Theories and crime causation Chapter 1 1. PHYSICAL POTENTIALITY- concrete body (one’s bodily development). Ability or skills to carry out physical activities. 2. MENTAL ABILITY- capability to think critically, rationally and logically. 3. COMMUNICATION SKILLS- ability to read, write and talk to others. 4. SOCIAL SKILLS- ability to interact the society. 2 reasons why some can’t consider a human 1. It takes much time and effort to grow and reach potential. Not yet fully develop. 2. Some are not reach fully develop. Responded to stimulus send to amygdala and that’s why making a fear, trigger anger. The father of PSYCOANALYTIC THEORY- SIGMUND FREUD 3 LEVELS OF HUMAN AWARENESS 1. CONCIUOS (10%)- scanner 2. SUBCONCIOUS (50-60%)- storage need a quick recall 3. UNCONCIOUS (30-40%)- memories are past experience reside NORMS James Chris in his book SOCIAL CONTROL (2007) - behavior and guide to conduct. Thorsten Sellin (1938)- acceptable to society or group to which individual belongs Lisa Roundy (2013)- accepted behavior that an individual is in group, community and culture. American Sociologies William Graham Sumner in his books FOLK WAYS published in 1906 1. 2. 3. 4. FOLK WAYS- socially approve but not morally significant MORES- norms of morality that have to be followed TABOO- prohibited or restricted like abortion LAW- formal body of rules ETHICS “VALUES CANNOT BE TAUGHT BUT IT CAN BE CAUGHT” VALUE MAXIMO TORRENTO (2016)- is something desirable, worth process, worth keeping. POLLOCK (2010)- is unverifiable, elements of desirability. Ethics in French- Ethique Latin- Ethice Greek- Ethike Peter Singer (1985)- Ethics also called moral philosophy. Moral – good and right Immoral- wrong and bad Amoral- either bad or good Lesson 2 “Man is social being need to socialize to others” Heredity- compose passing offspring SELF HAS 2 FACES Moi- sense of who he is, his body gender Personne- concepts of what he is, “if you’re police then act like police” CONCEPTS OF HUMAN BEHAVIOR PHILOSOPHICAL Socrates- human behavior base on reasoning Plato- human behavior forms 3 sources, desire, emotions and knowledge Aristotle- rational conduct that a person can achieve happiness PSYCOLOGICAL- independent autonomously SOCIOLOGICAL- base on culture CHAPTER 2 THEORY- BODY OF PRINCIPLES OFFERED TO EXPLAIN PHENOMENA DEVELOPMENT OF THEORY- understand to us why certain phenomena are happening. Three stages of theory development 1. Speculative- explain what is happening 2. Descriptive- gather data what is really happening 3. Constructive- revise old theory and develop new ones How theory develop 1. Inductive reasoning- critic the lack of clarity 2. Deductive reasoning- critic no amount of imperial data 3. Abductive reasoning - overcome weakness, Retroductive reasoning develop legitimate theory HYPOTHESIS- Validated Base on Meriam webster- hypothesis is a tentative assumption Retroduction theory Deduction explicates theory Induction evaluates theory A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. INDUCTIVE THEORY RESERCH DESIGN DATA COLLECTION DATA ORDERING DATA ANALYSIS THEORY CONSTRUCTION B. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. DEDUCTIVE THEORY DEDUCING HYPHOTHESIS FORMULATING HYPOTHESIS TESTING HYPOTHESIS EXAMINING THE OUTCOME MODIFYING THEORY C. 1. 2. 3. 4. ABDUCTIVE THEORY PHENOMENA DETECTION THEORY GENERATION THEORY DEVELOPMENT THEORY APPRAISAL