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Java & HTTP Error Troubleshooting Guide

– 404 - indicates that the requested resource is not
– 401 - indicates that the request requires HTTP
– 500 - indicates an error inside the HTTP server which
prevented it from fulfilling the request.
– 503 - indicates that the HTTP server is temporarily
overloaded, and unable to handle the request.
“Javaee-endorsed-ap-7.0” library could not be found
Solution: Just go to Tools--> Plugin-->Available Plugins---> Search for EJB and Ear and install it. The problem will be gone.
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: sun/security/ssl/HandshakeStateManager
Solution: Dùng GlassFish 4 cùng với NetBeans 8.2.
Solution: Right click on the project and select Resolve Missing Server Problem... Then, Select the appropriate Server as
per your project requirement, if not available in the list, then add the server.