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Inclusiveness Course Syllabus: Disabilities & Vulnerabilities

1.1 Definitions of Basic Terms
A. Impairment:
• means a lack or abnormality of an anatomic, physiological or
psychological structure or function or deviation on a person.
• It refers to any loss or abnormality of physiological,
psychological or anatomical structure or function.
• It is the absence of particular body part or organ.
• It could also a condition in which the body exists but doesn't
B. Disability:
• refers an inability to perform a certain activity as their sex,
grade level and age mates as a result of impairment.
• It might or might not create disability for the same person
• It depends on the activity.
C. Handicap
refers to a limited opportunities and lack of
participation in social, political and economic
It is a social/ economic disadvantage resulting
from disability, impairment.
It is a societal restriction for PWDs to participate
in political, social and economic activities.
Handicap is a social construct that arises when
society fails to provide individuals with disabilities
with the accommodations and support they need
to fully participate in society
D. Vulnerability:
Vulnerability refers to the degree to which individuals or
groups are at risk of harm or disadvantage.
Vulnerability can arise from a variety of factors, including
age, disability, poverty, social exclusion, and discrimination.
E. Inclusiveness:
Inclusiveness refers to the practice of ensuring that all
individuals, regardless of their background, abilities, or
other characteristics, are fully included and able to
participate in society.
Inclusiveness promotes diversity, equality, and social
F. Segregation: Segregation refers to the practice of
separating individuals or groups based on their
characteristics, such as race, religion, or ability.
Segregation can lead to exclusion, discrimination, and the
denial of basic rights and opportunities.
1.2 models to conceptualizing disability
1. Charity/ traditional model
Disability is a punishment from GOD. A child’s disability is a curse of
2. Medical model /Approach
Disability is pathology (physiological, biological and intellectual).
It is functional limitations due to physical, intellectual or psychic
impairment, health or psychic disorders on a person.
Views the disabled person as needing to fit in rather than thinking about
how society itself should change.
3. Social model
Disability largely depends on the context and is a consequence of
discrimination, prejudice and exclusion.
Focus the shortcomings of the environment and in many organized
activities in society.
For example on information, communication and education, which
prevent persons with disabilities from participating on equal terms.
1.3 Causes of disability
1. Genetic/Hereditary Causes
Abnormalities in genes and genetic inheritance can cause intellectual
disability in children.
In some countries, Down syndrome is the most common genetic
Eg having extra # 47 chromosomes, diseases, illnesses, and over-exposure
to x-rays can cause a genetic disorder.
2. Environmental
Poverty and malnutrition in pregnant mothers can cause a deficiency in
vital minerals and result in deformation issues in the unborn child.
The use of drugs, alcohol, tobacco, the exposure to certain toxic
chemicals and illnesses, toxoplasmosis, cytomegalovirus, rubella and
syphilis by a pregnant mother can cause intellectual disability to the
3. Unknown Causes
Scientists have still not figured out what and how some things in the
body, cells, brain, and genes come about. Humans have still not found all
the answers to all the defects in the human body
• 4. Inaccessible environments
• Lack of education, support services, health
and opportunities for people with
impairment can cause additional disability
to people with disabilities and even people
with no disability.
1.4 Major type of disabilities
• 1. Visual impairment: It is classifications as blindness and low
• A. Blindness: vision loss that is not correctable with eyeglasses
or contact lenses. Blindness may not mean a total absence of
• Some people who are considered blind may be able to
perceive slowly moving lights or colors. Visual acuity is 20/200
• B. Low vision is used for moderately impaired vision whose
visual acuity is b/n 20/200 - 20/70.
• People with low vision may have a visual impairment that
affects only Central vision [is the area directly in front of the
eyes] or Peripheral vision [is the area to either side of and
slightly behind the eyes].
• 2. Hearing Impairment
• From legal point of view: hearing impairment is defined as a
generic term indicating a continuum of hearing loss from mild to
profound, which includes hard of hearing and deaf.
• A. Hard of Hearing adversely affects a child's educational performance
but which is not included under the definition of ‘deaf’. It ranges from
27-90 db.
• Describe persons with some or enough primary modality of acquisition
of language and in communication with others usually with hearing aids.
• B. Deaf: refers to difficulty in understanding speech even with hearing
aids but can successfully communicate in sign language with above 90
3. Learning disability [LD]
• LD is a disorder in one or more of the basic psychological processes
involved a problem in using spoken or written language to listen,
think, speak, read, write, spell, and /or in doing mathematical
• LD includes perceptual disabilities, brain injury, minimal brain
dysfunction, dyslexia, and developmental aphasia.
• LD does not include learning problems as a result of visual impairment,
hearing impairment, or motor disabilities; intellectual disability; or
emotional disturbance; or environmental, cultural or economic
• LDs are hidden disabilities
Types of Specific Learning Disabilities
A. Dyscalculia: Affects a person‘s ability to understand numbers and
learn math and symbols.
B. Dysgraphia: Affects a person‘s handwriting ability and fine motor
It includes illegible handwriting, inconsistent spacing, poor spatial
planning on paper, poor spelling, and difficulty composing writing as well
as thinking and writing at the same time.
C. Dyslexia: Affects reading and related language-based processing
It also affects reading fluency; decoding, reading comprehension, recall,
writing, spelling.
Dyslexia is sometimes referred to as a Language Based Learning Disability
D. Auditory Processing Disorder (APD): it does, even when the sounds
are loud and clear enough to be heard.
APD affects the interpretation of all sounds coming into the brain.
It is not recognize subtle differences between sounds in words
E. Language Processing Disorder [LPD]
Language Processing Disorder (LPD) relates only to the processing of
LPD can affect expressive language and/or receptive language.
F. Non-Verbal Learning Disabilities [NVLD] is characterized
discrepancy between higher verbal skills and weaker motor, visual-spatial
and social skills.
A Person with [NVLD] has trouble interpreting nonverbal cues like facial
expressions or body language, and may have poor coordination
G. Visual Perceptual Learning Disabilities
Unable to understand the information that he/she is seeing, or the ability
to draw or copy.
it can result in missing subtle differences in shapes or printed letters,
losing place frequently,
H. Motor Deficit Learning Disabilities:
it struggles with cutting, holding pencil too tightly, or poor eye/hand
3. Communication disorder [CD]
• It Is both expressive language and/or receptive language
problem and affects a child‘s educational performance.
