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Philippine Science Education Research Synthesis

Research Title and
Problem objectives of
the study
Review of Related
Students’ Perceptions
of Science Classes in
the Philippines
The study was conducted
to study Filipino students’
perceptions of their
science classes to explore
whether some variables
related to teaching may be
associated with declining
levels of science
achievement from
elementary to high school
and/or with gender
differences in science
The study explored the
driving forces of students’
choice in specializing in
science. Specifically, this
sought to answer the
following statements:
1) determine the driving
forces of students’ choice
in specializing science, and
2) describe the driving
forces’ implications to
students’ interest in
science education.
Test the hypothesis that
more science coursework
influences pedagogical
beliefs of science teachers
by studying the
pedagogical beliefs of
Filipino science teachers.
Tobias (1990) interviewed
undergraduate students who
switched from a science (or
mathematics) major to a
non-science major and found
that these students pointed to
aspects of the teaching
approaches of science
teachers that contributed to
their “dissipating interest” in
Researchers developed a
survey questionnaire based
on the Perceptions of
Science Classes Survey
(PSCS) to study perceptions
of Filipino students
regarding their science
The results indicate a decrease in
science inquiry activities and the
use of grades as feedback in the
higher grades, but an increase in
support for self-learning and
effort, and positive effects and
Asia Pacific
Journal of
Educators and
Learning experiences either
in physics, chemistry, or
biology stimulate students’
interest to specialize in
science. If students are
determined and motivated to
pursue the subject, they
develop positive attitude that
enhance scientific
knowledge and persistence
in science (Maltese & Tai,
2011; Deci & Ryan, 2009).
The study utilized
qualitative research design
using narrative inquiry to
deeply understand and
interpret the experiences of
the participants relative to
the driving forces in
specializing science.
Narrative inquiry from four
purposively selected and
interviewed graduating students
of secondary education in Teacher
Education Institutions in Northern
Negros Philippines determined
and described that personal
interest, nature of science,
family influence and teacher’s
impact drive their interest to
specialize science.
The results of the study reveal
important dimensions of the science
classrooms in the Philippines from the
eyes of the students. The perceptions
and the trends across grade levels and
genders reveal possible explanations to
the low achievement levels of Filipino
students. Perhaps the most noteworthy
result related to the students’
perceptions of how the assessment
procedures and their grades provide
them with feedback about their actual
learning in their science subjects.
The experiences of students in
specializing science are primarily
driven by personal interest, nature of
science, family influence, and the
teacher’s impact. These driving forces
interweave to lean on science for
students’ career choice, which can be
manipulated and reciprocated to make
it valuable in the crafting of innovative
policies and reforms to the existing
practices and to inspire students in
science-related careers.
Evaluation of the preservice
teacher education curriculum
for science also indicated
that even those who major in
science do not have enough
science content courses in
their required coursework
(Golla & De Guzman,
A questionnaire was
developed to assess different
pedagogical beliefs and to
obtain information about the
educational and
demographic background of
the science teachers.
Different scales were
developed by the researchers
to assess the different
dimensions of pedagogical
Results of the comparisons of
pedagogical beliefs of primary
school (less science coursework)
versus secondary school (more
coursework) science teachers
indicated that more science
coursework is related to stronger
endorsement of the belief that
teaching involves providing
support for learning, and to
weaker endorsement of the belief
that learning is limited by ability
and by cultural beliefs.
The results of the study, comparing
groups of science teachers who differ
in the amount of college science
courses they took in their preservice
teacher education programs provide
support for this hypothesis. More
science coursework seems to lead to
stronger endorsement of beliefs
regarding teaching as a process of
providing support for the learning
process, and weaker endorsement of
beliefs regarding the limiting role of
ability in successful learning in
science. More science coursework also
seems to be associated with weaker
endorsement of cultural beliefs
Allan B. I. Bernardo
Auxencia A. Limjap
Maricar S. Prudente
Lydia S. Roleda
Driving Forces of
Students’ Choice in
Specializing Science: A
Science Education
Context in the
Philippines Perspective
Jayson A. Dela Fuente
Science coursework
and pedagogical beliefs
of science teachers:
The case of science
teachers in the
Eva B. Macugay
Allan B. I. Bernardo
The Normal
K12 Science Program
in the Philippines:
Student Perception on
its Implementation
Darryl Roy T.
Comprehension Skills
and Performance in
Science Among High
School Students in the
Ombra A. Imam,
Maripaz Abas Mastura,
Hajri Jamil, and
Zurida Ismail
Behind the Science
Literacy of Filipino
Students at Pisa 2018:
A Case Study in the
Educational System
Jefferson M. Cordon,
John Domnique
Benedict Polong
The aim of this study is to
find out the perception of
students on the science
program being
implemented in the new
K12 Science curriculum.
