Uploaded by Becky Cowle

Forces and Motion: A Middle School Physics Presentation

Forces And Motions
By Becky
What is a Force?
A Force is a push or pull against an object that causes it to move or change.
Force is applied on one object by another. No object has a force inside of it.
The idea of a force is not limited to living or non-living things. When a force
acts upon an object it will result in a change in speed and direction. Each
force that is applied to an object has strength and direction.
How is a force important in daily
Without any forces no one would be able to open or close things, we also wouldn't
be able to lift anything. Forces cause the motion of objects to change. Forces act
in pairs. A force can change the speed, direction and shape of any object. There
are so many things that require force to move, one object that is moved with force
is a cardboard box. Forces control changes in motion. Forces accelerate the
speed of moving objects by changing how fast or slow it is going. Whenever there
is an interaction between two objects there is a force upon each of the objects.
What are the different kinds of forces
There are nine different forces in total, each force has a different point and meaning. All forces are divided
into two main topics these are contact forces and action at a distance forces. A contact force is something
that you can see happening like physical touch. Action at a distance force is something you can not see
happening, it is a force that pulls together anything you can touch.
Contact Forces
Action at a distance forces
Tension force
Pulling a rope
A ball thrown in the air
Normal force
Book on a table
The charge in a bulb
Air resistance
A hot air balloon
Interaction between two magnets
Applied force
Pushing a trolley
Spring force
Jack in the box
Pushing a box
Around 200bc a greek mathematician from the ancient city of sicily stated ” If you give me a place
to stand and a lever long enough I will move the world.
Scientists worked with this principle and were able to come up with equations like below to
calculate the exact force required to move or lift a weight.
Sir Isaac Newton
Sir Isaac Newton is most famous for his scientific discoveries around gravity and the three
laws of motion, but he also explored light and colour. E = mc2 is the world`s most famous
equation and was discovered by Sir Isaac Newton.He also discovered gravity form an apple
falling on his head from a tree. The equation says that energy and mass are compatible,
they are in different forms of the same thing. In maths he made significant contributions to
calculus.His most famous discovery was gravity. He realised that the earth needed
something that pulls objects down rather than letting them float upwards. Also he discovered
that gravity pulls objects towards each other. He then used this theory about gravity to
explain that gravity keeps the moon orbiting around the earth.
Newton's Three laws
Sir Isaac Newton's First Law states “every object will remain at rest or in uniform
motion in a straight line unless compelled to change its state y the action of a
external force”.
Newton's Second Law of motion states “F = ma or force is equal to mass times
acceleration. A larger force acting on an object will cause a larger acceleration
and an object with a larger mass will require more force to accelerate”.
Newton's Third Law of motion states “forces always act in equal but opposite
pairs. Eg for every action there is an equal but opposite reaction”.
Isaac Newton discoveries
Invented the reflecting telescope
Proposed new theory of light and colour
Discovered calculus
Developed three laws of motion
Devised law of universal gravitation
Advanced early modern chemistry
Timeline of Isaac Newton
Isaac newton was born in Lincolnshire
1662 - 1665
He studied at Cambridge University
He continued his studies at home alone
He became the lucasian professor of mathematics
He became the warden of the royal mint in london
He was the president of the royal society
He passed away
A coin was made by the royal mint in his honour
Task 2
What is energy?
Scientists think of energy as the ability to do work. People have learned how to change
energy from one form to another so that we can do work more easily and more
comfortably. Energy moves cars along the road and boats along the water. Energy
allows our bodies to grow and for our mind to think. There are many different forms of
energy, these include heat energy, light energy, motion energy, electric energy,
chemical energy, gravitational energy , kinetic energy and potential energy.
Ways to Transfer Energy
A toaster transforms electrical energy into heat energy
A windmill through a turbine to make electricity
A microphone transfers sound energy into electrical energy
Water through a turbine to make electricity
A solar panel transfers light energy into electrical energy
Electricity through a motor to make things move
A battery stores electrical energy for use later on
A kettle transforms electricity into heat heat energy
Lightning converts electrical energy into heat, light and sound energy.
Task 3
What Is The Most Interesting Thing I Learnt?
The most interesting thing that i learnt is that the longer the lever the easier it is and less
force required to move the object.
What was the most challenging thing I Learnt?
The most challenging thing i learnt was the transitions of energy. I found it hard to discover
energy transformations.
What did I Learn?
I learnt the meaning of a force and how to understand what a force is.
What did I enjoy Learning?
I enjoyed learning all the different types of forces and what all the examples where
How can I apply force in a real world problem
Say I was in the middle of the bush and I had a flat tyre and nothing in the car. I could use
archimedes principle and find a tree branch long enough and strong enough and a rock big
enough and strong enough to use as a fulcrum. I would be able to lift the car enough to
change the tyre. Depending on the length of the tree branch will determine how much force
I will apply to lift the car.
Thank you for listening to my project
By Becky