Lab Manual Subject: Computational Lab-II/ CSL803 Natural Language Processing (NLP) SEM./YEAR:8TH/4TH RIZVI COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING New Rizvi Educational Complex, Off Carter Rd, Bandra West, Mumbai-50. S.NO. Name of Experiment 01 02 Word Analysis INDEX Date of Commencement Date of Completion Grade Remark Pre-processing of text (Tokenization, Filtration, Script Validation, Stop Word Removal, Stemming) 03 Morphological Analysis 04 N-gram model 05 . POS tagging 06 Chunking 07 Named Entity Recognition 08 Case Study/ Mini Project based on Application mentioned in Module 6. Name of student & Signature Subject Teacher ------------------------------------- Prof. Vikas R Dubey RIZVI COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, MUMBAI DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER ENGINEERING New Rizvi Educational Complex, Off Carter Rd, Bandra West, Mumbai-50. CERTIFICATE OF SUBMISSION This is to certify that Mr./Mrs.-----------------------------------------------(Roll no.), student of department of computer engineering, studying in semester 8th (4th year) has submitted the term work/oral/practical/report for the subject Computational lab-2(Natural Language Processing)for the academic session 2021-22(even) for the partial fulfilment of the bachelor of engineering (B.E.). Subject In charge Prof. Vikas R Dubey Head of Department Prof. Shiburaj Pappu Principal Dr.Varsha Shah Syllabus Laboratory Work/Case study/Experiments: Description: The Laboratory Work (Experiments) for this course is required to be performed and to be evaluated in CSL803: Computational Lab-II The objective of Natural Language Processing lab is to introduce the students with the basics of NLP which will empower them for developing advanced NLP tools and solving practical problems in this field. Reference for Experiments: Reference for NPTEL: Sample Experiments: possible tools / language: R tool/ Python programming Language Note: Although it is not mandatory, the experiments can be conducted with reference to any Indian regional language. 1. Word Analysis 2. Pre-processing of text (Tokenization, Filtration, Script Validation, Stop Word Removal, Stemming) 3. Morphological Analysis 4. N-gram model 5. POS tagging 6. Chunking 7. Named Entity Recognition 8. Case Study/ Mini Project based on Application mentioned in Module 6. EXPT NO.01 AIM: Word Analysis Theory: Analysis of a word into root and affix(es) is called as Morphological analysis of a word. It is mandatory to identify root of a word for any natural language processing task. A root word can have various forms. For example, the word 'play' in English has the following forms: 'play', 'plays', 'played' and 'playing'. Hindi shows more number of forms for the word 'खेल' (khela) which is equivalent to 'play'. The forms of 'खेल'(khela) are the following: खेल(khela), खेला(khelaa), खेली(khelii), खेलूंगा(kheluungaa), खेलूंगी(kheluungii), खेलेगा(khelegaa), खेलेगी(khelegii), खेलते(khelate), खेलती(khelatii), खेलने(khelane), खेलकर(khelakar) For Telugu root ఆడడం (Adadam), the forms are the following:: Adutaanu, AdutunnAnu, Adenu, Ademu, AdevA, AdutAru, Adutunnaru, AdadAniki, Adesariki, AdanA, Adinxi, Adutunxi, AdinxA, AdeserA, Adestunnaru, ... Thus we understand that the morphological richness of one language might vary from one language to another. Indian languages are generally morphologically rich languages and therefore morphological analysis of words becomes a very significant task for Indian languages. Types of Morphology Morphology is of two types, 1. Inflectional morphology Deals with word forms of a root, where there is no change in lexical category. For example, 'played' is an inflection of the root word 'play'. Here, both 'played' and 'play' are verbs. 2. Derivational morphology Deals with word forms of a root, where there is a change in the lexical category. For example, the word form 'happiness' is a derivation of the word 'happy'. Here, 'happiness' is a derived noun form of the adjective 'happy'. Morphological Features: All words will have their lexical category attested during morphological analysis. A noun and pronoun can take suffixes of the following features: gender, number, person, case For example, morphological analysis of a few words is given below: Languageinput:word Hindi लडके (ladake) output:analysis rt=लड़का(ladakaa), cat=n, gen=m, num=sg, case=obl Hindi Hindi English English लडके (ladake) rt=लड़का(ladakaa), cat=n, gen=m, num=pl, case=dir लड़क ूं (ladakoM)rt=लड़का(ladakaa), cat=n, gen=m, num=pl, case=obl boy rt=boy, cat=n, gen=m, num=sg boys rt=boy, cat=n, gen=m, num=pl A verb can take suffixes of the following features: tense, aspect, modality, gender, number, person Languageinput:wordoutput:analysis rt=हँस(hans), cat=v, gen=fem, num=sg/pl, per=1/2/3 tense=past, Hindi हँसी(hansii) aspect=pft English toys rt=toy, cat=n, num=pl, per=3 'rt' stands for root. 'cat' stands for lexical category. Thev value of lexicat category can be noun, verb, adjective, pronoun, adverb, preposition. 'gen' stands for gender. The value of gender can be masculine or feminine. 'num' stands for number. The value of number can be singular (sg) or plural (pl). 'per' stands for person. The value of person can be 1, 2 or 3 The value of tense can be present, past or future. This feature is applicable for verbs. The value of aspect can be perfect (pft), continuous (cont) or habitual (hab). This feature is not applicable for verbs. 'case' can be direct or oblique. This feature is applicable for nouns. A case is an oblique case when a postposition occurs after noun. If no postposition can occur after noun, then the case is a direct case. This is applicable for hindi but not english as it doesn't have any postpositions. Some of the postpsitions in hindi are: का(kaa), की(kii), के(ke), क (ko), में(meM) Procedure: STEP1: Select the language. OUTPUT: Drop down for selecting words will appear. STEP2: Select the word. OUTPUT: Drop down for selecting features will appear. STEP3: Select the features. STEP4: Click "Check" button to check your answer. OUTPUT: Right features are marked by tick and wrong features are marked by cross. Execution and output: Word Analysis Select a Language which you know better Select a word from the below dropbox and do a morphological analysis on that word ---Select Word--- Select the Correct morphological analysis for the above word using dropboxes (NOTE : na = not applicable) WORD ROOT watching watch verb CATEGORY male GENDER plural NUMBER PERSON second na CASE TENSE Check past-perfect Conclusion : Thus word analysis is done EXPT NO.02 AIM: Pre-processing of text (Tokenization, Filtration, Script Validation, Stop Word Removal, Stemming) Theory: Preprocessing a) Tokenizer: In simple words, a tokenizer is a utility function to split a sentence into words.keras.preprocessing.text.Tokenizer tokenizes(splits) the texts into tokens(words) while keeping only the most occurring words in the text corpus. #Signature: Tokenizer(num_words=None, filters='!"