisfied with their
job, they feel themselves motivated.
Imran (2012) conducted a study on employment fulfillment of school instructors
of Sivan in which he uncovered that feminine educators delight in more prominent
fulfillment than male educators; wedded educators land more position fulfillment than
bachelor educators. One more study conducted on elementary school educator of
Haryana in which they originate that non-public school educator has more job
contentment than those employed in public schools. Also, lesser practiced educator has
been originating to have more superior job contentment than higher practiced educator
(Gupta and Manju, 2013).
Tirupathi (2013) found out that educator was contented with their job load plus
more contented with the presentation and achievements of their students in the board
exam moreover a greater number of educators were contented with their salary.
Dev (2012) found out in his study In India banking sector a found out that
concept of work-life balance is much more correlated with job satisfaction. The findings
show that Job-satisfaction has negatively correlated with job stress, work-family
interference although positively correlated with work pressure. The paper in end
suggested that female staff be supposed to be offer additional facilities such as flexi
time, child care, etc in order to achieve their firms commitment. The supervisor support
and work-family culture has a positive correlation with job satisfaction. Insignificant
relationship was originated among Work-life balance policies and programs.
Kem (2001) as cited by Dukic (2014) examined the relationship between work
behaviors and elements of job satisfaction of a selected group of American academic
librarians. On his study revealed that on average the respondents rated most highly the
opportunity to do something different from time to time, the ability to keep busy, steady
employment, and the opportunity to do things for others, whereas items with the lowest
ratings were their pay and the amount of work they did, as well as chances for
advancement. Other study that was cited by Dukic, (2014) such as in Togia et al. (2004)
showed that Greek academic librarians were most satisfied with the job itself,
supervision, and working conditions and less satisfied with pay and promotion.
Goetting (2004) investigated the attitudes of American library workers toward
their workplaces and co-workers, as well as their attitudes toward their careers in the
library field. The author found that administrators, supervisors, Hispanic Americans,
workers in school library/media centers, older employees, women and better paid
workers had the greatest job satisfaction.
Determinants of Job Satisfaction of Librarians
In the study of Salama & Courtne (2013) as stated by Ikonne& Onuoha (2015)
different variables predict employees’ job satisfaction for different profession. This is due
to the fact that different professions have to deal with different challenges and stressors
which impact employees’ job satisfaction. In relation to job satisfaction of librarians, it is
observes that much of the empirical effort that has been carried out among librarians in
the developed countries have concentrated mainly on the antecedents of job
satisfaction such as the differences in job satisfaction among male and female librarians
and among librarians of the various units and divisions in the library. Further, that much
of the studies have been focused on correlating librarians’ job satisfaction with their age,
working experience, salary and promotional opportunities in the library. The author
further contends that very little effort has been made to examine the relationship
between work and worker related variables such as “affective commitment, continuance
commitment, job involvement, job autonomy, job feedback, role clarity, role conflict, age,
organizational tenure and job tenure with librarians’ job satisfaction”( Karim, 2008).
Further, Ikonne & Onuoha (2015) cite the study of Tella, Ayeni, and Popoola,
(2007) which states that job satisfaction of the librarian has to do with the economical,
social, and cultural conditions in that particular country. Low wages and lack of status
and social security affect motivation, and therefore, job satisfaction cannot be discussed
in the absence of motivation. Studies in relation to job satisfaction and librarianship have
also consistently shown that there is a relationship between professional status and job
satisfaction. High levels of job satisfaction are observed in those professions that are of
good standing in society. As has been reported by Horenstein (1993) cited also by
Ikonne & Onuoha (2015) on the study on the job satisfaction of academic librarians in
relation to faculty status, it was revealed that librarians with academic rank were more
satisfied than non-faculty groups. It was also found in the study that the greatest
sources of satisfaction of the librarians were relationship with co-workers, assigned
duties, and variety of work. Their sources of dissatisfaction were as a result of the
lack of opportunities for promotion, recognitions of accomplishment and salary.
Influence of job satisfaction on turnover intensions
Olusegun (2013) in his study” Influence of job satisfaction on turnover
intensions of library personnel in selected Universities in Nigeria” , states that there
was no significant difference in the turnover intention of library personnel by their place
of work (i.e. Federal and State Universities). While in the study of Dambawinna (2012)
reports that there is no correlation between job satisfaction level and gender, age,
position, education level and work experience. Somvir and Kaushik (2012) revealed in
their study that their job satisfaction is not related to their sex, the type of library in which
they worked, or their vocational needs, but rather on the characteristics of their job
Factors affect job satisfaction
Hafeez (2015) states that there are many studies conducted to uncover the
factors that influence the level of workforce job satisfaction. Abdulla et al.( 2011) found
out that salary is top most factors for job satisfaction, although other factors also
considered as interpersonal relationship, and employees loyalty etc. In addition. Hanif
and Kamal (2009) in their study argues that if institutions can formulate good policies
for their staff related to their pay scales, working settings, this may direct to worker
satisfaction as well as ultimately raised the employee loyalty because employee who
are satisfied with their job are more likely to be helpful and attentive towards their
students. The job satisfaction of a teacher is very important area of study. As numerous
studies have been originate that job satisfaction influence the life satisfaction of
individuals. It can be defined as: “A point in which individuals like satisfaction or else
dissatisfaction in their employment context”
Dukic & Dukic (2014) cited Laskowska (2011) study with Polish librarians in
order to analyze the strong and weak points of human resources. The strongest
motivating factor for keeping the present job was found to be job security, whereas
salary was the best motivator for employees to work harder.
Ritchie (2011) investigated how UK school librarians perceived their status within the
school. Most respondents reported a high self-perceived status, and they were satisfied
with their jobs.
While in the study of Owolabi and Salaam( 2010) found out that the job
satisfaction and organizational commitment of academic librarian in Nigerian
Universities and discovered that the majority of the academic librarians were satisfied
with their jobs because they had attractive salaries and wages. To support with job
motivation as a predictor of job satisfaction among professional and non-professional
library staff shown that library staff derived most satisfaction from salary/pay, library
policies and administration, advancement and personal growth and job security.
