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Module 5
Lighting Applications
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Visual Performance
Visual Impact
Exterior Environment
Computer-Aided Lighting Calculations
Lighting Costs
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Visual Performance
Factors Affecting Visual Performance
Visual Tasks
Task Areas
Luminaire Selection
Luminaire Layout
Interior Applications
Office Spaces
Educational Facilities
Financial Facilities
Health Care Facilities
Industrial Facilities
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Visual Tasks
Tasks should be ranked according to:
Level of importance
Specific visual characteristics
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Visual Tasks
Factors to be considered in ranking
Speed and accuracy requirements
Difficulty of task details
Room surface and task background reflectances
Directionality of light sources
Work plane location and tilt
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Speed and Accuracy Requirements
Visual tasks are of varying duration and difficulty
Small or fine details are difficult to see; the larger
the details, the easier to see
For example, a worker in a poorly lighted facility
may not have enough time to “see” details and
may not be able to maintain a constant or fixed
rate of production, leading to loss in accuracy and
visual performance
In some tasks, accuracy is more important than
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Speed and Accuracy Requirements
Soccer :
Slower Speed and Large Ball
Higher Speed and Small Ball
Competition Level : 150 Lux
Competition Level : 500 Lux
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Difficulty of Task Details
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Room Surface and Task Background
Ability to see details depends upon the detail
and the background
Eyes function more comfortably and efficiently
when the luminances in the surrounding
environment are fairly uniform
The designer must carefully evaluate the
reflectances of all finishes of the room surfaces
as well as the luminance distribution of the
lighting equipment
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Work Plane Location and Tilt
Work plane height and orientation are important
components in ensuring sufficient illuminance
Work planes in a given space may not be at the
same height
Although work planes are commonly horizontal,
they can be vertical or tilted
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Considerations in Visual
Room dimensions
Surface reflectances
Direct Glare
Veiling/Reflected Glare
Transient Adaptation
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Room Dimensions
Room size and shape affect the amount of light
that is reflected from surfaces and how light is
distributed in space
The smaller the room size, for a constant ceiling
height, the greater the loss of light by absorption
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Surface Reflectances
Affect both quantity of generated lumens
(reflection and absorption) and the amount of
glare that may result (luminance ratios)
Amount of light reflected from walls, ceiling and
floor depends on the reflecting properties,
texture of the surface, spectral power distribution
of the light sources, and the spectral
reflectances of room surfaces
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Surface Reflectances
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Surface Reflectances
Reflectance value of a peach matte finish wall
63% when illuminated by an incandescent source
58% when illuminated by a cool white fluorescent source
A specular white wall may reflect 90% in a given direction, while
a rough plaster finish may reflect only 30% in the same direction
Two rough textured walls (1 painted black and 1 painted white),
illuminated with the same white fluorescent lamps may reflect
10% and 90% respectively for the same direction of view
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Surface Reflectances
Selecting surface reflectances that are the
same for all surfaces (walls, ceiling, and floor),
and reducing window luminance to match the
wall luminances, will “soften” the luminance
patterns of the surfaces reflected in the VDT
screen, but may produce a boring space
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Surface Reflectances
Veiling reflections are also less noticeable in
VDT screens with black characters on white
backgrounds than with white characters on black
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Visual discomfort (Discomfort Glare) and a loss
of visibility (Disability Glare) can result from
excessively bright sources of light and from
excessive luminance ratios within a space
The discomfort may cause the person to look
away, blink or close the eyes, with possible
changes in the adaptation state
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Discomfort glare produces discomfort (even
pain), it does not necessarily interfere with visual
performance or visibility
Disability glare affects a person’s visual
performance by decreasing the ability to see and
occurs when the luminance of an object (print)
and the luminance of the background (paper)
approach the same numerical value
(approaching zero contrast)
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Direct Glare from Luminaires
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Direct Glare – comes from the luminaires that
are in the “direct” field of view, or from
excessively bright sources of light (high
reflectance objects)
Veiling/Reflected Glare – veiling reflections
reduce task contrast and impair visual
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Methods of minimizing the occurrence of veiling
reflections or reflected glare
Selecting a more diffuse lighting system
Relocating the source of light relative to the task
location (avoiding luminaires in the “offending zone”)
Moving the task relative to the source
Using a matte rather than a glossy finish visual task
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Veiling reflections or
reflected glare
Current innovations are
directed at developing
smaller, flatter, higher
resolution and lighter weight
display devices to avoid
problem of veiling reflections
such as liquid crystal display
(LCD) micro screens in the
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Transient Adaptation
Process by which eyes adjust from one luminance level
to another as they scan the luminance patterns in the
field of view
Extreme luminance variations in the field of view will
cause pupil diameter changes, which require a finite time
to complete
Age of the viewer also affects the pupil response time
required to make the adjustment, slowing as the worker
becomes older
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Transient Adaptation
For light reflecting surface
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Control of excessive
luminance ratios in the field of
view will decrease or eliminate
the negative effects of
transient adaptation on the
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Transient Adaptation
Practical methods to achieve the IESNA recommended
luminance ratios include:
Selecting low luminance luminaires
Controlling the luminance of window areas during the daytime
with blinds, shades, or lined draperies
Using high reflectance colors and textures on walls adjacent to
Using translucent or opaque window treatments on windows that
are in the field of view
Using materials and finishes for large areas of a room that have
nearly equal reflectance values but may have subtle color
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Uniform, diffuse illuminance may create a boring, nonstimulating visual environment
To add interest, the use of spatial patterns of brightness,
color and/or sparkle may be considered thus creating
visual interest without causing visual discomfort for the
people within the space.
Additional variety to the luminance patterns may be
achieved by using lighting controls.
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Luminaire Selection
Light source
Desired light distribution
Illuminance level
Desired level of
directional control (control
Mechanical construction
Thermal and acoustical
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Product reliability and
Life cycle cost
Compliance with lighting
power allowance (energy
code) criteria
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Luminaire Selection
Thorough understanding of photometric data is
essential to selecting a luminaire that is efficient,
energy conserving, and appropriate for task
lighting needs
Example: Lumen output data will provide the
designer with valuable information on where the light
is being distributed (zone from 0° to 45° of the zone
from 45° to 90°)
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Luminaire Selection
Lumen output data also indicate the “luminaire
The coefficient of utilization (CU) table can
provide comparative data of the luminaire’s
effectiveness in delivering light to the workplane
A luminaire with a high efficiency (lumen output)
may have a lower CU than another luminaire
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Luminaire Selection
All else being equal, a higher CU will result in the use of
fewer luminaires, reducing ceiling clutter, the potential for
glare, excessive luminance ratios, and overall energy
In determining the number of luminaires, a well-planned
maintenance program (cleaning and relamping) must be
included to assure that the minimum recommended
illuminance is always available
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Luminaire Selection
Light Distribution
Illuminance Level Control
Directional Control
Mechanical Construction
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Light Distribution
Luminaires must distribute their luminous intensity total
downward (direct), both up and down, and totally upward
Luminous intensity distributions can be symmetrical or
Luminaires must produce the desired distribution pattern
to satisfy task requirements and visual comfort needs
Luminaires are normally selected for their performance
in delivering flux to horizontal surfaces
Luminaire’s photometric data will tell about its ability to
provide vertical illuminance
Mounting luminaires closer together than the maximum
often improves light distribution on vertical surfaces
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Light Distribution
Different Light Distributions
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Light Distribution
Defines how the
Luminous Flux
radiated by the
luminaire is distributed
in the various
directions within the
space around it
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Light Distribution
Rotational symmetrical
Light distribution same
in all planes
Usually Circular or
‘Bowl shaped’ luminaire
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Light Distribution
Planar symmetrical
Luminaire distribution is
confined to two vertical
planes separately
Typical distribution for
Fluorescent Lamp
luminaires and Road
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Light Distribution
Asymmetry present in one of
the planes of measurement
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Light Distribution
Beam Angle :
Angle in a plane through
the Beam Axis over
which the Luminous
Intensity drops to 50%
of its Peak value
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Light Distribution: Beam Shapes
Narrow Beam
Medium Beam
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Wide Beam
Batwing distribution
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Illuminance Level Control
There may be several types of tasks within a
given area, each requiring different illuminance
levels (i.e. work, leisure, cleaning, and security)
Fluorescent, incandescent and high intensity
discharge (HID) lamps can be controlled by
dimming or by other control devices, such as
multi-level switching
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Illuminance Level Control
DALI BASIC light control system
L 58W
DALI-BASIC-control unit
FQ 39W
FQ 54W
FC 40W
FC 55W
combined light/
presence detector
DALI 1...10 V-converter
1...10 V-DIMM-ECG
DALI 1...10 V-converter
1..10 V trailing edge phaseHTM 70/230-240
50 W
The diagram above illustrates how various light sources can be linked to the
DALI system. With the addition of signal converters, dimmable 1-10V analogue
electronic control gears (ECGs) or transformers can then be operated via DALI
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Directional Control
Indirect Lighting
Luminaires direct light up to the ceiling where it is reflected
down to the visual task; ceiling is thus the primary source of
Direct Lighting
Distributes light directly to the walls and the work surfaces
Luminance control of the direct (downward) component of light
is a function of the control media (lenses, baffles, and louvers)
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Directional Control
Direct and Indirect Lighting Directional Control
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Color rendition of objects in a room will depend
on the spectral distribution characteristics of the
light sources
Typically, the lighting system should play a
subordinate role; it may attract attention to itself
rather than to its task
There are luminaires which can be decorative or
unobtrusive, as well as functional
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Different Color Renditions
Appearance under incandescent lamp with yellow filter (left)
and under low pressure sodium vapor lamp (right)
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Six basic types of mountings for interior
luminaires for decorative or unobtrusive as well
as functional purposes:
Pendant or suspended
Ceiling/surface mounted
Track mounted
Wall mounted
Floor mounted
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Pendant or suspended
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Ceiling/surface mounted
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Track mounted
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Wall mounted
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Floor mounted
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Mechanical Construction
Should consider the following maintenance
Ease and frequency of replacing lamps, ballasts or
control media (lenses and louvers)
Likelihood of the luminaire and lamps collecting dirt
Ease and frequency of cleaning
Overall goal should be to reduce maintenance
costs while maintaining the desired lighting
quality and quantity
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Luminaire Layout
Four (4) Options
Single level system that meets the most critical, most
commonly occurring visual tasks
Multilevel lighting system
System that groups together with those visual tasks
requiring the same illuminance level
Completely nonuniform lighting system
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Luminaire Layout
Requirements for a good luminaire layout
Meets quantity and quality requirements for the tasks
Provides visual comfort
Complies with cost and power budget limits
Aesthetically pleasing
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Luminaire Layout
Three (3) lighting classification systems
General (non-task lighting)
Localized-General (task-ambient and supplementary)
Local (task only)
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Luminaire Layout
General Lighting
Provides uniform illuminance on the work surfaces
throughout an entire area
Used where specific task locations are unknown or
the entire area is considered a continuous visual task
Symmetrical layout based on the given dimensions of
the room
Main advantage: complete flexibility regarding the
arrangement of furniture and equipment (work
Illuminance will be lower in corners and along the
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Luminaire Layout
General lighting in a
production area for
ceiling height not less
than 6 meters and not
more than 12 meters
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Luminaire Layout
Luminaire spacing
Luminaires should not be spaced so far apart or from
walls as to result in unsatisfactory uniformity in