#$%&()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_`{|}~\t\n', lower=True, split=' ', char_level=False, oov_token=None, document_count=0, **kwargs) The num_words parameter keeps a pre specified number of words in the text only. This is helpful as we don’t want our models to get a lot of noise by considering words that occur very infrequently. In real-world data, most of the words we leave using num_words param are normally misspells. The tokenizer also filters some non-wanted tokens by default and converts the text into lowercase. The tokenizer once fitted to the data also keeps an index of words (dictionary of words which we can use to assign a unique number to a word) which can be accessed by tokenizer.word_index. The words in the indexed dictionary are ranked in order of frequencies. CODING/PROGRAM: So the whole code to use tokenizer is as follows: from keras.preprocessing.text import Tokenizer ## Tokenize the sentences tokenizer = Tokenizer(num_words=max_features) tokenizer.fit_on_texts(list(train_X)+list(test_X)) train_X = tokenizer.texts_to_sequences(train_X) test_X = tokenizer.texts_to_sequences(test_X) where train_X and test_X are lists of documents in the corpus. Filtration: NLP is short for Natural Language Processing. As you probably know, computers are not as great at understanding words as they are numbers. This is all changing though as advances in NLP are happening everyday. The fact that devices like Apple’s Siri and Amazon’s Alexa can (usually) comprehend when we ask the weather, for directions, or to play a certain genre of music are all examples of NLP. The spam filter in your email and the spellcheck you’ve used since you learned to type in elementary school are some other basic examples of when your computer is understanding language. As a data scientist, we may use NLP for sentiment analysis (classifying words to have positive or negative connotation) or to make predictions in classification models, among other things. Typically, whether we’re given the data or have to scrape it, the text will be in its natural human format of sentences, paragraphs, tweets, etc. From there, before we can dig into analyzing, we will have to do some cleaning to break the text down into a format the computer can easily understand. For this example, we’re examining a dataset of Amazon products/reviews which can be found and downloaded for free on I’ll be using Python in Jupyter notebook. Here are the imports used: (You may need to run in a cell if you’ve never previously used it.) Read in csv file, create DataFrame & check shape. We are starting out with 10,000 rows and 17 columns. Each row is a different product on Amazon. I conducted some basic data cleaning that I won’t go into detail about now, but you can read my post about EDA here if you want some tips. In order to make the dataset more manageable for this example, I first dropped columns with too many nulls and then dropped any remaining rows with null values. I changed the number_of_reviews column type from object to integer and then created a new DataFrame using only the rows with no more than 1 review. My new shape is 3,705 rows and 10 columns and I renamed it reviews_df. NOTE: If we were actually going to use this dataset for analysis or modeling or anything besides a text preprocessing demo, I would not recommend eliminating such a large percent of the rows. The following workflow is what I was taught to use and like using, but the steps are just general suggestions to get you started. Usually I have to modify and/or expand depending on the text format. 1. Remove HTML 2. Tokenization + Remove punctuation 3. Remove stop words 4. Lemmatization or Stemming While cleaning this data I ran into a problem I had not encountered before, and learned a cool new trick from to split a string from one column into multiple columns either on spaces or specified characters. The column I am most interested in is customer_reviews, however, upon taking a closer look, it currently has the review title, rating, review date, customer name, and review all in one cell separated by //. Pandas .str.split method can be applied to a Series. First parameter is the repeated part of the string you want to split on, n=maximum number of separations and expand=True will split up the sections into new columns. I set the 4 new columns equal to a new variable called reviews. Pandas .str.split method can be applied to a Series. First parameter is the repeated part of the string you want to split on, n=maximum number of separations and expand=True will split up the sections into new columns. I set the 4 new columns equal to a new variable called reviews. Pandas .str.split method can be applied to a Series. First parameter is the repeated part of the string you want to split on, n=maximum number of separations and expand=True will split up the sections into new columns. I set the 4 new columns equal to a new variable called reviews. Then you can rename the new 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 columns in the original reviews_df and drop the original messy column. I ran the same method over the new customer_name column to split on the \n \n and then dropped the first and last columns to leave just the actual customer name. There is a lot more we could do here if this were a longer article! Right off the bat, I can see the names and dates could still use some cleaning to put them in a uniform format. Removing HTML is a step I did not do this time, however, if data is coming from a web scrape, it is a good idea to start with that. This is the function I would have used. Pretty much every step going forward includes creating a function and then applying it to a series. Be prepared, lambda functions will very shortly be your new best friend! You could also build a function to do all of these in one go, but I wanted to show the break down and make them easier to customize. Remove punctuation: One way of doing this is by looping through the Series with list comprehension and keeping everything that is not in string.punctuation, a list of all punctuation we imported at the beginning with import string. “ “.join will join the list of letters back together as words where there are no spaces. If you scroll up you can see where this text previously had commas, periods, etc. However, as you can see in the second line of output above, this method does not account for user typos. Customer had typed “grandson,am” which then became one word “grandsonam” once the comma was removed. I still think this is handy to know in case you ever need it though. Tokenize: This breaks up the strings into a list of words or pieces based on a specified pattern using Regular Expressions aka RegEx. The pattern I chose to use this time (r'\w') also removes punctuation and is a better option for this data in particular. We can also add.lower() in the lambda function to make everything lowercase. see in line 2: “grandson” and “am” are now separate. Some other examples of RegEx are: ‘\w+|\$[\d\.]