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Leadership Development Plan: Engineering

Leadership Development Plan
Leadership IV
Final Paper: Leadership Development Plan
BSc. Electrical & Electronic Engineering
Adim Anjouj
Dr. Allan Bukusi & Jesse Ayenor
Due Date: May 12, 2023
Leadership Development Plan
Throughout the Leadership Seminar Series, I developed a fundamental understanding of
political, economical, and social principles that intertwined, influenced, and governed
leadership. In Leadership1, I learned about leadership utilizing governing systems or classes,
democracy, authoritarianism, dictatorship, pragmatism, etc. With these systems, I understood
the power balance or sharing leadership needed to own, between itself the leader and the
followers. In Leadership 2, I learned about an essential element of leadership, namely the social
context; how one must understand his social context and act with leadership according to the
variables existing in his community and must not exclude or discriminate against those who
oppose him. In the third instalment of leadership, I was introduced to the economic ideologies
that global leadership has formulated and utilized to achieve dominance and prosperity. A
culmination of all these important, vital, and valuable lessons and principles was in leadership
4. In Leadership 4, I learned about the most critical and indispensable concept, in my opinion,
servant leadership. Robert K. Greenleaf (1970) defines servant leadership as "The servantleader is servant first… It begins with the natural feeling that one wants to serve, to serve first.
Then conscious choice brings one to aspire to lead." As a servant leader, I must serve by adding
to their abide by the material and physiological needs of the people. Therefore, to address the
needs of my servants holistically, I must acquire a firm understanding and robust
comprehension of the political, economic, and social fundamentals and principles that govern
the world, holistically, and communities, specifically. As an aspiring servant leader, I am
willing to set on a voyage to commence and establish a positive impact on my society and the
world by utilizing the invaluable lessons I learned throughout the Leadership series. However,
before embarking on this voyage, I must assess my personal development by conducting a
SWOT analysis to see how these invaluable lessons had sparked a change within me that would
help me fulfill the goal of my voyage.
Leadership Development Plan
SWOT Analysis
According to Corporate Finance Institute (2023), a SWOT Analysis is A framework to
understand and analyse a company's Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. In our
case, it will not fragment the definition if the company is replaced with an individual, as he is.
To some degree, a company includes all its departments.
Strengths: Critical thinking and listening. Constructive feedback. Abductive reasoning.
Strategic foresight. During Leadership 4, I acquired these skills by adopting the characteristics
of a servant leader provided by Robert K. Greenleaf in his book. My contributions also
amplified these traits in class discussions, presentations, and debates. I would spotlight my
presentation alongside Divine Ishiwimire as pivotal in enhancing these skills. In that
presentation, I could brainstorm on the spot, with no time, how I would explain the concept of
Ubuntu by providing significant examples of cooperation while presenting.
Nonetheless, the strengths I identified in the initial strength analysis were patience, devotion,
dedication, resilience, and empathy. I explained how I utilized these traits in completing a
project I was tirelessly working on. Now, I note and feel evident improvement and addition to
my portfolio of skills I initially acquired.
Weaknesses: I identified the fear of taking the initiative in my first SWOT. This fear crippled
me from joining fantastic opportunities that incentive human development. However, after
conducting my service-learning project, I could not entirely diminish this fear. Although I could
calmly suppress this fear, a new challenge emerged. I feel that the ecstasy of success or
fulfillment blinds me. I am becoming more of a person who is dazed by the applause and
compliments of the audience.
Leadership Development Plan
Opportunities: With the knowledge I acquired from this course, I perceive it as leverage to
influence great masses of people to adopt and accelerate positive change and impact. The
concept of Ubuntu, characteristics of a Servant leader, power sharing, types of followers, all
these valuable concepts I have can be taught to my servants to propagate the impact I will.
Therefore, I shall have the opportunity to positively impact a broader and greater range of
people, which will, hopefully, reciprocate.
Threats: From my perspective, the significant threat that I will face and still face to become a
servant leader is the scarcity of resources such as time and cooperation. The occupation in other
positions such as work, leisure, or even study tampers with allocating these valuable resources
to develop myself significantly. Also, lack of cooperation is mortal because a servant leader
needs subordinates from the start or during the journey. Although I am joyful and outgoing, I
am not always agreeable, and sometimes my criticism of individuals refrains them from
cooperating with me. Hence, I feel that, as McKay (2022) says, “Man’s greatest enemy is—
I am Adim Anjouj, a Libyan national born in the black pearl of Ghana, Accra. I was proudly
raised by two Libyan parents who taught me that life is like a field of mines, “watch your steps,
or you’d get yourself killed,” they said. I obtained a BSc. in Electrical & Electronic Engineering
from the prestigious Ashesi University in Berekuso, Ghana, by age 21. Two years later, I
became an established and respected inventor and innovator who developed intelligent
solutions for agricultural issues by designing my smart NPK sensor, primarily, and other
electrical and electronic agricultural innovations. Then, on my 25th birthday, I gained a
Master's degree in Telecommunications Engineering from the respected George Washington
Leadership Development Plan
University in Washington. My professional career started as a Fighter Jet engineer in the United
States Airforce. I spent 15 years researching modeling and developing communication systems.
I was awarded several accreditations for my breakthroughs in the telecommunication field.