general lighting conditions
Rule of thumb – Spacing from the wall to the center of
the first luminaire should not exceed half of the
spacing between luminaires
Luminous intensity distribution is considered in
determining the maximum luminaire spacing to
achieve acceptably uniform illuminance in an empty
room (no furniture or partitions)
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Luminaire Layout
Plan of Room Showing Luminaire Layout (in meters)
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Luminaire Layout
Luminaire spacing
Factors contributing to the uniformity of illuminance in
a room
Luminaire efficiency
Number and placement of luminaires
Room shape
Configuration of furniture and partitions
Room surface reflectances
In general, uniformity decreases as spacing increases
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Luminaire Layout
Localized-General Lighting
Provides higher illuminance on the visual
task, with a lower level of general
illuminance throughout the remaining area
Minimize shadows; direct glare, and veiling
reflections through careful placement
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Luminaire Layout
lighting for
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Luminaire Layout
Localized-General Lighting
Task-Ambient Lighting
Used in office and some industrial lighting
Task lighting portion of this system is mounted
directly to the furniture
Ambient lighting portion may be free standing,
furniture mounted, or ceiling mounted
Primary advantage is that reconfiguration of the
workstations is relatively easy because the task
lighting moves with the furniture
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Luminaire Layout
Local Lighting
Provides illuminance over a much smaller area
– just the task (task only lighting) and its
immediate surroundings
This requires provision of sufficient spill light
into adjacent areas to prevent excessive
luminence ratios and transient adaptation
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Luminaire Layout
Local lighting for
electronic parts testing
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Interior Applications
Interior spaces considered
Educational facilities
Financial facilities
Health care facilities
Industrial facilities
Topics to be discussed per interior space
Visual tasks
Quality of lighting
Lighting requirements
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Interior Applications
Luminance ratios
Interiors should be lighted to achieve a balance
among luminances
Proper Luminance ratios should be observed in order
to provide for good visibility with no distracting glare,
and still produce sufficient variation
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Interior Applications
Luminance Ratios
Between task and:
Adjacent surround
Remote darker surfaces
Remote lighter surfaces
1 to 1/3
1 to 5
1 to 1/5
To approach these ratios the following reflectances are recommended
80 – 90%
40 – 60%
Work surfaces and equipment
25 – 45%
20 – 40%
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Interior Applications
Luminance Ratios
When reading an 80% reflective page, the area
immediately surrounding the page should be at
least 27% reflectance (80 x 1/3), and no area
within direct view should be less than 16% (80 x
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Office Spaces
Visual tasks include
reading important documents, handwriting and print
searching for and reading data on computer screens
Visibility of the task is often poor and is affected
by factors such as contrast, size, task
luminance, and the time for viewing
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Office Spaces
Visual Tasks
VDT Work Stations
The Visual Display Terminal (VDT) is a major
element in today’s office and presents unique
problems, not only in the lighting design, but in
work station configuration, ergonomic
requirements, and HVAC design
In most offices, some time will be spent viewing
the VDT and some time spent on paper tasks or
looking at customers while other applications used
the screen constantly
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Office Spaces
Visual Tasks
Visual Display Terminal (VDT) Work Stations
Examples: customer service operations or reservation offices
May result in luminance ratios between tasks which exceed
Other office spaces
Conference rooms
– Range from casual to difficult viewing
– More than one lighting and control systems should be
considered especially if visual aids will be used, so that
notes can be taken without interfering with the projection
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Office Spaces
Quality of Lighting
Troffers generate adequate ambient light levels in the circulation
areas while ceiling recessed wallwashers with semi-specular
assymetrical reflectors spread light evenly on the core walls
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Office Spaces
Quality of Lighting
Numerous type of
luminaires can be used
in conference rooms
such as T-8 or T-5 lamp
systems as well as high
efficiency downlights
with CFLs
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Office Spaces
Quality of Lighting
Drafting/reproduction rooms
Discrimination of fine detail is frequently required for long
periods of time and seeing tasks may be on surfaces other
than horizontal
Reception areas
Lighting should make a statement, and yet be restful and
sufficient for casual reading
File areas
Lighting should be directed into the opened files with minimal
shadows on the file contents
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Office Spaces
Quality of Lighting
Specific illuminance
level for tasks that
needs exacting work to
avoid harsh shadows
and improve specular
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Office Spaces
Quality of Lighting
File areas
Good visibility for
easy files or
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Office Spaces
Quality of Lighting
Reception areas
Pleasant and
“relax” lighting
effect to project a
feeling of a
atmosphere is the
main feature of
reception areas
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Office Spaces
Lighting Requirements
Quality factors
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Office Spaces
Lighting Requirements
Quality factors
Review the IESNA Lighting Design Guide for the factors that
are identified as Very Important and Important. These must
be addressed; then review the list of other design issues,
which may be applicable to the particular space being
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Office Spaces
Lighting Requirements
Office interiors should be finished in light colors and
illuminated to provide enough luminance or color variations
giving a stimulating, attractive work environment
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Office Spaces
Lighting Requirements
Uniform illuminance is desired in areas like offices
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Office Spaces
Lighting Requirements
The degree of contrast between the details of the visual task
and the task background affects visibility and depends in part
upon the specularity of the task
When viewing a visual task, an image of a luminaire or bright
ceiling is reflected in the task and the details will assume
some of the brightness which will lead to reduction in contrast
and visibility impairment
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Office Spaces
Lighting Requirements
Low contrasts result in flat visual scene
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Office Spaces
Lighting Requirements
High contrasts result in adaptation problem for eye when
changing from one visual target to another
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Office Spaces
Lighting Requirements
Well balanced contrasts
result in visual comfort and
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Office Spaces
For typical office
tasks, not involving
extended use of
VDTs, a minimum
VCP (Visual Comfort
Probability) of 70 is
recommended while
for extended use of
VDTs, the minimum
VCP should be 80
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Office Spaces
Lighting Requirements
Designers should select an overall value from the Design
Guide and allow for installation of supplementary lighting
since visual tasks and occupants are unknown during the
design stage
Given a large space with general lighting system, the design
should allow for different illuminance levels to suit different
visual tasks
When localized task lighting should be used, the ambient
illuminance can often be reduced
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Office Spaces
Lighting Requirements
Lighting for visual tasks can be provided solely by general
lighting or by task plus general lighting
Occupancy sensors should be installed to reduce energy
consumption when the space is unoccupied
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Office Spaces
Lighting Requirements
In an open office plan design containing VDTs, general lighting should be at
relatively low levels, with supplemental task lighting applied where required
for paper tasks. In the design below, suspended linear indirect “uplighting”
was supplemented by an under counter task light equipped with user control
or occupancy sensors
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Educational Facilities
Types of Spaces:
Classrooms/Lecture rooms
Art rooms
Lighting Requirements:
Quality factors
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Educational Facilities
Classrooms/Lecture rooms
“Donut” layout
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Educational Facilities
Classrooms/Lecture Rooms
The “donut” is a long preferred layout design by many
school architects and engineers, that employs ceiling
mounted or lay-in grid recessed, low cost troffers with
acrylic prismatic lenses and high reflectance (0.92%)
white paint reflectors to achieve good vertical surface
illumination on all walls
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Educational Facilities
Classrooms/Lecture rooms
Designers can add a
light to the design to
increase the lighting
luminaires are highly
recommended for
classrooms because
they provide uniform
glare-free illumination
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Educational Facilities
Follow the best industrial lighting practices especially
where moving machinery is used
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Educational Facilities
Art Rooms
Lighting should be versatile, capable of creating
highlight and shadow for modeling and providing
good color rendering
The direction of light creates the modeling effect and
reveals the 3 dimensional form and texture
The greater the angle of incidence(light from above),
the more dramatic is the effect obtained
The smaller the angle of incidence ( light from the
front), the greater is the chance for reflected glare
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Educational Facilities
Art rooms
Key Light : Creates accent by virtue of high brightness and deep
Fill Light : Supplementary illumination to soften shadows and
establish contrast at desired levels
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Educational Facilities
Art rooms
Back Light : Lighting from behind and above. Used to separate
the object from its background by accentuating contours;reveals
transparent elements
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Educational Facilities
Art rooms
Up Light : Accentuates elements close to the floor.Can also be
used for dramatic effects
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Educational Facilities
Art rooms
Diffuse Light : Creates soft shadows and least modeling effect
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Educational Facilities
These spaces are often used not only for sports but
also for graduations, assemblies, dances, concerts
and community meetings
Lighting levels should be equipped with flexible
circuiting/controls and sources
Many sports, such as basketball and volleyball
require vertical illumination up to 30 feet
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Educational Facilities
Multipurpose area requiring a wide range of
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Educational Facilities
Lighting Requirements
Quality Factors
Visual environment supportive of the learning process must
also be visually comfortable and satisfy the psychological
and emotional needs of learners
Appropriate lighting can enhance pleasant and attractive
surroundings, providing a feeling of spaciousness
Lighting can attract and hold attention, stimulate learning,
and influence behavior in a positive way.
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Educational Facilities
Lighting Requirements
The distribution, size, and range of brightness within an
environment affect eye comfort, adaptation, and contrast
As the eye shifts from one luminance (the page of a book), to
another luminance (a chalkboard), it must readapt to the new
luminance level. If the difference is too great, the reaction will
be visual discomfort
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Educational Facilities
Lighting Requirements
Visual tasks differ in size, viewing direction, distance and
Major critical tasks include reading and writing, often
requiring prolonged and close attention
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Financial Facilities
Various functions and tasks that occur in financial
facilities are mainly the same as those that occur in
offices i.e. conference areas, accounting, general and
private offices, and bookkeeping
Other specific areas that are special to banking where
the lighting needs maybe different
data processing
tellers’ stations
security vault lighting
Automatic Teller Machines (ATMs)
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Financial Facilities
Lighting Requirements
Quality Factors
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Financial Facilities
Lighting Requirements
Quality Factors
Lighting design should reflect the “image” desired in the
lobby and adjacent spaces
Use high intensity discharge lamps to help control initial,
energy and maintenance costs where high ceiling exists
High quality, relatively uniform lighting should be provided for
electronic data processing (EDP) equipment areas where
there are usually only a small number of VDTs
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Financial Facilities
Lighting Requirements
Quality Factors
Provisions for highlighting during promotional activities in the
lobby to create a point of interest
Lighting at bank tellers’ stations must provide for fast and
accurate transactions
Outdoor drive-up teller (ATMs) lighting should be designed
for persons inside the car and appropriate for surveillance
camera needs
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Financial Facilities
Quality Factors
Bank lobbies should
create dramatic
effects especially
during merchandise
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Financial Facilities
Lighting Requirements
Quality Factors
Interior lighting at the bank’s vault must be on at all times in
accordance with the Bank Protection Act and must meet the
requirements specified for alarm camera system
Lighting recommendations for office lighting should be
followed in the bank’s network control area where multiple
VDT screens are in constant use
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Financial Facilities
Lighting Requirements
Quality Factors
Quality issues to be considered for banks are listed in the
IESNA Lighting Design Guide
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Financial Facilities
Lighting Requirements
Use large area, low brightness luminaires or luminaires
positioned on either side of the deal plate to reduce
reflections caused by highly polished material at tellers’
stations from ceiling mounted luminaires
Luminaires behind the drive-up tellers’ windows should also
be of low brightness to minimize reflections from sloping
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Financial Facilities
Lighting Requirements
Lighting should be at about the same level as the interior
lighting in the outdoor drive-up area to avoid mirror effect on
the glass when looking out from the drive-up teller’s position.