+|\S+’ = splits up by spaces or by periods that are not attached to a digit ‘\s+’, gaps=True = grabs everything except spaces as a token ‘[A-Z]\w+’ = only words that begin with a capital letter. Stop Word Removal: We imported a list of the most frequently used words from the NL Toolkit at the beginning with from nltk.corpus import stopwords. You can run stopwords.word(insert language) to get a full list for every language. There are 179 English words, including ‘i’, ‘me’, ‘my’, ‘myself’, ‘we’, ‘you’, ‘he’, ‘his’, for example. We usually want to remove these because they have low predictive power. There are occasions when you may want to keep them though. Such as, if your corpus is very small and removing stop words would decrease the total number of words by a large percent. Stemming: Stemming & Lemmatizing: Both tools shorten words back to their root form. Stemming is a little more aggressive. It cuts off prefixes and/or endings of words based on common ones. It can sometimes be helpful, but not always because often times the new word is so much a root that it loses its actual meaning. Lemmatizing, on the other hand, maps common words into one base. Unlike stemming though, it always still returns a proper word that can be found in the dictionary. I like to compare the two to see which one works better for what I need. I usually prefer Lemmatizer, but surprisingly, this time, Stemming seemed to have more of an affect. Lemmatizer : can barely even see a difference You see more of a difference with Stemmer so I will keep that one in place. Since this is the final step, I added " ".join() to the function to join the lists of words back together. Now your text is ready to be analyzed! You could go on to use this data for sentiment analysis, could use the ratings or manufacture columns as target variable based on word correlations. Maybe build a recommender system based on user purchases or item reviews or customer segmentation with clustering. The possibilities are endless! CONCLUSION : Pre-processing of text (Tokenization, Filtration, Script Validation, Stop Word Removal, Stemming) EXPT. NO. 03 Aim: Morphological Analysis Theory : In linguistics, morphology is the study of words, how they are formed, and their relationship to other words in the same language. It analyzes the structure of words and parts of words, such as stems, Morphological Analysis Polyglot offers trained morfessor models to generate morphemes from words. The goal of the Morpho project is to develop unsupervised data-driven methods that discover the regularities behind word forming in natural languages. In particular, Morpho project is focussing on the discovery of morphemes, which are the primitive units of syntax, the smallest individually meaningful elements in the utterances of a language. Morphemes are important in automatic generation and recognition of a language, especially in languages in which words may have many different inflected forms. root words, prefixes, and suffixes. Morphology Morphology is the part of linguistics that deals with the study of words, their internal structure and partially their meanings. It refers to identification of a word stem from a full word form. A morpheme in morphology is the smallest units that carry meaning and fulfill some grammatical function. Morphological analysis Morphological Analysis is the process of providing grammatical information of a word given its suffix. Models There are three principal approaches to morphology, which each try to capture the distinctions above in different ways. These are, • Morpheme-based morphology also known as Item-and-Arrangement approach. • Lexeme-based morphology also known as Item-and-Process approach. • Word-based morphology also known as Word-and-Paradigm approach. Morphological Analyzer A morphological analyzer is a program for analyzing the morphology of an input word, it detects morphemes of any text. Presently we are referring to two types of morph analyzers for Indian languages: 1. Phrase level Morph Analyzer 2. Word level Morph Analyzer Role of TDIL Morphological analyzer is developed for some Indian languages under Machine Translation project of TDIL. CODING: Languages Coverage Using polyglot vocabulary dictionaries, we trained morfessor models on the most frequent words 50,000 words of each language. from polyglot.downloader import downloader print(downloader.supported_languages_table("morph2")) 1. Piedmontese language 2. Lombard language 3. Gan Chinese 4. Sicilian 5. Scots 6. Kirghiz, Kyrgyz 7. Pashto, Pushto 8. Kurdish 9. Portuguese 10. Kannada 11. Korean 12. Khmer 13. Kazakh 14. Ilokano 15. Polish 16. Panjabi, Punjabi 17. Georgian 18. Chuvash 19. Alemannic 20. Czech 21. Welsh 22. Chechen 23. Catalan; Valencian 24. Northern Sami 25. Sanskrit (Saṁskṛta) 26. Slovene 27. Javanese 28. Slovak 29. Bosnian-Croatian-Serbian 30. Bavarian 31. Swedish 32. Swahili 33. Sundanese 34. Serbian 35. Albanian 36. Japanese 37. Western Frisian 38. French 39. Finnish 40. Upper Sorbian 41. Faroese 42. Persian 43. Sinhala, Sinhalese 44. Italian 45. Amharic 46. Aragonese 47. Volapük 48. Icelandic 49. Sakha 50. Afrikaans 51. Indonesian 52. Interlingua 53. Azerbaijani 54. Ido 55. Arabic 56. Assamese 57. Yoruba 58. Yiddish 59. Waray-Waray 60. Croatian 61. Hungarian 62. Haitian; Haitian Creole 63. Quechua 64. Armenian 65. Hebrew (modern) 66. Silesian 67. Hindi 68. Divehi; Dhivehi; Mald... 69. German 70. Danish 71. Occitan 72. Tagalog 73. Turkmen 74. Thai 75. Tajik 76. Greek, Modern 77. Telugu 78. Tamil 79. Oriya 80. Ossetian, Ossetic 81. Tatar 82. Turkish 83. Kapampangan 84. Venetian 85. Manx 86. Gujarati 87. Galician 88. Irish 89. Scottish Gaelic; Gaelic 90. Nepali 91. Cebuano 92. Zazaki 93. Walloon 94. Dutch 95. Norwegian 96. Norwegian Nynorsk 97. West Flemish 98. Chinese 99. Bosnian 100. Breton 101. Belarusian 102. Bulgarian 103. Bashkir 104. Egyptian Arabic 105. Tibetan Standard, Tib... 106. Bengali 107. Burmese 108. Romansh 109. Marathi (Marāṭhī) 110. Malay 111. Maltese 112. Russian 113. Macedonian 114. Malayalam 115. Mongolian 116. Malagasy 117. Vietnamese 118. Spanish; Castilian 119. Estonian 120. Basque 121. Bishnupriya Manipuri 122. Asturian 123. English 124. Esperanto 125. Luxembourgish, Letzeb... 