• It is classified in to two:
3.1 Speech disorder- a problem of only speech sounds and
sub classified in to three types
A. Articulation disorders: errors in the production of speech
sounds that may be related to anatomical or physiological
limitations in the skeletal, muscular, or neuromuscular
support for Speech production. It includes
• I-Omissions: [e.g. boo for book]
III. Distortions: [e.g.
shlip for sip]
• II-Addition [e.g. schooll for school] IV. Substitutions:
[e.g. wabbit for rabbit]
B. Fluency disorders: difficulties with the rhythm and timing
of speech characterized by hesitations, repetitions, or
prolongations of sounds, syllables, words, or phrases.
Common fluency disorders include:
• I-Stuttering: rapid-fire repetitions of consonant or vowel
sounds especially at the beginning of words,
prolongations, hesitations, interjections, and complete
verbal blocks s—s—s -- chool
• II-Cluttering: excessively fast and jerky speech.
C. Voice disorders are problems with the quality and pitch of
• It is characterized by abnormal production and/or
absences of vocal quality, pitch, loudness, resonance,
and/or duration.
3.2. Language Impairments: a problem of only language
grammar and classified in to five types
A. Phonological disorders: the abnormal organization of the
phonological system, or a significant deficit in speech
production or perception.
B. Morphological disorders: difficulties with morphological
inflections (inflections on nouns, verbs, and adjectives that
signal different kinds of meanings).
C. Semantic disorders: poor vocabulary development,
inappropriate use of word meanings, and/or inability to
comprehend word meanings.
D. Syntactic deficits: difficulty in acquiring the rules that
govern word order and others aspects of grammar such as
subject-verb agreement.
E. Pragmatic difficulties: problems in understanding and
using language in different social contexts.
• 5. Autism It is a neurodevelopment disability significantly affecting
verbal and nonverbal communication and social interaction.
• Autism is pervasive developmental disorder characterized by lack of
normal sociability, impaired communication and repetitive obsessive
behavior such as politeness, turn-taking.
6. Behavioral and Emotional Disorders [BED]
• A condition exhibiting one or more of the five characteristics over a
long period of time and to a marked degree that adversely affects
educational performance.
• 1) An inability to learn that cannot be explained by intellectual, sensory,
or health factors;
• 2) An inability to build or maintain satisfactory interpersonal
relationships with peers & teachers;
• 3) Inappropriate types of behavior or feelings under normal
• 4) A general pervasive mood of unhappiness or depression; or
• 5) develop physical symptoms or fears associated with personal or
school problems.
Classification of behavioral and emotional disorders
• Conduct disorder is overt with violence or tantrums,
lying, stealing, and/or drug use or if covert: seek
attention, are disruptive and act out.
• Socialized aggression: subculture group,
disrespectful to their peers, teachers, and parents.
Early symptoms include stealing, running away from
home, habitual lying, cruelty to animals, and fire
• Attention problems- have attention deficit, are
easily destructible and have poor concentration.
They are frequently impulsive and may not think the
consequence of their actions.
• Anxiety/Withdrawn- they are self-conscious,
reserved, and unsure of themselves. They
typically have low self-esteem and withdraw
from immediate activities. They are also anxious
and frequently depressed.
• Psychotic behavior: they show more bizarre
behavior. They may hallucinate, deal in a fantasy
world and may even talk in gibberish.
• Motor excess: they are hyperactive. They
cannot sit nor listen to others nor keep their
attention focused.
The two broad categories of Emotion or behavioral
disorders are
• Kauffman (1993) emotion or behavioral disorders
fall into two broad classifications:
1) Externalizing Behavior (under controlled
disorder) includes such problems disobedience,
disruptiveness, fighting, tempers tantrums,
irresponsibility, jealous, anger, attention seeking etc.
2) Internalizing Behavior (over controlled
disorders) include problems anxiety, immaturity,
shyness, social withdrawal, feeling of inadequacy
(inferiority), guilt, and depression
Causes of behavioral and emotional disorders
Behavioral and emotion disorders result from many causes,
these includes the following.
• Biological- includes genetic disorders, brain damage, and
malnutrition, allergies, temperament and damage to the
central nervous system.
• Family factors- include family interactions, family
influence, child abuse, neglect, and poor disciplinary
practices at home.
• Cultural factors- include some traditional and cultural
negative practices like, watching violence and sexually
oriented movies and TV programs.
• Environmental factors-peer pressure, living in
impoverished areas, and schooling practices that are
unresponsive to individual needs.
7. Intellectual Disability [ID]
• It is significant limitations in both intellectual functioning
and in adaptive behavior and happens before the age of
18. Three basic points:
• Sub average intellectual functioning [such as learning,
reasoning, problem solving, and so on].
• One way to measure intellectual functioning is an IQ test.
• An IQ test score of around 70 or 75 indicates a limitation in
intellectual functioning.
• Significant limitations exist in two or more adaptive skills
[conceptual, social, and practical skills] that are learned
and performed by people in their everyday lives.
• It Happens before age 18
• Conceptual skills—language and literacy; money,
time, and number concepts; and self direction.
• Social skills—interpersonal skills, social
responsibility, self-esteem, gullibility, innocence
(i.e., suspicion), social problem solving, and the
ability to follow rules/obey laws and to avoid
being victimized.
• Practical skills—activities of daily living (personal
care), occupational skills, healthcare,
travel/transportation, schedules/routines, safety,
use of money, use of the telephone
Physical disability/Orthopedic and Health impairment
• Physical disability is a condition that interferes
with the individual‘s ability to use his or her body.
Many but not all, physical disabilities are
orthopedic impairments.
• orthopedic impairment generally refers to
conditions of muscular or skeletal system and
sometimes to physical disabling conditions of the
nervous system).
• Health impairment is a condition that requires
ongoing medical attention. It includes asthma,
heart defects, cancer, diabetes, hemophilia. HIV/
AIDS, etc.