Careful placement of light sources to avoid poor visibility from
veiling glare on ATM information display screens at outdoor
Approaches and departure areas must be adequately lighted
to ease adaptation for the customer when transitioning to and
from the machine
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Financial Facilities
Lighting Requirements
ATM locations require lighting for tasks such as:
Reading and writing transactions in the horizontal plane
Viewing the VDT screen
Inputting information on a keyboard in the horizontal or
vertical plane
Safety and security lighting is also necessary for customer
protection in surrounding areas for camera surveillance
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Health Care Facilities
Health care facilities include:
Acute general hospitals
Chronic general
Chronic specialized institutions for the care of
physically and mentally ill
Facilities that offer professional care in residential
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Health Care Facilities
Lighting Requirements
Quality Factors
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Health Care Facilities
Lighting Requirements
Quality Factors
Lighting should serve both the demands of medical
attendants and the comfort needs of the patients
Illumination in multi-bed rooms should be designed to be
unobtrusive to one patient, while remaining adequate for the
Color Rendering Index (CRI) should be at least 80 and the
Correlated Color Temperature (CCT) approximately 4100 K
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Health Care Facilities
Lighting Requirements
Comfortable lighting conditions by limiting luminance ratios
between the localized task and other areas in the normal field
of view i.e. surgery, obstetrics, dentistry, emergency
treatment and autopsies
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Health Care Facilities
Lighting Requirements
For Illuminance recommendations, see the
IESNA Lighting Handbook, 9th Edition,
Chapter 10
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Health Care Facilities
Emergency room
Wall illuminance for
Surgery room
High illuminance for
special task
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Visual tasks include:
Browsing through book stacks
Studying at a carrel
Viewing microfilm or computer retrieval systems
Meeting or conferring
Performing general clerical tasks
Repair and inspection work
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Lighting Requirements
Quality Factors
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Lighting Requirements
Quality Factors
Considerations in the design of a library lighting system:
– Creation of a desirable visual environment to enable
users to see efficiently and without distraction
– Appearance of the installation within the architectural
design of the space
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Lighting Requirements
Care must be taken to avoid veiling reflections on the seeing
tasks and to use luminaires that reduce the luminance in
direct glare zones
– Example: in microfilm areas, one of the most difficult
tasks is reading a screen located under a general lighting
system needed for other tasks in the area. Reflections,
diffuse and specular, tend to wash out the already poor
image on the screen. Hooded machines or those that
have screens treated to reduce reflections make the task
more visible
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Lighting Requirements
Reading is by far the most frequently performed task in a
library which varies from reading children’s books of high
contrast type and paper, to newspapers with low contrast
print, to law books with condensed type, to rare books with
unusual type faces printed on old paper
Other reading tasks may be handwriting
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Lighting Requirements
Unique visual task to the library is that of browsing and/or
searching in a stack or other form of storage space which are
in shelves as high as 8 feet and tightly spaced in a limited
aisle space titles or author’s names with a number coding
Important design objective is obtaining vertical illumination on
the stacks, especially on the lower shelves
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Other illumination needs:
Circulation spaces and audio booths
Special lighting for audio-visual areas
VDT workstations
Accent lighting for exhibits and displays
Lighting treatments of glass showcases, paintings,
prints and rare books, refer to the Museum and Art
Gallery Lighting section of IESNA Lighting Handbook
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Special lighting for audio visual areas
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Industrial Facilities
Industry has a wide range of visual tasks,
operating conditions and economic
Visual tasks involve:
Extremely small or very large
Dark or light
Opaque, transparent or translucent on specular or
diffuse surfaces
Flat or contoured shapes
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Industrial Facilities
Visual Tasks
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Industrial Facilities
Tasks are often on tilted or vertical planes and
the lighting design should provide the
appropriate vertical illuminance
Physical hazards exist in manufacturing
processes and lighting plays an important role in
helping to prevent accidents
Lighting must be designed to contribute to speed
of vision and to the overall environmental
conditions of the workplace
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Industrial Facilities
Speed and Environmental Conditions of the Workplace
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Industrial Facilities
Design of a lighting system and selection of
equipment maybe influenced by many economic
and energy related factors
Economic decisions should be based not only
on initial and operating costs of the lighting
system, but also on the relationship of the cost
of lighting to other production costs
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Industrial Facilities
Economic and Energy Related Factors
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Industrial Facilities
Lighting Requirements
Quality Factors
Quality in Manufacturing
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Industrial Facilities
Lighting Requirements
Quality Factors
One of the important factors is the distribution of luminances
in the visual environment
Industrial installations of poor quality are easily recognized as
uncomfortable and are possibly hazardous
Cumulative effect of even slightly glaring conditions can
result in a loss of seeing efficiency and undue fatigue
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Industrial Facilities
Lighting Requirements
Quality in Manufacturing
Light is often used to aid a manufacturing process or identify
manufacturing defects
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Industrial Facilities
Lighting Requirements
Quality Factors
Color as a part of the seeing task can be very effectively
used to improve contrast either by intensifying or subduing
certain colors inherent in the task
Directional light maybe useful in emphasizing texture and
defects on uneven surfaces
Fluorescence under UV radiation is often used to create
contrast while surface flaws in metal, nonporous plastic and
ceramic parts can be detected by the use of fluorescent
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Industrial Facilities
Lighting Requirements
Quality Factors
Detection of internal strains in glass and transparent plastics
maybe facilitated by transmitted polarized light
Stroboscopic illumination can be used to “slow down” or
“stop” the motion of constant speed rotating or reciprocating
machinery to inspect/study moving parts while they are
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Industrial Facilities
Lighting Requirements
Reflectances of room surface finishes and equipment should
be as high as possible to achieve the best possible
luminance relationships
Painting stationary and moving parts of machines with
contrasting ANSI safety colors helps to reduce accident
hazards by aiding identification
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Industrial Facilities
Lighting Requirements
Desired illuminance depends primarily on the seeing task,
the worker and the importance of speed and accuracy in
performing the task
Illuminance recommendations for industrial tasks and areas
are given in the Lighting Design Guide in the IESNA Lighting
Handbook and in latest version of ANSI/IESNA RP-7
Several industries have also developed industry-specific
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Industrial Facilities
Lighting Requirements
In locations where dirt will collect rapidly on luminaire
surfaces, and where adequate maintenance is not provided,
the initial values should be higher than for spaces which are
cleaner or where there is a planned maintenance program
Illuminance must be increased where workers wear eyeprotective devices with occupationally-required tinted lenses
that reduce the light reaching the retina of the eye
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Industrial Facilities
Lighting Requirements
In cases where specific amount or quality of lighting cannot
be obtained by general lighting, supplementary luminaires
are often used to provide high illuminances for small
restricted areas and to furnish a certain luminance or color or
to permit special aiming or positioning of light sources to
produce or avoid highlights or shadows to best portray the
details of the task
Supplementary equipment must be well shielded to prevent
glare for the user and others working in adjacent areas
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Industrial Facilities
Lighting Requirements
Wide selection of luminaires including fluorescent, metal
halide and high pressure sodium
Maybe open or enclosed, with light control elements of metal,
plastic or glass
Mounting maybe “low-bay” (up to 5.5 m), “medium-bay” (5.5
–7 m) or “high-bay” (>7.5 m)
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Industrial Facilities
Lighting Requirements
Fluorescent sources should always be considered in areas
with ceiling heights of approximately 10-12 ft, or where hihg
CRI or instant starting is required
Luminaires should be selected which provide well-shielded
illumination distributed over all of the work planes with
aesthetics in mind
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Industrial Facilities
Lighting Requirements
Luminaires should be chosen with regard to:
– Their ease of maintenance
– Durability
– Efficiency
Lighting designer should consult with local code authorities
before specifying equipment especially in areas where
hazardous materials may be present as to what special
equipment maybe required
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Visual Impact
Concepts of Lighting Applications for Visual
Visual Tasks and Aesthetic Functions
Spatial Considerations
Light Source Criteria
Luminaire Selection and Layout
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Visual Tasks and Aesthetic Applications
Graphic Elements
To achieve the desired impression, the design team
must evaluate the treatment of the following graphic
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Visual Tasks and Aesthetic Applications
Graphic Elements
Line can be used to delineate shape or show direction. The
lighting designer can emphasize line through the use of side
illuminated fiber optic cable or light pipe, or exposed linear
sources such as straight-tube fluorescent or cold cathode.
Lines created by architectural form can also be accentuated
by direct or indirect lighting.
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Visual Tasks and Aesthetic Applications
Graphic Elements
The solid shape of an architectural or decorative object can
be accentuated by silhouetting the mass of the object against
a lighter ground. Wall washing in interiors or floodlighting of
exteriors can emphasize the mass of a building.
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Visual Tasks and Aesthetic Applications
Graphic Elements
Three dimensional forms of objects and spaces are defined
through a combination of key (directional) light and ambient
fill (diffuse and/or multi-directional) light. Object form is
accentuated through the interplay of highlights, shade, and
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Visual Tasks and Aesthetic Applications
Graphic Elements
The color composition in an environment is the result of both
object color and source color. Only wavelengths of light
present in the light sources will be visible to the human eye
regardless of object color. Where color rendering is
important, care should be taken to choose light sources with
a high Color Rendering Index (CRI).
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Visual Tasks and Aesthetic Applications
Graphic Elements
Rhythm is the result of a static pattern of light and dark or of
dynamic movement of light sources. A visual rhythm may be
created by spotlighting individual art on a wall or, more
obviously, by a chase light sequence around a store window
or sign.
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Visual Tasks and Aesthetic Functions
Visual Hierarchy
Lighting emphasis on selected architectural features
in a space, and on the elements within, combined
with the treatment of surface finishes, will draw the
user’s attention initially to the focal points and then to
other aspects of the design
Creation of visual hierarchy must be based on:
Luminance ratios
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Visual Tasks and Aesthetic Functions
Visual Hierarchy
Luminance ratios
Areas of higher luminance will tend to draw visual focus while
areas where there is contrast (where the luminance ratios are
high) will have a tendency to attract attention
Example: In merchandising areas, attraction is a key goal of
the lighting, so luminance values should be carefully
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Visual Tasks and Aesthetic Functions
Visual Hierarchy
Luminance ratios
Contrast ratios should not exceed a level at which visual
comfort is compromised
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Visual Tasks and Aesthetic Functions
Visual Hierarchy
Color can also help to achieve visual focus
Warm colors tend to dominate in the field of view while cool
colors tend to recede
Strongly colored sources (usually achieved through filtration)
can be used, where appropriate, for startling visual effect
Colored light are often used in signage and as an attention
getting device
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Visual Tasks and Aesthetic Functions
Visual Hierarchy
Colors can be exploited to attract customers in a
merchandising area or to accentuate a sense of spatial depth
in a themed environment
Care should be taken in applications where color rendering is
important to include some sources with a broader spectral
distribution along with the colored sources
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Spatial Considerations
Architectural Features and Forms
Appropriate lighting can bring an architect’s vision to
life by accentuating two-dimensional planes and
three-dimensional forms
Direction and distribution of light should be chosen
carefully on the following surfaces:
Vertical surfaces
Horizontal surfaces
Spatial impressions
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Spatial Considerations
Architectural Features and Forms
Vertical surfaces
Walls and decorative matter on them (including signage) can
be lighted effectively using a wall washing technique where
uniform illumination is desired
Source with a high CRI should be specified if the wall surface
or the material hanging on it is important
Some applications, such as museum lighting, have more
specific requirements for the lighting of vertical surfaces
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Spatial Considerations
Architectural Features and Forms
Vertical surfaces
For textured vertical surfaces, a grazing technique maybe
more appropriate than wall washing
Luminaires placed close to the vertical surface will create
highlights and shadows and therefore visual interest
Columns or other cylindrical forms maybe highlighted using a
spotlight technique or direct/indirect fixtures mounted directly
on the column
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Spatial Considerations
Architectural Features and Forms
Horizontal surfaces
The technique for lighting horizontal planes will vary
considerably from application to application
– House of worship – uniform illumination for reading on
the horizontal plane is necessary
– Restaurant – it may be more appropriate to light
individual tables and leave areas of darkness between
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Spatial Considerations
Architectural Features and Forms
Spatial Impressions
Research by Prof. John Flynn, codified the
subjective spatial impressions affected by
various lighting conditions as follows:
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Spatial Considerations
Spatial Impressions
Subjective Impression
Uniform distribution with some perimeter lighting
Low light levels at user area with some
brightness in the periphery and darker areas
Non-uniform intense direct light from overhead
Non-uniform distribution with some perimeter
lighting and less overhead light
Non-uniform distribution with a combination of
perimeter and downlighting
Bright and uniform lighting on horizontal tasks
with less perimeter lighting
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Spatial Considerations
Control of Circulation
Light must serve to indicate the path of movement or
to motivate people to keep moving (as well as provide
safe illumination levels for egress)
Used of exposed linear sources or source glitter
The pattern and frequency of other luminaire types
and the light they emit can achieve the same results
Example: pools of light from recessed downlights that lead
from lobby door to an elevator provide lighting indicators
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Spatial Considerations
Light serves not only to illuminate, but often to
decorate as well to give:
Decorative Luminaires
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Spatial Considerations
Sparkle, or enhancing reflection, is created when a point
source of light impinges on a specular object
An important tool for initiating the sale of specular
Can be an extremely effective way to display faceted objects
i.e. cut crystal, glass, or jewels in merchandising and exhibit
Elements of sparkle can be used on the back bars of
restaurants or to enhance the crystal on table settings
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Spatial Considerations
Small, exposed, clear incandescent sources create “glitter” that can
be used to draw attention to shop windows and theater marquees
The linear nature of “glitter strips” makes them a useful luminaire
type for outlining architectural form
Glitter can even be sued to identify steps or handrails, creating a
sense of theatricality
Low voltage sources of glitter maybe used to conserve energy
Glitter sources are not appropriate for all applications since exposed
light sources may cause discomfort glare and project an
inappropriately casual image
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Spatial Considerations
Decorative Luminaires
Most applications benefit from the use of some decorative
luminaires such as:
– Custom pendant over the reception desk of an office
– Fiber optic forms in a themed restaurant
– Crystal chandeliers in a casino
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Light Source Criteria
Potential to dim the sources
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Light Source Criteria
Color rendering
Warm color temperature e.g incandescent
Color-enhanced discharge sources i.e. metal halide
or high pressure sodium
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Light Source Criteria
The designer should take into account the visual
tasks to be performed and the factors of size, contrast
and time
The designer should select appropriate illuminance
for the design (maintained over time)
IESNA Lighting Design Guide (Chapter 10 IESNA
Lighting Handbook 9th Ed)
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Light Source Criteria
The designer must weigh the aesthetic goals of the
lighting design against the financial considerations of
both initial cost and the life-cycle costs of
maintenance and energy use
The designer may need to make strategic use of
incandescent sources for accent lighting while using
sources with higher efficacy (fluorescent (HID) for
general illumination
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Luminaire Selection
Quality of light
Task considerations and Illuminance Criteria
Distribution of light
Luminaire Glare and Visual Comfort
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Luminaire Selection
Quality of Light
More than one type of luminaire is used in most
applications to provide for both soft ambient light and
harder accent light
Soft light minimizes shadows but when used alone can
create an almost shadowless atmosphere lacking visual
Hard light is useful for accents but if used alone can create
an environment where contrast ratios are too high for visual
Daylight exhibit soft and hard characteristics if used
indirect or direct respectively
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Luminaire Selection
Task Considerations and Illuminance Criteria
Task considerations should also be taken into
account, even in applications where the visual impact
of a space is the most important design criterion
Tasks include:
– Reading in the seating area of house of worship
– Completion of sale in a merchandising application
– Computer use in a home study
Luminaires should be selected to provide the
appropriate amount of incident light for the task,
keeping in mind that the occupants will be seeing
reflected or transmitted light
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Luminaire Selection
Distribution of light
Shape and distribution of light must be considered
– Luminaire with a narrow distribution of light is quite useful
for controlled accent lighting on a single painting, or
where it is desirable to see the edge of the lighted area
against a darker background in an intimate restaurant
– Luminaires with a wider distribution that provide even
illumination on the vertical surface for a wall washing
application are more appropriate
– For uniform illumination, the manufacturer’s spacing
criterion (SC) should be consulted to assure adequate
coverage for a given ceiling height
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Luminaire Selection
Luminaire Glare and Visual Comfort
Glare from the luminaire itself should be considered
especially if the direct source glare is within the visual
field making the overall view and aesthetic
appreciation of the scene maybe obscured
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Lighting functions and techniques will be
discussed in the following applications:
Merchandising Areas
Museums and Exhibits
Restaurants and Hospitality Spaces
Casinos and Gaming Facilities
Houses of Worship
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Merchandising Areas
Lighting Functions
To attract the customer
For appraisal of the merchandise
To complete the sale
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Merchandising Areas
Lighting Functions
Store Interiors
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Merchandising Areas
Lighting Functions
– Lighting should address the following:
» Visual context for the window
» Window layout
» Contour of the window
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Merchandising Areas
Lighting Functions
Store Interiors
– Luminance ratios on the merchandise and displays should have
at least 3 times the luminance of the surrounding areas
– Luminance ratio should not exceed 5 to 1 throughout the space
except in small areas of specialization
– Dramatic luminance ratios maybe desirable in a “themed” store
– Light sources with high CRI (at least 70) should be used to
highlight the merchandise attractively while texture should be
accentuated by grazing angles of light to help attract customers
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Merchandising Areas
Lighting Functions
Appraisal (or Initiation of sale)
Adequate illumination must be provided so that customers
can evaluate the merchandise once they are attracted
Color rendition is important at the time of appraisal both for
the merchandise and the customer to look attractive
Luminaire placement should avoid facial shadowing
especially in mirrors at the fitting room
Vertical illumination should be provided for clothing appraisal
to enable customer to evaluate the entire length of the
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Merchandising Areas
Lighting Functions
Completion of Sale
Task lighting is required for the store personnel in the
following sales transaction areas:
– Registering the sale
– Verifying the price
– Reading copied or printed data
Merchandise should look as attractive at the register as it did
on the rack to avoid customers from changing their minds
Color rendering should be consistent throughout the store
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Merchandising Areas
Lighting Techniques
Three Basic Approaches
General Pattern System
Specific System
Flexible System
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Merchandising Areas
Lighting Techniques
General Pattern System
This system employs a uniform pattern of luminaires to
provide general illumination regardless of the position of the
Useful in supermarkets or in the general merchandising
areas of large department stores
If this system is not combined with supplementary or special
display lighting, it may project an image conducive to bargain
prices or lower-priced merchandise since the customer may
associate less expensive lighting installation to less
expensive merchandise
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Merchandising Areas
Lighting Techniques
Specific System
This system employs a layout of luminaires determined by
the layout of merchandise displays in the store
An integrated system can be very useful in the delineation of
sales areas whether used in the sale of groceries, shoes,
clothing or furniture but keep in mind that they are
permanently located
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Merchandising Areas
Lighting Techniques
Flexible System
This system employs a pattern of electrical outlets for nonpermanent installation of luminaires usually of the aimable
System of track lighting is the most common example
With this system, lighting can be tailored to changing
merchandise displays
Combining the flexible layout with a multi-channel control
system, maximum flexibility can be achieved
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Merchandising Areas
Lighting Techniques
Specialty Lighting
Different types of merchandise have special lighting needs
– A display case of crystal should include integrated point
sources of light that will provide the necessary enhancing
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Museums and Exhibits
Lighting Functions
Damage Control
Flat Displays on Vertical Surfaces
Exhibit Cases
Three-Dimensional Objects
Environments and Installations
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Museums and Exhibits
Lighting Functions
Damage Control
Lighting must be designed to enhance and illuminate 3D
artifacts as well as the surface qualities of 2D artifacts
Lighting must also be designed to control potential damage
to the artifacts with respect to amount of illumination and time
of exposure
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Museums and Exhibits
Lighting Functions
Flat displays on Vertical Surfaces
Luminaires should be placed to provide the necessary
vertical illuminance while minimizing shadows and
direct/indirect glare
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Museums and Exhibits
Lighting Functions
Exhibit Cases
Enclosed display cases may be lighted internally, externally,
or in combination
External lighting is usually from directly overhead and
through a diffusing panel but take into consideration glare
Internal lighting is more commonly used
Care should be taken to limit the heat inside the enclosure in
both eternal and internal lighting
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Museums and Exhibits
Lighting Functions
3D Objects
Three dimensional forms usually require highlighting and
shadowing to reveal the contours of an object and should be
lighted from multiple directions using a key and fill approach
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Museums and Exhibits
Lighting Functions
Environment and Installations
Decorative Art
– Lighting in character with the original purpose of the
space is desirable, within reason
Contemporary Installation Art
– Many installation artists design their pieces to be selfilluminating, or include light itself as the subject
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Museums and Exhibits
Lighting Techniques
Electric sources
Lighting Controls
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Museums and Exhibits
Lighting Techniques
Historically popular means of illuminating artifacts in
museums and galleries
Architectural forms and materials used to deliver daylight to
artifacts to limit direct sunlight and filter out damaging UV
– Light wells
– Light pipes
– Clerestories
– Low-emissivity glass
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Museums and Exhibits
Lighting Techniques
Electric Sources
Electric sources should be chosen to render colors
appropriately while limiting the damage caused by both
infrared (heat) and UV radiation
MR16 lamps with dichroic infrared coatings are often a good
option for accent lighting
Light transport systems (fiber optics and light pipes) with
limited heat and UV radiation are also suitable for lighting
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Museums and Exhibits
Lighting Techniques
Lighting Controls
Specification and installation of special control devices can
reduce both the lighting energy consumption and exposure
to damaging radiation
– Control via interface with a real time clock will limit the
lux-hours/year to the minimum necessary
– Occupancy sensors maybe used to control lighting in
less frequented spaces
– Photocells can be used when the design combines
daylight and electric light
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Museums and Exhibits
Lighting Techniques
Accent Lighting
Very dramatic visual effect
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Restaurants and Hospitality Spaces
Lighting Functions
Creating the Appropriate Atmosphere in the Dining
Intimate Type
Leisure Type
Quick-service Type
Service Areas
Hotel Lobbies
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Restaurants and Hospitality Spaces
Lighting Functions
Creating the Appropriate Atmosphere in the Dining
Intimate Type
– Low lighting levels to create a relaxing atmosphere and a
sense of privacy
– Standard or custom decorative luminaires maybe used
throughout although color rendering at the dining table is
important so that both patrons and food look appealing
while colored sources maybe used for dramatic effect
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Restaurants and Hospitality Spaces
Lighting Functions
Creating the Appropriate Atmosphere in the Dining
Leisure Type
– A higher and more uniform level of illuminance should be
provided to create a restful but interesting environment
where eating is the main objective
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Restaurants and Hospitality Spaces
Lighting Functions
Creating the Appropriate Atmosphere in the Dining
Quick-service Type
– Higher light levels and uniform light distribution are the
– Lighted signage is often used to control traffic flow
– Menu and counter should be adequately illuminated for
the given task
– Menu maybe self-illuminating
– Color rendering in these locations is not as critical as in
the seating area
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Restaurants and Hospitality Spaces
Lighting Functions
Service Areas
Areas where money is exchanged, food is prepared or from
which food is served must be adequately illuminated for the
given task
The designer must be knowledgeable about code
requirements for enclosed luminaires in food preparation
areas and for “damp location” or “wet location” luminaires
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Restaurants and Hospitality Spaces
Lighting Functions
Service Areas
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Restaurants and Hospitality Spaces
Lighting Functions
Hotel Lobbies
Lighting should complement the architecture and provide for
safe transition exterior to interior
Consideration should be given to adaptation time
A control system should provide for varying illuminance
levels and a change in mood from daytime to nighttime hours
The registration area must be illuminated for the seeing tasks
involved with check in/out
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Restaurants and Hospitality Spaces
Lighting Techniques
General Pattern Illumination
Decorative Luminaires
Specialty Lighting
Lighted Signage
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Restaurants and Hospitality Spaces
Lighting Techniques
General Pattern Illumination
Uniform pattern of illumination maybe appropriate in leisure
and quick-service restaurants as well as in hospitality spaces
such as hotel lobbies and ballrooms
Recessed downlights with high CRI sources (either
incandescent of compact fluorescent) are often the
luminaires of choice
Even in an intimate-type restaurant, a general pattern of
luminaires maybe used if the sources are well shielded and
have a narrow beam distribution to produce a pattern of light
shadow to create a sense of privacy
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Restaurants and Hospitality Spaces
Lighting Techniques
Decorative Luminaires
Custom designed decorative luminaires can heighten the
image of an intimate-type restaurant or a hotel lobby or
In more moderately priced leisure-type restaurants, off-theshelf decorative luminaires may be suitable
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Restaurants and Hospitality Spaces
Lighting Techniques
Specialty Lighting
Lighting package for multi-use spaces of some restaurants
and hotel meeting rooms and ballrooms may include a
variety of theatrical luminaires (usually ellipsoidal reflector
spotlights and PAR units) as well as control system
integrated with the permanent architectural system or a
separate theatrical-style console
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Restaurants and Hospitality Spaces
Lighting Techniques
Lighted Signage
Lighted signage, often neon, is often used for customer
attraction as well as control of circulation at quick-service
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Casinos and Gaming Facilities
Lighting Functions
Lighting for Customer Comfort
Lighting to Enhance Safety and Surveillance
Lighting for Seeing Tasks
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Casinos and Gaming Facilities
Lighting Functions
Lighting of a casino should help to attract and visually focus
the customer’s attention toward the gaming area(s) without
over-stimulating the visual sense much like the ways in which
lighting must function to attract a customer to a merchandise
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Casinos and Gaming Facilities
Lighting Functions
Lighting for Customer Comfort
The lighting should create a pleasant atmosphere and make
the customer feel relaxed and welcome
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Casinos and Gaming Facilities
Lighting Functions
Lighting to Enhance Safety and Surveillance
Unique to casinos is the need for the lighting to provide
adequate illumination for the operation of surveillance video
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Casinos and Gaming Facilities
Lighting Functions
Lighting for Seeing Tasks
Adequate illumination must be provided at each gaming
Some games require vertical illuminance while others require
horizontal illuminance sometimes at a distance from the
customer e.g. Bingo, Race and Sports Book
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Casinos and Gaming Facilities
Lighting Techniques
Diffuse Lighting and Direct Lighting
Visually Subordinate Lighting Systems
Sparkle and Glitter
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Casinos and Gaming Facilities
Lighting Techniques
Diffuse Lighting and Direct Lighting
“diffuse lighting is appropriate in most work areas to prevent
distracting shadows from the work itself (IESNA RP-26,
Recommended Practice on Lighting for Casinos and Gaming
Direct lighting can be used for accent purposes and to create
visual focus
Combination of diffuse and direct lighting is the best
illumination system for people at the gaming tables
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Casinos and Gaming Facilities
Lighting Techniques
Visually Subordinate Lighting Systems
IESNA Committee on Casino and Gaming Lighting
recommends minimizing the potential for the lighting system
itself to be distracting and place visual focus on the gaming
Indirect systems and direct lighting systems with
concentrating distribution patterns are useful design tools
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Casinos and Gaming Facilities
Lighting Techniques
Sparkle and Glitter
Enhancing reflection and glitter are useful techniques for
attraction of the customer and care must be taken to light the
individual gaming areas so that the operator, the customer,
and video and live surveillance can view the game without
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Houses of Worship
Lighting Functions
Light for Reading
Accent Lighting
Celebration Lighting
Architectural Lighting
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Houses of Worship
Lighting Functions
Light for Reading
Lighting must provide adequate light for reading prayer books
and hymnals throughout the congregation seeing area
Light should be uniform, not only for the paper reading tasks,
but also to enable the congregates to see one another
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Houses of Worship
Lighting Functions
Accent Lighting
Accent lighting provides visual focus on the leadership area
of the space as well as on religious objects
Modeling of the speaker/leader as well as of threedimensional objects is important, as is color rendering
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Houses of Worship
Lighting Functions
Celebration Lighting
Celebration lighting is the festive and joyous lighting that
evokes a special uplift to an occasion often provided by
lighted candles or specialty lanterns
Celebration lighting can enhance many liturgical special
