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Positive Adjustment Request Response Guidelines

Replying Positively to Requests for Adjustment
Guidelines and Alternate Phrases
Focus on the positive resolution of the problem.
Disarm the reader by admitting a cause for complaint, rather than glossing over the
Explain briefly and positively how the mistake occurred.
Although we take great pride in our thorough methods for safe packing, someone
apparently let this package slip by without the usual precaution.
Computers and people do make mistakes–both goofed this time.
I simply did not relay all the details to that department. Please accept my apology
for that oversight.
Sound eager, not begrudging, to make the adjustment and regain the customer's goodwill.
Thank you for bringing this to our attention.
You are right about our error. We are happy to...
We are very embarrassed. You must think we have to work really hard to mess up
things so badly! We are doubly chagrined because you are a special customer, and
we highly value your business. Please bear with us; we will get the order right this
time and will do our best to improve our service to you.
When any company serves as many customers as we do, there will inevitably be
errors from time to time. Nevertheless, even one is distressing, particularly when
that customer is as good as you have been.
Thank you for pointing out the error before it caused us even more problems.
Thank you for giving us an opportunity to correct the situation to your
Make an adjustment appropriate to the error. That is, don't apologize profusely for a
minor problem. Such effusiveness sounds insincere. Likewise, don't gloss over serious
errors; show appropriate concern and make amends.
Mention any safeguards you've taken to prevent a recurrence of the problem.
Reestablish rapport with the customer. Assume all is well again.