Togia, Koustelios and Tsigilis (2004) states as cited by Ikonne and Onuoha
(2015) “job satisfaction among Greek academic librarians”, it is revealed that Greek
academic librarians were most satisfied with the job itself, supervision, and working
conditions and less satisfied with pay and promotion. While Popoola (2011) discovered
that faculty-academic-status librarians were significantly more satisfied with their
involvement in University affairs as well as in the promotion and tenure processes.
Nevertheless, they were not as satisfied with other dimensions of their work, such as
workload and salary. Conversely, administrative librarians were significantly more
satisfied with most of the major aspects of work being measured, and perceived they to
be much more involved in library planning and University affairs than did non
administrative librarians.
Ikonne and Onuoha( 2013) urges that job security, satisfactory relationships with
supervisors, satisfactory interactions with colleagues and satisfactory interactions with
information users/customers/clients were significant factors that influence librarians’ job
satisfaction. They recommended that library administrators should consider improving
salary levels and fringe benefits of the librarians to improve their working conditions and
grant librarians opportunities to conduct research to achieve a level of job satisfaction.
Ikonne and Onuoha(2013) cited the following studies, Remuneration paid to
librarians in the form of salaries or wages during a stipulated period in one way or
another impact their job satisfaction( Arnold and Feldman 1986), individuals have
infinite needs and money provides the means to satisfy some of these needs. In relation
to remuneration as a factor of job satisfaction for librarians, most senior and principal
librarians are more satisfied with their job than the lower cadre academic librarians
According to them, this is because the higher the education the more the job becomes
satisfactory because it would attract a higher pay package. Level of education has a
significant effect on the payment structure of an academic librarian, and it revealed that
librarians with higher academic rank are more satisfied than non-faculty groups.
(Bamigboye et al., 2008); and (Horenstein,1993). Similarly, Nel et al. (2004) confirmed
that employees will compare themselves with their colleagues in terms of salary and
their inputs to their job and may leave an organization If they are not satisfied and
content. Salaries and fringe benefits are part of an employee’s motivation.
To attain librarians’ job satisfaction, Ikonne and Onuoha (2013) recommended
that library administrators should consider improving the salary levels and the fringe
benefits of librarians, as well as their working conditions, and granting librarians
opportunities to conduct research. This indicates that when librarians are satisfied with
their working condition and pay package, with a greater prospect, it may affect their job
productivity and job satisfaction.
According to Geleijnse (1997) as stated by Dukie (2014), there are some crucial
elements of human resource management theory and practice that should be applied in
the library environment. Strategic planning and personnel management should be
integrated, and new forms of operation and organization should yield more flexible
working arrangements and change of management style. Decentralization and giving
greater responsibilities to staff members are interconnected, requiring job development
and staff training. Clearly, successful human resource management requires an
adequate organizational framework.
There are some crucial elements of human resource management theory and
practice that should be applied in the library environment. Strategic planning and
personnel management should be integrated, and new forms of operation and
organization should yield more flexible working arrangements and change of
management style. Decentralization and giving greater responsibilities to staff members
are interconnected, requiring job development and staff training. Clearly, successful
human resource management requires an adequate organizational framework. Within
libraries, this function can be structured in diverse ways, depending on a range of
factors. Library type and size, its position in the system and attitude towards human
resource management, i.e. the significance attached to it, are only a few of these
factors. Regardless of the way this function is organized, human resources departments
and professionals are playing increasingly strategic roles within library organizations as
they are responsible for redesigning jobs and work, developing performance
management systems, managing change, and designing and restructuring
organizations (Hawthorne 2004); (Geleijnse,1997) as cited by ( Dukic, 2014)
Akpojotor (2016) states that a work environment constitutes those factors or
qualities in the design of a thing, especially a work place or equipment used by people
at work, that contribute to comfort, efficiency, safety and ease of use (Microsoft Encarta,
Furthermore, Parvin & Kabir (2011) asserted that there are a variety of factors
that can influence a person’s level of job satisfaction, such as level of pay and benefits,
perceived fairness of the promotion system within a company, the quality of working
conditions, leadership, social relationships and the job itself (the variety of tasks
involved, interests and challenges the job generates and the clarity of the job
description/requirements). The physical working environment is a prerequisite for job
satisfaction of librarians, especially a conducive environment with the latest facilities to
render services to clientele. Consequently, Robbins et al. (2001) opined that work
environment plays a vital role because it influences job satisfaction as employees are
concerned with a comfortable physical work place that will ultimately render more
positive level of job satisfaction.
Accordingly, Qasim et al.(2012) stated that the quality of the physical
environment in which work is done, the relationship with supervisor and commitment
with the work could influence job satisfaction. This implies that, when the physical
environment is not conducive, librarians would not contribute effectively in their daily
and routine tasks. Similarly, Baron and Greenberg (2003) affirmed that lack of favorable
working conditions can poorly affect a worker’s mental and physical well-being. Arnold
and Feldman (1986) stated that factors, such as working hours, temperature,
ventilation, noise, hygiene, lighting and resources, are all part of working conditions that
are necessary and required for workers’ job satisfaction.
Rewards & Recognition
Odembo (2013) on His study cited factors the following factors that affect job
satisfaction of an employee. Personal respect for employees at all levels of a company
is an integral part of a positive work environment. Personal respect in the workplace
encompasses such issues as discrimination based on age, gender or ethnic
background, sexual harassment and the role of personal politics in forming workplace
relationships. In general, the more personal respect employees are given at work, the
more satisfied they will be in their jobs. A lack of personal respect can cause employees
in high-paying positions to quit their jobs, increasing employee turnover. On the other
hand, an abundance of personal respect can cause employees to overlook lower
salaries due to increased inner satisfaction.
The degree to which companies offer personal and professional growth
opportunities for employees plays into the overall work environment. Opportunities to
learn new skills, take on new responsibilities, achieve higher compensation and gain
new positions can allow employees to set and work towards goals, conveying a sense
of personal achievement that boosts employee satisfaction. Employees rarely prefer to
remain static in their careers for long. Rather, most people continually look for
opportunities to advance. Providing these opportunities can keep your employee
turnover levels under control, as employees stick with you for longer to achieve their
personal and career goals. (Odembo, 2013).