Classification and Characteristics
• Physical disabilities:- based on the impact of physical
disability on mobility and motor skills, it is
divided into three. These are:A. Mild physical disability:- these individuals are able to
walk without aids and may make normal
developmental progress.
B. Moderate physical disability:- individuals can walk
with braces and crutches and may have
difficulty with fine-motor skills and speech production.
C. Severe physical disability:-these are individuals who
are wheel-chair dependent and may need
special help to achieve regular development.
 The physical disability could be broadly classified in to
1. The neurological system (the brain, spinal cord &
nerve) related problems.
2. Musculo skeletal system (the muscles, bones and
joints) are deficient due to various causes.
I. Neurological system:-with a neurological condition
like cerebral palsy or a traumatic brain injury, the brain
either sends the wrong instructions or interprets
feedback incorrectly.
Epilepsy:-is disorder that occurs when the brain cells
are not working properly and is often called a
seizure disorder.
Some children and youth will epilepsy have only a
momentary loss of attention (petit mal seizures);
others fall to the floor and then move uncontrollably
• Spinal bifida and spinal cord injury:- damage to the
spinal cord leads to paralysis and loss of
sensation in the affected areas of the body. The
spinal bifida is a birth defect of the backbone (spinal
column). The cause si unknown but it usually occurs
in the first twenty-six days of pregnancy.
II. Musculoskeletal system: - it includes the muscles
and their supporting framework and the
1. Progressive muscle weakness (muscular
2. Inflammation of the joints (arthritis), or
3. Loss of various parts of the body (amputation)
The list of the impairment and associated with musculoskeletal
malformation are the following:
A. Muscular dystrophy:- is an inherited condition accruing mainly
in males, in which the muscles weaken and deteriorate. The
weakness usually appears around 3 to 4 years of age and worsens
progressively. By age 11 most victims can to longer walk. Death
usually comes between the ages of 25 and 35 from respiratory
failure or cardiac arrest.
B. Arthritis:-is an inflammation of the joints. Symptoms include
swollen and stiff joints, fever, andpain in the joints during acute
periods. Prolonged inflammation can lead joint deformities that can
eventually affect mobility.
C. Amputation:- a small number of children have missing limbs
because of congenital abnormalities or injury or disease (malignant
bone tumors in the limbs). These children can use customized
prosthetic devices (artificial hands, arms, or legs) to replace limp
functions and increase independence in daily activities.
• D. Marfan syndrome is a genetic disorder in which the muscles are
poorly developed and the spine is curved. Individuals with marfan
syndrome may have either long, thin limbs, prominent shoulder
blades, spinal curvature, flat feet, or long fingers & thumbs.
• a hereditary condition in which the growth of long bones by
ossification of cartilage is retarded, resulting in very short limbs
and sometimes a face that is small in relation to the (normal-sized)
• E. Achondroplasis: - is a genetic disorder and risk of sudden death
during sleep from compression of the spinal cord interfering with
their breathing.
• F. Polio: is viral disease that invades the brain and cause severe
paralysis of the total body
• G. Club foot: is a major orthopedic problem affecting ankle or foot
• H. Cleft lip and cleft palate: - are openings in the lip or roof of the
mouth, respectively
• 8.2 Health Impairments
• Any disease that interferes with learning can make students eligible
for special services.
• 1. Heart disease: It is caused by improper circulation of blood by
the heart
• 2. Cystic fibrosis: - is a hereditary disease that affects the lungs and
• 3. Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS):
• 4. Hemophilia: - is a hereditary disease in which the blood clots
very slowly or not all.
• 5. Asthma: is a chronic respiratory condition characterized by
breathing difficulties in exhaling.
• 6. Diabetes: hereditary disorder characterized by inadequate
secretion or use of insulin
• 7. Nephrosis & Nephritis Kidney diseases caused by
infections, poisoning, burns, accidents or others
• 8. Sickle-cell anemia is red blood cells disease that do not
circulate properly
• 9. Leukemia: Disease characterized by excessive
production of white blood Cells
• 10. Lead poisoning Disorder caused by lead-based paint
chips or substances containing lead
• 11. Rheumatic fever Disease a painful swelling and
inflammation of the joints that can spread to the heart and
central nervous system.
• 12. Tuberculosis Infectious disease that commonly affects
the lungs and tissues of the body.
• 13. Cancer Abnormal growth of cells that can affect any
organ system
9. Vulnerability
• 9.1 Def. vulnerable means being at risk of being
harmed. Being vulnerable is part of being human. In
principle, everyone is vulnerable to some adverse event
or circumstance, but some people are more vulnerable
than others.
• Vulnerability defined as a complex phenomenon that
refers to the following dimensions:
1. Economic difficulties/lack of financial resources;
2. Social exclusion;
3. Lack of social support from social networks;
4. Stigmatization: being a victim of stereotypes, being
5. Health difficulties [poor mental health] and
6. Being a victim of crime: in family context especially of
• 9.2 Causes of Vulnerability
• 1. Social vulnerability- caused by rapid population
growth, poverty and hunger, poor health, low levels of
education, gender inequality, fragile and hazardous
location, and lack of access to resources and services
• 2. Political vulnerability- lack of access to information
and knowledge, lack of public awareness, limited access
to political power and representation
• 3. Economic vulnerability- is related to interacting
elements in the overall national economy, trade and
foreign-exchange earnings, aid and investments,
international prices of commodities and inputs, and
production and consumption patterns.
• Environmental vulnerability concerns land degradation,
earthquake, flood, hurricane, drought, storms, water
scarcity, deforestation, and the other threats to
• 9.2 Causes of Vulnerability
• 1. Social vulnerability- caused by rapid population growth,
poverty and hunger, poor health, low levels of education,
gender inequality, fragile and hazardous location, and lack
of access to resources and services
• 2. Political vulnerability- lack of access to information and
knowledge, lack of public awareness, limited access to
political power and representation
• 3. Economic vulnerability- is related to interacting
elements in the overall national economy, trade and
foreign-exchange earnings, aid and investments,
international prices of commodities and inputs, and
production and consumption patterns.
