School Teacher Teaching Dates and Time Week 5 (Day 1-Day 4) DATE PARTS I. OBJECTIVES DAY 1 Grade Level Learning Area Quarter DAY 2 DAY 3 DAY 4 Objectives must be met over a week and connected to the curriculum standards. To meet the objectives, necessary procedures must be followed and if needed, additional lessons, exercises and remedial activities. May be done for developing content knowledge and competencies. These are assessed using Formative Assessment strategies. Valuing objectives support the learning of content and competencies and enable children to find significance and joy in learning the lessons. Weekly objectives shall be derived from the curriculum guides. B. Performance Standards The learners demonstrate an understanding of… politics and political science, governance, political ideologies, power, states, nations, and globalization The learners shall be able to… clearly identify a specific political phenomenon and how it can be studied C. Learning Competencies/Objectives Learners are expected to: define nation and state Learners are expected to: differentiate nation from state Learners are expected to: explain meanings of globalization Write the LC code for each HUMSS_PG12-Ie-15 HUMSS_PG12-Ie-16 HUMSS_PG12-Ie-17 A. Content Standards 12 Philippine Politics and Governance 1st or 3rd Quarter Learners are expected to: evaluate how globalization influences nation-states HUMSS_PG12-Ie-18 Content is what the lesson is all about. It pertains to the subject matter that the teacher aims to teach. In the CG, the con tent can be tackled in a week or two. II. CONTENT States, Nations, and Globalization The State as Different from the Nation as a Political Concept States, Nations, and Globalization Globalization as a Context of Relations Among Nation-States III. LEARNING RESOURCES List all materials to be used in different days. Varied sources of materials sustain children's interest in the lesson and in learning. Ensure that there is a mix of concrete and manipulative materials as well as paper-based materials. Hands-on learning promotes concept development. A. References 1. Teacher's Guide pages 2. Learner's Materials pages 3. Textbook pages 4. Additional Materials from Learning Resource (LR) Portal Page 1 of 9 B. Other Learning Resources Book: Philippine Politics and Governance by Rhene C. Tabajen and Erlinda B. Pulma, pp. 31- 39 Difference Versus Nation and State: LtA Nations, States, and Nation States State vs. Nation V7w Elements of A State: Book: Philippine Politics and Governance by Rhene C. Tabajen and Erlinda B. Pulma, pp. 39- 40 What is Globalization? 77FuqtY Is Globalization Good or Bad? XEShqI Globalization Pros and Cons: mpu3HAE The Cost of Globalization: Page 2 of 9 IV. PROCEDURES (5 minutes) (3 minutes) (5 minutes) (2 minutes) Review: Ask the following. Review: Ask the following. What is a nation? What is a state? What is a nation-state? Review: SONA (State or Nation, Arrange! Review: Making Sense A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson What is power? How should one exercise his/her power? Who have powers in the country? Most Possible Responses: People, Government (Such responses are important springboards to connect the concept of power to the next topic on the definition of state and nation) (8 minutes) (15 minutes) Class Activity: „Made‟ of the Philippines Group Work: Word Play Ask: What makes up the Philippines as a country? B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson Most Possible responses: Territory People Leaders Filipinos Land Sea (Catapult from these responses that a country is a meaningful entity) These steps should be done across the week. Spread out the activities appropriately so that students will learn well. Always be guided by demonstration of learning by the students which you can infer from formative assessment activities. Sustain learning systematically by providing students with multiple ways to learn new things, practice their learning, question their learning processes, and draw conclusions about what they learned in relation to their life experiences and previous knowledge. Indicate the time al lotment. Let the students present their acrostics. Each of the 5 groups will be given 3 minutes to present. Ask: What is globalization? Let the students categorize each concept written in meta-cards if it falls under the concept of nation or state. Ask the following: What is the difference between a nation and state? (Students may give words/phrases as answers. These can be organized in a Venn diagram on the board). How are these two concepts related? (5 minutes) (The teacher ensures the connection between the review and this portion of the lesson. For example the teacher may find relating one of the criteria in considering a state which is international recognition, which somehow be made later as an entry concept about every country’s immersion in the global arena such as the essence of the activity below.) Dyad: SHOPares (6 minutes) Class Activity: PictoQuiz Have the class identify images to which they refer. Example: Ask: How do these relate with the concept of globalization? Have the students go through with the things they have, particularly looking at the labels and listing the countries where Page 3 of 9 those things were made. Ask the following: Page 4 of 9 C. Presenting examples/instances of the new lesson How do you find the discovery of the things being used by your pair? Speak your thoughts. No holds barred. Do you find him/her nationalistic or not? DO you find him/her out of fad or not? etc. How