Rue et al. (2016) states that job satisfaction and rewards defining job satisfaction
as an employee’s general attitude toward the job. The organizational reward systems
often has a significant impact on the level of employee of satisfaction In addition to their
direct impact, the manners in which the extrinsic rewards are dispersed can affect the
intrinsic rewards (and satisfaction) of the recipient, example if everyone received an
across- the- board pay increase of 5 percent, it is hard to derived any feeling of
accomplishment from the reward. However, if pay raises are related directly to
performance, an employee who received a health pay increase will more than likely also
experience accomplishment and satisfaction. In addition, Rue et al. (2016) cited the
study of Society for human resources management SHRM (2012) reported that 63% of
the respondents believed that opportunities to use skills/abilities was the most important
factor in job satisfaction. Job security comes in second, and compensation/pay was a
close third.
Alansari (2011) surveyed Kuwaiti librarians. The results show that extrinsic
measures, such as recognition of accomplishment, fair performance evaluation, and job
security were the most important aspects of job satisfaction, whereas low pay in
comparison to other professionals, inadequate financial rewards for outstanding
performance, low prestige and social status of librarians, no promotion possibilities, and
slow adoption of technological innovations were notable reasons for dissatisfaction.
Ikonne and Onuoha (2013) states that promotion is an activity that carried out by
a specified committee in a university for the purpose of evaluating and elevating
deserving librarians for services rendered during a stipulated period. It is usually an
annual exercise in most organizations where employees are assessed based on
acceptable criteria, especially on their contributions, performance and productivity over
a specific period. Promotion results have a strong impact on job satisfaction as
compared to recognition and achievement.
According to Pergamit & Veum (1999) as stated by Qasim et al. (2012) that
management should take consideration that promotion is a positive motivating tool in
ensuring that an employee attains goals at a higher level. In the same vein and
researchers have the same findings and views that job satisfaction is strongly
associated to opportunities for promotion.
Organizational Structure and Management
Different business owners and managers utilize different management styles.
Managers can be collaborative, working alongside subordinates to accomplish tasks.
Managers can be facilitative, stepping aside and making sure that employees always
have the tools, materials and information they need to do their jobs. Managers can also
be coercive and overbearing, micro-managing employees' every move.
No single management style is better than another. The best management style for any
given situation depends on the nature of work being performed, and the needs and
preferences of employees doing the work. Fitting the right management style with the
right situation can increase employee satisfaction, keeping turnover rates low.
(Odembo, 2013).
The concepts of company culture and work environment can be easily confused,
but there are distinct differences between the two. Put simply, a work environment is the
result and product of a company's distinct culture. Company culture includes elements
such as the way in which conflicts are handled, the freedom to try new things and fail
without consequences, dress code policies, predominate communication styles and
other intangible details. Like management styles, no company culture is inherently
better than another. Company cultures must fit with their employees to increase job
satisfaction, or else employees may look elsewhere to find a workplace better suited to
their personalities.
Job satisfaction creates opportunities for growth, exceptional compensation package,
boss is a mentor environment, company and organization is solid, morale is high, tools
and resources are provided, Innovation, Corporate values, ethics and Integrity.
(Odembo, 2013).
Acording to Defa (2008) as cited by Dukic (2014) that knowing the level of job
satisfaction of librarian is one of the aspects of library management thus; it is
interrelated to Human resources management as it attributed to one another. Staff
should be directed towards a common goal, at the same time accepting and respecting
their personalities, needs and rights. In this context, managers need to consider how
employees perceive different aspects of their work, and if necessary, promptly react and
make necessary adjustments. This means that library administrators must constantly
assess the human resources function in the library and pay attention to the morale of
the employees. Satisfied employees are generally more committed to their work and
contribute more to their organizations. For this reason, job satisfaction is one of the
most important issues in the area of human resource management. Due to intensive
technological development, unstoppable globalization, increasing competition, and
economic uncertainty, human resource management has been going through significant
transformations in recent years. As this is a highly complex issue, human resource
management can be approached from different angles.
Regardless of the approach, the basic functions of human resources are
strategic management, workforce planning and employment, human resources
development, total rewards, employee and labour relations, and risk management
(Stewart & Brown 2011). Accordingly, human resource management is responsible for
pulling in the right candidates, selection, training, development, motivation, assessment,
rewarding and retention of employees. Human resource management is therefore a
must in modern libraries. Even in smaller establishments, where a library head mostly
performs several organizational functions, it is necessary to persist in implementing the
principles of human resource management. The problem is that in such libraries we
often see people taking care of the employees in addition to regular library duties
although they have little or no knowledge and experience in human resource
Tinouye (2016) cited the study of Brown(2007) that the way and manner an
employee is treated is important and to a certain degree contributes to his/her job
satisfaction and dissatisfaction and was defined fairness as equal treatment, receiving
the same services and benefits as other people. Greenberg (2011) sees fairness as
“organizational justice”; he pointed out that people perceive fairness in organizations
along with their associated behavioral, cognitive and emotional reactions. Similarly,
Sušanj and Jakopec, (2012) asserted that there is empirical research that the
perception of justice is strongly related to the individual’s attitudes, such as job
satisfaction and commitment. Fairness has to do with the required benefits and equal
treatment received for services rendered. Fairness in the workplace excludes prejudice,
bias, favoritism and tribalism. Because of observable favoritism, bias and tribalism in
most organizations, Adams (1965) inferred that to evaluate fairness, individuals should
first assess the ratio of their contribution (input) to the resulting economic or social
compensation (output) and then compare the ratio with that of others. He further
asserted that receiving too much (over-compensation) and too little (undercompensation) is evaluated as unfair.
Based on the above, acceptable criteria should be used by employers to ensure
that employees receive fair treatment. This is because, when an employee is not treated
fairly, the consequence is that he/she tends to reduce the fairness by altering input (i.e.
working less or output) and, in essence, stealing from the company. It means that if
employees are treated fairly in the workplace, it would contribute to their job satisfaction
and employees’ job satisfaction depends on the level of organizational justice being
perceived by the employees
Professional and Personal Competencies
Training to support competency
According to Bamidele et al.(2013) Staff training is essential to achieving the best
from an employee. It is a means to instill new skills and knowledge in an employee to
face challenges in the workplace. Eze (2012) noted that training as a public or private
education program is directly applicable to work situations. training is necessary to face
the realities at work on a daily basis. They further stressed that most employers of labor
see training of employees as a means of achieving a high level of productivity and job
However, Word Quotient (2009) as cited by Bamidele et al. (2013) noted that the
benefits of training an employee range from increased job satisfaction, increased
motivation and improved job performance. The report of the University of
Massachusetts Amherst Libraries staff development working group (1998) (as cited by
Eze, 2012) emphasized that libraries need a staff that is capable in all facets of work to
provide excellent service to library users. This means that training is necessary for
quality service delivery which guarantees job satisfaction of trainees in their delivery of
services to the library clientele.