• Environmental vulnerability concerns land degradation,
earthquake, flood, hurricane, drought, storms, water
scarcity, deforestation, and the other threats to
• 9.3 Vulnerable people: who are helped by others and/or restricted by
• A. Women: are vulnerable for many backward traditional practices.
• B. Children: are vulnerable for psychological and physical abuse.
• C. Minorities: minority background people are political and socially
• D. People with Poverty: are vulnerable due to poverty, poor households’
absences of access to health & education, information, financial and
natural resources and lack of social networks.
• E. People with Disabilities: are vulnerable for different kind of risks.
• F. Old Age people or very young children: are vulnerable for all kinds of
• G. Illiteracy and less education: People with high rates of illiteracy and
lack quality education
• H. people who Sick: EG. People living with HIV/AIDS are much
vulnerable for psychosocial problems
• I. Gifted and talented: are vulnerable for socio-emotional development
9.3 Characteristics of Vulnerable People
The following are thought to be characteristics of
vulnerable people (with examples of groups of
potentially vulnerable people):
• Less physically or mentally capable (infants, older
adults, people with disabilities)
• Fewer material and/or financial resources (lowincome households, homeless)
• Less knowledge or experience (children,
illiterate, foreigners, tourists)
• Restricted by society to grow and develop
according to their needs and potentials
Causes of Vulnerabilities
rapid population growth,
poverty and hunger,
poor health,
low levels of education,
gender inequality,
fragile and hazardous location,
lack of access to resources and services,
social vulnerability
lack of access to information and knowledge,
lack of public awareness, limited access to political power and
political vulnerability)
lack political voice,
economic vulnerability
Environmental vulnerability
Land degradation, earthquake, flood, hurricane, drought, storms,
• 2.1. Definition of Inclusion
• Inclusion is seen as a process of addressing and responding to the
diversity of needs of all persons through increasing participation in
learning, employment, services, cultures and communities, and
reducing exclusion at all social contexts
• Inclusive services at any level are quality provisions without
discrimination or partiality and meeting the diverse needs of people.
• Inclusion in education service refers to offering quality
Education/services for all by respecting diversity and the different
needs and abilities, characteristics and learning expectations of the
students and communities and eliminating all forms of discrimination
(UNESCO, 2008).
• It involves changes and modifications in content, approaches,
structures and strategies, with a common vision which covers all
people, a conviction that it is the responsibility of the social system to
educate all children, employ and provide social services.
Chapter Two
Concepts and definitions of Inclusion
Inclusive is Not:
• about changing the students to fit in the
system. It is about changing the system to fit
the student.
• automatic, it is a dynamic process which
continues evolving according to the culture,
socio-economic, and political circumstances.
• another name for ‘special needs education’.
• Inclusive education is not just about a
specific group (it is for all).
Principles of Inclusion
• The fundamental principle of inclusion is that all persons
should learn, work and live together wherever possible,
regardless of any difficulties or differences they may have.
Four major inclusion principles UNESCO (2005)
1. It is a process-Never-ending search for better ways to respond to
2. It is concerned with the identification and removal of barriers
3. It is the presence, participation and achievement of all persons
Presence: is concerned how reliably and punctually they attend;
Participation: relates to the quality of their experiences and workers
Achievement: is about the outcomes of learning across the
curriculum rather than and exam results
4.It gives emphasis to risk of marginalization, exclusion or
Rationale for Inclusion
A.Educational Foundations
Children do better academically, psychologically and socially in inclusive
A more efficient use of education resources.
Decreases dropouts and repetitions
Teachers competency( knowledge, skills, collaboration, satisfaction
B. Social Foundation
Segregation teaches individuals to be fearful, ignorant and breeds
It helps to develop relationships for life in the wider community.
It reduce fear and to build friendship, respect and understanding.
C.Legal Foundations
Right to learn and live together.
Human being shouldn‘t be devalued or discriminated against by being
There are no legitimate reasons to separate children for their education
• D. Economic Foundation
• It has economic benefit, both for individual and for society
• more cost-effective than creation of special schools across
the country
• Children with disabilities go to local schools
• Reduce wastage of repetition and dropout
• CWDs live with their family use community infrastructure
• Better employment and job creation opportunities for
• Foundations for Building Inclusive Society
• Formation of mutual understanding and appreciation of
• Building up empathy, tolerance and cooperation
• Promotion of sustainable development
Inclusion is based on a set of principles designed to ensure
that everyone has an equal opportunity to participate in
society. These principles include:
A. Respect for diversity: recognizing and valuing the
differences among individuals and groups.
B. Equity: providing individuals with the resources and
support they need to succeed, regardless of their
C. Access: ensuring that all individuals have equal access to
opportunities and resources.
D. Participation: encouraging and supporting participation
and engagement of all individuals in society.
E. Collaboration: working together to create a more
inclusive and equitable society.
• The philosophy of inclusion is based on the belief that
everyone has the right to be included in society, regardless
of their background or identity.
• It means valuing and embracing diversity, and recognizing
that everyone has unique strengths and talents to
Ultimate goal:
• The ultimate goal of inclusion is to create a society where
everyone has the opportunity to participate fully and
contribute their unique talents and perspectives.
• This means creating an environment where everyone feels
valued, respected, and supported, and where their
differences are embraced.
• Inclusion is characterized by a number of key
elements, including:
• Acceptance: creating an environment where
everyone feels accepted for who they are.
• Empathy: understanding and respecting the
experiences and perspectives of others.
• Respect: treating everyone with respect and dignity.
• Support: providing individuals with the support and
resources they need to succeed.
• Collaboration: working together to create a more
inclusive and equitable society.
• There are many benefits to inclusion, including:
• Increased creativity and innovation: when
individuals from diverse backgrounds come
together, they bring new perspectives and ideas.
• Improved problem-solving: diverse teams are often
better able to solve complex problems.
• Increased productivity: when individuals feel valued
and supported, they are more likely to be productive
and engaged.
• Improved morale: when everyone feels included and
valued, morale is higher.
• Increased social cohesion: inclusive societies are
more cohesive and resilient.
There are many barriers to inclusion, including:
• Prejudice and discrimination: negative attitudes and behaviors
towards individuals based on their background or identity can
create barriers to inclusion.