This study also seeks to
evaluate if the goals in the
different learning domains
in the new science
curriculum are being met
as perceived by the
Moreover, it is the goal of
this research to help
educators assess areas that
may be of concern about
The aim of the study is to
find relationship between
the six elements of reading
comprehension skills
(understanding vocabulary
in context, identifying
main idea, noting details,
making inference,
predicting outcomes, and
drawing conclusion) and
performance in science of
In a study by Jennifer
Adams and Tanja Sargent in
2012, they discussed the
different perceptions of
students in the curriculum
change that happened in
China. The Chinese
government also made a
move to change their
curriculum from subjectcentered to student-centered
scheme. Their study showed
that the curriculum changes
in China reduced the student
stress level but increased in
student participation.
This study is qualitative in
nature and a survey method
was utilized. The contents of
the questionnaires were
based on the overall goals of
the learning domains as
stated in the K12 Science
Curriculum Standards.
Upon the analysis of the data
gathered it has been found that
most students agree with the items
in the questionnaire as regards the
three learning domains being
evaluated (Mode = 4). The
students also perceive that teacher
judiciously implemented the new
science curriculum (Mode = 4).
Students generally perceive that the
implementation of the new science
curriculum positively affects the way
they learn science concepts, acquire
scientific skills, and develop scientific
attitudes and values. Among the
different learning domains that the K12
science curriculum wants to improve, it
is the values and attitude formation
domain which students agreed to have
relevance to them. Lastly, students
generally perceive that their teachers
judiciously implement the K12
Journal of
Education and
Other factors contributing to
students’ achievement in
science have been the
subject of research both
locally and globally. In
Japan, positive attitudes
toward science study and
class environment were
influential factors to science
achievement. In China,
positive attitudes toward
science teaching were found
to be the only influential
factor to science
achievement (Linghong,
The present study utilized a
correlational research design
to investigate the association
between the independent
variable (reading
comprehension skills) and
the dependent variable
(science performance). The
performance level of first
year high school students in
reading comprehension
skills and their science
achievement test was
The study results showed that the
overall students’ performance in
reading comprehension and
science was indexed at low
mastery level. Generally, four out
of six reading skills such as
understanding vocabulary in
context, noting details, predicting
outcome, and making inference
made up the overall reading skills
that positively correlated with
science performance of students
although the strength of
relationship was considered weak.
Students need to develop scientific
literacy to participate fully as
citizens, community members, and in
the globalized economy. Scientific
literacy dictates that students should
have the reading ability to evaluate the
print-based information presented to
Asia Pacific
Journal of
Educators and
To find out the students'
Science literacy
by the Philippines in the
Programme for
International Student
(PISA) 2018 results.
Student Science literacy is
important in the
development of education.
According to the OECD
(2019), Science literacy is
the ability of students to
engage with issues related to
science, and Science ideas,
as reflective citizens.
The methodology used Case
Study design. The method is
used by collecting facts from
various data, learning
curriculum, culture and
some Science discourse
related to science literacy
and PISA score. Various
facts analyzed by group,
classify, and draw
conclusions from the
Integration efforts from teachers,
schools, and curriculum continue
to be improved by the
government, although the results
of the Science literacy of students
in PISA 2018 were not sufficient.
The Science literacy rate at PISA 2018
for Filipino students has not yet reached
the OECD standard, but the effort and
enthusiasm to improve the quality of
learning is quite high as evidenced by
changes in the curriculum (k-12). At
present, efforts continue to be made to
synchronize the quality and equity of
education for all, including exemption
from undergraduate tuition fees at the
state university level in the Philippines.
The Effect of Reading
Comprehension on the
Performance in
Science and
The aim of this study is to
present whether there is a
relation between students
Reading performance on
Mathematics and Science
Sait Akbaşlı
Mehmet Şahin Yıldız
Zeliha Yaykiran
Physics student
teachers' reading
comprehension skills of
science and physics
Wahyuni Handayani,
Wawan Setiawan,
Parlindungan Sinaga
Andi Suhandi
Effects of Reading
Skills on Students’
Performance in Science
and Mathematics in
Public and Private
Secondary Schools
Ombra A. Imam
This study aimed at
investigating students’
reading comprehension to
show the need of training
reading comprehension
strategies of science and
physics text in curricula of
undergraduate physics
The purpose of this study
is to determine the reading
predictors of students’
performance in
Mathematics and Science
and identify its effects to
such performance.
The fact that most math and
science textbooks require
reading skills has led several
scholars to investigate the
relation between students’
reading ability and their
achievements in these
courses. Some researchers
evidently suggest that
students’ reading ability is
correlated with both their
general school achievements
and those in mathematics
(Ní Ríordáin &
O’Donoghue, 2009;
Reikerås, 2006).
