VPAA Form 10 INSTITUTE IN CRIMINAL JUSTICE AND LAW ENFORCEMENT 1st Semester, A.Y. 2021-2022 SYLLABUS IN THERAPEUTIC MODALITIES I. VISION : We shall be the premier academic community through quality education and training. II. MISSION : We provide holistic, responsive and globally recognized academic and training programs. III. GOALS : Guided by its vision and mission, the College aims to: 1. To provide quality education by promoting academic excellence at all levels 2. To maintain partnership with other academic institutions and organizations thereby forming alliances with the industry to promote global competitiveness. 3. To create strong research culture among all levels of the institutions. 4. To exercises sound socio-civic practices. IV. PROGRAM SPECIALIZATION OUTCOMES : A. Institute of Criminal Justice and Law Enforcement 1. Apply, knowledge, skills essential to become outstanding professionals and competent practitioners in the field of Criminal Justice and Law Enforcement. 2. Apply knowledge, skills essentials to a holistic development to become globally competitive and socially responsive in the aspect of nationwide into worldwide peacekeeping and order maintenance. 3. Apply knowledge, skills essential to meet the challenge of highly progressing and changing technological environment, political, cultural and economic arena. B. Bachelor of Science in Criminology 1. Foster the values of leadership, integrity, accountability and responsibility while serving their fellowmen, community and country. 2. Prepare the students for careers in crime prevention, law enforcement, scientific crime detection and correctional administration. 3. Encourage research and inquiry on the nature, causes and treatment or punishment of criminal behavior and how criminal justice agencies respond to crimes, criminals and victims. V. COURSE CODE : CA 3 VI. COURSE TITLE : THERAPEUTIC MODALITIES VII. COURSE DESCRIPTION : The course covers the review on laws on human rights, different forms of human rights violation, government programs for the welfare of the victims, treatment models, and the developmental aspects of therapeutic modalities. VIII. COURSE OBJECTIVES : 1. Ensure offender’s welfare and development through therapeutic modalities for their re-integration to the community; 2. Appraise the objectives of corrections and imprisonment; 3. Internalize the concepts of Human rights and victim welfare; and 4. Examine the standard rules in the treatment of prisoners set by the jails, prison and the agencies under non-institutional corrections. 1 IX.COURSE CONTENT : Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) 1. Discuss The Laws On Human Rights And The Different Forms Of Human Rights Violation. 2. Distinguish treatment from punishment 3. Identify governmental programs for the victims 4. Appraise the recovery programs for the victims Course Content/Topic Instructional Delivery Laws On Human Rights Commonly Violated Human Rights Treatment Vs. Punishment Governmental Programs For The Victims Virtual Discussion via zoom Youtube videos Interactive discussion Reporting Evidence of Performance Submission of works that includes the summary of learnings acquired in this period Exit cards to be submitted after class at a certain time Assessment Tools Exit Cards Learning Tasks Recitations Assignments Student as a resource speaker Assign a student to talk on a specific topic. Let the student discuss the topic by presenting the details of the concepts. Let the other students raise questions. PRELIM EXAM Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) 1. 2. Discuss The Therapeutic Programs Based On The Concepts That Ensure The Offender’s Welfare And Development In Preparation For Their Eventual Reintegration In The Community Examine The Implementation Of The Therapeutic Modalities Program To Enhance The Personal Growth Of The Offender Towards Community Reintegration Course Content/Topic Instructional Delivery The Four (4) Developmental Aspects Of Therapeutic Modalities: Behavioral Management Emotional And Psychological Intellectual And Spiritual Vocational And Survival skills MIDTERM EXAM Virtual Discussion via zoom Youtube videos Interactive discussion Reporting Evidence of Performance Submission of works that includes the summary of learnings acquired in this period Exit cards to be submitted after class at a certain time Assessment Tools Exit Cards Learning Tasks Recitations Assignments Student as a resource speaker Assign a student to talk on a specific topic. Let the student discuss the topic by presenting the details of the concepts. Let the other students raise questions. 2 Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) 1. 2. 3. Illustrate the different treatment models Distinguish the advantages and disadvantages of the treatment models Critique the victim’s recovery programs Course Content/Topic Different Therapeutic/ Treatment Models Advantages And Disadvantages Of The Different Treatment Models Victim’s Reparation And Emotional Recovery Programs Instructional Delivery Virtual Discussion via zoom Youtube videos Interactive discussion Reporting Evidence of Performance Submission of works that includes the summary of learnings acquired in this period Exit cards to be submitted after class at a certain time Student as a resource speaker Assign a student to talk on a specific topic. Let the student discuss the topic by presenting the details of the concepts. Let the other students raise questions. Assessment Tools Exit Cards Learning Tasks Recitations Assignments FINAL EXAM X. COURSE REFERENCES 1. https://www.hurights.or.jp/archives/focus/section2/2005/03/human-rights-behind-barsthe-manila-city-jail-experience.html 2. https://bucor.gov.ph/programs/tc.html 3. https://probation.gov.ph/correction-rehabilitation/#:~:text=The%20Therapeutic%20Community%20Modality%20is,and%20other%20anti%2Dsocial%20tendencies. 