126. Latin 127. Uighur, Uyghur 128. Ukrainian 129. Limburgish, Limburgan... 130. Latvian 131. Urdu 132. Lithuanian 133. Fiji Hindi 134. Uzbek 135. Romanian, Moldavian, ... Download Necessary Models %%bash polyglot download morph2.en [polyglot_data] Downloading package morph2.en to [polyglot_data] /home/rmyeid/polyglot_data... [polyglot_data] Package morph2.en is already up-to-date! [polyglot_data] Downloading package to [polyglot_data] /home/rmyeid/polyglot_data... [polyglot_data] Package is already up-to-date! Example from polyglot.text import Text, Word words = ["preprocessing", "processor", "invaluable", "thankful", "crossed"] for w in words: w = Word(w, language="en") print("{:<20}{}".format(w, w.morphemes)) preprocessing ['pre', 'process', 'ing'] processor ['process', 'or'] invaluable ['in', 'valuable'] thankful ['thank', 'ful'] crossed ['cross', 'ed'] If the text is not tokenized properly, morphological analysis could offer a smart of way of splitting the text into its original units. Here, is an example: blob = "Wewillmeettoday." text = Text(blob) text.language = "en" text.morphemes WordList([u'We', u'will', u'meet', u'to', u'day', u'.']) !polyglot --lang en tokenize --input testdata/cricket.txt | polyglot --lang en morph | tail -n 30 which which India In_dia beat beat Bermuda Ber_mud_a in in Port Port of of Spain Spa_in in in 2007 2007 , , which which was wa_s equalled equal_led five five days day_s ago ago by by South South Africa Africa in in their t_heir victory victor_y over over West West Indies In_dies in in Sydney Syd_ney . . Demo This demo does not reflect the models supplied by polyglot, however, we think it is indicative of what you should expect from morfessor Demo This is an interface to the implementation being described in the Morfessor2.0: Python Implementation and Extensions for Morfessor Baseline technical report. @InProceedings{morfessor2, title:{Morfessor 2.0: Python Implementation and Extensions for Morfessor Baseline}, author: {Virpioja, Sami ; Smit, Peter ; Grönroos, Stig-Arne ; Kurimo, Mikko}, year: {2013}, publisher: {Department of Signal Processing and Acoustics, Aalto University}, booktitle:{Aalto University publication series} } Morphological Analyzer (Hindi - हहूं दी) - CFILT - IIT Bombay › ~ankitb Morphological Analyzer Tool (Beta) ... View the results in the area under "Morph Output". TRANSLITERATION ENGINE(For Easy Typing) Type in Hindi (Press ... Search Results Web results Morphological analyzer - TDIL-DC OUTPUT: : Morphological Analyzer Tool (Beta) Top of Form Input Word to be Analyzed If you wish to analyze words in a batch, then Click Here Morphologial Analysis: Queried Word: साथ ------------------Set of Roots and Features are---------------------Token : साथ, Total Output : 3 [ Root : साथ, Class : , Category : nst, Suffix : Null ] [ Gender : , Number : , Person : , Case : , Tense : , Aspect : , Mood : ] [ Root : साथ, Class : , Category : adverb, Suffix : Null ] [ Gender : , Number : , Person : , Case : , Tense : , Aspect : , Mood : ] [ Root : साथ, Class : A, Category : noun, Suffix : Null ] [ Gender : +masc, Number : +-pl, Person : x, Case : -oblique, Tense : x, Aspect : x, Mood : x ] Instructions of Usage : 1.Type or paste Hindi word in the text area under "Input Word". 2.Click on Submit and wait. 3.View the results in the area under "Morph Output". Bottom of Form TRANSLITERATION ENGINE(For Easy Typing) Type in Hindi (Press Ctrl+g to toggle between English and Hindi) Morphological Analysis Conclusion: Thus morphological analysis has been done. Expt.No.4 Aim: N-gram model Theory: Introduction Statistical language models, in its essence, are the type of models that assign probabilities to the sequences of words. In this article, we’ll understand the simplest model that assigns probabilities to sentences and sequences of words, the n-gram You can think of an N-gram as the sequence of N words, by that notion, a 2-gram (or bigram) is a two-word sequence of words like “please turn”, “turn your”, or ”your homework”, and a 3-gram (or trigram) is a three-word sequence of words like “please turn your”, or “turn your homework” Intuitive Formulation Let’s start with equation P(w|h), the probability of word w, given some history, h. For example, Here, w = The h = its water is so transparent that And, one way to estimate the above probability function is through the relative frequency count approach, where you would take a substantially large corpus, count the number of times you see its water is so transparent that, and then count the number of times it is followed by the. In other words, you are answering the question: Out of the times you saw the history h, how many times did the word w follow it Now, you can imagine it is not feasible to perform this over an entire corpus; especially it is of a significant a size. This shortcoming and ways to decompose the probability function using the chain rule serves as the base intuition of the N-gram model. Here, you, instead of computing probability using the entire corpus, would approximate it by just a few historical words The Bigram Model As the name suggests, the bigram model approximates the probability of a word given all the previous words by using only the conditional probability of one preceding word. In other words, you approximate it with the probability: P(the | that) And so, when you use a bigram model to predict the conditional probability of the next word, you are thus making the following approximation: This assumption that the probability of a word depends only on the previous word is also known as Markov assumption. Markov models are the class of probabilisitic models that assume that we can predict the probability of some future unit without looking too far in the past. You can further generalize the bigram model to the trigram model which looks two words into the past and can thus be further generalized to the N-gram model Probability Estimation Now, that we understand the underlying base for N-gram models, you’d think, how can we estimate the probability function. One of the most straightforward and intuitive ways to do so is Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) For example, to compute a