Bamidele et al.(2013) support the above assertions that training is very important
because it gives the trainee a feeling of satisfaction and achievement with the ability to
provide services that would satisfy clients. Dawha (2009) posited that lack of training
results in a lack of ability to use existing knowledge which causes ineffective services,
lack of customer satisfaction and lower productivity. Training fosters an increase in
professionalism and better management methods, whereas lack of training can cause
frustration and lack of job satisfaction. Library assistants require a certain amount of
training to allow them to have a high level of job confidence and satisfaction.
Professional competencies of a librarian
In today’s generation, libraries should not only focus in improving library
resources, tools and technology. They should also invest in improving the professional
and personal competencies of the librarian which are the front liner in library. Although
many libraries still adhere to the traditional skills such as classification, cataloguing and
indexing due to its easy to use or because librarians are already attuned to the way they
do their works; due to technology barriers especially in the older librarians. Library
professionals should acquire skills to deal with information in the new technological
Thus librarians must possess professional and personal competencies and
technical skills to become effective managers of information and become aware of the
new trends and needed skills in the library profession to serve well library clientele and
support the educational objectives of an organization. The following related literatures
suggest that librarians should acquire professional and personal competencies.
Mortel (2017) states that Zhong-Hui (2017) found out that both competencies and
sale-person personality have positive effects on job performance and that customer
loyalty is the more influencing factor. Professional competencies relate to librarian’s
knowledge of various information sources, technology, management and research and
the ability to use these areas of knowledge for providing library and information
services. Personal competencies represent a set of skills, attitudes and values that
enable librarians to work efficiently; be good communicators; demonstrate value added
nature of their contributions and survive in the new world of work. The LIS educators
have a greater responsibility to incorporate these various competencies in the LIS
Mortel (2017) cited study of Schwartz (2016) that librarians also needs
technological expertise, like web developer, technological literacy and coding. Wherein
Marcum (2016) advocated different types of leadership called transformational
leadership. Further, Marcum elaborated that we are fully into the digital environment,
which calls for different kind of leadership. Our new environment calls for new thinking
and experimentation with new processes and procedures. He further states that digital
leaders have different combination of skills, attitude, knowledge and their professional
and personal experiences. They must therefore be flexible and adaptable, and possess
wide intellectual curiosity and hunger for knowledge. They look globally for solution and
challenges and hunger for constant learning. They maintain a more egalitarian and
results-oriented approach than the leaders who came before them.
Farooq et al. (2016) found out in their study “Current and required competencies
of university librarians in Pakistan” that there is a significant gap between the
perceptions of university librarians about their present skills and required skills. The
present level of skills is lower than the desired level of competence. There is no
Personal Competency
Sa’ari et al. (2017) as cited by Mortel (2017) noted that personal competencies
influence performance of the librarians especially in Malaysia Academic libraries, They
states that personal skills, such as communication, negotiation concern for others, team
work and interpersonal competencies such as time management risk taking, passionate
and energetic behavior influence the librarians’ innovative performance.
Significance of the Research
The study will adopt comparative study approach when carried out will able to
know the state of job satisfaction of librarians in public and in private academic libraries
in Bicol Region. It will also disclose who among librarians in private and public (SUCs)
academic libraries are more satisfied in their job in terms of salary, environment,
rewards/recognition, organizational structure, organizational management and
competencies. The findings will help to provide the basis for improvement of human
resource management of an institution. Librarians will be informed and become aware
of the needed competencies that must be possessed, obliged to improve the quality of
services in the academic libraries.
Definition of Terms
Academic Librarians are the people or persons in charge of the academic
library, library workers trained in the field of library science or librarianship with
atleast first degree, they are the people to whom the collection, preservation, use
and transmission of information and knowledge are entrusted, (Obodoeze 2001).
Academic library is a library that is attached to a higher education institution
which serves two complementary purposes to support the school's curriculum, and
to support the research of the university faculty and students. ( Ozioko, 2014).
Competency is the ability of an individual to do a job properly. It is a set
of defined behaviors that provide a structured guide enabling the identification,
evaluation and development of the behaviors in individual employees.
Employee Maintenance is an administration and monitoring of workplace safety,
health and welfare policies to maintain a competent workforce and comply with
statutory standard and regulations.
Employee Relations is range of employee involvement/participation schemes in
union or non-union workplaces. In a union environment, it is also includes
negotiation between management and union representatives over decisions
affecting employment contract.
Employee Retention Strategy refers to the means, plan or set of decisionmaking behavior put in place by organizations to keep their competent
workforce.(Odembo, 2013).
Employee is a person in the service of another under contract of hire, express or
implied, oral or written where the employer has the right or power to control and
direct the employee in the material detail on how the work is to be performed (Arthur,
1995) as cited by Odembo, 2013).
Human Resource policies are rules and guidelines put in place by companies
to hire, train, promote, compensate, appraise and terminate employee
Human resource strategy is a plan or method in achieving particular goal
usually over a long period of time designed to develop the skills, attitudes and
behaviors among staff that will help the organization meet its goals. Human resource
strategy consists of principles for managing the workforce through HR policies and
practices. It covers the various areas of human resources functions such as
recruitment, compensation, performance management, reward and recognition,
employee relations and training.
Job Satisfaction are attitudes and feelings toward their job; Contentment (or
lack of it) arising out of interplay of employee's positive and negative feelings toward
his or her work.
Job Satisfaction Survey (JSS) is a survey instrument made to measure the
scale to assess employee attitudes about the job and aspect of the job created by
Spector, P. E. (1997).
Librarian is a professionally trained person responsible for the care of
a library and its contents, including the selection, processing, and organization
of materials and the delivery of information, instruction, and loan services to meet
the needs of its users.