• Lack of resources: individuals who lack the resources they
need to succeed may face barriers to inclusion.
• Social norms and expectations: societal expectations and
norms can create barriers to inclusion by limiting opportunities
for individuals who do not fit into those norms.
• Lack of awareness and understanding: individuals who are not
aware of the needs and experiences of others may
unintentionally create barriers to inclusion.
• Structural barriers: physical or other structural barriers can
create barriers to inclusion for individuals with disabilities or
other needs.
3.1 Impact of Disability and Vulnerability on daily life
3.1.1 Factors related to the person
There are several factors that affect the impact a disability has on an individual.
• 1. The Nature of the Disability: Disability can be acquired (a result of an accident,
or acquired disease) or congenital (present at birth).
• 2. The Individual’s Personality- the individual personality can be typically
positive or negative, dependent or independent, goal-oriented or laissez-faire.
• 3. The Meaning of the Disability to the Individual - Does the individual
define himself/herself by his/her looks or physical characteristics?
• 4. The Individual’s Current Life Circumstances- The individual‘s independence or
dependence on others (parents).The economic status of the individual or the
individual's caregivers, the individual's education level.
• 5. The Individual's Support System: The individual‘s support from family, friends,
or groups.
• All negative effects are due to restricted environments, not due to impairments
or health conditions /mental health issues including anxiety and depression/.
• Negative effects are Practical problems including transport, choice of activities,
accessing buildings; unemployment; problems with learning, and academic study.
• 3.1.2 Economic Factors and Disability
• People with few economic assets are more likely to
acquire pathologies /impairment or disabling.
• Again lack of resources can adversely affect the ability
of an individual to function with a disabling condition.
• The economic status of the community may have a
more profound impact than the status of the
individual on the probability that disability will result
from impairment or other disabling conditions.
• 3.1.3 Political Factors and Disability
• The political system in designing public policy, have
a profound impact on the extent to which
impairments and other disabling conditions will
result in disability.
• 3.1.4 Psychological Factors and Disability
• Several cognitive processes or constructs used to describe
one’s psychological environment.
• These constructs affect both the expression of disability and an
individual's ability to adapt to and react to it.
• A. Social Cognitive Processes
• Cognition consists of thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and ways of
viewing the world, others, and ourselves.
• B. Self-Efficacy Beliefs
• Self-efficacy beliefs are concerned with whether or not a
person believes that he or she can accomplish a desired
• Self-efficacy beliefs also affect the person's affective and
emotional responses.
• Under conditions of high self-efficacy, a person's outlook and
mental health status will remain positive even under stressful
and aversive situations but in low self-efficacy, mental health
may suffer even when environmental conditions are favorable.
C. Psychological Control
Psychological control, or control beliefs, is similar to self-efficacy beliefs in that they are
thoughts, feelings, and beliefs regarding one's ability to exert control or change a situation.
The onset of a disabling condition is often followed by a loss or a potential loss of control.
The individuals control over themselves depends on accessibility or inaccessibility.
D. Coping Patterns
Coping patterns refer to behavioral and cognitive efforts to manage specific internal or
external demands that tax or exceed a person's resources to adjust.
Several coping strategies may be used when a person confronts a stressful situation.
These strategies may include: seeking information, cognitive restructuring, emotional
expression, wish-fulfilling fantasizing, threat minimization, relaxation, distraction, and selfblame.
Active coping is a significant predictor of mental health and employment-related
E. Personality Disposition
Optimism is a personality disposition. Optimism (in contrast to pessimism) is used for
illustrative purposes because it relates to many other personality traits.
Optimism is the general tendency to view the world, others, and oneself favorably.
Optimists tend to have better self-esteem and less hostility toward others and tend to use
more adaptive coping strategies than pessimists.
Optimistic individuals are more likely to cope with impairment by using the active adaptive
coping strategies to reduced disability.
• 3.1.5 The Family and Disability
• The family can be either an enabling or a disabling
factor for a person with a disabling condition.
• A wide network of friends, the networks of people
with disabilities are more likely to be dominated by
family members and often provide the main sources
of support.
• This support may be instrumental (task-running),
informational (providing advice or referrals), or
emotional (giving love and support).
• Families may be disabling and promote dependency
or change with a supportive environment.
3.2. Needs of Persons with Disabilities and Vulnerabilities
• Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a motivational theory in
psychology that describes the five basic needs that must be met in order for
individuals to achieve their full potential. Here's how Maslow's hierarchy of
needs might relate to people with disabilities (PWDs) compared to people
without disabilities:
1.Physiological needs:
• Physiological needs are the most basic needs and include things like food,
water, shelter, and sleep.
• For PWDs, these needs may require additional support or
accommodations, such as accessible housing, specialized medical
equipment, or assistance with daily living tasks.
• For people without disabilities, these needs are generally easier to meet.
2.Safety needs:
• Safety needs include things like personal security, financial stability, and
access to healthcare.
• For PWDs, safety needs may be more challenging to meet because of the
additional barriers they face, such as discrimination, limited job
opportunities, and lack of accessibility in public spaces. For people without
disabilities, safety needs may be easier to meet
3. Love and belonging needs:
• Love and belonging needs include social relationships,
friendships, and a sense of community. For PWDs, these
needs may be more difficult to meet because of social
isolation, stigma, and discrimination. It may be harder for
PWDs to form social connections and build relationships,
which can impact their well-being. For people without
disabilities, these needs may be easier to meet.
4.Esteem needs:
• Esteem needs include self-esteem, confidence, and
respect from others. For PWDs, these needs may be more
challenging to meet because of the negative attitudes and
stereotypes they face. It can be harder for PWDs to feel
confident and respected in a world that often views them
as less capable or inferior. For people without disabilities,
these needs may be easier to meet.
5.Self-actualization needs:
Self-actualization needs include achieving one's full
potential and pursuing personal growth and fulfillment.
For PWDs, self-actualization may require overcoming
additional barriers and challenges, such as limited access
to education or employment opportunities.
It may also require challenging societal attitudes and
perceptions about disability.
For people without disabilities, self-actualization may be
easier to achieve.
