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Creative Writing: Introducing Myself Lesson Plan

Creative writing planner
Topic: Myself
The students will be able to learn how to introduce themselves in front of the class.
Students will be able to write down information about themselves that will allow
their teacher and classmates to learn more about them, their family, their strengths
and weaknesses.
Enter the class and introduce yourself.
Explain to the students that they will be introducing themselves to you, and their
classmates. Write talking points on the board so that the students know what they
should include in their introductions, they might want to include: facts about
themselves, facts about their family, their likes and dislikes, their future plans, their
feelings about school and their personality.
For example:
What is your name?
How many people in your family?
Where were you born?
What colour hair and eyes do you have?
What is something special about you?
What are you good at doing?
What are you excited about for this year?
What is your favourite colour, food, and thing to do?
Ask students what other things they would like to share. Tell the students they will
only have approximately 30 seconds each to introduce themselves.
Holding a small pillow, start the activity off by introducing yourself, and going
through the talking points. Make sure to keep it short and sweet, so that the
students know what your expectations are.
Pass the pillow to the child on your right. Be encouraging and positive.
Once everyone has finished, explain to students that they are all different, yet the
same, in many ways. If you would like to include some similarities between the
students here, you can. Tell them that they can use sentence starters like;
My name is _____ _____.
I am ____ _____.
My parents _______.
I live in __________.
_____ is my friend.
I have _____ brother/ sister.
My favorite _________
I like _________.
I am good at ________.
I am excited about ________.
Written Work:
Use the all about me template and write 5 to 6 sentences about yourself.