CLINICAL NEUROANATOMY RYAN SPLITTGERBER, Pho Ass.liate Prolessor Departnent ol surgery vanderbilt Universily Medlcal Ce.tdi Otlice ol Health Educatbn Vanderbi[ UniversitySchool ol Medtctne Fomerly CQuen.c Distinguished Proressor College oI Allied Health Prcressions U nivers ity ol Neh raska Me dlcal Cent er ffi,woit"rs Kluwer O Contents Color Atlas oI BraiD........ lntrodudion and Orqanization of the Nefrous SFtem ilajor DNt oD r oJ ihe ce rarNervous SFtem 2 rl Llalor DNh o ofti'e PeiphcnL Nqvols Sy$qi y Dddomml d se Nsvos sylrom & ,NeuaM Eln CHAPIER 2 u bB ro RNisr ane{b.s I Neuronsand Nouroglia neieu au$iiotr 6i AN\$ a$ F\prarrbE b N€weFibereand Peripherallnneru.tion ABsers {id [rohr'iotrs R.v 'o r uauediotrs u3 Spin.!Cord and Ascending, Oes.ending, and lnteEegmenial Trads r, RcviN ouerioN ^is$ris nL r30 Wrindrotrs h AN|! s .id E\Dhn*hE Rqi{ auenins t3? rr r6trr\ o{e$iooe 216 Cerebellum and lts Connections :re cr nrt! PLd blen solvi4 ,1{ Ar$+smdEDhm drroR i\! oG bE ,1r isphcrcs rllLas Pr&s 1ad rh. skudure and Fun.tional Localization otrhe &ENs'and Expk. bis tdReviev auenrons re? Reticular Formation ahd Lihbic System 2ee Bael Nuclei {Basal Ganslia) Rsv $ au$hoE 320 ^rqeBlndryphi CHAPTER io sb 11 Cranial Nerub Nuct.i ood. N0e! (croo[LNsvc }o Revic$ oue{oDs 32r 323 E 3:i oqioEoh Nqve (crmiar r. !. m) 331 rdd qr Nav. (caorLNervcw) 331 rsonid N0v. (c6f[rNevev] 3r2 Ne-€ (cnriaLNewe yD r35 ^ FacirrN{E (o ratNqve vrl ]]7 yBrbrtoco(hharN{E(.radirNnvev[) oossopraryocc, Nere (cLanrarN{ve (! i:LNqrex) 313 rrrr."rossr Nerye (cru dNefl.xD Y.qus \sve R0A! OE*i'ns 3s3 ANv$rrtrd *phmlioBb rx) 33e 34r 34t tevisaG'b6 361 Ce.ebralcortex 2I I A8(6 d rl4la ) os b FevL.! atre*ions 37, Hypothaamus 13 ssreB aM LaprdBlio rb Revtr$ Ouen AuionomicNeryousSysrem EdoiNevlussyier oN 33s 337 394 AtrieB anr *pruulioB h oE 4'6 ,u$!ds and Exp[o idisbRrvi$ouc rcN 13: Re\i€v On.n CNAPIER 16 Ventricular Syslem and Cerebospinal CHAPTER 17 Blood Supply ofthe ndsvaucdom CHAPTER 434 Revk{ auclions 503 and a36 Brain and 13 Neryous Syetem Development esr$ Fluid kDhorlbN 1o Reviev 438 atre rons 501 Data of Sisnifican.e and Neubanatody Techniques 507 lnd.r n3