Difficulties in
comprehending scientific
and mathematical texts are
experienced by science
students even though they
may have good skills in
reading narrative texts
(Okanlawon, 2011).
This study is based on the
mixed method approach. It
uses both quantitative and
qualitative data to find out
the findings of the research
questions. The quantitative
data is obtained from the use
of Secondary Data, official
statistics of PISA results
which can be found from
OECD website and the
Qualitative data collected
with field notes through
observations a group of
middle school students.
Findings of this research indicate
that there is a correlation between
reading comprehension results
and student success in math or
science classes. It also indicates
that reading comprehension
contributes positively or
negatively to the success results in
math or science classes.
Based on the findings there wasn’t any
significant relation found between
average and lower performer OECD
countries. Lastly an observation was
conducted to obtain student opinions
on reading comprehension. Students
who show academic success are mostly
feeling supported to read either by their
families or teachers. In contrast,
students with average or low academic
success don’t pay adequate attention to
reading. They believe that they don’t
get any remarkable support from the
individuals around them.
Journal of
Education and
Descriptive method was
employed to explore
students’ reading
comprehension skills on
science and physics texts on
physics students’ teacher
When students read science texts, they
need a process of understanding
because often the information relevant
to the understanding in each sentence,
or the relationship between sentences,
is not often easily accessed in long
term memory therefore students need
greater effort. When the conceptual
knowledge is inadequate and when the
familiarity with the text is low, reading
strategies are particularly important for
reading comprehension.
Jurnal Inovasi
Pendidikan IPA
As argued by Crandall, Dale,
Rhodes, and Spanos,
language skills-particularly
the reading skills needed to
comprehend mathematics
texts and word problems and
the listening skills required
to understand and follow an
instructor’s presentation of a
problem’s solution-are the
vehicles through which
students learn and apply
math concepts and skills
(Roberson & Summerlin,
The study used prediction
research design to identify
which of the six reading
comprehension skills predict
students’ performance in
both subjects using their
scores in the 50-item
multiple choice test for each
subject. Moreover, it
identified the separate and
combined effects of reading
skills to students’
performance in mathematics
and science.
It was found that higher reading
skills were needed to distinguish
the unreported statement in the
basic text. It was also found that
their reading comprehension skills
of science and physics texts fell to
a low level. These findings
supported that training the physics
student teachers on reading
comprehension strategies of
science and physics texts should
be integrated into teacher
education programs
Findings showed that only
making inference and getting
main idea were predictors of
mathematics performance of
students in public school and
private schools, respectively. Data
analysis also revealed that two
reading skills such as noting
details and making inference had
an influence on science
performance of students in public
school while skills in getting main
idea and drawing conclusion
influenced science performance of
students in private schools.
However, there was only one skill
such as vocabulary in context
which was predictor of overall
science performance of all
Based on the findings, reading
predictors of Mathematics and Science
performance of students in public
schools were different from those in
the private schools. Although previous
studies have established significant
relationship between reading and
Mathematics and reading and Science,
not all reading skills which were
correlated to Mathematics and Science
performance could predict performance
in the same way that not all
uncorrelated reading skills were invalid
predictors. Generally, the poor
performance of students in
Mathematics and Science can hardly be
attributed to reading comprehension
skills variable.
Journal of
Education and
The Relationship
Between Reading
Comprehension and
Success in Science
The aim of this study is to
define the relationship
between reading
comprehension and
achievement in science.
Nihat Bayat,
Güçlü Şekercioğlu,
Sinem Bakır
Applying the ThinkAloud Strategy to
Improve Reading
Comprehension of
Science Content
Virginie Jackson
The Effects of the Use
of Renzulli Learning
on Student
Achievement in
Reading Fluency,
Social Studies, and
Gara B. Field
This research was
designed to investigate
the effectiveness of using
the think-aloud strategy
to improve the reading
comprehension in the
content area of science.
The purpose of this study
was to investigate
differences in students’
reading fluency, reading
comprehension, science
achievement, and social
studies achievement
between treatment and
control conditions (using
or not using RL) on pre
and post-tests using the
Iowa Test of Basic Skills
Carnine & Carnine (2004)
claim that teaching different
strategies of reading to
increase success in reading
also enhances the ability to
understand scientific texts
better. According to a
research study conducted on
university students by KolıćVehovec, Bajšanskı &
Zubkovıć (2011), it is
proved that students who use
reading strategies are more
successful in comprehending
scientific texts.
The theory that supports the
possible positive effects of
instruction on reading
comprehension is known as
the schema theory by
Anderson (1984). This
theory illustrates the
importance of teaching
general knowledge and
generic concepts to foster
comprehension of text
materials (Anderson, Spiro,
& Montague, 1984).
