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Teacher Annotation Template: Learner Progress & Communication

Annotation Template for Teacher I-III (Proficient Teachers)
11. Monitored and evaluated
learner progress and
achievement using learner
attainment data.
Means of Verification (MOV)
Class Records
Description of the MOV
Teacher’s Class Records from 1st
to 4th Quarter.
(PPST 5.2.2)
12. Communicated promptly
and clearly the learners’
needs, progress and
achievement to key
stakeholders, including
Learner’s Progress Report Card
Learner’s Progress Report Card
signed from 1st to 4th Quarter.
15. Performed
various related
works /
activities that
contribute to
the teaching-learning
Certificate as Facilitator in the
District/School Level
The MOVs are certificate that
were earned during the school
year as facilitator in the
school/district level during
I have attached the e-class
records I used to record and
monitor my learners’ academic
progress and practical
These class records provide me
with a comprehensive overview
of my students' academic
performance. I can use these
records to assign grades, track
progress, and evaluate students'
strengths and weaknesses. It
also helped me in identifying
areas where students may need
additional support or
The attached report cards are
duly signed by the learners’
parents from first to fourth
quarters after every PTA
(PPST 5.4.2)
In this objective I have attached
the certificate that I got when I
facilitated the District Level InService Training of teachers in
the district. The training focused
on teaching strategies that can
be used in the classroom which
can greatly improve the teaching
and learning environment.