Burton Funds of Nsg Care 3e Skill 16-02 PROCEDURE CHECKLIST Chapter 16, Skill 16-02: Positioning Patients Check (ü) Yes or No PROCEDURE STEPS 1. Determines the position the patient has most recently been in, then determines the position to use next, or determines the position most appropriate to the patient’s needs. Determines if any positions are contraindicated for this patient, and if help is needed. 2. Obtains slide sheets or other type of assistive device if needed. 3. Follows the “Initial Implementation Steps.” 4. For the supine position: • Assists the patient to turn onto his or her back. • Places pillows beneath the patient’s head, arms, and knees. • Elevates the head of the bed slightly if it is more comfortable for the patient. 5. For the Fowler’s position: • Assists the patient to the supine position. • Elevate the head of the bed: 45° to 60° for the Fowler’s position 30° to 45° for the low or semi-Fowler’s position 60° to 90° for the high Fowler’s position • Places pillows behind the patient’s head and under his or her knees. 6. For the lateral position: • Assists the patient to turn onto his or her right or left side. • Flexes the knee of the upper leg and rests it on a pillow placed between the patient’s legs. • Places a pillow under the patient’s head and pulls the lower shoulder just slightly forward. • Folds a pillow lengthwise and places it at the patient’s back. Tucks the edges of the pillow beneath the patient’s back. • For the lateral oblique position, follows Copyright © 2019, F. A. Davis Company YES NO COMMENTS Burton Funds of Nsg Care 3e Skill 16-02 the steps above except places the top leg behind the body. 7. For the left Sims’ position: • Assists the patient onto his or her left side, then moves the patient so that he or she is lying partially on his or her stomach. Turns the patient’s head to the right. • Flexes the right arm at a 90° angle at the elbow and supports it with a pillow. • Flexes the right leg and places the thigh on a pillow, keeping the left leg resting on the bed with the knee slightly flexed. • Pulls the left shoulder slightly back so it is not under the patient. The left arm should rest along the patient’s back. 8. For the prone position: • Assists the patient to the lateral position, then onto the abdomen, with his or her head turned to the side. • Moves the arms to a 90° angle at the elbow and supports them on pillows. • Places a small pillow or folded towel beneath the patient’s abdomen. 9. Follows the “Ending Steps.” 10. Documents position change on flow sheet. Recommendation: Pass _____ Needs more practice _____ Student: Date: Instructor: Date: Copyright © 2019, F. A. Davis Company