particular bigram probability of a word y given a previous word x, you can determine the count of the bigram C(xy) and normalize it by the sum of all the bigrams that share the same first-word x. Challenges There are, of course, challenges, as with every modeling approach, and estimation method. Let’s look at the key ones affecting the N-gram model, as well as the use of MLE Sensitivity to the training corpus The N-gram model, like many statistical models, is significantly dependent on the training corpus. As a result, the probabilities often encode particular facts about a given training corpus. Besides, the performance of the N-gram model varies with the change in the value of N. Moreover, you may have a language task in which you know all the words that can occur, and hence we know the vocabulary size V in advance. The closed vocabulary assumption assumes there are no unknown words, which is unlikely in practical scenarios. Smoothing A notable problem with the MLE approach is sparse data. Meaning, any N-gram that appeared a sufficient number of times might have a reasonable estimate for its probability. But because any corpus is limited, some perfectly acceptable English word sequences are bound to be missing from it. As a result of it, the N-gram matrix for any training corpus is bound to have a substantial number of cases of putative “zero probability N-grams” Sources: [1] CHAPTER DRAFT — | Stanford Lagunita. [2] Speech and Language Processing: An Introduction to Natural Language Processing, Computational Linguistics, and Speech Albert Au Yeung Notes on machine learning and A.I. • • • • Generating N-grams from Sentences Python About Archive Github LinkedIn CODING: Generating N-grams from Sentences Python Jun 3, 2018 N-grams are contiguous sequences of n-items in a sentence. N can be 1, 2 or any other positive integers, although usually we do not consider very large N because those n-grams rarely appears in many different places. When performing machine learning tasks related to natural language processing, we usually need to generate n-grams from input sentences. For example, in text classification tasks, in addition to using each individual token found in the corpus, we may want to add bi-grams or tri-grams as features to represent our documents. This post describes several different ways to generate n-grams quickly from input sentences in Python. The Pure Python Way In general, an input sentence is just a string of characters in Python. We can use build in functions in Python to generate n-grams quickly. Let’s take the following sentence as a sample input: s = "Natural-language processing (NLP) is an area of computer science " \ "and artificial intelligence concerned with the interactions " \ "between computers and human (natural) languages." If we want to generate a list of bi-grams from the above sentence, the expected output would be something like below (depending on how do we want to treat the punctuations, the desired output can be different): [ "natural language", "language processing", "processing nlp", "nlp is", "is an", "an area", ... ] The following function can be used to achieve this: import re def generate_ngrams(s, n): # Convert to lowercases s = s.lower() # Replace all none alphanumeric characters with spaces s = re.sub(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9\s]', ' ', s) # Break sentence in the token, remove empty tokens tokens = [token for token in s.split(" ") if token != ""] # Use the zip function to help us generate n-grams # Concatentate the tokens into ngrams and return ngrams = zip(*[token[i:] for i in range(n)]) return [" ".join(ngram) for ngram in ngrams] Applying the above function to the sentence, with n=5, gives the following output: >>> generate_ngrams(s, n=5) ['natural language processing nlp is', 'language processing nlp is an', 'processing nlp is an area', 'nlp is an area of', 'is an area of computer', 'an area of computer science', 'area of computer science and', 'of computer science and artificial', 'computer science and artificial intelligence', 'science and artificial intelligence concerned', 'and artificial intelligence concerned with', 'artificial intelligence concerned with the', 'intelligence concerned with the interactions', 'concerned with the interactions between', 'with the interactions between computers', 'the interactions between computers and', 'interactions between computers and human', 'between computers and human natural', 'computers and human natural languages'] The above function makes use of the zip function, which creates a generator that aggregates elements from multiple lists (or iterables in genera). The blocks of codes and comments below offer some more explanation of the usage: # Sample sentence s = "one two three four five" tokens = s.split(" ") # tokens = ["one", "two", "three", "four", "five"] sequences = [tokens[i:] for i in range(3)] # The above will generate sequences of tokens starting from different # elements of the list of tokens. # The parameter in the range() function controls how many sequences # to generate. # # sequences = [ # ['one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five'], # ['two', 'three', 'four', 'five'], # ['three', 'four', 'five']] bigrams = zip(*sequences) # The zip function takes the sequences as a list of inputs (using the * operator, # this is equivalent to zip(sequences[0], sequences[1], sequences[2]). # Each tuple it returns will contain one element from each of the sequences. # # To inspect the content of bigrams, try: # print(list(bigrams)) # which will give the following: # # [('one', 'two', 'three'), ('two', 'three', 'four'), ('three', 'four', 'five')] # # Note: even though the first sequence has 5 elements, zip will stop after returning # 3 tuples, because the last sequence only has 3 elements. In other words, the zip # function automatically handles the ending of the n-gram generation. Using NLTK Instead of using pure Python functions, we can also get help from some natural language processing libraries such as the Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK). In particular, nltk has the ngrams function that returns a generator of n-grams given a tokenized sentence. (See the documentaion of the function here) import re from nltk.util import ngrams s = s.lower() s = re.sub(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9\s]', ' ', s) tokens = [token for token in s.split(" ") if token != ""] output = list(ngrams(tokens, 5)) The above block of code will generate the same output as the function generate_ngrams() as shown above. Lesson Goals Like in Output Data as HTML File, this