Uploaded by михаил синчугов

4 задание УЧ финальный шаблон (01.2022)

Вступительная фраза
1) give a brief description of the
photos, justifying the choice of
the photos for the project
Описание, напрямую связанное с
темой проекта
Hi,Misha/Masha, I’ve found two photos for
our project “Life without gadgets” and I’d
like to discuss them with you.
In the first picture there is a girl reading a
paper book in a library. And the second
picture shows a girl sitting comfortably on a
sofa and holding what looks like an
e-reader. She must be reading an e-book.
Both girls are smiling and look happy with
their choice of book.
Кто, что делает, где (необязательно все
элементы) + можно дать существенное
сходство по теме проекта
2) say in what way the pictures are
different, justifying the choice of
the photos for the project
Различие (одного достаточно, можно
дать два) напрямую связанное с темой
Если в различии нет непосредственной связи с
темой - добавьте «привязку» (одна девушка в
общественном месте, другая девушка у себя дома
+ поясняем связь: не надо покидать дом, так как
вся библиотека содержится в гаджете)
The main difference between these
pictures is that while the girl in the first
picture is using a traditional way of getting
information - she is reading printed material,
the girl in the second picture is using a
modern gadget to get the information she
needs. Another important difference is
that while the first picture shows shelves
filled with books, in the second picture there
is just one small device; but this device can
store hundreds of e-books.
Нельзя повторять идеи из 1 п.п.
3) mention the advantages and
disadvantages (1-2) of the two
types of books
I think that both types of books shown in
the pictures have their advantages and
disadvantages. Many people, for
example, like the smell and feel of paper
books, but on the other hand, paper
books can be heavy and hard to carry
around. As for electronic books, they
weigh nothing and we can store thousands
of them on one device. On the downside,
reading e-books is bad for our eyes.
4) express your opinion on the
subject of the project - whether
you would like to live without
gadgets and why
Personally, I would not like to live without
gadgets. I use gadgets for almost
everything - from finding information for my
school project to tracking my heart rate.
Gadgets help me to be more productive and
Заключительная фраза
That’s all I wanted to discuss with you.