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Houses of Worship
Lighting Functions
Architectural Lighting
Architectural features such as arches, trusses, or painted
ceilings should be appropriately illuminated
The architecture of the house of worship itself can be
celebrated with light
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Houses of Worship
Lighting Techniques
Stained Glass
General Illumination
Focused Lighting
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Houses of Worship
Lighting Techniques
Important part of the design of most religious structures
Through skylights and clerestory windows, daylight can be
used for general lighting in the seating areas as well as
accent lighting in the leadership areas
Natural light also accents the sculpture in the background
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Houses of Worship
Lighting Techniques
Architectural form of the white light “scoop” opposite the
north-facing clerestory windows act as a reflector to direct
diffuse daylight
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Houses of Worship
Lighting Techniques
Stained Glass
Stained glass may be used for daytime illumination of the
interior or to provide decorative visual accent
For nighttime effect, the glass may be lighted with floodlights
or from a luminous panel or “light box”
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Houses of Worship
Lighting Techniques
General Illumination
General illumination in the sanctuary is usually provided by a
direct system of luminaires with overlapping beam
distribution to alleviate shadowing on the reading tasks
Care should be taken to specify luminaires appropriate for
mounting height because houses of worship are often
designed with high, sloping ceilings
Access for maintenance must be provided
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Houses of Worship
Lighting Techniques
General Illumination
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Houses of Worship
Lighting Techniques
Focused Lighting
For direct accent lighting on the speaker platform or
leadership area, luminaires should be located so as to
provide light from at least two directions
The IESNA Committee on Lighting for Houses of Worship
recommends these luminaires equipped with a controllable
beam, such as theatrical spotlight, and be placed
approximately 45°-55° above horizontal and 30° to the right
and left of the centerline of the object being lighted
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Houses of Worship
Lighting Techniques
Preset control system, which can be programmed for
different functions such as worship service, wedding, concert
or visiting hours will
The visual focus of the space and overall composition of light
help provide flexibility and variety will need to be different for
each event
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Houses of Worship
Lighting Techniques
– For somber occasion e.g wake, downlighting should
– For a joyous festival celebration, the architectural
features of the building may receive more lighting
Control system can also serve to reduce power consumption
by shutting off unneeded lighting systems
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Exterior Lighting Issues
Lighting for Visual Performance
Lighting for Visual Impact
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Exterior Lighting
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Obtrusive Light
Ordinances and Standards
Safety and Security
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Exterior Lighting Issues
Local weather should be understood before designing the
It is the designer’s responsibility to anticipate the most severe
weather, and to consider the corresponding light loss
Lighting system must be adequate during good conditions as
well as during worse conditions
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Exterior Lighting Issues
Protection against moisture and impact should should be
considered where appropriate
Label “Damp and Wet Locations”
– Damp refers to luminaires mounted in exterior but
covered locations
– Wet refers to luminaires in locations exposed directly to
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Exterior Lighting Issues
To keep the system performing at design levels, maintaining
exterior lighting equipment in order to stand weather is a
Group maintenance should be considered where all lamps in
a system are replaced and luminaires cleaned and checked
at scheduled intervals especially if equipment mounting
locations and heights can make access difficult
Luminaire cleaning and replacement of auxiliary equipment
such as lenses, gaskets, ballasts, ignitors and photocells
should be a part of the maintenance schedule
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Exterior Lighting Issues
In extreme situations, component testing during routine
maintenance maybe desirable e.g. checking ballasts’
performance and replacing as necessary
Regularly scheduled maintenance ensures that the minimum
performance level will be adequate, while reducing burn-outs
between maintenance
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Exterior Lighting Issues
Lighting controls for exterior projects are typically activated
by clocks or the sensing of light levels or occupancy
Often, more than one control is applied to a luminaire or to a
group of luminaires
– Example: a parking lot lighting system maybe switched
on by one photocell (which senses ambient lighting
levels) for each luminaire but switched of by a single
Controls may also be integrated with a facility management
or building automation system
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Exterior Lighting Issues
– Controls that use clocks re called timeswitches (or
timeclocks) and may include automatic adjustments for
daylight savings and changing seasons, backup power
for uninterrupted timekeeping and additional features
– Timeswitches typically control groups of luminaires to
turn them on or off at a scheduled time of night, most
frequently at a specified time following the end of local
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Exterior Lighting Issues
– Photocell controls switch luminaires on or off in response
to light levels
– Individual or group control can be used, and the switch
can either turn on or off as the light level increases or
– Photocells can be set to respond at different light levels,
and to go either on or off mode at system failure
e.g.switching on of lights at dusk and off at dawn
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Exterior Lighting Issues
– For tunnel and building entrances, lighting is usually
programmed to be at higher intensities during daylight
periods and lower at night to enable easier transition and
mitigate sudden changes in illuminance levels
– Different types of photocells are available, each having
distinct properties and performance
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Exterior Lighting Issues
Occupancy-sensing Controls
– Occupancy activated controls are used in some exterior
applications, particularly security lighting
– These controls work in a similar manner to interior
occupancy sensors, switching on when occupancy is
detected and off after a specified period with no
– Use of these control devices is not recommended with
HID sources because of the restrike and warm up time
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Exterior Lighting Issues
Switching and controls often play an increasing role in the
usefulness of the lighting system as the facility increases in
Large sports facilities often have a number of switching
schemes, which encompass everything from clean-up to
practice to televised competition
Safety and /or security lighting might require using a quartz
instant re-strike feature in HID luminaires, or an additional
lighting system
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Exterior Lighting Issues
Manual dimmer and wall switch
Occupancy-sensing control
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Exterior Lighting Issues
Typical techniques for minimizing vandalism include
mounting equipment sufficiently high, using hardened
(durable) luminaires and installing additional equipment to
light important areas from more than one direction
Mounting heights of 3.5 to 4 m may be necessary to remove
luminaires from easy attack
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Exterior Lighting Issues
Hardened luminaires may incorporate polycarbonate lenses,
wire or mesh enclosures, glare shields and other
attachments e.g. vandal-proof screws to help prevent
Additional luminaires are often used to provide
supplementary lighting from more than one direction in
important areas and may be used to “highlight” the luminaires
in the principal lighting system, to further avoid vandalism
because of increased visibility
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Exterior Lighting Issues
Controls and power supply should also be protected from
– A lighting system that locates luminaires high on poles
but leaves easy access to photocells or wiring (through
the handholes) may not be an effective solution
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Exterior Lighting Issues
Since steps taken to reduce vandalism can affect the
performance of the lighting system, these methods (luminaire
types, mounting heights and use of protective devices) must
be included I the design stage
Vandalism reduction measures may also help to make the
equipment less susceptible to everyday mechanical damage,
but typically increase the difficulty of maintenance
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Exterior Lighting Issues
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Exterior Lighting Issues
Obtrusive Light
The lighting designer should be familiar with glare, light
trespass, sky glow and other lighting elements and be
prepared to design a lighting system that meets the needs of
the client/owner while also considering the effect of the
lighting system on the natural and aesthetic environment of
the area
Applications such as building facades, landscapes and
central business districts sometimes require lighting to be
aimed upward
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Exterior Lighting Issues
Obtrusive Light
Roadway, pathway and area lighting typically do not require
uplight, but other exterior lighting systems might require it
Luminous flux above the horizontal does not always benefit
exterior lighting projects, but can add to glare, spill light and
light trespass
Luminous flux above the horizontal and reflected light also
contributes to sky glow which is an immensely important
issue with the professional and amateur astronomical
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Exterior Lighting Issues
Obtrusive Light
Fixtures with some cutoff characteristics in the photometric
distribution are recommended for exterior lighting unless it is
essential to have luminous flux above the horizontal
Area, pathway and roadway lighting equipment should have
distributions that are at least “semi-cutoff” while “full
cutoff”should Always be considered
When it is necessary to have a luminous flux above the
horizontal, the designer should be diligent in keeping the
above-horizontal flux as low as practical to accomplish the
intended effect
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Exterior Lighting Issues
Obtrusive Light
Spill light can be controlled by selecting:
– Proper luminaires
– Proper mounting height
– Use of external and internal shielding
– Use of low reflectance finishes on reflecting surfaces
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Exterior Lighting Issues
Obtrusive Light
Raising mounting heights and using sharper cutoff luminaires
can reduce spill light most effectively
Visits to the site during the day and at night can identify
potential effects the lighting design may have on adjacent
property and the impact those properties may have on the
proposed design
The least expensive way to deal with light trespass and sky
glow from exterior lighting is to consider the issues prior to
the design phase
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Exterior Lighting Issues
Obtrusive Light
The design might affect the properties several blocks away or
areas where the properties are set above or below the design
site, so special care should be taken to eliminate or limit
glare and light trespass
A site visit can also influence decisions regarding the type of
luminaire, mounting height, light source, overhang/setback,
plus other possible criteria to be used in the design
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Exterior Lighting Issues
Ordinances and Standards
Adoption of lighting ordinances and standards enables
jurisdictions to restrict, direct and check on exterior lighting
systems and presents designers with additional requirements
for each project
The designer is responsible for finding out which ordinances
and standards apply, and how to demonstrate compliance
Clarification of the details of ordinances and standards may
be necessary, and should be provided by the official
responsible for the review of the submittal
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Exterior Lighting Issues
Ordinances and Standards
Common requirements of standards and ordinances are
illumination quantity and quality criteria and restrictions on
lamp lumens or luminaire distributions
Requirements for submittal and review may include
photometric plans and luminaire product literature (“cutsheets”), to demonstrate compliance, particularly with
controlling spill light
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Exterior Lighting Issues
Safety and Security
Safety concerns can be addressed by appropriate lighting of
hazards such as stairs, curbs, sloped walkways and other
Property protection is one important aspect of security
Security lighting provides illumination to deter would-be
criminals by facilitating detection and identification, and
allows individuals and guards to view the surrounding area(s)
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Exterior Lighting Issues
Safety and Security
Property protection
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Exterior Lighting Issues
Safety and Security
Safety and security lighting should be resistant to vandalism
and be well maintained
Inoperative lights can create hazards and reduce security
Critical locations should be covered by at least two
luminaires for reliability
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Exterior Lighting Issues
Safety and Security
Safety lighting for each project should be reviewed by
envisioning moving through the area as users will, and
anticipating every hazard-particularly changes in direction or
level of a walkway
It is important to consider all directions of travel and the
needs of emergency situations, to avoid “injury to self” during
extreme weather conditions
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Exterior Lighting Issues
Safety and Security
Security lighting intended to improve visibility within an area
for both deterrence and identification to avoid “injury by
others” because it is important what is to be visible and to
Objects to be illuminated must be clearly identified so
surveillance equipment and personnel (for deterrence and for
their security) is a must as well as storage yards and fence
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Exterior Lighting Issues
Safety and Security
Improve visibility and crime
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Exterior Lighting Issues
Safety and Security
Consider the recommendations carefully to insure that the
correct uniformity ratio (“average to minimum” or “maximum
to minimum”) is achieved for the application
Improve visibility by controlling glare and providing a properly
uniform and balanced luminous environment
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Exterior Lighting Issues
Safety and Security
Reflective surfaces can produce problems from an imbalance
of interior and exterior lighting levels for guard facilities, as
well as drive-up bank teller windows, or other interior/exterior
spaces with security concerns
Equal illumination inside and outside will improve visibility for
the people inside
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Exterior Lighting Issues
Safety and Security
It is important to know what or when to light since excessive
light levels at a gateway may make observation of the
surrounding fence more difficult
Lighting can make a space more public and improve security
by increasing the use of the area by making it more inviting
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Exterior Lighting Issues
Safety and Security
Designers should evaluate the vertical illuminance at 1.5 m
above grade to light faces
Important visual information for the surrounding areas is
routes of approach, escape and avoidance
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Exterior Lighting Issues
Safety and Security
Problem spots such as confined spaces, hidden entrances
and exits, which are possible hiding places, should be made
as visible as possible so individuals can see approaching
persons and evaluate their intent, and know where they can
go to avoid a confrontation
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Exterior Lighting Issues
Safety and Security
Illuminate and balance the lighting since overly bright areas
can be problematic when people are placed in the “spot light”
with decreased ability to see their own surroundings
Uniform lighting, when the contrast between faces and
background is moderate (no more than 4 to 1), will make
people easier to identify
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Exterior Lighting Issues
Safety and Security
“Peep hole lighting” should provide vertical illumination on
the face of people at the door and also the surrounding area
for residential entries and possible sites of forced entry to
ensure that no one is hiding nearby
Motion control devices can be useful for controlling
luminaires especially for driveway before people exit a car, or
for a back stair as someone approaches
Glare should be considered both as deterrent to criminals
and a hazard for the residents and should be confined within
the property boundary
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Exterior Lighting Issues
Safety and Security
Simple solutions such as mirrors on stairs, and closing off or
lighting up hiding places, can be most effective for multiple
residence facilities
To avoid vandalism or damage of the lighting system, making
the luminaire, power supply and controls by highlighting the
equipment itself can help
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Exterior Lighting Issues
Landscape plantings spread and increase in girth and height
over time unless they are carefully trimmed on a regular
Information about growth patterns of plantings from local
nurseries or agricultural extension services should be known
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Lighting Applications for Visual Performance
Floodlighting Basics
Area Lighting Basics
Parking Lots
Walkways and Bikeways
Sports Facilities
Automated Teller Machines
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Lighting Applications for Visual Performance
Floodlighting Basics
Light distribution described in degrees of beam spread or
Beam spread described in two (2) ways:
– Beam Angle
– Field Angle