Overall, it's important to recognize that the needs of
PWDs may differ from those of people without disabilities,
and that meeting those needs may require additional
support and accommodations.
Maslow's hierarchy of needs can be a useful framework
for understanding the different needs of PWDs and how
those needs may be impacted by their disability status.
Creating Welcoming Inclusive Environment
1.Mobility aids
2.Accessible features
hand orthosis
built up handles
personal care
sound-reflective building telephone amplifier or tdd
mouth stick
voice-activated computer
note takers
wide doors;
ramps elevators
voice-activated computer
prosthetic limb
automobile hand controls
secretaries editors
nonskid floors
wheelchair ,
3.Job accommodations
sign language interpreters
safety bars
simplification of task,
Rest/ breaks
alerting systems
.flexible time;
splitting job
electrical sockets that sign interpreters,
meet appropriate reach cochlear implant
functions to others
increased textural contrast
structural 6. Communication aids
enhanced computer- assisted note
flashing print enlarger,
reading machines,
books on tape
fm, audio-induction loop
• 1 Definition of Inclusive Culture
• Inclusion is a sense of belonging, connection and community at work.
Culture is the ideas, customs, and social behavior of a particular
people or society.
• Culture plays a huge role in shifting the diversity needle and forming truly
inclusive environments.
• An inclusive culture involves the full and successful integration of
diverse people into a workplace or industry.
• Inclusive cultures encompass formal and informal policies and practices,
and involve several core values:
• Representation: The presence of people with disabilities across a range
of employee roles and leadership positions;
• Receptivity: Respect for differences in working styles and flexibility
in tailoring positions to the strengths and abilities of employees; and
• Fairness: equitable access to all resources, opportunities and decision
making processes.
Dimensions of Inclusive Culture
• 1.Universal Design refers to the construction of structures,
spaces, services, and communications and resources that are
organically accessible to a range of PWDs and PWODs,
without further need for modification or accommodation.
• 2. Recruitment, training, & advancement opportunities
• Recruitment: Effective recruitment of PWDs accessible
outreach, hiring practices and targeted recruitment of PWDs.
• B. Training: Training plays a dual role in the creation of
inclusive workplace culture
• C. Advancement: to have equitable opportunities for
promotion and professional development, workers with
disabilities typically require access to mentoring.
• 3. Workplace accommodations and accessibility: Policy &
Practice plays a critical role in generating meaningful inclusion
of PWDs.
Benefits of an Inclusive Organization
Higher job satisfaction
Reduced discrimination and inequity
Lower turnover
Increased employee work performance
Higher productivity
Increased worker commitment
Higher employee morale
Reduced employee turn-over
Improved productivity
Improved collaboration b/n co-workers employees
and management
• Improved employee health
• Building Inclusive Community
• An inclusive society aims at empowering and
promoting the social, economic, and political
inclusion of all irrespective of age, sex, disability,
race, ethnicity, and religion or other status.
• Respect all its citizens
• Values diversity
• Gives them full access to resources
• Allow all in decision-making processes
• Promotes equal treatment & opportunity
• Responds to racist & discrimination
• Eliminate all forms of discrimination
• Characteristics of an Inclusive Community
• Integrative and cooperative: inclusive communities bring people and
organizations work together.
• Interactive: have accessible community spaces and open public places.
• Invested: both the public and private sectors commit resources for
the social and economic health and well-being of the whole
• Diverse: incorporate diverse people and cultures into the structures,
processes and functions of daily community life.
• Equitable: make sure that everyone has the means to live in decent
conditions and the opportunity to develop one‘s capacities and to
participate actively in community life.
• Accessible and Sensitive: have an array of readily available and accessible
supports and services for the social, health, and developmental needs of
their populations.
• Participatory: encourage and support the involvement of all their
members in the planning and decision-making
• Safe: inclusive communities ensure both individual and broad community
safety and security so that no one feels at risk in their homes or moving
around the neighborhood and city.
• Four Key Inclusive Leadership Behaviors
• Empowerment: Enable team members to grow and
excel by encouraging them to solve problems, come
up with new ideas and develop new skills.
• Accountability: Show confidence in team members
by holding them responsible for aspects of their
performance that are within their control.
• Courage: Stand up for what you believe is right, even
when it means taking a risk.
• Humility: Admit mistakes, learn from criticism and
different points of view, and overcome your
limitations by seeking contributions from team
The Pillars Of Inclusion
• 1. Access: the importance of a welcoming
environment and the habits that create it.
• 2. Attitude: willingness of people to embrace
inclusion and diversity
• 3. Choice, partnership, communication, policy and
• 4. Values are fundamental guides and prompts to
• 5.Inclusive values: are appreciating diversity,
equality and equity, cooperativeness, participation,
community, and sustainability are examples of
inclusive values that are fundamental for
successful inclusive education.
• Indigenous inclusive values and practices
• The term “Indigenous refers to a better understanding of
and respect for indigenous cultures develop an enriched
appreciation of the existing cultural heritage.
• Indigenous inclusion defined as an organizational state
that is embraced as a cultural norm, with enterprise-wide
workplace strategies as well as a culture which invites
the full participation of indigenous people into all aspects
of business operations.
• Inclusive practice is an approach to teaching that
recognizes the diversity of students, enabling all
students to access course content, fully participate in
learning activities and demonstrate their knowledge and
strengths at assessment.
• It is about the attitudes, approaches strategies talent to
ensure that people are not excluded or isolated
• Inclusion for Peace Definition
• * Peace is defined as creating mutual understanding, positive
relationship between individuals and groups.
• * Groups include culturally, linguistically, economically and
biologically heterogeneous groups.
• * Peace makes the mind quiet, calm; strength and confidence
develop freedom, happiness, love, joy, justice and gratitude and
prevents anxieties, worries, stress and fears. Peace can be
achieved through formal and informal inclusive education.
• * Inclusive education creates equality (sameness and non
discrimination) and equity (social justice and fairness) among
divers population. Diversity refers to difference in language,
religion, socio- economic status, culture and psychology.
• * It is important to realize inclusive education to create a society
that is peaceful, democratize and developed.
• Definition of Inclusion for Democracy
• Democracy is a great philosophy of inclusion that
born and grown in inclusive schools.