4. https://www.bjmp.gov.ph/index.php/about-us/programs 5. https://research.lpubatangas.edu.ph/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/EJRSS-EFFECTIVENESS-OF-THERAPEUTIC-COMMUNITY-MODALITY-PROGRAM-IMPLEMENTED-IN-BATANGASCITY-JAIL-PHILIPPINES.pdf 6. https://probation.gov.ph/therapeutic-community/ 3 XI. PERFORMANCE INDICATOR AND EVIDENCES OF PERFORMANCE COURSE PERFORMANCE INDICATOR 1. 2. 1. Discuss The Laws On Human Rights And The Different Forms Of Human Rights Violation Recall The Different Forms Of Human Rights Violation And The Laws Related Thereat. Classify And Compare The Beneficial Features Of Each Treatment Model Towards The Reparation And Emotional Recovery Of The Victim. 1. Explain Therapeutic Concepts and Ensure Offender’s Welfare And Development In Preparation For Their Eventual Reintegration In The Community. 2. Identify the Different Therapeutic Model That Will Enhance The Personal Growth Of An Offender Towards Community Reintegration. XII. GRADING SYSTEM PRELIM GRADING PERIOD MIDTERM GRADING PERIOD FINAL GRADING PERIOD FINAL GRADE EVIDENCES OF PERFORMANCE Student as a resource speaker Assign a student to talk on a specific topic. Let the student discuss the topic by presenting the details of the concepts. Let the other students raise questions. PERFORMANCE STANDARD Criteria: 60% - Qualitative Output 35% - Quantitative Output 5% - Time of Submission Submission of works that includes the summary of learnings acquired in this period Criteria: 60% - Qualitative Output 35% - Quantitative Output 5% - Time of Submission Presentation of group work via zoom or google meet, wherein a case will be given to the students and they have to testify about which bureau or department is applicable to handle the convict and its release Criteria: 60% - Qualitative Output 35% - Quantitative Output 5% - Time of Submission = CLASS STANDING (60%) + MAJOR EXAMINATION (40%) = CLASS STANDING (60%) + MAJOR EXAMINATION (40%) = CLASS STANDING (60%) + MAJOR EXAMINATION (40%) = PRELIM GRADE + MIDTERM GRADE + FINAL GRADE 3 XIII. COURSE REQUIREMENTS: 60% - Compilation of notes/handouts including results of quizzes and other written exercises 40 % - Participation and assignments 4 XIV. COURSE POLICIES AND GUIDELINES: Provisions for consultation: Discuss/interactions will be using communication thru mobile phone, sending emails. Please refer to the Student Handbook. 1.Attendance Because this is a classroom/online hybrid course, mandatory attendance will be reduced to project presentation days. As per college policy, students are expected to complete assignments on-time. While some projects span the entire semester, others are due on specific dates throughout the semester. 10% of the total points available (or minimum of 1 point) are deducted from a student’s grade on a project when it is received after the stated due time (usually 11:00a.m.) on the due date unless otherwise stated on the rubric for the individual project/assignment. An additional 5% (or a minimum of 1point) is deducted for each day the project/assignment is late. Work that is more than one week late will not be accepted without a doctor’s note submitted to the instructor or proof of other emergency beyond the student’s control. Be sure to consult the rubric for the individual project for more complete details. Students who are unable to complete the work during the semester are eligible for an Incomplete only if the reason fits the College’s guidelines for an Incomplete. If an Incomplete is granted, it will automatically convert to the grade of F if the work is not completed by the end of the following semester. 2.Tests and Make-ups All quizzes for this course must be completed. The final examination will be delivered during class schedule. 3.Extra Credit Students are expected to complete the projects as required for the class and to do the best they can on each project throughout the semester. Thus, it is the policy of the instructor not to give additional assignments for extra credit for students who wish to pull up their grades at the end of the semester. Every attempt is made to provide a complete syllabus that provides an accurate overview of the courses. However, circumstances and events may make it necessary for the instructor to modify the syllabus during the semester. This may depend, in part, on the progress, needs and experiences of the students. 4.Students should log-in to the virtual classroom at least once a week, participate in the discussion, and answer the discussion questions. Failure to do those in 3 weeks will mean dropping from the course. 5.Requirements such as assignments/projects should be submitted/posted on or before the given deadline. 6.Coordinate with the professor, using various modes given on concerns/problems regarding the requirements. Non-submission of requirements will be incomplete from the course. XV. CONSULTATION HOURS Days Issue Status: 6 Time Revision: 0 Effectivity Date: 14 June 2018 Room Approved by: MMF 5