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Lighting Applications for Visual Performance
Floodlighting Basics
Beam Angle (in any plane):
– The angle between the two directions in the plane in
which the intensity is equal to 50% of the maximum
beam intensity
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Lighting Applications for Visual Performance
Floodlighting Basics
Field Angle (in any plane):
– The angle between the two directions in the plane in
which the intensity is equal to 10% of the maximum
beam intensity
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Lighting Applications for Visual Performance
Floodlighting Basics
NEMA or IESNA beam types are determined by “field angles”
Symmetrical floodlights have the same horizontal and vertical
beam spread and are classified with one NEMA number
Asymmetrical beam spreads have separate horizontal and
vertical designations (H, V), with the horizontal value always
given first
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Lighting Applications for Visual Performance
Floodlighting Basics
Symmetrical beam spread
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Asymmetrical beam spread
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Lighting Applications for Visual Performance
Floodlighting Basics
Beam spread should provide the right amount of light in the
desired location
Typical area lighting layouts will have luminaires mounted at
the edge of the area to be lighted
Floodlights usually cover a distance up to 3 times the
mounting height and are generally aimed 2/3 of the distance
across the area to be lighted and at least 30° below
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Lighting Applications for Visual Performance
Floodlighting Basics
If the floodlight is aimed at the far side of the area or less
than 30° below horizontal, there will be substantial glare and
/or spill light
If the floodlight is aimed at the near side of the area, the far
side will not receive adequate light, and a hot spot will be
created near the floodlight location
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Lighting Applications for Visual Performance
Floodlighting Basics
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Lighting Applications for Visual Performance
Floodlighting Basics
Best lateral uniformity is not obtained by the typical “quarter
point” layout, locating identical luminaires evenly spaced with
a ½ spacing distance to the edge
With such a pattern, the area midway between two
luminaires has contributions from both luminaires, while at
the edge there is only one luminaire contributing
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Lighting Applications for Visual Performance
Floodlighting Basics
Illuminance at the edge will be about half that at the midpoint
and the luminaires should be spaced so the illuminance at
the edge is at least as high as the illuminance at the midpoint
between luminaires
Typical layout patterns and exact proportions depend on the
photometric distribution of the luminaire
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Lighting Applications for Visual Performance
Area Lighting Basics
Area lighting refers to the lighting of open level areas with
luminaires mounted above grade, typically on poles or
Designers will often use similar luminaires throughout the
project, with single or multiple luminaires on one pole with the
intent of providing sufficient horizontal illuminance at grade,
with corresponding uniformity
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Lighting Applications for Visual Performance
Area Lighting Basics
Applications include:
– Open parking lots
– Walkways and bikeways
– Storage yards
– Sports facilities
Area lighting luminaires are designed to provide a variety of
light distributions for different project geometries
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Lighting Applications for Visual Performance
Area Lighting Basics
Distributions have been classified by IESNA based on the
transverse (projection), longitudinal (lateral) and cutoff
characteristics of the photometric data
Five (5) Basic Classification Types (types I, II, III, IV and V)
used to describe the transverse distribution patterns of area
luminaires which are shapes based on where the maximum
candlepower and the trace of the half-maximum values fall,
as measured in units of fixture mounting height
Each of these types can have longitudinal classifications of
short, medium or long
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Lighting Applications for Visual Performance
Area Lighting Basics
These classifications are a general guide that should only be
used as a starting point in the fixture selection process as are
similar classifications used for floodlighting
Photometric distribution classifications according to cutoff
– Full cutoff
– Cutoff
– Semi-cutoff
– Noncutoff
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Lighting Applications for Visual Performance
Area Lighting Basics
Full Cutoff
– A luminaire’s light distribution is designated as full cutoff
when the candlepower per 1,000 lamp lumens does not
numerically exceed 0 (0%) at or above a vertical angle of
90° above nadir (horizontal) and 100 (10%) at or above a
vertical angle of 80° above nadir which applies to any
lateral angle around the luminaire
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Lighting Applications for Visual Performance
Area Lighting Basics
– A luminaire’s light distribution is designated as cutoff
when the candlepower per 1,000 lamp lumens does not
numerically exceed 25 (2.5%) at or above a vertical
angle of 90° above nadir (horizontal) and 100 (10%) at or
above a vertical angle of 80° above nadir which applies
to any lateral angle around the luminaire
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Lighting Applications for Visual Performance
Area Lighting Basics
– A luminaire’s light distribution is designated as cutoff
when the candlepower per 1,000 lamp lumens does not
numerically exceed 50 (5%) at or above a vertical angle
of 90° above nadir (horizontal) and 100 (10%) at or
above a vertical angle of 80° above nadir which applies
to any lateral angle around the luminaire
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Lighting Applications for Visual Performance
Area Lighting Basics
– A luminaire’s light distribution is designated as cutoff
when the candlepower per 1,000 lamp lumens does not
numerically exceed 50 (5%) at or above a vertical angle
of 90° above nadir (horizontal) and 100 (10%) at or
above a vertical angle of 80° above nadir which applies
to any lateral angle around the luminaire
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Lighting Applications for Visual Performance
Area Lighting Basics
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Lighting Applications for Visual Performance
Area Lighting Basics
Area lighting will often have repetitive patterns, following the
project geometry
An appropriate combination of lamp lumens, photometric
distribution and pole height can provide economical and
effective lighting system but mounting location and height
restrictions may change the system geometry
In addition, shadowing concerns may lead to changes
It is important to arrange the luminaire spacing for the best
uniformity when using area luminaires
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Lighting Applications for
Visual Performance
Area Lighting Basics
When using more than
one pole, pole spacing
should be not more than
4 times the mounting
height (MH)
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Lighting Applications for Visual Performance
Area Lighting Basics
Divide the width and
length of area by 4x per
pole when poles are
inside the lighted area or
when at the perimeter of
the lot, but not at the
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Lighting Applications for Visual Performance
Area Lighting Basics
Lateral spacing should be spaced so the illuminance at the
edge is at least as high the illuminance at the midpoint
between luminaires
It may be desirable to light the edge of an area to a higher
level than the middle due to security, shadowing and the
expected reflectance in the space
In all cases, spill light should be controlled
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Lighting Applications for Visual Performance
Roadway lighting is one of the most common exterior lighting
applications providing for drivers, pedestrians and associated
Some projects are intended solely to provide illumination for
vehicles, while other projects are part of an overall
streetscape design
Even such different projects have common elements
The equipment is almost always located in the public right of
way and may significantly affect the surrounding areas
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Lighting Applications for Visual Performance
Roadway users are sometimes affected by lighting in the
surrounding areas
Issues discussed in the section on obtrusive light are
particularly relevant in roadway lighting
Prior to 1983, roadway lighting design criteria were based on
illuminance values, with associated uniformity criteria, for
each roadway and area classifications
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Lighting Applications for Visual Performance
Classifications according to the activity in the surrounding
– Freeway Class A
– Freeway Class B
– Expressway
– Major
– Collector
– Local
For each classification, the average maintained illuminance
and the uniformity ratio for average to minimum were
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Lighting Applications for Visual Performance
Photometric Distribution
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Lighting Applications for Visual Performance
In 1983, roadway Lighting was revised to include pavement
luminance as an alternative design procedure, with an
additional criterion of veiling luminance (or glare)
This procedure uses a calculation technique that extends the
evaluation of the lighting beyond illuminance, “light landing
on a surface”, to include the directional reflectance
characteristics of pavement surfaces and the corresponding
luminance, “light coming off a surface”
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Lighting Applications for Visual Performance
Four types of roadway surfaces are defined, with separate
specularity and reflectance characteristics, described in the
tables of coefficients provided in RP-8
Concrete roads correspond to R1 surface, and blacktop or
asphalt roads to the R3 surface
More discussion on the r-tables is available in the current
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Lighting Applications for Visual Performance
Effect of road surface
reflectance on luminance
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Lighting Applications for Visual Performance
The veiling luminance produced by a roadway lighting
system is principally a function of the luminaire’s photometric
distribution, and can be affected somewhat by changing the
geometry of the lighting system
Luminaires with less light at “high angles” (between
horizontal down to 80° above nadir) will tend to have lower
veiling luminance values (i.e. less glare)
In general, luminaires with more stringent cutoff will produce
less glare and less obtrusive light but may need to be placed
closer together, increasing the quantity of luminaires needed
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Lighting Applications for Visual Performance
The basic one-side and opposite arrangements have an
obvious luminaire spacing, defined as the distance between
luminaires on the same side of the roadway, but the
staggered arrangement is sometimes defined differently in
manufacturers literature and in other texts
The one-side arrangements have one luminaire per spacing,
while the staggered and opposite arrangements have two
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Lighting Applications for Visual Performance
luminaire arrangement
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Lighting Applications for Visual Performance
The geometry of a typical lighting system can be described
by a simple set of measurements, assuming that the
luminaires are not tilted, which would change the
photometrics, and that they are aimed directly across he
Arrangement, spacing, mounting height and
overhang/setback distance make up the geometry of the
lighting system
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Lighting Applications for Visual Performance
Additional data required for evaluating a roadway lighting
system are the luminaire photometric distribution data, the
appropriate lamp lumen value, the light loss factor and, for
luminance calculations, the pavement surface type
Procedure for evaluating roadway lighting design is
described in ANSI/IESNA publication RP-00
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Lighting Applications for Visual Performance
The illuminance and luminance are both calculated at the
positions of a surface grid, using point by point calculation
procedures like those described in Module 4, Lighting
Luminance calculation also includes additional steps to
convert the illuminance from each luminaire to the
corresponding reflected luminance, and to calculate the
veiling luminance values associated with each point
Average, minimum and maximum values are derived from
the values at the grid points, and then used in calculating the
uniformity ratios
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Lighting Applications for Visual Performance
Proper arrangement of poles
– Single sided left preferred to right for a curve to the right
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Lighting Applications for Visual Performance
Proper arrangement of poles
– Opposite Arrangement preferred to staggered for a curve
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Lighting Applications for Visual Performance
Once a lighting system meets all the criteria for a design, this
“typical” pattern of the lighting system is then applied to the
particular road
Projects generally include straight and curved sections and
intersections, crosswalks, interchanges, entrances, exits and
other conflict areas
The designer is responsible for adjusting the typical pattern
as needed by the actual situation, so that the requirements of
the curves and conflict areas are met by reducing the
spacing of the luminaires to provide the appropriate increase
in lighting
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Lighting Applications for Visual Performance
At intersections, the average illuminance should be equal to
the sum of the recommended values associated with each
road that forms the intersection
In some cases, this can be significantly different from the
average for one of the roads, and may require an additional
adjustment in the vicinity of the intersection, for the sake of
uniformity along the roadway
It is important that each and every path through conflict areas
be considered, to ensure that the lighting system does meet
the needs of every intended use
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Lighting Applications for Visual Performance
Parking Lots
Parking lots are areas where vehicles and pedestrians mix so
that the lighting system should meet the needs of both
groups, and particularly allow them to see each other clearly
Classification of parking lots is based on whether the lot is
open or enclosed, such as a parking structure, and also on
the general activity level
For pedestrian security, designers should remember the
earlier discussion under security about vertical illuminance at
1.5m above grade
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Lighting Applications for Visual Performance
Parking Lots
It is useful to recognize that this roughly corresponds to the
height of vehicles, and that shadowing between vehicles may
be a concern
While illuminance at grade is specified by the criteria, vertical
illuminance at 1.5m above grade is also important
For enclosed lots, the luminance of the structure itself is
important, and can noticeably affect the quality of the design
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Lighting Applications for Visual Performance
Parking Lots
As the quantity and uniformity of illuminance increases on the
ceiling, walls and columns of the structure, the vertical and
horizontal illumination throughout the space improves which
make shadows decrease and visibility better
While this does not apply in the same way in open lots, a
lighting system can be adjusted to provide suitable vertical
and horizontal illumination
Increasing mounting heights and decreasing spacing
between poles can reduce shadows and improve visibility
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Lighting Applications for Visual Performance
Parking Lots
The use of different photometric distributions may help, but
care should be taken to control glare
Conflict areas in parking lots are vehicle intersections and
pedestrian crosswalks and should be illuminated to meet the
combined requirements of each pathway
For crosswalks, this would mean that the average
illuminance is equal to the sum of the values for the roadway
and the walkway
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Lighting Applications for Visual Performance
Parking Lots
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Lighting Applications for Visual Performance
Parking Lots
An evaluation of the design is made through the point by
point calculations of direct illuminance from all the luminaires
to each point, as discussed in Lighting Calculations
The selection of grid points is important
To properly model the lighting system performance, the grid
must include all of a parking lot and not additional areas
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Lighting Applications for Visual Performance
Parking Lots
The spacing of the grid should be sufficiently small, to ensure
the calculations will provide accurate average, maximum and
minimum values
The use of templates, showing the coverage by one
luminaire or by a set of luminaires on one pole, with a
specific lamp lumen value and mounting height, can be very
helpful in designing the pattern
Light loss factors should be included when developing
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Lighting Applications for Visual Performance
Walkways and Bikeways
Walkways and bikeways can be either a part of or separate
from roadways
When they are part of the roadway, they should be included
in the design for that roadway
In either case, the intent is to provide lighting for both
navigating the path and seeing the other people on the path
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Lighting Applications for Visual Performance
Walkways and Bikeways
Photometric Distribution
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Lighting Applications for Visual Performance
Walkways and Bikeways
The criteria for walkway and bikeway lighting include average
illuminance at grade for typical applications and minimum
vertical illuminance at 1.5m above grade for areas with
special security considerations which also include a
uniformity criterion for both
It is important to visit the site for walkway and bikeway
projects, to evaluate the surroundings and their lighting level
as well as the pathways themselves
Safety and security are important in walkways and bikeways,
and the additional issues about surroundings, trees,
maintenance and vandalism also apply
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Lighting Applications for Visual Performance