• It means the rule of the people, by the people, for
the people; and where people are to mean all
human being, regardless of the diversities.
• Inclusion Education for Democracy
• Schools are the ideal place to promote democracy.
• The role of schools is to help students to realize the
values of democracy.
• The democratic values enhance protected right,
independent quality life for all, freedom, pursuit of
happiness, justice, the common good, truth, respect
and tolerance for diversity and partisanship
• Definition of Inclusion for Development
• Development is a positive growth or change in economic,
social and political aspects of a country.
• Inclusive development is a process that occurs when social
and material benefits are equitably distributed across
divides in society, others focus on the voice and power to
the concerns and aspirations of otherwise excluded groups.
• Cultural diversity has become a hot-button issue when
applied to the workplace.
• The biggest diversity issues in the workplace.
• Acceptance and respect physical and mental disabilities
• Accommodation of beliefs; Gender equality; Generation
• Ethnic and cultural differences; Language and
Benefits of Cultural Diversity
Increased productivity
Improved company reputation
Improved creativity
Wider range of skills
Increased profits
Improves cultural insights
Improved employee engagement
Reduced Fear,
Reduced employee turnover
Improved Performance
Chapter Six
Legal Frame Works Regarding Inclusiveness
• 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights – Article 26
• 1960 UNESCO Convention against Discrimination in Education – Articles 1, 3 &4
• 1965 International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial
Discrimination – Article 5
• 1966 International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights – Article 13
• 1966 International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights – Articles 18 and 19
• 1973 ILO Convention on the Minimum Age for Employment – Article 7
• 1979 Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against
Women – Article 10
• 1982 World Program of Action Concerning Disabled Persons proposals for
implementation, national action, part 2
• 1989 Convention on the Rights of the Child – Articles 23, 28 and 29
• 1989 ILO Convention Concerning Indigenous and Tribal Peoples – Articles 26, 27,
28, 29, 30 and 31
• 1990 The World Declaration on Education for All, Jomtien
• 1993 The Standard Rules on the Equalization of Opportunities for
Persons with Disabilities
• 1994 The Salamanca Statement and Framework for Action on Special
Needs Education
• 1999 ILO Convention on the Worst Forms of Child Labor – Article 7
• 1999 Salamanca Five Years On Review
• 2000 World Education Forum Framework for Action, Dakar
• 2000 Millennium Development Goals focusing on Poverty Reduction and
• 2002 EFA Global Monitoring Report: EFA
• 2004 EFA Global Monitoring Report: Gender and Education for All – the
leap to quality
• 2005 EFA Global Monitoring Report: Education for All – the quality
• 2006 EFA Global Monitoring Report: Literacy for Life
• 2006 Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
• 2007 EFA Global Monitoring Report: Strong Foundations – early
childhood care and education
• 2008 EFA Global Monitoring Report: Education for All by 2015
• National Laws and Policy Frameworks Related With Rights of People
with Disabilities Equal Participation in Education, Social, Economic,
Apolitical and Other Aspect of Life
• 1. Constitution of the Federal
Democratic Republic of
Ethiopia-1995: Article 41(5) of the Constitution sets out the State‘s
responsibility for the provision of necessary rehabilitation and
support services for people with disabilities.
• 2, Labor Proclamation, No. 377/2003, amended by Labor
Proclamation No. 494/2006:It states that it is unlawful for an
employer to discriminate against workers on the basis of
nationality, sex, religion, political outlook or on any other
• 3. The Federal Civil Servant Proclamation- No. 515/2007: It offers for
special preference in the recruitment, promotion, and deployment,
among others, of qualified candidates with disabilities. This
provision is applicable to government offices only.
• 4. Proclamation concerning the Rights to Employment for
Persons with Disabilities- No. 568/2008:
• The proclamation makes null and void any law, practice,
custom,attitude and other discriminatory situations that limit
equal opportunities for persons with disabilities.
• 5. Framework Document- 2009: provides for Special Needs
Education (SNE) in Technical and Vocational Education and
Training (TVET).
• 6. Building Proclamation- No. 624/2009: provides for
accessibility in the design and construction of any building to
ensure suitability for physically impaired persons
• 7. Proclamation on Definition of Powers of Duties of the
Executive Organs of the Federal Democratic Republic of
Ethiopia, No. 691/2010: This provides for conditions of equal
opportunities and full participation of persons with disabilities
and those living with HIV/AIDS.
• 8. Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP) 2010-2015: It focuses
on establishing disability as a cross cutting sector of
• 9. National Plan of Action of Persons with Disabilities -(2012-2021): The
documents aim at making Ethiopia an inclusive society.
• 10. Proclamation concerning the Rights of Disabled Persons to
Employment-No.101/1994: This document was the only legislation in
Ethiopia which specifically provides for the employment of disabled
persons. The Proclamation aims to protect and promote the rights of
disabled persons to appropriate training, employment opportunities
and salary, and to prevent any workplace discrimination.
• 11. The Federal Civil Servant Proclamation (Proclamation -No
1064/2017: Article 13/2 of proclamation no 1064/2017 recognizes
that:‘ There shall be no discrimination among job seekers or civil
servants in filling vacancies because of their ethnic origin, sex, religion,
political outlook, disability, HIV/AIDS or any other ground.‘
• 12. Labor Proclamation-1156/2019: This proclamation controls the
private sector employment relationship.
• 13. Organization of Civil Society Proclamation -No. 1113/2019: This
proclamation is a newly enacted legislation replacing its predecessor
proclamation 621/2009. It regulates issues concerning formation,
registration, activities and dissolution of civil society organization.
14. The Revised higher institutions proclamation- No. 1152/2019: This proclamation has
been enacted in replacement of its predecessor proclamation 650/2009. This proclamation
has incorporated some rights entitling students with disabilities.