lesson takes the frequency pairs collected in Counting Frequencies and outputs them in HTML. This time the focus is on keywords in context (KWIC) which creates n-grams from the original document content – in this case a trial transcript from the Old Bailey Online. You can use your program to select a keyword and the computer will output all instances of that keyword, along with the words to the left and right of it, making it easy to see at a glance how the keyword is used. Once the KWICs have been created, they are then wrapped in HTML and sent to the browser where they can be viewed. This reinforces what was learned in Output Data as HTML File, opting for a slightly different output. At the end of this lesson, you will be able to extract all possible n-grams from the text. In the next lesson, you will be learn how to output all of the n-grams of a given keyword in a document downloaded from the Internet, and display them clearly in your browser window. Files Needed For This Lesson • If you do not have these files from the previous lesson, you can download programming-historian-7, a zip file from the previous lesson From Text to N-Grams to KWIC Now that you know how to harvest the textual content of a web page automatically with Python, and have begun to use strings, lists and dictionaries for text processing, there are many other things that you can do with the text besides counting frequencies. People who study the statistical properties of language have found that studying linear sequences of linguistic units can tell us a lot about a text. These linear sequences are known as bigrams (2 units), trigrams (3 units), or more generally as n-grams. You have probably seen n-grams many times before. They are commonly used on search results pages to give you a preview of where your keyword appears in a document and what the surrounding context of the keyword is. This application of n-grams is known as keywords in context (often abbreviated as KWIC). For example, if the string in question were “it was the best of times it was the worst of times it was the age of wisdom it was the age of foolishness” then a 7-gram for the keyword “wisdom” would be: the age of wisdom it was the An n-gram could contain any type of linguistic unit you like. For historians you are most likely to use characters as in the bigram “qu” or words as in the trigram “the dog barked”; however, you could also use phonemes, syllables, or any number of other units depending on your research question. What we’re going to do next is develop the ability to display KWIC for any keyword in a body of text, showing it in the context of a fixed number of words on either side. As before, we will wrap the output so that it can be viewed in Firefox and added easily to Zotero. From Text to N-grams Since we want to work with words as opposed to characters or phonemes, it will be much easier to create n-grams using a list of words rather than strings. As you already know, Python can easily turn a string into a list using the split operation. Once split it becomes simple to retrieve a subsequence of adjacent words in the list by using a slice, represented as two indexes separated by a colon. This was introduced when working with strings in Manipulating Strings in Python. message9 = "Hello World" message9a = message9[1:8] print(message9a) -> ello Wo However, we can also use this technique to take a predetermined number of neighbouring words from the list with very little effort. Study the following examples, which you can try out in a Python Shell. wordstring = 'it was the best of times it was the worst of times ' wordstring += 'it was the age of wisdom it was the age of foolishness' wordlist = wordstring.split() print(wordlist[0:4]) -> ['it', 'was', 'the', 'best'] print(wordlist[0:6]) -> ['it', 'was', 'the', 'best', 'of', 'times'] print(wordlist[6:10]) -> ['it', 'was', 'the', 'worst'] print(wordlist[0:12]) -> ['it', 'was', 'the', 'best', 'of', 'times', 'it', 'was', 'the', 'worst', 'of', 'times'] print(wordlist[:12]) -> ['it', 'was', 'the', 'best', 'of', 'times', 'it', 'was', 'the', 'worst', 'of', 'times'] print(wordlist[12:]) -> ['it', 'was', 'the', 'age', 'of', 'wisdom', 'it', 'was', 'the', 'age', 'of', 'foolishness'] In these examples we have used the slice method to return parts of our list. Note that there are two sides to the colon in a slice. If the right of the colon is left blank as in the last example above, the program knows to automatically continue to the end – in this case, to the end of the list. The second last example above shows that we can start at the beginning by leaving the space before the colon empty. This is a handy shortcut available to keep your code shorter. You can also use variables to represent the index positions. Used in conjunction with a for loop, you could easily create every possible n-gram of your list. The following example returns all 5-grams of our string from the example above. i=0 for items in wordlist: print(wordlist[i: i+5]) i += 1 Keeping with our modular approach, we will create a function and save it to the module that can create n-grams for us. Study and type or copy the following code: # Given a list of words and a number n, return a list # of n-grams. def getNGrams(wordlist, n): return [wordlist[i:i+n] for i in range(len(wordlist)-(n-1))] This function may look a little confusing as there is a lot going on here in not very much code. It uses a list comprehension to keep the code compact. The following example does exactly the same thing: def getNGrams(wordlist, n): ngrams = [] for i in range(len(wordlist)-(n-1)): ngrams.append(wordlist[i:i+n]) return ngrams Use whichever makes most sense to you. A concept that may still be confusing to you are the two function arguments. Notice that our function has two variable names in the parentheses after its name when we declared it: wordlist, n. These two variables are the function arguments. When you call (run) this function, these variables will be used by the function for its solution. Without these arguments there is not enough information to do the calculations. In this case, the two pieces of information are the list of words you want to turn into n-grams (wordlist), and the number of words you want in each n-gram (n). For the function to work it needs both, so you call it in like this (save the following as and run): import obo wordstring = 'it was the best of times it was the worst of times ' wordstring += 'it was the age of wisdom it was the age of foolishness' allMyWords = wordstring.split() print(obo.getNGrams(allMyWords, 5)) Notice that the arguments you enter do not