Associational model was
used as a method. To find
out answers for the research
questions, Science Items
Comprehension Test (SICT),
SBS Science Test (national
placement test) and Turkish
Reading Comprehension
Test (TRCT) were used for
data collection
After a general overview of the
findings, it was seen through the
analyses, in which both SICT and
TRCT scores were defined as
predictor variables, that success in
reading comprehension
significantly predicts success in
science. In addition, it was
ascertained that the participants
who have a high and low level of
achievement in TRCT and SICT
have significantly different levels
of success in science
The position of comprehension ability
in understanding acquisition is between
the material and the student. With this
aspect, reading comprehension is a
function activating other equipment
which provides success to find answers
for science items. In this respect,
inefficient reading comprehension
should prevent the use of other
equipment to some extent.
Education and
The researcher uses the
DRA-2 as an instrument in
this study. The second
instrument was the ThinkAloud Sentence Starter
Form developed by the
researcher and used during
the implementation of the
study. The third instrument
was the student observation
Checklist developed by the
researcher to document
implementing the thinkaloud strategy.
The results of this investigation
showed that, when first-grade
students were repeatedly exposed
to think-aloud activities and the
teacher thinking aloud during
science instruction, they were
better able to internalize and
apply the thinking process
necessary for the development
of evaluative science
These findings could be of practical
benefit in the classroom setting. The
common core curriculum and state
standards are requiring teachers to
move from the traditional ways of
teaching in isolation to more
rigorous, engaging, and meaningful
learning experiences. Student voices
and interactions are now the center
of the classroom learning
Current Issues in
According to a national
survey by National Report
on NetDay’s 2005 Speak Up
event and survey (2005),
with over 185,000 student
respondents from all 50
states, students who use the
Internet as a resource at
home are frustrated because
they cannot use technology
how, when, and where they
would like to in school.
Major findings found that
teachers and students believe
there is a need to gain access
to up-to-date technology
tools at school when
students need them.
Quantitative procedures
were used to investigate the
use of Renzulli Learning on
reading fluency, reading
comprehension, science
achievement, and social
studies achievement in two
schools, an urban middle
school where most students
are placed at risk due to
poverty or other factors, and
a suburban elementary
school in a middle-class
After 16 weeks, students who
participated in Renzulli Learning
demonstrated significantly higher
growth in reading comprehension
(p <.001), significantly higher
growth in oral reading fluency
(p= .016), and significantly higher
growth in social studies
achievement (p = .013) than those
students who did not participate in
Renzulli Learning
It is important to recognize the role
technology plays in the lives of
students in elementary and middle
school grades. In The Road Ahead, Bill
Gates wrote, “One thing is clear. We
don’t have the option of turning away
from the future. No one gets to vote on
whether technology is going to change
our lives” (Gates, 1995)
Journal of
Technologies in
Learning (iJET)
Renzulli Learning is not a panacea for
reading motivation among young
readers and adolescents, it does offer a
variety of resources to choose from
based on their interests, learning styles,
and expression styles. Thus, the more a
student reads, the more his or her
reading will improve.
An Investigation of
Concept Mapping to
Improve the Reading
Comprehension of
Science Texts
Kevin Oliver
The Relationship
Between Reading
Comprehension Skill
Assessment Methods
and Academic Success
for First Semester
Students in a Selected
Bachelor of
Science in Nursing
Program in Texas
Jennifer D. M. Cook
A descriptive study:
comprehension and
cognitive awareness
Nilgun AKSAN
The purpose of this
preliminary study is to
investigate the
effectiveness of concept
mapping on student
comprehension of specific
text structures from a
representative chapter of a
sixth-grade science text
Teachers and researchers
have observed for decades
that students lack strategies
to effectively read and
comprehend textbooks
(Berkowitz 1986; Carnine
and Carnine 2004; Rivard
and Yore 1992).
This study of concept
mapping for reading
comprehension is based on a
mixed methods concurrent
nested design with a
quantitative strand (research
question two) embedded in a
predominantly qualitative
case study.
The primary purpose of
this research was to
compare the correlate
scores for
reading comprehension
measured by the NelsonDenny Reading Test and
the Nurse Entrance Test
with the indices of
academic success for first
semester students admitted
to the nursing program at
the University of the
Incarnate Word.
In a more recent study, the
reading ability of nursing
students is found to be like
that of other college majors
(Dearman & Davis, 1990),
and as noted in a 1998 study
by Breneman, there has been
a continual decline in the
average reading ability of all
college-aged students.
Correlational and descriptive
methods were used to
determine the relationships
among the variables for 179
students in this selected
Bachelor of Science in
Nursing in (BSN) program.