Higher Education Institution refers to the higher education in the Philippines
that offered various degree programs in a wide selection of colleges and universities
public and private institution. Administered and regulated by the commission on
higher education (CHED).
Human behavior related to the intrinsic nature of the work, but not necessarily to
the surrounding circumstances or environment. Motivating factors include
achievement, advancement, autonomy, personal growth, recognition, responsibility,
and the work itself.
Motivators are Internal and external factors that stimulate desire and energy in
people to be continually interested and committed to a job, role or subject, or to
make an effort to attain a goal.
Organization refers to a social arrangement which pursues collective goals,
controls its own performances and has boundary separating it from its environment
(Harrison, 2005) as stated by Odembo (2013).
Organizational Management is the process of organizing, planning, leading and
controlling resources within an entity with the overall aim of achieving its objectives.
The organizational management of a business needs to be able to make decisions
and resolve issues in order to be both effective and beneficial.
Professional is a person formally certified by a professional body of belonging to
a specific profession by virtue of having completed a required course of studies
and/or practice. And whose competence can usually be measured against an
established set of standards.
Professional Association a body of persons engaged in the same profession,
form usually to control entry in the profession, maintain standards, and represent the
professor in discussion with other bodies.
Professional Competence is a capability to perform the duties of one's
profession generally, or to perform a particular professional task, with skill of an
acceptable quality.
Reward is anything given by organizations to employees in response to their
contribution and performance. It may be financial or non-financial reward. Odembo
Salary Agreed-upon and regular compensation for employment that may be paid
in any frequency but, in common practice, is paid on monthly and not on hourly,
daily, weekly, or piece-work basis.
SUC stands for School Universities and Colleges in the Philippines.
Target population refers to all the members of a real hypothetical set of people,
events or objects to which a researcher wishes to generalize the results of a
research study.
Scope and Limitation of the Study
Based on the list obtained from Bicol region Librarian Council (BRLC) the Total
Active members of the council are Ninety Seven (97) librarians, wherein it does not
represent the whole numbers of academic librarians in Bicol region. Hence, since the
main purpose of the study is to know the level of job satisfaction of academic librarians
in five provinces, the proponent decided to focus on one hundred fifteen (115)
respondents which represent the total number of recognized Higher Education
Institution in the Bicol Region. (CHED) recognized Higher Education Institution (HEI) in
six provinces in Bicol region comprised of six provinces namely: Albay, Camarines Sur,
Camarines Norte, Catanduanes, Masbate and Sorsogon. The study aimed to survey
librarians employed in public and private academic libraries situated specifically in the
following cities and municipalities of Bicol Region, twenty eight of which are public
(SUC). Other areas in Bicol Region located in far flung areas could be considered to be
subject for delimitation due to accessibility and safety issues. The Informed Consent will
be given to respondent/institution.
Table 1 shows the CHED recognized Higher Education Institution in Bicol Region
ACLC College of Daet
ACLC College of Iriga City, Inc.
ACLC College of Sorsogon, Inc.
Aemilianum College
Aeronautical Academy of the Philippines
Ago Medical and Educational Center
Alfelor Sr. Memorial College
AMA Computer College – Legazpi City
AMA Computer College – Naga
Amando Cope College
Annunciation College of Bacon
Sorsogon Unit, Inc.
Aquinas University of Legazpi
Ateneo De Naga University
Belen B. Francisco Foundation-Daraga
Belen B. Francisco FoundationSorsogon
Bicol Christian College of Medicine
Bicol College
Bicol State College of Applied Sciences
and Technology (formerly: CSPC-Naga
Bicol University – Gubat Campus
Bicol University – Daraga Campus
Bicol University – Guinobatan Campus
Bicol University – Main
Bicol University – Polangui Campus
Bicol University – Tabaco Campus
Brentwood College of Asia International
Camarines Norte College
Camarines Norte College of Arts and
Camarines Norte School of Laws, Arts
and Sciences
Camarines Norte State College-Labo
Camarines Norte State College-Main
Camarines Norte State CollegeMercedes Campus
Camarines Norte State CollegePanganiban Campus
Camarines Sur Polytechnic CollegeMain
Capalonga College, Inc.
Catanduanes Colleges
Catanduanes Institute of Technology
Catanduanes State University – Main
Catanduanes State University –
Ceguera Technological College
Central Bicol State University of
Agriculture – Calabanga
Central Bicol State University of
Agriculture – Main
Central Bicol State University of
Agriculture – Pasacao
Central Bicol State University of
Agriculture – Sipocot
Colegio de Sta. Monica of Polangui, Inc.
Computer Arts and Technological
Christian Polytechnic Institute of
Daniel B. Pena Memorial College
De Vera Institute of Technology
Divine Word College of Legazpi
Dr. Carlos S. Lanting College-Dr. Ruby
Lanting Casaul Educational Foundation,
Dr. Emilio B. Espinosa, Sr. Memorial
State College of Agriculture and
Estenias Science Foundation School
Fatima School of Science and
Forbes Colleges
Holy Trinity College
Immaculate Conception College-Albay
Infotech Development Systems
Colleges, Inc.
Jesus the Loving Shepherd Christian
La Consolacion College-Daet
La Consolacion College-Iriga City
Liceo De Masbate
Liceo de San Jacinto Foundation
Mabini Colleges
Mariners’ Polytechnic CollegesPanganiban
Mariners’ Polytechnic Colleges
Foundation of Canaman, Inc.
Mariners’ Polytechnic Colleges
Foundation of Legazpi City, Inc.
Masbate Colleges
Mountview College (formerly: Naga Cal
Institute, Inc.)
Naga College Foundation
Naga View Adventist College
Osmena Colleges
Our Lady of Lourdes College
Our Lady of Salvation College
Ovilla Technical College
Partido College
Partido State University-Main
Partido State University-Sagnay
Partido State University-Salogon
Partido State University – San Jose
Partido State University-Tinambac
Perpetual Help Paramedical School
Philippine Computer Foundation
Pili Capital College
Polytechnic Institute of Tabaco
Polytechnic University of the Philippines
– Ragay Campus
Programming Language Technique
Regina Mondi College, Inc.
Republic Colleges of Guinobatan, Inc.
Saint Louise De Marillac College of
Siena College Tigaon, Inc.
