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The Crucible Quotes: Act 1 & 2 Study Guide

Lazo Quotes Crucible act 1 and 2
Act 21. Proctor: Mr. Parris discovered them sportin in the woods. They were startled and took sick.
- Page 68
2. Proctor: I never knew until tonight that the world is gone daft with this nonsense
-Page 68
-mass hysteria
-after telling hale that abby told him about the witchcraft
-demonstrates independent thinking
3. Francis: My wife is the very brick and mortar of the church, Mr.. Hale-indicating Giles- and
Martha Corey, there cannot be a woman closer yet to God than Martha.
-Francis is Rebecca’s husband
-pg 71
-she can’t be a witch bc she is such a devoted christian
4. Francis: For murder, she’s charged! “For the marvelous and supernatural murder of Goody
Putman’s babies.” What am I to do, Mr. Hale?
-pg 71
-says this in a mocking tone
-Rebecca is charged for killing putman’s babies
5. Hale: …Rebecca Nurse be tainted, then nothings left to stop the whole green world from
burning. Let you rest upon the justice of the court; the court will send her home, I know it
-pg 71
-Now that the devil tainted her, he can taint anyone
- says this deeply troubled
6. Hale: There is a misty plot afoot so subtle we should be criminal to cling to old respects and
ancient friendships. I have seen too many frightful proofs in court- the Devil is alive in Salem,
and we dare not quail to follow wherever the accusing nger points!
-pg 71
-mass hysteria is truly being shown
-hale is pleading
7. Proctor: …Vengeance is walking in Salem… kingdom and common vengeance writes the
law! This warrant’s vengeance! I’ll not give my wife to vengeance!
-pg 77
-personi cation
-this is where proctor is asking if the accuser (Abigail) is always pure now
8. Proctor: Pontius Pilate! God will not let you wash your hands of this!
-pg 77
-basically calling hale a traitor bc hale is doing nothing about Elizabeth being taken
9. Proctor: I will fall like an ocean on that court! Pear nothing, Elizabeth.
-pg 78
-will do everything he can to get Elizabeth back—shows how much he’s trying to x himself
-will destroy court with ferocity of an ocean
10. Elizabeth: I will fear nothing…
-pg 78
-ironic bc now she’s lying
-says this with great fear
-tells proctor to tell the children that she has gone to see someone sick
Act 3
1. Giles voice: “Thomas Putnam is reaching out for land.”
-theme of vengeance—people turn on each other
-pg 84
2. -Judge hawthorn enters. He is in his sixties, a bitter, remorseless Salem judge.
-Enter deputy Governor Danforth and, behind him, Ezekiel Cheevere and Parris. On his
appearance, silence falls. Danforth is a grave man in his sixties, of some humor and
sophistication that does not, however, interfere with an exact loyalty to his position and his
cause. He comes down to Giles, who awaits his wrath.
-pg 85
3. Francis: “I never thought to say it such a weighty judge but you are deceived.”
-Pg 87
-Danforth gets o ended bc he thinks he’s the smartest in the room
4. Danforth: “No, no, I accept no dispositions….this; he turns from her to Proctor. Tell me, Mr.
Proctor, have you given out this story in the village?”
Proctor: “We have not.”
Parris: “They’ve come to overthrow the court, sir! This man is-“
-danforth won’t take a chance and ruin his reputation
Danforth: “…In these trials is that the voice of Heaven is speaking through the children?”
-tells a lot abt the court system
Pg: 88
*5. Danforth: “We burn a hot re here; it melts down all concealment
-def of crucible
-foreshadows all the heat that will be unleashed
-pg 89
*6. Cheever: I think it be my duty, sir-kindly to proctor: You’ll not deny it, John. To danforth:
when we come to take his wife, he damned the court and ripped your warrant.
-Uses this evidence to discredit proctor
Pg 90
*7. Proctor: I- I have no love for mr. Harris. It is no secret. But God I surely love.
Pg 90
*8. Cheever: He plows on Sunday, sir
Danforth: Plow on Sunday!
-ridiculous evidence to discredit proctor
-pg 90
*9. Hale: ‘Your Honor, I cannot think you may judge the man on such evidence.’
-pg 91
10. Danforth: “…your wide send me a claim in which she states that she is pregnant now.”
-pg 92
11. Proctor: “that woman will never lie”
-pg 92
12. Proctor: “the people signing it declare their good opinions of Rebecca, and my wife and
Matha Corey
Proctor: “They’ve known the women many years and never saw no sign they had dealings with
the Devil.”
-pg 93
13. Francis: “I gave them all my word no harm would come to them for signing this.”
-pg 94
-wants to summon all people
*14. Danforth: “…Itself with good and befuddled the world. Now by God’s grace, the shining
sun is up and them that fear not light will surely praise it. I hope you will be one of those. She’s
not hearty, I see
-pg 94
15. Giles: “what name?”
Hathorne: “the man that give you this information”
-ties in with McCarthyism
-pg 96
16. Proctor: “aye, sir. She swears now that she never saw Satan; nor any spirit, vague or clear,
that Satan may have sent to hurt her. And she declares her friends are lying now.”
-If this isn’t true then those people were killed for no reason
-pg 99
*17. Hale: “But this child claims the girls are not truthful, and if they are not-‘
-proof is in front of them but they j don’t accept to
Pg 100
18. Parris: “Your excellency, this is a trick to blind the court!”
-He’s accusing her of deceiving the court
-said this to Mary Warren
-pg 107
19. Danforth: … “And tell me this- and beware of it, child, to God every soul is precious and His
vengeance is terrible on them that take life without cause. It is possible child, that the spirits
you have seen are illusion only, some deception that may cross your mind whenAbigail: Why this- this is a base question, sir
-turns it around threatens danforth
-Pg 108