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Q1) Discuss differences between HRM and Personnel Management (5 marks)
Ans) These are the differences between HRM and Personnel Management:
1. Personnel management focuses on primary administrative activities such as employee hiring, wages, training, and harmony while HRM
concentrates on measuring the organization’s needs and continuously reviewing and adjusting all systems to reach a common goal.
2. Personnel management treats workers as tools or machines while HRM treats personnel as ‘human resource’ or ‘human asset’.
3. Personnel management is regarded to be more administrative in nature while HRM deals with the management of the workforce and
contributes to an organization’s success.
4. Personnel management concentrates on mediating between the management and employees while HRM concentrates on planning,
monitoring, and control aspects of resources.
5. The scope of personnel management is limited and has an inverted approach wherein workers are viewed as tools while HRM has a resourcecentered approach.
Q2) Discuss the meaning, objectives and basis of HRP (5 marks)
Ans) Human Resource Management (HRM) is the process of organizing, managing, and developing employees within an organization to achieve
its goals and objectives. The primary objective of HRM is to ensure the availability of right people for right jobs so that organizational goals are
achieved effectively. The scope of HRM is vast and wide and includes activities such as recruitment, selection, training and development,
performance appraisal, compensation management, employee welfare, industrial relations, etc.
The basis of HRM lies In the belief that human resources are the most important assets of an organization and that their effective management
is critical to an organization’s success. The objectives of HRM include ensuring the availability of resources, easy access to data, on-time payroll,
ensuring compliance with laws and regulations, etc.