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Chart (p.2)

Topic Area
Rivalry, Mistrust, and Accord
Prescribed Content
The US was a capitalist democracy while the
Soviet Union was a communist state (rivalry)
○ Both countries were trying to spread
their ideology and saw each other as
a threat (rivalry)
The US and Soviet Union allied against Nazi
Germany (accord)
At the Yalta conference the US, the Soviet
Union, and Great Britain agreed to divide
Germany into zones of occupation and hold
elections in Eastern Europe (accord)
○ Although, the Soviet Union reneged
on the agreement and installed
communism in Eastern Europe
○ The US saw the act as evidence that
the Soviet Union was trying to spread
its influence (rivalry)
Mistrust deepened between the US and the
Soviet Union as the two countries started
developing atomic bombs (mistrust)
The US and the Soviet Union competed for
their influence in Asia (rivalry)
The US and the Soviet Union worked together
to establish the United Nations and rebuild
Europe (accord)
○ The US and Soviet Union also signed
an agreement to limit the number of
nuclear bombs each country
the policy of containment adopted by the
United States towards the Soviet Union, which
aimed to prevent the spread of communism
and the Soviet Union's influence around the
world (rivalry)
○ led to a series of proxy wars, such as
the Korean War and the Vietnam War
Soviet Union and China was also a significant
factor, with the two countries initially working
together as communist allies (accord)
United States and the Soviet Union engaging
in a race for technological and economic
superiority (rivlary)
the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START)
signed in 1991, which led to a significant
reduction in the number of nuclear weapons
held by both sides (US & Soviet Union)
US President Richard Nixon made a historic
trip to China, which helped to normalize
relations between the two countries (accord)
Leaders and Nations
- General Dwight D. Eisenhower of the United States:
Following the New Look (foreign policy), General
Dwight D. Eisenhower's perspective on the Cold War
and the future of warfare changed. Eisenhower's
policies sparked an arms race and increased nuclear
weapons, and he placed a strong emphasis on nuclear
warfare (which is less expensive than conventional
Reduce defense spending, increase air power, and
convert operations
- USSR leader Nikita Khrushchev
Khrushchev intended to keep China in the Soviet
Union, but his partner Mao grew critical and unwilling.
They were both communists, and their differing
interests led to their separation. Khrushchev also
desired peaceful cohabitation and cooperation with the
USA, but was aware that doing so would make him
appear weak. Khrushchev put an end to the Cuban
Missile Crisis as well.
Korea's political division in 1948 was caused by the
lack of prospects for peaceful unification; the North
Korean invasion of South Korea; Guatemala's Jacobo
Arbenz; the United States' desire to remove Arbenz and
protect the UFCO; rising tensions as a result of tax
disputes and unequal compensation; and in Guatemala,
the US's fear of communism, which altered the course
of events.
Cold War Crisis
Berlin Crisis's root cause was a number of rivalries and
tensions between the Western countries and the Soviet
Union. Its impact and significance were divided
between the Allied powers and Germany.
The Suez Crisis - Cause: Nasser who was an Egyptian
nationalist believed that the British and the Egyptian
royal family were corrupt and elitist so he wanted them
to be removed - When Nasser officially had a lot of
power he made several change - The Berlin Crisis Cause: The Berlin Crisis was the catalyst for the
destruction of the Atlantic Alliance (no one knew about
this fact) - The relationship between Germany and
America weakened - West Germany's alliance became
France and they created
Impact and Relevance
Was extremely complicated; the Suez Crisis changed
the UN's function; the British and French had to think
that their diplomatic power had diminished;