Solis Institute of Technology
Sorsogon College of Criminology
Sorsogon State College – Castilla
Sorsogon State College – Magallanes
Sorsogon State College-Bulan Campus
Sorsogon State College-Main
Southern Bicol Colleges
Southern Luzon Technological College
Foundation Pilar, Inc.
Southern Luzon Technological College
Southern Masbate Roosevelt College
Speed Computer College
Sta. Elena (Camarines Norte) College
STI College-Legazpi
STI College – Naga
Tabaco College
Tanchuling College
The Lewis College
Universidad de Sta. Isabel
University of Northeastern Philippines
University of Nueva Caceres
University of Saint Anthony
Veritas College of Irosin
West Coast College
Worldtech Resources Foundation-Naga
Zamora Memorial College
Statement of Desired Outcomes
The expected outcome of this study is to have a relevant basis in measuring the
level of satisfaction of the librarian working in public and private academic library in in
Bicol Region. Be able to know the factors that affect frequent turnover of librarians;
Know the factor the affect the job satisfaction of librarians. Result will be used to
improve and develop the human resource strategies in the academic libraries that will
make librarians satisfied in their job. Once Librarians is satisfied, delivery of services in
academic library will be more meaningful and effective that would result to
1. This study will figure out variables that are required to be improved for good
execution of work management in the library and will help discover obstacles to
improver library management. Librarians will be guided and obliged to deliver quality
2. It can be valuable not only to academic library itself but for the educational sector
in order to improve their human resource policies within their organization. The
institution might formulate new policies that can minimize the high rate of turnover to
minimize the monetary lost in through constant hiring process.
3. This research can be utilized as a light for schools to pay attention to such
variables, as their benefits are not only for teachers but can be good to schools in the
long run particularly in maintaining a turnover rate as it exposes some policies to
reverse this trend in order to attract and hold the quality librarians required for a 21st
Century education system.
c) Description of method or approach
Research Design/Research Instrument/Data Gathering Procedures
The proposed study wishes to use descriptive-correlational research
design, it will use for demographics features to find out its significance to the
level of job satisfaction of librarians. Multiple regression will use to determine
the significance of variables in terms of salary, environment, reward
a/recognition, organizational structure, organizational management, and the level
of professional and personal competencies. The study also utilized the
quantitative methods. Quantitative methods will be utilized by gathering data
through surveys. Result will be interpreted using the applicable and well-tested
statistical methods.
Research Instrument
The researcher wishes to use a mixed instrument using fixed alternative method
questions and Likerts type scale in measuring data. The study will adapt ideas and
enhance some questionnaires from three types of following instrument:
1. Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire (MSQ) (1975). MSQ was acquired from
Vocational Psychology Research, University of Minnesota website by following the
stated copyright conditions. The MSQ was acquired thru an open source website that
can be utilized for free provided that statement of conditions will be followed. (Includes
in the appendix)
2. Job Satisfaction Survey (JSS) by Spector, P. (1994) with permission from the
author. Request sent thru email with reply. (see appendix for the copy of obtained
3. Some modified competency-based questions based from the Professional
Regulatory Board for Librarians Resolution No. 3, Series of 2015. Permission sent to Dr.
Lourdes T. David. With initial response was acquired from her social media account.
The NCBSFL instrument consisted of a listing of personal and professional
competencies of librarians adapting the National Competency-Based Standard for
Filipino Librarians (NCBSFL) which was formulated by the members of the board for
librarians of the Professional regulation Commission. The request to use NCBSFL as
questionnaire has been send to Honorable Lourdes T. David, Members for Philippine
Board for Librarians, Only selected items in questionnaire has been adapted.
The questionnaire has three main parts namely:
Part I for demographic profile which deals with the profile of the respondents that
includes gender, status, age, educational attainment, designation/ position, level of
compensation, and number of years in service.
Part II questionnaire were scale for level of job satisfaction are ask for Six areas
with two sub areas namely: salary satisfaction, environment satisfaction,
rewards/recognition satisfaction, organizational satisfaction, organizational
management satisfaction and competencies in two areas ; personal and
Part III is for motivating factors that affect the job satisfaction of librarians in
terms of salary, environment, rewards/recognition, organizational structure and
organizational management, this is to determine which factor affect most the level of job
satisfaction of the librarians/respondents, they will be asked to indicate which variables
by checking on of the choices with five selection 1 as the highest and 5 as the lowest,
namely: strongly satisfied (1), satisfied (2), Neither satisfied or dissatisfied (3),
dissatisfied (4), and strongly dissatisfied(5). With the following numeric equivalent for
interpretation of weighted means.
Strongly Satisfied
Strongly dissatisfied
Neither satisfied or dissatisfied
To attain validity and reliability, the prepared tools will be subjected to dry-run to
a group of ten students and ten faculties of AMA Computer College where the
researcher is working. Respondents for the dry-run will be requested to give suggestion
or recommendations for the enhancement of the questions. Their comment and
suggestions will be collected to refine the instrument.
Data Gathering Procedure
Gathering of data will be based on the number of respondents from target
participant in various academic libraries listed below. Questionnaires will be distributed
to the respondents in terms of: personal handling; email; postal mailing; coordination
through social media. The researcher will employ the survey strategy for the study. This
strategy is proposed because it allows the collection of a large amount of data from a
sizable population in an economical manner. Saunders et al. (2009), recommend this
strategy because the method allows researchers to collect quantitative data which can
be analyzed quantitatively using inferential statistics. The method is also perceived as
authoritative by people in general and is both comparatively easy to explain and to
Table 2 Shows number of questionnaire to be distributed to the participating academic
No. of Questionnaire
(Min. no, is 1
Camarines Sur
Camarines Norte
Total of 115
Respondents/Units of analysis/Subjects of the Study
The proposed respondents would be one hundred fifteen 115 academic librarians
based on the ration of 1:1, 1 respondent every 1 Higher Education Institution.
The 115 does not reflect the actual number of Librarians in Bicol region. Since the list
acquired from the Bicol Region Librarians Council constitute only ninety seven (97)
active member librarians. An academic librarians in every HEI might have 1 or more,
other might none due to lack of professional librarians. Thus, the purpose of this
proposed study is to measure the level of job satisfaction of academic librarians working
(actively) in public and private HEI in Bicol region, the proponent decided to have a total
of one hundred fifteen (115) respondents based on the actual number of recognized
HEI in Bicol region.