A comparative approach was
used to investigate possible
cause and effect
relationships between
measures of academic
success of students and
reading comprehension
abilities. Data were obtained
from official academic
records and test results for
the Nelson-Denny Reading
Test and the Nurse Entrance
This study aimed
descriptively to make clear
of the relationships
between reading
comprehension and
cognitive awareness skills
Günes (2000), mentions that
understanding comprises of
the mental activities such as
examination and election,
adjudication, translation,
commenting, shifting,
performing analysis and
synthesis and assessment.
The executed research has
shown that there are
distinctive disparities
between the cognitive
awareness behaviors of the
good and weak readers
during reading process
Descriptive method was
employed to explore the
relationships between
reading comprehension and
cognitive awareness skills
No significant differences were
noted in the mapping performance
of students at different reading
levels. About two-thirds of
students indicated they enjoyed
concept mapping and would
prefer to both read and map rather
than just read without mapping.
Students also expressed a strong
preference for mapping in pairs or
small groups compared to
mapping alone.
Results of the study, limited to the
students in this BSN program,
indicated that reading
comprehension, as measured by
the Nelson-Denny Reading Test,
was better in identifying student
risk for academic failure. There
was a positive relationship
between the grade point average
(GPA) for prerequisite science
courses, overall cumulative GPA,
and GPA for the first semester
nursing courses. Early
determination of reading
comprehension ability provides
needed information to direct
intervention activities to improve
individual reading comprehension
abilities and, thus, promote
successful academic performance
in the first semester of this
nursing program and thereafter.
Findings suggest pre-selected term
concept mapping is a promising
strategy to help students of all reading
abilities better comprehend reading
material in science texts. The students’
map scores depict successful
classification of pre-selected terms
under superordinate headers and
modest success with grouping terms
into sets and articulating different types
of relationships represented in the
Since student-generated relational
statements include information about
one’s comprehension of different text
structures (e.g., cause–effect,
explanatory), this study contributes
findings to the field regarding an
intervention that is potentially valuable
in promoting reading comprehension of
texts, particularly expository texts in
science known to embed multiple
structural forms. Findings suggest preselected term concept mapping is a
promising strategy to help students of
all reading abilities better comprehend
reading material in science texts.
Journal of
Education and
As a result of the study, a
meaningful and positive
correlation was revealed between
metacognition inventory
awareness and cognitive methods
sub dimensions and reading
comprehension. A meaningful
and positive correlation was
revealed between self-control and
evaluation sub dimensions and the
average school marks for science
lessons of highly gifted students.
The research indicated that the
inventory had a high and positive
interior consistency and had sufficient
structural validity. In the second phase
of the study, the relation between the
metacognitive skills and
reading comprehension, success at
school and talent was observed
Procedia Social
and Behavioral
Journal of
Education and
The Structural
Relationship of
Reading Attitude,
Comprehension and
The purpose of this study
is to determine the extent
to which academic
achievement is influenced
by attitudes toward reading
and reading
In studies on the effect of
reading comprehension on
academic achievement,
reading comprehension is
regarded as important for
academic achievement
(Bharuthram, 2012) and
deemed to be a prerequisite
for many academic skills
(Guldenoglu, 2008). This is
because many subjects are
learned by reading, which
means that one’s reading
comprehension skill should
be of high quality.
This study was based on a
survey model. Designed as a
quantitative study, it
attempts to test the
following hypotheses using
structural equation modeling
Designed to determine the
structural relationships between
the reading attitude,
comprehension and academic
achievement, this study concluded
that the hypothesis model was
supported. There were direct and
positive structural correlations
between reading attitudes, reading
comprehension and academic
achievement. The reading attitude
significantly predicted reading
Since increasing reading amount
causes to improve the prior knowledge
and experience of reader, the
improvement of the prior knowledge
and experience result in reading
comprehension skill. The improvement
of reading comprehension is
interpreted as the efficient learn of
students from knowledge and content.
Journal of Social
Sciences and
In this study, the
researchers attempt to
examine the relationship
between multiple
intelligences (MI) as
predictor of reading
comprehension of the
The importance of
understanding the character
of effective reading
instruction within the
primary grades can't be
overstated (Ankrum, Genest,
& Morewood, 2017). This
study is required to assist
teachers that don't have the
background or training and
have to access and
implement research-based
reading instruction.
This study applies a
method of research to assess
the reading comprehension
of the students using
differentiated instructions.
The broader implication of the
present research is that learners
have diverse behaviors in
confronting multiple intelligences.
More precisely, the results have
shown that no significant
differences emerged with the
multiple intelligence and reading
skills of the students. However,
intrapersonal and sequencing
events are found to be significant
The data provide a further investigation
as to what aspect that this competency
is different from the other. Overall, the
results confirmed the hypothesis
according to students who benefited
from differentiated instruction
developed reading comprehension.