15. Advertisement Proclamation-No.759/2012: It focuses on regulating commercial
advertisement are made. According to article 7/4 of this proclamation, advertisement
which undermines the dignity and emotional feeling of a physically disabled person is
16. The Ethiopian Building proclamation -No 624/2009: Its focuses on buildings and
construction- it says that all public building to have a means to access by physical disabled
17. Definition of Powers and Duties of the Executive Organs of the Federal Democratic
Republic of Ethiopia Proclamation -No. 1097/2018: It mainly focuses on addressing
common responsibility of ministries in general and the specific duty for ministry of labor
and social affair in Creating conditions whereby persons with disabilities, the elderly, and
segments of society vulnerable to social and economic problems benefit from equal
opportunities and full participation (article10/4). Moreover, it obliges the mistress
work in cooperation with concerned bodies (Article 29/11 A).
18. Developmental Social Welfare Policy 1997: It specifically targets people with
disabilities and sets out to safeguard their rights and to promote opportunities for
vocational rehabilitation.
19. The FDRE Education and Training Policy of 1994: recognizes that special attention must
be provided for those with special needs. However, it does not have any clear recognition
for reasonable accommodation
20. The FDRE special needs/inclusive education strategy 2012: focuses on inclusive
education policy, strategies and responsibilities of stakeholders.
• School based Human and material resources
• All concerned bodies should be inclusive in their planning, budgeting and taking
action for the education of PWDs. The resource room is a classroom used to
deliver special instructions for an individual or small group
1. material resources in Schools
• LCD and/or Smart Board
• E – Chart, Braille rulers
• Various magnifying lenses
• Slate and styles, White Cane
• Perkins, Braille writer Braille atlas
• Audiometer, Hearing aids
• Tuning fork
• Sign language books videos
• Talking calculator, Talking mobile
• Closed-circuit television, Compute jaws
2. Human resources in schools
• Sign language interpreter
• Behavioral therapists etc.
• Physiotherapist
• Speech and language therapist
• Special needs educators
• Mobility and orientation expert
• Braille specialist
• Sighted guide
• audiologist
• counselor
Accommodations are adjustments that teachers and
principals make to maximize learning and social wellbeing for individual students. Instructional
accommodation checklist
Use a multisensory approach
Use highly structured presentations.
Use graphic organizers
Present material in small, sequential steps
Teach specific strategies
Review key points frequent
Assign a buddy reader or note taker
Provide students with outline of notes
Use color coding materials and concepts
.Reduce visual distractions
Seat student close to board, teacher, or student
Provide a quiet work area
Allow students to move if needed
Use visual reminders as memory aids
Use teacher-initiated to redirect attention
Highlight sections of text
Provide tape recording of lecture
Give oral and written directions
Speak slowly and clearly
Allow for longer response time
Organization and Task Completion
Keep work area clear.
Post assignments and work completed in a
consistent spot.
Assist student with notebook organization.
Use assignment notebook.
Extend time to complete assignments.
Shorten or chunk assignments.
Give timeline for longer projects
Give specific feedback
Provide peer tutoring
Use cooperative learning groups
Provide structured daily activities
Instructional Evaluation
Explain grading and give rubric
Give specific feedback
Preview before test
Orient student to test format
Use a clear, uncluttered copy; enlarge print
Make test directions simple and clear
Provide ample space for answers on test
Allow alternate test response
Read test aloud to student
Use alternate forms of evaluation
Reduce required assignments
Provide proofreading checklist
Accept print or cursive writing
• Definition of Collaboration
• The act of working together to produce or create something according to
the capacities and abilities of individuals
• Each individual‘s collaboration is based on his knowledge and skills.
• A person should not be discriminated due to mismatch with other
people‘s abilities; because he has his own quality in other
• Collaboration means: to work with another person or group in order to
achieve accomplish intended goals.
• Collaboration provides every team member with equal opportunities to
participate and communicate their ideas.
• in the workplace is when two or more people (often groups) work
together through idea sharing and thinking to accomplish a common goal.
• Collaboration enables individuals to work together to achieve a defined
and common business purpose.
Key elements of successful collaboration
The relationship includes a commitment to: mutual
relationships and goals; a jointly developed structure and
shared responsibility; mutual authority and accountability
for success; and sharing of resources and rewards.
General Principles of Collaboration
Establish clear common goals for the collaboration.
Define your respective roles and who is accountable for
Take a problem-solving approach
Establish an atmosphere of trust and mutual respect for each
other’s expertise
Aim for consensus decision-making.
Ask for and give immediate and objective feedback to others
Give credit to others for their ideas and accomplishments
Develop procedures to resolve conflicts and manage
processes skillfully
anticipate possible conflicts and take steps to avoid them
Benefits of Collaboration
Greater efficiency and less duplicated effort.
Access to additional resources or lower costs
Improved service coordination across agencies
Qualities of Successful Team Possesses/Collaboration
They communicate well with each other
Team members are diverse
They focus on goals and results
Good leadership
Everyone contributes their fair share
They're organized
They offer each other support
They have fun.
Challenges to Team Collaboration
Indecisive decision-makers
"E-fail" -when email straight up fails.
Process sinking vs. process syncing.
Too many cooks.
Definition of Partnership
• Participants described as the right partnership behaviors
principally as being effective co-ordination and chairing,
and a set of personal skills and qualities including good
listening, clear communication, honesty, patience,
enthusiasm, acceptance and love.
• A strategic alliance implies that: the success of the
alliance impacts one or more major business or
service goals.
• The success of the alliance develops or reinforces a
core competency, especially one which provides a
competitive advantage and / or blocks a competitive
Strategies of Partnership (Community Involvement)
to Inclusive Development
Commit to participation of all persons with
Establish non-discriminative effective communication
with all people with divers back ground
Expect to do most of the work yourself following the
inclusive principle
Tap into local networks, culture and indigenous
experiences of inclusiveness
Use all possible communication channel including
sign language for deaf people
Definition and Concept of Stakeholders
A stakeholder is any person, organization, social group, or
society at large that has a stake in the business.
Stakeholders can be internal or external to the business. A
stake is a vital interest in the business or its activities. A
business is any organization where people work together.
Stakeholders can affect or be affected by the
organization's actions, objectives and policies.
In business, a stakeholder is usually an investor in your
company whose actions determine the outcome of your
business decisions.
Stakeholders don’t have to be equity shareholders.
Stakeholders can also be your employees, who have a
stake in your company's success and incentive for your
products to succeed.