Sampling Design and Procedures
To test the effectiveness of the proposed study, a pre-test/survey will be
administered to 30 respondents or 20 per cent of the actual respondents (15 from
colleague, 15 from students) the pilot study will be done and will be computed using the
simple percentage technique to analyse the data.
Librarians in Bicol Region have different motivational approach when it comes to
job satisfaction; they have different orientation on how to be satisfied with their work.
The proposed study has the following assumption statement:
1. The demographic profile of respondent has significant effect on the job
satisfaction of the respondents.
2. Level of job satisfaction of academic librarians in private institution has
significant effect in terms of salary, environment, rewards/recognition, organizational
management, organisational structure and competencies.
3. Level of job satisfaction of academic librarians in public (SUCs) institution has
significant effect in terms of salary, environment, rewards/recognition, organizational
management, organisational structure and competencies.
Data Analysis Plan
Two analyses will be used to determining the level of job satisfaction if the
respondents. The proposed study wishes to use descriptive-correlational research
design for demographics features to find out it significance to the level of job
satisfaction of librarians. Multiple regression analysis will be used to determine the
significance of variables in terms of salary, environment, reward a/recognition,
organizational structure, organizational management, and the level of professional and
personal competencies. And to identify which factors or variables have the highest
value that affect the job satisfaction of the respondents.The study also utilized the
quantitative methods. Quantitative methods will be utilized by gathering data through
surveys. Result will be interpreted using the applicable and well-tested statistical
Research Paradigm/Conceptual Framework
This study conceptualized that the levels of job satisfaction of Librarians in Bicol
Region significantly affect the quality of services in their work. And that there are
motivating factors that affect their willingness to work. An effective library can be
appreciated thru the quality of services that they serve. It can be attested by the
satisfied clients who once experienced excellent services in the library. To attain this
quality services, library must be guided by the competent staff or librarians; thus, for a
librarian to perform well one must skilled and must be satisfied with their job. Below
represent graphical illustration of the overview of the proposed research regarding the
relationship of job satisfaction to excellent library services.
Salary, recognition, growth/achievement, job security, organizational citizenship
behavior organizational management), and organizational structure are the most
motivating factors for respondent’s job satisfaction. (Tinuoye 2016).
Moreover, this paper seeks to investigate what are the level of job satisfaction of
librarians in the Bicol region in terms of salary, Environment, rewards and recognition,
organizational structure and organizational management. Below is the graphical
representation of the overview of the proposed research regarding the relationship of
job satisfaction to excellent library services.
Below is the graphical conceptualization of the research which aimed to prove
throughout the study.
In the conceptual framework shows:
The group of variables that can affect the job satisfaction of the respondents that
includes demographic profile, salary, environment, reward/recognition, organizational
structure & management, and competencies.
The two groups of variables composed of Public (SUCs) academic libraries and
Private academic libraries.
The output of the study or benefits to the Institution, library profession, and the
librarian or the respondents.
Conceptual Framework
Figure 2
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Research Governance and Ethics
In this research study, issues relating to the
Please describe how you will ensure
ethical conduct of research such as informed
that the activity will be carried out to
consent, confidentiality, privacy and
the highest standards of ethics and
anonymity will be upheld. The researcher
research integrity.
must adhere to the ethical standard and
integrity in conducting research all
throughout the process of the research by
observing the following :
● Observe honesty at all time
● Comply with the ethical and obligation
on research.
● Ensure that the safety, integrity and
rights of the person associated in the
● Understand the norms and must be
knowledgeable of the intellectual
property concern.
● Must be aware and take all the
responsibility of all the significant,
scholarly or contributor.
● Most of all, physical and psychological
safety must be considered at all times in
conducting the survey process
Please describe how potential ethical
health and safety issues arising as
Potential ethical health and safety issues
part of this research have been
must be observed and considered.
considered and how they will be
● To avoid exploitation of the participant
and the information gathered.
● To observe safety practices in all our
research activities
● To uphold the rights, dignity, and
autonomy of our participants and
It has been reported that researchers and
transcribers may experience physical and
emotional symptoms that include headaches,
gastrointestinal disturbances, and sleep
disturbances thru the process of interview or
survey. Thus, it must be address properly; the
researcher must be watchful and prepare for
anything that might happens during the time
of survey/ interview.
Will the proposed research involve
Yes, the proposed research involve human
research on animals, human
participants such as:
participants, human tissue or
● The Interviewer
patient/participant data?
● The researcher
● The transcriber
● The supervisor
● The Adviser
And the reader
Has the proposed research been
For review
reviewed by the research ethics
committee of the institution?
V. Expected Outputs and Deliverables (This refers to the products of the research
which would contribute and increase the stock of knowledge.)
This research would benefit the Education, Librarians and the library profession.
Thru the expected outcome, the quality of education will improve through the delivery
of services in the library which is vital in research and academic needs of the students
and faculties.
Librarianship/ profession will be aware of the issues and other concerns
surrounding the organization as stated in the research problem and be able to adapt
the outcome of the research to enhance and improve the quality of the profession.
VI. Target Beneficiaries of Research Results: (who and how many are the direct /
indirect beneficiaries of the study, what are the benefits that are likely to accrue in
the short or long term)
Target Beneficiaries
1. The academic library in SUC/public
2. The academic library in private
3.The professional librarians in Bicol
VII. Dissemination Plan: (what is the plan for sharing / communicating research
results to different stakeholders / possible beneficiaries; please mention specific
1. Research outcome will be shared to
Result will be shared and discussed to
the involve SUC/ public academic library;
the organizations in charged in the
particularly in the Human resource
human resources, library management
department, the institution will be
and development of library staff.
informed first of the outcome. Decision
will solely depend on them to accept
whatever outcome/ result is.
2. Research outcome will be shared to
Result/ findings will be shared and
the involved private academic library;
discussed to the organizations in charged
particularly in the Human resource
in the human resources, library
department; the institution will be
management and development of library
informed first of the outcome. Decision
will solely depend on them to accept
whatever the outcome/ result is.
3. Research outcome will be shared to
The participant will provide a copy of
the interviewee/participant.
result/ findings.
4. Research outcome will be shared to
the Library organization with direct
Bicol Region Librarians’ Council will be
association to the entire library
provided of whatever findings/result.