Data indicate that differentiated
instruction in the classroom provided a
good result toward reading
Journal of
This study probed on the
factors affecting the
reading comprehension of
Grade Six
pupils, comprehension
level based on pre-test
for S.Y. 2013-2014 and
training needs of teachers
Jonhston (1991) considers
reading comprehension as
building bridges between the
“new and the unknown” and
the importance of prior
knowledge are vital in the
reading instruction.
Comprehension simply
cannot occur when nothing
is already “known” because
then there is nothing to
which reader could link the
“unknown”. Indeed, prior
knowledge is so necessary
for comprehension to freely
flow from easiest to the most
The descriptivedevelopmental method of
research was used in this
quest for solution. It
described the factors and
level of comprehension
skills of the pupils. The
training needs of teachers
were also delineated.
Findings reveal that in Silent
Reading, 5% of pupils were on
frustration level of
comprehension, 30% were on
instructional and only 12% were
classified as independent readers.
In oral reading, 71% fell on
frustration level, 594 turned out
instructional readers while the
remaining percentages were
categorized as independent
readers. This is only 5% or 120 of
the pupils tested. Further, it
revealed that there were factors
affecting the reading
comprehension of the pupils.
These factors are pupil, language,
teacher, school head, school,
home, and community factors
Considering the upshots, the researcher
concluded that there were factors
which affected the reading
comprehension of Grade Six pupils in
the City Division of Sorsogon.
Majority fell under frustration level
both in Oral and Silent Reading.
Asia Pacific
Journal of
Education, Arts
and Sciences
Muhammet Bastug
Instruction for Basic
Comprehension in
Philippine Settings
Roberto Suson
Christna Baratbate
Wilfredo Anoos
Eugenio Ermac
Amelia Girly Aranas
Nolasco Malabago
Narcisan Galamiton
Dennis Capuyan
Factors Affecting the
of Grade Six Pupils in
the City Division of
Sorsogon, Philippines
as Basis for the
Development of
Instructional Material
Michael L. Estremera
Geraldine L. Estremera
Pupils’ Reading
Problem-Solving Skills
and Academic
This study is aimed to
determine the relationship
between the reading
comprehension level,
problem-solving skills and
academic performance.
English Language
Proficiency and
Academic Performance
of Philippine Science
High School Students
Robelle Millie Ann B.
Ronald Candy S.
Learning Styles, Study
Habits, and Academic
Performance of
Filipino University
Students in Applied
Science Courses:
Implications For
Gilbert C. Magulod Jr.
This research primarily
aimed to determine the
relationship between the
English language
proficiency and the
academic performance of
the Grade 8 students of
Philippine Science
High School in Northern
The study generally
endeavored to assess the
perceptual learning styles
of undergraduate students
enrolled in technologyrelated courses of Cagayan
State University at Lasam.
According to Rubin (1993),
reading is a complex
dynamic process that
involves the bringing of
meaning from the printed
page. So, it is both a sensory
and a mental process. It
involves the use of the eye
and mind. As cited by
Arango (2007),
comprehension is an active
process where the reader
interprets and constructs
meaning from what he/she
reads based on what he/she
already knows about the
As Cummins (1992) claim,
language proficiency in
English is significantly
related to academic
performance. Academic
subjects like Science,
Mathematics and English
often requires the use of
language functions. The
language functions play a
significant role in critical
and analytical thinking
required in science and
mathematics subjects.
The study adopted the
descriptive-correlation and
documentary correlation
method. It assessed the level
of reading comprehension of
the respondents and
established the relationship
between level of reading
comprehension and
academic performance and
problem-solving skills.
On the reading comprehension
level and academic performance,
results unfolded that there is a
significant correlation between
reading comprehension and
academic performance and this
finding implies that the reading
comprehension is a contributory
factor to improve pupils’
academic performance. Moreover,
on the reading comprehension
level and problem-solving skills,
the result indicates that there is a
significant correlation between
reading comprehension and
problem-solving skills.
Based on the foregoing results, the
study reveals that reading
comprehension is a contributory factor
to the improvement of pupils’
academic performance and problemsolving performance. Hence, the
competence of pupils in
reading comprehension relates to their
academic performance and problemsolving performance.
Journal of World
Englishes and
This study used the
design since its aim was to
describe students’ English
language proficiency and
their academic performance
Based on the findings, the study further
concludes that students’ English
language proficiency could be a
predictor in the students’ academic
performance in Science, Mathematics
and English since the medium of
instruction used in the teaching of the
said subjects is English. Thus, English
language program in school should be
Journal of
Literature and
Moeinikia and ZahedBabelan (2010) and
Williams, Brown and
Etherington (2013) confirm
that there is a positive link
between learning styles and
academic performance in the
university settings.