Sports Facilities
Sporting events are increasingly played and watched at
night, outdoors as well as indoors
Illumination requirements are increasing, and with this comes
the associated problems of glare the need to limit light
trespass and color rendering for better visual performance
Sportslighting cannot be accomplished by the methods of
approximation, but rather requires calculations using
sophisticated computer programs
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Lighting Applications for Visual Performance
Sports Facilities
Sports Luminaire
Photometric Distribution
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Lighting Applications for Visual Performance
Sports Facilities
Rather than dividing competition level into simply amateur
and professional, a “class of play” approach is necessary
Classes are based on the skill level of play, as well as the
associated number of spectators i.e. the number of
spectators is generally proportional to the skill level of the
Sports can be divided into two groups:
– Aerial sports
– Ground-level sports
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Lighting Applications for Visual Performance
Sports Facilities
These groups can be subdivided into uni-directional and
multi-directional sports
Typical aerial sports would be golf (uni-directional) and
basketball (multi-directional) or football (multi-directional)
Typical ground-level sports would be bowling (uni-directional)
and hockey (multi-directional)
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Lighting Applications for
Visual Performance
Sports Facilities
Night Golf
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Lighting Applications for Visual Performance
Sports Facilities
The goal of lighting for sports is to provide an appropriate luminous
environment by controlling the luminance of the playing target (e.g.,
ball) and its background so the target will appear clear and sharp to
the players, spectators, and television viewers
To achieve this objective, both qualitative and quantitative factors of
illumination must be considered
Speed of sport, purpose of play, level of skill, capacity of spectators,
and requirements of broadcasting determine illuminance criteria
Generally, when the visual target must be observed at high speeds
and at close rage between players, higher illuminance is needed
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Lighting Applications for Visual Performance
Sports Facilities
Higher levels of competition require higher levels of
illuminance, as does the resulting requirement of increased
speed and accuracy
As spectator capacity increases, the average observer is
usually farther away from the visual target, so higher
illuminance is again needed
In the largest of venues, events are often televised, requiring
illuminance 1.5 to 2 times higher than that sufficient for play
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Lighting Applications for Visual Performance
Sports Facilities
Along with determining quantity, it is necessary to associate
the proper quality of illuminance
Quality metrics include: uniformity, glare, contrast, modeling,
and flicker
The metrics most commonly used as design criteria describe
uniformity: maximum-to-minimum (Max/Min) ratio for
illuminance values, coefficient of variation (C.V.), and
uniformity gradient
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Lighting Applications for Visual Performance
Sports Facilities
Coefficient of variation is the ratio of the standard deviation of
the illuminances to the mean of the illuminances
Uniformity gradient is a measure of the rate of change of
illuminance expressed as a ratio between adjacent values on
a uniform grid
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Lighting Applications for Visual Performance
Sports Facilities
The most common outdoor installations are baseball
(softball), football, soccer and tennis facilities
Football fields commonly use four poles ranging in height
from 15 to 35m
Baseball fields often use shorter poles (due to shorter
setback distances and grater quantity of poles) ranging from
12 to 25m
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Lighting Applications for Visual Performance
Sports Facilities
Large spectator capacity
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Lighting Applications for Visual Performance
Sports Facilities
These poles may have steps attached to them, with a
platform structure at the top commonly called a “cage”, to
facilitate maintenance
A “crossarm” system might also been employed, which
consists of support arms attached directly to see the pole at
varying mounting heights
The required minimum mounting height of luminaires is
dictated by a formula using setback distance and field width
(see discussion in Floodlighting Basics)
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Lighting Applications for Visual Performance
Sports Facilities
Pole height is often limited to a height that allows service
equipment (bucket trucks) to provide access to the luminaires
A sportslighting project should be field verified and evaluated
for light trespass limitations more than any other type of
lighting installations
RP-6 contains information on this topic, and the definitive
source for field verification techniques in IESNA LM-5, which
explains the methods involved
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Lighting Applications for Visual Performance
Sports Facilities
Visual comfort for crowds
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Lighting Applications for Visual Performance
Automated Teller Machines
The need for lighting at Automated Teller Machine (ATM)
locations has increased in importance because of the
potential crime
The issues discussed about security lighting apply (IESNA
DG-9-97, Lighting for Automated Teller Machine
Specifically it is important to provide sufficient lighting for the
visual tasks of operating the ATM and also for the safety of
the user
Simply highlighting the machine produces a “spotlight” effect
that does not provide user safety or equipment security
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Lighting Applications for Visual Performance
Automated Teller Machines
Some states have specific requirements for lighting ATM and
the discussion about ordinances and standards would apply
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Lighting Applications for Visual Impact
Building Facades
Retail and Commercial
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Lighting Applications for Visual Impact
Landscape lighting includes ‘softscape” (e.g. greenery and
plantings) and “hardscape” (e.g., paths, walls, gazebos, and
One of the most common objectives in lighting is display –
showing off the softscape and hardscape as desired
Visual choreography may be the most important aspect of
the project: leading people along paths, enticing them to
explore, and highlighting focal points
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Lighting Applications for
Visual Impact
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Lighting Applications for Visual Impact
Landscape lighting should always include provisions for
safety and security and glare should be avoided
Pathways should be visible and any changes in level or
direction made evident but just lighting pathway may not be
The surroundings should appropriately illuminated to create a
visibility zone around individuals to produce a sense of
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Lighting Applications for Visual Impact
Building Facades
Façade lighting creates the nighttime image of a building,
while disappearing during the daytime
The lighting can reinforce the architectural pattern that is
visible in the daytime, or produce a dramatic contrast
The first issue in façade lighting is identifying what should be
lighted – and by corollary what should not be lighted
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Lighting Applications for
Visual Impact
Building Facades
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Lighting Applications for Visual Impact
Building Facades
Direction and source color can dramatically alter the effect of
the lighting, and the brightness of illuminated areas should be
appropriate for the surroundings
Glare at building entries and exits and along pathways must
be controlled
Façade lighting should not detract from the basic safety and
security provided by the facility’s lighting, with consideration
for the potential glare inside the building
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Lighting Applications for
Visual Impact
Building Facades
To create ambiance
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Lighting Applications for Visual Impact
Building Facades
Maintenance deserves particular attention, since the
building’s appearance may be especially sensitive to
performance or maintenance
A well maintained wall wash lighting produces a very different
image from one with burned out lamps
Access and scheduling should be reviewed-servicing
fountain lights is much easier when the fountain is drained,
and hard to reach floodlights should be group relamped
before burnouts degrade the appearance
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Lighting Applications for Visual Impact
Lighting monuments can be considered similar to
floodlighting or façade lighting, but typically on a smaller
scale (although not always, as in the case of the Statue of
Liberty), same issues apply but some particular concerns
should be addressed
Source color may be very important in rendering monuments
The material and finish of the monument should be
considered, and producing a mock-up may be helpful
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Lighting Applications for Visual Impact
Monuments are often accessible by pedestrians, and the
selection and location of equipment should anticipate this
Equipment that would be suitable for other locations may not
be suitable where pedestrians walk and snow is cleared
The same uplight that boldly highlights the monument when
seen from a distance may produce excessive glare when
someone tries to read an inscription on the monument
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Lighting Applications for
Visual Impact
Emphasize the character
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Lighting Applications for Visual Impact
Multiple luminaires should be used where vandalism is a
This reduces the effect of burnouts and makes the entire
location more visible and less susceptible to vandalism
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Lighting Applications for Visual Impact
Signage is a very common exterior lighting project, from
roadway information to commercial signage, with both
external and internal lighting are used for signs
The most important issue is the relative luminance of the sign
in comparison to its surroundings
Source color may be important, to render the sign and to
improve its visibility
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Lighting Applications for Visual Impact
Photometric Distribution
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Lighting Applications for Visual Impact
Spill light, glare and maintenance are again concerns, for
either internally or externally lighted signs
Lighting that spotlights one side of a sign may also produce
excessive glare when viewed from another direction
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Lighting Applications for Visual Impact
Retail and Commercial
Many businesses have exterior lighting as part of a
commercial or retail facility
These can range from car dealerships to drive-up stores to
miniature golf courses
With this wide range of applications, the specific issues for
each business are beyond this module
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Lighting Applications for
Visual Impact
Retail and Commercial
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Lighting Applications for Visual Impact
Retail and Commercial
Typically, each project can be sub-divided into pieces that
are recognizable lighting tasks, such as display lighting,
roadway lighting, or sports lighting
General issues discussed in this module still apply, in
particular spill light, ordinances and standards may be
Every facility is likely to have pathways, entrances and
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Lighting Applications for Visual Impact
Retail and Commercial
While security is important issue for businesses, business
owners should be encouraged to turn off lighting after hours,
leaving on only what is necessary for security
This concept is sometimes difficult to implement, if the same
lighting system is used for highlighting and providing security
for the merchandise
Energy management programs and, in some jurisdictions,
lighting ordinances and standards, may require that the light
levels be reduced during certain period of the night
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Exterior Environments
Lighting Applications for Visual Impact
Retail and Commercial
Control strategies play an important role in the performance
of security systems- simply switching off every other
luminaire can create shadows and dark spots, while also
complicating any maintenance scheduling
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Computer-Aided Lighting Calculations
A wide variety of computer programs are
available from lighting manufacturers to perform
interior and exterior lighting calculations
Some programs are very simple, while others
are complex and can even interface with
computer-aided design
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Computer-Aided Lighting Calculations
The following is a list of some of the software available
but are not intended as a substitute for creating design
but as an aid to the design process
General Electric Philippines
A GE Lighting Application Design and Analysis (ALADAN)
OSRAM Philippines
Philips Lighting and Electronics
FUMACO Incorporated
RELUX 1 (Version 2.4 and 3.0)
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Computer-Aided Lighting Calculations
PHILIPS Calculux Program
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Computer-Aided Lighting Calculations
PHILIPS Calculux Program
Calculux Indoor is a software tool which can help lighting
designers select and evaluate lighting systems for office and
industrial applications
Speed, ease of use and versatility are features of the
package from Philips Lighting, which runs under the
Microsoft Windows operating system
Calculux Indoor is part of the Philips Calculux line, covering
indoor, area and road applications
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Computer-Aided Lighting Calculations
PHILIPS Calculux Program
What Calculux Indoor does
Calculux is a very flexible system which offers lighting
designers a wide range of options:
You can use the package to simulate real lighting situations
and analyse different lighting installations until you find the
solutions which suits your technical as well as your financial
and aesthetic requirements best
Calculux not only uses luminaires from an extensive Philips
database, but can also use photometric data which is stored
in the Philips Phillum external format
Simple menus, logical dialogue boxes and a step by step
approach help you to find the most efficient and cost-effective
solutions for your lighting applications
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Computer-Aided Lighting Calculations
PHILIPS Calculux Program
What you can do with Calculux Indoor
Perform lighting calculations (including direct, indirect, total
and average illuminance) within orthogonal rooms
Predict financial implications including energy, investment,
lamp and maintenance costs for different luminaire
Select luminaires from an extensive Philips database or from
specially formatted files for luminaires from other suppliers
Specify room dimensions, luminaire types, maintenance
factors, interreflection accuracy, calculation grids and
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Computer-Aided Lighting Calculations
PHILIPS Calculux Program
What you can do with Calculux Indoor
Compile reports displaying results in text and graphical
Support Switching modes and Light regulation factors
Support multiple languages
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Computer-Aided Lighting Calculations
PHILIPS Calculux Program
Sample Indoor Project
After installing the Calculux program in your PC, create an
indoor lighting project by entering general project data,
specify a room, perform a calculation and print a report
Example: General lighting for an office given the following
room dimensions:
– Width 3.5 m
– Length 5.6
– Height 2.7 m
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Computer-Aided Lighting Calculations
PHILIPS Calculux Program
Sample Indoor Project
Select Project Luminaires from the Data menu
Select Indoor Lighting
Select the housing and light distributor of the luminaire
– Housing TBS 600/135
– Light Distributor C7-60
Select Arranged Luminaires from the Data menu
Click Add and select Room Block
– In the UF Method box you can see that 3.5 luminaires is
sufficient for the requested illuminance level of 300 lux as
general lighting
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Computer-Aided Lighting Calculations
PHILIPS Calculux Program
Sample Indoor Project
Click Generate
– A Room Block arrangement of 4 luminaires will be
In the Definition box enter the name of the arrangement,
– Name
Define a (calculation) grid
– Before a calculation can be performed a (calculation) grid
has to be defined
– You can define your own grid, define a grid according to
a rule or use a preset grid
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Computer-Aided Lighting Calculations
PHILIPS Calculux Program
Sample Indoor Project
Select Grids from the Data menu
Perform a calculation
– Select Show Results from the Calculation menu
– The calculation will be performed
Printing the report
– Select Print Report from the File menu
Saving the project
– Select Save from the File menu
– Enter the file name
– Click OK to save the project
Select Exit from the File menu to close the program
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Computer-Aided Lighting Calculations
PHILIPS Calculux Program
Sample Indoor Project
Sample printouts of the program
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Computer-Aided Lighting Calculations
PHILIPS Calculux Program
Sample Indoor Project
Sample printouts of the program
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Computer-Aided Lighting Calculations
PHILIPS Calculux Program
Sample Indoor Project
Sample printouts of the program
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Computer-Aided Lighting Calculations
PHILIPS Calculux Program
Sample Indoor Project
Sample printouts of the program
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Computer-Aided Lighting Calculations
PHILIPS Calculux Program
Sample Indoor Project
Sample printouts of the program
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Computer-Aided Lighting Calculations
PHILIPS Calculux Program
Sample Indoor Project
Sample printouts of the program
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Computer-Aided Lighting Calculations
PHILIPS Calculux Program
Calculux Area is a software tool which can help lighting
designers select and evaluate lighting systems for sports
fields, parking places, areas for general use, industrial
applications and even road lighting calculations.