do we usually call the things we buy in our country? How do you understood it? Why? How about those people buying imported products? How do we regard them? Why? (5 minutes) (5 minutes) (7 minutes) (5 minutes) Class Activity: WordHUNT/WordSMITH Class Activity: Making Sense/Initializing… Have the class coin the terms NATION and STATE to which the term „country‟ is seemingly synonymous. Have the students find the oneness Ask the following processing questions between the images below. regarding the students‟ acrostics. What are the noticeable differences mentioned in the acrostics? How is nation different from state? How is nation related with state? (It could be thru jumbled letters or in the form of a game where letters are to be provided to students grouped into two and race towards coining the terms in a given time limit) Class Activity: LaraONE Class Activity: Video Analysis Play a short video about globalization. (Make sure that such video will show pros and cons about it.) Processing: What is the video about? What does it try to tell us? (The teacher accepts answers and writes them under the “Know” column of the KWL chart.) Ask: What questions about the difference between a nation and a state you have in mind? (Put their responses in the “Want” column. Know Want Learn (By this time, the students could already easily grasp the next point of the lesson, which is to coin the word GLOBALIZATION from jumbled letters.) Ask the students now; what concepts they can associate with the term Page 5 of 9 Globalization. organize the (They should Page 6 of 9 responses in a concept map) (10 minutes) (7 minutes) (10 minutes) (5 minutes) Group Work: Making Sense of the Definitions Class Activity: Video Clip Viewing Group Work. KaWHOLEgan Group Work: Video: Nation versus State Display the definitions of the terms STATE and NATION. D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1 Lead the class in identifying the key concepts underlying these definitions. (Discuss this key concepts) Guide Question Which do you think between a nation and a state is cultural? political? functional? legal? psychological? Why? Distribute copies of meanings of globalization to each group. They will Guide Questions: brainstorm on the meaning and highlight What are the underlying its keywords/s. (The teacher characteristics distinguishing should ensure that such state from nation? Write key highlighted keyword be written concepts (significant terms). on the board or in meta-cards Can nation be state, vice versa? posted on the board so that synthesis of the given meanings interpreted by each group will be facilitated smoothly.) (The teacher ensures that the presentation is able to clarify to the learners that globalization has its pros and cons because these will serve as springboards in identifying its influences to a nation-state such as the Philippines) Have the students Identify current issues in the country, which has reached global attention. For example, the war on drugs. The students write these on meta-cards and classify them by posting on the board on the appropriate column. (The teacher should have pictures to serve as buffer in the activity particularly on the following concepts: cultural, political, functional, legal, and psychological.) Page 7 of 9 E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #2 (10 minutes) (5 minutes) (6 minutes) (15 minutes) Group Work: Definition Map Group Work: W-Diagram Processing. Making Sense Group Work: Boon or Bane? Give the students meta-cards where they will write concepts from the video clips regarding the differences and similarities of a nation and a state. Organize the Ask the following: What is common among the given meanings? Why? How would you define After brainstorming, have the students complete the following graphic organizer. POLITICAL ECONOMIC RELIGIOUS Page 8 of 9 SOCIOCULTURAL concepts in a w-diagram. Processing Questions: What makes a nation different from a state? How do these two concepts relate? F. Developing mastery (leads to Formative Assessment 3 (The teacher guides the class in arriving at the following synthesizing definition of globalization) Globalization is a process of forging international political, economic, religious, and socio-cultural interconnections. (Students have to identify concepts related to state and nation. They will have to give their own definition of the concepts and later be associated with the definition of authorities as already discussed.) (At this point, the teacher guides the students in distinguishing between a nation and a state. Discuss the elements of a state that distinguishes it from a nation.) (5 minutes) Video: Elements of a State (10 minutes) (10 minutes) (10 minutes) Class Activity: 3 in 1 Group Work: T-Diagram Group Work: PERS time (The students present their group work.) Students will guess each term based on 3 Have each group justify the Philippines Illustrate or identify scenarios how as a nation and as a state using the Tpictures shown to them. globalization works in Philippine context diagram. in terms of: THE PHILIPPINES Political Economic as a Nation as a State Religious; and Socio-cultural interconnections S globalization based on the following concepts? O VE R E IG N TY Processing: Making Sense Ask the following: Which of the issues influenced by globalization strike you the most? Why? How would you describe globalization‟s influences to the country in general? Take note: Students can be provided with newspapers and consider articles related to the mentioned aspects. Relate this to the class for simple discussion.) Page 9 of 9 ISSU E GLOBALIZATI ON INFLUENCE Boon Bane (Pros) (Cons) Group 1. Political Group 2. Economic Group 3. Religious Group 4. Socio-Cultural Page 10 of 9 P E O P L E G O VERNMEN T T E R R I T OR Y Page 11 of 9 I N T E R N A T I ON A L R E C OG N I T I O N (After the activity, the teacher will point out that these play part in understanding about a nation and a state; but does not necessarily expound since a topic regarding this will be discussed next day) Ask: Which between nation and state is related to the following concepts? Why? (5 minutes) Class Activity: What does learning about the definition of nation and state contribute in your well-being as a student? G. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living (8 minutes) (7 minutes) (7 minutes) Group Work: Isip-Daluyong! Group Work: #GoGlobal Group Work: What Now? #GoGLobal or #GoLocal? Members shall discuss and come up with what benefits do people get for being members of a nation/ a state. Have the students write a group statement of going global. Let them post their work on the board for the whole class to see. Give each student a like and a dislike icon and post it to the statements of their choice. Processing Question: Which garnered the most likes? dislikes? Why it garnered the most likes? dislikes? Have the students contemplate on their previous statement about going global and present them the concept of going local? Let them rewrite their work on the board and post likes and dislikes icon. Processing Question: Which garnered the most likes? dislikes? Why it garnered the most likes? dislikes?. Page 12 of 9 H. Making generalizations and abstractions about the lesson (5 minutes) (5 minutes) (7 minutes) (5 minutes) Ask: What significant learning have you had about the lesson? Class Activity: Interpret the following image/diagram. Group Work: ContraDICTIONARY Possible Statements: State and Nation are concepts pertaining to a country. State is political while nation is cultural. Ask: What does the following diagram tell about our topic? Ask the following: How can we benefit from globalization? How can we be harmed by globalization? Each group conceives a consensual definition of globalization based on their understanding. Have these written on manila papers and posted on the board. (Each group gives its approval and disapproval of another group’s definition.) Possible Statements: We can benefit from globalization through trade. Page 13 of 9 (5 minutes) Individual Work: Give a short quiz (5-item True or False) about the concepts discussed. A nation is political in nature. A nation is a community of people. A state is cultural in nature. A state relates with the concept of government. A nation is bounded by a common interest. I. Evaluating learning Answer Key: False True False True True Possible Statements: State and Nation are two distinct terms but interrelated concept.s The concept of state encompasses the concept of nation. (5 minutes) Class Activity: Have the class go back to the KWL Chart and complete the “Learn” column. Possible Statements: Globalization is the interconnection of nationstates. Globalization is concerned with the relationships of countries of the world. Globalization can cause cultural transformation. (5 minutes) (5 minutes) Individual Work: Explain the concept of globalization. Individual Work. Evaluate the influences of globalization to the Philippines. (The students can focus on one issue.) Ask: What makes a state? How is nation different or related with the concept of state? Rubri c Page 14 of 9 Know Want Learn Page 15 of 9 Agreed Group Work: Word Play The class is divided into 5 groups. Each group will prepare acrostics of the terms: nation and state. J. Additional activities for application or remediation 1st 2 groups- NATION 2nd 2 2 groups-STATE Last group-NATION-STATE Optional Research Work: Identify countries, which are not yet recognized as “states”. Learn about their status specifically on how it affects the lives of their people. Optional Individual Work: Can I live without China? Optional Individual Work: “Wordle” (Doodle with Word/s) Challenge the learners to answer the following question: Can I live without China? Agree with the students in making a „wordle‟ about globalization. The students have to list all things made in China in their house and be able to refrain from using them for a week. The students have to journal their experiences and be able to write a final reaction about their experience. (The teacher reminds the students that the acrostics should connect to the concepts of Nation and a State.) The students will have to reflect about their learnings daily by putting these in their journal. Encourage them to make their journals personalized and creative. V. REMARKS VI. REFLECTION A. No. of Learners who earned 80% on the formative assessment B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation. C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson D. No. of learners who continue to require remediation E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work? F. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve? G. What innovation or localized materials did I use/discover which I wish to share with other teachers? Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your students' progress this week. What works? What else to be done to help the students learn? Identify what help your instructional supervisors can provide for you so when you meet them. you can ask them relevant questions. Page 16 of 9