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Offer Mojo Worksheet: Crafting Compelling Offers

Offer Mojo Worksheet
Who are you writing too? (Must be able to point a finger to the person.) NOT any woman who wants a
better relationship. BETTER: a woman over 35 who is a professional and likely works in an office. She
owns her own home. Makes more than $75,000 a year. Most common name is Elizabeth or a derivative
of the name like Liz, Lisa, Beth, etc. She’s white and straight. Her life is very much under control, but not
her relationship. She likely has a child or two from a previous relationship.
What’s their PRESENT PAIN(s)? (FINGER POINT to Hell Island symptom?)
What’s their GAIN(s)? (FINGER POINT to Heaven Island Vision?)
What STOPS them from escaping hell island and getting to heaven island? (FINGER POINT?)
What DON’T they like about the options available now to get from hell to heaven? (FINGER POINT?)
KEY TO EASY CONVERSIONS: What are they FED UP WITH SPECIFICALLY (finger point) which this offer
gives them a “way out’?
What’s DIFFERENT NOW? What’s the NEW PLAN? (FINGER POINT? Make sure the plan doesn’t require
INTERNAL CHANGE. Need a mechanism or tool.)
What’s the ONE THING they need to believe to be certain the NEW PLAN will work for them?
What’s the FUTURE PAIN they will experience if they do not solve the problem and get off hell island?
How would you draw the before/after/mechanism transformation picture?
What’s the IVQ statement? (Investment. Value. Qualifier. EXAMPLE: The investment in Big Ticket Email
Mojo is $6,000. Most of my clients make that back in 6 emails give or take as long as they’ve got 500
openers and at least a $500 product.)
List as MANY objections to the PLAN as possible: (Remember objections fall into 5 categories:
T.I.M.E.R: Time, Identity, Money, Energy, Reputation.)