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Sir Isaac Newton Biography: Gravity, Light, Calculus

Thanks to my findings on gravity, established principles about visible light, the laws of motion,
and my contribution to calculus, I have been renowned as one of the foremost scientific intellects of
all time. Born January 4, 1643. A Mathematician. A physicist… I am sir Isaac Newton.
after watching an apple fall, I came up with gravitational theory in 1665. My apple insight enabled
me to develop the three laws of motion. And, these laws are still have been of use to describe
how forces affect objects.
Not only was I interested to gravity; but, I was interested to calculus as well. Along with my comathematician Gottfried Leibniz, I developed differentiation and integration. two methods that are
still of use in many areas of science. Not only that, I also took great interest in optics, the study of
light and its behavior. This led me to propose, correctly, that white light is actually the combination
of light of all the colors of the rainbow. I used this knowledge to show why telescopes back then
couldn't reproduce colors accurately. Subsequently, I designed a telescope that used mirrors
rather than just glass lenses.
The name is sir Isaac Newton. A
giant even among the brilliant minds that drove
the Scientific Revolution, remembered as a transformative s cholar,
inventor and writer.