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Engineering Valuation in Oil & Gas: Exploration & Production

EDS 522
• Oil industry is global, capital intensive and technology driven. It is
also very risky and volatile and so also its profitability. The stake
holders that would be involved need to acquire adequate knowledge
of the industry- the structure, the regulatory regime, the operators
and the peculiarities so as to be able to participate meaningfully and
profitably in the intermediation as it relates to the oil industry.
Origin of Petroleum
• The most widely accepted hypothesis of the origin of oil and gas is the
organic theory. It stipulates that petroleum (hydrocarbons) is formed
from organic material including marine plants and animals that lived
millions of years ago in low-lying areas—normally in the oceans of the
Origin of Petroleum
• These plant and animal remains were deposited throughout the
years, along with layer after layer of eroded particles of igneous rock.
The weight and pressure of the overlying layers caused the eroded
rock particles to form sedimentary rock. The weight and pressure of
overlying layers—and other not fully understood factors, such as
chemical and bacterial processes—changed the organic material into
oil and gas.
Origin of Petroleum cont.
• After formation, oil and gas move upward through the layers of
sedimentary rock due to pressure and the natural tendency of oil and
gas to rise through water. (Salt water is often contained in the pore
space of sedimentary rock.) The petroleum migrates upward through
porous and permeable rock formations until it becomes trapped by
an impervious layer of rock. The impervious rock that prevents further
movement of the oil and gas is called a trap
Oil and Gas Exploration .
• Oil and gas exploration involves the work of geoscientists using a
myriad of geological and geophysical (G&G) techniques to identify
areas far beneath the earth’s surface that may contain petroleum
• Geological methods rely on the identification of rocks and minerals on
or near the surface and the understanding of the environments in
which they were formed.
• Also, it involve surface studies, and any number of methods,
depending on the size of the area being examined.
Oil and Gas Exploration cont.
• Oil and gas operations have been classified as being either upstream
or downstream.
• Upstream activities include exploration, acquisition, drilling,
developing, and producing oil and gas.
• Upstream activities generally include all of the activities involved in
finding and producing oil and gas up to the initial point that the oil or
gas is capable of being sold or used.
Oil and Gas Exploration cont.
• Upstream activities are frequently referred to as exploration and
production activities, or E&P activities.
• Downstream activities generally include refining, processing, marketing,
and distribution of oil.
• Classification of oil and gas activities as being upstream versus downstream
may seem straightforward initially. However, modern petroleum industry
operations often are conducted in exotic locations and have become
increasingly complex, making classification of operations into any single
category difficult. As a consequence, today some activities that have
characteristics of both upstream and downstream activities are actually
referred to as midstream
Downstream petroleum sub-sector
• The sub-sector of the oil and gas industry generally covers all activities
undertaken to process oil and gas after the exploration and production
stage. It therefore includes industrial activities such as:
- petroleum refining into various products like petrol, diesel, kerosene,
aviation fuel and several other derivatives
- production of petrochemical products such as plastics, carbon black,
solvents etc.
Downstream petroleum sub-sector
- gas development and conversion as we presently have in the Nigeria
- distribution of various petroleum products
- provision of services to the companies engage in above activities
Oil and Gas Exploration cont.
• Geological studies, this involve surface studies, for example, the use
of aerial photography, satellite imaging, imaging radar,t opographical
and geological mapping. Such methods aimed at gathering data about
surface features that can be used to make inferences regarding the
potential existence of petroleum-bearing subsurface formations.
Oil and Gas Exploration cont,
• Geophysical methods: This involve subsurface studies, aimed at
locating and detecting the presence of subsurface structures and the
determination of their size, shape, depth, and physical properties in
order to identify the presence of certain physical characteristics that
are indicative of oil and gas reservoirs. Geophysical methods include
gravitational studies, magnetic and electromagnetic evaluation, and
seismic studies
Remote Sensing method is used to collect data
Remote sensing is a method of collecting
information about objects without coming in
contact with them.
Image Source: cimss.ssec.wisc.edu
Oil and Gas Exploration cont.
• Seismology is one of the most important tools in oil and gas
exploration today. These studies provide detailed information about
subsurface structures by recording the reflection of sound waves on
subsurface formations. Innovations in seismology, such as 3-D seismic
studies, have significantly increased drilling success rates. The use of
seismic studies has extended beyond exploration, with seismic
studies now being used extensively in field development and
production planning. Time-lapse, or 4-D seismic, involves repeating a
series of 3-D seismic surveys over time
Oil and Gas Exploration cont.
• Oil and gas activities as being upstream versus downstream may
initially be straight forward but modern petroleum industry
operations often are conducted in exotic locations and have become
increasingly complex, making classification of operations into any
single category difficult. As a consequence, today some activities that
have characteristics of both upstream and downstream activities are
actually referred to as midstream
Oil and Gas Exploration cont.
• An integrated oil and gas company is one involved in E&P activities as
well as at least one downstream activity.
• An independent oil and gas company is one involved primarily in only
E&P activities.
Upstream E&P activities are uniquely characterized by
 A high level of risk
• A long-time span before a return on investment is received
• A lack of correlation between the magnitude of expenditures and the
value of any resulting reserves
• A high level of regulation
• Complex tax rules
• Unique cost-sharing agreements
Oil and Gas Exploration cont.
• Even the best G&G techniques cannot normally guarantee that oil or
gas exists in economically producible quantities. Often the only
definite way to determine whether an economically viable petroleum
reservoir exists is to drill wells into the formation.
Oil and Gas Exploration cont.
• A successful well is a well that finds reserves in economically
producible quantities.
• However, even though a well is classified as a success, it may
nevertheless be unprofitable.