The study employed a
descriptive correlational
design. Descriptive
component of the study also
revolved on the personal
profile of the respondents,
their learning style
preferences, study habits,
and academic achievement.
The correlational component
was centered on the
relationship between
learning style preferences
and study habits to the
academic achievement of
students enrolled in applied
science courses.
Findings reveal that majority of
the Grade 8 students at the
Philippine Science High School in
Northern Luzon have English
language proficiency belonging to
the satisfactory level. Also,
majority of the students have
academic performance in Science
and Mathematics belonging to the
very good level while good level
in English. Results further reveal
that there is a significant
relationship between the students’
English language proficiency and
their academic performance in
each of the subjects
Results of the study revealed that
the students have a good level of
academic achievement. They
spelled differences in their study
habits when grouped according to
academic standing in high school,
writing skills, mothers’ education,
and test anxiety. Finally, there
were significant relationships
between learning styles, study
habits and academic performance
of students in applied science
Learning styles and study habits play a
significant role in the academic
achievement of students enrolled in
applied science courses. When students
recognize their personal learning styles
and attitude they can take
part purposively in the learning
Journal of
Technology and
Science Performance
and Scholastic
Aptitude of Grade 9
Jennelyn I. Mingoa
Ferdinand T. Abocejo
Basic and Integrated
Science Process Skills
Acquisition and
Science Achievement
of Seventh-Grade
Reymund C. Derilo
This study determined the
relationship between
scholastic aptitude
comprised of reading
comprehension, verbal
ability, mathematical
ability, logical reasoning
ability, and visual
manipulative skills and
Science performance of
Grade 9 learners in a
privately run basic
education institution in
Lapu-lapu, Cebu,
Philippines during the
school year 2015-2016.
A significant correlation
between self-perceived
linguistic, logicalmathematical intelligence
and learners’ academic
achievement was revealed
by Ghazi et al. (2011). Other
researchers (Siti et al., 2013)
showed that there was a
moderate correlation
between perceived
linguistic, visual-spatial
intelligence and academic
achievement while very
weak correlation for the
intelligence and academic
performance in school.
These findings suggest that
academic achievement is
associated with the kind of
intelligence possessed by the
Descriptive and correlational
research designs were
carried out to assess the
relationship among the
identified variables.
Findings revealed a strong
association in reading
comprehension and Science
performance of both sexes
between scholar and non-scholar
leaners. Moderate direct
correlations were noted between
learners’ scholastic aptitude
pertaining to verbal ability,
mathematical ability, logicalreasoning ability and visual
manipulative skills, and their
science performance. Science
performance statistically differed
between male and female,
and between scholar and nonscholar learners. Female scholar
learners performed better than
their male non-scholar
counterparts in science.
In conclusion, scholastic aptitude has
bearing on achievement of female
scholar learners with respect to their
science performance. There is enough
evidence to conclude that scholastic
aptitude goes hand in hand with
science performance. It is imperative
then that parents and teachers should
work together to develop learners’
scholastic aptitude particularly in
reading comprehension to reduce if not
eliminate, the sex gap in science
performance of learners in the study
Journal of
This study sought to
investigate students’ SPS
acquisition level and its
relationship with their
academic performance in
science. The Science
Process Skills Test, a 24item test intended to
quantify students’ basic
and integrated SPS, was
administered to the 100
randomly selected Grade 7
students of a private
secondary school in
Northern Luzon,
The data were analyzed
using descriptive and
correlational research
According to Ngoh (2009), a
student should possess
mastery of the necessary
science process skills (SPS)
to succeed in science inquiry
and hands-on science
activities. These skills
encompass the 12 basic
science process skills, which
were further classified into
two, namely basic and
integrated. These two classes
of SPS form the
foundation and method of
actual scientific inquiry that
are often used in science
classes. The basic SPS
include observing,
classifying, communicating,
measuring, and using
numbers, predicting, making
inferences, and using
spacetime relationship.
This study utilized an
adapted questionnaire from
Ngoh’s (2009) Science
Process Skills Test (SPST).
The SPST aims to measure
the level of science process
skills acquisition of
secondary school students.
The study utilized the
students’ academic grade in
science. To determine the
achievement of the students
in science, their final grade
in the subject was obtained
from the school registrar,
with the consent from the
students, the teacher and the
school authorities and were
treated with utmost
confidentiality. The study
used both descriptive and
inferential statistics.
The results of the study revealed
that the students have an average
level of basic science process
skills, and a low level of
integrated science process skills.
A significant correlation between
students’ performance in science
and basic SPS was reported. On
the other hand, students’
integrated SPS was found not
significantly related to their
performance. Furthermore, there
was a highly significant, positive
correlation between the students’
overall science process skills and
science achievement.