have to have the same names as the arguments named in the function declaration. Python knows to use allMyWords everywhere in the function that wordlist appears, since this is given as the first argument. Likewise, all instances of n will be replaced by the integer 5 in this case. Try changing the 5 to a string, such as “elephants” and see what happens when you run your program. Note that because n is being used as an integer, you have to ensure the argument sent is also an integer. The same is true for strings, floats or any other variable type sent as an argument. You can also use a Python shell to play around with the code to get a better understanding of how it works. Paste the function declaration for getNGrams (either of the two functions above) into your Python shell. test1 = 'here are four words' test2 = 'this test sentence has eight words in it' getNGrams(test1.split(), 5) -> [] getNGrams(test2.split(), 5) -> [['this', 'test', 'sentence', 'has', 'eight'], ['test', 'sentence', 'has', 'eight', 'words'], ['sentence', 'has', 'eight', 'words', 'in'], ['has', 'eight', 'words', 'in', 'it']] There are two concepts that we see in this example of which you need to be aware. Firstly, because our function expects a list of words rather than a string, we have to convert the strings into lists before our function can handle them. We could have done this by adding another line of code above the function call, but instead we used the split method directly in the function argument as a bit of a shortcut. Secondly, why did the first example return an empty list rather than the n-grams we were after? In test1, we have tried to ask for an n-gram that is longer than the number of words in our list. This has resulted in a blank list. In test2 we have no such problem and get all possible 5-grams for the longer list of words. If you wanted to you could adapt your function to print a warning message or to return the entire string instead of an empty list. We now have a way to extract all possible n-grams from a body of text. In the next lesson, we can focus our attention on isolating those n-grams that are of interest to us. Code Syncing To follow along with future lessons it is important that you have the right files and programs in your “programming-historian” directory. At the end of each chapter you can download the “programming-historian” zip file to make sure you have the correct code. If you are following along with the Mac / Linux version you may have to open the file and change “file:///Users/username/Desktop/programming-historian/” to the path to the directory on your own computer. • (zip sync) TOOLS USED: Ngram Analyzer - A Programmer's Guide to Data Mining Conclusion N-Grams model is one of the most widely used sentence-to-vector models since it captures the context between N-words in a sentence. In this article, you saw the theory behind N-Grams model. You also saw how to implement characters N-Grams and Words N-Grams model. Finally, you studied how to create automatic text filler using both the approaches. Expt.No.5 Aim: POS tagging Theory: POS Tagging - Hidden Markov Model A Hidden Markov Model (HMM) is a statistical Markov model in which the system being modeled is assumed to be a Markov process with unobserved (hidden) states.In a regular Markov model (Markov Model (Ref:, the state is directly visible to the observer, and therefore the state transition probabilities are the only parameters. In a hidden Markov model, the state is not directly visible, but output, dependent on the state, is visible. Hidden Markov Model has two important components1)Transition Probabilities: The one-step transition probability is the probability of transitioning from one state to another in a single step. 2)Emission Probabilties: : The output probabilities for an observation from state. Emission probabilities B = { bi,k = bi(ok) = P(ok | qi) }, where okis an Observation. Informally, B is the probability that the output is ok given that the current state is qi For POS tagging, it is assumed that POS are generated as random process, and each process randomly generates a word. Hence, transition matrix denotes the transition probability from one POS to another and emission matrix denotes the probability that a given word can have a particular POS. Word acts as the observations. Some of the basic assumptions are: 1. First-order (bigram) Markov assumptions: a. Limited Horizon: Tag depends only on previous tag P(ti+1 = tk | t1=tj1,âŚ,ti=tji) = P(ti+1 = tk | ti = tj) b. Time invariance: No change over time P(ti+1 = tk | ti = tj) = P(t2 = tk | t1 = tj) = P(tj -> tk) 2. Output probabilities: Probability of getting word wk for tag tj: P(wk | tj) is independent of oth er tags or words! Calculating the Probabilities Consider the given toy corpus EOS/eos They/pronoun cut/verb the/determiner paper/noun EOS/eos He/pronoun asked/verb for/preposition his/pronoun cut/noun. EOS/eos Put/verb the/determiner paper/noun in/preposition the/determiner cut/noun EOS/eos Calculating Emission Probability Matrix Count the no. of times a specific word occus with a specific POS tag in the corpus. Here, say for "cut" count(cut,verb)=1 count(cut,noun)=2 count(cut,determiner)=0 ... and so on zero for other tags too. count(cut) = total count of cut = 3 Now, calculating the probability Probability to be filled in the matrix cell at the intersection of cut and verb P(cut/verb)=count(cut,verb)/count(cut)=1/3=0.33 Similarly, Probability to be filled in the cell at he intersection of cut and determiner P(cut/determiner)=count(cut,determiner)/count(cut)=0/3=0 Repeat the same for all the word-tag combination and fill the Calculating Transition Probability Matrix Count the no. of times a specific tag comes after other POS tags in the corpus. Here, say for "determiner" count(verb,determiner)=2 count(preposition,determiner)=1 count(determiner,determiner)=0 count(eos,determiner)=0 count(noun,determiner)=0 ... and so on zero for other tags too. count(determiner) = total count of tag 'determiner' = 3 Now, calculating the probability Probability to be filled in the cell at he intersection of determiner(in the column) and verb(in the row) P(determiner/verb)=count(verb,determiner)/count(determiner)=2/3=0.66 Similarly, Probability to be filled in the cell at he intersection of determiner(in the column) and noun(in the row) P(determiner/noun)=count(noun,determiner)/count(determiner)=0/3=0 Repeat the same for all the tags Note: EOS/eos is a special marker which represents End Of Sentence. Procedure: STEP1: Select the corpus. STEP2: For the given corpus fill the emission and transition