Property Investment Accelerator Week 2 - Transcript - Please use the "search feature" to search keywords/ topics and use the timestamps to revisit the video 0 Minutes to 15 Minutes Hello and welcome to week two of the property investment accelerator. By now you should have gone through week one’s material and even if your strategy for your very next purchase isn't completely finalized, you should be quite close to thinking about the price point range that you can afford, having talk to your having talk to the mortgage broker, you should be quite close to understanding what yield that you need, what your risk appetite is, and also how active or passive you want to be in your wealth creation journey. You should have started to understand what's possible for you in terms of a long term portfolio strategy and when you can start to expect a decent passive income over the long term using the wealth creation strategy tool. So, if you've done all that then you're ready to start week two, and week two is all about selecting your best high growth high cash flow suburb. This is probably the most in depth training anywhere in Australia on how to actually find a suburb that will grow in value, not only in the long term but also in the short term, and at the same time provide you with positive cash flow. So, it doesn't impact your lifestyle and it doesn't hurt your borrowing capacity so much so that you can actually continue to borrow money and add further properties to your portfolio. Now property investing really should be called suburb investing because in the buy and hold strategy, suburb is what does the heavy lifting in terms of your wealth. We'll go over this and so much more in this week so let's go right now. So now I’m on the property investment accelerator week two download, you can find this document, this system, this methodology in the download section and once again it is all about how to select your best growth suburb. So, what we’ll do is I’ll take you through the theory and then I’ll take you through a practical application of it with all the data sources and I’ll actually demonstrate it for you. So once your investment strategy is developed, there are five layers of consideration that we need to evaluate. Before actually making a purchase decision, before actually being able to say that we want to buy this house on this street in this suburb etc. Okay. So those five layers of consideration and number one Australian-wide factors so factors that influence or determined the growth of the entire nation in terms of property markets. Then layer number two is factors that impact or determine the growth of an individual city or town this could be Brisbane, Melbourne, Adelaide, Sydney or it could be Bendigo, Ballarat, and Geelong, Newcastle or it could be the even more regional cities like Shepperton, Orange Dubbo, et cetera. Okay so what I’m going to teach you is not just exclusive to capital cities, although your specific risk appetite like we talked about last week may suggest that you in terms of your own strategy you only want to stick with capital cities. But for being holistic in the training, I’ll be teaching you how to look everywhere. And the layer two, you know factors of consideration they’re more important when you do think of a of more regional city. I won't say more about it at this stage will come back to it but layer two is more important when considering regional than when it is considering capital city. Layer three is suburb factors so these are the factors that impact or influence or determine the growth of a specific suburb within the city-or town. Then there's layer four, these are the factors that impact that will determine the growth of ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________ Terms & Conditions: © Consulting By PK - All rights reserved. Do not share, copy, reproduce or sell any part of this document unless you have written permission from Consulting By PK. All infringements will be prosecuted. If you are the personal owner of the Consulting By PK End User License then you may use it for your own use but not for any other purpose. Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in all material published by Consulting By PK are not to be construed as financial or investment advice nor should be relied upon for any investment activities. Consulting By PK strongly recommends that you perform your own independent research and/or seek your own legal advice before making any financial decisions. Contents of this message are of general nature only and should not be relied upon solely when making an investment decision. Consulting By PK nor any of its directors, associates, staff, or associated companies bear any liability from any actions derived from in this document. One should always seek third party investment information from relevant parties such as legal, finance, and accountancy enquiries. For the avoidance of doubt, any information provided by Consulting By PK is general only and has been prepared without taking account of your personal objectives, financial situation or needs. Any information by Consulting By PK is not intended to imply any recommendation about any particular financial product or class of financial products and should not reasonably be regarded as being intended to have such an influence. Before acting on any such general information, you should consider the appropriateness of the advice, having regard to your own objectives, financial situation and needs. You may wish to consult a licensed financial advisor. Pg. 1 Property Investment Accelerator particular pockets within a suburb or which of the good pockets to invest in and which are the not so good pockets to invest in. And then finally property factors so these are the factors that determine or influence the growth or the strength of a specific property that's already within a good pocket of a suburb. So, for us to be holistic and sophisticated property investors we need to analyze all five layers of consideration. Not just one or two. So, this week, week number two will journey through all these factors within layers one two and three, and in next week's content will journey through the factors and layers four and five, and really even though we’ll be going through layers one two and three in this week's training, it's really layer two and three and really layer three that is where you make or lose money and property in a buy and hold strategy. Right so the suburb factors predominantly contribute about seventy to eighty percent of the relative future capital growth performance of your individual property so you can get the suburb right and the property wrong, and you'll still make money of course we don't want to do that we want to get everything right the but just so you can get your head space and understanding correct it's the suburb that does the heavy lifting okay. And like I already said layer two location factors have a greater waiting if you're looking at smaller regional towns in comparison to capital cities because capital cities are so diverse generally speaking, of course summer less diverse like Darwin or Perth but generally speaking there so diverse, that even if one part of the economy is soft another part will hold its own. But in regional we need to be more careful and I’ll come back to that. So, the general tide of the Australian property market which is layer one that influences the absolute performance of the entire market or entire national market okay. So, what that means is that, that's only a generic statement. Even if the entire Australian market goes backwards, they will still be some cities and some suburbs that go forward and vice versa as well that's why there is no one property market, in fact there are fifteen thousand property markets because there are fifteen thousand suburbs across Australia. And that's why we need to look at all of these layers not just number one. So, when people say oh how's the market going you know that's actually not the right question because there is no one market. Every market has his own cycle you know is doing a different thing with different drivers at any one moment in time. So that's why we need to analyze all these layers of consideration not just number one. Okay. Now the factors across each of the five layers, what they do as they ultimately help us determine whether demand is greater than supply in a suburb okay so, this is just a bit of theory. Capital growth or price growth is determined by supply and demand supply and demand is the backbone of economics. Right, together supply and demand basically provides the that crucial concept that influences the price of goods and services. So let me just break it down let's talk about, let's talk about toilet tissues at the time of recording it's a fairly point topic. If more people want to buy toilet tissues, then there are toilet tissues available in other words there is more demand than supply then prices will go up. Whereas if there are more toilet tissues available then there are people wanting to buy toilet tissues then price will go down. However, and most in some instances the quantity of toilet tissues available is optimized, based on how much demand there is. And if that is optimized well then, that market for toilet tissues is basically what we say in equilibrium, which means that prices won't increase nor will prices decrease. Okay so over the long term generally in any market not just the property market but any market for goods and services, over the long term, the market -goes towards equilibrium, okay ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________ Terms & Conditions: © Consulting By PK - All rights reserved. Do not share, copy, reproduce or sell any part of this document unless you have written permission from Consulting By PK. All infringements will be prosecuted. If you are the personal owner of the Consulting By PK End User License then you may use it for your own use but not for any other purpose. Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in all material published by Consulting By PK are not to be construed as financial or investment advice nor should be relied upon for any investment activities. Consulting By PK strongly recommends that you perform your own independent research and/or seek your own legal advice before making any financial decisions. Contents of this message are of general nature only and should not be relied upon solely when making an investment decision. Consulting By PK nor any of its directors, associates, staff, or associated companies bear any liability from any actions derived from in this document. One should always seek third party investment information from relevant parties such as legal, finance, and accountancy enquiries. For the avoidance of doubt, any information provided by Consulting By PK is general only and has been prepared without taking account of your personal objectives, financial situation or needs. Any information by Consulting By PK is not intended to imply any recommendation about any particular financial product or class of financial products and should not reasonably be regarded as being intended to have such an influence. Before acting on any such general information, you should consider the appropriateness of the advice, having regard to your own objectives, financial situation and needs. You may wish to consult a licensed financial advisor. Pg. 2 Property Investment Accelerator goes towards equilibrium. In property investing, what we want to do is we want to buy in a suburb where l’ll use the cursor here, we want to buy here where demand is already higher than supply. So, you can see that this is the demand line, you know in terms of demand generally the lower the price, the higher the quantity demanded. So, this is price or median value in the context of property and this is quantity. So, as you reduced price you know your demand increases that's why it's slope that way. Whereas producers of something generally speaking the higher the price the more they want to produce because they are getting more money for it. So that's why the supply line is curved like that. Now what we want to do is buy into a suburb we want to buy into a market where, supply and demand don't equal each other. Because as equilibrium that means that prices aren't really increasing nor are they decreasing the just flat. We want to be buying in a suburb, where demand is higher than supply right so you can see that sort of faint line in the background there, that means that demand has shifted from here to here see that. And so therefore this equilibrium is no longer an equilibrium we're up here. Demand is higher than supply, and the art and science of making money in property is to understand, is a suburb right now experiencing more demand and supply? If it is than prices would have already been growing or there will be a lot of pressure for prices to grow. The analogy that I like to use to really make it simple is one of a pressure cooker. So, pressure cooker you put it on the stove you put some water in it you might put some vegetables and it'll something like that, and you shut the lid and turn the cooker on. After a while the water inside it starts to produce steam and that steam increases the pressure within the pressure cooker. Once that steam is growing and growing and growing and growing it reached with it reaches a threshold at which the little whistle on top of the lid of the pressure cooker starts to whistle it just starts to vibrate slightly starts to make is a slight whistling sound, and if you don't actually open the lid or if you don't let that gas out than that whistling sound gets bigger and bigger and louder and louder and you know it starts vibrating stronger and stronger. So, the idea is that we want to be out of find a suburb where the whistling isn't too loud, because that means a suburb is already boomed, but that whistling is just about to start right and so that's really the art and science. We want to be out of find a suburb where demand that gas is more than supply and it's its’s just continuing to increase were its just going more and more and more the gas is building up and up and up. Now in the pressure cooker example you may have lot of gas build up inside, but the whistle may actually not be going off just yet because it's not quite at that threshold. That's a bit like demand being more than supply but prices not actually moving just yet. Right, we just need that pressure to build up a little bit more and then prices will start to increase. So that's really what we're looking for as a concept we're looking for a suburb where demand is already higher than supply the prices may not already be increasing but we know that if they are not, they will be in the near future or they might already be increasing, I’m slightly the whistle might already be going off. Okay so we want to identify periods of imbalance, where there is already more demand and supply and the imbalance is likely to increase in the future where were buying here and we want that imbalances to continue so that prices continue to increase and that's what will ensure price growth in the short and the long term. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________ Terms & Conditions: © Consulting By PK - All rights reserved. Do not share, copy, reproduce or sell any part of this document unless you have written permission from Consulting By PK. All infringements will be prosecuted. If you are the personal owner of the Consulting By PK End User License then you may use it for your own use but not for any other purpose. Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in all material published by Consulting By PK are not to be construed as financial or investment advice nor should be relied upon for any investment activities. Consulting By PK strongly recommends that you perform your own independent research and/or seek your own legal advice before making any financial decisions. Contents of this message are of general nature only and should not be relied upon solely when making an investment decision. Consulting By PK nor any of its directors, associates, staff, or associated companies bear any liability from any actions derived from in this document. One should always seek third party investment information from relevant parties such as legal, finance, and accountancy enquiries. For the avoidance of doubt, any information provided by Consulting By PK is general only and has been prepared without taking account of your personal objectives, financial situation or needs. Any information by Consulting By PK is not intended to imply any recommendation about any particular financial product or class of financial products and should not reasonably be regarded as being intended to have such an influence. Before acting on any such general information, you should consider the appropriateness of the advice, having regard to your own objectives, financial situation and needs. You may wish to consult a licensed financial advisor. Pg. 3 Property Investment Accelerator 15 Minutes to 30 Minutes Okay and we want to analyze this across the five layers of consideration not just one but all five and that's how we holistically with low risk safely and securely identify suburbs that will increase in value in the short term and the long term. Now these five layers of consideration they are not independent of one another. So those same five layers illustrated in a different way on these diagrams of one two three four five they're not independent so what that means is that a macro economic change can impact our suburbs growth ultimately or properties growth through a domino effect. So, what I’m suggesting here is that even if we find the perfect suburb not in terms of a really rich suburb just that actually doesn't matter at all. Price suburb price doesn't impact growth you can find a two hundred fifty thousand dollar suburb that will grow, you can also find a seven hundred thousand dollar suburb that will grow that's not what we're looking for what we're looking for is and the underlying demand and supply balance between and within a suburb. You might get the suburb supply and demand right but if something happens to the city or town, then that will have an impact on the suburb or if something happens to do the Australian white factors like a global pandemic then that will have an impact on the suburb subsequently that will him have an impact on the intra suburb factors so you know where you're buying within the suburb ultimately on the property that you're buying. So, I’m illustrating this to be able to give you a really holistic and mature understanding of the property market. It's not that we are doing a really a good analysis, a really sophisticated analysis and were buying a really good suburb and then we can just lay back and let time do its thing. No, you know if the something happens to Australia, that's a fundamental shock, then that will obviously impact our suburb as well. But here's the thing if you're actually applying what I’m teaching you and if you're actually understanding and implementing it, you're executing it then regardless of what happens to the Australian wide factors and regardless of what happens to the city and town factors, your suburb will outperform the average anyway. So that's really what I’m promising you. If you have done your homework correctly and followed the system then as a really exaggerated example if the entire Australian market falls by fifty percent not saying it will, by any stretch of the imagination, but to give a really extreme example if the entire, Australian market falls by fifty percent than your suburb will fall by less than fifty percent. On the flipside if the entire Australian market grows by fifty percent let's say in a set period of time, your suburb will grow by more than fifty percent. So, by doing this training what I can't guarantee is that the suburb that you select will grow by ten percent every year. I can't guarantee that because there are a city and town factors in their Australian wide factors that may happen in the future that we can't control. Right but what I am saying is by doing this training and if you follow the system and methodology process correctly regardless of what happens you will beat the average by a long way and by beating the average, you're able to get sufficiently large capital growth to achieve the passive income that we talked about in the week one's wealth creation strategy quantum. Okay, so the most important thing is if you follow the system, you follow the process, you will beat the average property investor and in fact you know you'll beat them by long way and that's what's really really powerful capital growth is the engine cash flow is the oil. We need that engine to be humming for us to reach a passive income target. Now, I talked about the in this week's training, week number two ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________ Terms & Conditions: © Consulting By PK - All rights reserved. Do not share, copy, reproduce or sell any part of this document unless you have written permission from Consulting By PK. All infringements will be prosecuted. If you are the personal owner of the Consulting By PK End User License then you may use it for your own use but not for any other purpose. Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in all material published by Consulting By PK are not to be construed as financial or investment advice nor should be relied upon for any investment activities. Consulting By PK strongly recommends that you perform your own independent research and/or seek your own legal advice before making any financial decisions. Contents of this message are of general nature only and should not be relied upon solely when making an investment decision. Consulting By PK nor any of its directors, associates, staff, or associated companies bear any liability from any actions derived from in this document. One should always seek third party investment information from relevant parties such as legal, finance, and accountancy enquiries. For the avoidance of doubt, any information provided by Consulting By PK is general only and has been prepared without taking account of your personal objectives, financial situation or needs. Any information by Consulting By PK is not intended to imply any recommendation about any particular financial product or class of financial products and should not reasonably be regarded as being intended to have such an influence. Before acting on any such general information, you should consider the appropriateness of the advice, having regard to your own objectives, financial situation and needs. You may wish to consult a licensed financial advisor. Pg. 4 Property Investment Accelerator that we will be going through the first three of the five layers of consideration. So those three layers are here- the Australia wide layer number one, the city or town layer number two and the suburb layer number three. In week number three will be going through layers for and five. But for now, it's these three are our three layers of consideration. And across the three layers of consideration the fact is that allow us to determine growth are dispersed across two time horizons. The first time horizon is zero to five years, so what we say short term and the second time horizon is six to fifteen years, or what we dub as medium or let's say long term. Beyond fifteen years, you know if we're thinking about twenty to thirty years basically any place that you buy will do well over the very very long term, but of course if you want to compound and a crew a portfolio of multiple properties you want capital growth you want growth in the short and long term especially in the short term. Okay so three layers two time horizonseverything is important. Right the factors across each of these six boxes, the six intersects are important, but this a relativity in their importance. So, in the long term that's obviously very important the Australia wide factors like how politically stable Australia is. You know Australia is not going to become a communist nation it's there's not going to be a military coup, it's not be going to become a dictatorship et cetera, and that's a really an important thing for a long term solidarity and stability of the Australia property market in general. Okay, that’s important but how important is that relatively versus other things probably less so right so whilst that's important more important than that are the city and town factors so these are more important but the most important or the Australia wide short term factors and, the suburb short and long term factors. Right and the reason is that even if the city and town was to perform poorly, you can still have a suburb that excels okay. You can still have a suburb that outperforms. In Brisbane, if Brisbane doesn't do well, you will still have suburbs with in Brisbane that do really really really well and other suburbs that do poorly, right so the city in town is important were not ignoring it but really the suburb factors are the most important as well as the short term Australia wide factors these help us understand the macro influences on our property and helps us with timing and I’ll get into that and more and more detail. But really these Australia wide factors are outside of the investors control their outside of our control we can't really influence them and we can't really make a decision of where to buy based on them. If the interest rates changed for example that change is impacting every single suburb equally right. So those sorts of things are really outside of our control and don't help us decide where to buy but rather help us decide when to buy. But I’ll explain all of this and more and more detail as we go through. Okay, so the specific factors that are scattered across the six boxes that I introduced you to just before a both quantitative which means that they are dotted and also qualitative which means that there's no numbers but we need to be able to interpret these things, and all of these things should be interpreted together we need to think about all of these factors together and holistically to assess what the capital growth prospects are for a particular suburb. Okay so we can't just look at one or two factors often times property investors look at historical price growth they might look at unemployment they might look at population growth et cetera, the vacancy rate maybe and they make a decision of yes, I want to buy in the suburbs no I don't want to buy in the suburb. But really, four or five factors really don't cut it when it comes to really understanding the suburb the property market and making a decision of where you're going to invest in a hundred of thousands ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________ Terms & Conditions: © Consulting By PK - All rights reserved. Do not share, copy, reproduce or sell any part of this document unless you have written permission from Consulting By PK. All infringements will be prosecuted. If you are the personal owner of the Consulting By PK End User License then you may use it for your own use but not for any other purpose. Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in all material published by Consulting By PK are not to be construed as financial or investment advice nor should be relied upon for any investment activities. Consulting By PK strongly recommends that you perform your own independent research and/or seek your own legal advice before making any financial decisions. Contents of this message are of general nature only and should not be relied upon solely when making an investment decision. Consulting By PK nor any of its directors, associates, staff, or associated companies bear any liability from any actions derived from in this document. One should always seek third party investment information from relevant parties such as legal, finance, and accountancy enquiries. For the avoidance of doubt, any information provided by Consulting By PK is general only and has been prepared without taking account of your personal objectives, financial situation or needs. Any information by Consulting By PK is not intended to imply any recommendation about any particular financial product or class of financial products and should not reasonably be regarded as being intended to have such an influence. Before acting on any such general information, you should consider the appropriateness of the advice, having regard to your own objectives, financial situation and needs. You may wish to consult a licensed financial advisor. Pg. 5 Property Investment Accelerator of dollars. So it's a very very large decision probably one of the largest decisions financially that you'll ever make so we want to do it very robustly, and you can see that the boxes that were dark blue, those that were most important have the most number of factors so because they were the most important areas we place the most number of factors there so that we can really bottom it out we can really understand it analyze it from different angles and really be confident that where we are investing in what we're investing in is going to be a very strong performer and a good decision. Okay, so there are more than thirty five factors in in total but I don't I don't want you to become intimidated by seeing this number of factors there's a process that will go through there’s filtering mechanism a step by step approach to doing this analysis so don't become bewildered or don't find it daunting, I’ll hold your hand through this. So, these factors that I talked about, all that you saw on the previous page their best assessed in a particular sequence in order to streamline and systemize the process of location selection right so we can't do everything at once we can't dump these thirty to forty factors on each of the fifteen thousand suburbs across Australia, you know and see you which is best that's not practical within six months what to speak of one month a one week or a few hours it's not practical. So, we go through a very strategic and logical sequence to actually filter our suburb and choose our location. So, the first step that we take his to assess, the factors within the suburb layer in the short term. So, what we're doing first is assessing each suburb based on a short term performance outlook, and then once we filtered suburbs through that lens, we only take those that have been shortlisted to the next step, which is the suburb layer in the long term and then we only take a few of those to the subsequent steps et cetera. Now often times investors start up here and they say oh look how is the Australian market going to perform I don't think the Australian markets going to do too well therefore I won't invest in property. But regardless of how Australia performs there are going to be cities that over perform and under perform. Right in every boom there are cities that don't boom and every bust there are cities that still boom. So that's not that's the reason why we don't start up here and same with city or town you know some people say oh look Sydney's had its day I don't think it's going to perform to well any more, therefore let's not invest in Sydney let's go somewhere else But the same logic is explained before regardless of whether Sydney booms, they will still be suburbs that don't boom and regardless of whether Sydney busts there will still be not withstanding everything else suburbs that boom. So, yes, the city and town have an impact on suburb selection but we can't discount every single suburb with in a city just because of some high level commentary that people are giving on that on that city. So that's why we start very granular we start at by analyzing each and every suburb individually through the short term lens, and so why do we should start its short term and not long term? The reason is that for our strategy to work for our strategy to work and be able to produce, you know a hundred thousand to two hundred thousand dollars a passive income in five to ten to fifteen to twenty years' time, we need multiple properties we don't need ten necessarily we don't need fifteen necessarily but we need multiple properties and like I explained in week one we want to have the ability for each property to grow and value and in a year's time or two years’ time or three years’ time to be able to take that equity out take that capital growth out without selling the property just refinance the property take that equity out using a ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________ Terms & Conditions: © Consulting By PK - All rights reserved. Do not share, copy, reproduce or sell any part of this document unless you have written permission from Consulting By PK. All infringements will be prosecuted. If you are the personal owner of the Consulting By PK End User License then you may use it for your own use but not for any other purpose. Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in all material published by Consulting By PK are not to be construed as financial or investment advice nor should be relied upon for any investment activities. Consulting By PK strongly recommends that you perform your own independent research and/or seek your own legal advice before making any financial decisions. Contents of this message are of general nature only and should not be relied upon solely when making an investment decision. Consulting By PK nor any of its directors, associates, staff, or associated companies bear any liability from any actions derived from in this document. One should always seek third party investment information from relevant parties such as legal, finance, and accountancy enquiries. For the avoidance of doubt, any information provided by Consulting By PK is general only and has been prepared without taking account of your personal objectives, financial situation or needs. Any information by Consulting By PK is not intended to imply any recommendation about any particular financial product or class of financial products and should not reasonably be regarded as being intended to have such an influence. Before acting on any such general information, you should consider the appropriateness of the advice, having regard to your own objectives, financial situation and needs. You may wish to consult a licensed financial advisor. Pg. 6 Property Investment Accelerator mortgage broker and use that as a deposit I’m fully or partially for the next property purchase. And so, if that's our strategy we are concerned with short term growth. 30 Minutes to 45 Minutes and as far as I know there is no one in Australia that is teaching quite a robust enough way to access short term growth as what you'll see in this training. So that's why that's not only the most important, but that's why we start here first and then once we've filtered suburbs based on their short term outlook then and only then do we continue to the long term and then back up here etc. Okay, so the last theory slide before we actually start getting in to the into the fun stuff. So, what I’m explaining here is that yes, I’ll be teaching you a scientific data lead filtering system that you can apply to accelerate location selection and when I say accelerate unique and do it and in a matter of you know hours if not minutes. So, whilst it is data lead and it is scientific it also must be facilitated with a deep understanding of all the factors involved. In other words, you can’t memorize this you actually need to understand it without understanding it you won't be successful. So, let's go through this slide from the left first and then to the right. So on the left hand side I’m saying that while his the filtering mechanism he is actually how we apply the location factors through filtering system. So the first bullet point, what I’m saying here is that within layer three which was the suburb layer your specific strategies should already shortlist suburbs to within a specific price point range remember that's what we talked about in week one and you come up with that based on your borrowing power that you've developed in working with the mortgage broker, also any savings that you have those two things combined to tell you what price point range you can expect to afford and of course you use the portfolio of budgeting tool to understand how much capital is required so you can get to the exact number or good range. The second part of your strategy was gross yield if you remember that was on the cash flow side whether you want positive cash flow by law or only a little bit or whether neutrals fine or if you're a high income earner may be negative geared is fine but I generally don't recommend that because it has an impact on your borrowing capacity as we discuss in week one. And finally, your vacancy rate so vacancy is also part of your cash flows, and your vacancy rate you know will dictate obviously some suburbs that don't make the grade and other suburbs that do make the grade. If you're vacancy rate is higher than clearly more suburbs will make the grade, but you may not want to invest in those suburbs even though they make the grade because you don't want a four week vacancy every year. Right so I’ll talk about vacancy a little bit more detail, you know what's to come this week that generally speaking like we discuss last week price point range gross yield vacancy rate are the three very very important elements of your strategy the other elements was your risk appetite whether you're happy to go regional and capital city or just capital city and we talked about that in detail last week in week number one, and the last element of your strategy was how active or passive you want to be. Whether you we want to be able to renovate develop put a granny flat on or whether you want to be completely passive. But for the filtering mechanism in terms of numbers what we use of these three elements of your strategy, and those already should shortlist some suburbs because clearly your strategy is not going to leave the entire fifteen thousand and suburbs across Australia still open to you was going to start filtering already. So, ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________ Terms & Conditions: © Consulting By PK - All rights reserved. Do not share, copy, reproduce or sell any part of this document unless you have written permission from Consulting By PK. All infringements will be prosecuted. If you are the personal owner of the Consulting By PK End User License then you may use it for your own use but not for any other purpose. Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in all material published by Consulting By PK are not to be construed as financial or investment advice nor should be relied upon for any investment activities. Consulting By PK strongly recommends that you perform your own independent research and/or seek your own legal advice before making any financial decisions. Contents of this message are of general nature only and should not be relied upon solely when making an investment decision. Consulting By PK nor any of its directors, associates, staff, or associated companies bear any liability from any actions derived from in this document. One should always seek third party investment information from relevant parties such as legal, finance, and accountancy enquiries. For the avoidance of doubt, any information provided by Consulting By PK is general only and has been prepared without taking account of your personal objectives, financial situation or needs. Any information by Consulting By PK is not intended to imply any recommendation about any particular financial product or class of financial products and should not reasonably be regarded as being intended to have such an influence. Before acting on any such general information, you should consider the appropriateness of the advice, having regard to your own objectives, financial situation and needs. You may wish to consult a licensed financial advisor. Pg. 7 Property Investment Accelerator the next filter is to assess the growth prospects of the remaining suburbs through the first ten of layer three one two five year growth factors. Okay so once we've shortlisted our suburbs of the fifteen thousand suburbs, through the lens of our strategy the next thing we do is we assess the growth prospects of the remaining suburbs whatever is left through the first ten of layer three’s one to five year growth factors. So, these are these ones here if I go back layer three one to five year, or zero to five year the for first ten, one to ten so that's the next step. And then finally the next filter is to assess whatever is remaining and really at this stage they should only be about five to fifteen suburbs still in the mix we need to assess them through the lens of the remaining layer three and layer two o growth factors so we assess them through the remaining eleven to fifteen one to seven here and then these two boxes as well. Of course, we want to keep an eye out for the Australian wide factors but like I said before the Australian wide factors really don't help us decide where to buy because these factors impact basically all places in Australia fairly equally and but still to round out understanding of the over property markets and give up give us a really good context and rich inside into a what's happening and why is that happening, we still need to know these factors and review them. Really it goes one to ten then eleven to fifteen one to seven in these to appear. So that's the filtering mechanism, and of the fifteen thousand suburbs across Australia, because we're using a data lead methodology, or data lead system there at any one time generally speaking around three thousand eight hundred or let's say four thousands of those twelve of those fifteen thousand suburbs that are statistically reliable and what that means is that there have been enough listings on the market and there have been enough sales in the market every single month for the data in that suburb to really be relied upon right it's a bit like sample size if the sample size is too low then it's not really representative of what's going on. Right if you took a , let's say you went to a high school and you sampled five students in it and asked them what they thought of the gymnasium, you know what they say is probably not going to be representative of what the average person thinks an average student thinks because we've only sampled five students sets of it like that, where the sales and the where the listings are very low in a particular suburb, you know we can't really say that the data for that some of his reliable and so therefore we can't assess their suburb using data and without data it's very hard to assess a suburb. So, of the fifteen thousand suburbs across Australia any one time there's generally about four thousand or three thousand eight hundred that are actually distance statistically reliable so this methodology is a bit like a fisherman's net right. We will catch the big fish, don’t worry about that but some suburbs that still may grow in value we may not have identified because there was only one sale every two months and we just couldn't trust the data that was coming out hadn't that's not to say it won't grow but by looking at data we wouldn't have been able to analyze and confidently invest their so it's a bit like a fisherman's that will catch the big fish and they'll be plenty of suburbs that you can invest in that will do well, but they will be some because we just weren't confident in the data that slip through the net. And so that's the filtering mechanism and those three bullet points of demonstrated here illustrated here graphically. And on the right hand side I’m coming back to what I was talking about before around deep factor understanding. So, what I’m teaching you is scientific and based on data. But there's no perfect algorithm that exactly predicts capital growth you know what you can't do is this is to say will based on all data suburb ex is going to grow ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________ Terms & Conditions: © Consulting By PK - All rights reserved. Do not share, copy, reproduce or sell any part of this document unless you have written permission from Consulting By PK. All infringements will be prosecuted. If you are the personal owner of the Consulting By PK End User License then you may use it for your own use but not for any other purpose. Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in all material published by Consulting By PK are not to be construed as financial or investment advice nor should be relied upon for any investment activities. Consulting By PK strongly recommends that you perform your own independent research and/or seek your own legal advice before making any financial decisions. Contents of this message are of general nature only and should not be relied upon solely when making an investment decision. Consulting By PK nor any of its directors, associates, staff, or associated companies bear any liability from any actions derived from in this document. One should always seek third party investment information from relevant parties such as legal, finance, and accountancy enquiries. For the avoidance of doubt, any information provided by Consulting By PK is general only and has been prepared without taking account of your personal objectives, financial situation or needs. Any information by Consulting By PK is not intended to imply any recommendation about any particular financial product or class of financial products and should not reasonably be regarded as being intended to have such an influence. Before acting on any such general information, you should consider the appropriateness of the advice, having regard to your own objectives, financial situation and needs. You may wish to consult a licensed financial advisor. Pg. 8 Property Investment Accelerator by exactly seven point two percent next year, you can't do that. So, there's no magic formula, and the reason for that is because not all the factors that we need to analyze are actually quantitative, not everything is data some of these things a qualitative. There are things that we need to understand there are quantitative factors you know a little bit like, you know what's the slope of the land on a house right that's not quantitative so we can't put that into a formula, and also it's important to understand the trends of all of these factors even though factor may be performing really strongly today or this month , it may not mean that that suburb is going to that factor is going to perform strongly next month, we need to analyze the trends for the last three months the last six months the last twelve months the last thirty six months to be able to understand what's really going on here. And also, we want to understand factor tradeoffs. So, we can’t, you'll never find a suburb that is just perfect across each of these factors right here that a suburb that she's perfect and ticks all the right boxes and every single factor won't exist. So therefore, we need to understand how do we make those tradeoffs. Some of the factor is a good some of them a bad for a particular suburb what waiting to ascribe to each factor, and by understanding the trends, by understanding the tradeoffs that we can make we can make good decisions. Right so yes, it's scientific it is a science based on the filtering mechanism based on data but at the same time it's an art. And the art is these two things here and that's what I also going to be teaching you this week. So, it's an art as well as a science, and together these two things form basically how we select a location that will grow in the short term the long term and all the while give us positive cash flow, add to our income from day one and ultimately allows to buy more more properties to retrieve the passive income that allows us to do what we want to do with the people that we want to do that with. Okay so let's now apply the theory that I have spoken about and actually apply it so let's put it into practice. So, what you you'll see in the subsequent slides the subsequent pages and I’ll just flick through them very briefly just so you can see what's going on. You can see on the top right that there's a legend is a key that's sort of scrolling between different parts of those six boxes that we introduced that I introduced you to before so that's how these the system as is going to work. What I’m going to do is I’m going to introduce you to the factors is within a particular box in this case it's the suburb layer, layer three. The suburb growth factors in the short term one to five years which is a priority number one sequentially. This is where we start and then what I’m going to do so ill introduce you to these things these categories so the factor you know the target the target flexibility the target rush now and then for the same box I’m going to this is the same factors I’ll introduce you to their relative importance and where to get the data and I’ll do a demonstration of the data as well, of how to actually apply it. Okay so and then that's how we continue so for the next box introduce you to the fact is and then the data factors data et cetera. So that's how we're going to go through this. So, let's start with his bottom left box layer three suburb growth factors short term and priority number one this is where we start sequentially, and so there are fifteen factors here, and these are they all go through them one by one and here's the target so this is the basically the threshold or you know what the data needs to be within for us to say yeah, the suburb is showing signs that demand is higher or greater than supply. Remember demand needs to be greater than supply right now for us to be confident that this suburb will grow in the short term which is what we want as well as the long term of course. And then this target flexibility. So, know every suburb ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________ Terms & Conditions: © Consulting By PK - All rights reserved. Do not share, copy, reproduce or sell any part of this document unless you have written permission from Consulting By PK. All infringements will be prosecuted. If you are the personal owner of the Consulting By PK End User License then you may use it for your own use but not for any other purpose. Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in all material published by Consulting By PK are not to be construed as financial or investment advice nor should be relied upon for any investment activities. Consulting By PK strongly recommends that you perform your own independent research and/or seek your own legal advice before making any financial decisions. Contents of this message are of general nature only and should not be relied upon solely when making an investment decision. Consulting By PK nor any of its directors, associates, staff, or associated companies bear any liability from any actions derived from in this document. One should always seek third party investment information from relevant parties such as legal, finance, and accountancy enquiries. For the avoidance of doubt, any information provided by Consulting By PK is general only and has been prepared without taking account of your personal objectives, financial situation or needs. Any information by Consulting By PK is not intended to imply any recommendation about any particular financial product or class of financial products and should not reasonably be regarded as being intended to have such an influence. Before acting on any such general information, you should consider the appropriateness of the advice, having regard to your own objectives, financial situation and needs. You may wish to consult a licensed financial advisor. Pg. 9 Property Investment Accelerator will be perfect perfectly within the targets that I’ve identified here. So there needs to be some flexibility but that flexibility is different, based on what factor we're looking at and I’ve developed these targets, and I’ve developed these flexibilities based on a lot of statistical research. Myself and a team of data scientists we've run various regression models multi varied regressions except for to understand the 45 Minutes to 60 Minutes combination of variables or factors that are important, what the targets need to be and how flexible we can be are on the target, while still ensuring a really really good outcome in terms of capital growth. Okay so there's a lot of science that is behind this. In the video chats the that we have I can introduce you to that science and we can go into it but for now this is really all you need to know, and then finally the target rationale. So, here's some high level points on why this factor is important why this target is what it is and the flexibility but I’ll explain that right now. So, let's start number one rent a proportion. What this is saying is that out of all of the investment properties within a particular suburb how many or what percentage are rental properties or are investment properties? So, we want that percentage to be between fifteen and thirty five percent. Anything more than thirty five percent means that there are a lot of investment property so what that would mean is that, when it comes time for a tenant to search for a rental that tenant has so many options that if you have an investment property in that suburb your vacancy rate might be higher than you want it to be, but also the price increase or the rent increase that you can achieve every year may not be possible a main may be quite low. Simply because there are so many investment properties or rentals in that particular suburb. But equally the minimum is fifteen percent and the reason for that is if there are two little rental properties in a suburb that's actually a symptom or a sign that tenants don't really want to live in that suburb and therefore there aren't many investors that actually by in that suburb for investment purposes. Right so it's not that we want to really high number or a really low number we want something in the middle. So, fifteen to thirty five percent and in terms of flexibility we are you can see that the lower the flexibility the stricter we are on this target, the higher the flexibility the more lenient we are on this target. So, for this one we’re amber or we’re somewhere in the middle which means that we're not super strict so if we find a suburb that has a lot going for it and the renter proportion is sort of up to about forty percent were okay with it it's not ideal but will let it slide. Equally if the renter proportion is down to about ten percent once again not ideal other things would have to be working for the suburb but it's okay, we'll be okay with it. So that's how you interpret the target flexibility. These flexibilities are static so this is based like I said on statistical research. we don't slide them left or right or anything like that this is based on years of insight. Factor number two is vacancy rate and you can see that there's a little black triangle next to it which simply means that it's part of your individual strategy so for someone on a very very high income you may not need a very low vacancy rate, because you can afford to have a month's worth the vacancy every year. But regardless of your strategy, my recommendation when it comes to assessing the potential growth of a suburb in the short term is that we want a vacancy rate of less than two percent. Okay, so any vacancy rate above two percent will not only mean that vacancy periods will be higher so more time between tenants the but ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________ Terms & Conditions: © Consulting By PK - All rights reserved. Do not share, copy, reproduce or sell any part of this document unless you have written permission from Consulting By PK. All infringements will be prosecuted. If you are the personal owner of the Consulting By PK End User License then you may use it for your own use but not for any other purpose. Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in all material published by Consulting By PK are not to be construed as financial or investment advice nor should be relied upon for any investment activities. Consulting By PK strongly recommends that you perform your own independent research and/or seek your own legal advice before making any financial decisions. Contents of this message are of general nature only and should not be relied upon solely when making an investment decision. Consulting By PK nor any of its directors, associates, staff, or associated companies bear any liability from any actions derived from in this document. One should always seek third party investment information from relevant parties such as legal, finance, and accountancy enquiries. For the avoidance of doubt, any information provided by Consulting By PK is general only and has been prepared without taking account of your personal objectives, financial situation or needs. Any information by Consulting By PK is not intended to imply any recommendation about any particular financial product or class of financial products and should not reasonably be regarded as being intended to have such an influence. Before acting on any such general information, you should consider the appropriateness of the advice, having regard to your own objectives, financial situation and needs. You may wish to consult a licensed financial advisor. Pg. 10 Property Investment Accelerator also, it's a little bit off putting for potential investors and so therefore the demand from investors will be small and investors constitute about thirty to forty percent of all home buyers right it's pretty large sometimes that number can go up two fifty sixty percent depending on the suburban or city that you're looking at. So, if we are saying that vacancy rate is high above two percent then you're alienating those investors those investors that investment side of the market and that's reducing demand so that's going to lead to pretty low capital growth outcomes. So, we’re pretty strict on that we don't really want to budge anything more than two percent. Number three is auction clearance rate. So, auction clearance rate means that for, in all the auctions that happened within a week or within a month and a particular suburb how many of them were actually successful? So how many of them actually had bidders the bid at or above the reserve price and the property was actually sold or successful so we want this number to be at least sixty percent. You can see the flexibility is very high and the reason the flexibility is very high is that this number can sometimes be quite misleading it can be misleading because a) auctions or really most prevalent only in Melbourne parts of Sydney and other some other sort of pockets around Australia mostly premium type suburbs, did not really prevalent and Darwin Perth Tasmania, Adelaide , Brisbane so often times the number the percent that you see for auction clearance rate in these other areas doesn't quite make sense they might be one auction and the auction rate might be hundred percent because it was sold but that's once again not statistically reliable data. And even if the auction is happening in somewhere like Melbourne we're auctions a quiet common and popular, sometimes still it's not a good indicator because let's say eighty percent of auctions and a particular suburb, sorry eighty percent of properties and a particular suburb was sold through auction, but if there was only three properties actually that was sold within a month then once again the sample sizes pretty low and the auction clearance rate would be pretty high eighty percent but it's not really that reliable. So, depending on the suburb we take number three with a grain of salt but nonetheless it's a good indicator. And I’ll demonstrate all of these to you with a practical demonstration as well. Number four is days on market so what this is saying is how long is it taking for the average property within a suburb to actually sell. You know the days that have passed between the date it was listed for sale and the day it was under contract or when an offer was accepted and we want that number of days to be less than fifty. So just a backup a little bit the renter proportion was a demand side metric, vacancy rate is a demand side metric, auction clearance rate is a demand side metrics, allows us to understand the demand not necessarily supply days on market is also a demand on demand side metric right so if it's taking you anything more than fifty days you know to sell a property within a particular suburb it was taking you to months or anything like that and that tells us that you know demand is pretty soft you know otherwise it wouldn't take us sixty days or two months to sell a property so we want this to be less than fifty days and that is a sign was a symptom that demand a strong. The flexibility as you can see is fairly ambers a fairly flexible and I normally say anything up to about fifty five is okay, but we really don't want to be approaching sixty days or anything like that now of course everything else is really really strong then we might take it up to sixty days but in the normal course of events I really want to stick under fifty or fifty five at the worst. Number five is average vendor discounting. So what average vendor discounting means is, it actually has nothing to do with valuation, all it means is ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________ Terms & Conditions: © Consulting By PK - All rights reserved. Do not share, copy, reproduce or sell any part of this document unless you have written permission from Consulting By PK. All infringements will be prosecuted. If you are the personal owner of the Consulting By PK End User License then you may use it for your own use but not for any other purpose. Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in all material published by Consulting By PK are not to be construed as financial or investment advice nor should be relied upon for any investment activities. Consulting By PK strongly recommends that you perform your own independent research and/or seek your own legal advice before making any financial decisions. Contents of this message are of general nature only and should not be relied upon solely when making an investment decision. Consulting By PK nor any of its directors, associates, staff, or associated companies bear any liability from any actions derived from in this document. One should always seek third party investment information from relevant parties such as legal, finance, and accountancy enquiries. For the avoidance of doubt, any information provided by Consulting By PK is general only and has been prepared without taking account of your personal objectives, financial situation or needs. Any information by Consulting By PK is not intended to imply any recommendation about any particular financial product or class of financial products and should not reasonably be regarded as being intended to have such an influence. Before acting on any such general information, you should consider the appropriateness of the advice, having regard to your own objectives, financial situation and needs. You may wish to consult a licensed financial advisor. Pg. 11 Property Investment Accelerator that relative to the initial price that the vendor advertised the property at. What did the property end up actually selling for? So generally speaking, the vendors expect too much and it ends up being sold for something less than that. Now whatever the valuation the true value of the property was is something completely independent to what I just said so, this number average vendor discounting percentage is just a sign or at once again it's a demand side metric of you know if vendors are having to discount a lot that means that demand is pretty soft, but if vendors aren't really having to discount that much to sell a property than demand is quite high. So, we want the target to be less than five percent in other words some discounting is okay, but we want that discounting to be less than five percent. We are amber in terms of the flexibility but it's more on the on the strict side of amber so five point five, six percent as is okay, but really nothing more than six percent even six percent as a bit of a stretch. Number six is our first supply side metric so number one to five would demand side number six as supply side and remember the ultimate goal is to try to understand the balance of demand and supply. So, number six stock on market. What this is saying is at any one moment in time let's say a month of all the properties that exist in a particular suburb how many are for sale? They may be investment properties, they may be owner occupiers we don't really care or we are interested in is of all the properties that exist in a suburb how many are on sale or for sale, and we want that number to be less than one percent. Let's say number one two five was really strong they were all really high so we know demand is very high but then the stock on market was three percent or four percent that tells us that even though demand is high, supply is also high and therefore prices are unlikely to grow in the short term. So, we want it to be less than one percent were little bit flexible as you can see but in this context that sort of means going up to about one point three one point for one point five percent, nothing really over one point five percent. Even that would be a stretch and other thing would need to be pretty good for us to you know go that far. Number seven is twelve month rolling average online search interest ratio. It's a bit of her a have a mouthful. But what this is saying is that over the last twelve months on average on a monthly basis on average, how many people on real estate dot com and domain have been clicking into a particular suburb. So, on average over the last twelve months what is the monthly average of the number of people clicking into a particular suburb online, and that expressed as a ratio over the number of properties actually for sale in that suburb is what this metric is. So, we wanted to be above five fifty to one which means that in the average month over the last twelve months there was one property for sale and five hundred and four fifty people were clicking into it. If there were two properties for sale than the ratio would be two twenty five to one which would be lower than what our threshold or our target is. Okay so this is a really really powerful leading indicator of course not all of the has five fifty people, whether they're unique or people law or duplicate you know people coming again and then again back into the suburb online regardless of that, of course the not all buying the property but it's a really good leading indicator of you know what the popularity of that suburb is you know if there's more people clicking into it than that is telling us that you know there is something going in this than the suburb that it's so popular and the trend of course for all of these are very important to analyze. So, we're quite strict on that you can see it's a red we really don't want it to be anything lower than five fifty, ideally you want this to be much higher. Number eight is gross yield percentage so remember gross yield is your ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________ Terms & Conditions: © Consulting By PK - All rights reserved. Do not share, copy, reproduce or sell any part of this document unless you have written permission from Consulting By PK. All infringements will be prosecuted. If you are the personal owner of the Consulting By PK End User License then you may use it for your own use but not for any other purpose. Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in all material published by Consulting By PK are not to be construed as financial or investment advice nor should be relied upon for any investment activities. Consulting By PK strongly recommends that you perform your own independent research and/or seek your own legal advice before making any financial decisions. Contents of this message are of general nature only and should not be relied upon solely when making an investment decision. Consulting By PK nor any of its directors, associates, staff, or associated companies bear any liability from any actions derived from in this document. One should always seek third party investment information from relevant parties such as legal, finance, and accountancy enquiries. For the avoidance of doubt, any information provided by Consulting By PK is general only and has been prepared without taking account of your personal objectives, financial situation or needs. Any information by Consulting By PK is not intended to imply any recommendation about any particular financial product or class of financial products and should not reasonably be regarded as being intended to have such an influence. Before acting on any such general information, you should consider the appropriateness of the advice, having regard to your own objectives, financial situation and needs. You may wish to consult a licensed financial advisor. Pg. 12 Property Investment Accelerator annual rent expressed as a percentage of the total the purchase price of the property. So, this has a black triangle next to it because it's part of your strategy as we've discussed many times now. So of course, just like vacancy rate if you're a high income earner you may not need a very high gross yield. You may not need a positive income property, but regardless what my recommendation is for the purpose of preserving your borrowing capacity for the 60 Minutes to 75 Minutes future you should buy properties with the growth field of at least five percent, now of course, sorry at least four percent. Now of course four percent itself is quite low that certain negatively geared property, so ideally if we want a positive cash flow property were looking for a yield at least five point five percent, that will give us a positive income property before tax and of five percent ish gross yield will give us a positive income property after tax. Remember depreciation is the difference between pretax and posttax as we've gone through and week number one. But regardless of all that stuff, what I’m saying here is regardless of your strategy, you should be buying in a suburb where the gross healed is at least four percent and the reason for that is even if you can afford something less than that most investors can't and investors make up at least thirty percent of Australian residential property market and therefore have a big impact on demand and subsequently growth. So even if you can't afford it the average person can't and therefore, you're alienating the average investor which is going to take a hit on demand and subsequently price growth. So four percent is the minimum and in terms of flexibility although we're a little bit flexible on this, you know I’d really say don't go anything less than four percent the reason we're flexible on this is that you were for a very particular reason maybe you're not looking to recruit a large portfolio maybe are only looking to buy one property and you want it to be in Sydney's lowered north shore for a very particular reason, in which case you could be flexible on this and of course you'd need to go below four percent, but that would be a completely different strategy and an exception rather than the rule. Number nine. Demand to supply ratio know of bolded this because this is really important what demand to supply ratio is basically a summation of factors number one to eight. So, it takes the various demand side factors and the supply side factors such as stock on market and it gives us a good balance or a good understanding of what the balances between demand and supply so anything over fifty percent means that demand is more than supply for right now and therefore there is pressure on prices to increase. The extent of which that pressure will actually lead to price increase is something we still need to talk about. If supply is greater than demand and the percent will be less than fifty percent okay. So, at the very minimum we’re looking for where demand is high than supply, but we want something that's at least seventy three how can really, we want something that seventy five or above but at the very minimum seventy three and we’re very strict on that. This factor alone isn't the gospel so this is not the only thing that we look at sometimes people think well if it's the summation of all these eight than I can just ignore these eight and just look at this that's not a good way to think because we need to not only understand the trend of demand to supply the we need to understand the trend of each of these things as well each of these factors and demand to supply ratio could be really high but if these things are ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________ Terms & Conditions: © Consulting By PK - All rights reserved. Do not share, copy, reproduce or sell any part of this document unless you have written permission from Consulting By PK. All infringements will be prosecuted. If you are the personal owner of the Consulting By PK End User License then you may use it for your own use but not for any other purpose. Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in all material published by Consulting By PK are not to be construed as financial or investment advice nor should be relied upon for any investment activities. Consulting By PK strongly recommends that you perform your own independent research and/or seek your own legal advice before making any financial decisions. Contents of this message are of general nature only and should not be relied upon solely when making an investment decision. Consulting By PK nor any of its directors, associates, staff, or associated companies bear any liability from any actions derived from in this document. One should always seek third party investment information from relevant parties such as legal, finance, and accountancy enquiries. For the avoidance of doubt, any information provided by Consulting By PK is general only and has been prepared without taking account of your personal objectives, financial situation or needs. Any information by Consulting By PK is not intended to imply any recommendation about any particular financial product or class of financial products and should not reasonably be regarded as being intended to have such an influence. Before acting on any such general information, you should consider the appropriateness of the advice, having regard to your own objectives, financial situation and needs. You may wish to consult a licensed financial advisor. Pg. 13 Property Investment Accelerator trending in the wrong way then what that is meaning is that were buying at the boom of a market let's say Sydney and two thousand and sixteen many suburbs would have had demand supply ratio really really high and if you just followed this number you would have bought right at the boom and lost a lot of money in the next two years. But a sophisticated investor in my clients we were buying very strategically at that time because yes demand to supply ratio was high, we were seeing these trends the trends for each of these factors showing that term you know really, we were not trending positively anymore it was starting to go backwards so that even though it was still high it was starting to go backwards or starting to level out at the very minimum. So, I’ll take you through that in more detail but we want that demand to supply ratio to be at least seventy three percent. Number ten, thirty six month median value growth rate. So, what this is saying and once again were relatively strict on this. What we're saying here is that even is factors one to nine are really making us excited you know we've found we're finding suburbs that a ticking the boxes that within the threshold the flexibility is okay demand to supply ratio is high everything is looking pretty encouraging, if it is looking encouraging, but over the last three years the median value or prices and that suburb of grown by more than fifteen percent, then the what that tells us is that even though everything is looking good and prices may continue to grow we've missed the bottom of the market. Okay so we've not boarded at the bottom of the market now prices may continue to grow and they may grow another fifteen percent another thirty percent another fifty percent or more but I would prefer and I would prefer you to buy suburbs where we’re closer to the bottom of the market. Okay because it's a big risk of a suburb is still showing signs of growth of short term growth but it's already grown by let's say fifteen or twenty percent then, it's a fairly large risk, you know to say that it will it will continue that run. It's not the case that suburbs grow by fifty percent and then level off. Often times they grow very incrementally, and if they've already had growth of fifteen percent in the last thirty six months, they may not achieve that growth you know for the next few years. So that's really important to note we are flexible we are strict on the sorry you can see it's a red, but the red as you know to the right of these other reds it's almost becoming an amber so if everything else is really really really strong and the trends are also encouraging, then sometimes we can say okay let's be more flexible let’s say this is okay to be up to twenty percent. Okay, but if things aren't that strong and it it’s the already grown by fifteen percent then were discounting their suburb were saying no, we're not really interested in buying there. So hopefully that's all making sense so far and what I’m going to do now is before I go to factors eleven to fifteen, I’m going to do a practical demonstration of how to actually apply these first ten factors okay. These first ten factors are the first filter that we, you know that we look at when selecting our location. So, remember we applied our strategy and then were applying the first ten of layer threes one to five year growth factors so those are the ones that I’ve just talked you through and what I’m going to do now is I’m going to demonstrate how to do that exactly. So, over the page and I’ll come back to this over the page, I've illustrated for you the data sources and way to actually get everything all of the started but for factors number one to ten by and large the most consistent data sources this So, I’m going to go to that right now and give you a practical demonstration of how it works. So, I’m on the right now, I might need to login because I’ve been on this for a while. Okay so when you come, to this site you'll see this pricing ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________ Terms & Conditions: © Consulting By PK - All rights reserved. Do not share, copy, reproduce or sell any part of this document unless you have written permission from Consulting By PK. All infringements will be prosecuted. If you are the personal owner of the Consulting By PK End User License then you may use it for your own use but not for any other purpose. Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in all material published by Consulting By PK are not to be construed as financial or investment advice nor should be relied upon for any investment activities. Consulting By PK strongly recommends that you perform your own independent research and/or seek your own legal advice before making any financial decisions. Contents of this message are of general nature only and should not be relied upon solely when making an investment decision. Consulting By PK nor any of its directors, associates, staff, or associated companies bear any liability from any actions derived from in this document. One should always seek third party investment information from relevant parties such as legal, finance, and accountancy enquiries. For the avoidance of doubt, any information provided by Consulting By PK is general only and has been prepared without taking account of your personal objectives, financial situation or needs. Any information by Consulting By PK is not intended to imply any recommendation about any particular financial product or class of financial products and should not reasonably be regarded as being intended to have such an influence. Before acting on any such general information, you should consider the appropriateness of the advice, having regard to your own objectives, financial situation and needs. You may wish to consult a licensed financial advisor. Pg. 14 Property Investment Accelerator page. Now of all the data factors and all the data sources that I’ve included in the system, I’ve gone out of my way to make sure that we're reducing costs and we're not paying for data unnecessarily. Almost every factor you can go to a paid source the you'll be spending thousands of dollars in just suburb research, which I’m sure you don't want to do. Right so in my entire system, the way that I have sourced the data is that this is the only one that you actually need to pay for and the way that I’ve developed my system is by getting the very very raw data just data dumps you know we're talking big data of hundreds of thousands of of rows et cetera, and that's how I’ve conducted the statistical research in the regression analysis to teach you everything that I’m teaching you and I’ve basically done it for myself and that's how I invested in property and that's how I got confidence that I’m actually doing the right thing and that's how have achieved the results I’ve achieved and that's worked for countless clients. But you don't need to get the role data you don't even need to get the pro version, everything that I’m teaching you is included in the light version which is complemented by everything else that we haven't actually gone through yet. Right so you don't need this pro version my system is going to be covering much more than what this version is doing but we do need at least the data that's available in the light version okay. And the power in this data is that there are multiple research houses within property markets that get data, you know the type of data that we've been talking about so far. There is rezdex, there is core logic, rp data, there is APM, there is others there's about half a dozen and data houses that compile this data. The problem is that they don't, none of them individually have all the data that we want. So if you go to core logic whilst it's really handy you know what you need to do as you need to download pdf reports, static pdf reports for each suburb and that makes it basically impossible to compare fifteen thousand suburbs your you'd need to download fifteen thousand pdfs, and somehow compare them or print them out and put them on the wall around your house I don't know how you do that, so that's why a none of these other data houses are research houses have all the data that we want and secondly they're not in the format that we want in a pdf reports and so forth and thirdly each of them has a different methodology of how they report that data. So, you might have found in your property research before doing this cause that you go to one website and the median value for a suburb is five hundred thousand dollars, and you go to another website and the median value for that same suburb is five hundred and eighty thousand dollars and so that's kind of leaving you scratching your head on what's actually going on. The power in this tool DSR data is the fact that it's taking the raw data from all of these other research houses and it's normalizing that data. So, it’s taking the average so if these three different research houses with three different median values for a suburb what we're going to see through this data sources the average so it's consistent, it's reliable. So that's why I go for it, it does cost money hundred and fifty eight dollars a month but there is no lock and contracts so you don't need to actually have the data for more than a month what most clients do is that when they come to week number two, they subscribe to the light version and then once they've done their analysis, which in terms of elapsed time you know actually hours spent really shouldn't be anything more than five hours. Now of course you may not be able to do all five thousand and one go so regardless of how busy you I really don't need this data for more than a month. Okay, so therefore there's no lock and contracts after the month as finish you can simply unsubscribe and therefore the total cost is a hundred and fifty ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________ Terms & Conditions: © Consulting By PK - All rights reserved. Do not share, copy, reproduce or sell any part of this document unless you have written permission from Consulting By PK. All infringements will be prosecuted. If you are the personal owner of the Consulting By PK End User License then you may use it for your own use but not for any other purpose. Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in all material published by Consulting By PK are not to be construed as financial or investment advice nor should be relied upon for any investment activities. Consulting By PK strongly recommends that you perform your own independent research and/or seek your own legal advice before making any financial decisions. Contents of this message are of general nature only and should not be relied upon solely when making an investment decision. Consulting By PK nor any of its directors, associates, staff, or associated companies bear any liability from any actions derived from in this document. One should always seek third party investment information from relevant parties such as legal, finance, and accountancy enquiries. For the avoidance of doubt, any information provided by Consulting By PK is general only and has been prepared without taking account of your personal objectives, financial situation or needs. Any information by Consulting By PK is not intended to imply any recommendation about any particular financial product or class of financial products and should not reasonably be regarded as being intended to have such an influence. Before acting on any such general information, you should consider the appropriateness of the advice, having regard to your own objectives, financial situation and needs. You may wish to consult a licensed financial advisor. Pg. 15 Property Investment Accelerator eight dollars. You’ll see that this is well worth it and there's really no other free way to get all of the dollar that we want to get in a way that consumable and allows us to do what we need to do to become confident in our location selection. So that being said once you finish this week's course go right ahead and subscribe to this, I have no affiliation with this this website to date so this money is not coming to me but going straight into you know to rewarding the people that have compiled this data and this is raw data which is what I love. So, when you do subscribe to that you'll go in and you will go to the data, you click up your data and you'll see these four options. Now in order for us to start applying our filtering mechanism which is right here, what we want to do is we want to go to market matcher. And within market matcher, it asks us to put in for types 75 Minutes to 90 Minutes of criteria - location criteria, property type criteria, statistical search criteria and display and sorting criteria. So, I’m teach you exactly what we need to put in here to follow the system that I’m teaching you some terms of location search criteria. It gives us an option do we want to select our suburbs by state in which case we can either take all these states or we can on take any states that we have no interest in selecting sorry and in investing within. I don't recommend that I recommend leaving everything open because you want to maximize your chance of find a good finding a good suburb. One that will make you money in the short term and long term. The only slight caveat that I’ll say is ACT. So easy to the thing with ACT is that the land tax rates, I’m and land tax is basically a state government tax on a particular value of holdings you haven't and housing and land value. The thing with act is that they don't provide a threshold at which you don't need to pay land tax. So most other states when fact all states depending on of course your ownership structure which will get to and week six, they say that up to a certain land value that say four hundred thousand you don't need to pay any land tax that an act need to stop paying that from the very beginning. Okay so that means that you know there's a next extra expense and that extra expense means that for you to buy a positive cash flow property, you know where we needed about a five point five yield before, you know five point five percent in act you need something more above six percent or maybe even six and a half percent. So just keep that in mind it is harder to find genuinely positive cash flow property in act you might want on tick that but of course you can play around with it and do a scenario we have ticked it and another scenario we've unticked it. So, you can do it that way, and then it says refine the search area within the selected states. So, you can say okay search only within capital cities so remember and week one we talked about your strategy on whether you had a risk appetite to buy a regional or just capital cities so this is where you can apply that, or it allows you to say search only within the selected LGA means local government area basically like a council like Brisbane city council. I don't recommend you doing that because you've basically alienated so many potential high growing suburbs if you're getting too specific too soon. So, you can either select just within capital cities depending on your strategy or you can completely on select this all together which means you're just opening up all fifteen thousand suburbs for yourself. The other option that this gives you his to search by map area. So, let's say for some reason you're only ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________ Terms & Conditions: © Consulting By PK - All rights reserved. Do not share, copy, reproduce or sell any part of this document unless you have written permission from Consulting By PK. All infringements will be prosecuted. If you are the personal owner of the Consulting By PK End User License then you may use it for your own use but not for any other purpose. Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in all material published by Consulting By PK are not to be construed as financial or investment advice nor should be relied upon for any investment activities. Consulting By PK strongly recommends that you perform your own independent research and/or seek your own legal advice before making any financial decisions. Contents of this message are of general nature only and should not be relied upon solely when making an investment decision. Consulting By PK nor any of its directors, associates, staff, or associated companies bear any liability from any actions derived from in this document. One should always seek third party investment information from relevant parties such as legal, finance, and accountancy enquiries. For the avoidance of doubt, any information provided by Consulting By PK is general only and has been prepared without taking account of your personal objectives, financial situation or needs. Any information by Consulting By PK is not intended to imply any recommendation about any particular financial product or class of financial products and should not reasonably be regarded as being intended to have such an influence. Before acting on any such general information, you should consider the appropriateness of the advice, having regard to your own objectives, financial situation and needs. You may wish to consult a licensed financial advisor. Pg. 16 Property Investment Accelerator interested in investing in a particular area let's say that area was Newcastle so you take that feature and you'd own in on just Newcastle. You can also you can also make the circle a triangle a sorry a rectangle but anyways I generally recommend you don't use this feature unless you have very specific purpose or you only want to buy in your backyard which generally speaking is not a good strategy, because you're alienating so many suburbs I could do much better than buying in your backyard, and you know I’ll be teaching you in the subsequent weeks how to overcome the fear of buying interstate or in another city and how to do all of your due diligence and be comfortable buying there. So, let's cross out of this and say look now we're back on the state were happy to buy anywhere. Okay, so the next thing we've done that we click that property search criteria this gives us an option for houses and units in this tool the definition of a unit includes high rise apartments, it also includes flats you know or townhouses basically everything apart from a freestanding house. So obviously over the over the long term in Australia, houses have outperformed units or let's say apartments or town houses, but if you're applying my methodology and selecting a very very high growth suburb, then even if you do buy a unit and when I say unit, I don't mean a fifty a story apartment tower I mean a very strategic unit which I’ll teach you as well. Even if you do by unit like a townhouse, it should be okay you'll actually make of a lot of money in that as well. So, for some investors who have more of an affordable budget let's say under three hundred or three fifty thousand dollars you may want to leave both of these ticked. Or if you want to be very very very risk averse you may want to untick units and only go for freestanding houses but I recommend you at least to the analysis across both because as long as you're following a set criteria which I’ll explain this weekend next week even if you buy a unit will do very very well so for now let's leave both of these ticked and we've done that, and statistical search criteria. So, this is where we enter in our strategy. Right so you can see the typical value that's the DSR’s version of median value and the reason it's called typical value is that it's taken the median value from various data sources various research houses and it's given you the average so it's reliable. So, we want to put in our typical value based on what we've developed the price point range that we've developed alongside the broker the mortgage broker. So, we want to click edit, and you want to put in the real number so let's say we are interested in houses and units between three hundred thousand and am going to change that to five hundred thousand. Save. Demand to supply ratio so remember we talked about demand to supply ratio as the is a good summary of the short term demand and supply factors. So, we want that demand to supply ratio like I explained before to be at least seventy three on them on the low side. So we save that down, it can be as high as possible but at least seventy three. Statistical reliability, so the great thing about this tool and once again the reason why it's money well spent is because where there are very low listings, or very low sales volume in a particular suburb, this tool actually tells us and it tells us you know that hey even though there his data the reliability of that data is a bit circumspect you know it's a bit quote unquote sketchy. So, you may not actually want to make a decision based on this data so when I talk to the to the guys who built this tool, they say that the minimum statistical reliability that were looking for in in what we want to interpret is sixty three. It's not a percentage it's a statistical term but I won't bore you with that you just need to put in sixty three at the max can be the max. Gross rental yield once again this is a product of your strategy, the ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________ Terms & Conditions: © Consulting By PK - All rights reserved. Do not share, copy, reproduce or sell any part of this document unless you have written permission from Consulting By PK. All infringements will be prosecuted. If you are the personal owner of the Consulting By PK End User License then you may use it for your own use but not for any other purpose. Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in all material published by Consulting By PK are not to be construed as financial or investment advice nor should be relied upon for any investment activities. Consulting By PK strongly recommends that you perform your own independent research and/or seek your own legal advice before making any financial decisions. Contents of this message are of general nature only and should not be relied upon solely when making an investment decision. Consulting By PK nor any of its directors, associates, staff, or associated companies bear any liability from any actions derived from in this document. One should always seek third party investment information from relevant parties such as legal, finance, and accountancy enquiries. For the avoidance of doubt, any information provided by Consulting By PK is general only and has been prepared without taking account of your personal objectives, financial situation or needs. Any information by Consulting By PK is not intended to imply any recommendation about any particular financial product or class of financial products and should not reasonably be regarded as being intended to have such an influence. Before acting on any such general information, you should consider the appropriateness of the advice, having regard to your own objectives, financial situation and needs. You may wish to consult a licensed financial advisor. Pg. 17 Property Investment Accelerator extent to which you want that house or unit to be positive cash flow of course if you're buying a house and there's no strada costs but with the unit you need to pay for the corporate levies, which often means that you need a slightly higher rental yield for it to be positive cash flow but you know for now let's say we're putting in we want something that's positive cash flow after tax let's say five percent. And the maxim can be the maximum. And there's one other aspect of your strategy that we put in and so we say here adds statistic and we click this and we type in vacancy rate, that was the other component of our strategy and we want the maximum vacancy rate to be two percent as I’ve described before. So, there you go we put in our strategy which was which was the first step enough filtering mechanism. So, you put that here we can close that down and lastly display and sorting criteria. So, by putting in these criteria it's going to shortlist the fifteen thousand suburbs across Australia to whatever is meeting these criteria but we want to sort them, we want to order them from highest to lowest based on something. And that something is demand to supply ratio. So, there's so many things in here you can just ignore all of those things. In the system what I’ve taught you so far and what's to come all cover all of these things and in a lot of more detail and in different ways that make more sense. So don't get confused and go off on attention just to stay with me and follow what I’m teaching it works. Demand to supply ratio, what we want to do is we want to just in the sought precedence we want to click default and hit one, and all that saying is that all the results that this tool shows us we want to fill we want to order them from the highest demand to supply ratio to the lowest. So, we've done that and now we show a matching market. When we click this, it shows us all the suburbs that will within the criteria So you can see here, that of all the fifteen thousand suburbs across Australia, the criteria that we put in meant that only one hundred and ten actually still made the grade okay. And you can see the if I change the criteria let's say I went back in statistical search criteria and I said that my vacancy you sorry my gross yield needs to be higher I want it at five point five percent-say that you know show matching markets, now there's only fifty three suburbs. So, all of a sudden there are a whole bunch less suburbs that have made the grade. If I go even more strict and say look you know I was interested in units before and now my only interest in houses show matching markets, I’ll just do that again. The formatting is a bit off here, but you can see now there's only thirty two suburbs in the in the mix okay so if I go back here and I say, you know actually a refined my typical range and I know that I can only go three hundred to four hundred thousand save now it's going to give me even less only twenty seven suburbs that make the grade. Okay so we'll just go back here and say I’m open to houses and units I want to look everywhere, gross rental yield of five and a half that's okay three hundred four hundred, once again this is on the formatting is a bit glitching but the numbers are right. But what this is saying is basically thirty nine entries am just going to fix this, much bigger and the formatting is better, thirty nine suburbs that made the grade according to that specific strategy. Okay, so you can see how powerful this tool is all of a sudden were already down to have top forty suburbs that's still a lot of suburbs. But at least we're starting to shortlist them you know. So, you can easily see where the suburbs are so the state we can see the post code, you can even click the postcode so if I don't know where chigwell is and I can just click this post code, and it brings up a map and I know that it is just north west of Tasmania of Hobart sorry in Tasmania, so that's pretty handy and you have closed that down. Tells you whether the ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________ Terms & Conditions: © Consulting By PK - All rights reserved. Do not share, copy, reproduce or sell any part of this document unless you have written permission from Consulting By PK. All infringements will be prosecuted. If you are the personal owner of the Consulting By PK End User License then you may use it for your own use but not for any other purpose. Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in all material published by Consulting By PK are not to be construed as financial or investment advice nor should be relied upon for any investment activities. Consulting By PK strongly recommends that you perform your own independent research and/or seek your own legal advice before making any financial decisions. Contents of this message are of general nature only and should not be relied upon solely when making an investment decision. Consulting By PK nor any of its directors, associates, staff, or associated companies bear any liability from any actions derived from in this document. One should always seek third party investment information from relevant parties such as legal, finance, and accountancy enquiries. For the avoidance of doubt, any information provided by Consulting By PK is general only and has been prepared without taking account of your personal objectives, financial situation or needs. Any information by Consulting By PK is not intended to imply any recommendation about any particular financial product or class of financial products and should not reasonably be regarded as being intended to have such an influence. Before acting on any such general information, you should consider the appropriateness of the advice, having regard to your own objectives, financial situation and needs. You may wish to consult a licensed financial advisor. Pg. 18 Property Investment Accelerator property is a house or a unit right so if you want to go back in remove all units you can do so in that will reduce your thirty nine considerably tells you the suburb the typical value most importantly it gives you the order of the demand to supply ratio. So, we'd put the minimum demand to supply ratio at seventy three so the minimum down here will be seventy three that's the cut off. Vacancy rate that's all going to be less than two percent and the gross yield we put a minimum of five percent, so it's not going to shows any suburbs less than I think if they put five point five percent. Okay so the process from here is what we want to do is we want to leave that open and open up DSR again, and last time we went to market matcher remember this is the market matcher feature and this time what we want to do is we want to go to suburb analyzer 90 Minutes to 105 Minutes right and we want to go to suburb analyzer because we have our top suburbs as per layer three short term growth factors sorry filtering mechanism, but now what we want to do is we actually want to go back here and we want to actually see whether these factors are hitting out thresholds, what the trends are you know things like that. So, you know don't be overwhelmed by the fact that this tool forty suburbs of course you can refine your strategy to be more specific but this is a good number of suburbs to analyze I recommend at this stage not having anything less than twenty. But at this point what we're doing is we're analyzing each suburb individually and it doesn't actually take that long the first couple of times as you’re still understanding it might take a bit of time but as you do it more and more it, she doesn't take very long and so the first you want to analyzes is Chigwell. So, control see that copy it over here and in Chigwell we were interested in houses, so don't click units but houses because here it said houses. So, this tool actually tells us the DSR based on whether it's a house or unit so it's quite specific. So, we come back here in the suburb analyzers it’s not giving us data for Chigwell, and this these factors at the exact same factors that I’m taking you through here factors number one to ten okay the order is slightly different but they are the exact same factors. So, what we want to be doing is we want to be going through one by one each and every factor in assessing whether it's hitting our threshold what the trend is, and overall, our assessment of the suburb based on the factors that we've discussed so far. There are more factors to come home but you know where we need to start filtering these. So the first one is demand to supply ratio and we want to click this history so of course the current value is eighty six , our threshold was seventy three so we’re quite happy, and what we want to see the history so click history and it tells us, how that demand to supply ratio effect has fared over the last thirty six months or three is so at the time of recording it's actually July so the latest data is for June and you can see that the it goes back about thirty six months. So, when we're analyzing trends, we want to see how stable or encouraging is the trend so for demand to supply ratio particularly or in fact all of these, we want to at least see the last six to nine months and we want to see some solidarity. So, let's say right now it was eighty six but the last month it was down below seventy five and then the previous month it was high but then the previous month to that it was low again that wouldn't that sort of volatility wouldn't give us much confidence. So, we want to see a so suburb that is showing either positive trajectory you know the increasing or at least remaining stable above a threshold. It just comes back ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________ Terms & Conditions: © Consulting By PK - All rights reserved. Do not share, copy, reproduce or sell any part of this document unless you have written permission from Consulting By PK. All infringements will be prosecuted. If you are the personal owner of the Consulting By PK End User License then you may use it for your own use but not for any other purpose. Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in all material published by Consulting By PK are not to be construed as financial or investment advice nor should be relied upon for any investment activities. Consulting By PK strongly recommends that you perform your own independent research and/or seek your own legal advice before making any financial decisions. Contents of this message are of general nature only and should not be relied upon solely when making an investment decision. Consulting By PK nor any of its directors, associates, staff, or associated companies bear any liability from any actions derived from in this document. One should always seek third party investment information from relevant parties such as legal, finance, and accountancy enquiries. For the avoidance of doubt, any information provided by Consulting By PK is general only and has been prepared without taking account of your personal objectives, financial situation or needs. Any information by Consulting By PK is not intended to imply any recommendation about any particular financial product or class of financial products and should not reasonably be regarded as being intended to have such an influence. Before acting on any such general information, you should consider the appropriateness of the advice, having regard to your own objectives, financial situation and needs. You may wish to consult a licensed financial advisor. Pg. 19 Property Investment Accelerator to the analogy that I shared with you before around a pressure cooker know if a pressure cooker has you know steam building up but then someone comes along and let's that steam out by lifting the whistle at the top of it, then even though the steam was building up you know that someone's come along and let the steam out, then it's not going to whistle right so the same thing with property markets. We want the strength to be stable and you know meaning that the gas the pressure for prices to grow is bubbling away is simmering is steaming up know that pressure is increasing. If all of a sudden there's a couple of months within the last six or nine months where the numbers low than that's kind of like letting the steam out which means that the pressure is no longer building up as fast and that means that prices now may not grow right. So, we talked about back here we talked about yes there's a filtering mechanism but we're actually need to understand these trends okay so this is what I’m going through now I’m teaching had understand these trends. So, this is actually a really perfect a really model suburb and that's why it was number one. We're quite happy with this. The last like I said when analyzing these trends, the last six to nine months of the most important but that that also depends on a few things that will teach you. Auction clearance rate, so it's no didn't seem to be any auctions there and it's unsurprising because it’s from Tasmania, but that's okay we were very flexible on that. Typical value so three forty seven thousand dollars and let's see how this suburb has feared in the last three years three years ago you could buy that in Chigwell for two hundred and twenty five thousand dollars, and at the time of recording prices are three hundred fifty. So, the there is a pretty significant price growth, of about a hundred and twenty five thousand dollars. A hundred and twenty five thousand dollars on a growth on a base of two twenty five is much more than fifteen percent right. So automatically what we would say is although this is really you know nice to see, when we go to our system the thirty six month median value growth rate is much much more than fifteen percent therefore, we're not happy with this suburb. We wouldn't even analyze it further right like we wouldn't waste our time. So that that's why I want to demonstrate but for the purposes of this practical demonstrate demonstration let's just go through the suburb and go through the other factors but when it comes to going through these thirty nine shortlisted suburbs, I wouldn't even spend more time on Chigwell see can see how the process that actually won't take that long. You know just about bring that up again actually, this is a type of suburb that if you followed the system that I’m teaching you would have bought in two thousand and sixteen or two thousand and seventeen and you would have achieved these results. So, the great thing about what I’m teaching you is that you can actually apply it retrospectively in the in history and just see whether it's picking suburbs that are that actually did do well right so that it's a self-proving system which is which is what I love and you can gain a lot of confidence in it that way. The percentage rent is on market is thirty five point five percent that's within the within our range. And it's been pretty stable the way that the tool reports renters on market is always stable, you don't need normally have to look at history you just have to look it statistical sorry just need to look at the actual value. So, you know what we were okay to go up to thirty five percent that's fine. Often times when this is much higher let's say fifty percent, we would say look that's absolutely we don't want to go near the suburb the that is too high right. The rent to proportion we only wanted to go up to thirty five percent of fifty percent is too high if it was fifty percent. But why don't we want it to be fifty percent? Remember this is ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________ Terms & Conditions: © Consulting By PK - All rights reserved. Do not share, copy, reproduce or sell any part of this document unless you have written permission from Consulting By PK. All infringements will be prosecuted. If you are the personal owner of the Consulting By PK End User License then you may use it for your own use but not for any other purpose. Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in all material published by Consulting By PK are not to be construed as financial or investment advice nor should be relied upon for any investment activities. Consulting By PK strongly recommends that you perform your own independent research and/or seek your own legal advice before making any financial decisions. Contents of this message are of general nature only and should not be relied upon solely when making an investment decision. Consulting By PK nor any of its directors, associates, staff, or associated companies bear any liability from any actions derived from in this document. One should always seek third party investment information from relevant parties such as legal, finance, and accountancy enquiries. For the avoidance of doubt, any information provided by Consulting By PK is general only and has been prepared without taking account of your personal objectives, financial situation or needs. Any information by Consulting By PK is not intended to imply any recommendation about any particular financial product or class of financial products and should not reasonably be regarded as being intended to have such an influence. Before acting on any such general information, you should consider the appropriateness of the advice, having regard to your own objectives, financial situation and needs. You may wish to consult a licensed financial advisor. Pg. 20 Property Investment Accelerator once again I’m trying to explain to the reason so you can understand the reason why we don't want it to be too high is too many rental properties means too much competition for property investors, you know there are only a finite amount of renters and if there's too many investment properties than prices are unlikely to grow and rental prices and vacancy is likely to be higher. So, let's say this was fifty percent but vacancy rate was very very low like it is for the suburb we would then be able to say okay even though this is fifty percent hypothetically I’m okay with that because the reason why we didn't want it to be high was because a vacancy is actually low, so that means there's actually a lot tenants there and there's an ability for that tenant pool to absorb so much supply of rental properties. So hopefully that's making sense you know there's a couple of these factors that it's not cut and dry it's not binary, we are flexible to some extent depending on the underlying reasons. Days on market twenty days we want it to be less than fifty so is really good and you can see it's kind of your last three to six months or the trend over the last thirty six months is really good generally low or decreasing which is good, last six to nine months her you know pretty stable if not decreasing. So had the prices not already increased by forty odd percent, the suburb would be really attractive. Where there are gaps in the data that just means that there wasn't enough listings or sales and the data in the suburb for the data to be reliable. You can ignore them. Percentage stop or a gross rental yield see you can see that the gross rental yield is quite good in the suburb when we bought their three or four years ago it was even you know it was good, you know even higher so is just a terrific suburb to buy in. So the gross rental you is kind of been reducing but as kind of held its own right so what that means is that on one hand prices have grown the typical value has grown, but if gross rental yields have been pretty stable in at least for the last year or so, then what that means is that rents are grown, okay because rental yield is just the rent divided by the as a as a percentage of the total price so prices have grown and rental yields are the same that means rents have grown. So that's a really really good outcome. So, this is once again a really good suburban unsurprising that it's at the very top of the list in terms of demand to supply ratio, but if you just go up had the demand to supply ratio, we would be making it a horrible mistake because it's already grown in value so much. Stock on market we want to be less than one percent as per the system and it is and in fact it some it's been for the last sixty nine months been trending downwards or pretty good, we could just ignore these gaps just means has not been many listings or sales. A vacancy rates basically zero you can see it's kind of volatile but the axis is so small we want the vacancy rate to be less than two percent, it's ever been in the last three years as point five percent so even though it's volatile it's this the axis is very small, so would be you or of I’m very happy with that. Statistical reliability and this are one of the problems with the suburb so yes at sixty three right now which means it just makes the grade in terms of what statistically reliable. Let's see historically how this statistic reliability has been. So you can see that since about may two thousand and nineteen, for about the last year old data that we look at is reliable it's above sixty or sixty three but in this period here, the reliability score was less than sixty which means that we can't really rely on this data right so that's how you interpret it right now we can and for the last year or so we can but here we can so when it comes to days on market in this this period here we can't really rely on that data with precision the gross rental yield you can't really rely on that data with precision so when you do research a suburb make sure you click this and just ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________ Terms & Conditions: © Consulting By PK - All rights reserved. Do not share, copy, reproduce or sell any part of this document unless you have written permission from Consulting By PK. All infringements will be prosecuted. If you are the personal owner of the Consulting By PK End User License then you may use it for your own use but not for any other purpose. Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in all material published by Consulting By PK are not to be construed as financial or investment advice nor should be relied upon for any investment activities. Consulting By PK strongly recommends that you perform your own independent research and/or seek your own legal advice before making any financial decisions. Contents of this message are of general nature only and should not be relied upon solely when making an investment decision. Consulting By PK nor any of its directors, associates, staff, or associated companies bear any liability from any actions derived from in this document. One should always seek third party investment information from relevant parties such as legal, finance, and accountancy enquiries. For the avoidance of doubt, any information provided by Consulting By PK is general only and has been prepared without taking account of your personal objectives, financial situation or needs. Any information by Consulting By PK is not intended to imply any recommendation about any particular financial product or class of financial products and should not reasonably be regarded as being intended to have such an influence. Before acting on any such general information, you should consider the appropriateness of the advice, having regard to your own objectives, financial situation and needs. You may wish to consult a licensed financial advisor. Pg. 21 Property Investment Accelerator take any periods where their reliability is less than sixty three just with a grain of salt, anything less than fifty is just absolutely terrible but anything less than say sixteen is to be taken with a grain or sixty three nice to be taken with a grain of salt. Average vendor discounting so if you remember back here, we were okay with an average vendor discounting of up to five percent but actually in this suburb there is no discounting in fact, vendors get more than what they've listed at this negative discounting and -it's pretty pretty good pretty stable. I think I missed one actually was online search interest ratio. So, we want that to be five fifty to one and you can see here that it's the trends been really really good I’m and it's much higher than five fifty to one it's about fifteen hundred to one. Every single just one thing to note every single 105 Minutes to 120 Minutes suburb across Australia sees the spike between September October November last year that's just a change and methodology of reporting the statistic in this tool so every single suburb will experience that said that doesn't mean that all of a sudden, this suburb of got really popular you can just ignore everything before about November last year for all suburbs across Australia. So, it's really the last six to nine months that were that were most concerned with but still it's very good here you see. So, see so it's unsurprising you know and you know this is how the system is self-proving it’s unsurprising that the typical value has been so strong as and has continued to grow okay. That's one example let's do another example, let's take let's take this, which one should we do, let’s take Salisbury Park in south Australia so this is an Adelaide, I’ll put that in Salis houses. So, I’m just going through another example see you guys can get a really good idea of how to do this. Demand to supply ratio seventy seven so its above our threshold, no I don't like this little trough that's means that the steam has been let out a little bit but for the last six to nine months it's not too bad you know you can definitely find better than this but it's not too bad I wouldn't discount it based on this alone but I wouldn't be over the moon either. Option clearance rates doesn't happen, typical value, can see his bring pretty stable not really any increase in typical value what I do like is that just and the last month or two there's been a bit of a upswing and when that exists then that's a really encouraging sign because it shows that you know something's just a bit, something might just happen here I’m so on one hand prices haven't increased by more than fifteen percent over the last three years which was one of the which was one of the criteria, but we get more and more confident when there's just been a slight uptick in price in the last three or seven months or the last three six months. Just starting to happen it's not really happened for more than one or two months consecutively so it's not it's not giving us too much confidence but it's nice to see. Percentage renters on market that's where the not threshold days on market very low and it's actually reducing so you know, you know that that slight take up in price what we saw on the previous chart does marry what this had is happening here where you can sell the property in the last couple of months of it a bit quicker than you were before so I like that last six to nine months have been good, so that that shows good sign online search interest. Once again, the trend in the last six to nine months has been quite good trending upwards, gross rental yield this is a positive cash flow property and has been stable so rents and not increased the not decreased either. Ideally we ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________ Terms & Conditions: © Consulting By PK - All rights reserved. Do not share, copy, reproduce or sell any part of this document unless you have written permission from Consulting By PK. All infringements will be prosecuted. If you are the personal owner of the Consulting By PK End User License then you may use it for your own use but not for any other purpose. Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in all material published by Consulting By PK are not to be construed as financial or investment advice nor should be relied upon for any investment activities. Consulting By PK strongly recommends that you perform your own independent research and/or seek your own legal advice before making any financial decisions. Contents of this message are of general nature only and should not be relied upon solely when making an investment decision. Consulting By PK nor any of its directors, associates, staff, or associated companies bear any liability from any actions derived from in this document. One should always seek third party investment information from relevant parties such as legal, finance, and accountancy enquiries. For the avoidance of doubt, any information provided by Consulting By PK is general only and has been prepared without taking account of your personal objectives, financial situation or needs. Any information by Consulting By PK is not intended to imply any recommendation about any particular financial product or class of financial products and should not reasonably be regarded as being intended to have such an influence. Before acting on any such general information, you should consider the appropriateness of the advice, having regard to your own objectives, financial situation and needs. You may wish to consult a licensed financial advisor. Pg. 22 Property Investment Accelerator wanted to see rents increase but that's okay, the stock on mark is less than one percent, here is a bit of a problem so, you know they were just on a couple of months ago there were just a little bit higher which I don't like to see I would have liked to have seen it consistently less than one percent so you know we wouldn't want that number to go up again I wouldn't be rushing to buy in the suburb it's not a bad suburb of I won't be rushing in I’d probably wanted to monitor or whether this continues to go down one or two months or goes back up. What are we up to vacancy rate basically nonexistent so you’re not going to have any issues finding a tenant statistical reliability, okay so it's okay for the last year everything that we see is reliable before that not really so much for about nine or so months for at least for the last year it's reliable so that's okay. An average vendor discounting so there is no discounting in fact you get slightly more than what the vendor had listed at falls as a bit of a premium so that's good to see. So, you know juxtapose or compare this to Chigwell clearly not as attractive but still you know I wouldn't have any qualms in and potentially investing here, I’d probably want to want to monitor it for one or two months just to see if those some of those data points you know continue to track well or when they faded away there's a few discrepancies like this this little, the trough here and stop on market this little hike here which we didn't like. This is a good example of potentially very good suburb. I also want to demonstrate one other thing. So you might say look this Salisbury park it's been not at seventy five percent but close to seventy five percent DSR why hasn't it, increased in price why hasn’t increased in value, and that's one of the reasons once again I want to stress that you can't just take the demand supply ratio, and just use that as gospel you do need to analyze all of these things in order to estimate price growth right and when you go through each of these individual things like days on market, you know you can see why price growth didn't happen, you know it's above the threshold that we wanted to be for much of the time even though the overall demand supplies not too bad going to show you one other example right now and Thirtyhills in this is a suburb in Brisbane northwest abridgement about ten kilometers from the city. I haven't picked it from here of I just know this one. So, demand to supply ratio. You can see here this is a really good really good suburb right so for the last three years by and large it's been at or above seventy five percent demand supply ratio. Of course, there's been some dips here where the steams been let out and the last three to six months, haven't been haven't been terrific, so let's say we were doing this analysis in November two thousand and eighteen. You would say look PK you've taught us that we need to analyze the last six to nine months and last six months at least seems to be above the threshold. So, if we applied your system here then we should have expected price growth but why is this happened and why have prices actually not really grown so we would have invested was it let me get that accurate, November two thousand and eighteen the last six months were good, potentially you would say PK you to told us to invest in this suburban November two thousand and eighteen, but let's see what prices did from November two thousand and eighteen. They basically just went flat I mean there’s slight increase in here the basically flat so what went wrong this system doesn't work -and this is what I want to demonstrate for you right so what I’m showing you here is not the entire process for suburbs selection right we've only done factors number one to ten there are other factors that we need to consider and yes by applying this system you would have in or you could have in November two thousand and eighteen said Ferny hills is in a short list. But if you just ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________ Terms & Conditions: © Consulting By PK - All rights reserved. Do not share, copy, reproduce or sell any part of this document unless you have written permission from Consulting By PK. All infringements will be prosecuted. If you are the personal owner of the Consulting By PK End User License then you may use it for your own use but not for any other purpose. Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in all material published by Consulting By PK are not to be construed as financial or investment advice nor should be relied upon for any investment activities. Consulting By PK strongly recommends that you perform your own independent research and/or seek your own legal advice before making any financial decisions. Contents of this message are of general nature only and should not be relied upon solely when making an investment decision. Consulting By PK nor any of its directors, associates, staff, or associated companies bear any liability from any actions derived from in this document. One should always seek third party investment information from relevant parties such as legal, finance, and accountancy enquiries. For the avoidance of doubt, any information provided by Consulting By PK is general only and has been prepared without taking account of your personal objectives, financial situation or needs. Any information by Consulting By PK is not intended to imply any recommendation about any particular financial product or class of financial products and should not reasonably be regarded as being intended to have such an influence. Before acting on any such general information, you should consider the appropriateness of the advice, having regard to your own objectives, financial situation and needs. You may wish to consult a licensed financial advisor. Pg. 23 Property Investment Accelerator left it there and gone ahead and bought a property in Ferny Hills, you would have been disappointed, and the reason for that is you would have ignored everything else that I’m about to teach you and so what's really happened and this is a real thing in Ferny hills, is it the building approvals was much too high and therefore the supply side than the next, your two and a half years there was so many more units and houses being do in that suburban around that suburb that that soaked up that sort of latent demand that factors number one to ten indicated. Okay so I’m just wanting to make the point here that don't think that just because, you've done factors one to ten they can ignore the rest and you can go ahead and safely invest that know you do need to apply the entire system. Okay and phony hills as a really good example of that. So, what we want to do is what we, I want to do is we want to repeat this exercise of what I’ve done for Chigwell, and we want to do it for all of the suburbs that come up here now. I can tell you that most of the Tasmania ones have grown already too far too fast so you can just discount them you know you could easily discount them by doing a quick review. So, it actually doesn't take you hours and hours to do that piece of work should take you less than an hour or two at tops to get down from thirty nine suburbs to the ones that actually still look appealing once you once you run through this analysis okay. And in fact you may not even want to start with thirty nine suburbs you may want to go back and hone in your typical value a little bit more you might want to hone in your gross rental yield a little bit more except for I’m but at the same time I always suggest don't have anything less than twenty suburbs at this stage so if your strategy is super precise and you've only gotten or fifteen suburbs at this stage you need to go back and broaden your strategy because you might be missing out suburbs that adjust on the fringe of making it to this level. Actually, really good suburbs that once you apply the subsequent parts of my methodology, they actually say they're actually becoming more and more and more attractive, so you don't want to just lose suburbs because you've been a little bit too strict too soon if that makes sense. Okay. So that is the DSR tool and that's how to use it and of course as you go along and do this you can hop onto the video calls that we’ll have and ask me questions and discuss and things like that. Okay, so far using that data source DSR we have analyzed the first ten factors and using our review of those ten factors we have shortlisted the potential suburbs from all across Australia down to hopefully what is now a list of under fifteen okay. So, at this point once we've reviewed the or filtered through the first ten factors you should still have at least ten suburbs but hopefully not anything more than fifteen right, so that's the kind of rule of thumb you know this is not a perfect formula, anything more than fifteen at this point is just not needed, there’s plenty of fish in the sea, but you don't need to analyze every single one of them you've already found your top ones. So having done these first ten factors using the DSR tool you should really at this stage have anywhere between ten and fifteen suburbs still in the mix and what I want you to do at this point is use this tool that I’ve included in the download section called the property investment accelerators suburb selection workbook right. And what this workbook allows you to do is so that you don't have to memorize everything all the analysis you've done so far for the ten to fifteen suburbs that you've shortlisted to date, so far based on the first ten factors I want you to use this workbook to put in the information so each tab is a different suburb as you can see each tab is identical, and how it works is, you know as I say here only fill this out for the top , let me zoom in a little bit so you can see a bit better only fill this out for the top ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________ Terms & Conditions: © Consulting By PK - All rights reserved. Do not share, copy, reproduce or sell any part of this document unless you have written permission from Consulting By PK. All infringements will be prosecuted. If you are the personal owner of the Consulting By PK End User License then you may use it for your own use but not for any other purpose. Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in all material published by Consulting By PK are not to be construed as financial or investment advice nor should be relied upon for any investment activities. Consulting By PK strongly recommends that you perform your own independent research and/or seek your own legal advice before making any financial decisions. Contents of this message are of general nature only and should not be relied upon solely when making an investment decision. Consulting By PK nor any of its directors, associates, staff, or associated companies bear any liability from any actions derived from in this document. One should always seek third party investment information from relevant parties such as legal, finance, and accountancy enquiries. For the avoidance of doubt, any information provided by Consulting By PK is general only and has been prepared without taking account of your personal objectives, financial situation or needs. Any information by Consulting By PK is not intended to imply any recommendation about any particular financial product or class of financial products and should not reasonably be regarded as being intended to have such an influence. Before acting on any such general information, you should consider the appropriateness of the advice, having regard to your own objectives, financial situation and needs. You may wish to consult a licensed financial advisor. Pg. 24 Property Investment Accelerator five to fifteen suburbs out of the dsl to process I say five to fifteen but you know I really want you to have at least ten to fifteen here. Worst case scenario five to fifteen but you should aim to have at least ten to fifteen at this stage. So, what I want you to do is go right ahead and put in the information, and the insights that you've you know allocated and reviewed into this workbook. So, you can start actually putting, and jotting down your homework right can actually start doing your homework, and you don't have to memorize all this data so how it works is, going from top to bottom first and they're the same factors that I run you through the layer three suburb growth factors one to five years prior the number one so this is this exact one right here. So go ahead and put in the results from factors number one to ten that's what we've done so far. If I go down this eleven to fifteen which will talk about soon then there's lay at three sub of growth factors six to fifteen years, priority number two and when we come to it that's where we'd go through that than there is layer two city town growth factors, short term priority number three and then layer two city town growth factors long term priority number four. And so will fill all of this in for every suburb but at this stage we've only done number one to ten. So I want you to go and populated right. 120 Minutes to 135 Minutes So, what I say here going from left to right now is whether that factor was a demand will supply side factor or both. Whether it was a quantitative or qualitative factor, you know some are purely quant, some a qualt of so far, the top ten have been quantitative we've looked at data. Here's the actual factors these exact same as what you see here okay nothing new. Here is the thing that I want you to fill up so. Four columns. The first column is does the data meet the target, so does the data for this suburb you can even change this by double clicking it and actually just putting in the suburb name, does the data for this suburb for this factor meet the target and there's a dropdown. So, you can click this little arrow here and say yeah it does. And this is exactly what we've just analyzed right, we’ve just analyzed it based on all of this stuff right here. So, does do these numbers meet threshold? Let’s go back here so yes or no. It didn't. Just because it didn't meet it for one factor doesn't mean that it you know it can't make out top fifteen suburbs right. We look at the totality. No, it didn't or it wasn't great but it was okay because we're pretty flexible and that factor so you consider the flexibility said I’ve provided here or you know the data was just not reliable it was under sixty three or something like that. Or the target was not applicable, but I’m satisfied so sofa or everything that I’ve taught you has targets but as you see down here some of these are not applicable. So when we come down to those factors this drop down will become more relevant, there's no specific target that we're looking for but I’m satisfied anyway all there wasn't any specific target that I was looking for and I’m unsatisfied right so that would be red this would be a green, and so as you fill this out you can kind of get a sense of how much reds amber greens there are ,as you as you fill this out then you put in your rationale and your observations you can put the numbers in any thoughts that you may have or anything like that just so you can put it on paper you not you can't memorize this stuff for fifteen suburbs right. So that's the target. But remember we want to analyze the trends as well and on I know have been harping on about this point but we want to analyze the trends. Okay we can't just look at the data at a moment in time, ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________ Terms & Conditions: © Consulting By PK - All rights reserved. Do not share, copy, reproduce or sell any part of this document unless you have written permission from Consulting By PK. All infringements will be prosecuted. If you are the personal owner of the Consulting By PK End User License then you may use it for your own use but not for any other purpose. Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in all material published by Consulting By PK are not to be construed as financial or investment advice nor should be relied upon for any investment activities. Consulting By PK strongly recommends that you perform your own independent research and/or seek your own legal advice before making any financial decisions. Contents of this message are of general nature only and should not be relied upon solely when making an investment decision. Consulting By PK nor any of its directors, associates, staff, or associated companies bear any liability from any actions derived from in this document. One should always seek third party investment information from relevant parties such as legal, finance, and accountancy enquiries. For the avoidance of doubt, any information provided by Consulting By PK is general only and has been prepared without taking account of your personal objectives, financial situation or needs. Any information by Consulting By PK is not intended to imply any recommendation about any particular financial product or class of financial products and should not reasonably be regarded as being intended to have such an influence. Before acting on any such general information, you should consider the appropriateness of the advice, having regard to your own objectives, financial situation and needs. You may wish to consult a licensed financial advisor. Pg. 25 Property Investment Accelerator so if I go back to the workbook is the trend is the historical trend encouraging so for most of these we want to look at six month trends or six to nine month trends like I’ve described so rent a proportion yep it was within the target, will the is it within the target right now for the month that we're looking at right now, but for the last six months and of the target yeah the turn the or the trend is good it's but stable or it's increasing, you know or became more positive or actually not even though it's good right now the last six and nine months of have not been encouraging, or it's kind of on the fence you know it's not great the trend but it's not too bad either way we're kind of okay with it. Or the data it’s just not reliable at some point over the last six to nine months it's been under sixty three percent statistical reliability. So that's what we’d put in there. Okay so if you have something like this where the current data for the most recent month that meet the target and the trend is encouraging than that's a good thing. But if the current target is being met but the trend is not encouraging then that basically cancels out this as well right so we wouldn't be okay with the renter proportion as a factor within the suburb because the trend is being bad and so you get the idea right. As you go through this you can start to see how many greens there are how many reds there are how many ambers there are, and that allows you and to come back here which have been stressing we've looked at the trends that allows you to make the factor tradeoffs. Okay so remember here and I haven't gone through this and a lot of detail yet but for the first ten factors, on this page I’ve given you their relative importance. Okay I’m just going to be super clear. The flexibility was how flexible we are on these targets within the specific factor. Right so here we were happy to go up to about forty percent or down to about ten percent. The importance is the relative importance of this factor versus another factor okay, so it's a different from flexibility. So, let's say we found a suburb where it was really bad in this factor it was really bad and this factor, really bad and this factor but it was really good in this fact a really good in this fact a really good in this factor, we would say that that suburbs not great because it's only good in the factors that have less importance and really bad at the factors that have high and importance okay. So hopefully that's making sense and the way we apply that is back here. So, we assess how what are green what are amber, what are red. If you are having a lot of reds that are in factors that have high importance than that's telling you that the suburb is not really that great; whereas if you're having a lot of greens in ah greens everywhere will that's great but if you haven't lots of greens and factors that are important and ambers or reds and in that one or two ambers or reds or less than three you know sort of am busy roads a less for ambers and reds but they're mostly around these factors that are less important than you know it the suburb might still be okay. There's no perfect formula for how good a suburb is or not but by doing this analysis we can overall get a sense of what's going on okay. So, at this stage when not actually culling any other suburbs out because we've not finished all the factors and but with simply filling this table in. and we're doing this for every suburb. Okay. So, if I go back here what I want to do now is go through factors number eleven to fifteen. Right. So, number ten is so I let number eleven is twelve month rent growth rate and we want that the target is we want the rents to have increased by at least five percent in the last year. That's a really really good outcome you know when rent start increasing that means that tenants have more more demand for that suburb and ultimately what that results in is you know people start to prefer that suburb more and more owner occupiers start to want to move into that ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________ Terms & Conditions: © Consulting By PK - All rights reserved. Do not share, copy, reproduce or sell any part of this document unless you have written permission from Consulting By PK. All infringements will be prosecuted. If you are the personal owner of the Consulting By PK End User License then you may use it for your own use but not for any other purpose. Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in all material published by Consulting By PK are not to be construed as financial or investment advice nor should be relied upon for any investment activities. Consulting By PK strongly recommends that you perform your own independent research and/or seek your own legal advice before making any financial decisions. Contents of this message are of general nature only and should not be relied upon solely when making an investment decision. Consulting By PK nor any of its directors, associates, staff, or associated companies bear any liability from any actions derived from in this document. One should always seek third party investment information from relevant parties such as legal, finance, and accountancy enquiries. For the avoidance of doubt, any information provided by Consulting By PK is general only and has been prepared without taking account of your personal objectives, financial situation or needs. Any information by Consulting By PK is not intended to imply any recommendation about any particular financial product or class of financial products and should not reasonably be regarded as being intended to have such an influence. Before acting on any such general information, you should consider the appropriateness of the advice, having regard to your own objectives, financial situation and needs. You may wish to consult a licensed financial advisor. Pg. 26 Property Investment Accelerator suburb. When tenants start to demand a suburb more and more and that's reflected in price increases in rent, then more more investors start to come into that suburb as well because the yield start to improve right so you can see how that's a really positive sign. It's a sign of, you know sustainable demand. So, you want that in the last twelve months for the rental growth rate to be five percent ideally now that's pretty rare, and that's why the flexibility is quite high. We'd be happy with any increase or even flat you know in terms of that flexibility. When the rent starts to go backwards that's when we start to become a little bit cautious of that suburb that anything neutral a positive is good. Number twelve is accessibility infrastructure and number thirteen his job infrastructure. Okay so I’m going to talk about this I’m a lot of the time what property investors do as they say that okay let's just find infrastructure projects and lets just base our investment decisions on where an infrastructure project is coming up. It might be a five hundred million dollar project or a billion dollar project or something like that. Novice investors follow the money. Sophisticated investors follow the outcomes of that money. So, I’m going to say that again novice investors follow the money you know they see a media article a billion dollars spent on an infrastructure project they follow that, whereas sophisticated investors follow the outcomes of that money the outcomes being assess ability and jobs. So, you may have an infrastructure project, where there is a new train line coming or new train station, but if the train station doesn't actually reduce commute times for people to and from work then even though that's a five hundred million dollar train station or train line, it's actually not improved demand for that suburb and the really good example of that is Bella vista in north and west Sydney in western Sydney. Really good area really posh area. Before you had to catch a bus into the city took you about more than an hour, now they have a train station there, but it still takes more than an hour to get into the cities to have to change in a line once or two times. So yes, there is really nice infrastructure there, but has it improved accessibility has it actually and when I say assess ability, I mean travel times has it reduced travel times not really. Okay so, sophisticated investors we need to see through that stuff. Right so, there's not really any target you know that we have on that the I can't say that you know only by in a suburb where travel times have been reduced by twenty minutes or something like that this is just a nice to have you know it's if we follow these top ten or top eleven factors and these infrastructure than that's super nice to have but we don't cull out a suburb just because it doesn't exist and that's why we're so flexible. And number thirteen his job infrastructure, so what we're considering here is okay we'll even though they might be a billion dollars spent on a particular project once the construction finishes how many sustainable jobs will be there. You know, how many people will actually need to will actually find work in that because of that project that infrastructure project and therefore want to move closer and live in that particular suburb where the infrastructure project happened. Okay so sometimes you have like a in northern Brisbane, in the Morton Bay council there's a new university. Now when people think of new university they will automatically think of university of Queensland or the scale and size of university of new south Wales or university of Melbourne. This new university over the twenty thirty years will be will be large but in the first five years it's really going to be less than one or two or three thousand students okay. And how many how many jobs will that create. You don't need a thousand lectures four thousand students you might need yeah and I’m no expert but let's say twenty lecturers at the very max maybe less than that and maybe ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________ Terms & Conditions: © Consulting By PK - All rights reserved. Do not share, copy, reproduce or sell any part of this document unless you have written permission from Consulting By PK. All infringements will be prosecuted. If you are the personal owner of the Consulting By PK End User License then you may use it for your own use but not for any other purpose. Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in all material published by Consulting By PK are not to be construed as financial or investment advice nor should be relied upon for any investment activities. Consulting By PK strongly recommends that you perform your own independent research and/or seek your own legal advice before making any financial decisions. Contents of this message are of general nature only and should not be relied upon solely when making an investment decision. Consulting By PK nor any of its directors, associates, staff, or associated companies bear any liability from any actions derived from in this document. One should always seek third party investment information from relevant parties such as legal, finance, and accountancy enquiries. For the avoidance of doubt, any information provided by Consulting By PK is general only and has been prepared without taking account of your personal objectives, financial situation or needs. Any information by Consulting By PK is not intended to imply any recommendation about any particular financial product or class of financial products and should not reasonably be regarded as being intended to have such an influence. Before acting on any such general information, you should consider the appropriateness of the advice, having regard to your own objectives, financial situation and needs. You may wish to consult a licensed financial advisor. Pg. 27 Property Investment Accelerator twenty admin staff and marketing folks and cleaners and things like that maybe a total of fifty to one hundred jobs. Tops hundred fifty jobs. Okay so hundred and fifty jobs are created by this massive university project. But do all those people need to live close to the university? Absolutely not I mean people travel to and from work all the time so of those one fifty jobs how many of those employees will actually move closer to the university probably less than half or even much less than that. So, you can see a pit you know we're on the face of it would have been a five hundred million or billion dollar project I had I don't know how much that one was, but in are just going with that number actually doesn't shift the dial in terms of jobs that much 135 Minutes to 150 Minutes yes, you might say will university students might move in and that might be the case but those university students help what percentage of students were actually want to move close to the university. There are thousands of students that go to university of Queensland that live more than half an hour away from the university of Queensland, same with any other university around Australia. So as sophisticated property investors we really want to see through the media headlines, we really need to see beyond this stuff, and not assess the dollars being spent but the outcome of those dollars being spent and there are so many investors probably in the hundreds if not thousands that have invested close to that university in places like Petri and calendar, and in the last five years’ experience next to no growth and same with Bella vista the train station example the last forty five years and Bella vista is not it really experience massive growth because of that train station and so you can be sorely disappointed and that's why were very flexible on it and I’m saying it's only accessibility how much travel times reduce and only the number of jobs. We want travel times to reduce by at least ten fifteen minutes for it to be meaningful and we want jobs to increase by at least two three four hundred if not more. I would almost start off by saying three four five hundred, you know for it to have an impact on our suburb in terms of demand and subsequently prices okay. So and so that's that one now of course infrastructure does have a big impact on property prices but only the right type of infrastructure. Only the top of infrastructure that after the construction phase you know those the steady average after the initial jobs is created those temporary construction jobs after that how many sustainable jobs are created that's what we're looking for. Number fourteen is eighteen month building approvals. So, number eleven was demand, number twelve was demand number, thirteen was a demand side metric or factor number fourteen and fifteen a supply side factors, so number fourteen this is saying that in the last eighteen months how many building approvals has the local council provided developers. So that they can build houses or units in that suburb. And this is really powerful because even if factors one to thirteen a really strong if you're finding that the local council in the last eighteen months is approved you know four hundred five hundred six hundred in a building approvals, even let's say three hundred four hundred five hundred six hundred buildings to be you know houses to be built effectively then that means that all that additional stop coming onto the market all that additional housing coming onto the market is going to diluent the additional done and that we're seeing and prices are going to actually increase. Now of course know the extent to which while the number of ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________ Terms & Conditions: © Consulting By PK - All rights reserved. Do not share, copy, reproduce or sell any part of this document unless you have written permission from Consulting By PK. All infringements will be prosecuted. If you are the personal owner of the Consulting By PK End User License then you may use it for your own use but not for any other purpose. Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in all material published by Consulting By PK are not to be construed as financial or investment advice nor should be relied upon for any investment activities. Consulting By PK strongly recommends that you perform your own independent research and/or seek your own legal advice before making any financial decisions. Contents of this message are of general nature only and should not be relied upon solely when making an investment decision. Consulting By PK nor any of its directors, associates, staff, or associated companies bear any liability from any actions derived from in this document. One should always seek third party investment information from relevant parties such as legal, finance, and accountancy enquiries. For the avoidance of doubt, any information provided by Consulting By PK is general only and has been prepared without taking account of your personal objectives, financial situation or needs. Any information by Consulting By PK is not intended to imply any recommendation about any particular financial product or class of financial products and should not reasonably be regarded as being intended to have such an influence. Before acting on any such general information, you should consider the appropriateness of the advice, having regard to your own objectives, financial situation and needs. You may wish to consult a licensed financial advisor. Pg. 28 Property Investment Accelerator building approvals that causes us concern is dependent on the size of the suburb but a good rule of thumb to work off is if there's more than three hundred building approvals in the last eighteen months then that's an issue, and we want to really investigate that further and potentially that suburb is you're not poised for price growth in the short term. So what we want to look for a spikes so in a particular month they might be five approvals another month ten approvals another month six approvals and then the next month is a hundred and fifty approvals and that tells us that a big land developer like stock lenders come in and sought building approvals to develop a house and land packages for example and the more of them that of being produced them all supply is increasing and it really comes back if I can come all the way back here if supply increasing than and even if demand is increasing was still at equilibrium prices aren't going to go up. And number fifteen last one on this page is developable land supply. So, what this means is even before building approvals are sought by the by the developers how much developable land is there to actually even be developed. So, what we're looking for here as farmland paddocks large blocks like large acreages where you know these old houses that can be subdivided and ten houses be put in place of one, if there's enough of them then you know that in the future there can be hundreds of new houses being developed in the suburb. So once again the litmus test or the threshold barometer is you know is their scope for another three hundred four hundred five hundred new houses or units to be built in the suburb if there is then even if demand is so strong that potential supply if and when it does come online and if demand a strong it will come online because developers are incentivized to build that will soak up this the demand and prices weren't increase. So, I haven't put a specific target on these because it really depends suburb to suburb but a good rule of thumb is you know more than three hundred building approvals and or more than potential for three hundred also or plus in your potential buildings in the future say buildings, I’m in residential houses or units. If there’s sports fields or if there’s heritage listed or national parks or the anything like that than of course that's not going to be developable the definition of developable is when this farm land or open green space that isn't really being used. Okay so a very strict on this one the building approvals because there is a number, we already know that number real a little bit lenient on developable than supply because it may or may not happen or minutes is a good chance of it actually happening, but we don't notice were little bit more lenient. Okay so we've been through the fifteen factors now on this page. Here are the same exact fifteen factors but now I’ve given you their relative importance So this is once again just like the targets and just like the flexibility of those targets this is based on a lot of statistical regression analysis which I won't bore you with but this is how you can use the relativity ease of importance to really assess the strength of a suburb so we've already filled in the top ten factors in our workbook so now we've done the other five factors so I would like you to go ahead and fill in the ten to fifteen factors and come just follow the same process in terms of I’m selecting from the drop down and also the historical trend and whether that's encouraging some of these boxes have been greyed out where the trend actually is not a clickable or useful like infrastructure is either happening or it's not. The same would developable land it's either there or it's not. So, you can go ahead and fill this out. On this I’ve also provided you with the data sources. You can see that for one to ten the main data sources which have already taken you through on some of these there is an ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________ Terms & Conditions: © Consulting By PK - All rights reserved. Do not share, copy, reproduce or sell any part of this document unless you have written permission from Consulting By PK. All infringements will be prosecuted. If you are the personal owner of the Consulting By PK End User License then you may use it for your own use but not for any other purpose. Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in all material published by Consulting By PK are not to be construed as financial or investment advice nor should be relied upon for any investment activities. Consulting By PK strongly recommends that you perform your own independent research and/or seek your own legal advice before making any financial decisions. Contents of this message are of general nature only and should not be relied upon solely when making an investment decision. Consulting By PK nor any of its directors, associates, staff, or associated companies bear any liability from any actions derived from in this document. One should always seek third party investment information from relevant parties such as legal, finance, and accountancy enquiries. For the avoidance of doubt, any information provided by Consulting By PK is general only and has been prepared without taking account of your personal objectives, financial situation or needs. Any information by Consulting By PK is not intended to imply any recommendation about any particular financial product or class of financial products and should not reasonably be regarded as being intended to have such an influence. Before acting on any such general information, you should consider the appropriateness of the advice, having regard to your own objectives, financial situation and needs. You may wish to consult a licensed financial advisor. Pg. 29 Property Investment Accelerator alternate data source that helps you triangulate that data. When I say triangulate it's just another data source it will have a slightly different number because it is a different data house a data source. But it should give you more confidence in what's actually going on right so for example in fact a number two that in vacancy rate we can also go to this sqm data source so if I go to that, I’ll reach this right here so this is what you'll see and for vacancy rate for a particular postcode this allows you to say this allows you to find what the you know the specific factor is. Actually, this one is I should be clicking vacancy rate right here. Okay so you might need to go down here in just click the right statistic the here we were looking at vacancy rate, so if I go and click on that link it brings this up and for this post code on this is a ferny hills postcard the of that I took you through earlier you can see this is how vacancy is tracking right. So once again we already know this is in the DSR tool but this is another tool another data source free that allows us to double check, and really understand what's going on. So, this gives us more granularity you can see it's quite volatile because vacancy rates are seasonal. And so that that's how to interpret that. The other data source down here for gross yield this to data sources other than two years or so if you go to them, you bring up this so gross yield gives us this it was actually what was on here before gross rental yield. So, for this suburb Ferny hills you can see that the gross rental you'd this is how it's been tracking you can select by clicking these you can just select all houses or if you just want to go all units you can on selectors and just select or units and just review the trends that way it gives you longer history than the DSR tool did. For gross yield there's also this other data source, and then sort of giving you you'd that's giving you the actual rent amount which I think is quite interesting sensitive yield it's actually telling you what rent you can expect. And you can just you know if this is your suburb to invest in you can go and put this in the portfolio budgeting tool from week number one in and start to play around with that so once again you can select houses you just click these three if we just want houses or if you just want units you to select units, you select nothing you get nothing but all houses you can see in ferny hills ten twelve kilometers northwest of Brisbane CBD rents have been pretty stable for the last five years but before that they were increasing nicely. Okay so, it's quite interesting for us to see and is also table down here that allows us to quickly answer for ourselves you know some questions so for example the twelve month rental or growth rate. Twelve months change you can see all houses the growth rate has been negatives and not a great place to potentially invest here. When you see the difference between all houses and three bedrooms you just need to look at the numbers here. So, all this five hundred five houses, and the number of three bedroom houses is four hundred and thirty eight. So, there are some houses that are not three bedroom but really the majority a three bedroom so I’ll be looking at this number more than this number. Okay, so actually it is positive it's not too bad. Some other data sources thirty six month median value growth rate so we already know that from the DSR tool that is another couple of web sites I’m here that are provided you all go to them right now. So weekly asking property prices this allows us to understand what the increase in the last thirty six months has been and once again this table down here summarizes it really well so in the last three years the change has been in this suburb once again ferny hills postcode four zero five has been positive for both all houses and three bedrooms. The majority of houses are three bedders so the most interesting stat is here this will be a little bit different to the DSR number, but that's why I ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________ Terms & Conditions: © Consulting By PK - All rights reserved. Do not share, copy, reproduce or sell any part of this document unless you have written permission from Consulting By PK. All infringements will be prosecuted. If you are the personal owner of the Consulting By PK End User License then you may use it for your own use but not for any other purpose. Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in all material published by Consulting By PK are not to be construed as financial or investment advice nor should be relied upon for any investment activities. Consulting By PK strongly recommends that you perform your own independent research and/or seek your own legal advice before making any financial decisions. Contents of this message are of general nature only and should not be relied upon solely when making an investment decision. Consulting By PK nor any of its directors, associates, staff, or associated companies bear any liability from any actions derived from in this document. One should always seek third party investment information from relevant parties such as legal, finance, and accountancy enquiries. For the avoidance of doubt, any information provided by Consulting By PK is general only and has been prepared without taking account of your personal objectives, financial situation or needs. Any information by Consulting By PK is not intended to imply any recommendation about any particular financial product or class of financial products and should not reasonably be regarded as being intended to have such an influence. Before acting on any such general information, you should consider the appropriateness of the advice, having regard to your own objectives, financial situation and needs. You may wish to consult a licensed financial advisor. Pg. 30 Property Investment Accelerator provided it so you can you can have another data source just to build confidence in in the numbers for yourself. There's also this website called on the house that I recommend so that is this one here and you can just go in here and put in the suburb and it gives you that statistic as well I won't go to it it's pretty self, you know explanatory but the difference between sqm this and on the house is that sqm provides you the statistics at the postcode level. Now you can have multiple suburbs within the postcode so this is a bit more generic whereas the on the house data is so suburbs specific just like the DSR tool was such a little bit more precise but once again by providing you multiple data sources you know it's helping you understand what's going on. Thirty six month median 150 Minutes to 165 Minutes value growth rate just like before I provided you the sqm and on the house a website. So sqm you know even though this as weekly rent we just go down and select you know asking sales price and, on the house, same as before. We just put in the suburban it tells us that for the last thirty six months what's been the median value growth rate. So that's how you do that. The twelve month rental or growth rate once again, those same to data sources again I won't go through it again I think you get the idea can you can play around with them. Accessibility infrastructure and job infrastructure, so this new you can do google research you can literally put in the suburb name or the locality name and just search for infrastructure projects. You can go to the local council website and you know see what's happening they will have any major projects listed there and details, and you can also count call the council website so don't be afraid of calling them and just asking questions like you know what infrastructure projects the going on they may not know exactly how much travel time there that has been reduced or exactly how many jobs have been created that you can get a fair estimation of that by calling them looking at their website and doing google research. Building approvals is this other data source right here and I will open it up now the I do recommend you open it and internet explorer as opposed to Firefox or chrome. It does work better that way. And what you want to be doing is opening it up, and this is what it looks like so you know initially it's a lot to lot to look at, really you know you when you open it up it might look like this and at the table might go a little bit funny but depending on which browser you using just put this to the left, put this to the right and this is an interactive table that you can use it. Has every city your local government area within it and it tells you what the building approvals numbers have been so what I do is I click region, and of course is an error, I can't let me just refresh that. Okay so see how this has gone a bit funny it might do that for you but don't worry all you have to do is click region, and then here you have the option to actually find your suburb. So don't be mistaken to think that is only new south Wales if you scroll down there's all these other places as well, but you can just say collapse everything, and then you can start from scratch and you can just find your suburb or you can just type it here. So, if we want to look at ferny hills is type it in here and you press enter. And these zero results found so, it might not have that suburb listed as that suburb so what I want to do is I want to go out of that go click or region again, and collapse all, and I want to find it manually so Australia I know phony hills as and Queensland it's in greater Brisbane, you know it's in Brisbane west, you know it’s ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________ Terms & Conditions: © Consulting By PK - All rights reserved. Do not share, copy, reproduce or sell any part of this document unless you have written permission from Consulting By PK. All infringements will be prosecuted. If you are the personal owner of the Consulting By PK End User License then you may use it for your own use but not for any other purpose. Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in all material published by Consulting By PK are not to be construed as financial or investment advice nor should be relied upon for any investment activities. Consulting By PK strongly recommends that you perform your own independent research and/or seek your own legal advice before making any financial decisions. Contents of this message are of general nature only and should not be relied upon solely when making an investment decision. Consulting By PK nor any of its directors, associates, staff, or associated companies bear any liability from any actions derived from in this document. One should always seek third party investment information from relevant parties such as legal, finance, and accountancy enquiries. For the avoidance of doubt, any information provided by Consulting By PK is general only and has been prepared without taking account of your personal objectives, financial situation or needs. Any information by Consulting By PK is not intended to imply any recommendation about any particular financial product or class of financial products and should not reasonably be regarded as being intended to have such an influence. Before acting on any such general information, you should consider the appropriateness of the advice, having regard to your own objectives, financial situation and needs. You may wish to consult a licensed financial advisor. Pg. 31 Property Investment Accelerator near the gap, it’s not in one of those so let's try for his in north, old hills, Brisbane West. That that's basically you know how you go a phony grove, there it is so phony grove is very close to phone is the neighboring suburb so so right here. So that's how you do it some suburbs do come up so let's say I was putting in Banyo, which is close to the airport in in in Brisbane so that has come up so it's just so view data, and it gives us the data so what it's saying is the measures total number of dwelling units are we want to go all sectors type of work, all work type of building. Really, we want to say a residential building like houses but we what we really wanted to say is total residential. Okay so you can play around with this is also commercial warehousing health and all that stuff, but we're not concerned with commercial here with concerned with residential. So, you hit that and then it tells you a month on month, how many buildings have been approved or how many units of how many residential houses have been improved. You can change the frequency to be quarterly if you want that to be you know be able to read that easier. So let me change that I want to see remember for the last eighteen months old put that is eighteen view data and now it'll give me the number of approvals for the last eighteen months you can see in April two thousand and nineteen, that of anomaly eighty seven whereas before it was two building approvals in December eighteen January two than there was an anomaly seventy four eighty seven we want to see if there's any other anomalies don’t seem to be. So, there are less than three hundred ish,-building approvals in the suburbs who we're pretty happy with it. Okay so he wouldn't discount it but you play around with that. So that was the building approvals daughter and developable land supply you just go to google maps and look at satellite view okay so. It's not that difficult to do but let me just have demonstrated for simplicity so google maps, let’s bring that up and let's look at that same suburb so ferny hills so we want to look at ferny hills which is right here so we want to go to satellite view and we're looking for open spaces that could be developed okay so. So far all I’m seeing is residential streets which is good, this seems like a golf course which they are unlikely to develop same as here and is going on the border, this is forest, you can check out the zoning of this as well in a subsequent daughter source said I’ll give you but they're unlikely to chop down hundreds of trees for from new houses, this land here but that looks like a cricket oval or something like that so that can't be developed. So, you can see here that in this sub of itself there as isn't actually that much developable land which is which is I’m encouraging for us we like that, that means that supply caught up automatically and suddenly increase in the future. Okay so go back here so those are the data sources for the first fifteen factors hopefully that made sense. So now what I’m going to go through is, if you take your eyes to the top right, the second box that we're going to look at and this is at the suburb level now the long term factors. Okay. So now what we were doing is, having completed this work book for the suburb growth factors in the short term we've done one to fifteen, now we're doing long term growth factors so then this seven of them. So those seven of these number one is the level of amenity which is schools, public transport shopping or parks. Right so most investors have actually don't look at any of the stuff that I’ve taught you so far and they just look at how close the suburbs does good schools public transport shopping and parks. That is important it's not you know, it’s not inconsequential. But you can see this is not where we start in terms of suburb selection a home so does very important and that's why we're strict on it okay so being close to amenity over the long term has an impact does ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________ Terms & Conditions: © Consulting By PK - All rights reserved. Do not share, copy, reproduce or sell any part of this document unless you have written permission from Consulting By PK. All infringements will be prosecuted. If you are the personal owner of the Consulting By PK End User License then you may use it for your own use but not for any other purpose. Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in all material published by Consulting By PK are not to be construed as financial or investment advice nor should be relied upon for any investment activities. Consulting By PK strongly recommends that you perform your own independent research and/or seek your own legal advice before making any financial decisions. Contents of this message are of general nature only and should not be relied upon solely when making an investment decision. Consulting By PK nor any of its directors, associates, staff, or associated companies bear any liability from any actions derived from in this document. One should always seek third party investment information from relevant parties such as legal, finance, and accountancy enquiries. For the avoidance of doubt, any information provided by Consulting By PK is general only and has been prepared without taking account of your personal objectives, financial situation or needs. Any information by Consulting By PK is not intended to imply any recommendation about any particular financial product or class of financial products and should not reasonably be regarded as being intended to have such an influence. Before acting on any such general information, you should consider the appropriateness of the advice, having regard to your own objectives, financial situation and needs. You may wish to consult a licensed financial advisor. Pg. 32 Property Investment Accelerator not going to mean in the short term prices are going to do anything but over the long term it does have an impact. Number two is proximity and travel time to activity your job centers So what we want to see here is not necessarily proximity to CBD so people make the mistake of saying look I only want to buy a suburb that's close to the CBD but in places like Brisbane there's multiple CBD. There is Morton Bay, there is Springfield lakes, there is logan in Sydney this paramada, Liverpool eastern suburbs epping and Melbourne there's multiple CBD is so really what we're trying to assess his you know if we have a selection of two suburbs which is the closer one in terms of travel time to activity or job centers you know where people work. Number three is household incomes increasing faster than the state average. So, what this is saying is that for your suburb between the two thousand and eleven and two thousand and sixteen census year results, was the average household income between those two years increasing in your suburb faster than it was for the overall state that it's in? I if it's increasing faster than that means that over time, and this is not going to happen within five years, its six to fifteen years. Over time the I’m you know the old beat up Honda’s are going to transform into new a key is the key is going to transform into Honda’s the and to entry level Audis the gentrification is happening. Okay so that's how we find that out and obviously with incomes rising fast the ability to purchase more and more expensive housing also. you know evolves and that increases house prices overtime once again not in the short term we're talking long term here Number four his professional occupation increasing faster than state average so once again between the two thousand and eleven and two thousand and sixteen, census results census years has the professional quote unquote occupation which basically means white collar work has that increased in that suburb more or faster than the state average? The reason that's important is that professional or white collar work is generally noted to be more stable than blue collar work and generally as a as a generalization is higher paying now of course there's always exceptions to that and many trades people make my much more money than in office people but this is a generalization. And so, if and our suburb professionals as a percentage of all workers are increasing faster than the professionals and the entire state are increasing between two thousand and eleven two thousand and sixteen than that bodes well for long term income stability and income increases as well. In that suburb and that means that over the long term there is fundamentally demand to increase prices. So you can see here that were off we're flexible on these three things it means that we're not going to discount or rule out a suburb just because it's not perfect, but it is meaningful at the same time and there's no target right so for these two were just looking at the difference in rate of increase between the suburb and the state, and in this one it's just a judgment call you know if you have ten suburbs in the mix you know alongside all the other factors this just becomes another factor to consider proximity to activity of job centers. Number five is ten year median value growth rate I’ll just mention one more thing actually on number three and four set the time of recording the most recent census date was two thousand and sixteen in the future twenty one is when the next census is likely to happen so that's what you would review as well then. Number five is ten year median value average growth rate so it's bit of a mouthful but this is the exact same thing as thirty six month median value growth rate. So, all that we’ re looking for here is over the last ten years what has been the average growth rate for the suburb? If it's been under seven percent were happy if it's been over seven percent ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________ Terms & Conditions: © Consulting By PK - All rights reserved. Do not share, copy, reproduce or sell any part of this document unless you have written permission from Consulting By PK. All infringements will be prosecuted. If you are the personal owner of the Consulting By PK End User License then you may use it for your own use but not for any other purpose. Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in all material published by Consulting By PK are not to be construed as financial or investment advice nor should be relied upon for any investment activities. Consulting By PK strongly recommends that you perform your own independent research and/or seek your own legal advice before making any financial decisions. Contents of this message are of general nature only and should not be relied upon solely when making an investment decision. Consulting By PK nor any of its directors, associates, staff, or associated companies bear any liability from any actions derived from in this document. One should always seek third party investment information from relevant parties such as legal, finance, and accountancy enquiries. For the avoidance of doubt, any information provided by Consulting By PK is general only and has been prepared without taking account of your personal objectives, financial situation or needs. Any information by Consulting By PK is not intended to imply any recommendation about any particular financial product or class of financial products and should not reasonably be regarded as being intended to have such an influence. Before acting on any such general information, you should consider the appropriateness of the advice, having regard to your own objectives, financial situation and needs. You may wish to consult a licensed financial advisor. Pg. 33 Property Investment Accelerator were not so happy and the reason for that is that the long term average for the last thirty five years in Australia is about seven percent and if our suburb that we're looking her has already grown by more than seven percent in the last haven and last ten years on average per 165 Minutes to 180 Minutes annum then it's statistically you know simply statistically, unlikely that it will continue to grow at more than seven percent. So just from a statistical perspective, we are we're putting the odds against us and so therefore we like it when our suburb has grown at average which is seven percent or ideally less than average which is less than seven percent. Because over the next ten years you know if the long term Australian statistic of seven percent is right than our one, our suburb is likely to grow at a good rate. So pretty flexible on this a so we're were pretty strict on this if a suburb is already grown up ten percent per annum on average over the last ten years, then we would be very reticent on investing there. Number six and seven households where rent payments a less than thirty percent of household income. So, households where rent payments so the rental market affordability, rent payments are less than thirty percent of household income. So, when rent payments or less than thirty percent of household income that means that you know that's pretty affordable rents are affordable and so we want that affordability to be the case for more than eighty five percent of renters in that suburb. If that is the case and we know that they can afford that rent and that rent can also increase in the future right and that's a good thing for us as property investors we want our rents to increase in the future. Number seven households where mortgage repayments are less than thirty percent of household income so six was renters this is owner occupiers’ homeowners, we want that affordability to be the case for more than ninety percent of an owner occupiers in that suburb, because if that's the case then we know that they can afford that those mortgage payments and that means that if they can afford them then this scope for prices to increase in the future. if more than ninety percent of mortgage, I’m of homeowners can't afford the mortgage, then that means that price increases are going to be very difficult because everyone's already stretched already. Okay so you can see we're fairly flexible on those it's not like eighty five is the absolute cut off or ninety as the absolute cut off though we do want that, that to be no less than eighty and that to be really no less than you know eighty five I would say so five percent margin of flexibility as a rule of thumb and the other thing to consider with number seven is sometimes us is really really powerful metric to be able to find to be able to find suburbs that are just going to grow and I’m going to tell you how. So, let's say you have you know to suburbs side by side okay their next door neighbor suburbs. both suburbs have the same income. Okay so the income and both suburbs as the same, but if affordability in one suburb is higher than the others suburb then we know then that the prices in the suburb that has more affordability can increase because it's right next to another suburb where incomes are the same and they have less affordability in other words prices are higher. So, if you have to suburbs that are next door to each other and incomes of the same whereas one’s affordability is less than the others like let's say one’s affordability was eighty five and the other one was ninety, the one where affordability was more than ninety one, we know that that can come down to ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________ Terms & Conditions: © Consulting By PK - All rights reserved. Do not share, copy, reproduce or sell any part of this document unless you have written permission from Consulting By PK. All infringements will be prosecuted. If you are the personal owner of the Consulting By PK End User License then you may use it for your own use but not for any other purpose. Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in all material published by Consulting By PK are not to be construed as financial or investment advice nor should be relied upon for any investment activities. Consulting By PK strongly recommends that you perform your own independent research and/or seek your own legal advice before making any financial decisions. Contents of this message are of general nature only and should not be relied upon solely when making an investment decision. Consulting By PK nor any of its directors, associates, staff, or associated companies bear any liability from any actions derived from in this document. One should always seek third party investment information from relevant parties such as legal, finance, and accountancy enquiries. For the avoidance of doubt, any information provided by Consulting By PK is general only and has been prepared without taking account of your personal objectives, financial situation or needs. Any information by Consulting By PK is not intended to imply any recommendation about any particular financial product or class of financial products and should not reasonably be regarded as being intended to have such an influence. Before acting on any such general information, you should consider the appropriateness of the advice, having regard to your own objectives, financial situation and needs. You may wish to consult a licensed financial advisor. Pg. 34 Property Investment Accelerator eighty five and people can still pay off their mortgages because it's been demonstrated in the suburb next to them. So, when you find a suburb like that that's a sign of ripple effect which means that you know prices can grow in that suburb because they've grown right next to that suburb and people can still afford the payments, and that's an arbitrage opportunity that's the opportunity for us to make money. Okay that growth is very likely to happen. Don't be confused don't confuse ripple effect just by saying that there is too suburb's neck to each other one’s price is higher than the other therefore the one with a lower price can increase that's not the case. Incomes also need to be the same for that logic to hold and that's where this affordability story comes in. 180 Minutes to 195 Minutes Okay, so hopefully that makes sense, and once again these two from the census data two thousand and eleven and two thousand and sixteen. Now obviously the two thousand and sixteen done is quite old and that's why this is categorized and as a long term factor when we compare, you know that two thousand and sixteen dollars were not expecting short term results from that. Okay so the data sources for the seven factors are provided here and I’ll go through them in a second but you can see here is the relative importance so everything's know relative more important except for proximity to activity and job centers. Okay that's the one that's relatively, relatively speaking, less important not to say it's not important but that's the one we can trade off a little bit easier as opposed to these others. Okay so where do we find this information so level of amenity and we go to these two websites see microbes and your investment property magazine. So, these are free sources so within micro burbs we want a good review the family community and tranquility details. So, I’m going to go there right now. So here's the micro burbs website I’m so it was saying review the family detail so ignore the score, that is just something that they do we don't care about that at all and all we care about is what I’ve already told you which is schools, public transport, shopping, park and you can find how close these things are to your suburb by looking within the family category you can see that the schools are listed here and the details you can look within, what else was there the community and tranquility so community score within that you can see where these various key sort of things are, community centers, and within the tranquility details ,tranquility is here, you can see some of other things as well so those are the three areas to check for schools public transport shopping and the and parks of course you can just google research this as well it's pretty straightforward. The other website as your investment property magazine so if you go on here and you put in the same so ferny hills it also gives you more of some sort of written description of what that suburb has or hasn't so, it's saying these two shopping districts in the nearby around the hills and mitchellton that cater for the majority of the residents wants schools and daycare centers are plentiful, three train stations in the vicinity. So, combining these two sources you can easily answer factor number one. Factor number two proximity to activity or job centers is also answered through the micro burbs website so if I go here and I click on the family is it the convenient score. Convenient scores this one and it tells us the work centers so the closest work center is Paddington and that's only eleven kilometers away so that's not too far if it was only Toowomba, that would be a bit more of an issue. And it gives other details like that. Factor number three household incomes ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________ Terms & Conditions: © Consulting By PK - All rights reserved. Do not share, copy, reproduce or sell any part of this document unless you have written permission from Consulting By PK. All infringements will be prosecuted. If you are the personal owner of the Consulting By PK End User License then you may use it for your own use but not for any other purpose. Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in all material published by Consulting By PK are not to be construed as financial or investment advice nor should be relied upon for any investment activities. Consulting By PK strongly recommends that you perform your own independent research and/or seek your own legal advice before making any financial decisions. Contents of this message are of general nature only and should not be relied upon solely when making an investment decision. Consulting By PK nor any of its directors, associates, staff, or associated companies bear any liability from any actions derived from in this document. One should always seek third party investment information from relevant parties such as legal, finance, and accountancy enquiries. For the avoidance of doubt, any information provided by Consulting By PK is general only and has been prepared without taking account of your personal objectives, financial situation or needs. Any information by Consulting By PK is not intended to imply any recommendation about any particular financial product or class of financial products and should not reasonably be regarded as being intended to have such an influence. Before acting on any such general information, you should consider the appropriateness of the advice, having regard to your own objectives, financial situation and needs. You may wish to consult a licensed financial advisor. Pg. 35 Property Investment Accelerator increasing faster than the state average as with number four six and seven this is all from the census and census data so if I go to that that's right here, sorry back on, back on fact number two I didn't take you through the second website rate my agent. So that's you know to find out where people actually work that live in the suburb you can also confirm with a few really good property managers and to find good property managers you go to this website called rate my agent which basically tells you the top rated manages whether it's sales agents or property managers so what you do you want to find agents just click sales and agents if you want to find manages you go leasing and you put agencies and you just put your you know you're think I can type and Ferny hills, and it will tell her tell me the top agencies that are in this so number one a century one except for I can call these three up can just click them and you find their details and you can ask them this information hey you know my property investor looking to buy and phony hills can you tell me where the closest activity your job centers are way to people normally travel to in order to get to work. Number three is like I said from census information number three four six and seven is all from senses. So, if I go there this is the census website when you click that link your come here. So, I’m already on banyo, but if you go back and click this quick stats link, and you just scroll down you can put your suburb in here. And before clicking go you just pick whether you want to see the two thousand and sixteen results or you want to see the two thousand so two thousand and eleven results or two thousand and sixteen results. And obviously for number three and four were actually comparing the two thousand and eleven and sixteen results and against each other. Okay so we want to go and go ahead and do both so, when you do go into them you get this result and so you just want to scroll down and find the right category so, for median weekly incomes I can see here said this would be the one for factor number three, you want household incomes so the household income in Banyo in two thousand and sixteen was this much and Queensland it was this much so what we want to compare is this number and this number for Banyo and Queensland in two thousand and eleven and see whether be I new increased faster than Queensland if it did than that's a good sign. So that's basically the process for not factor four as well, and similar process for and factor six and seven. Here we're not comparing two thousand and eleven and sixteen but just looking at two thousand and sixteen but all of that information is actually within here. All of this. The one that we didn't go through his number five ten year median value average growth rate. So, what we're looking for here is come over the last ten years what has been the average growth rate so we go to this website on the house which is right here and if I put in ferny hills, brings that up, median value median growth so it tells me the median growth the last ten years you can see and it just gives me data point for each year. Right so here at six point eight six, here it's eight point five to two point three six I just add all of those up individually and divide it by the number of years and I have my average incomes pretty pretty straightforward. On number six and seven in the data guidance I’ve also provided, I’ve also said that because the data it is old it's from two thousand and sixteen which is fine because this is a long term factor, but because it's old we want to just be cautious of any huge price increase since two thousand and sixteen. So, let's say in two thousand and sixteen mortgage repayments were very affordable, and what we want to what we want to say is okay well it was affordable and two thousand and sixteen, but if prices have doubled since two thousand and sixteen then has probably not going to be affordable anymore, ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________ Terms & Conditions: © Consulting By PK - All rights reserved. Do not share, copy, reproduce or sell any part of this document unless you have written permission from Consulting By PK. All infringements will be prosecuted. If you are the personal owner of the Consulting By PK End User License then you may use it for your own use but not for any other purpose. Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in all material published by Consulting By PK are not to be construed as financial or investment advice nor should be relied upon for any investment activities. Consulting By PK strongly recommends that you perform your own independent research and/or seek your own legal advice before making any financial decisions. Contents of this message are of general nature only and should not be relied upon solely when making an investment decision. Consulting By PK nor any of its directors, associates, staff, or associated companies bear any liability from any actions derived from in this document. One should always seek third party investment information from relevant parties such as legal, finance, and accountancy enquiries. For the avoidance of doubt, any information provided by Consulting By PK is general only and has been prepared without taking account of your personal objectives, financial situation or needs. Any information by Consulting By PK is not intended to imply any recommendation about any particular financial product or class of financial products and should not reasonably be regarded as being intended to have such an influence. Before acting on any such general information, you should consider the appropriateness of the advice, having regard to your own objectives, financial situation and needs. You may wish to consult a licensed financial advisor. Pg. 36 Property Investment Accelerator because we know as a general rule that in Australia of the last five years household incomes haven't really increased. Okay so you can you can apply that rule in Australia over the last five years that say between two thousand and fifteen and twenty ,household incomes haven't really increased on average anywhere. So, if you apply that rule than any time, you're using you're applying number seven, you have to be mindful if the house value increased too rapidly know let's say more than twenty percent, and if that was the case then that more affordability story is probably no longer the case. I's probably no longer more than ninety percent. Because household’s incomes haven't changed but, house values have and so the statistic would be dated and the same with rent. If rents have gone through the roof and the last five years and your particular suburb, you'll know how to get that information it's you'll already have it then you know that this number that was under two thousand and sixteen senses stats is probably inaccurate so that's a quick check in rents have increased massively or house prices have increased massively then these two are not that reliable. But hopefully they haven't you know and it all comes back to ; you know factor number ten here hopefully in the last thirty six months or so we haven't actually experienced too much price growth that's ideal. those are the data sources for that that will make sense what I’m going to go through now is the next box up so layers two were finally on a to the city and town growth factors okay so this is once again we're looking at short term. Right, so short term growth factors in the city and town. So now by the stage you know that if I go to the workbook by the stage, you've filled out the top fifteen here in this suburb of growth factors in the long term be filled out these seven ,the seven that I’ve just been through by the stage you have your list of fifteen suburbs even though you're still filling it out for fifteen really you only should have about five suburbs still in the mix. You know by applying all these factors you would have started to call you would have started to shortlist your suburbs further. Okay and by going through systematically this process which will take time initially and obviously you need to learn it as you are doing right now, but as you go and do it for more more suburbs you just become faster and faster better and better at it. Okay so that's how you do it so really at this stage when we come to the city and town growth factors, you might have already got down to your top three suburbs or top two suburbs. I you haven't than these become important. So, let's go through now number one job infrastructure. So, we've already talked about this before at the suburb level this time we're talking about it at the city or town level. So, what we're looking for here, so let's go through these now, so city town growth factors short term priority third. The first one is job infrastructure we've already gone through this before it was all around making sure we see through the dollars spent on infrastructure and actually assess you know a rough estimate of the number of jobs beyond just the construction phase that will actually be sustainably created. Now, when it comes to city and town growth factors, what we're trying to assess here is, is there any infrastructure projects not necessarily in the suburb that we're looking at but an adjoining suburbs. So, you know like a within a radius of am let's say five or ten kilometers is there any huge projects that a going to create jobs because obviously, even if there isn't a new infrastructure project in your suburb if there's one close by than that has a you know it has an effect on the surrounding suburbs up to and including the sometimes up to five to ten kilometer radius so that's really important for us to assess. And the way we do it is the exact same way that we did it last time, but you can see that the target flexibility is ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________ Terms & Conditions: © Consulting By PK - All rights reserved. Do not share, copy, reproduce or sell any part of this document unless you have written permission from Consulting By PK. All infringements will be prosecuted. If you are the personal owner of the Consulting By PK End User License then you may use it for your own use but not for any other purpose. Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in all material published by Consulting By PK are not to be construed as financial or investment advice nor should be relied upon for any investment activities. Consulting By PK strongly recommends that you perform your own independent research and/or seek your own legal advice before making any financial decisions. Contents of this message are of general nature only and should not be relied upon solely when making an investment decision. Consulting By PK nor any of its directors, associates, staff, or associated companies bear any liability from any actions derived from in this document. One should always seek third party investment information from relevant parties such as legal, finance, and accountancy enquiries. For the avoidance of doubt, any information provided by Consulting By PK is general only and has been prepared without taking account of your personal objectives, financial situation or needs. Any information by Consulting By PK is not intended to imply any recommendation about any particular financial product or class of financial products and should not reasonably be regarded as being intended to have such an influence. Before acting on any such general information, you should consider the appropriateness of the advice, having regard to your own objectives, financial situation and needs. You may wish to consult a licensed financial advisor. Pg. 37 Property Investment Accelerator very flexible right, so we're not going to rule out a suburb just because there isn't some huge you know infrastructure project like west connects like a highway in Sydney or something like that this is just nice to have. We've gone through number two before as well eighteen month building approvals this time what we're looking at is not in our suburb in a joining suburb so within a five kilometer type radius and that's very easy to do and the tool that I’ve already introduced you to. In that sort of area is there any you know huge spikes in building approval so you know same sort of quantum as before, if each suburb had a threshold of about three hundred and there were four including multiple suburbs and this mix then you just take a multiple. So, if you're looking at the ten suburbs around your suburb then you want to have that threshold at about three thousand three hundred times ten. Okay so hope hopefully that's making that's making sense. And we are quite strict on that one right so if, if around our area within you know the sort of ten or fifteen suburbs around us if there are literally thousands and thousands and thousands of buildings been approved for building and then then that's not a good sign okay. So, we're quite strict on that one relatively strict. We don't want there to be no more than tool that say three thousand building approvals you know let's say within five kilometers or so of were weren't looking to invest. And then, number three five your job advertisements once again we are so flexible on this it's not going to mean that we ruled out any suburbs, but if you have let's say threes for suburbs in the mix still and you're looking at this city town growth factors you want to try to get that number down by one or two suburbs so you want this the how the city or town is going to fair and five your job advertisements what this means is a trend over the last five years this is a really good way to assess how the economy for that city or town is fairing and is going to fair because job advertisements is a leading indicator when someone advertisers a job then chances are they'll fill that job so it's a really powerful leading indicator of an economy in the future. Okay so a five your job advertisements are not that difficult to actually find and it just rounds out our knowledge of that city in town and like I said right at the beginning of this week's content things like five your job advertisements they have more gravitas or they have more meaning when we're looking at regional places. New Cadtle, Bendigo, Ballarat, Cairns, Woololongong, you know if we're looking at big cities like Sydney Melbourne Brisbane, then you know even if job advertisements on grade or if they're poor you know it is what it is. They're still going to be good places to invest within that city but when we're looking to invest in a small place a smaller town then the town has more of an impact the health of the city or town has more of an impact on our individual suburb. So, this just gives you more rich content of as a property investor, to make more wise decisions. So, you can see here on the next page that the relative importance of these is quite different so number three is the least important and that's not to say it's not important but it's the least relatively speaking. So the data sources for job infrastructure look like before at when we did this at the suburb level we want to do a google research ,we want to review the local council websites for the areas around our suburb who want to call those local councils, don't be put off by all of this work it's really not that time consuming you know it may be a five minute phone call, a fifteen minute search on the web sites another fifteen minutes on google, and it's not like we're doing this across fifteen suburbs right at this stage we really shouldn't have more than five suburbs in the mix. For number one the data source the first one I’ve given his hair and todd why in of said here that the report is quite interesting they ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________ Terms & Conditions: © Consulting By PK - All rights reserved. Do not share, copy, reproduce or sell any part of this document unless you have written permission from Consulting By PK. All infringements will be prosecuted. If you are the personal owner of the Consulting By PK End User License then you may use it for your own use but not for any other purpose. Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in all material published by Consulting By PK are not to be construed as financial or investment advice nor should be relied upon for any investment activities. Consulting By PK strongly recommends that you perform your own independent research and/or seek your own legal advice before making any financial decisions. Contents of this message are of general nature only and should not be relied upon solely when making an investment decision. Consulting By PK nor any of its directors, associates, staff, or associated companies bear any liability from any actions derived from in this document. One should always seek third party investment information from relevant parties such as legal, finance, and accountancy enquiries. For the avoidance of doubt, any information provided by Consulting By PK is general only and has been prepared without taking account of your personal objectives, financial situation or needs. Any information by Consulting By PK is not intended to imply any recommendation about any particular financial product or class of financial products and should not reasonably be regarded as being intended to have such an influence. Before acting on any such general information, you should consider the appropriateness of the advice, having regard to your own objectives, financial situation and needs. You may wish to consult a licensed financial advisor. Pg. 38 Property Investment Accelerator publish it every month really good insights as to infrastructure and other things going on and various locations that around Australia it also has a property clock, I said ignore the clock because there is no such thing as a property clock. Suburbs don't boom and bust in in a circular fashions’ property markets go up they may go stable for a long time they may reduce or they may not reduce they may go up again, they may just stay first flat and then just go increase again. t doesn't work and around way where you see a boom, and then a bust and then a recovery in a boom and bust that's not how it works or just ignore their property clock don't be distracted by it don't be, fooled into thinking that's what you should follow it's really not please ignore it. In fact, if you do look at it sometimes, you'll see that locations on their property clock go backwards so they go from recovery back into stagnation and which in reality doesn't make the clock very sensible at all. But what is useful is their commentary, so if I go to that website, it's here right it's here and you click on this residential report that is published every month and they do around the grounds of all cities towns regions across Australia and provide really rich data for infrastructure jobs you know what's going on, and local economies it's a really good way free of cost to stay abreast of the city and town factors. Eighteen month building approvals so I’ve already taught you how to use that website. This time instead of going to the individual suburb that you've located you want to go to the suburbs around the suburb that you're interested in and job advertisements you go to this website, now told you how to do it but just to demonstrate it what you have to do is you go to the website , it's this one right here and you download the ivi regional data may two thousand and ten onwards this excel see you need Microsoft excel obviously for this and when you do download it and open it up it looks like this okay, and this gets updated every month, and so all you need to do is go to the averaged tab and then what I want you to do is you can see here that it's giving you different cities or towns or regions and different professions, we are looking for jobs job advertisement data so want you to highlight the entire row number one, okay and I want you to click, data at the top and then click filter, and that allows you to than filter these things. Okay so this allows us to then say on region, where do we want to look. So, let's say we were interested in, let's say Ballret, and it would only now it is only showing me results for Ballret but it's given me all these different job advertisement type data were just interested in the total so you can ignore all that all of this stuff engineers, labors, cleaners all that is included in the total and so what we want to do now is scroll across these are all individual months okay. So, if you go over here this is the most recent month June and if you just come all the way back here, you know this should be probably let me just expand this is as two thousand and seventeen we want five years, if I just expand all of these so if I, highlight all of these columns which you can do as well, take it all the way to the right and then double click here it expands it's you can actually see the months properly. So I want to go all the way that five years so we are in twenty twenty now so when I go back all the way to start twenty fifth of two thousand and fifteen let's say, so click Jan two thousand and fifteen, and then scroll all the way over to the right, and highlight all that and then once that's highlighted come all the way back, and hold down control on your keyboard and click that if you don't hit control while you do this and that will disappear that highlighting you want to hold it and then you want to highlight this all the way to the right as well. So, you can just press control shift right to do that or you can do it manually so I’ve, hat I’ve done is I’ve selected the ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________ Terms & Conditions: © Consulting By PK - All rights reserved. Do not share, copy, reproduce or sell any part of this document unless you have written permission from Consulting By PK. All infringements will be prosecuted. If you are the personal owner of the Consulting By PK End User License then you may use it for your own use but not for any other purpose. Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in all material published by Consulting By PK are not to be construed as financial or investment advice nor should be relied upon for any investment activities. Consulting By PK strongly recommends that you perform your own independent research and/or seek your own legal advice before making any financial decisions. Contents of this message are of general nature only and should not be relied upon solely when making an investment decision. Consulting By PK nor any of its directors, associates, staff, or associated companies bear any liability from any actions derived from in this document. One should always seek third party investment information from relevant parties such as legal, finance, and accountancy enquiries. For the avoidance of doubt, any information provided by Consulting By PK is general only and has been prepared without taking account of your personal objectives, financial situation or needs. Any information by Consulting By PK is not intended to imply any recommendation about any particular financial product or class of financial products and should not reasonably be regarded as being intended to have such an influence. Before acting on any such general information, you should consider the appropriateness of the advice, having regard to your own objectives, financial situation and needs. You may wish to consult a licensed financial advisor. Pg. 39 Property Investment Accelerator months and I’ve also selected the number of job advertisements for Ballaret total okay. So that's what I’ve done and 195 Minutes to 210 Minutes then you go to insert up the top here and I want to see it as a line chart I can easily interpret it and that's all you need to do. I can expand this for readability, and so you can see here and it's unsurprising because we're in the middle of covid right now that, Ballaret is actually you don't see this here at ballaret has experienced some fantastic price growth in some cases more than fifty to sixty percent price growth and property market. So, here's one reason why that's happening since January two thousand and fifteen to towards the end of two thousand and nineteen, you can see that job advertisements which is through the roof, right those was four hundred back here , and it was seven hundred at the top. So, you know not quite a fifty percent increase but a huge increase in job advertisements. You don't really need to know what these numbers mean of course a job advertisement but really the trend is what you're looking at but then it's fallen off a cliff here. So when you look at this sort of thing, it tells you for that overall region let let's say Bellarat in this instance you know or at being so small comparatively speaking to a capital city, can we realistically expect massive house price growth when job advertisements and a job advertisements are leading indicator for jobs, when that's is so low and you can see it actually started to dip even in November two thousand and nineteen so it's not entirely because of covid nineteen that this is happening because that really came into for around march it already started happening. So you know if you're a property investor looking at Ballaret even if everything that we've discussed so far was looking really good, this would make you second guess your that choice okay now I’m not saying don't invest in Ballarat in this instance they may still be some good suburbs to invest in all I’m saying is that if you have an option if used to have four five suburbs in the mix one of them as Ballarat and the others are outside Ballarat you may need to take this into consideration when making that decision okay. So that's five year job advertisements, and the data source. Then the city town growth factors in the long term there just to the first one is diverse and diversifying employment industries so what that means is we don't want to invest very strictly I’ll add we don't want to invest in a town or sort of small regional area where the economy is not diverse all right so we experience this when the mining bust happened so many people were binding it buying and mining towns but when the mining industry went bust , coal prices iron ore prices reduced then house prices reduced by up to eighty percent and that's just because they had there was no other employment source and everyone left and house prices fell through a roof fell through the floor sorry. So we want to you know only be buying in areas that are either diversifying or diversified oversee the capital cities a diversified if we spoke about Newcastle in the early you know two thousand tens it was still predominantly mining focused but since about two thousand and thirteen fourteen it's pivoted more towards into health care with hospitals, education, tourism and you know a lot of clients were buying their and two thousand and fifteen and you've you know you've made two three four hundred thousand dollars in that time. Would have been would we have been buying there in two thousand and ten no because it wasn't diverse that in two thousand and thirteen fourteen fifteen it was diversifying. So, if you ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________ Terms & Conditions: © Consulting By PK - All rights reserved. Do not share, copy, reproduce or sell any part of this document unless you have written permission from Consulting By PK. All infringements will be prosecuted. If you are the personal owner of the Consulting By PK End User License then you may use it for your own use but not for any other purpose. Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in all material published by Consulting By PK are not to be construed as financial or investment advice nor should be relied upon for any investment activities. Consulting By PK strongly recommends that you perform your own independent research and/or seek your own legal advice before making any financial decisions. Contents of this message are of general nature only and should not be relied upon solely when making an investment decision. Consulting By PK nor any of its directors, associates, staff, or associated companies bear any liability from any actions derived from in this document. One should always seek third party investment information from relevant parties such as legal, finance, and accountancy enquiries. For the avoidance of doubt, any information provided by Consulting By PK is general only and has been prepared without taking account of your personal objectives, financial situation or needs. Any information by Consulting By PK is not intended to imply any recommendation about any particular financial product or class of financial products and should not reasonably be regarded as being intended to have such an influence. Before acting on any such general information, you should consider the appropriateness of the advice, having regard to your own objectives, financial situation and needs. You may wish to consult a licensed financial advisor. Pg. 40 Property Investment Accelerator still have any suburbs in the mix the original and are areas that aren’t diversified or diversifying than you want to rule them out pretty strictly. Number two housing affordability. This isn't really going to be something that is super powerful to eliminate suburbs, and further cull your list but it gives you more rich content as to the affordability story of an entire city or town so the two measures that we look at a share of income required for repayments, we've discussed that before and the number of years it takes to save a deposit okay. So, the raw daughter's actually not publicly available information so I’ve given you a pdf report that you can review that still up to date but were pretty flexible on this this is really just around off your knowledge of property markets more than anything, like I said I’m the diversity of employment is very important, the housing affordability story at the city or town level less so but still insightful. The data source for number one is just google research you want to put in keywords are key terms like the suburb name or the council’s name, job growth, employment, industry, economy, in about ten or fifteen minutes you should know all that you need to know about how it's diversifying or whether it's already diverse I’m so I’m sure some pie charts and other things like that will come up. And that's the data of source for number two given you the pages that a most useful as well. Right so really by this stage if I go back to our workbook really but this stage you have completed the entire workbook okay so you have gone through layer three short term layer three a long term layer two short term layer two long term and you fill that out for the suburbs you started at about fifteen suburbs and you may not even have filled this pit and for fifteen you might have already chosen your top five, or six or seven and only feel listen for the top five or six or seven in and really at this stage, come you know of the that say five suburbs that are still in the mix or may maybe a little bit more it really just depends what we're doing is we're filling this out so overall relative to the other suburbs in the shortlist I would rate the suburb as x out of ten okay so this is just a subjective rating that you decide. it's just a help you better understand for yourself how suburb one is better or worse than any other suburb. Right and like I said before the way to do that is to fill in all of these boxes where they aren't already grade out and you'll see a whole bunch of colors, and then you can make a decision of whether a suburb is better than another by going in assessing these colors and making tradeoffs based on these relative importance you know indications that I provided you. Obviously the most are up here in the short term but even in the long term at the suburb level they should provide a lot of insight so that you can go ahead and say okay overall on balance the suburb is better than this one I’m and based on what okay those tradeoffs the weightings of each factor, -and you can just rate it and go about it that way back yourself you've done a lot of research you've done more research and probably ninety nine point nine percent of investors. So don't second guess yourself back yourself and go hard and really have conviction in what you've chosen of course you can and discuss this with, myself on the video chats that we have but don't be hesitant if you have applied the system correctly and I’ve spent a lot of time trying to explain it down to the detail than you will be successful. Now the last thing that I’ll explain his we've been through this this this and this, we haven't gone through the Australian growth factors yet and the reason is that they don't actually help us short list our suburbs because the Australian growth factors by definition of impact the entire nation not just particular areas but really to round out your knowledge of property markets I want you to understand how these work on so let's go through these fairly ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________ Terms & Conditions: © Consulting By PK - All rights reserved. Do not share, copy, reproduce or sell any part of this document unless you have written permission from Consulting By PK. All infringements will be prosecuted. If you are the personal owner of the Consulting By PK End User License then you may use it for your own use but not for any other purpose. Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in all material published by Consulting By PK are not to be construed as financial or investment advice nor should be relied upon for any investment activities. Consulting By PK strongly recommends that you perform your own independent research and/or seek your own legal advice before making any financial decisions. Contents of this message are of general nature only and should not be relied upon solely when making an investment decision. Consulting By PK nor any of its directors, associates, staff, or associated companies bear any liability from any actions derived from in this document. One should always seek third party investment information from relevant parties such as legal, finance, and accountancy enquiries. For the avoidance of doubt, any information provided by Consulting By PK is general only and has been prepared without taking account of your personal objectives, financial situation or needs. Any information by Consulting By PK is not intended to imply any recommendation about any particular financial product or class of financial products and should not reasonably be regarded as being intended to have such an influence. Before acting on any such general information, you should consider the appropriateness of the advice, having regard to your own objectives, financial situation and needs. You may wish to consult a licensed financial advisor. Pg. 41 Property Investment Accelerator quickly. So, in the short term government incentives, so stimulus packages from the government, first homeowners grant construction rebates all of this injection of money into the economy means that there's more cash and the economy and that means that the house prices have the tail wins behind them more money that people have even if it's just from the government the more they'll spend. Availability of credit number two. So, what this means is how easily are banks’ lending to you and I. In two thousand and seventeen when Melbourne and Sydney started to reduce and price it wasn't because of underlying demand and supply factors it was because of artificial imposition by the banks to say we aren't allowed to or we weren't providing investor lending like we did over the last four years and that's what caused a correction in the market. On average so that's what availability of credit means clearly the official cash rate is something that's very important so aware at the lowest at the time of recording lowest interest rates ever in in Australia over the next three to four years they probably weren't increase until we reach full employment of four percent. but in the long term they will increase and that generally has a negative impact on property markets but that's not going to happen in the short term. Consumer confidence so how consumers feel how willing and able that they are to spend that's a quantitative, factor that comes into comes into play when trying to understand full picture of property markets. Gross domestic product you know generally when GDP or the economy you could say is growing by two percent per annum, that means that house prices will also grow more than two percent per annum when the GDP growth at less than two percent the house prices also have a have are impacted on average of course there is always suburbs that out the form and underperformed we've been through that but I’m talking averages here now. So that's really important and the number six level of employment so than the role absolute number of people in jobs that has an impact on the economy so unemployment rate could increase but if the absolute number of people employed also increases which is possible if there's migration into Australia, then property markets will be solid. Right so even if unemployment rate as a percentage increase if the absolute million number of employed people also increases house prices are fine. So, I want to share these things with you just to give you an indication of what are the real data factors to consider when making decisions and when thinking about aggregate property markets and this allows you to block out the noise and basically ignore the media that post sensationalist articles and often get property investors a little bit concerned. We just want to be following this data. Okay, and you can see here over the page everything is quite important consumer confidence looks relatively less so, I won't go through it and too much detail you can see it in front of you, and the government incentives you can understand in our like stamp duty rebates from state government websites, availability of credit you can ask the mortgage broker that I’ve provided you in week one and they will have a very good understanding of this. The official cash rate so you cannot understand the current official cash rate through this website and future expectations through this website so let's just go there right now. So, this gives you the current the cash rate you can see how, over the years it's come down and right now set point two five percent said this is the website if you click this and the future expectations and this helps when making decisions or whether to fix your home loan or keep it variable which we talked about in week one that's on this website. So, you can see here the says that what are the odds based on the futures markets based on money markets, what ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________ Terms & Conditions: © Consulting By PK - All rights reserved. Do not share, copy, reproduce or sell any part of this document unless you have written permission from Consulting By PK. All infringements will be prosecuted. If you are the personal owner of the Consulting By PK End User License then you may use it for your own use but not for any other purpose. Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in all material published by Consulting By PK are not to be construed as financial or investment advice nor should be relied upon for any investment activities. Consulting By PK strongly recommends that you perform your own independent research and/or seek your own legal advice before making any financial decisions. Contents of this message are of general nature only and should not be relied upon solely when making an investment decision. Consulting By PK nor any of its directors, associates, staff, or associated companies bear any liability from any actions derived from in this document. One should always seek third party investment information from relevant parties such as legal, finance, and accountancy enquiries. For the avoidance of doubt, any information provided by Consulting By PK is general only and has been prepared without taking account of your personal objectives, financial situation or needs. Any information by Consulting By PK is not intended to imply any recommendation about any particular financial product or class of financial products and should not reasonably be regarded as being intended to have such an influence. Before acting on any such general information, you should consider the appropriateness of the advice, having regard to your own objectives, financial situation and needs. You may wish to consult a licensed financial advisor. Pg. 42 Property Investment Accelerator people's expectations are what are the odds day on day that the next interest rate will have no change or whether it will decrease. In this case to zero because it's point two five at the moment so what this is saying is that most people are expecting interest rates to actually reduce down to zero at the next decision point, which is the RBA makes a decision on the first Tuesday of every month so this is saying that were expecting the next interest rate move to not be no change but to be actually be a reduction. So that helps you make decisions of whether to fix your rate or whether to keep it variable. 210 Minutes to 225 Minutes So that's that. Consumer confidence is through this website here Roy Morgan's when you click on it comes up like this so gives you ANZ, Roya Morgan Australian consumer confidence monthly rating they started recording this in nineteen seventy three all the way to now. So, every year it gives you the month on month figures and then the average. So, if I scroll right down to two thousand and twenty you can see that two thousand and twenty started off well and then when corona virus happened in march it took a dip a further dip then January February march April may and may it started to come up in June it came up further but then in July it dropped off again. So, this keep gives you a good understanding of consumer confidence you know how confident people are in general about spending about investing about you know really living lives as normal as opposed to being apprehensive in a little bit fearful about the future and that obviously effects property markets as well on average. Of course, we're talking averages here which doesn't help us in suburbs election but does help us understand the overall property markets. So that's that one, gross domestic product so you want to check the historical trend on GDP, and you can also estimate future GDP by reading the reserve bank minutes which they release at a meeting on the first Tuesday of every month so the websites there are this one right here so on this one you can, this one you want to go to GDP so this is saying that from let me just interpret this correctly. December eighteen to march nineteen GDP grew by point five percent march nineteen two June nineteen it grew by so it's quarter on quarter point six percent June nineteen two September nineteen six percent the next one five percent and then because of corona virus December nineteen to much twenty it was negative and then you know we don't have the data for the most recent quarter yet but this allows you to understand how GDP is performing, and like I said before if GDP is growing by more than two percent that's a really strong support for the property market. In this case it's not quite or the last the first four quarters were so if you add point five point six point six point five together that does exceed two percent over those twelve months but starting this year this calendar year, it's not going to so on average property markets will struggle according to the this, but of course there will always be suburbs that do really really well and that's what we're looking for. And then you're also looking at minutes, so if you can also go on the monetary policy and look at that sorry I’m switching around a lot and then level of employment, so most important measures employed people not unemployment rate so that this website here so the employed people so in may twenty there were twelve million employed people in Australia in June twenty there were and there were twelve million twelve point three million, then may twenty two June twenty number increased by two hundred and ten thousand but the June two thousand and nineteen ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________ Terms & Conditions: © Consulting By PK - All rights reserved. Do not share, copy, reproduce or sell any part of this document unless you have written permission from Consulting By PK. All infringements will be prosecuted. If you are the personal owner of the Consulting By PK End User License then you may use it for your own use but not for any other purpose. Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in all material published by Consulting By PK are not to be construed as financial or investment advice nor should be relied upon for any investment activities. Consulting By PK strongly recommends that you perform your own independent research and/or seek your own legal advice before making any financial decisions. Contents of this message are of general nature only and should not be relied upon solely when making an investment decision. Consulting By PK nor any of its directors, associates, staff, or associated companies bear any liability from any actions derived from in this document. One should always seek third party investment information from relevant parties such as legal, finance, and accountancy enquiries. For the avoidance of doubt, any information provided by Consulting By PK is general only and has been prepared without taking account of your personal objectives, financial situation or needs. Any information by Consulting By PK is not intended to imply any recommendation about any particular financial product or class of financial products and should not reasonably be regarded as being intended to have such an influence. Before acting on any such general information, you should consider the appropriateness of the advice, having regard to your own objectives, financial situation and needs. You may wish to consult a licensed financial advisor. Pg. 43 Property Investment Accelerator and June twenty number the year on year change you can see there was four percent less people employed in Australia then there were at the same time last year so this is the most important number right here, and so you can see that that really has a drag effect on property markets and he is a is a cool chart that shows that as well so can see of the two thousand and fifteen to nineteen the employed people were just increasing and other virtues. So don't be pessimistic oh don't be fearful about these numbers, you know regardless of what the property market is doing in aggregate or on average there will always be markets within market suburbs and pockets with in suburbs that will do exceptionally well. Okay so this just it allows us to understand on average on aggregate how the property market is fairing and really allows us to look at the to ourselves rather than rely on media articles. You should never rely on opinion or media articles when it comes to property investing, and then lastly but not least Australia growth factors in the long term. So what matters most from the long term is political stability I said that before we're not going to become a dictator state we're not going to become a communist state a military coup things like that and that's why from countries all over the world people will continue to migrate into Australia of the long term people will continue to bring up their money in to Australia because it's stable and that provides a really really good optimism for property markets on average on aggregate over the long term but like I said these top two boxes don't really help us select a suburb of they do help us round off our knowledge of the property markets. And the source for that is looked just general various google research and pretty well known stuff, so that's the end of this week, so what I want you to do right now like I said at the start of the course this is not a get rich quick scheme. You will not make money unless you actually apply it but at the same time don't be intimidated don't be daunted by what you need to do it's taken me you know hours and hours to explain to you how to do it and what to do right down to the detail and this has accumulated knowledge that I built for myself initially and then for clients in over years and years and years and years so you're really tasting the ripe fruit of a lot of hard work it has taken time for me to explain to you and of course you can ask questions and bounce ideas on the video calls. But really the implementation is not that difficult okay once you start getting into it, it should not take you more than three four maybe five hours to actually implement this system and actually find a high growth suburb that will give you passive income from day one and allow you to achieve ultimately by compounding portfolio a one hundred thousand to two hundred thousand dollar passive income over the long term. Okay so you can do this and I’m here to help you as well so just follow the process and trust the system don't be distracted by other things that you hear I’ve really concentrated and condensed everything that's important into this week's training into this system it's proven it works reliably and predictably. You want growth in the short term not just the long term we want both growth in the short and the long term and this is the system that that helps you achieve that okay so, use these slides the system it's and the download section use the work book it's and the download section go through it systematically to reiterate the DSR tool allows you to basically filter your top fifteen suburbs and it's those fifteen that you enter into this workbook and then from those fifteen you go on to factors ten to fifteen in the short term suburb layer factors and once you do that you're fifteen suburb should narrow down maybe to ten or thereabouts and then you apply the short term us are you apply the long term suburbs of factors the short term city factors, the long term city factors so that ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________ Terms & Conditions: © Consulting By PK - All rights reserved. Do not share, copy, reproduce or sell any part of this document unless you have written permission from Consulting By PK. All infringements will be prosecuted. If you are the personal owner of the Consulting By PK End User License then you may use it for your own use but not for any other purpose. Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in all material published by Consulting By PK are not to be construed as financial or investment advice nor should be relied upon for any investment activities. Consulting By PK strongly recommends that you perform your own independent research and/or seek your own legal advice before making any financial decisions. Contents of this message are of general nature only and should not be relied upon solely when making an investment decision. Consulting By PK nor any of its directors, associates, staff, or associated companies bear any liability from any actions derived from in this document. One should always seek third party investment information from relevant parties such as legal, finance, and accountancy enquiries. For the avoidance of doubt, any information provided by Consulting By PK is general only and has been prepared without taking account of your personal objectives, financial situation or needs. Any information by Consulting By PK is not intended to imply any recommendation about any particular financial product or class of financial products and should not reasonably be regarded as being intended to have such an influence. Before acting on any such general information, you should consider the appropriateness of the advice, having regard to your own objectives, financial situation and needs. You may wish to consult a licensed financial advisor. Pg. 44 Property Investment Accelerator should get your list down below ten to five and ultimately you want to land on about two to three suburbs, maybe two suburbs. Landing on one suburb is not a good idea and I’ll explain to the reasons in week three you want to have some flexibility just in case there's no stock available in in the suburb you've selected. So, you want to have at least two suburbs and the mix and yeah that's not that much hard work then from there or here on in. So, two to three suburbs keep that many and your shortlist but this is exactly how to do it, the right down to the detail than right down to the exact sort of methodology and process. So good luck. You'll do a great job but please don't go on to the next week, until you've actually done this because you'll just be absorbing more and more knowledge, more more information without actually applying it and it may become overwhelming. So, this course is intended to be practical not theoretical, so as you do this go ahead and apply what you've learned, and then we just take one step after another. Like confucius said the longest journey starts with the first step and then we take the second step and the third step okay so overall I don't expect you to be doing more than three to four hours of work every week , so that's how much you can expect to satisfy, and really this week is where the majority of the hard work happens it gets easier from here. Alright guys, that is week number two how to select your best growth suburb. I’ll see you in week three very shortly. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________ Terms & Conditions: © Consulting By PK - All rights reserved. Do not share, copy, reproduce or sell any part of this document unless you have written permission from Consulting By PK. All infringements will be prosecuted. If you are the personal owner of the Consulting By PK End User License then you may use it for your own use but not for any other purpose. Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in all material published by Consulting By PK are not to be construed as financial or investment advice nor should be relied upon for any investment activities. Consulting By PK strongly recommends that you perform your own independent research and/or seek your own legal advice before making any financial decisions. Contents of this message are of general nature only and should not be relied upon solely when making an investment decision. Consulting By PK nor any of its directors, associates, staff, or associated companies bear any liability from any actions derived from in this document. One should always seek third party investment information from relevant parties such as legal, finance, and accountancy enquiries. For the avoidance of doubt, any information provided by Consulting By PK is general only and has been prepared without taking account of your personal objectives, financial situation or needs. Any information by Consulting By PK is not intended to imply any recommendation about any particular financial product or class of financial products and should not reasonably be regarded as being intended to have such an influence. Before acting on any such general information, you should consider the appropriateness of the advice, having regard to your own objectives, financial situation and needs. You may wish to consult a licensed financial advisor. Pg. 45