The study established that most
seventh-grader students have medium
level of the acquisition of the different
science process skills. Their science
performance indicates that they have
met the basic grade level content
standards as stipulated in the Enhanced
Basic Education Curriculum. However,
the results also indicate that, though the
learners’ performance is satisfactory,
generally, they did not excel in the
subject. The highly significant, positive
correlation between students’ SPS
acquisition and science achievement
reveals that students’ science process
skills mastery may lead to better
performance in science.
Journal of
Graduate Teacher
Education in the
Observations and
Adonis P. David
Zenaida Q. Reyes
Praksis A. Miranda
Ma. Jenina N. Nalipay
Inero V. Ancho
Maryfe M. Roxas
Research Review on K12 Curriculum
Implementation in The
Philippines: A Generic
Rowena E.
The present study aimed to
assess the status of
graduate teacher education
in the Philippines in terms
of the profile of graduate
teacher education
programs in HEIs. The
study could synthesize
information on the
status of graduate
teacher education
programs in the country
that would be an important
output that has direct
implications to policy,
program standards, and
practice in teacher
education in the
Assessing the state of
graduate education is
valuable as about one
quarter of higher education
institutions (HEIs) have
graduate program offerings
(International Qualifications
Assessment Service, 2016).
The focus on graduate
teacher education is needed
because of the need to
capacitate teachers to meet
the demands of the K to 12
curriculum which makes it
imperative for teachers to
develop competencies that
are more advanced than
what is being developed in
undergraduate programs.
The enhancement of
teachers’ quality should be
given importance as it
relates to sustainable nation
building (Gepila Jr., 2020).
The study used a descriptive
research design with the aim
of providing descriptions of
the profile of graduate
teacher education programs
in the Philippines.
Documentary analysis was
conducted wherein profile
data from the databases were
examined visually.
Available quantitative data
(frequency count) were
extracted from the databases
and percentage were
computed whenever
This research paper would
like to know the
perspectives of teachers,
parents, and students on
the implementation of K to
12 programs in the
country. This research
used a systematic
procedure to analyze the
In the study of Caup, D. and
Buda, A. (2017), The DepEd
lays high confidence on the
K+12 Program in providing
better quality of education
that is based on spirally
progressing curriculum
starting with simple topics
moving toward increasing
complexity for the learners
to gain mastery of concepts
and skills.
This research paper used a
systematic search and
review design where
personal views were
analyzed to understand and
to provide insights as to how
the problem can be resolved.
The key findings from the study
are as follow: (1) programs under
the cluster of education sciences
are the most dominant program
offerings; (2) there is a lack of
sub-specialized program offerings
in the doctorate level of the STM
cluster; (3) there is a dearth of
program offerings in knowledge
management; (4) more teacher
education master’s programs are
accredited than teacher
education doctorate programs;
(5) there are more female student
enrollees and graduates of
graduate teacher education
programs; (6) there is low
number of enrollees and
graduates in the doctorate
program for Physical Education;
(7) there is lower number of
students and graduates in the
doctorate level; and (8) there is a
large disparity between the
number of enrollees and
number of graduates in the
graduate teacher education
The study revealed that teacherrespondents lack seminars,
trainings and readings related to
the area of their specialization and
of the K+12 curriculum imply
that these hinder them to design
lessons/activities prescribed in the
newly implemented curriculum.
The study also showed the
different perspective of parents,
teachers, and students in the
implementation of the K-12
Based on the findings of the study,
some insights on the status of
graduate teacher education programs
were acquired and are articulated in
the following conclusions: (1) the
graduate teacher education programs
offered are diverse and provide
multiple opportunities for teachers
and other education specialists to
pursue advancement in their
profession; (2) the quality of many
curricular programs is still in question
given their lack of accreditation or low
status of their accreditation levels; (3)
the enrolment and graduation data of
students in graduate teacher
education programs paint a picture
where program demand is not
congruent with program success; and
(4) the low levels of accreditation, as
well as the lack of focus or
specialization on programs that have
stronger and more direct contributions
to R & D, are reflections of the larger
issue of quality assurance in graduate
teacher education
The Normal
Students, teachers, and parents alike
both encountered problems in the
implementation of the K – 12 program,
they all have variety opinions or
thoughts about the said program. Some
parents were viewing this program in
negative viewed which is this will be
another burden for them and for their
children both physically and
financially, but some parents
overviewed the program positively and
thinking that this will help the learners
choose and decide the career which
best suits to their skills. The narratives
of teachers and students in the different
studies have legitimized the existence
of these issues
Journal of
Educational and
Social Sciences
Submitted by:
Date Submitted:
Submitted to:
Horace Alfred V. Hernandez
Mr. Bartolome R. Asa