matrix. Answers are rounded to 2 decimal digits. STEP3: Press Check to check your answer. Wrong answers are indicated by the red cell. Execution and outputs: POS Tagging - Hidden Markov Model ---Select Corpus--- EOS/eos Book/verb a/determiner car/noun EOS/eos Park/verb the/determiner car/noun EOS/eos The/determiner book/noun is/verb in/preposition the/determiner car/noun EOS/eos The/determiner car/noun is/verb in/preposition a/determiner park/noun EOS/eos Emission Matrix book determiner 0 park car is in a the 0 0 0 0 0 0 noun 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 verb prepositio n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Transition Matrix eos 0 eos determiner noun verb preposition 0 0 0 0 determiner 0 0 0 0 0 noun 0 0 0 0 0 verb 0 0 0 0 0 preposition 0 0 0 0 0 Check Results: Thus POS(Part of speech) tags are studied and get the results Expt.No.6 Aim: chunking Theory: Chunking Chunking of text invloves dividing a text into syntactically correlated words. Eg: He ate an apple to satiate his hunger. [NP He ] [VP ate ] [NP an apple] [VP to satiate] [NP his hunger] Eg: दरवाज़ा खुल गया [NP दरवाज़ा] [VP खुल गया] Chunk Types The chunk types are based on the syntactic category part. Besides the head a chunk also contains modifiers (like determiners, adjectives, postpositions in NPs). The basic types of chunks in English are: Chunk Type Tag Name 1. Noun NP 2. Verb VP 3. Adverb ADVP 4. Adjectivial ADJP 5. Prepositional PP The basic Chunk Tag Set for Indian Languages Sl. No 1 2.1 2.2 2.3 3 4 Chunk Type Noun Chunk Finite Verb Chunk Non-finite Verb Chunk Verb Chunk (Gerund) Adjectival Chunk JJP Adverb Chunk NP Noun Chunks Tag Name NP VGF VGNF VGNN RBP Noun Chunks will be given the tag NP and include non-recursive noun phrases and postposition for Indian languages and preposition for English. Determiners, adjectives and other modifiers will be part of the noun chunk. Eg: (इस/DEM हकताब/NN में/PSP)NP 'this' 'book' 'in' ((in/IN the/DT big/ADJ room/NN))NP Verb Chunks The verb chunks are marked as VP for English, however they would be of several types for Indian languages. A verb group will include the main verb and its auxiliaries, if any. For English: I (will/MD be/VB loved/VBD)VP The types of verb chunks and their tags are described below. 1. VGF Finite Verb Chunk The auxiliaries in the verb group mark the finiteness of the verb at the chunk level. Thus, any verb group which is finite will be tagged as VGF. For example, Eg: मैंने घर पर (खाया/VM)VGF 'I erg''home' 'at''meal' 2. VGNF 'ate' Non-finite Verb Chunk A non-finite verb chunk will be tagged as VGNF. Eg: सेब (खाता/VM हुआ/VAUX)VGNF लड़का जा रहा है 'apple' 'eating' 'PROG' 'boy' go' 'PROG' 'is' 3. VGNN Gerunds A verb chunk having a gerund will be annotated as VGNN. Eg: शराब (पीना/VM)VGNN सेहत के हलए हाहनकारक है sharAba 'liquor' 'drinking' 'heath' 'for' 'harmful' JJP/ADJP 'is' Adjectival Chunk An adjectival chunk will be tagged as ADJP for English and JJP for Indian languages. This chunk will consist of all adjectival chunks including the predicative adjectives. Eg: वह लड़की है (सुन्दर/JJ)JJP The fruit is (ripe/JJ)ADJP Note: Adjectives appearing before a noun will be grouped together within the noun chunk. RBP/ADVP Adverb Chunk This chunk will include all pure adverbial phrases. Eg: वह (धीरे -धीरे /RB)RBP चल रहा था 'he' 'slowly' 'walk' 'PROG' 'was' He walks (slowly/ADV)/ADVP PP Prepositional Chunk This chunk type is present for only English and not for Indian languages. It consists of only the preposition and not the NP argument. Eg: (with/IN)PP a pen IOB prefixes Each chunk has an open boundary and close boundary that delimit the word groups as a minimal non-recursive unit. This can be formally expressed by using IOB prefixes: B-CHUNK for the first word of the chunk and I-CHUNK for each other word in the chunk. Here is an example of the file format: Tokens POS Chunk-Tags He ate an apple to satiate his hunger PRP VBD DT NN TO VB PRP$ NN B-NP B-VP B-NP I-NP B-VP I-VP B-NP I-NP Execution and outputs: Chunking "; Lexicon POS Chunk John NNP gave VBD Mary NNP a DT book NN Submit Conclusion: Thus chunking of English is studied Expt.No.7 Aim: Named Entity Recognition Theory: Named entity recognition (NER)is probably the first step towards information extraction that seeks to locate and classify named entities in text into pre-defined categories such as the names of persons, organizations, locations, expressions of times, quantities, monetary values, percentages, etc. NER is used in many fields in Natural Language Processing (NLP), and it can help answering many real-world questions, such as: • Which companies were mentioned in the news article? • Were specified products mentioned in complaints or reviews? • Does the tweet contain the name of a person? Does the tweet contain this person’s location? Execution and outputs: from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import requests import redef url_to_string(url): res = requests.get(url) html = res.text soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html5lib') for script in soup(["script", "style", 'aside']): script.extract() return " ".join(re.split(r'[\n\t]+', soup.get_text()))ny_bb = url_to_string('') article = nlp(ny_bb) len(article.ents) 188 There are 188 entities in the article and they are represented as 10 unique labels: labels = [x.label_ for x in article.ents] Counter(labels) Figure 10 The following are three most frequent tokens. items = [x.text for x in article.ents] Counter(items).most_common(3) Figure 11 Let’s randomly select one sentence to learn more. sentences = [x for x in article.sents] print(sentences[20]) Figure 12 Let’s run displacy.render to generate the raw markup. displacy.render(nlp(str(sentences[20])), jupyter=True, style='ent') sentence and its dependencies look like: displacy.render(nlp(str(sentences[20])), style='dep', jupyter = True, options = {'distance': 120}) Next, we verbatim, extract part-of-speech and lemmatize this sentence. [(x.orth_,x.pos_, x.lemma_) for x in [y for y in nlp(str(sentences[20])) if not y.is_stop and y.pos_ != 'PUNCT']] Figure 15 dict([(str(x), x.label_) for x in nlp(str(sentences[20])).ents]) Named entity extraction are correct except “F.B.I”. print([(x, x.ent_iob_, x.ent_type_) for x in sentences[20]]) Finally, we visualize the entity of the entire. Conclusion: Thus Name Entity Recognition is done Expt.No.8. Aim: Case Study/ Mini Project based on Application mentioned in Module 6. Theory: Mini project should contents Abstract about project(1 or half page) Aim ,objectives,methodology(proposed and existed),implementation plan, results and outputs)