Later I left the U.S. and returned to Libya to commence my firm, Afritizer, which developed
and manufactured cheap and robust fertilizers. simultaneously, by 43, I became a lecturer at
the University of Tripoli, in the Department of Engineering. Five years later, I led an initiative
to increase the number of Libyan people accessing smartphones and the internet. I was able to
foster cooperation with the Libyan government. In four years, I successfully increased the
Libyan population with access to smartphones and the internet by establishing phone lines,
improving Internet infrastructure, and promoting local manufacturing of phones with cuttingedge specs and low prices. Due to these efforts, I was appointed an advisor to the minister of
communication. Six years into my position, I oversaw a major project to make Libya a center
of communication lines for Africa. Thankfully, the project succeeded, and Africa became
independent of foreign communication hubs. The impact reduced the price of making calls
such that many Africans could access smartphones. Before retiring at 69, in collaboration with
the African Union, the African Union adopted my vision of making a local and sole African
Smart Phone brand, and the Brand Africana came to life. The brand has had a domestic
worldwide acceptance, and now it is dominating the African smartphone market. At 70, I
officially retire. I founded a nonprofit NGO that advocates for positive practices of the internet.
The organization organized and ran workshops with local and international partners to spread
awareness about safely using the internet and the dangers of utilizing the internet to propagate
illegal or criminal activities.
My autobiography was merely ideal, void of any apparent challenges or failures. However, I
cannot be deluded by the assumption that I am already fit and that there will not be any
obstacles to materializing the autobiography mentioned above. Therefore, whenever obstacles
Leadership Development Plan
are on my way, I must be ready to overcome them regardless of the form or the time they arrive.
Hence, to be ready, I must sharpen my portfolio of skills and set specific criteria to measure
and evaluate the sharpness of my skills.
Competencies to Improve
1. Time Management: "Lost time is never found again." - Benjamin Franklin. Time
management is vital to becoming an efficient and productive servant leader. Hence, I
will attempt to enroll in time management courses or workshops to help me achieve
this tank. After that, I will set a time management plan monitored by SMART goals to
evaluate and measure my growth in properly managing time. The duration of this tank
shall be three to six months.
2. Risk-taking: "The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and
strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown." - H.P. Lovecraft. I share the sentiment
of Lovecraft, as I am afraid of indulging in the unknown to vanquish my greatest fear,
the fear of the unknown. It is unique because it is paradoxical; one does not know the
possibility of failing, but he is confident he would still fail. As a servant leader, I have
to take numerous dangerous risks to foster a positive impact because if I do not move,
the change I seek won’t arrive at my doorsteps. Therefore, I will first identify the goals
that I am trying to achieve. Then, I will assess the reality of the risks. Afterward, I will
start to act towards this goal, acknowledge the possibility of failure, and seek support
from supporters, friends, and mentors. This plan shall be immediately after school with
a duration of possibly three months.
3. Strategic Thinking "The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It
cannot be changed without changing our thinking." - Albert Einstein. Thinking is the
primary driver of formulating any policy or plan. It is related to the most superficial
and vague things we do in our lives, from brushing our teethes with toothpaste to
Leadership Development Plan
choosing which pajama to wear before bed. As a servant leader, I must be accustomed
to thinking in a manner that signifies wisdom, foresight, and understanding. Hence, I
will indulge in courses or programs that educate professionals on strategic thinking
when pursuing a vision or goal. I will also acquire and use literature that accelerates
this learning process. The duration of this task shall be eight months.
Although this plan might seem remarkable, it holds me as an accountable person with a
minimum margin of divergence. Nevertheless, unfortunately, as a human being, I am weak
and can hardly focus on fulfilling tasks without being reminded. Hence, there is a need for a
watcher, better still, and enforcer that aids me and reminds me of the goals I committed
myself to. Since I cannot identify the enforcer's location or identity, I should leave him a note
if I find him, or he stumbles upon this paper.
Enforcer Note
Dear enforcer. I cannot afford the deserved salutations as I have not met you yet. However,
you are precious to me, and you shall know why. You are to hold me accountable as I achieve
my leadership development plan. Kindly review the plan I have outlined above and assist me
in staying on track by reminding me of my timelines and submitting constructive and critical
feedback on my progress. I am committed to achieving these competencies and becoming my
best leader.
As this is the last paper, I’d write for a leadership course in Ashesi, I would like to thank my
colleagues, partners, faculty members, and lectures for their sacrifice and effort in aiding my
construction of this imperfect piece of literature, which represents my inability to show the
deserved gratitude. I wish you all well and Godspeed!
Leadership Development Plan
1. McKay, B. &. K. (2022). Manvotional: The Kingship of Self-Control. The Art of
2. Greenleaf, R. K. (1970). The servant as leader. Robert K. Greenleaf Publishing Center.
3. Corporate Finance Institute. (2023b). SWOT Analysis. Corporate Finance Institute.
4. Einstein, A. (1946). The physics of the universe. Monthly Review, 12(3), 4-6.
5. Lovecraft, H. P. (1927). Supernatural horror in literature. The Recluse, 1(1), 18-35.
6. Franklin, B. (1758). The Way to Wealth. The Pennsylvania Gazette.