Bicol Region Librarians’ Council will be
The outcome can be used for
provided of whatever findings/result.
enhancement or reference of the
5. Research outcome will be
To send a copy of the result/findings of
shared/submitted to Delivering Higher
the study to the DHEI.
Education Institution.
6. Research outcome will be
To send a copy of the result/findings of
shared/submit to Sending Higher
the study to the SHEI.
To send a copy of the result/findings of
7. Research outcome will be
the study to the Commission on Higher
shared/submit to Commission on Higher
Education Region V (CHEDROV)
VIII. Activities
of Proposed
of Draft of
abstract & Lit
Final Draft &
Oral Defense
of Title
for actual
9 10
for actual
with DHEI,
SHEI, Bicol
and all
participant in
the research
and other
participant of
the study
that are
involved and
can help the
Start of
by sending
formal letter
for survey.
Visit to the
survey site
or to the
place where
are located
on through
email and
other social
media is also
especially in
the far/
remote or
risky area.
To conduct
actual survey
survey tools
and date
Start of
Finalize data
and other
involved in
the study
of study and
IX. Curriculum Vitae of the Researcher
The proponent is a graduate of Bachelor Secondary Education (BSED) Major in
Library Science at University of Nueva Caceres (UNC) in Naga City in Bicol Region.
Currently working at AMA Computer College Naga City Branch and hold various
positions which makes the researcher a competent person. Below are the curriculum
vitae that described the competence, qualifications and experience of the researcher.
Zone 1 Cararayan Naga City, Camarines Sur
Cell No. 09085301772
E-mail address: rita_depositario@hotmail.com, rdalarcon@amaes.edu.ph
Birth Date
: 10/10/1974
Birth Place
: Abella Naga City
Civil Status
: Married
: Roman Catholic
: Filipino
PRC License No.
: 0004002
Tin No.
Pag-Ibig No.
1ST (2012)
2nd (2013)
3rd (2014)
“Web Based Library Attendance Monitoring System” An innovation and
technological advancement that will record and summarizes the daily statistics and
attendance of library users that will help library personnel facilitate the retrieval of data.
November 8, 2004 – present
OSA/Guidance Cum Librarian,
Cum Property Custodian - 2010-2016,
Officer -in- Charge School Director January 2016 to March 2016
AMA Computer College Naga City
# 25 Magsaysay Avenue Naga City
October 2013 – October 2014
Library Clerk
Main Library, University Of Nueva Caceres
J. Hernandez St. Naga City
Master of Library and Information Science (MLIS)
42 Units (Thesis Writing)
Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation
Lucena City
Master in Library Science (MLS)
30 Units
University of Nueva Caceres
J. Hernandez Avenue, Igualdad St. Naga City
Bachelor of Science and Secondary Education 1999-2003
15 units in special education, 9 units in elementary education
Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education
University of Nueva Caceres
J. Hernandez Avenue, Igualdad St. Naga City
High School 1987-1991
Camarines Sur National High School
Peñafrancia Avenue Naga City
Elementary 1981-1987
Tinago Central School
Tinago St. Naga City
6th International Conference on Asia-Pacific: Library and Information
Education and Practice “A-LIEP 2015 “Asia Pacific LIS Exploring
Unity and Diversity”
Philippine International Convention Center , Pasay City Manila
October 28, 29,30, 2015
36TH PASLI National Workshop “Envisioning the 21st Century School
RawisLegaspi City, Albay
April 23-25, 2014
3rd Lib.Link Conference “Beyond Librarianship: Information as a
way of Life”
Makati City, Philippines
Ayala Foundation, Filipinas Heritage
National Conference on “Library management in the Philippine
Principles & Best Practices”
Naga College Foundation Learning Resource Center
PLAI National Congress 2011" Libraries for Progress"
Baguio City, Philippines
Philippine Librarians Association, Inc.
11/16/2011 – 11/18/2011
Web Technologies: Training for Development of Library and
Teaching Resources
Raul Roco Public Library
National Library and Raul Roco Public Library
7/8/2009 - 7/10/2009
Seminar Workshop on the Preservation of Movable and Immovable
Raul S. Roco Public Library
National Historical Institute and Raul Roco Public Library
2/25/2009 - 2/27/2009
PRC Board Passer for Librarians Examination
License no. 0004002
Recipient of five (5) and ten(10) years of employment service awards
AMA Computer College Naga
School Director
AMA Computer College Naga
CP No. 09063731440
Chief Librarian
University of Nueva Caceres
J. Hernandez Avenue Naga City
(054)472-0408 CP No. 09198214301
Director of Libraries
University of Nueva Caceres
J. Hernandez Avenue Naga City
(05)472-0408 loc. 128 (05) 811-6100
X. Research Instruments
1. Questionnaire –The study will adapt ideas and enhance some questionnaires from
Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire (MSQ) by Vocational Psychology Research,
University of Minnesota (1975) ,
Job Satisfaction Survey (JSS) by Spector, P. (1994)
And National Competency- Based Standards for Filipino Librarians (NCBSFL)
Professional Regulation for Librarians (2015).
2. Rating Scales – To adapt Likerts’ type scale in analyzing data
3. Score card – Score card will be used to analyze gathered data based from the
4. Communication letters – Communication letters such as letter to the Dean; Sample
letter to the panelist; sample letter to the respondent’s institution
Letters to the Dean/ Head of Institution/ Head of Libraries
I am currently taking Master of Library and Information Science at Manuel S.
Enverga University Foundation Lucena City, as part of the curriculum requirement is
thesis writing. Currently I am to conduct study about “Measuring Job Satisfaction and
determinants of librarians in Public (SUC) and Private Academic Libraries in Bicol
Region” in which libraries in your Institution has been chosen as one of my participant in
my study.
In this regard, may I have the honor to request permission from you to conduct a
survey for ____ college librarians from your Institution. The respondent will be asked to
answer the questionnaire honestly and truthfully as possible to attain the core objective
of this study. Rest assured that any information that will be gathered will be treated with
outmost care and confidentiality. Looking forward for your positive response and
approval. Thank you.
Respectfully yours,
Associate Dean
Institute of Graduate Studies and Research
Manuel S. Enverga University foundation
Lucena City
Inform Consent