Calculux Area is part of the Philips Calculux line, covering
indoor, area and road applications
Same principles and procedures apply as when using
Calculux Indoor
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Computer-Aided Lighting Calculations
PHILIPS Calculux Program
Calculux Road is a software tool which can help lighting
designers select and evaluate lighting systems for road
lighting installations
Calculux Road is part of the Philips Calculux line, covering
indoor, area and road applications
Same principles and procedures apply as when using
Calculux Indoor and Calculux Area
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Computer-Aided Lighting Calculations
OSRAM DiaLux Program
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Computer-Aided Lighting Calculations
OSRAM DIALux Program
Calculates the light exchange between luminaires and
any other surfaces (direct lighting) and the light
exchange between illuminated surfaces (indirect
Lighting from the sky (daylight) or direct sunlight can
also be calculated
Calculation based on the radiosity method
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Computer-Aided Lighting Calculations
Advanced Lighting Programs
Capable of extreme accuracy in spaces of complex
Most generate high quality semi-photorealistic images
depicting interior and exterior lighting, including
Ray-tracing programs
Some programs combine the computational speed of
radiosity with the accuracy and realism of ray tracing
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Computer-Aided Lighting Calculations
Advanced Lighting Programs
Advanced radiosity programs have greater capabilities than
basic programs, including:
– Analysis of rooms of any shape
– Rooms can have sloping and complex ceilings
– Realistic objects in space
– Faster execution time
– Much more realistic renderings
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Computer-Aided Lighting Calculations
Advanced Lighting Programs
Ray-tracing programs
Much less common since it requires more computer time,
data entry time and operator expertise
Produce superior visual results making them worth the time
and expense for critical lighting designs and evaluations
Capable of demonstrating effects and issues caused by
specular surfaces and are the only programs that render
highlights, such as reflections in polished surfaces or glass
Display lighted rooms in full color with accurate light patterns
on room surfaces and partitions, and realistic shadows from
realistic furniture
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Computer-Aided Lighting Calculations
Advanced Lighting Programs
Some programs, such as Lightscape, use radiosity for
calculations then add a ray-tracing “layer” for realism
of specular reflections and highlights
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Computer-Aided Lighting Calculations
Other Lighting Software Programs
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Lighting Cost
Installation Costs (Initial or First Costs)
Financing Costs
Design and Management Costs
Energy Costs
Maintenance Costs
Human Factors
Environmental Benefits (Externalities)
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Lighting Cost
Installation Costs
Also called as initial costs or first costs, are all the
costs to purchase and install a fully functioning
system in a building, including:
Equipment Cost
Labor to Install Equipment
Labor to Commission
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Lighting Cost
Installation Costs
Equipment Cost
Includes distributor’s and contractor’s mark-up, and shipping
Labor to Install Equipment
Includes placement, wiring, cleaning and contractor’s markup
Reduction in wiring and installation costs can often
counterbalance more expensive equipment
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Lighting Cost
Installation Costs
Labor to Commission
Include training of building employees in proper operation of
the system
Any project involving moving parts or adjustable settings
needs to be commissioned on-site to be sure that it is
functioning as intended
Commissioning costs should be included in any budget
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Lighting Cost
Installation Costs
Include rebates or incentive payments and should also be
factored into installation costs
Utility companies have often tried to encourage the
installation of more efficient systems by helping to “buy
down” the installation cost with incentive payments or rebates
to the building owner
Check current program rules and availability with local utility
representative if such incentives will be available for a given
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Lighting Cost
Financing Costs
Increase in initial cost or extension of the construction
finance period multiplies the final cost of a project
Financing costs can easily equal or exceed the
installation costs of a project
For private sector projects, managers should try to
take advantage of the reduced operation costs and
improvement in overall building value of a new
lighting installation to help leverage the financing
limits for a project
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Lighting Cost
Financing Costs
Banks typically determine their financing allowance
based on expected income from tenants, less all
operating costs, times a capitalization rate
Energy Savings Companies (ESCOs) finances
lighting renovation projects through “energy cost
sharing” to help large institutions and governments by
taking a share of the energy savings
Governments created a new form of contracting
called “energy services performance contracting”
(ESPC) to take advantage of this financing form
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Lighting Cost
Design and Management Costs
Professional design services add to a project’s real
cost, as does the time to manage those design
An experienced and qualified practitioner knows how
to optimize a lighting system for the owner’s needs
and can greatly improve the economic value of a
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Lighting Cost
Design and Management Costs
Lighting design practitioners who are asked to
perform careful economic analyses or create
alternative scenarios for comparison will expect to be
paid for additional services and should be included in
preparing the total project cost
Building owners prefer making quick, well-informed
decisions rather than spending a great deal of time
considering alternatives and approving design
changes and usually hire certified lighting designers
and professionals
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Lighting Cost
Energy Costs
Full assessment of energy costs include:
Per-unit energy charges
Demand charges
Fixed charges
Escalation rates
Discounts and other benefits
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Lighting Cost
Energy Costs
Per-unit energy charges
Most lighting energy analysis assumed an average cost per kilowatt
hour using this simple equation:
Energy cost /year = connected load in kilowatts x hours of operation/year x Electricity
Per-unit energy charges become more complex when they vary by
time of use of different systems and the load profile for the building
and should be included in order to fully understand cost savings due
to energy efficiency measures
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Lighting Cost
Energy Costs
Demand Charges
Demand impacts include when particular watts are used, by
season or time of day, and how lighting loads relate to other
loads in the building since peak demand charges can
become more costly than overall per unit energy charges
Such an analysis requires more information and usually
employs a program that can simulate building energy use
hour by hour
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Lighting Cost
Energy Costs
Demand Charges
Demand savings are also rarely certain, and difficult to
attribute to one building system over another
Using photocontrols in conjunction with daylighting offer
considerable opportunities to reduce peak lighting demand
but works out in a case-by-case basis
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Lighting Cost
Energy Costs
Fixed Charges
Utility companies shift more of the cost of providing electricity
to fixed charges per customer such as connection charges,
variable time-of-day rates, fixed monthly charges, peak use
surcharges, transmission charges, distribution charges, etc.
Minimizing the advertised cost of electricity per hour makes
the incremental value of energy savings seem significant
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Lighting Cost
Energy Costs
Escalation Rates
Since energy prices are expected to rise in the future, the
value of current energy savings also increases
To simplify and standardized life cycle cost analysis,
escalation rates are usually predicted for energy escalation
rates by fuels type but deregulation makes these prediction
les certain
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Lighting Cost
Energy Costs
Discounts and Other Benefits
Deregulation promises building owners more options in fee
structures but allows the price of energy to float with the open
market making the time value of energy savings even more
Free phone services based on energy bills or an initial
discount on energy rates for the first year are some of the
“come ons” used by utilities to lure customers, but building
managers should carefully analyze their billing structure in
order to understand the relationship between energy use and
energy cost to take advantage of these options
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Lighting Cost
Maintenance Costs
The cost of maintaining a lighting system include:
Routine maintenance, such as cleaning luminaires,
troubleshooting systems, spot on replacement of early
failures, including both labor and equipment costs
Scheduled group replacement, including labor and
equipment costs
Stocking cost to warehouse parts, or order as needed
Disposal costs for lamps and ballasts
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Lighting Cost
Maintenance Costs
Labor and equipment costs should be included in any
comparison between system options since it will
escalate over time
Maintenance costs are periodic and a life cycle cost
analysis is the most sensitive approach to evaluate its
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Lighting Cost
Maintenance Costs
Lighting maintenance costs will be reduced by:
Reducing the number of luminaires and variety of
components per facility
Extending the system’s life
Improving the system’s reliability
Increasing the accessibility and simplicity of the system
Improving the cleanliness or airtightness of a system so that
there’s less dirt accumulation
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Lighting Cost
Maintenance Costs
Making the system more environmentally benign so that
disposal and liability costs are reduced
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Lighting Cost
Human Factors
The ideal economic analysis would include human
factors in the costs and benefits of different lighting
Productivity benefits are very difficult to quantify in
terms of monetary savings
Numerous studies showed that lighting conditions
affect user performance, be it students or factory
workers, on various tasks
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Lighting Cost
Human Factors
Business Costs vs. Business Operating Costs
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Lighting Cost
Human Factors
Clearly, productivity impacts are vastly more
important than energy savings, but if a lighting system
causes any loss in productivity the impacts are just
great so it is an excellent argument for investing in
professional design services to ensure that lighting
installations truly optimize conditions for workers
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Lighting Cost
Environmental Impacts
Environmental impacts that are not charged directly to
a building owner are also very difficult to include in an
economic analysis
While most business owners may have good
intentions to help the environment, these intentions
are likely to be dropped unless they can be included
in the bottom line equation
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Lighting Cost
Environmental Impacts
Environmental labeling programs attempt to make
environmental benefits more tangible by providing a
business owner with a third-party evaluation that they
have achieved a real reduction in environmental
Labeling programs also offer an opportunity for
marketing and advertising benefits that may improve
the bottom line
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Lighting Cost
Environmental Impacts
The US EPA’s Energy Star Buildings program, the US
Green Building Council’s LEED labeling system, and
various other “green” or “sustainable” building rating
programs are all efforts to increase the value of
environmentally sensitive buildings
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Lighting Cost
Environmental Impacts
An alternative approach adopted by some
government agencies is a policy allowing a blanket
“environmental multiplier”, on the order of 10%, to the
annual value of any energy savings to account for
various externalities like a reduction in acid rain or
smog generation due to power plants
Module 5 – Lighting Applications
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market
Transformation Project (PELMATP)